[arch-commits] Commit in python-openbabel/repos (8 files)

Felix Yan fyan at archlinux.org
Sun Sep 20 09:56:05 UTC 2015

    Date: Sunday, September 20, 2015 @ 11:56:05
  Author: fyan
Revision: 141221

archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-x86_64, community-staging-i686

    (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/openbabel-gcc5.patch)
    (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/openbabel-swig3.patch)
    (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/openbabel-gcc5.patch)
    (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/openbabel-swig3.patch)

 community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD                |   66 +++++++
 community-staging-i686/openbabel-gcc5.patch    |   12 +
 community-staging-i686/openbabel-swig3.patch   |  199 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD              |   66 +++++++
 community-staging-x86_64/openbabel-gcc5.patch  |   12 +
 community-staging-x86_64/openbabel-swig3.patch |  199 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 554 insertions(+)

Copied: python-openbabel/repos/community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD	2015-09-20 09:56:05 UTC (rev 141221)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Alexander Rødseth <rodseth at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Michal Bozon <bozonm at vscht.cz>
+pkgname=('python-openbabel' 'python2-openbabel')
+pkgdesc='Python bindings for the openbabel library'
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
+depends=('gcc-libs' "openbabel=${pkgver}" 'eigen2')
+makedepends=('swig' 'cmake' 'python-setuptools' 'python2-setuptools')
+        openbabel-gcc5.patch
+        openbabel-swig3.patch)
+            '0b022f4adeb16c8531e13871f6c6d256c8939defb5be0fe32d0a28711f2d933e'
+            '6c8fb33199d4b4fa03128278110275502266b915ca9c43ef0dc87f24a0cadf06')
+prepare() {
+  patch -d openbabel-$pkgver -Np1 < openbabel-gcc5.patch
+  patch -d openbabel-$pkgver -Np1 < openbabel-swig3.patch
+  cp -r openbabel-$pkgver python2-openbabel-$pkgver
+build() {
+  cd "$srcdir/openbabel-$pkgver"
+  # Create babelconfig.h
+  cmake .
+  # Regenerate interface with the patched swig 2.0.2
+  cd scripts
+  swig -O -I../include/ -python -py3 -c++  openbabel-python.i
+  mv openbabel-python_wrap.cxx python/openbabel-python.cpp
+  mv openbabel.py python/
+  cd python
+  sed -i '19i os.path.join("/usr/include/openbabel-2.0"),' setup.py
+  sed -i '20i os.path.join("/usr/include/eigen2"),' setup.py
+  cd $srcdir/python2-openbabel-$pkgver/scripts/python
+  sed -i '19i os.path.join("/usr/include/openbabel-2.0"),' setup.py
+  sed -i '20i os.path.join("/usr/include/eigen2"),' setup.py
+package_python-openbabel() {
+  depends+=('python')
+  cd "$srcdir/openbabel-$pkgver/scripts/python"
+  python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1
+package_python2-openbabel() {
+  depends+=('python2')
+  cd "$srcdir/python2-openbabel-$pkgver/scripts/python"
+  python2 setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: python-openbabel/repos/community-staging-i686/openbabel-gcc5.patch (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/openbabel-gcc5.patch)
--- community-staging-i686/openbabel-gcc5.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/openbabel-gcc5.patch	2015-09-20 09:56:05 UTC (rev 141221)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -upr openbabel-2.3.2.orig/include/openbabel/shared_ptr.h openbabel-2.3.2/include/openbabel/shared_ptr.h
+--- openbabel-2.3.2.orig/include/openbabel/shared_ptr.h	2011-10-12 23:24:02.000000000 +0300
++++ openbabel-2.3.2/include/openbabel/shared_ptr.h	2015-06-26 08:00:31.909272930 +0300
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ GNU General Public License for more deta
+   #define shared_ptr boost::shared_ptr
+ #else
+   #include <memory>
+-  #if __GNUC__ == 4  //&& __GNUC_MINOR__ < 3  removed at the suggestion of Konstantin Tokarev
++  #if __GNUC__ >= 4  //&& __GNUC_MINOR__ < 3  removed at the suggestion of Konstantin Tokarev
+     #include <tr1/memory>
+   #endif
+   using std::tr1::shared_ptr;

