[arch-commits] Commit in pelican/repos/community-any (PKGBUILD PKGBUILD)

Jiachen Yang farseerfc at archlinux.org
Tue Apr 12 08:06:11 UTC 2016

    Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 @ 10:06:11
  Author: farseerfc
Revision: 170623

archrelease: copy trunk to community-any

    (from rev 170622, pelican/trunk/PKGBUILD)

 PKGBUILD |   94 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2016-04-12 08:05:26 UTC (rev 170622)
+++ PKGBUILD	2016-04-12 08:06:11 UTC (rev 170623)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Jiachen Yang <farseerfc at gmail.com>
-# AUR Maintainer: Stefan Tatschner <rumpelsepp at sevenbyte.org>
-# Contributor: David Runge <dave at sleepmap.de>
-pkgdesc="A tool to generate a static blog, with restructured text (or markdown) input files."
-makedepends=('python-sphinx' 'python-blinker')
-depends=('python-jinja' 'python-pygments' 'python-feedgenerator' 'python-pytz'
-         'python-docutils' 'python-blinker' 'python-unidecode' 'python-six'
-         'python-dateutil')
-optdepends=('python-markdown: Markdown support'
-            'asciidoc: AsciiDoc support'
-            'python-beautifulsoup4: importing from wordpress/dotclear/posterous'
-            'python-feedparser: importing from feeds'
-            'python-rst2pdf: PDF generation'
-            'openssh: uploading through SSH'
-            'rsync: uploading through rsync+SSH'
-            'lftp: uploading through FTP'
-            's3cmd: uploading through S3'
-            'python-ghp-import: uploading through gh-pages'
-            'python-typogrify: typographical enhancements'
-            'python-mdx-video: easier embedding of youtube videos in markdown')
-build() {
-    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/docs/"
-    make man
-    make text
-package() {
-    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
-    install -d "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/"
-    install -Dm644 docs/_build/man/*.1 "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/"
-    install -d "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/pelican/"
-    install -Dm644 docs/_build/text/*.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/pelican/"
-    python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1

Copied: pelican/repos/community-any/PKGBUILD (from rev 170622, pelican/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2016-04-12 08:06:11 UTC (rev 170623)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Maintainer: Jiachen Yang <farseerfc at gmail.com>
+# AUR Maintainer: Stefan Tatschner <rumpelsepp at sevenbyte.org>
+# Contributor: David Runge <dave at sleepmap.de>
+pkgdesc="A tool to generate a static blog, with restructured text (or markdown) input files."
+makedepends=('python-sphinx' 'python-blinker')
+depends=('python-jinja' 'python-pygments' 'python-feedgenerator' 'python-pytz'
+         'python-docutils' 'python-blinker' 'python-unidecode' 'python-six'
+         'python-dateutil')
+optdepends=('python-markdown: Markdown support'
+            'asciidoc: AsciiDoc support'
+            'python-beautifulsoup4: importing from wordpress/dotclear/posterous'
+            'python-feedparser: importing from feeds'
+#            'python-rst2pdf: PDF generation' # FS#48890
+            'openssh: uploading through SSH'
+            'rsync: uploading through rsync+SSH'
+            'lftp: uploading through FTP'
+            's3cmd: uploading through S3'
+            'python-ghp-import: uploading through gh-pages'
+            'python-typogrify: typographical enhancements'
+            'python-mdx-video: easier embedding of youtube videos in markdown')
+build() {
+    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/docs/"
+    make man
+    make text
+package() {
+    cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+    install -d "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/"
+    install -Dm644 docs/_build/man/*.1 "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/"
+    install -d "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/pelican/"
+    install -Dm644 docs/_build/text/*.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/pelican/"
+    python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1

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