[arch-commits] Commit in qemu/repos (10 files)
Sébastien Luttringer
seblu at archlinux.org
Sat Jul 25 00:35:37 UTC 2015
Date: Saturday, July 25, 2015 @ 02:35:36
Author: seblu
Revision: 242485
archrelease: copy trunk to testing-i686, testing-x86_64
(from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/65-kvm.rules)
(from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/CVE-2015-3456.patch)
(from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/qemu.install)
(from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/65-kvm.rules)
(from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/CVE-2015-3456.patch)
(from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/qemu.install)
testing-i686/65-kvm.rules | 2
testing-i686/CVE-2015-3456.patch | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
testing-i686/PKGBUILD | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
testing-i686/qemu.install | 19 ++++++
testing-x86_64/65-kvm.rules | 2
testing-x86_64/CVE-2015-3456.patch | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
testing-x86_64/qemu.install | 19 ++++++
8 files changed, 422 insertions(+)
Copied: qemu/repos/testing-i686/65-kvm.rules (from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/65-kvm.rules)
--- testing-i686/65-kvm.rules (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/65-kvm.rules 2015-07-25 00:35:36 UTC (rev 242485)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+KERNEL=="kvm", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0660"
+KERNEL=="vhost-net", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess", OPTIONS+="static_node=vhost-net"
Copied: qemu/repos/testing-i686/CVE-2015-3456.patch (from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/CVE-2015-3456.patch)
--- testing-i686/CVE-2015-3456.patch (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/CVE-2015-3456.patch 2015-07-25 00:35:36 UTC (rev 242485)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+From e907746266721f305d67bc0718795fedee2e824c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Petr Matousek <pmatouse at redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 09:48:59 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] fdc: force the fifo access to be in bounds of the allocated buffer
+During processing of certain commands such as FD_CMD_READ_ID and
+FD_CMD_DRIVE_SPECIFICATION_COMMAND the fifo memory access could
+get out of bounds leading to memory corruption with values coming
+from the guest.
+Fix this by making sure that the index is always bounded by the
+allocated memory.
+This is CVE-2015-3456.
+Signed-off-by: Petr Matousek <pmatouse at redhat.com>
+Reviewed-by: John Snow <jsnow at redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: John Snow <jsnow at redhat.com>
+ hw/block/fdc.c | 17 +++++++++++------
+ 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/hw/block/fdc.c b/hw/block/fdc.c
+index f72a392..d8a8edd 100644
+--- a/hw/block/fdc.c
++++ b/hw/block/fdc.c
+@@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@ static uint32_t fdctrl_read_data(FDCtrl *fdctrl)
+ {
+ FDrive *cur_drv;
+ uint32_t retval = 0;
+- int pos;
++ uint32_t pos;
+ cur_drv = get_cur_drv(fdctrl);
+ fdctrl->dsr &= ~FD_DSR_PWRDOWN;
+@@ -1506,8 +1506,8 @@ static uint32_t fdctrl_read_data(FDCtrl *fdctrl)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pos = fdctrl->data_pos;
++ pos %= FD_SECTOR_LEN;
+ if (fdctrl->msr & FD_MSR_NONDMA) {
+- pos %= FD_SECTOR_LEN;
+ if (pos == 0) {
+ if (fdctrl->data_pos != 0)
+ if (!fdctrl_seek_to_next_sect(fdctrl, cur_drv)) {
+@@ -1852,10 +1852,13 @@ static void fdctrl_handle_option(FDCtrl *fdctrl, int direction)
+ static void fdctrl_handle_drive_specification_command(FDCtrl *fdctrl, int direction)
+ {
+ FDrive *cur_drv = get_cur_drv(fdctrl);
++ uint32_t pos;
+- if (fdctrl->fifo[fdctrl->data_pos - 1] & 0x80) {
++ pos = fdctrl->data_pos - 1;
++ pos %= FD_SECTOR_LEN;
++ if (fdctrl->fifo[pos] & 0x80) {