Copied: python-openbabel/repos/community-staging-i686/openbabel-swig3.patch (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/openbabel-swig3.patch)
--- community-staging-i686/openbabel-swig3.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/openbabel-swig3.patch	2015-09-20 09:56:05 UTC (rev 141221)
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+From 673dd2e864ba8a51e83d20cbdcabf3772f9df9d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Hall <david at acpharis.com>
+Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 08:50:23 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] Swig3 patch from Fedora
+ scripts/openbabel-perl.i   | 20 ++++++++++----------
+ scripts/openbabel-python.i | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ scripts/openbabel-ruby.i   | 18 +++++++++---------
+ 3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/scripts/openbabel-perl.i b/scripts/openbabel-perl.i
+index f3b35ed..4047859 100644
+--- a/scripts/openbabel-perl.i
++++ b/scripts/openbabel-perl.i
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ CAST_GENERICDATA_TO(VirtualBond)
+ %import <openbabel/math/spacegroup.h>
+-# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
++%# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBBase::SetData;
+ %rename(_local) OpenBabel::local;
+ %include <openbabel/base.h>
+@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ namespace std { class stringbuf {}; }
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::DiverseConfGen;
+ #endif
+-# Ignore shadowed methods
++%# Ignore shadowed methods
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorSubtract(const double *const, const double *const, double *);
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorMultiply(const double *const, const double, double *);
+ %include <openbabel/forcefield.h>
+@@ -234,20 +234,20 @@ namespace std { class stringbuf {}; }
+ %warnfilter(503) OpenBabel::OBBitVec; // Not wrapping any of the overloaded operators
+ %include <openbabel/bitvec.h>
+-# Ignore shadowed method
++%# Ignore shadowed method
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBRotor::GetRotAtoms() const;
+ %warnfilter(314); // 'next' is a Perl keyword
+ %include <openbabel/rotor.h>
+ %ignore OpenBabel::Swab;
+ %include <openbabel/rotamer.h>
+-# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
+-# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
+-# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
+-# the shadowing class.
+-# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
+-# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
+-# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
++%# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
++%# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
++%# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
++%# the shadowing class.
++%# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
++%# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
++%# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
+ %ignore OBAtomAtomIter(OBAtom &);
+ %ignore OBAtomBondIter(OBAtom &);
+diff --git a/scripts/openbabel-python.i b/scripts/openbabel-python.i
+index dd1d263..90741f6 100644
+--- a/scripts/openbabel-python.i
++++ b/scripts/openbabel-python.i
+@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ CAST_GENERICDATA_TO(SquarePlanarStereo)
+ %include <openbabel/math/transform3d.h>
+ %include <openbabel/math/spacegroup.h>
+-# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
++%# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBBase::SetData;
+ %include <openbabel/base.h>
+@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ OBMol.BeginResidues = OBMol.EndResidues = OBMol.BeginResidue = OBMol.EndResidue
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBDescriptor::LessThan;
+ %include <openbabel/descriptor.h>
+-# Ignore shadowed methods
++%# Ignore shadowed methods
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorSubtract(const double *const, const double *const, double *);
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorMultiply(const double *const, const double, double *);
+ %include <openbabel/forcefield.h>
+@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ OBMol.BeginResidues = OBMol.EndResidues = OBMol.BeginResidue = OBMol.EndResidue
+ %warnfilter(503) OpenBabel::OBBitVec; // Not wrapping any of the overloaded operators
+ %include <openbabel/bitvec.h>
+-# Ignore shadowed method
++%# Ignore shadowed method
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBRotor::GetRotAtoms() const;
+ %include <openbabel/rotor.h>
+ %ignore OpenBabel::Swab;
+@@ -323,13 +323,13 @@ OBMol.BeginResidues = OBMol.EndResidues = OBMol.BeginResidue = OBMol.EndResidue
+ %include <openbabel/math/align.h>
+ #endif
+-# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
+-# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
+-# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
+-# the shadowing class.
+-# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
+-# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
+-# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
++%# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
++%# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
++%# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
++%# the shadowing class.
++%# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
++%# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
++%# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
+ %ignore OBAtomAtomIter(OBAtom &);
+ %ignore OBAtomBondIter(OBAtom &);
+@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ OBMol.BeginResidues = OBMol.EndResidues = OBMol.BeginResidue = OBMol.EndResidue
+ %ignore OBResidueIter(OBMol &);
+ %ignore OBResidueAtomIter(OBResidue &);
+-# These classes are renamed so that they can be replaced by Python
+-# classes of the same name which provide Pythonic iterators
+-# (see %pythoncode section below)
++%# These classes are renamed so that they can be replaced by Python
++%# classes of the same name which provide Pythonic iterators
++%# (see %pythoncode section below)
+ %rename(_OBAtomAtomIter) OpenBabel::OBAtomAtomIter;
+ %rename(_OBAtomBondIter) OpenBabel::OBAtomBondIter;
+@@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ OBMol.BeginResidues = OBMol.EndResidues = OBMol.BeginResidue = OBMol.EndResidue
+ %include <openbabel/obiter.h>
+-# The following class, OBiter, is subclassed to provide Python iterators
+-# equivalent to the C++ iterators in obiter.h and the plugin iterators
++%# The following class, OBiter, is subclassed to provide Python iterators
++%# equivalent to the C++ iterators in obiter.h and the plugin iterators
+ %pythoncode %{
+ class OBIter(object):
+@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ def double_array(mylist):
+     return c
+ %}
+-# Copy some of the global variables in cvar into the openbabel namespace
++%# Copy some of the global variables in cvar into the openbabel namespace
+ %pythoncode %{
+ obErrorLog = cvar.obErrorLog
+@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ atomtyper = cvar.atomtyper
+ aromtyper = cvar.aromtyper
+ %}
+-# Functions to set the log file to std::cout and std::cerr
++%# Functions to set the log file to std::cout and std::cerr
+ %ignore OBForceField::SetLogFile(std::ostream *pos);
+ %extend OpenBabel::OBForceField {
+diff --git a/scripts/openbabel-ruby.i b/scripts/openbabel-ruby.i
+index c812383..40773d8 100644
+--- a/scripts/openbabel-ruby.i
++++ b/scripts/openbabel-ruby.i
+@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ CAST_GENERICDATA_TO(VirtualBond)
+ %import <openbabel/math/spacegroup.h>
+-# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
++%# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBBase::SetData;
+ %include <openbabel/base.h>
+ %include <openbabel/generic.h>
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ namespace std { class stringbuf {}; }
+ %include <openbabel/fingerprint.h>
+ %include <openbabel/descriptor.h>
+-# Ignore shadowed methods
++%# Ignore shadowed methods
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorSubtract(const double *const, const double *const, double *);
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorMultiply(const double *const, const double, double *);
+ #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
+@@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ namespace std { class stringbuf {}; }
+ %ignore OpenBabel::Swab;
+ %include <openbabel/rotamer.h>
+-# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
+-# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
+-# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
+-# the shadowing class.
+-# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
+-# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
+-# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
++%# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
++%# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
++%# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
++%# the shadowing class.
++%# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
++%# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
++%# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
+ %ignore OBAtomAtomIter(OBAtom &);
+ %ignore OBAtomBondIter(OBAtom &);

