[arch-commits] Commit in bitcoin/repos (16 files)

Timothy Redaelli tredaelli at archlinux.org
Mon Feb 16 17:07:31 UTC 2015

    Date: Monday, February 16, 2015 @ 18:07:30
  Author: tredaelli
Revision: 127802

archrelease: copy trunk to community-i686, community-x86_64

    (from rev 127801, bitcoin/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 127801, bitcoin/trunk/bitcoin-qt.install)
    (from rev 127801, bitcoin/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 127801, bitcoin/trunk/bitcoin-qt.install)

 /PKGBUILD                                                       |  158 ++++++++++
 /bitcoin-qt.install                                             |   22 +
 community-i686/037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922.patch   |   43 --
 community-i686/0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283.patch   |   50 ---
 community-i686/60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc.patch   |   25 -
 community-i686/PKGBUILD                                         |  100 ------
 community-i686/b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524.patch   |   43 --
 community-i686/bitcoin-qt.install                               |   11 
 community-x86_64/037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922.patch |   43 --
 community-x86_64/0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283.patch |   50 ---
 community-x86_64/60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc.patch |   25 -
 community-x86_64/PKGBUILD                                       |  100 ------
 community-x86_64/b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524.patch |   43 --
 community-x86_64/bitcoin-qt.install                             |   11 
 14 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 544 deletions(-)

Deleted: community-i686/037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922.patch
--- community-i686/037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-i686/037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From 037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Wladimir J. van der Laan" <laanwj at gmail.com>
-Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 09:28:24 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Improve robustness of DER recoding code
-Add some defensive programming on top of #5634.
-This copies the respective OpenSSL code in ECDSA_verify in
-OpenSSL pre-1.0.1k (e.g. https://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/OpenSSL_1_0_1j/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_vrf.c#L89)
-more closely.
-As reported by @sergiodemianlerner.
-Github-Pull: #5640
-Rebased-From: c6b7b29f232c651f898eeffb93f36c8f537c56d2
- src/key.cpp | 13 ++++++++++++-
- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/key.cpp b/src/key.cpp
-index a845ba1..63332bf 100644
---- a/src/key.cpp
-+++ b/src/key.cpp
-@@ -234,7 +234,18 @@ class CECKey {
-         unsigned char *norm_der = NULL;
-         ECDSA_SIG *norm_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new();
-         const unsigned char* sigptr = &vchSig[0];
--        d2i_ECDSA_SIG(&norm_sig, &sigptr, vchSig.size());
-+        assert(norm_sig);
-+        if (d2i_ECDSA_SIG(&norm_sig, &sigptr, vchSig.size()) == NULL)
-+        {
-+            /* As of OpenSSL 1.0.0p d2i_ECDSA_SIG frees and nulls the pointer on
-+             * error. But OpenSSL's own use of this function redundantly frees the
-+             * result. As ECDSA_SIG_free(NULL) is a no-op, and in the absence of a
-+             * clear contract for the function behaving the same way is more
-+             * conservative.
-+             */
-+            ECDSA_SIG_free(norm_sig);
-+            return false;
-+        }
-         int derlen = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(norm_sig, &norm_der);
-         ECDSA_SIG_free(norm_sig);
-         if (derlen <= 0)

