[arch-commits] Commit in nautilus-terminal/trunk (PKGBUILD bzr-fixes.patch)
Balló György
bgyorgy at archlinux.org
Sun Jan 31 05:32:55 UTC 2016
Date: Sunday, January 31, 2016 @ 06:32:54
Author: bgyorgy
Revision: 159664
upgpkg: nautilus-terminal 1.1-1
Update to new version
PKGBUILD | 21 +---
bzr-fixes.patch | 235 ------------------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 249 deletions(-)
Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD 2016-01-31 05:30:03 UTC (rev 159663)
+++ PKGBUILD 2016-01-31 05:32:54 UTC (rev 159664)
@@ -2,31 +2,24 @@
# Maintainer: Balló György <ballogyor+arch at gmail dot com>
pkgdesc="An integrated terminal for Nautilus"
depends=('python2-nautilus' 'vte3' 'python2-xdg')
- bzr-fixes.patch)
- 'd7f48886ce20ea57a46cf7e885bb5c6e')
prepare() {
- cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}_${pkgver}_src"
+ cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}_$pkgver"
+ # python2 fix
sed -i 's|^#!/usr/bin/python$|#!/usr/bin/python2|' src/nautilus_terminal.py
- # Apply fixes from bzr
- patch -Np0 -i ../bzr-fixes.patch
package() {
- cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}_${pkgver}_src"
+ cd "$srcdir/${pkgname}_$pkgver"
./install.sh --package "$pkgdir"
- # Remove doc files
- rm -r $pkgdir/usr/share/doc
Deleted: bzr-fixes.patch
--- bzr-fixes.patch 2016-01-31 05:30:03 UTC (rev 159663)
+++ bzr-fixes.patch 2016-01-31 05:32:54 UTC (rev 159664)
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-=== modified file 'src/nautilus_terminal.py'
---- src/nautilus_terminal.py 2011-10-17 11:59:24 +0000
-+++ src/nautilus_terminal.py 2015-08-02 11:45:09 +0000
-@@ -41,69 +41,78 @@
- #Specific imports for Python 2 and 3
- if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
- from urllib import url2pathname
-- from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
-+ from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
- else:
- from urllib.request import url2pathname
-- from configparser import RawConfigParser
-+ from configparser import SafeConfigParser
- from gi.repository import GObject, Nautilus, Gtk, Gdk, Vte, GLib
-- 'general/def_term_height': 5, #lines
-- 'general/def_visible': True,
-- 'general/term_on_top': True,
-- 'terminal/shell': Vte.get_user_shell(),
-- }
--class Config(object):
-- """Handles the configuration of Nautilus Terminal."""
-+def _get_config_path():
-+ """Find the configuation file
-+ Return:
-+ The path of the configuraration file or None
-+ """
-+ config_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get("HOME"), ".%s" % __appname__)
-+ if not os.path.isfile(config_file):
-+ try:
-+ from xdg import BaseDirectory
-+ except ImportError:
-+ pass
-+ else:
-+ config_file = os.path.join(
-+ BaseDirectory.save_config_path(__appname__), "config.ini")
-+ if os.path.isfile(config_file):
-+ return config_file
-+class Config(dict):
-+ """The Nautilus Temrinal Configuration"""
- def __init__(self):
- """The constructor."""
-- self._default = DEFAULT_CONF
-- self._confp = RawConfigParser()
-- self.read()
-- def read(self):
-- """Read the configuration from a file."""
-- #Determine where is stored the configuration
-- config_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get("HOME"), ".%s" % __appname__)
-- if not os.path.isfile(config_file):
-- try:
-- from xdg import BaseDirectory
-- except ImportError:
-- pass
-- else:
-- config_file = os.path.join(
-- BaseDirectory.save_config_path(__appname__), "config.ini")
-- if os.path.isfile(config_file):
-- self._confp.read([config_file])
-- def get(self, key, cast=str):
-- """Get the value of a key.
-- Returns the value of the given key in the configuration file or the
-- default value.
-- A key is composed of a section and an option name and looks like that:
-- section/optionname
-+ # Default config
-+ self['general/def_term_height'] = 5 #lines
-+ self['general/def_visible'] = True
-+ self['general/term_on_top'] = True
-+ self['terminal/shell'] = Vte.get_user_shell()
-+ # Load from file
-+ conf_path = _get_config_path();
-+ if conf_path and os.path.isfile(_get_config_path()):
-+ self._load_from_file(conf_path)
-+ def _load_from_file(self, filepath):
-+ """Read the configuration from the given file.
