[arch-commits] Commit in opensips/trunk (PKGBUILD remove-inline.patch)

Sergej Pupykin spupykin at archlinux.org
Mon May 25 15:26:21 UTC 2015

    Date: Monday, May 25, 2015 @ 17:26:21
  Author: spupykin
Revision: 134063

upgpkg: opensips 2.1.0-2



 PKGBUILD            |    2 
 remove-inline.patch |  157 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2015-05-25 15:04:34 UTC (rev 134062)
+++ PKGBUILD	2015-05-25 15:26:21 UTC (rev 134063)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 depends=('gcc-libs' 'openssl' 'db' 'attr' 'libxml2')
 makedepends=('postgresql-libs>=8.4.1' 'unixodbc' 'libldap>=2.4.18' 'libmariadbclient'
-	     'lynx' 'libxslt')
+	     'lynx' 'libxslt' 'libmicrohttpd')

Added: remove-inline.patch
--- remove-inline.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ remove-inline.patch	2015-05-25 15:26:21 UTC (rev 134063)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+diff -wbBur opensips-2.1.0/db/db_insertq.c opensips-2.1.0.my/db/db_insertq.c
+--- opensips-2.1.0/db/db_insertq.c	2015-04-22 11:20:03.000000000 +0300
++++ opensips-2.1.0.my/db/db_insertq.c	2015-05-25 16:57:42.010460560 +0300
+@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@
+ }
+ /* clean shm memory used by the rows */
+-inline void cleanup_rows(db_val_t **rows)
++void cleanup_rows(db_val_t **rows)
+ {
+ 	int i;
+diff -wbBur opensips-2.1.0/db/db_insertq.h opensips-2.1.0.my/db/db_insertq.h
+--- opensips-2.1.0/db/db_insertq.h	2015-04-22 11:20:03.000000000 +0300
++++ opensips-2.1.0.my/db/db_insertq.h	2015-05-25 16:57:34.480593553 +0300
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
+ 		lock_release((entry)->lock); \
+ 	} while (0)
+-inline void cleanup_rows(db_val_t **rows);
++void cleanup_rows(db_val_t **rows);
+ void handle_ql_shutdown(void);
+ #endif
+diff -wbBur opensips-2.1.0/dprint.c opensips-2.1.0.my/dprint.c
+--- opensips-2.1.0/dprint.c	2015-04-22 11:20:03.000000000 +0300
++++ opensips-2.1.0.my/dprint.c	2015-05-25 16:57:11.490999596 +0300
+@@ -119,18 +119,18 @@
+ }
+ /* change the actual log level of the current process */
+-inline void set_proc_debug_level(int level)
++void set_proc_debug_level(int level)
+ {
+ 	__set_proc_debug_level(process_no, level);
+ }
+ /* change the actual log level of a given process */
+-inline void __set_proc_debug_level(int proc_idx, int level)
++void __set_proc_debug_level(int proc_idx, int level)
+ {
+ 	pt[proc_idx].debug = level;
+ }
+-inline void set_global_debug_level(int level)
++void set_global_debug_level(int level)
+ {
+ 	int i;
+@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
+ 	}
+ }
+-inline void reset_proc_debug_level(void)
++void reset_proc_debug_level(void)
+ {
+ 	*debug = *default_debug;
+ }
+diff -wbBur opensips-2.1.0/dprint.h opensips-2.1.0.my/dprint.h
+--- opensips-2.1.0/dprint.h	2015-04-22 11:20:03.000000000 +0300
++++ opensips-2.1.0.my/dprint.h	2015-05-25 16:57:21.624153957 +0300
+@@ -117,21 +117,21 @@
+ int str2facility(char *s);
+ /* set the current and default log levels for all OpenSIPS processes */
+-inline void set_global_debug_level(int level);
++void set_global_debug_level(int level);
+ /* set the log level of the current process */
+-inline void set_proc_debug_level(int level);
++void set_proc_debug_level(int level);
+ /*
+  * set the (default) log level of a given process
+  *
+  * Note: the index param is not validated!
+  */
+-inline void __set_proc_debug_level(int proc_idx, int level);