Deleted: community-i686/0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283.patch
--- community-i686/0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-i686/0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-From 0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gregory Maxwell <greg at xiph.org>
-Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 07:08:02 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH] Disable SSLv3 (in favor of TLS) for the RPC client and
- server.
-TLS is subject to downgrade attacks when SSLv3 is available, and
- SSLv3 has vulnerabilities.
-The popular solution is to disable SSLv3. On the web this breaks
- some tiny number of very old clients. While Bitcoin RPC shouldn't
- be exposed to the open Internet, it also shouldn't be exposed to
- really old SSL implementations, so it shouldn't be a major issue
- for us to disable SSLv3.
-There is more information on the downgrade attacks and disabling
- SSLv3 at https://disablessl3.com/ .
-Rebased-From: 683dc4009b2b01699e672f8150c28e2ebe0aae19
- src/rpcclient.cpp | 2 +-
- src/rpcserver.cpp | 2 +-
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/rpcclient.cpp b/src/rpcclient.cpp
-index 4f3c39c..5e62b71 100644
---- a/src/rpcclient.cpp
-+++ b/src/rpcclient.cpp
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Object CallRPC(const string& strMethod, const Array& params)
-     bool fUseSSL = GetBoolArg("-rpcssl", false);
-     asio::io_service io_service;
-     ssl::context context(io_service, ssl::context::sslv23);
--    context.set_options(ssl::context::no_sslv2);
-+    context.set_options(ssl::context::no_sslv2 | ssl::context::no_sslv3);
-     asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket> sslStream(io_service, context);
-     SSLIOStreamDevice<asio::ip::tcp> d(sslStream, fUseSSL);
-     iostreams::stream< SSLIOStreamDevice<asio::ip::tcp> > stream(d);
-diff --git a/src/rpcserver.cpp b/src/rpcserver.cpp
-index f43acf4..cc9e330 100644
---- a/src/rpcserver.cpp
-+++ b/src/rpcserver.cpp
-@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ void StartRPCThreads()
-     if (fUseSSL)
-     {
--        rpc_ssl_context->set_options(ssl::context::no_sslv2);
-+        rpc_ssl_context->set_options(ssl::context::no_sslv2 | ssl::context::no_sslv3);
-         filesystem::path pathCertFile(GetArg("-rpcsslcertificatechainfile", "server.cert"));
-         if (!pathCertFile.is_complete()) pathCertFile = filesystem::path(GetDataDir()) / pathCertFile;

Deleted: community-i686/60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc.patch
--- community-i686/60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-i686/60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From 60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Wladimir J. van der Laan" <laanwj at gmail.com>
-Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 08:58:47 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] fail immediately on an empty signature
-Github-Pull: #5634
-Rebased-From: 8dccba6a45db0466370726ed462b9da2eae43bce
- src/key.cpp | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/key.cpp b/src/key.cpp
-index e5943af..a845ba1 100644
---- a/src/key.cpp
-+++ b/src/key.cpp
-@@ -227,6 +227,9 @@ class CECKey {
-     }
-     bool Verify(const uint256 &hash, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vchSig) {
-+        if (vchSig.empty())
-+            return false;
-         // New versions of OpenSSL will reject non-canonical DER signatures. de/re-serialize first.
-         unsigned char *norm_der = NULL;
-         ECDSA_SIG *norm_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new();

Deleted: community-i686/PKGBUILD
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Timothy Redaelli <timothy.redaelli at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: shahid <helllamer at gmail.com>
-pkgname=('bitcoin-daemon' 'bitcoin-cli' 'bitcoin-qt')
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-makedepends=('boost' 'automoc4' 'qrencode' 'miniupnpc' 'protobuf')
-	https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283.patch
-	https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524.patch
-	https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc.patch
-	https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922.patch
-	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/bitcoin-qt.desktop
-	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/share/pixmaps/bitcoin128.png
-	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/examples/bitcoin.conf
-	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoind.1
-	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoin.conf.5)
-            '18f5d43dd29682c8f9bd98dfb94c07b2453c99b9454996651562410b535e289b'
-            'ac3a6d0e9116566f44ef99b6fc5ae7ec792a05e73d33b9db25e4f62b296b5d59'
-            '67c50de4c469e40d8fb0a7663acd5af8dbbe93f362a5192e981bfa2ec9ab82df'
-            '9ff94c3ddb09b0b27eda2e157627ff61808afd7a8fedc0c9d1b0db1a53ee1138'
-            'b65b377c0d9ecae9eea722843bca0add6bdb7e50929a7e1f751b79b6621c6073'
-            'ad880c8459ecfdb96abe6a4689af06bdd27906e0edcd39d0915482f2da91e722'
-            'e141088b07641e4e58cc750f93bbdda1ca0e8f07262fce66b73524c1ed97480e'
-            '881dcc53ebe2d2a4f8647eb206fd355c69e4186f225e2dcfce19d276381e613a'
-            'b7b232079027c41061dcfd21bca2054e349e4bed4f233733406bb3d90bd533ec')
-# Upstream should be more coherent!
-case "$pkgver" in
-  _pkgver=${pkgver%.*}
-  ;;
-  _pkgver=$pkgver
-  ;;
-prepare() {
-  local x
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver-linux/src"
-  tar xf $pkgbase-$_pkgver.tar.gz
-  cd "$pkgbase-$_pkgver"
-  # Disable SSLv3 for Puddle + FS#43396
-  for x in 0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283 b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524 \
-           60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc 037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922; do
-    patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/$x.patch"
-  done
-build() {
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver-linux/src/$pkgbase-$_pkgver"
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-incompatible-bdb --with-gui=qt4
-  make
-package_bitcoin-qt() {
-  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - Qt"
-  depends=(boost-libs qt4 miniupnpc qrencode protobuf)
-  install=bitcoin-qt.install
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver-linux/src/$pkgbase-$_pkgver"
-  install -Dm755 src/qt/bitcoin-qt "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoin-qt
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin-qt.desktop \
-    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/bitcoin.desktop
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin128.png \
-    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/pixmaps/bitcoin128.png
-  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"
-package_bitcoin-daemon() {
-  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - daemon"
-  depends=(boost-libs miniupnpc openssl)
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver-linux/src/$pkgbase-$_pkgver"
-  install -Dm755 src/bitcoind "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoind
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin.conf \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/examples/bitcoin.conf"
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoind.1 \
-    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1/bitcoind.1
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin.conf.5 \
-    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man5/bitcoin.conf.5
-  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"
-package_bitcoin-cli() {
-  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - RPC client"
-  depends=(boost-libs openssl)
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver-linux/src/$pkgbase-$_pkgver"
-  install -Dm755 src/bitcoin-cli "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoin-cli
-  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"

