[arch-commits] Commit in embree/trunk (PKGBUILD rtcore_ray_forceinline.diff)
Lukas Jirkovsky
stativ at archlinux.org
Sun Aug 7 16:07:56 UTC 2016
Date: Sunday, August 7, 2016 @ 16:07:55
Author: stativ
Revision: 185893
upgpkg: embree 2.10.0-1
update to 2.10.0
PKGBUILD | 14 +++-
rtcore_ray_forceinline.diff | 119 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD 2016-08-07 16:07:26 UTC (rev 185892)
+++ PKGBUILD 2016-08-07 16:07:55 UTC (rev 185893)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# $Id$
# Maintainer: Lukas Jirkovsky <l.jirkovsky at gmail.com>
pkgdesc="A collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels"
@@ -9,9 +9,17 @@
makedepends=('cmake' 'ispc' 'openexr')
+ "rtcore_ray_forceinline.diff")
+ '2ad75c38bdf4b035d01ba4c6cec53ec2')
+prepare() {
+ cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+ # see https://github.com/embree/embree/issues/88
+ patch -Np1 < "$srcdir/rtcore_ray_forceinline.diff"
build() {
cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
Added: rtcore_ray_forceinline.diff
--- rtcore_ray_forceinline.diff (rev 0)
+++ rtcore_ray_forceinline.diff 2016-08-07 16:07:55 UTC (rev 185893)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+diff --git a/include/embree2/rtcore.h b/include/embree2/rtcore.h
+index 77622ec..f8e2088 100644
+--- a/include/embree2/rtcore.h
++++ b/include/embree2/rtcore.h
+@@ -50,6 +50,12 @@ typedef int ssize_t;
+ #endif
++#if defined(_WIN32)
++# define RTCORE_FORCEINLINE __forceinline
++# define RTCORE_FORCEINLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+ /*! Embree API version */
+diff --git a/include/embree2/rtcore_ray.h b/include/embree2/rtcore_ray.h
+index e55afdc..6fb60a5 100644
+--- a/include/embree2/rtcore_ray.h
++++ b/include/embree2/rtcore_ray.h
+@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
+ #ifndef __RTCORE_RAY_H__
+ #define __RTCORE_RAY_H__
++#include "rtcore.h"
+ /*! \ingroup embree_kernel_api */
+ /*! \{ */
+@@ -165,30 +167,30 @@ struct RTCORE_ALIGN(64) RTCRay16
+ #ifndef __RTCRayN__
+ #define __RTCRayN__
+ struct RTCRayN {};
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_org_x(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[0*N+0*N1+i]; } //!< x coordinate of ray origin
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_org_y(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[1*N+0*N1+i]; } //!< y coordinate of ray origin
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_org_z(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[2*N+0*N1+i]; }; //!< z coordinate of ray origin
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_org_x(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[0*N+0*N1+i]; } //!< x coordinate of ray origin
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_org_y(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[1*N+0*N1+i]; } //!< y coordinate of ray origin
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_org_z(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[2*N+0*N1+i]; }; //!< z coordinate of ray origin
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_dir_x(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[3*N+1*N1+i]; }; //!< x coordinate of ray direction
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_dir_y(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[4*N+1*N1+i]; }; //!< y coordinate of ray direction
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_dir_z(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[5*N+1*N1+i]; }; //!< z coordinate of ray direction
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_dir_x(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[3*N+1*N1+i]; }; //!< x coordinate of ray direction
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_dir_y(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[4*N+1*N1+i]; }; //!< y coordinate of ray direction
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_dir_z(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[5*N+1*N1+i]; }; //!< z coordinate of ray direction
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_tnear(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[6*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< Start of ray segment
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_tfar (RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[7*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance)
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_tnear(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[6*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< Start of ray segment
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_tfar (RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[7*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< End of ray segment (set to hit distance)
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_time(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*) ptr)[8*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur
+-__forceinline unsigned& RTCRayN_mask(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[9*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_time(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*) ptr)[8*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< Time of this ray for motion blur
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCRayN_mask(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[9*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< Used to mask out objects during traversal
