[arch-commits] Commit in singular/repos (8 files)

Antonio Rojas arojas at archlinux.org
Fri Jun 5 17:20:51 UTC 2015

    Date: Friday, June 5, 2015 @ 19:20:50
  Author: arojas
Revision: 134865

archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-i686, community-staging-x86_64

    (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/ntl8.patch)
    (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/templates.patch)
    (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/ntl8.patch)
    (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/templates.patch)

 community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD          |   77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 community-staging-i686/ntl8.patch        |   84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 community-staging-i686/templates.patch   |   19 ++++++
 community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD        |   77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 community-staging-x86_64/ntl8.patch      |   84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 community-staging-x86_64/templates.patch |   19 ++++++
 6 files changed, 360 insertions(+)

Copied: singular/repos/community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD	2015-06-05 17:20:50 UTC (rev 134865)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Rémy Oudompheng <oudomphe at clipper.ens.fr>
+pkgdesc="Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations"
+arch=(i686 x86_64)
+depends=(flint cddlib) # polymake
+"http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/ftp/pub/Math/Singular/src/$_majver/Singular-${_majver}-share.tar.gz" 'templates.patch' 'ntl8.patch')
+         'b9177c00e95ee21b137984bade9fc481'
+         'a267423f3b25f0b91853f9cf607974a7'
+         '38ff8896595626d657fd386ea9408419')
+prepare() {
+  cd Singular-$_majver
+  patch -p1 -i ../templates.patch
+# fix build against NTL 8
+  patch -p1 -i ../ntl8.patch
+# fix flint detection
+  sed -e 's|-lmpir|-lgmp|' -i factory/configure -i Singular/configure
+build() {
+  cd Singular-$_majver
+  export CPP=/usr/bin/cpp
+  export CXXCPP=/usr/bin/cpp
+  export CFLAGS="-fPIC"
+  export CXXFLAGS="-fPIC"
+# force using system ntl
+  rm -r ntl
+  mkdir -p build
+  ./configure --prefix=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular \
+     --bindir=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular --libdir=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular --includedir=$PWD/build/usr/include \
+     --with-apint=gmp --with-gmp=/usr --with-malloc=system --with-ntl=/usr --with-flint=/usr --disable-doc --with-NTL --without-MP --without-lex \
+     --enable-Singular --enable-factory --enable-libfac --enable-IntegerProgramming --enable-gfanlib
+  make install
+  ./configure --prefix=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular \
+     --bindir=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular --libdir=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular --includedir=$PWD/build/usr/include \
+     --with-apint=gmp --with-gmp=/usr --with-malloc=system --with-ntl=/usr --with-flint=/usr --disable-doc --with-NTL --without-MP \
+     --enable-Singular --enable-factory --enable-libfac --enable-IntegerProgramming
+  make clean
+  make install-libsingular
+# needed by Sage, not installed by default
+  cp Singular/sing_dbm.h build/usr/include/singular/
+package() {
+  cd Singular-$_majver
+  cp -r build/* "$pkgdir"/ 
+  mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
+  ln -sf /usr/lib/Singular/Singular-$_majver "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/Singular/Singular
+  ln -s /usr/lib/Singular/Singular "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/
+  ln -s /usr/lib/Singular/libsingular.so "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/
+# Install docs
+  mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/singular
+  install -m644 "$srcdir"/Singular/$_majver/info/singular.hlp "$pkgdir"/usr/share/singular/
+  install -m644 "$srcdir"/Singular/$_majver/doc/singular.idx "$pkgdir"/usr/share/singular/