Copied: bitcoin/repos/community-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 127801, bitcoin/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Timothy Redaelli <timothy.redaelli at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: shahid <helllamer at gmail.com>
+pkgname=('bitcoin-daemon' 'bitcoin-cli' 'bitcoin-qt')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=('boost' 'automoc4' 'qrencode' 'miniupnpc' 'protobuf')
+	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/bitcoin-qt.desktop
+	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/share/pixmaps/bitcoin128.png
+	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/examples/bitcoin.conf
+	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoind.1
+	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoin.conf.5)
+            'b65b377c0d9ecae9eea722843bca0add6bdb7e50929a7e1f751b79b6621c6073'
+            'ad880c8459ecfdb96abe6a4689af06bdd27906e0edcd39d0915482f2da91e722'
+            'b049cc2650d5988a581d1b72b205254edbaa4f8c0587c2fe8ac4aa0a25543a6a'
+            '0a31a5f3ad860ecc1cc8041a863aabdbc4084c7ea5fdc487806b5aa829a244fe'
+            '9acf7f46052f6e508af4f38be4574f34bf0f57d2cf462f072606d3f177b4c957')
+# Upstream should be more coherent!
+case "$pkgver" in
+  _pkgver=${pkgver%.*}
+  ;;
+  _pkgver=$pkgver
+  ;;
+build() {
+  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver"
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-incompatible-bdb --with-gui=qt4
+  make
+package_bitcoin-qt() {
+  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - Qt"
+  depends=(boost-libs qt4 miniupnpc qrencode protobuf)
+  install=bitcoin-qt.install
+  cd "$pkgbase-$pkgver"
+  install -Dm755 src/qt/bitcoin-qt "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoin-qt
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin-qt.desktop \
+    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/bitcoin.desktop
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin128.png \
+    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/pixmaps/bitcoin128.png
+  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"
+package_bitcoin-daemon() {
+  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - daemon"
+  depends=(boost-libs miniupnpc openssl)
+  cd "$pkgbase-$pkgver"
+  install -Dm755 src/bitcoind "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoind
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin.conf \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/examples/bitcoin.conf"
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoind.1 \
+    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1/bitcoind.1
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin.conf.5 \
+    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man5/bitcoin.conf.5
+  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"
+package_bitcoin-cli() {
+  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - RPC client"
+  depends=(boost-libs openssl)
+  cd "$pkgbase-$pkgver"
+  install -Dm755 src/bitcoin-cli "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoin-cli
+  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"