+-inline void __set_proc_default_debug(int proc_idx, int level);
++void __set_proc_debug_level(int proc_idx, int level);
++void __set_proc_default_debug(int proc_idx, int level);
+ /* changes the logging level to the default value for the current process */
+-inline void reset_proc_debug_level(void);
++void reset_proc_debug_level(void);
+ inline static char* dp_time(void)
+ {
+diff -wbBur opensips-2.1.0/mem/mem.c opensips-2.1.0.my/mem/mem.c
+--- opensips-2.1.0/mem/mem.c	2015-04-22 11:20:03.000000000 +0300
++++ opensips-2.1.0.my/mem/mem.c	2015-05-25 16:55:03.996584777 +0300
+@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
+ 	event_pkg_pending = 0;
+ }
+-inline void pkg_threshold_check(void)
++void pkg_threshold_check(void)
+ {
+ 	long pkg_perc, used, size;
+diff -wbBur opensips-2.1.0/mem/meminfo.h opensips-2.1.0.my/mem/meminfo.h
+--- opensips-2.1.0/mem/meminfo.h	2015-04-22 11:20:03.000000000 +0300
++++ opensips-2.1.0.my/mem/meminfo.h	2015-05-25 16:54:49.196846178 +0300
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
+ // threshold percentage checked
+ extern long event_pkg_threshold;
+ // events are used only if STATISTICS are used
+-inline void pkg_threshold_check(void);
++void pkg_threshold_check(void);
+ #else
+  #define pkg_threshold_check()
+ #endif /* STATISTICS */
+diff -wbBur opensips-2.1.0/resolve.c opensips-2.1.0.my/resolve.c
+--- opensips-2.1.0/resolve.c	2015-04-22 11:20:03.000000000 +0300
++++ opensips-2.1.0.my/resolve.c	2015-05-25 16:54:37.070393698 +0300
+@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
+ 	return &global_he;
+ }
+-inline struct hostent* resolvehost(char* name, int no_ip_test)
++struct hostent* resolvehost(char* name, int no_ip_test)
+ {
+ 	static struct hostent* he=0;
+@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
+ }
+-inline struct hostent* rev_resolvehost(struct ip_addr *ip)
++struct hostent* rev_resolvehost(struct ip_addr *ip)
+ {
+ 	if (dnscache_fetch_func != NULL) {
+ 		return own_gethostbyaddr((char*)(ip)->u.addr, (ip)->len, (ip)->af);
+diff -wbBur opensips-2.1.0/socket_info.c opensips-2.1.0.my/socket_info.c
+--- opensips-2.1.0/socket_info.c	2015-04-22 11:20:03.000000000 +0300
++++ opensips-2.1.0.my/socket_info.c	2015-05-25 16:57:57.863513899 +0300
+@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
+ /* another helper function, it just creates a socket_info struct */
+-inline struct socket_info* new_sock_info(	char* name,
++struct socket_info* new_sock_info(	char* name,
+ 								unsigned short port, unsigned short proto,
+ 								char *adv_name, unsigned short adv_port,
+ 								unsigned short children,enum si_flags flags)
+diff -wbBur opensips-2.1.0/socket_info.h opensips-2.1.0.my/socket_info.h
+--- opensips-2.1.0/socket_info.h	2015-05-07 17:13:54.000000000 +0300
++++ opensips-2.1.0.my/socket_info.h	2015-05-25 16:57:54.256910931 +0300
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+ int add_listen_iface(char* name, unsigned short port, unsigned short proto,
+ 							char *adv_name, unsigned short adv_port,
+ 							unsigned short children, enum si_flags flags);
+-inline struct socket_info *
++struct socket_info *
+ new_sock_info(char* name, unsigned short port, unsigned short proto,
+ 							char *adv_name, unsigned short adv_port,
+ 							unsigned short children, enum si_flags flags);

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