Copied: python-openbabel/repos/community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2015-09-20 09:56:05 UTC (rev 141221)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Alexander Rødseth <rodseth at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Michal Bozon <bozonm at vscht.cz>
+pkgname=('python-openbabel' 'python2-openbabel')
+pkgdesc='Python bindings for the openbabel library'
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
+depends=('gcc-libs' "openbabel=${pkgver}" 'eigen2')
+makedepends=('swig' 'cmake' 'python-setuptools' 'python2-setuptools')
+        openbabel-gcc5.patch
+        openbabel-swig3.patch)
+            '0b022f4adeb16c8531e13871f6c6d256c8939defb5be0fe32d0a28711f2d933e'
+            '6c8fb33199d4b4fa03128278110275502266b915ca9c43ef0dc87f24a0cadf06')
+prepare() {
+  patch -d openbabel-$pkgver -Np1 < openbabel-gcc5.patch
+  patch -d openbabel-$pkgver -Np1 < openbabel-swig3.patch
+  cp -r openbabel-$pkgver python2-openbabel-$pkgver
+build() {
+  cd "$srcdir/openbabel-$pkgver"
+  # Create babelconfig.h
+  cmake .
+  # Regenerate interface with the patched swig 2.0.2
+  cd scripts
+  swig -O -I../include/ -python -py3 -c++  openbabel-python.i
+  mv openbabel-python_wrap.cxx python/openbabel-python.cpp
+  mv openbabel.py python/
+  cd python
+  sed -i '19i os.path.join("/usr/include/openbabel-2.0"),' setup.py
+  sed -i '20i os.path.join("/usr/include/eigen2"),' setup.py
+  cd $srcdir/python2-openbabel-$pkgver/scripts/python
+  sed -i '19i os.path.join("/usr/include/openbabel-2.0"),' setup.py
+  sed -i '20i os.path.join("/usr/include/eigen2"),' setup.py
+package_python-openbabel() {
+  depends+=('python')
+  cd "$srcdir/openbabel-$pkgver/scripts/python"
+  python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1
+package_python2-openbabel() {
+  depends+=('python2')
+  cd "$srcdir/python2-openbabel-$pkgver/scripts/python"
+  python2 setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: python-openbabel/repos/community-staging-x86_64/openbabel-gcc5.patch (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/openbabel-gcc5.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/openbabel-gcc5.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/openbabel-gcc5.patch	2015-09-20 09:56:05 UTC (rev 141221)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -upr openbabel-2.3.2.orig/include/openbabel/shared_ptr.h openbabel-2.3.2/include/openbabel/shared_ptr.h
+--- openbabel-2.3.2.orig/include/openbabel/shared_ptr.h	2011-10-12 23:24:02.000000000 +0300
++++ openbabel-2.3.2/include/openbabel/shared_ptr.h	2015-06-26 08:00:31.909272930 +0300
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ GNU General Public License for more deta
+   #define shared_ptr boost::shared_ptr
+ #else
+   #include <memory>
+-  #if __GNUC__ == 4  //&& __GNUC_MINOR__ < 3  removed at the suggestion of Konstantin Tokarev
++  #if __GNUC__ >= 4  //&& __GNUC_MINOR__ < 3  removed at the suggestion of Konstantin Tokarev
+     #include <tr1/memory>
+   #endif
+   using std::tr1::shared_ptr;