Deleted: community-i686/b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524.patch
--- community-i686/b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-i686/b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Cory Fields <cory-nospam- at coryfields.com>
-Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 16:39:12 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] consensus: guard against openssl's new strict DER checks
-New versions of OpenSSL will reject non-canonical DER signatures. However,
-it'll happily decode them. Decode then re-encode before verification in order
-to ensure that it is properly consumed.
-Github-Pull: #5634
-Rebased-From: 488ed32f2ada1d1dd108fc245d025c4d5f252783
- src/key.cpp | 16 +++++++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/key.cpp b/src/key.cpp
-index 5b261bb..e5943af 100644
---- a/src/key.cpp
-+++ b/src/key.cpp
-@@ -227,10 +227,20 @@ class CECKey {
-     }
-     bool Verify(const uint256 &hash, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vchSig) {
--        // -1 = error, 0 = bad sig, 1 = good
--        if (ECDSA_verify(0, (unsigned char*)&hash, sizeof(hash), &vchSig[0], vchSig.size(), pkey) != 1)
-+        // New versions of OpenSSL will reject non-canonical DER signatures. de/re-serialize first.
-+        unsigned char *norm_der = NULL;
-+        ECDSA_SIG *norm_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new();
-+        const unsigned char* sigptr = &vchSig[0];
-+        d2i_ECDSA_SIG(&norm_sig, &sigptr, vchSig.size());
-+        int derlen = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(norm_sig, &norm_der);
-+        ECDSA_SIG_free(norm_sig);
-+        if (derlen <= 0)
-             return false;
--        return true;
-+        // -1 = error, 0 = bad sig, 1 = good
-+        bool ret = ECDSA_verify(0, (unsigned char*)&hash, sizeof(hash), norm_der, derlen, pkey) == 1;
-+        OPENSSL_free(norm_der);
-+        return ret;
-     }
-     bool SignCompact(const uint256 &hash, unsigned char *p64, int &rec) {

Deleted: community-i686/bitcoin-qt.install
--- community-i686/bitcoin-qt.install	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-i686/bitcoin-qt.install	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
-    update-desktop-database -q
-post_upgrade() {
-    post_install $1
-post_remove() {
-    post_install $1

Copied: bitcoin/repos/community-i686/bitcoin-qt.install (from rev 127801, bitcoin/trunk/bitcoin-qt.install)
--- community-i686/bitcoin-qt.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-i686/bitcoin-qt.install	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+post_install() {
+    update-desktop-database -q
+post_upgrade() {
+    post_install $1
+post_remove() {
+    post_install $1

Deleted: community-x86_64/037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922.patch
--- community-x86_64/037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-x86_64/037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From 037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Wladimir J. van der Laan" <laanwj at gmail.com>
-Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 09:28:24 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Improve robustness of DER recoding code
-Add some defensive programming on top of #5634.
-This copies the respective OpenSSL code in ECDSA_verify in
-OpenSSL pre-1.0.1k (e.g. https://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/OpenSSL_1_0_1j/crypto/ecdsa/ecs_vrf.c#L89)
-more closely.
-As reported by @sergiodemianlerner.
-Github-Pull: #5640
-Rebased-From: c6b7b29f232c651f898eeffb93f36c8f537c56d2
- src/key.cpp | 13 ++++++++++++-
- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/key.cpp b/src/key.cpp
-index a845ba1..63332bf 100644
---- a/src/key.cpp
-+++ b/src/key.cpp
-@@ -234,7 +234,18 @@ class CECKey {
-         unsigned char *norm_der = NULL;
-         ECDSA_SIG *norm_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new();
-         const unsigned char* sigptr = &vchSig[0];
--        d2i_ECDSA_SIG(&norm_sig, &sigptr, vchSig.size());
-+        assert(norm_sig);
-+        if (d2i_ECDSA_SIG(&norm_sig, &sigptr, vchSig.size()) == NULL)
-+        {
-+            /* As of OpenSSL 1.0.0p d2i_ECDSA_SIG frees and nulls the pointer on
-+             * error. But OpenSSL's own use of this function redundantly frees the
-+             * result. As ECDSA_SIG_free(NULL) is a no-op, and in the absence of a
-+             * clear contract for the function behaving the same way is more
-+             * conservative.
-+             */
-+            ECDSA_SIG_free(norm_sig);
-+            return false;
-+        }
-         int derlen = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(norm_sig, &norm_der);
-         ECDSA_SIG_free(norm_sig);
-         if (derlen <= 0)

