[arch-commits] Commit in (17 files)

Rémy Oudompheng remy at archlinux.org
Mon Nov 21 06:32:01 UTC 2016

    Date: Monday, November 21, 2016 @ 06:32:01
  Author: remy
Revision: 281692

Repair broken repos/extra directories


 texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/PKGBUILD                |  363 +++++++
 texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/mktexlsr.hook           |   16 
 texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/mktexlsr.script         |   12 
 texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/texlive-updmap.hook     |   13 
 texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/texlive-updmap.script   |   13 
 texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD              |  363 +++++++
 texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/mktexlsr.hook         |   16 
 texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/mktexlsr.script       |   12 
 texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/texlive-updmap.hook   |   13 
 texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/texlive-updmap.script |   13 
 texlive-core/repos/extra-any/09-texlive-fonts.conf   |    9 
 texlive-core/repos/extra-any/Changelog               |  376 ++++++++
 texlive-core/repos/extra-any/PKGBUILD                |  290 ++++++
 texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texlive-core.maps       |   60 +
 texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texlive.install         |   12 
 texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texmf.cnf               |  782 +++++++++++++++++
 texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texmfcnf.lua            |  190 ++++
 17 files changed, 2553 insertions(+)

Added: texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/PKGBUILD
--- texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/PKGBUILD	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 281690 2016-11-21 06:27:04Z remy $
+# Maintainer: Rémy Oudompheng <remy at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: francois <francois.archlinux.org>
+pkgname=('texlive-bin' 'libsynctex')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=('cairo' 'pixman' 'graphite' 't1lib' 'gd' 'poppler'
+         'libsigsegv' 'zziplib' 'libpng' 'libjpeg' 'freetype2'
+         'icu' 'harfbuzz' 'harfbuzz-icu' 'gmp' 'mpfr' 'potrace' 'libpaper'
+         'perl' 'clisp' 'ffcall')
+        "mktexlsr.hook"
+        "mktexlsr.script"
+        "texlive-updmap.hook"
+        "texlive-updmap.script"
+        "texlive-fmtutil.hook"
+        "texlive-fmtutil.script")
+         'a4e54f0cb05f401728b2b230fd63b300'
+         '2bbbef810687f4b2804a4b8cb91ce02f'
+         '0ecdbd88cae12dbeb5d0d63127c5fc38'
+         'c64d77b5111a26b9995263b49df4937c'
+         '582af708588fd09eeaa0f08111e60091'
+         '3f05fa08f84b94fcb3a76be271116a95')
+build() {
+   cd "$srcdir"
+   # t4ht expects to be un /usr/share/texmf/bin/t4ht (FS#27251)
+   sed -i s/SELFAUTOPARENT/TEXMFROOT/ source/texk/tex4htk/t4ht.c
+   #############################################################
+   ### configure
+   cd source
+   ## prevent compiling Xdvi with libXp
+   sed -i~ 's|-lXp ||' texk/xdvik/configure
+   test ! -d Work && mkdir Work
+   cd Work
+   echo "--> Initial configuration..."
+   # we use temporary prefix to avoid messing the existing
+   # $pkgdir/usr/share/texmf tree
+   ../configure --prefix=/usr -C \
+     --sysconfdir=/etc \
+     --datarootdir=/usr/share \
+     --datadir=/usr/share \
+     --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+     --disable-native-texlive-build \
+     --with-banner-add="/Arch Linux" \
+     --disable-multiplatform \
+     --disable-dialog \
+     --disable-psutils \
+     --disable-t1utils \
+     --disable-bibtexu \
+     --disable-xz \
+     --enable-shared \
+     --disable-static \
+     --with-system-zlib \
+     --with-system-zziplib \
+     --with-system-pnglib \
+     --with-system-ncurses \
+     --with-system-t1lib \
+     --with-system-gd \
+     --with-system-poppler \
+     --with-system-xpdf \
+     --with-system-freetype2 \
+     --with-system-pixman \
+     --with-system-cairo \
+     --with-system-harfbuzz \
+     --with-system-graphite \
+     --with-system-icu \
+     --with-system-gmp \
+     --with-system-mpfr \
+     --with-system-potrace \
+     --with-system-libpaper \
+     --with-freetype2-libdir=/usr/lib \
+     --with-freetype2-include=/usr/include/freetype2 \
+     --with-xdvi-x-toolkit=xaw \
+     --disable-dump-share \
+     --disable-aleph \
+     --enable-luatex \
+     --with-clisp-runtime=default \
+     --enable-xindy --disable-xindy-rules --disable-xindy-docs
+   #############################################################
+   ### make
+   echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
+   echo "--> Building the whole beast ..."
+   echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
+   make
+package_libsynctex() {
+    pkgdesc='Library for synchronization between TeX files and resulting file'
+    depends=('glibc' 'zlib')
+    cd "${srcdir}/source/Work"
+    make -C texk/web2c DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" \
+        install-data-am install-libLTLIBRARIES
+package_texlive-bin() {
+   pkgdesc="TeX Live binaries"
+   depends=('cairo' 'pixman' 'graphite' 't1lib' 'gd' 'poppler'
+            'libsigsegv' 'zziplib' 'libpng' 'libjpeg' 'freetype2'
+            'icu' 'harfbuzz' 'harfbuzz-icu' 'gmp' 'mpfr' 'potrace' 'libpaper'
+            'libsynctex')
+   provides=('lcdf-typetools' 'kpathsea' 'xindy')