- Args:
-- key -- The key (e.g. foo/bar)
-- cast -- The type of the value (string by default)
-- """
-- if cast == bool:
-- cast = lambda b: bool(int(b))
-- section, option = key.split("/")
-- if self._confp.has_option(section, option):
-- return cast(self._confp.get(section, option))
-- elif key in self._default:
-- return cast(self._default[key])
-+ filepath -- The path of the configuration file (file must exists)
-+ """
-+ # Translation dict (for casting variables)
-+ cast = {int: int,
-+ str: str,
-+ bool: lambda x: bool(int(x)),
-+ list: lambda x: sub(r"\s*,\s*", ",", x).split(",")}
-+ # Parse the config file
-+ config_parser = SafeConfigParser()
-+ config_parser.read(filepath)
-+ for section in config_parser.sections():
-+ for key, value in config_parser.items(section):
-+ ckey = '%s/%s' % (section.lower(), key.lower())
-+ # Update the config
-+ if ckey in self:
-+ self[ckey] = cast[type(self[ckey])](value)
-+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
-+ """Sugar...
-+ Allow you to use the "Config().section_key" syntax instead of
-+ "Config()['section/key']".
-+ """
-+ key = attr.replace("_", "/")
-+ if key in self:
-+ return self[key]
- else:
-- raise KeyError
-+ raise AttributeError("Config object has no '%s' attribute." % attr)
- class NautilusTerminal(object):
-@@ -121,8 +130,11 @@
- #Term
- self.shell_pid = -1
- self.term = Vte.Terminal()
-- self.shell_pid = self.term.fork_command_full(Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT,
-- self._path, [CONF.get("terminal/shell")], None,
-+ term_spawn_cmd = "fork_command_full"
-+ if (hasattr(self.term, "spawn_sync")):
-+ term_spawn_cmd = "spawn_sync"
-+ self.shell_pid = getattr(self.term, term_spawn_cmd)(Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT,
-+ self._path, [CONF.terminal_shell], None,
- GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, None, None)[1]
- self.term.connect_after("child-exited", self._on_term_child_exited)
- self.term.connect_after("popup-menu", self._on_term_popup_menu)
-@@ -184,7 +196,7 @@
- #
- self.menu.show_all()
- #Conf
-- self._set_term_height(CONF.get("general/def_term_height", int))
-+ self._set_term_height(CONF["general/def_term_height"])
- self._visible = True
- #Lock
- self._respawn_lock = False
-@@ -260,22 +272,24 @@
- def _shell_is_busy(self):
- """Check if the shell is waiting for a command or not."""
-- wchan_path = "/proc/%i/wchan" % self.shell_pid
-- wchan = open(wchan_path, "r").read()
-- if wchan == "n_tty_read":
-- return False
-- elif wchan == "schedule":
-- shell_stack_path = "/proc/%i/stack" % self.shell_pid
-- try:
-- for line in open(shell_stack_path, "r"):
-- if line.split(" ")[-1].startswith("n_tty_read"):
-- return False
-- return True
-- except IOError:
-- #We can't know...
-- return False
-- else:
-- return True
-+ # Disabled because it does not work anymore
-+ return False
-+ #wchan_path = "/proc/%i/wchan" % self.shell_pid
-+ #wchan = open(wchan_path, "r").read()
-+ #if wchan == "n_tty_read":
-+ #return False
-+ #elif wchan == "schedule":
-+ #shell_stack_path = "/proc/%i/stack" % self.shell_pid
-+ #try:
-+ #for line in open(shell_stack_path, "r"):
-+ #if line.split(" ")[-1].startswith("n_tty_read"):
-+ #return False
-+ #return True
-+ #except IOError:
-+ ##We can't know...
-+ #return False
-+ #else:
-+ #return True
- def _uri_to_path(self, uri):
- """Returns the path corresponding of the given URI.
-@@ -309,7 +323,7 @@
- """
- if not self._respawn_lock:
- self.shell_pid = self.term.fork_command_full(Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT,
-- self._path, [CONF.get("terminal/shell")], None,
-+ self._path, [CONF.terminal_shell], None,
- GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, None, None)[1]
- def _on_drag_data_received(self, widget, drag_context, x, y, data, info, time):
-@@ -379,7 +393,7 @@
- vpan.show()
- vbox = Gtk.VBox()
- vbox.show()
-- if CONF.get("general/term_on_top", bool):
-+ if CONF["general/term_on_top"]:
- vpan.add2(vbox)
- else:
- vpan.add1(vbox)
-@@ -394,7 +408,7 @@
- nterm = NautilusTerminal(self._uri, self._window)
- if hasattr(self._window, "term_visible"):
- nterm.set_visible(self._window.term_visible)
-- if CONF.get("general/term_on_top", bool):
-+ if CONF["general/term_on_top"]:
- vpan.add1(nterm.get_widget())
- else:
- vpan.add2(nterm.get_widget())
-@@ -447,7 +461,7 @@
- if not hasattr(window, "toggle_hide_cb"):
- window.toggle_hide_cb = []
- if not hasattr(window, "term_visible"):
-- window.term_visible = CONF.get("general/def_visible", bool)
-+ window.term_visible = CONF["general/def_visible"]
- #URI specific stuff
- if uri.startswith("x-nautilus-desktop:///"):
- return
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