+ /* Command parameters done */
+- if (fdctrl->fifo[fdctrl->data_pos - 1] & 0x40) {
++ if (fdctrl->fifo[pos] & 0x40) {
+ fdctrl->fifo[0] = fdctrl->fifo[1];
+ fdctrl->fifo[2] = 0;
+ fdctrl->fifo[3] = 0;
+@@ -1955,7 +1958,7 @@ static uint8_t command_to_handler[256];
+ static void fdctrl_write_data(FDCtrl *fdctrl, uint32_t value)
+ {
+ FDrive *cur_drv;
+- int pos;
++ uint32_t pos;
+ /* Reset mode */
+ if (!(fdctrl->dor & FD_DOR_nRESET)) {
+@@ -2004,7 +2007,9 @@ static void fdctrl_write_data(FDCtrl *fdctrl, uint32_t value)
+ }
+ FLOPPY_DPRINTF("%s: %02x\n", __func__, value);
+- fdctrl->fifo[fdctrl->data_pos++] = value;
++ pos = fdctrl->data_pos++;
++ pos %= FD_SECTOR_LEN;
++ fdctrl->fifo[pos] = value;
+ if (fdctrl->data_pos == fdctrl->data_len) {
+ /* We now have all parameters
+ * and will be able to treat the command
Copied: qemu/repos/testing-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- testing-i686/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/PKGBUILD 2015-07-25 00:35:36 UTC (rev 242485)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
+pkgname=('qemu' 'libcacard')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL2' 'LGPL2.1')
+makedepends=('pixman' 'libjpeg' 'libpng' 'sdl' 'alsa-lib' 'nss' 'glib2'
+ 'gnutls' 'bluez-libs' 'vde2' 'util-linux' 'curl' 'libsasl'
+ 'libgl' 'libpulse' 'seabios' 'libcap-ng' 'libaio' 'libseccomp'
+ 'libiscsi' 'libcacard' 'spice' 'spice-protocol' 'python2'
+ 'usbredir' 'ceph' 'glusterfs' 'libssh2' 'lzo')
+ CVE-2015-3456.patch
+ 65-kvm.rules)
+prepare() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/CVE-2015-3456.patch
+build ()
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ # qemu vs. make 4 == bad
+ export ARFLAGS="rv"
+ # http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.qemu/238740
+ export CFLAGS+=' -fPIC'
+ # gtk gui breaks keymappings at the moment
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --audio-drv-list='pa alsa sdl' \
+ --python=/usr/bin/python2 --smbd=/usr/bin/smbd \
+ --enable-docs --libexecdir=/usr/lib/qemu \
+ --disable-gtk --enable-linux-aio --enable-seccomp \
+ --enable-spice --localstatedir=/var \
+ --enable-tpm \
+ --enable-modules --enable-{rbd,glusterfs,libiscsi,curl}
+ make V=99
+package_qemu() {
+ pkgdesc="A generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation."
+ depends=('pixman' 'libjpeg' 'libpng' 'sdl' 'alsa-lib' 'nss' 'glib2'
+ 'gnutls' 'bluez-libs' 'vde2' 'util-linux' 'curl' 'libsasl'
+ 'libgl' 'libpulse' 'seabios' 'libcap-ng' 'libaio' 'libseccomp'
+ 'libcacard' 'spice' 'usbredir' 'lzo')
+ backup=('etc/qemu/target-x86_64.conf')
+ replaces=('qemu-kvm')
+ optdepends=('samba: for SMB server support'
+ 'libssh2: for remote disks over ssh support'
+ 'curl: for remote disks over http/ftp support'
+ 'libiscsi: for iSCSI support'
+ 'ceph: for RDB support'
+ 'glusterfs: for glusterfs support')
+ install=qemu.install
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" libexecdir="/usr/lib/qemu" install
+ # provided by seabios package
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/bios.bin"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/acpi-dsdt.aml"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/q35-acpi-dsdt.aml"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/bios-256k.bin"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/vgabios-cirrus.bin"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/vgabios-qxl.bin"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/vgabios-stdvga.bin"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/vgabios-vmware.bin"
+ # remove conflicting /var/run directory
+ rm -r "${pkgdir}/var"
+ install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/65-kvm.rules" \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/65-kvm.rules"
+ # bridge_helper needs suid
+ # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/32565
+ chmod u+s "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/qemu/qemu-bridge-helper"