Copied: singular/repos/community-staging-i686/ntl8.patch (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/ntl8.patch)
--- community-staging-i686/ntl8.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/ntl8.patch	2015-06-05 17:20:50 UTC (rev 134865)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+--- Singular-3-1-6/factory/NTLconvert.cc.orig	2012-12-19 14:01:16.000000000 -0700
++++ Singular-3-1-6/factory/NTLconvert.cc	2015-01-12 20:00:00.000000000 -0700
+@@ -55,6 +55,63 @@
+ #endif
++// Needed explicit template instantiations for NTL 8.x.x
++template mat_zz_p::Mat(const mat_zz_p&);
++template mat_zz_pE::Mat(const mat_zz_pE&);
++template class Vec<Pair<GF2X, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<GF2EX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<zz_pX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<zz_pEX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<ZZ_pX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<ZZ_pEX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<ZZX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Vec<zz_p> >;
++template class Vec<Vec<zz_pE> >;
++template class Vec<zz_p>;
++template class Vec<zz_pEX>;
++template long operator==<zz_p>(const vec_zz_p&, const vec_zz_p&);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<GF2X, long> >(Pair<GF2X, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<GF2EX, long> >(Pair<GF2EX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<zz_pX, long> >(Pair<zz_pX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<zz_pEX, long> >(Pair<zz_pEX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<ZZ_pX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<ZZ_pEX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pEX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<ZZX, long> >(Pair<ZZX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Vec<zz_p> >(Vec<zz_p>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Vec<zz_pE> >(Vec<zz_pE>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<zz_pEX>(zz_pEX* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<GF2X, long> >(Pair<GF2X, long>* p, long n, const Pair<GF2X, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<GF2EX, long> >(Pair<GF2EX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<GF2EX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<zz_pX, long> >(Pair<zz_pX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<zz_pX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<zz_pEX, long> >(Pair<zz_pEX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<zz_pEX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<ZZ_pX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZ_pX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<ZZ_pEX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pEX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZ_pEX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<ZZX, long> >(Pair<ZZX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Vec<zz_p> >(Vec<zz_p>* p, long n, const Vec<zz_p>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Vec<zz_pE> >(Vec<zz_pE>* p, long n, const Vec<zz_pE>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<zz_p>(zz_p* p, long n, const zz_p* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<zz_pE>(zz_pE* p, long n, const zz_pE* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<zz_pEX>(zz_pEX* p, long n, const zz_pEX* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<GF2X, long> >(Pair<GF2X, long>* p, long n, const Pair<GF2X, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<GF2EX, long> >(Pair<GF2EX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<GF2EX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<zz_pX, long> >(Pair<zz_pX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<zz_pX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<zz_pEX, long> >(Pair<zz_pEX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<zz_pEX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<ZZ_pX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZ_pX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<ZZ_pEX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pEX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZ_pEX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<ZZX, long> >(Pair<ZZX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Vec<zz_p> >(Vec<zz_p>* p, long n, const Vec<zz_p>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Vec<zz_pE> >(Vec<zz_pE>* p, long n, const Vec<zz_pE>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<zz_pEX>(zz_pEX* p, long n, const zz_pEX& q);
++template SmartPtr<GF2EInfoT> MakeSmart<GF2EInfoT, GF2X>(const GF2X &ptr);
++template SmartPtr<zz_pEInfoT> MakeSmart<zz_pEInfoT, zz_pX>(const zz_pX &ptr);
++template SmartPtr<ZZ_pInfoT> MakeSmart<ZZ_pInfoT, ZZ>(const ZZ &ptr);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // NAME: convertFacCF2NTLZZpX                                                 //
+ //                                                                            //
+@@ -511,7 +568,7 @@
+   }
+   else
+   {
+-    long sizeofrep= ((long *) a.rep) [1];
++    long sizeofrep= ((long *) &a) [1];
+     bool lessZero= false;
+     if (sizeofrep < 0)
+     {
+@@ -529,7 +586,7 @@
+       cf_stringtemp_l= sizeofrep*sizeof(mp_limb_t)*2;
+       cf_stringtemp= (unsigned char*) Alloc (cf_stringtemp_l);
+     }
+-    int cc= mpn_get_str (cf_stringtemp, 16, (mp_limb_t *) (((long *) (a.rep)) + 2), sizeofrep);
++    int cc= mpn_get_str (cf_stringtemp, 16, (mp_limb_t *) (((long *) &a) + 2), sizeofrep);
+     char* cf_stringtemp2;
+     if (lessZero)

Copied: singular/repos/community-staging-i686/templates.patch (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/templates.patch)
--- community-staging-i686/templates.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/templates.patch	2015-06-05 17:20:50 UTC (rev 134865)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+diff -druN latest.orig/factory/GNUmakefile.in latest/factory/GNUmakefile.in
+--- latest.orig/factory/GNUmakefile.in	2014-08-06 08:59:15.000000000 -0700
++++ latest/factory/GNUmakefile.in	2014-10-20 04:21:24.914606325 -0700
+@@ -98,11 +98,13 @@
+ # flags to translate library c++ files
+-LIBCXXFLAGS =	$(WARNFLAGS) -fno-implicit-templates \
++#LIBCXXFLAGS =	$(WARNFLAGS) -fno-implicit-templates
+ 		-I. -I.. -I$(srcdir) -I${prefix} -I$(includedir) \
+-LIBCGGFLAGS =	$(WARNFLAGS) -fno-implicit-templates \
++#LIBCGGFLAGS =	$(WARNFLAGS) -fno-implicit-templates
+ 		-I. -I.. -I$(srcdir) -I${prefix} -I$(includedir) \