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_Ng_x(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[10*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_Ng_y(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[11*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_Ng_z(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[12*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_Ng_x(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[10*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_Ng_y(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[11*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_Ng_z(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[12*N+2*N1+i]; }; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_u (RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[13*N+3*N1+i]; }; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit
+-__forceinline float& RTCRayN_v (RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[14*N+3*N1+i]; }; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_u (RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[13*N+3*N1+i]; }; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCRayN_v (RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((float*)ptr)[14*N+3*N1+i]; }; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit
+-__forceinline unsigned& RTCRayN_geomID(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[15*N+3*N1+i]; }; //!< geometry ID
+-__forceinline unsigned& RTCRayN_primID(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[16*N+3*N1+i]; }; //!< primitive ID
+-__forceinline unsigned& RTCRayN_instID(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[17*N+3*N1+i]; }; //!< instance ID
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCRayN_geomID(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[15*N+3*N1+i]; }; //!< geometry ID
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCRayN_primID(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[16*N+3*N1+i]; }; //!< primitive ID
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCRayN_instID(RTCRayN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { const size_t N1 = (size_t)(N == 1); return ((unsigned*)ptr)[17*N+3*N1+i]; }; //!< instance ID
+ #endif
+ /* Helper structure to create a ray packet of compile time size N */
+@@ -270,17 +272,17 @@ struct RTCRayNp
+ #ifndef __RTCHitN__
+ #define __RTCHitN__
+ struct RTCHitN {};
+-__forceinline float& RTCHitN_Ng_x(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[0*N+i]; }; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal
+-__forceinline float& RTCHitN_Ng_y(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[1*N+i]; }; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal
+-__forceinline float& RTCHitN_Ng_z(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[2*N+i]; }; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_Ng_x(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[0*N+i]; }; //!< x coordinate of geometry normal
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_Ng_y(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[1*N+i]; }; //!< y coordinate of geometry normal
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_Ng_z(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[2*N+i]; }; //!< z coordinate of geometry normal
+-__forceinline unsigned& RTCHitN_instID(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((unsigned*)ptr)[3*N+i]; }; //!< instance ID
+-__forceinline unsigned& RTCHitN_geomID(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((unsigned*)ptr)[4*N+i]; }; //!< geometry ID
+-__forceinline unsigned& RTCHitN_primID(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((unsigned*)ptr)[5*N+i]; }; //!< primitive ID
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCHitN_instID(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((unsigned*)ptr)[3*N+i]; }; //!< instance ID
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCHitN_geomID(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((unsigned*)ptr)[4*N+i]; }; //!< geometry ID
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE unsigned& RTCHitN_primID(const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((unsigned*)ptr)[5*N+i]; }; //!< primitive ID
+-__forceinline float& RTCHitN_u (const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[6*N+i]; }; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit
+-__forceinline float& RTCHitN_v (const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[7*N+i]; }; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit
+-__forceinline float& RTCHitN_t (const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[8*N+i]; }; //!< hit distance
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_u (const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[6*N+i]; }; //!< Barycentric u coordinate of hit
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_v (const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[7*N+i]; }; //!< Barycentric v coordinate of hit
++RTCORE_FORCEINLINE float& RTCHitN_t (const RTCHitN* ptr, size_t N, size_t i) { return ((float*)ptr)[8*N+i]; }; //!< hit distance
+ #endif
+ /* Helper structure to create a hit packet of compile time size N */
+diff --git a/include/embree2/rtcore_ray.isph b/include/embree2/rtcore_ray.isph
+index d4303e1..3900e5b 100644
+--- a/include/embree2/rtcore_ray.isph
++++ b/include/embree2/rtcore_ray.isph
+@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
+ #ifndef __RTCORE_RAY_ISPH__
+ #define __RTCORE_RAY_ISPH__
++#include "rtcore.isph"
+ /*! \ingroup embree_kernel_api_ispc */
+ /*! \{ */
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