Copied: python-openbabel/repos/community-staging-x86_64/openbabel-swig3.patch (from rev 141220, python-openbabel/trunk/openbabel-swig3.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/openbabel-swig3.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/openbabel-swig3.patch	2015-09-20 09:56:05 UTC (rev 141221)
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+From 673dd2e864ba8a51e83d20cbdcabf3772f9df9d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Hall <david at acpharis.com>
+Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 08:50:23 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] Swig3 patch from Fedora
+ scripts/openbabel-perl.i   | 20 ++++++++++----------
+ scripts/openbabel-python.i | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
+ scripts/openbabel-ruby.i   | 18 +++++++++---------
+ 3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/scripts/openbabel-perl.i b/scripts/openbabel-perl.i
+index f3b35ed..4047859 100644
+--- a/scripts/openbabel-perl.i
++++ b/scripts/openbabel-perl.i
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ CAST_GENERICDATA_TO(VirtualBond)
+ %import <openbabel/math/spacegroup.h>
+-# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
++%# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBBase::SetData;
+ %rename(_local) OpenBabel::local;
+ %include <openbabel/base.h>
+@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ namespace std { class stringbuf {}; }
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::DiverseConfGen;
+ #endif
+-# Ignore shadowed methods
++%# Ignore shadowed methods
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorSubtract(const double *const, const double *const, double *);
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorMultiply(const double *const, const double, double *);
+ %include <openbabel/forcefield.h>
+@@ -234,20 +234,20 @@ namespace std { class stringbuf {}; }
+ %warnfilter(503) OpenBabel::OBBitVec; // Not wrapping any of the overloaded operators
+ %include <openbabel/bitvec.h>
+-# Ignore shadowed method
++%# Ignore shadowed method
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBRotor::GetRotAtoms() const;
+ %warnfilter(314); // 'next' is a Perl keyword
+ %include <openbabel/rotor.h>
+ %ignore OpenBabel::Swab;
+ %include <openbabel/rotamer.h>
+-# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
+-# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
+-# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
+-# the shadowing class.
+-# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
+-# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
+-# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
++%# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
++%# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
++%# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
++%# the shadowing class.
++%# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
++%# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
++%# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
+ %ignore OBAtomAtomIter(OBAtom &);
+ %ignore OBAtomBondIter(OBAtom &);
+diff --git a/scripts/openbabel-python.i b/scripts/openbabel-python.i
+index dd1d263..90741f6 100644
+--- a/scripts/openbabel-python.i
++++ b/scripts/openbabel-python.i
+@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ CAST_GENERICDATA_TO(SquarePlanarStereo)
+ %include <openbabel/math/transform3d.h>
+ %include <openbabel/math/spacegroup.h>
+-# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
++%# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBBase::SetData;
+ %include <openbabel/base.h>
+@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ OBMol.BeginResidues = OBMol.EndResidues = OBMol.BeginResidue = OBMol.EndResidue
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBDescriptor::LessThan;
+ %include <openbabel/descriptor.h>
+-# Ignore shadowed methods
++%# Ignore shadowed methods
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorSubtract(const double *const, const double *const, double *);
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorMultiply(const double *const, const double, double *);
+ %include <openbabel/forcefield.h>
+@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ OBMol.BeginResidues = OBMol.EndResidues = OBMol.BeginResidue = OBMol.EndResidue
+ %warnfilter(503) OpenBabel::OBBitVec; // Not wrapping any of the overloaded operators
+ %include <openbabel/bitvec.h>
+-# Ignore shadowed method
++%# Ignore shadowed method
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBRotor::GetRotAtoms() const;
+ %include <openbabel/rotor.h>
+ %ignore OpenBabel::Swab;
+@@ -323,13 +323,13 @@ OBMol.BeginResidues = OBMol.EndResidues = OBMol.BeginResidue = OBMol.EndResidue