Copied: singular/repos/community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2015-06-05 17:20:50 UTC (rev 134865)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Rémy Oudompheng <oudomphe at clipper.ens.fr>
+pkgdesc="Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations"
+arch=(i686 x86_64)
+depends=(flint cddlib) # polymake
+"http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/ftp/pub/Math/Singular/src/$_majver/Singular-${_majver}-share.tar.gz" 'templates.patch' 'ntl8.patch')
+         'b9177c00e95ee21b137984bade9fc481'
+         'a267423f3b25f0b91853f9cf607974a7'
+         '38ff8896595626d657fd386ea9408419')
+prepare() {
+  cd Singular-$_majver
+  patch -p1 -i ../templates.patch
+# fix build against NTL 8
+  patch -p1 -i ../ntl8.patch
+# fix flint detection
+  sed -e 's|-lmpir|-lgmp|' -i factory/configure -i Singular/configure
+build() {
+  cd Singular-$_majver
+  export CPP=/usr/bin/cpp
+  export CXXCPP=/usr/bin/cpp
+  export CFLAGS="-fPIC"
+  export CXXFLAGS="-fPIC"
+# force using system ntl
+  rm -r ntl
+  mkdir -p build
+  ./configure --prefix=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular \
+     --bindir=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular --libdir=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular --includedir=$PWD/build/usr/include \
+     --with-apint=gmp --with-gmp=/usr --with-malloc=system --with-ntl=/usr --with-flint=/usr --disable-doc --with-NTL --without-MP --without-lex \
+     --enable-Singular --enable-factory --enable-libfac --enable-IntegerProgramming --enable-gfanlib
+  make install
+  ./configure --prefix=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular \
+     --bindir=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular --libdir=$PWD/build/usr/lib/Singular --includedir=$PWD/build/usr/include \
+     --with-apint=gmp --with-gmp=/usr --with-malloc=system --with-ntl=/usr --with-flint=/usr --disable-doc --with-NTL --without-MP \
+     --enable-Singular --enable-factory --enable-libfac --enable-IntegerProgramming
+  make clean
+  make install-libsingular
+# needed by Sage, not installed by default
+  cp Singular/sing_dbm.h build/usr/include/singular/
+package() {
+  cd Singular-$_majver
+  cp -r build/* "$pkgdir"/ 
+  mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
+  ln -sf /usr/lib/Singular/Singular-$_majver "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/Singular/Singular
+  ln -s /usr/lib/Singular/Singular "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/
+  ln -s /usr/lib/Singular/libsingular.so "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/
+# Install docs
+  mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/singular
+  install -m644 "$srcdir"/Singular/$_majver/info/singular.hlp "$pkgdir"/usr/share/singular/
+  install -m644 "$srcdir"/Singular/$_majver/doc/singular.idx "$pkgdir"/usr/share/singular/