+ # add sample config
+ echo "allow br0" > ${pkgdir}/etc/qemu/bridge.conf.sample
+ # strip scripts directory
+ find "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/scripts" -type f -perm -u+w 2>/dev/null | while read binary ; do
+ case "$(file -bi "$binary")" in
+ *application/x-executable*) # Binaries
+ /usr/bin/strip $STRIP_BINARIES "$binary";;
+ esac
+ done
+ # remove libcacard files
+ rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/include/cacard
+ rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libcacard*
+ rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libcacard.pc
+ rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/vscclient
+package_libcacard() {
+ pkgdesc="Common Access Card (CAC) Emulation"
+ options=('strip')
+ depends=('nss' 'libaio' 'libcap-ng' 'libiscsi' 'curl' 'vde2' 'glib2')
+ mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+ mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/pkgconfig
+ mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/include/cacard
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qemu-${pkgver}/libcacard/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/include/cacard/
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qemu-${pkgver}/.libs/libcacard.so* ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qemu-${pkgver}/libcacard.pc ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/pkgconfig/
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qemu-${pkgver}/.libs/vscclient ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/
+ '5e8a68940c4e0267e795a6ddd144e00e'
+ '33ab286a20242dda7743a900f369d68a')
Copied: qemu/repos/testing-i686/qemu.install (from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/qemu.install)
--- testing-i686/qemu.install (rev 0)
+++ testing-i686/qemu.install 2015-07-25 00:35:36 UTC (rev 242485)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# kvm: the new package version
+post_install() {
+ #
+ groupadd kvm -f -g 78
+post_upgrade() {
+ if [ "$(vercmp $2 0.11)" -lt 0 ]; then
+ echo "With the release of qemu and qemu-kvm 0.12.X, the kqemu kernel module"
+ echo "is no longer supported and will be removed from the repositories. You"
+ echo "can safely uninstall it from your system."
+ fi
+ if [ "$(vercmp $2 1.3.1)" -lt 0 ]; then
+ echo "With the release of qemu 1.3.0, qemu-kvm binary is removed."
+ echo "You need to change the emulator path, if you use libvirt by using:"
+ echo "'virsh edit <vm-name>'"
+ fi
Copied: qemu/repos/testing-x86_64/65-kvm.rules (from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/65-kvm.rules)
--- testing-x86_64/65-kvm.rules (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/65-kvm.rules 2015-07-25 00:35:36 UTC (rev 242485)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+KERNEL=="kvm", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0660"
+KERNEL=="vhost-net", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess", OPTIONS+="static_node=vhost-net"
Copied: qemu/repos/testing-x86_64/CVE-2015-3456.patch (from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/CVE-2015-3456.patch)
--- testing-x86_64/CVE-2015-3456.patch (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/CVE-2015-3456.patch 2015-07-25 00:35:36 UTC (rev 242485)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+From e907746266721f305d67bc0718795fedee2e824c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Petr Matousek <pmatouse at redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 09:48:59 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] fdc: force the fifo access to be in bounds of the allocated buffer
+During processing of certain commands such as FD_CMD_READ_ID and
+FD_CMD_DRIVE_SPECIFICATION_COMMAND the fifo memory access could
+get out of bounds leading to memory corruption with values coming
+from the guest.
+Fix this by making sure that the index is always bounded by the
+allocated memory.
+This is CVE-2015-3456.
