[arch-commits] Commit in cairo-dock-plugins/trunk (2 files)

Maxime Gauduin alucryd at archlinux.org
Thu Mar 12 09:22:27 UTC 2015

    Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015 @ 10:22:27
  Author: alucryd
Revision: 129097

upgpkg: cairo-dock-plugins 3.4.1-1


 PKGBUILD                      |   33 ++++++------
 cairo-dock-plugins-mono.patch |  106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2015-03-12 08:16:34 UTC (rev 129096)
+++ PKGBUILD	2015-03-12 09:22:27 UTC (rev 129097)
@@ -6,18 +6,19 @@
 # Contributor: snoopy33 <snoopy33 at no-log.org>
 pkgdesc='Plugins for Cairo-Dock'
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-makedepends=('alsa-lib' 'cmake' 'fftw' 'gnome-menus' 'gtk-sharp-2' 'gvfs'
-             'libetpan' 'libexif' 'libical' 'libpulse' 'libxklavier'
-             'libzeitgeist' 'lm_sensors' 'ndesk-dbus-glib' 'python' 'python2'
-             'ruby' 'vala' 'vte3' 'webkitgtk3')
+makedepends=('alsa-lib' 'cmake' 'dbus-sharp-glib' 'fftw' 'gnome-menus'
+             'gtk-sharp-2' 'gvfs' 'libetpan' 'libexif' 'libical' 'libpulse'
+             'libxklavier' 'libzeitgeist' 'lm_sensors' 'python' 'python2'
+             'ruby' 'vala' 'vte3' 'webkitgtk')
 optdepends=('alsa-lib: Sound Control, Sound Effects applets'
+            'dbus-sharp-glib: Mono API'
             'fftw: Impulse applet'
             'gnome-menus: Applications Menu applet'
             'gtk-sharp-2: Mono API'
@@ -29,24 +30,24 @@
             'libxklavier: Keyboard Indicator applet'
             'libzeitgeist: Recent Events applet'
             'lm_sensors: System Monitor applet'
-            'ndesk-dbus-glib: Mono API'
             'python: Python 3 API'
             'python2: Python 2 API'
             'ruby: Ruby API'
             'vte3: Terminal applet'
             'webkitgtk3: Weblets applet')
+        'cairo-dock-plugins-mono.patch')
+            'b3e4d5384f2293d2f9ac05440350ba076a8db40b2b7628811af2cb102171c10a')
 prepare() {
-  cd cairo-dock-plugins-${pkgver}
+  cd cairo-dock-plug-ins-${pkgver}
-  sed 's/vte-2.90/vte-2.91/' -i CMakeLists.txt
-  sed 's/(2,91,0)/(0,38,1)/g' -i terminal/src/terminal-widget.c
+  patch -Np1 -i ../cairo-dock-plugins-mono.patch
 build() {
-  cd cairo-dock-plugins-${pkgver}
+  cd cairo-dock-plug-ins-${pkgver}
   if [[ -d build ]]; then
     rm -rf build
@@ -53,12 +54,14 @@
   mkdir build && cd build
-  cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='/usr'
+  cmake .. \
+    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE='Release' \
 package() {
-  cd cairo-dock-plugins-${pkgver}/build
+  cd cairo-dock-plug-ins-${pkgver}/build
   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install