Copied: singular/repos/community-staging-x86_64/ntl8.patch (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/ntl8.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/ntl8.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/ntl8.patch	2015-06-05 17:20:50 UTC (rev 134865)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+--- Singular-3-1-6/factory/NTLconvert.cc.orig	2012-12-19 14:01:16.000000000 -0700
++++ Singular-3-1-6/factory/NTLconvert.cc	2015-01-12 20:00:00.000000000 -0700
+@@ -55,6 +55,63 @@
+ #endif
++// Needed explicit template instantiations for NTL 8.x.x
++template mat_zz_p::Mat(const mat_zz_p&);
++template mat_zz_pE::Mat(const mat_zz_pE&);
++template class Vec<Pair<GF2X, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<GF2EX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<zz_pX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<zz_pEX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<ZZ_pX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<ZZ_pEX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Pair<ZZX, long> >;
++template class Vec<Vec<zz_p> >;
++template class Vec<Vec<zz_pE> >;
++template class Vec<zz_p>;
++template class Vec<zz_pEX>;
++template long operator==<zz_p>(const vec_zz_p&, const vec_zz_p&);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<GF2X, long> >(Pair<GF2X, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<GF2EX, long> >(Pair<GF2EX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<zz_pX, long> >(Pair<zz_pX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<zz_pEX, long> >(Pair<zz_pEX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<ZZ_pX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<ZZ_pEX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pEX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Pair<ZZX, long> >(Pair<ZZX, long>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Vec<zz_p> >(Vec<zz_p>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<Vec<zz_pE> >(Vec<zz_pE>* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstruct<zz_pEX>(zz_pEX* p, long n);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<GF2X, long> >(Pair<GF2X, long>* p, long n, const Pair<GF2X, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<GF2EX, long> >(Pair<GF2EX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<GF2EX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<zz_pX, long> >(Pair<zz_pX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<zz_pX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<zz_pEX, long> >(Pair<zz_pEX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<zz_pEX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<ZZ_pX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZ_pX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<ZZ_pEX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pEX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZ_pEX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Pair<ZZX, long> >(Pair<ZZX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZX, long>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Vec<zz_p> >(Vec<zz_p>* p, long n, const Vec<zz_p>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<Vec<zz_pE> >(Vec<zz_pE>* p, long n, const Vec<zz_pE>* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<zz_p>(zz_p* p, long n, const zz_p* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<zz_pE>(zz_pE* p, long n, const zz_pE* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromVec<zz_pEX>(zz_pEX* p, long n, const zz_pEX* q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<GF2X, long> >(Pair<GF2X, long>* p, long n, const Pair<GF2X, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<GF2EX, long> >(Pair<GF2EX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<GF2EX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<zz_pX, long> >(Pair<zz_pX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<zz_pX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<zz_pEX, long> >(Pair<zz_pEX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<zz_pEX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<ZZ_pX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZ_pX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<ZZ_pEX, long> >(Pair<ZZ_pEX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZ_pEX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Pair<ZZX, long> >(Pair<ZZX, long>* p, long n, const Pair<ZZX, long>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Vec<zz_p> >(Vec<zz_p>* p, long n, const Vec<zz_p>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<Vec<zz_pE> >(Vec<zz_pE>* p, long n, const Vec<zz_pE>& q);
++template void BlockConstructFromObj<zz_pEX>(zz_pEX* p, long n, const zz_pEX& q);
++template SmartPtr<GF2EInfoT> MakeSmart<GF2EInfoT, GF2X>(const GF2X &ptr);
++template SmartPtr<zz_pEInfoT> MakeSmart<zz_pEInfoT, zz_pX>(const zz_pX &ptr);
++template SmartPtr<ZZ_pInfoT> MakeSmart<ZZ_pInfoT, ZZ>(const ZZ &ptr);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // NAME: convertFacCF2NTLZZpX                                                 //
+ //                                                                            //
+@@ -511,7 +568,7 @@
+   }
+   else
+   {
+-    long sizeofrep= ((long *) a.rep) [1];
++    long sizeofrep= ((long *) &a) [1];
+     bool lessZero= false;
+     if (sizeofrep < 0)
+     {
+@@ -529,7 +586,7 @@
+       cf_stringtemp_l= sizeofrep*sizeof(mp_limb_t)*2;
+       cf_stringtemp= (unsigned char*) Alloc (cf_stringtemp_l);
+     }
+-    int cc= mpn_get_str (cf_stringtemp, 16, (mp_limb_t *) (((long *) (a.rep)) + 2), sizeofrep);
++    int cc= mpn_get_str (cf_stringtemp, 16, (mp_limb_t *) (((long *) &a) + 2), sizeofrep);
+     char* cf_stringtemp2;
+     if (lessZero)

Copied: singular/repos/community-staging-x86_64/templates.patch (from rev 134864, singular/trunk/templates.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/templates.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/templates.patch	2015-06-05 17:20:50 UTC (rev 134865)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+diff -druN latest.orig/factory/GNUmakefile.in latest/factory/GNUmakefile.in
+--- latest.orig/factory/GNUmakefile.in	2014-08-06 08:59:15.000000000 -0700
++++ latest/factory/GNUmakefile.in	2014-10-20 04:21:24.914606325 -0700
+@@ -98,11 +98,13 @@
+ # flags to translate library c++ files
+-LIBCXXFLAGS =	$(WARNFLAGS) -fno-implicit-templates \
++#LIBCXXFLAGS =	$(WARNFLAGS) -fno-implicit-templates
+ 		-I. -I.. -I$(srcdir) -I${prefix} -I$(includedir) \
+-LIBCGGFLAGS =	$(WARNFLAGS) -fno-implicit-templates \
++#LIBCGGFLAGS =	$(WARNFLAGS) -fno-implicit-templates
+ 		-I. -I.. -I$(srcdir) -I${prefix} -I$(includedir) \

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