+ %include <openbabel/math/align.h>
+ #endif
+-# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
+-# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
+-# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
+-# the shadowing class.
+-# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
+-# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
+-# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
++%# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
++%# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
++%# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
++%# the shadowing class.
++%# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
++%# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
++%# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
+ %ignore OBAtomAtomIter(OBAtom &);
+ %ignore OBAtomBondIter(OBAtom &);
+@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ OBMol.BeginResidues = OBMol.EndResidues = OBMol.BeginResidue = OBMol.EndResidue
+ %ignore OBResidueIter(OBMol &);
+ %ignore OBResidueAtomIter(OBResidue &);
+-# These classes are renamed so that they can be replaced by Python
+-# classes of the same name which provide Pythonic iterators
+-# (see %pythoncode section below)
++%# These classes are renamed so that they can be replaced by Python
++%# classes of the same name which provide Pythonic iterators
++%# (see %pythoncode section below)
+ %rename(_OBAtomAtomIter) OpenBabel::OBAtomAtomIter;
+ %rename(_OBAtomBondIter) OpenBabel::OBAtomBondIter;
+@@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ OBMol.BeginResidues = OBMol.EndResidues = OBMol.BeginResidue = OBMol.EndResidue
+ %include <openbabel/obiter.h>
+-# The following class, OBiter, is subclassed to provide Python iterators
+-# equivalent to the C++ iterators in obiter.h and the plugin iterators
++%# The following class, OBiter, is subclassed to provide Python iterators
++%# equivalent to the C++ iterators in obiter.h and the plugin iterators
+ %pythoncode %{
+ class OBIter(object):
+@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ def double_array(mylist):
+     return c
+ %}
+-# Copy some of the global variables in cvar into the openbabel namespace
++%# Copy some of the global variables in cvar into the openbabel namespace
+ %pythoncode %{
+ obErrorLog = cvar.obErrorLog
+@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ atomtyper = cvar.atomtyper
+ aromtyper = cvar.aromtyper
+ %}
+-# Functions to set the log file to std::cout and std::cerr
++%# Functions to set the log file to std::cout and std::cerr
+ %ignore OBForceField::SetLogFile(std::ostream *pos);
+ %extend OpenBabel::OBForceField {
+diff --git a/scripts/openbabel-ruby.i b/scripts/openbabel-ruby.i
+index c812383..40773d8 100644
+--- a/scripts/openbabel-ruby.i
++++ b/scripts/openbabel-ruby.i
+@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ CAST_GENERICDATA_TO(VirtualBond)
+ %import <openbabel/math/spacegroup.h>
+-# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
++%# CloneData should be used instead of the following method
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBBase::SetData;
+ %include <openbabel/base.h>
+ %include <openbabel/generic.h>
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ namespace std { class stringbuf {}; }
+ %include <openbabel/fingerprint.h>
+ %include <openbabel/descriptor.h>
+-# Ignore shadowed methods
++%# Ignore shadowed methods
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorSubtract(const double *const, const double *const, double *);
+ %ignore OpenBabel::OBForceField::VectorMultiply(const double *const, const double, double *);
+ #ifdef HAVE_EIGEN
+@@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ namespace std { class stringbuf {}; }
+ %ignore OpenBabel::Swab;
+ %include <openbabel/rotamer.h>
+-# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
+-# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
+-# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
+-# the shadowing class.
+-# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
+-# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
+-# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
++%# The following %ignores avoid warning messages due to shadowed classes.
++%# This does not imply a loss of functionality as (in this case)
++%# the shadowed class is identical (from the point of view of SWIG) to
++%# the shadowing class.
++%# This is because C++ references (&) are transformed by SWIG back into
++%# pointers, so that OBAtomIter(OBMol &) would be treated the same as
++%# OBAtomIter(OBMol *).
+ %ignore OBAtomAtomIter(OBAtom &);
+ %ignore OBAtomBondIter(OBAtom &);

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