+Signed-off-by: Petr Matousek <pmatouse at redhat.com>
+Reviewed-by: John Snow <jsnow at redhat.com>
+Signed-off-by: John Snow <jsnow at redhat.com>
+ hw/block/fdc.c | 17 +++++++++++------
+ 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/hw/block/fdc.c b/hw/block/fdc.c
+index f72a392..d8a8edd 100644
+--- a/hw/block/fdc.c
++++ b/hw/block/fdc.c
+@@ -1497,7 +1497,7 @@ static uint32_t fdctrl_read_data(FDCtrl *fdctrl)
+ {
+ FDrive *cur_drv;
+ uint32_t retval = 0;
+- int pos;
++ uint32_t pos;
+ cur_drv = get_cur_drv(fdctrl);
+ fdctrl->dsr &= ~FD_DSR_PWRDOWN;
+@@ -1506,8 +1506,8 @@ static uint32_t fdctrl_read_data(FDCtrl *fdctrl)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pos = fdctrl->data_pos;
++ pos %= FD_SECTOR_LEN;
+ if (fdctrl->msr & FD_MSR_NONDMA) {
+- pos %= FD_SECTOR_LEN;
+ if (pos == 0) {
+ if (fdctrl->data_pos != 0)
+ if (!fdctrl_seek_to_next_sect(fdctrl, cur_drv)) {
+@@ -1852,10 +1852,13 @@ static void fdctrl_handle_option(FDCtrl *fdctrl, int direction)
+ static void fdctrl_handle_drive_specification_command(FDCtrl *fdctrl, int direction)
+ {
+ FDrive *cur_drv = get_cur_drv(fdctrl);
++ uint32_t pos;
+- if (fdctrl->fifo[fdctrl->data_pos - 1] & 0x80) {
++ pos = fdctrl->data_pos - 1;
++ pos %= FD_SECTOR_LEN;
++ if (fdctrl->fifo[pos] & 0x80) {
+ /* Command parameters done */
+- if (fdctrl->fifo[fdctrl->data_pos - 1] & 0x40) {
++ if (fdctrl->fifo[pos] & 0x40) {
+ fdctrl->fifo[0] = fdctrl->fifo[1];
+ fdctrl->fifo[2] = 0;
+ fdctrl->fifo[3] = 0;
+@@ -1955,7 +1958,7 @@ static uint8_t command_to_handler[256];
+ static void fdctrl_write_data(FDCtrl *fdctrl, uint32_t value)
+ {
+ FDrive *cur_drv;
+- int pos;
++ uint32_t pos;
+ /* Reset mode */
+ if (!(fdctrl->dor & FD_DOR_nRESET)) {
+@@ -2004,7 +2007,9 @@ static void fdctrl_write_data(FDCtrl *fdctrl, uint32_t value)
+ }
+ FLOPPY_DPRINTF("%s: %02x\n", __func__, value);
+- fdctrl->fifo[fdctrl->data_pos++] = value;
++ pos = fdctrl->data_pos++;
++ pos %= FD_SECTOR_LEN;
++ fdctrl->fifo[pos] = value;
+ if (fdctrl->data_pos == fdctrl->data_len) {
+ /* We now have all parameters
+ * and will be able to treat the command
Copied: qemu/repos/testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2015-07-25 00:35:36 UTC (rev 242485)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
+pkgname=('qemu' 'libcacard')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL2' 'LGPL2.1')
+makedepends=('pixman' 'libjpeg' 'libpng' 'sdl' 'alsa-lib' 'nss' 'glib2'
+ 'gnutls' 'bluez-libs' 'vde2' 'util-linux' 'curl' 'libsasl'
+ 'libgl' 'libpulse' 'seabios' 'libcap-ng' 'libaio' 'libseccomp'
+ 'libiscsi' 'libcacard' 'spice' 'spice-protocol' 'python2'
+ 'usbredir' 'ceph' 'glusterfs' 'libssh2' 'lzo')
+ CVE-2015-3456.patch
+ 65-kvm.rules)
+prepare() {
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/CVE-2015-3456.patch
+build ()
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ # qemu vs. make 4 == bad
+ export ARFLAGS="rv"
+ # http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.qemu/238740
+ export CFLAGS+=' -fPIC'
+ # gtk gui breaks keymappings at the moment
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --audio-drv-list='pa alsa sdl' \
+ --python=/usr/bin/python2 --smbd=/usr/bin/smbd \
+ --enable-docs --libexecdir=/usr/lib/qemu \
+ --disable-gtk --enable-linux-aio --enable-seccomp \
+ --enable-spice --localstatedir=/var \
+ --enable-tpm \
+ --enable-modules --enable-{rbd,glusterfs,libiscsi,curl}
+ make V=99
+package_qemu() {
+ pkgdesc="A generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation."