+   optdepends=('ed: for texconfig'
+               'biber: for bibliography processing')
+   options=('!strip')
+   cd "$srcdir"
+   #############################################################
+   ### install
+   cd source
+   # fixes for xindy
+   find utils/xindy -name Makefile -exec sed -i -e "s|^prefix =.\+$|prefix = $pkgdir/usr|" -e "s|^mandir =.\+$|mandir = \${prefix}/share/man|" -e "s|^datadir =.\+$|datadir = \${datarootdir}/texmf|" -e "s|^docdir =.\+$|docdir = \${datadir}/doc/xindy|" '{}' \;
+   echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
+   echo "--> Proceeding with make install ..."
+   echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
+   cd Work
+   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" texmf="$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf install
+   rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/{texmf,share/texmf-dist}
+   ## symlink engines by hand. texlinks has moved to texlive-core...
+   mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+   ln -s eptex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/platex
+   ln -s euptex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/uplatex
+   ln -s luatex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/dvilualatex
+   ln -s luatex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/dviluatex
+   ln -s luatex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/lualatex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/amstex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/cslatex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/csplain
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/eplain
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/etex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/jadetex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/latex
+   ln -s tex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/lollipop
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mllatex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mltex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfetex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfcslatex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfcsplain
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfjadetex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdflatex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfmex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfxmltex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/texsis
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/utf8mex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/xmltex
+   ln -s xetex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/xelatex
+   ## install pacman hooks
+   install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/mktexlsr.hook "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/mktexlsr.hook"
+   install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/texlive-updmap.hook "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/texlive-updmap.hook"
+   install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/texlive-fmtutil.hook "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/texlive-fmtutil.hook"
+   install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/mktexlsr.script "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/mktexlsr"
+   install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/texlive-updmap.script "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/texlive-updmap"
+   install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/texlive-fmtutil.script "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/texlive-fmtutil"
+   #############################################################
+   # remove dangling symlinks
+   _bibtexextra_scripts="
+   _core_scripts="
+   _games_scripts="rubikrotation"
+   _htmlxml_scripts="ht htcontext htlatex htmex httex httexi htxelatex htxetex mk4ht"
+   _humanities_scripts="diadia"
+   _langcyrillic_scripts="rubibtex rumakeindex"
+   _langextra_scripts="ebong"
+   _langgreek_scripts="mkgrkindex"
+   _langjapanese_scripts="convbkmk ptex2pdf
+   _langkorean_scripts="jamo-normalize komkindex ttf2kotexfont"
+   _latexextra_scripts="
+   _music_scripts="lily-glyph-commands lily-image-commands lily-rebuild-pdfs
+m-tx musixtex musixflx pmx2pdf pmxchords"
+   _pictures_scripts="
+   _pstricks_scripts="pedigree pst2pdf"
+   _science_scripts="pygmentex ulqda"
+   for s in \
+        ${_bibtexextra_scripts} \
+        ${_core_scripts}        \
+        ${_games_scripts}       \
+        ${_htmlxml_scripts}     \
+        ${_humanities_scripts}   \
+        ${_langcyrillic_scripts} \
+        ${_langextra_scripts}    \
+        ${_langgreek_scripts}    \
+        ${_langjapanese_scripts} \
+        ${_langkorean_scripts} \
+        ${_latexextra_scripts} \
+        ${_music_scripts}      \
+        ${_pictures_scripts}   \
+        ${_pstricks_scripts}   \
+        ${_science_scripts}    \
+        tlmgr; do
+       ! readlink -e "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/$s && rm "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/$s
+   done
+   ###################################################################
+   # remove libsynctex
+   rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/include/synctex/*
+   rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/libsynctex.*
+   rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/pkgconfig/synctex.pc
+   rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man*/synctex.*

