[arch-commits] Commit in handbrake/repos (6 files)
Evangelos Foutras
foutrelis at archlinux.org
Tue Dec 27 10:39:27 UTC 2016
Date: Tuesday, December 27, 2016 @ 10:39:27
Author: foutrelis
Revision: 203042
archrelease: copy trunk to community-i686, community-x86_64
(from rev 203041, handbrake/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 203041, handbrake/trunk/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch)
(from rev 203041, handbrake/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 203041, handbrake/trunk/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch)
/PKGBUILD | 140 ++++++++++
community-i686/PKGBUILD | 71 -----
community-i686/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch | 13
community-x86_64/PKGBUILD | 71 -----
community-x86_64/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch | 13
5 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-)
Deleted: community-i686/PKGBUILD
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD 2016-12-27 10:39:17 UTC (rev 203041)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD 2016-12-27 10:39:27 UTC (rev 203042)
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
-# Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Sebastien Piccand <sebcactus gmail com>
-pkgname=('handbrake' 'handbrake-cli')
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-makedepends=('intltool' 'python2' 'yasm' 'wget' 'bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'libnotify'
- 'gst-plugins-base' 'gtk3' 'dbus-glib' 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame'
- 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'libxml2' 'libogg' 'libvorbis' 'cmake'
- 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'libbluray' 'x264' 'libx264'
- 'libdvdnav' 'librsvg' 'libgudev')
-prepare() {
- cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver"
- # Use more system libs
- # We had ffmpeg here as well but it broke PGS subtitle processing
- # https://forum.handbrake.fr/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=27581
- sed -i \
- -e '/MODULES += contrib\/libbluray/d' \
- -e '/MODULES += contrib\/libdvdnav/d' \
- -e '/MODULES += contrib\/libdvdread/d' \
- make/include/main.defs
-build() {
- cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver"
- ./configure \
- --prefix=/usr \
- --force \
- --disable-gtk-update-checks
- cd build
- make
-package_handbrake() {
- pkgdesc="Multithreaded video transcoder"
- depends=('bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'gst-plugins-base' 'libnotify' 'dbus-glib'
- 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame' 'gtk3' 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'libxml2'
- 'libogg' 'libvorbis' 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'libbluray'
- 'libx264' 'libdvdnav' 'librsvg' 'libgudev' 'desktop-file-utils'
- 'hicolor-icon-theme')
- depends+=('libx264.so')
- optdepends=('gst-plugins-good: for video previews'
- 'gst-libav: for video previews')
- cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver/build"
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
- rm "$pkgdir/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI"
-package_handbrake-cli() {
- pkgdesc="Multithreaded video transcoder (CLI)"
- depends=('bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'zlib' 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame' 'libxml2'
- 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'libbluray' 'libx264' 'libdvdnav')
- depends+=('libx264.so')
- cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver/build"
- install -D HandBrakeCLI "$pkgdir/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI"
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: handbrake/repos/community-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 203041, handbrake/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD 2016-12-27 10:39:27 UTC (rev 203042)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
+# Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Sebastien Piccand <sebcactus gmail com>
+pkgname=('handbrake' 'handbrake-cli')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=('intltool' 'python2' 'yasm' 'wget' 'bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'libnotify'
+ 'gst-plugins-base' 'gtk3' 'dbus-glib' 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame'
+ 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'libxml2' 'libogg' 'libvorbis' 'cmake'
+ 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'ffmpeg' 'x264' 'libx264' 'x265'
+ 'libvpx' 'libdvdnav' 'jansson' 'librsvg' 'libgudev')
+ handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch)
+ '05e212e76b6e0b94a04de02cbeb7bf9db607059e19297b5bd3d0d143135285c4')
+prepare() {
+ cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver"
+ # https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=552792
+ patch -Np1 -i ../handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch
+ # Use more system libs
+ # Bundled libbluray is kept because it is patched locally
+ for _lib in ffmpeg x265 libvpx libdvdnav libdvdread; do
+ sed -i "/MODULES += contrib\/$_lib/d" make/include/main.defs
+ done
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver"
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --disable-gtk-update-checks
+ make -C build
+package_handbrake() {
+ pkgdesc="Multithreaded video transcoder"
+ depends=('bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'gst-plugins-base' 'libnotify' 'dbus-glib'
+ 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame' 'gtk3' 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'libxml2'
+ 'libogg' 'libvorbis' 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'ffmpeg' 'libx264'
+ 'x265' 'libvpx' 'libdvdnav' 'jansson' 'librsvg' 'libgudev'
+ 'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
+ optdepends=('gst-plugins-good: for video previews'
+ 'gst-libav: for video previews')
+ cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver/build"
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+ rm "$pkgdir/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI"
+package_handbrake-cli() {
+ pkgdesc="Multithreaded video transcoder (CLI)"
+ depends=('bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'zlib' 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame' 'libxml2'
+ 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'ffmpeg' 'libx264' 'x265' 'libvpx'
+ 'libdvdnav' 'jansson')
+ cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver/build"
+ install -D HandBrakeCLI "$pkgdir/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI"
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: handbrake/repos/community-i686/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch (from rev 203041, handbrake/trunk/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch)