Added: cairo-dock-plugins-mono.patch
--- cairo-dock-plugins-mono.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ cairo-dock-plugins-mono.patch	2015-03-12 09:22:27 UTC (rev 129097)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+diff -rupN cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/CMakeLists.txt cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/CMakeLists.txt
+--- cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/CMakeLists.txt	2015-03-12 09:43:57.171067365 +0100
++++ cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/CMakeLists.txt	2015-03-12 09:46:20.717120675 +0100
+@@ -573,11 +573,11 @@ if (enable-mono-interface)
+ 		message (STATUS "Could not find Mono compiler gmcs, won't build Mono interface.")
+ 	else()
+-		pkg_check_modules (MONO_PACKAGE glib-sharp-2.0 ndesk-dbus-1.0 ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0)
++		pkg_check_modules (MONO_PACKAGE dbus-sharp-2.0 dbus-sharp-glib-2.0 glib-sharp-2.0)
+-			message (STATUS "Could not find glib-sharp-2.0, ndesk-dbus-1.0 or ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0; won't be built Mono interface.")
+-			message (WARNING "These modules are required to compile DBus applet with Mono interface: glib-sharp-2.0, ndesk-dbus-1.0 and ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0")
+-			set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} glib-sharp-2.0 ndesk-dbus-1.0 ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0")
++			message (STATUS "Could not find dbus-sharp-2.0, dbus-sharp-glib-2.0 or glib-sharp-2.0; won't be built Mono interface.")
++			message (WARNING "These modules are required to compile DBus applet with Mono interface: dbus-sharp-2.0, dbus-sharp-glib-2.0 and glib-sharp-2.0")
++			set (MODULES_MISSING "${MODULES_MISSING} dbus-sharp-2.0 dbus-sharp-glib-2.0 glib-sharp-2.0")
+ 		else()
+ 			set (MONO_FOUND TRUE)
+ 			set (with_mono yes)
+diff -rupN cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/Dbus/interfaces/mono/CDApplet.cs cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/Dbus/interfaces/mono/CDApplet.cs
+--- cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/Dbus/interfaces/mono/CDApplet.cs	2015-03-12 09:52:56.491934965 +0100
++++ cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/Dbus/interfaces/mono/CDApplet.cs	2015-03-12 09:56:50.191652099 +0100
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ // Make your own class derive from a CDApplet, and override the functions you need (the ones which don't start with an underscore).
+ // Compile it with the following command, then rename 'demo_mono.exe' to 'demo_mono'.
+-// gmcs /target:library CDApplet.cs ISubApplet.cs IApplet.cs -pkg:glib-sharp-2.0 -pkg:ndesk-dbus-1.0 -pkg:ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0
++// gmcs /target:library CDApplet.cs ISubApplet.cs IApplet.cs -pkg:dbus-sharp-2.0 -pkg:dbus-sharp-glib-2.0 -pkg:glib-sharp-2.0
+   //////////////////////////
+  ////// dependancies //////
+ //////////////////////////
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ using System;  // Environment
+ using System.IO;  // Path, Directory
+ using System.Reflection;
+ using GLib;
+-using NDesk.DBus;
++using DBus;
+ using CairoDock.Applet;
+ //namespace CairoDock.Applet
+@@ -258,8 +258,8 @@ public class CDApplet
+ 	private void _connect_to_dock ()
+ 	{
+-		NDesk.DBus.BusG.Init();
+-		NDesk.DBus.Bus bus = NDesk.DBus.Bus.Session;
++		DBus.BusG.Init();
++		DBus.Bus bus = DBus.Bus.Session;
+ 		this.icon = bus.GetObject<IApplet> ("org.cairodock.CairoDock", new ObjectPath (this.cBusPath));
+ 		this.icon.on_click 			+= new OnClickEvent (on_click);
+ 		this.icon.on_middle_click 	+= new OnMiddleClickEvent (on_middle_click);
+diff -rupN cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/Dbus/interfaces/mono/CMakeLists.txt cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/Dbus/interfaces/mono/CMakeLists.txt
+--- cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/Dbus/interfaces/mono/CMakeLists.txt	2015-03-12 09:52:56.491934965 +0100
++++ cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/Dbus/interfaces/mono/CMakeLists.txt	2015-03-12 09:54:07.418777441 +0100
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ execute_process(COMMAND ${GMCS_EXECUTABLE}
+ 	-target:library
+-	-pkg:glib-sharp-2.0 -pkg:ndesk-dbus-1.0 -pkg:ndesk-dbus-glib-1.0
++	-pkg:dbus-sharp-2.0 -pkg:dbus-sharp-glib-2.0 -pkg:glib-sharp-2.0
+ 	-out:${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CDApplet.dll
+ ### find how to register to GAC ...
+diff -rupN cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/Dbus/demos/demo_mono/demo_mono.cs cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/Dbus/demos/demo_mono/demo_mono.cs
+--- cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/Dbus/demos/demo_mono/demo_mono.cs	2015-03-12 09:59:41.064312097 +0100
++++ cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/Dbus/demos/demo_mono/demo_mono.cs	2015-03-12 10:02:39.473424651 +0100
+@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public class Applet : CDApplet
+ 	public override void on_build_menu ()
+ 	{
+ 		Console.WriteLine("*** build menu");
+-		/// Warning : teh AddMenuItems fails with NDesk-DBus 0.6.0; until this is fixed, use the PopulateMenu method.
++		/// Warning : the AddMenuItems fails with DBus Sharp 0.6.0; until this is fixed, use the PopulateMenu method.
+ 		/**Dictionary<string, object>[] pItems = new Dictionary<string, object>[] {
+ 			new Dictionary<string, object>()
+ 			{
+diff -rupN cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/Dbus/interfaces/mono/IApplet.cs cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/Dbus/interfaces/mono/IApplet.cs
+--- cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/Dbus/interfaces/mono/IApplet.cs	2015-03-12 09:59:41.067645289 +0100
++++ cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/Dbus/interfaces/mono/IApplet.cs	2015-03-12 10:00:35.395334804 +0100
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ using System;
+ using System.Collections.Generic;  // Dictionnary
+-using NDesk.DBus;
++using DBus;
+ namespace CairoDock.Applet
+ {
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace CairoDock.Applet
+ 		Left
+ 	}
+-	[NDesk.DBus.Interface("org.cairodock.CairoDock.applet")]
++	[DBus.Interface("org.cairodock.CairoDock.applet")]
+ 	public interface IApplet
+ 	{
+ 		object Get(string cProperty);
+diff -rupN cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/Dbus/interfaces/mono/ISubApplet.cs cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/Dbus/interfaces/mono/ISubApplet.cs
+--- cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1.orig/Dbus/interfaces/mono/ISubApplet.cs	2015-03-12 09:59:41.067645289 +0100
++++ cairo-dock-plug-ins-3.4.1/Dbus/interfaces/mono/ISubApplet.cs	2015-03-12 10:00:16.522802989 +0100
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ using System;
+ using System.Collections.Generic;  // Dictionnary
+-using NDesk.DBus;
++using DBus;
+ namespace CairoDock.Applet
+ {

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