[arch-commits] Commit in pantheon-terminal/trunk (pantheon-terminal-vte2.91.patch)

Maxime Gauduin alucryd at archlinux.org
Thu Jun 18 10:45:05 UTC 2015

    Date: Thursday, June 18, 2015 @ 12:45:05
  Author: alucryd
Revision: 135560

upgpkg: pantheon-terminal


 pantheon-terminal-vte2.91.patch |  145 --------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 145 deletions(-)

Deleted: pantheon-terminal-vte2.91.patch
--- pantheon-terminal-vte2.91.patch	2015-06-18 10:44:08 UTC (rev 135559)
+++ pantheon-terminal-vte2.91.patch	2015-06-18 10:45:05 UTC (rev 135560)
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-diff -rupN pantheon-terminal- pantheon-terminal-
---- pantheon-terminal-	2014-09-30 22:39:03.398514500 +0200
-+++ pantheon-terminal-	2014-09-30 22:39:26.076941700 +0200
-@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ pkg_check_modules (DEPS REQUIRED
-   gthread-2.0
-   gtk+-3.0>=3.9.10
-   granite>=0.3.0
--  vte-2.90
-+  vte-2.91
-   libnotify
-   gdk-3.0)
-@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ vala_precompile (VALA_C
-     src/ForegroundProcessDialog.vala
-     src/Constants.vala
--    vte-2.90
-+    vte-2.91
-     granite
-     gtk+-3.0
-     libnotify
-diff -rupN pantheon-terminal- pantheon-terminal-
---- pantheon-terminal-	2014-09-30 22:39:03.426457100 +0200
-+++ pantheon-terminal-	2014-09-30 22:39:26.077945600 +0200
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace PantheonTerminal {
-         public string foreground { get; set; }
-         public string background { get; set; }
-         public string cursor_color { get; set; }
--        public Vte.TerminalCursorShape cursor_shape { get; set; }
-+        public Vte.CursorShape cursor_shape { get; set; }
-         public string palette { get; set; }
-         public string shell { get; set; }
-@@ -77,4 +77,4 @@ namespace PantheonTerminal {
-             base ("org.pantheon.terminal.settings");
-         }
-     }
-\ No newline at end of file
-diff -rupN pantheon-terminal- pantheon-terminal-
---- pantheon-terminal-	2014-09-30 22:39:03.427111000 +0200
-+++ pantheon-terminal-	2014-09-30 22:40:09.512353200 +0200
-@@ -89,9 +89,6 @@ namespace PantheonTerminal {
-         public TerminalWidget (PantheonTerminalWindow parent_window) {
--            /* Sets characters that define word for double click selection */
--            set_word_chars ("-A-Za-z0-9/.,_~#%?:=+@");
-             restore_settings ();
-             settings.changed.connect (restore_settings);
-@@ -162,14 +159,13 @@ namespace PantheonTerminal {
-         public void restore_settings () {
-             /* Load configuration */
-             int opacity = settings.opacity * 65535;
--            set_background_image (null);
-             set_opacity ((uint16) (opacity / 100));
--            Gdk.Color background_color;
--            Gdk.Color.parse (settings.background, out background_color);
-+            Gdk.RGBA background_color = Gdk.RGBA ();
-+            background_color.parse (settings.background);
--            Gdk.Color foreground_color;
--            Gdk.Color.parse (settings.foreground, out foreground_color);
-+            Gdk.RGBA foreground_color = Gdk.RGBA ();
-+            foreground_color.parse (settings.foreground);
-             string[] hex_palette = {"#000000", "#FF6C60", "#A8FF60", "#FFFFCC", "#96CBFE",
-                                     "#FF73FE", "#C6C5FE", "#EEEEEE", "#000000", "#FF6C60",
-@@ -188,19 +184,19 @@ namespace PantheonTerminal {
-                 }
-             }
--            Gdk.Color[] palette = new Gdk.Color[16];
-+            Gdk.RGBA[] palette = new Gdk.RGBA[16];
-             for (int i = 0; i < hex_palette.length; i++) {
--                Gdk.Color new_color;
--                Gdk.Color.parse (hex_palette[i], out new_color);
-+                Gdk.RGBA new_color= Gdk.RGBA();
-+                new_color.parse (hex_palette[i]);
-                 palette[i] = new_color;
-             }
-             set_colors (foreground_color, background_color, palette);
--            Gdk.Color cursor_color;
--            Gdk.Color.parse (settings.cursor_color, out cursor_color);
-+            Gdk.RGBA cursor_color = Gdk.RGBA ();
-+            cursor_color.parse (settings.cursor_color);
-             set_color_cursor (cursor_color);
-             /* Bold font */
-@@ -241,11 +237,11 @@ namespace PantheonTerminal {
-         public void active_shell (string dir = GLib.Environment.get_current_dir ()) {
-             try {
-                 if (settings.shell == "")
--                    this.fork_command_full (Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, dir, { Vte.get_user_shell () },
--                                            null, SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null, out this.child_pid);
-+                    this.spawn_sync (Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, dir, { Vte.get_user_shell () },
-+                                     null, SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null, out this.child_pid, null);
-                 else
--                    this.fork_command_full (Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, dir, { settings.shell }, null,
--                                            SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null, out this.child_pid);
-+                    this.spawn_sync (Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, dir, { settings.shell }, null,
-+                                     SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null, out this.child_pid, null);
-             } catch (Error e) {
-                 warning (e.message);
-             }
-@@ -257,11 +253,11 @@ namespace PantheonTerminal {
-             try {
-                 if (program_with_args != null)
--                    this.fork_command_full (Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, dir, program_with_args,
--                                            null, SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null, out this.child_pid);
-+                    this.spawn_sync (Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, dir, program_with_args,
-+                                     null, SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null, out this.child_pid, null);
-                 else
--                    this.fork_command_full (Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, dir, ("bash -c " + program).split (" "),
--                                            null, SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null, out this.child_pid);
-+                    this.spawn_sync (Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, dir, ("bash -c " + program).split (" "),
-+                                     null, SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, null, out this.child_pid, null);
-             } catch (Error e) {
-                 warning (e.message);
-             }
-@@ -273,7 +269,7 @@ namespace PantheonTerminal {
-                 return false;
-             }
--            int pty = this.pty_object.fd;
-+            int pty = this.get_pty().fd;
-             int fgpid = Posix.tcgetpgrp (pty);
-             if (fgpid != this.child_pid && fgpid != -1) {
-@@ -410,4 +406,4 @@ namespace PantheonTerminal {
-             }
-         }
-     }
-\ No newline at end of file

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