--- community-i686/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-i686/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch 2016-12-27 10:39:27 UTC (rev 203042)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Written by: Peter Foley <pefoley2 at pefoley.com>
+Gentoo Bug: #552792
+--- a/test/module.defs
++++ b/test/module.defs
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ ifeq (1,$(FEATURE.x265))
+ TEST.GCC.D += USE_X265
++ TEST.GCC.l += x265
+ endif
+ TEST.GCC.l += $(foreach m,$(MODULES.NAMES),$($m.OSL.libs))
Deleted: community-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2016-12-27 10:39:17 UTC (rev 203041)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2016-12-27 10:39:27 UTC (rev 203042)
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
-# Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Sebastien Piccand <sebcactus gmail com>
-pkgname=('handbrake' 'handbrake-cli')
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-makedepends=('intltool' 'python2' 'yasm' 'wget' 'bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'libnotify'
- 'gst-plugins-base' 'gtk3' 'dbus-glib' 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame'
- 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'libxml2' 'libogg' 'libvorbis' 'cmake'
- 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'libbluray' 'x264' 'libx264'
- 'libdvdnav' 'librsvg' 'libgudev')
-prepare() {
- cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver"
- # Use more system libs
- # We had ffmpeg here as well but it broke PGS subtitle processing
- # https://forum.handbrake.fr/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=27581
- sed -i \
- -e '/MODULES += contrib\/libbluray/d' \
- -e '/MODULES += contrib\/libdvdnav/d' \
- -e '/MODULES += contrib\/libdvdread/d' \
- make/include/main.defs
-build() {
- cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver"
- ./configure \
- --prefix=/usr \
- --force \
- --disable-gtk-update-checks
- cd build
- make
-package_handbrake() {
- pkgdesc="Multithreaded video transcoder"
- depends=('bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'gst-plugins-base' 'libnotify' 'dbus-glib'
- 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame' 'gtk3' 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'libxml2'
- 'libogg' 'libvorbis' 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'libbluray'
- 'libx264' 'libdvdnav' 'librsvg' 'libgudev' 'desktop-file-utils'
- 'hicolor-icon-theme')
- depends+=('libx264.so')
- optdepends=('gst-plugins-good: for video previews'
- 'gst-libav: for video previews')
- cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver/build"
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
- rm "$pkgdir/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI"
-package_handbrake-cli() {
- pkgdesc="Multithreaded video transcoder (CLI)"
- depends=('bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'zlib' 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame' 'libxml2'
- 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'libbluray' 'libx264' 'libdvdnav')
- depends+=('libx264.so')
- cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver/build"
- install -D HandBrakeCLI "$pkgdir/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI"
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: handbrake/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 203041, handbrake/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2016-12-27 10:39:27 UTC (rev 203042)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
+# Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Sebastien Piccand <sebcactus gmail com>
+pkgname=('handbrake' 'handbrake-cli')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=('intltool' 'python2' 'yasm' 'wget' 'bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'libnotify'
+ 'gst-plugins-base' 'gtk3' 'dbus-glib' 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame'
+ 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'libxml2' 'libogg' 'libvorbis' 'cmake'
+ 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'ffmpeg' 'x264' 'libx264' 'x265'
+ 'libvpx' 'libdvdnav' 'jansson' 'librsvg' 'libgudev')
+ handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch)
+ '05e212e76b6e0b94a04de02cbeb7bf9db607059e19297b5bd3d0d143135285c4')
+prepare() {
+ cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver"
+ # https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=552792
+ patch -Np1 -i ../handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch
+ # Use more system libs
+ # Bundled libbluray is kept because it is patched locally
+ for _lib in ffmpeg x265 libvpx libdvdnav libdvdread; do
+ sed -i "/MODULES += contrib\/$_lib/d" make/include/main.defs
+ done
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver"
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --disable-gtk-update-checks
+ make -C build
+package_handbrake() {
+ pkgdesc="Multithreaded video transcoder"
+ depends=('bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'gst-plugins-base' 'libnotify' 'dbus-glib'
+ 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame' 'gtk3' 'fontconfig' 'freetype2' 'libxml2'
+ 'libogg' 'libvorbis' 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'ffmpeg' 'libx264'
+ 'x265' 'libvpx' 'libdvdnav' 'jansson' 'librsvg' 'libgudev'
+ 'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
+ optdepends=('gst-plugins-good: for video previews'
+ 'gst-libav: for video previews')
+ cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver/build"
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+ rm "$pkgdir/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI"
+package_handbrake-cli() {
+ pkgdesc="Multithreaded video transcoder (CLI)"
+ depends=('bzip2' 'gcc-libs' 'zlib' 'fribidi' 'libass' 'lame' 'libxml2'
+ 'libtheora' 'libsamplerate' 'ffmpeg' 'libx264' 'x265' 'libvpx'
+ 'libdvdnav' 'jansson')
+ cd "$srcdir/HandBrake-$pkgver/build"
+ install -D HandBrakeCLI "$pkgdir/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI"
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: handbrake/repos/community-x86_64/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch (from rev 203041, handbrake/trunk/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch)
--- community-x86_64/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/handbrake-fix-missing-x265-link-flag.patch 2016-12-27 10:39:27 UTC (rev 203042)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Written by: Peter Foley <pefoley2 at pefoley.com>
+Gentoo Bug: #552792
+--- a/test/module.defs
++++ b/test/module.defs
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ ifeq (1,$(FEATURE.x265))
+ TEST.GCC.D += USE_X265
++ TEST.GCC.l += x265
+ endif
+ TEST.GCC.l += $(foreach m,$(MODULES.NAMES),$($m.OSL.libs))
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