[arch-commits] Commit in veracrypt/trunk (3 files)

Levente Polyak anthraxx at archlinux.org
Tue Aug 23 22:07:35 UTC 2016

    Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 @ 22:07:35
  Author: anthraxx
Revision: 187431

upgpkg: veracrypt 1.18-1

- upstream release
- remove upstream patches
- fix no-exec-stack patch (line endings)


 fix-invalid-characters.patch   |   54 ----------------------------------
 gcc6.patch                     |   61 ---------------------------------------
 truecrypt-arch-detection.patch |   15 ---------
 3 files changed, 130 deletions(-)

Deleted: fix-invalid-characters.patch
--- fix-invalid-characters.patch	2016-08-23 22:06:36 UTC (rev 187430)
+++ fix-invalid-characters.patch	2016-08-23 22:07:35 UTC (rev 187431)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-From 646679da4d79bf7f8af22c44c7ae8498086a88a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mounir IDRASSI <mounir.idrassi at idrix.fr>
-Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 16:25:48 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Linux: Completely fix gcc-5 "Invalid characters encountered"
- issue on mount. It was caused by an issue of gcc-5 STL implementation that is
- causing char* pointers retrieved from std::string using c_str method to
- become invalid in the child of a child process (after two fork calls). The
- workaround is to first copy the std:string values in the child before calling
- the second fork.
- src/Platform/Unix/Process.cpp | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/Platform/Unix/Process.cpp b/src/Platform/Unix/Process.cpp
-index 388bda6..0770364 100644
---- a/src/Platform/Unix/Process.cpp
-+++ b/src/Platform/Unix/Process.cpp
-@@ -53,13 +53,33 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
- 				try
- 				{
- 					int argIndex = 0;
-+					/* Workaround for gcc 5.X issue related to the use of STL (string and list) with muliple fork calls. 
-+					 * 
-+					 * The char* pointers retrieved from the elements of parameter "arguments" are no longer valid after
-+					 * a second fork is called. "arguments" was created in the parent of the current child process.
-+					 * 
-+					 * The only solution is to copy the elements of "arguments" parameter in a local string array on this 
-+					 * child process and then use char* pointers retrieved from this local copies before calling fork. 
-+					 * 
-+					 * gcc 4.x doesn't suffer from this issue.
-+					 * 
-+					 */
-+					string argsCopy[array_capacity (args)];
- 					if (!execFunctor)
--						args[argIndex++] = const_cast <char*> (processName.c_str());
-+					{
-+						argsCopy[argIndex++] = processName;
-+					}
- 					foreach (const string &arg, arguments)
- 					{
--						args[argIndex++] = const_cast <char*> (arg.c_str());
-+						argsCopy[argIndex++] = arg;
- 					}
-+					for (int i = 0; i < argIndex; i++)
-+					{
-+						args[i] = const_cast <char*> (argsCopy[i].c_str());
-+					}
- 					args[argIndex] = nullptr;
- 					if (inputData)

Deleted: gcc6.patch
--- gcc6.patch	2016-08-23 22:06:36 UTC (rev 187430)
+++ gcc6.patch	2016-08-23 22:07:35 UTC (rev 187431)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
---- Main/Resources.cpp	2016-05-16 16:47:35.846462041 +0200
-+++ Main/Resources.cpp	2016-05-16 17:12:21.838202520 +0200
-@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
- 		strBuf.CopyFrom (res);
- 		return string (reinterpret_cast <char *> (strBuf.Ptr()));
- #else
--		static const char LanguageXml[] =
-+		static byte LanguageXml[] =
- 		{
- #			include "Common/Language.xml.h"
- 			, 0
- 		};
--		return string (LanguageXml);
-+		return string ((const char*) LanguageXml);
- #endif
- 	}
-@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@
- 		strBuf.CopyFrom (res);
- 		return string (reinterpret_cast <char *> (strBuf.Ptr()));
- #else
--		static const char License[] =
-+		static byte License[] =
- 		{
- #			include "License.txt.h"
- 			, 0
- 		};
--		return string (License);
-+		return string ((const char*) License);
- #endif
- 	}
---- Main/Forms/PreferencesDialog.cpp	2016-05-16 17:14:47.704707908 +0200
-+++ Main/Forms/PreferencesDialog.cpp	2016-05-16 17:15:56.927964437 +0200
-@@ -414,11 +414,11 @@
- 		libExtension = wxDynamicLibrary::CanonicalizeName (L"x");
- #ifdef TC_MACOSX
--		extensions.push_back (make_pair (L"dylib", LangString["DLL_FILES"]));
-+		extensions.push_back (make_pair (L"dylib", static_cast<const wchar_t*>(LangString["DLL_FILES"].wc_str())));
- #endif
- 		if (!libExtension.empty())
- 		{
--			extensions.push_back (make_pair (libExtension.Mid (libExtension.find (L'.') + 1), LangString["DLL_FILES"]));
-+			extensions.push_back (make_pair (static_cast<const wchar_t*>(libExtension.Mid (libExtension.find (L'.') + 1).wc_str()), static_cast<const wchar_t*>(LangString["DLL_FILES"].wc_str())));
- 			extensions.push_back (make_pair (L"*", L""));
- 		}
---- Main/GraphicUserInterface.cpp	2016-05-16 17:16:38.724591342 +0200
-+++ Main/GraphicUserInterface.cpp	2016-05-16 17:17:09.854562653 +0200
-@@ -1445,7 +1445,7 @@
- 	FilePath GraphicUserInterface::SelectVolumeFile (wxWindow *parent, bool saveMode, const DirectoryPath &directory) const
- 	{
- 		list < pair <wstring, wstring> > extensions;
--		extensions.push_back (make_pair (L"tc", LangString["TC_VOLUMES"]));
-+		extensions.push_back (make_pair (L"tc", static_cast<const wchar_t*>(LangString["TC_VOLUMES"].wc_str())));
- 		FilePathList selFiles = Gui->SelectFiles (parent, LangString[saveMode ? "OPEN_NEW_VOLUME" : "OPEN_VOL_TITLE"], saveMode, false, extensions, directory);

Deleted: truecrypt-arch-detection.patch
--- truecrypt-arch-detection.patch	2016-08-23 22:06:36 UTC (rev 187430)
+++ truecrypt-arch-detection.patch	2016-08-23 22:07:35 UTC (rev 187431)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN truecrypt-7.0a-source/Makefile truecrypt-7.0a-source.fixed/Makefile
---- truecrypt-7.0a-source/Makefile	2010-09-05 10:32:10.000000000 -0400
-+++ truecrypt-7.0a-source.fixed/Makefile	2011-07-05 21:41:50.296437879 -0400
-@@ -120,10 +120,7 @@
- export CPU_ARCH ?= unknown
--ARCH = $(shell uname -p)
--ifeq "$(ARCH)" "unknown"
--	ARCH = $(shell uname -m)
-+ARCH = $(shell uname -m)
- ifneq (,$(filter i386 i486 i586 i686 x86,$(ARCH)))
- 	CPU_ARCH = x86

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