Deleted: community-x86_64/0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283.patch
--- community-x86_64/0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-x86_64/0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-From 0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gregory Maxwell <greg at xiph.org>
-Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 07:08:02 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH] Disable SSLv3 (in favor of TLS) for the RPC client and
- server.
-TLS is subject to downgrade attacks when SSLv3 is available, and
- SSLv3 has vulnerabilities.
-The popular solution is to disable SSLv3. On the web this breaks
- some tiny number of very old clients. While Bitcoin RPC shouldn't
- be exposed to the open Internet, it also shouldn't be exposed to
- really old SSL implementations, so it shouldn't be a major issue
- for us to disable SSLv3.
-There is more information on the downgrade attacks and disabling
- SSLv3 at https://disablessl3.com/ .
-Rebased-From: 683dc4009b2b01699e672f8150c28e2ebe0aae19
- src/rpcclient.cpp | 2 +-
- src/rpcserver.cpp | 2 +-
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/rpcclient.cpp b/src/rpcclient.cpp
-index 4f3c39c..5e62b71 100644
---- a/src/rpcclient.cpp
-+++ b/src/rpcclient.cpp
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Object CallRPC(const string& strMethod, const Array& params)
-     bool fUseSSL = GetBoolArg("-rpcssl", false);
-     asio::io_service io_service;
-     ssl::context context(io_service, ssl::context::sslv23);
--    context.set_options(ssl::context::no_sslv2);
-+    context.set_options(ssl::context::no_sslv2 | ssl::context::no_sslv3);
-     asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket> sslStream(io_service, context);
-     SSLIOStreamDevice<asio::ip::tcp> d(sslStream, fUseSSL);
-     iostreams::stream< SSLIOStreamDevice<asio::ip::tcp> > stream(d);
-diff --git a/src/rpcserver.cpp b/src/rpcserver.cpp
-index f43acf4..cc9e330 100644
---- a/src/rpcserver.cpp
-+++ b/src/rpcserver.cpp
-@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ void StartRPCThreads()
-     if (fUseSSL)
-     {
--        rpc_ssl_context->set_options(ssl::context::no_sslv2);
-+        rpc_ssl_context->set_options(ssl::context::no_sslv2 | ssl::context::no_sslv3);
-         filesystem::path pathCertFile(GetArg("-rpcsslcertificatechainfile", "server.cert"));
-         if (!pathCertFile.is_complete()) pathCertFile = filesystem::path(GetDataDir()) / pathCertFile;

Deleted: community-x86_64/60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc.patch
--- community-x86_64/60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-x86_64/60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From 60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "Wladimir J. van der Laan" <laanwj at gmail.com>
-Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 08:58:47 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] fail immediately on an empty signature
-Github-Pull: #5634
-Rebased-From: 8dccba6a45db0466370726ed462b9da2eae43bce
- src/key.cpp | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/key.cpp b/src/key.cpp
-index e5943af..a845ba1 100644
---- a/src/key.cpp
-+++ b/src/key.cpp
-@@ -227,6 +227,9 @@ class CECKey {
-     }
-     bool Verify(const uint256 &hash, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vchSig) {
-+        if (vchSig.empty())
-+            return false;
-         // New versions of OpenSSL will reject non-canonical DER signatures. de/re-serialize first.
-         unsigned char *norm_der = NULL;
-         ECDSA_SIG *norm_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new();

