[arch-commits] Commit in (6 files)

Levente Polyak anthraxx at archlinux.org
Fri Mar 4 15:39:26 UTC 2016

    Date: Friday, March 4, 2016 @ 16:39:26
  Author: anthraxx
Revision: 164808

addpkg: vim-tagbar 2.6.1-4


 LICENSE        |   82 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 PKGBUILD       |   30 ++++++++++++++++++++
 vimdoc.install |   16 ++++++++++
 3 files changed, 128 insertions(+)

Added: vim-tagbar/trunk/LICENSE
--- vim-tagbar/trunk/LICENSE	                        (rev 0)
+++ vim-tagbar/trunk/LICENSE	2016-03-04 15:39:26 UTC (rev 164808)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+This is the normal Vim license (see ':h license' in Vim) with the necessary
+replacements for the project and maintainer information.
+I)  There are no restrictions on distributing unmodified copies of Tagbar
+    except that they must include this license text.  You can also distribute
+    unmodified parts of Tagbar, likewise unrestricted except that they must
+    include this license text.  You are also allowed to include executables
+    that you made from the unmodified Tagbar sources, plus your own usage
+    examples and scripts.
+II) It is allowed to distribute a modified (or extended) version of Tagbar,
+    including executables and/or source code, when the following four
+    conditions are met:
+    1) This license text must be included unmodified.
+    2) The modified Tagbar must be distributed in one of the following five ways:
+       a) If you make changes to Tagbar yourself, you must clearly describe in
+          the distribution how to contact you.  When the maintainer asks you
+          (in any way) for a copy of the modified Tagbar you distributed, you
+          must make your changes, including source code, available to the
+          maintainer without fee.  The maintainer reserves the right to
+          include your changes in the official version of Tagbar.  What the
+          maintainer will do with your changes and under what license they
+          will be distributed is negotiable.  If there has been no negotiation
+          then this license, or a later version, also applies to your changes.
+          The current maintainer is Jan Larres <jan at majutsushi.net>.  If this
+          changes it will be announced in appropriate places (most likely
+          majutsushi.github.io/tagbar and/or github.com/majutsushi/tagbar).
+          When it is completely impossible to contact the maintainer, the
+          obligation to send him your changes ceases.  Once the maintainer has
+          confirmed that he has received your changes they will not have to be
+          sent again.
+       b) If you have received a modified Tagbar that was distributed as
+          mentioned under a) you are allowed to further distribute it
+          unmodified, as mentioned at I).  If you make additional changes the
+          text under a) applies to those changes.
+       c) Provide all the changes, including source code, with every copy of
+          the modified Tagbar you distribute.  This may be done in the form of
+          a context diff.  You can choose what license to use for new code you
+          add.  The changes and their license must not restrict others from
+          making their own changes to the official version of Tagbar.
+       d) When you have a modified Tagbar which includes changes as mentioned
+          under c), you can distribute it without the source code for the
+          changes if the following three conditions are met:
+          - The license that applies to the changes permits you to distribute
+            the changes to the Tagbar maintainer without fee or restriction, and
+            permits the Tagbar maintainer to include the changes in the official
+            version of Tagbar without fee or restriction.
+          - You keep the changes for at least three years after last
+            distributing the corresponding modified Tagbar.  When the
+            maintainer or someone who you distributed the modified Tagbar to
+            asks you (in any way) for the changes within this period, you must
+            make them available to him.
+          - You clearly describe in the distribution how to contact you.  This
+            contact information must remain valid for at least three years
+            after last distributing the corresponding modified Tagbar, or as
+            long as possible.
+       e) When the GNU General Public License (GPL) applies to the changes,
+          you can distribute the modified Tagbar under the GNU GPL version 2
+          or any later version.
+    3) A message must be added, at least in the documentation, such that the
+       user of the modified Tagbar is able to see that it was modified.  When
+       distributing as mentioned under 2)e) adding the message is only
+       required for as far as this does not conflict with the license used for
+       the changes.
+    4) The contact information as required under 2)a) and 2)d) must not be
+       removed or changed, except that the person himself can make
+       corrections.
+III) If you distribute a modified version of Tagbar, you are encouraged to use
+     the Tagbar license for your changes and make them available to the
+     maintainer, including the source code.  The preferred way to do this is
+     by e-mail or by uploading the files to a server and e-mailing the URL. If
+     the number of changes is small (e.g., a modified Makefile) e-mailing a
+     context diff will do.  The e-mail address to be used is
+     <jan at majutsushi.net>
+IV)  It is not allowed to remove this license from the distribution of the
+     Tagbar sources, parts of it or from a modified version.  You may use this
+     license for previous Tagbar releases instead of the license that they
+     came with, at your option.

Added: vim-tagbar/trunk/PKGBUILD
--- vim-tagbar/trunk/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ vim-tagbar/trunk/PKGBUILD	2016-03-04 15:39:26 UTC (rev 164808)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Maintainer: Levente Polyak <anthraxx[at]archlinux[dot]org>
+# Contributor: Rhinoceros <https://aur.archlinux.org/account/rhinoceros>
+# Contributor: Patrice Peterson <runiq at archlinux dot us>
+pkgdesc='Vim plugin to browse the tags of the current file and get an overview of its structure'
+depends=('ctags' 'vim')
+		    LICENSE)
+            '01f828e4cf4dee832d2b2976d19163f9e9968089c49a0a33783bd84f3507daf1da0730b12d4dae5bc1edbbf2e419f1ba46adb2347155753c06c94dc30631bf29')
+package() {
+  cd ${pkgname#vim-}-${pkgver}
+  _installpath="${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim/vimfiles"
+  install -Dm 644 doc/tagbar.txt "${_installpath}/doc/tagbar.txt"
+  install -Dm 644 autoload/tagbar.vim "${_installpath}/autoload/tagbar.vim"
+  install -Dm 644 plugin/tagbar.vim "${_installpath}/plugin/tagbar.vim"
+  install -Dm 644 syntax/tagbar.vim "${_installpath}/syntax/tagbar.vim"
+  install -Dm 644 "${srcdir}/LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
+# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:

Added: vim-tagbar/trunk/vimdoc.install
--- vim-tagbar/trunk/vimdoc.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ vim-tagbar/trunk/vimdoc.install	2016-03-04 15:39:26 UTC (rev 164808)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+post_install() {
+  echo -n "Updating vim help tags..."
+  /usr/bin/vim --noplugins -u NONE -U NONE \
+      --cmd ":helptags /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/doc" --cmd ":q" > /dev/null 2>&1
+  echo "done."
+post_upgrade() {
+  post_install $1
+post_remove() {
+  post_install
+# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:

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