Added: texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/mktexlsr.hook
--- texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/mktexlsr.hook	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/mktexlsr.hook	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Type = File
+Operation = Install
+Operation = Upgrade
+Operation = Remove
+Target = usr/bin/mktexlsr
+Target = etc/texmf/*
+Target = usr/share/texmf/*
+Target = usr/share/texmf-dist/*
+Target = var/lib/texmf/*
+Description = Updating TeXLive filename database...
+When = PostTransaction
+Exec = /usr/share/libalpm/scripts/mktexlsr

Added: texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/mktexlsr.script
--- texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/mktexlsr.script	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/mktexlsr.script	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+(cd /etc/texmf && /usr/bin/mtxrun --generate >/dev/null)
+# We need to remove directory "." from luatex cache to avoid absurd
+# behaviour.
+for item in /var/lib/texmf/luatex-cache/context/*/trees/*.lua; do
+    if grep -F '["root"]="."' "$item" >/dev/null; then
+        rm -f "$item" "${item%.lua}.luc"
+    fi

Added: texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/texlive-updmap.hook
--- texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/texlive-updmap.hook	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/texlive-updmap.hook	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Type = File
+Operation = Install
+Operation = Upgrade
+Operation = Remove
+Target = usr/bin/tex
+Target = var/lib/texmf/arch/installedpkgs/*.maps
+Description = Updating TeXLive font maps...
+When = PostTransaction
+Exec = /usr/share/libalpm/scripts/texlive-updmap

Added: texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/texlive-updmap.script
--- texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/texlive-updmap.script	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-bin/repos/extra-i686/texlive-updmap.script	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+cp usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/updmap-hdr.cfg $UPDMAP
+cat var/lib/texmf/arch/installedpkgs/*.maps >> $UPDMAP
+if [[ -f "$UPDMAPLOCAL" ]]; then
+    cat "$UPDMAPLOCAL" >> $UPDMAP
+/usr/bin/updmap-sys --quiet --nohash