Deleted: community-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Timothy Redaelli <timothy.redaelli at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: shahid <helllamer at gmail.com>
-pkgname=('bitcoin-daemon' 'bitcoin-cli' 'bitcoin-qt')
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-makedepends=('boost' 'automoc4' 'qrencode' 'miniupnpc' 'protobuf')
-	https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283.patch
-	https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524.patch
-	https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc.patch
-	https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922.patch
-	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/bitcoin-qt.desktop
-	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/share/pixmaps/bitcoin128.png
-	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/examples/bitcoin.conf
-	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoind.1
-	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoin.conf.5)
-            '18f5d43dd29682c8f9bd98dfb94c07b2453c99b9454996651562410b535e289b'
-            'ac3a6d0e9116566f44ef99b6fc5ae7ec792a05e73d33b9db25e4f62b296b5d59'
-            '67c50de4c469e40d8fb0a7663acd5af8dbbe93f362a5192e981bfa2ec9ab82df'
-            '9ff94c3ddb09b0b27eda2e157627ff61808afd7a8fedc0c9d1b0db1a53ee1138'
-            'b65b377c0d9ecae9eea722843bca0add6bdb7e50929a7e1f751b79b6621c6073'
-            'ad880c8459ecfdb96abe6a4689af06bdd27906e0edcd39d0915482f2da91e722'
-            'e141088b07641e4e58cc750f93bbdda1ca0e8f07262fce66b73524c1ed97480e'
-            '881dcc53ebe2d2a4f8647eb206fd355c69e4186f225e2dcfce19d276381e613a'
-            'b7b232079027c41061dcfd21bca2054e349e4bed4f233733406bb3d90bd533ec')
-# Upstream should be more coherent!
-case "$pkgver" in
-  _pkgver=${pkgver%.*}
-  ;;
-  _pkgver=$pkgver
-  ;;
-prepare() {
-  local x
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver-linux/src"
-  tar xf $pkgbase-$_pkgver.tar.gz
-  cd "$pkgbase-$_pkgver"
-  # Disable SSLv3 for Puddle + FS#43396
-  for x in 0a94661e8db94e84ecbf1ea45a51fb3c7fb77283 b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524 \
-           60c51f1c381bbd93c70cfdf41c6688609a7956fc 037bfefe6bccbdf656e628a1f4526db8f80c3922; do
-    patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/$x.patch"
-  done
-build() {
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver-linux/src/$pkgbase-$_pkgver"
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-incompatible-bdb --with-gui=qt4
-  make
-package_bitcoin-qt() {
-  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - Qt"
-  depends=(boost-libs qt4 miniupnpc qrencode protobuf)
-  install=bitcoin-qt.install
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver-linux/src/$pkgbase-$_pkgver"
-  install -Dm755 src/qt/bitcoin-qt "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoin-qt
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin-qt.desktop \
-    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/bitcoin.desktop
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin128.png \
-    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/pixmaps/bitcoin128.png
-  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"
-package_bitcoin-daemon() {
-  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - daemon"
-  depends=(boost-libs miniupnpc openssl)
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver-linux/src/$pkgbase-$_pkgver"
-  install -Dm755 src/bitcoind "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoind
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin.conf \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/examples/bitcoin.conf"
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoind.1 \
-    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1/bitcoind.1
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin.conf.5 \
-    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man5/bitcoin.conf.5
-  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"
-package_bitcoin-cli() {
-  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - RPC client"
-  depends=(boost-libs openssl)
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver-linux/src/$pkgbase-$_pkgver"
-  install -Dm755 src/bitcoin-cli "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoin-cli
-  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"