+ depends=('pixman' 'libjpeg' 'libpng' 'sdl' 'alsa-lib' 'nss' 'glib2'
+ 'gnutls' 'bluez-libs' 'vde2' 'util-linux' 'curl' 'libsasl'
+ 'libgl' 'libpulse' 'seabios' 'libcap-ng' 'libaio' 'libseccomp'
+ 'libcacard' 'spice' 'usbredir' 'lzo')
+ backup=('etc/qemu/target-x86_64.conf')
+ replaces=('qemu-kvm')
+ optdepends=('samba: for SMB server support'
+ 'libssh2: for remote disks over ssh support'
+ 'curl: for remote disks over http/ftp support'
+ 'libiscsi: for iSCSI support'
+ 'ceph: for RDB support'
+ 'glusterfs: for glusterfs support')
+ install=qemu.install
+ cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" libexecdir="/usr/lib/qemu" install
+ # provided by seabios package
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/bios.bin"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/acpi-dsdt.aml"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/q35-acpi-dsdt.aml"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/bios-256k.bin"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/vgabios-cirrus.bin"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/vgabios-qxl.bin"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/vgabios-stdvga.bin"
+ rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/qemu/vgabios-vmware.bin"
+ # remove conflicting /var/run directory
+ rm -r "${pkgdir}/var"
+ install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/65-kvm.rules" \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/65-kvm.rules"
+ # bridge_helper needs suid
+ # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/32565
+ chmod u+s "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/qemu/qemu-bridge-helper"
+ # add sample config
+ echo "allow br0" > ${pkgdir}/etc/qemu/bridge.conf.sample
+ # strip scripts directory
+ find "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/scripts" -type f -perm -u+w 2>/dev/null | while read binary ; do
+ case "$(file -bi "$binary")" in
+ *application/x-executable*) # Binaries
+ /usr/bin/strip $STRIP_BINARIES "$binary";;
+ esac
+ done
+ # remove libcacard files
+ rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/include/cacard
+ rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/libcacard*
+ rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libcacard.pc
+ rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/vscclient
+package_libcacard() {
+ pkgdesc="Common Access Card (CAC) Emulation"
+ options=('strip')
+ depends=('nss' 'libaio' 'libcap-ng' 'libiscsi' 'curl' 'vde2' 'glib2')
+ mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+ mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/pkgconfig
+ mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/include/cacard
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qemu-${pkgver}/libcacard/*.h ${pkgdir}/usr/include/cacard/
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qemu-${pkgver}/.libs/libcacard.so* ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qemu-${pkgver}/libcacard.pc ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/pkgconfig/
+ cp -a ${srcdir}/qemu-${pkgver}/.libs/vscclient ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/
+ '5e8a68940c4e0267e795a6ddd144e00e'
+ '33ab286a20242dda7743a900f369d68a')
Copied: qemu/repos/testing-x86_64/qemu.install (from rev 242484, qemu/trunk/qemu.install)
--- testing-x86_64/qemu.install (rev 0)
+++ testing-x86_64/qemu.install 2015-07-25 00:35:36 UTC (rev 242485)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# kvm: the new package version
+post_install() {
+ #
+ groupadd kvm -f -g 78
+post_upgrade() {
+ if [ "$(vercmp $2 0.11)" -lt 0 ]; then
+ echo "With the release of qemu and qemu-kvm 0.12.X, the kqemu kernel module"
+ echo "is no longer supported and will be removed from the repositories. You"
+ echo "can safely uninstall it from your system."
+ fi
+ if [ "$(vercmp $2 1.3.1)" -lt 0 ]; then
+ echo "With the release of qemu 1.3.0, qemu-kvm binary is removed."
+ echo "You need to change the emulator path, if you use libvirt by using:"
+ echo "'virsh edit <vm-name>'"
+ fi
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