Added: texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 281690 2016-11-21 06:27:04Z remy $
+# Maintainer: Rémy Oudompheng <remy at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: francois <francois.archlinux.org>
+pkgname=('texlive-bin' 'libsynctex')
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+makedepends=('cairo' 'pixman' 'graphite' 't1lib' 'gd' 'poppler'
+         'libsigsegv' 'zziplib' 'libpng' 'libjpeg' 'freetype2'
+         'icu' 'harfbuzz' 'harfbuzz-icu' 'gmp' 'mpfr' 'potrace' 'libpaper'
+         'perl' 'clisp' 'ffcall')
+        "mktexlsr.hook"
+        "mktexlsr.script"
+        "texlive-updmap.hook"
+        "texlive-updmap.script"
+        "texlive-fmtutil.hook"
+        "texlive-fmtutil.script")
+         'a4e54f0cb05f401728b2b230fd63b300'
+         '2bbbef810687f4b2804a4b8cb91ce02f'
+         '0ecdbd88cae12dbeb5d0d63127c5fc38'
+         'c64d77b5111a26b9995263b49df4937c'
+         '582af708588fd09eeaa0f08111e60091'
+         '3f05fa08f84b94fcb3a76be271116a95')
+build() {
+   cd "$srcdir"
+   # t4ht expects to be un /usr/share/texmf/bin/t4ht (FS#27251)
+   sed -i s/SELFAUTOPARENT/TEXMFROOT/ source/texk/tex4htk/t4ht.c
+   #############################################################
+   ### configure
+   cd source
+   ## prevent compiling Xdvi with libXp
+   sed -i~ 's|-lXp ||' texk/xdvik/configure
+   test ! -d Work && mkdir Work
+   cd Work
+   echo "--> Initial configuration..."
+   # we use temporary prefix to avoid messing the existing
+   # $pkgdir/usr/share/texmf tree
+   ../configure --prefix=/usr -C \
+     --sysconfdir=/etc \
+     --datarootdir=/usr/share \
+     --datadir=/usr/share \
+     --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+     --disable-native-texlive-build \
+     --with-banner-add="/Arch Linux" \
+     --disable-multiplatform \
+     --disable-dialog \
+     --disable-psutils \
+     --disable-t1utils \
+     --disable-bibtexu \
+     --disable-xz \
+     --enable-shared \
+     --disable-static \
+     --with-system-zlib \
+     --with-system-zziplib \
+     --with-system-pnglib \
+     --with-system-ncurses \
+     --with-system-t1lib \
+     --with-system-gd \
+     --with-system-poppler \
+     --with-system-xpdf \
+     --with-system-freetype2 \
+     --with-system-pixman \
+     --with-system-cairo \
+     --with-system-harfbuzz \
+     --with-system-graphite \
+     --with-system-icu \
+     --with-system-gmp \
+     --with-system-mpfr \
+     --with-system-potrace \
+     --with-system-libpaper \
+     --with-freetype2-libdir=/usr/lib \
+     --with-freetype2-include=/usr/include/freetype2 \
+     --with-xdvi-x-toolkit=xaw \
+     --disable-dump-share \
+     --disable-aleph \
+     --enable-luatex \
+     --with-clisp-runtime=default \
+     --enable-xindy --disable-xindy-rules --disable-xindy-docs
+   #############################################################
+   ### make
+   echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
+   echo "--> Building the whole beast ..."
+   echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
+   make
+package_libsynctex() {
+    pkgdesc='Library for synchronization between TeX files and resulting file'
+    depends=('glibc' 'zlib')
+    cd "${srcdir}/source/Work"
+    make -C texk/web2c DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" \
+        install-data-am install-libLTLIBRARIES
+package_texlive-bin() {
+   pkgdesc="TeX Live binaries"
+   depends=('cairo' 'pixman' 'graphite' 't1lib' 'gd' 'poppler'
+            'libsigsegv' 'zziplib' 'libpng' 'libjpeg' 'freetype2'
+            'icu' 'harfbuzz' 'harfbuzz-icu' 'gmp' 'mpfr' 'potrace' 'libpaper'
+            'libsynctex')
+   provides=('lcdf-typetools' 'kpathsea' 'xindy')
+   optdepends=('ed: for texconfig'
+               'biber: for bibliography processing')
+   options=('!strip')
+   cd "$srcdir"
+   #############################################################
+   ### install
+   cd source
+   # fixes for xindy
+   find utils/xindy -name Makefile -exec sed -i -e "s|^prefix =.\+$|prefix = $pkgdir/usr|" -e "s|^mandir =.\+$|mandir = \${prefix}/share/man|" -e "s|^datadir =.\+$|datadir = \${datarootdir}/texmf|" -e "s|^docdir =.\+$|docdir = \${datadir}/doc/xindy|" '{}' \;
+   echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
+   echo "--> Proceeding with make install ..."
+   echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
+   cd Work
+   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" texmf="$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf install
+   rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/{texmf,share/texmf-dist}
+   ## symlink engines by hand. texlinks has moved to texlive-core...
+   mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
+   ln -s eptex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/platex
+   ln -s euptex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/uplatex
+   ln -s luatex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/dvilualatex
+   ln -s luatex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/dviluatex