Copied: bitcoin/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 127801, bitcoin/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Timothy Redaelli <timothy.redaelli at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: shahid <helllamer at gmail.com>
+pkgname=('bitcoin-daemon' 'bitcoin-cli' 'bitcoin-qt')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=('boost' 'automoc4' 'qrencode' 'miniupnpc' 'protobuf')
+	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/bitcoin-qt.desktop
+	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/share/pixmaps/bitcoin128.png
+	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/examples/bitcoin.conf
+	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoind.1
+	https://raw.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/v$pkgver/contrib/debian/manpages/bitcoin.conf.5)
+            'b65b377c0d9ecae9eea722843bca0add6bdb7e50929a7e1f751b79b6621c6073'
+            'ad880c8459ecfdb96abe6a4689af06bdd27906e0edcd39d0915482f2da91e722'
+            'b049cc2650d5988a581d1b72b205254edbaa4f8c0587c2fe8ac4aa0a25543a6a'
+            '0a31a5f3ad860ecc1cc8041a863aabdbc4084c7ea5fdc487806b5aa829a244fe'
+            '9acf7f46052f6e508af4f38be4574f34bf0f57d2cf462f072606d3f177b4c957')
+# Upstream should be more coherent!
+case "$pkgver" in
+  _pkgver=${pkgver%.*}
+  ;;
+  _pkgver=$pkgver
+  ;;
+build() {
+  cd "$srcdir/$pkgbase-$pkgver"
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-incompatible-bdb --with-gui=qt4
+  make
+package_bitcoin-qt() {
+  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - Qt"
+  depends=(boost-libs qt4 miniupnpc qrencode protobuf)
+  install=bitcoin-qt.install
+  cd "$pkgbase-$pkgver"
+  install -Dm755 src/qt/bitcoin-qt "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoin-qt
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin-qt.desktop \
+    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/bitcoin.desktop
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin128.png \
+    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/pixmaps/bitcoin128.png
+  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"
+package_bitcoin-daemon() {
+  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - daemon"
+  depends=(boost-libs miniupnpc openssl)
+  cd "$pkgbase-$pkgver"
+  install -Dm755 src/bitcoind "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoind
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin.conf \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/examples/bitcoin.conf"
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoind.1 \
+    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1/bitcoind.1
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/bitcoin.conf.5 \
+    "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man5/bitcoin.conf.5
+  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"
+package_bitcoin-cli() {
+  pkgdesc="Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency - RPC client"
+  depends=(boost-libs openssl)
+  cd "$pkgbase-$pkgver"
+  install -Dm755 src/bitcoin-cli "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/bitcoin-cli
+  install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"

Deleted: community-x86_64/b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524.patch
--- community-x86_64/b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-x86_64/b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524.patch	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From b8e81b7ccd4490155e3345fc73346ff8c3a77524 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Cory Fields <cory-nospam- at coryfields.com>
-Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 16:39:12 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] consensus: guard against openssl's new strict DER checks
-New versions of OpenSSL will reject non-canonical DER signatures. However,
-it'll happily decode them. Decode then re-encode before verification in order
-to ensure that it is properly consumed.
-Github-Pull: #5634
-Rebased-From: 488ed32f2ada1d1dd108fc245d025c4d5f252783
- src/key.cpp | 16 +++++++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/key.cpp b/src/key.cpp
-index 5b261bb..e5943af 100644
---- a/src/key.cpp
-+++ b/src/key.cpp
-@@ -227,10 +227,20 @@ class CECKey {
-     }
-     bool Verify(const uint256 &hash, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vchSig) {
--        // -1 = error, 0 = bad sig, 1 = good
--        if (ECDSA_verify(0, (unsigned char*)&hash, sizeof(hash), &vchSig[0], vchSig.size(), pkey) != 1)
-+        // New versions of OpenSSL will reject non-canonical DER signatures. de/re-serialize first.
-+        unsigned char *norm_der = NULL;
-+        ECDSA_SIG *norm_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new();
-+        const unsigned char* sigptr = &vchSig[0];
-+        d2i_ECDSA_SIG(&norm_sig, &sigptr, vchSig.size());
-+        int derlen = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(norm_sig, &norm_der);
-+        ECDSA_SIG_free(norm_sig);
-+        if (derlen <= 0)
-             return false;
--        return true;
-+        // -1 = error, 0 = bad sig, 1 = good
-+        bool ret = ECDSA_verify(0, (unsigned char*)&hash, sizeof(hash), norm_der, derlen, pkey) == 1;
-+        OPENSSL_free(norm_der);
-+        return ret;
-     }
-     bool SignCompact(const uint256 &hash, unsigned char *p64, int &rec) {

Deleted: community-x86_64/bitcoin-qt.install
--- community-x86_64/bitcoin-qt.install	2015-02-16 17:07:20 UTC (rev 127801)
+++ community-x86_64/bitcoin-qt.install	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
-    update-desktop-database -q
-post_upgrade() {
-    post_install $1
-post_remove() {
-    post_install $1

Copied: bitcoin/repos/community-x86_64/bitcoin-qt.install (from rev 127801, bitcoin/trunk/bitcoin-qt.install)
--- community-x86_64/bitcoin-qt.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/bitcoin-qt.install	2015-02-16 17:07:30 UTC (rev 127802)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+post_install() {
+    update-desktop-database -q
+post_upgrade() {
+    post_install $1
+post_remove() {
+    post_install $1

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