+   ln -s luatex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/lualatex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/amstex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/cslatex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/csplain
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/eplain
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/etex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/jadetex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/latex
+   ln -s tex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/lollipop
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mllatex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mltex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfetex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfcslatex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfcsplain
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfjadetex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdflatex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfmex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pdfxmltex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/texsis
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/utf8mex
+   ln -s pdftex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/xmltex
+   ln -s xetex ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/xelatex
+   ## install pacman hooks
+   install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/mktexlsr.hook "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/mktexlsr.hook"
+   install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/texlive-updmap.hook "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/texlive-updmap.hook"
+   install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/texlive-fmtutil.hook "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/texlive-fmtutil.hook"
+   install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/mktexlsr.script "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/mktexlsr"
+   install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/texlive-updmap.script "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/texlive-updmap"
+   install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/texlive-fmtutil.script "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/texlive-fmtutil"
+   #############################################################
+   # remove dangling symlinks
+   _bibtexextra_scripts="
+   _core_scripts="
+   _games_scripts="rubikrotation"
+   _htmlxml_scripts="ht htcontext htlatex htmex httex httexi htxelatex htxetex mk4ht"
+   _humanities_scripts="diadia"
+   _langcyrillic_scripts="rubibtex rumakeindex"
+   _langextra_scripts="ebong"
+   _langgreek_scripts="mkgrkindex"
+   _langjapanese_scripts="convbkmk ptex2pdf
+   _langkorean_scripts="jamo-normalize komkindex ttf2kotexfont"
+   _latexextra_scripts="
+   _music_scripts="lily-glyph-commands lily-image-commands lily-rebuild-pdfs
+m-tx musixtex musixflx pmx2pdf pmxchords"
+   _pictures_scripts="
+   _pstricks_scripts="pedigree pst2pdf"
+   _science_scripts="pygmentex ulqda"
+   for s in \
+        ${_bibtexextra_scripts} \
+        ${_core_scripts}        \
+        ${_games_scripts}       \
+        ${_htmlxml_scripts}     \
+        ${_humanities_scripts}   \
+        ${_langcyrillic_scripts} \
+        ${_langextra_scripts}    \
+        ${_langgreek_scripts}    \
+        ${_langjapanese_scripts} \
+        ${_langkorean_scripts} \
+        ${_latexextra_scripts} \
+        ${_music_scripts}      \
+        ${_pictures_scripts}   \
+        ${_pstricks_scripts}   \
+        ${_science_scripts}    \
+        tlmgr; do
+       ! readlink -e "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/$s && rm "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/$s
+   done
+   ###################################################################
+   # remove libsynctex
+   rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/include/synctex/*
+   rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/libsynctex.*
+   rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/pkgconfig/synctex.pc
+   rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man*/synctex.*

Added: texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/mktexlsr.hook
--- texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/mktexlsr.hook	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/mktexlsr.hook	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Type = File
+Operation = Install
+Operation = Upgrade
+Operation = Remove
+Target = usr/bin/mktexlsr
+Target = etc/texmf/*
+Target = usr/share/texmf/*
+Target = usr/share/texmf-dist/*
+Target = var/lib/texmf/*
+Description = Updating TeXLive filename database...
+When = PostTransaction
+Exec = /usr/share/libalpm/scripts/mktexlsr

Added: texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/mktexlsr.script
--- texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/mktexlsr.script	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/mktexlsr.script	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+(cd /etc/texmf && /usr/bin/mtxrun --generate >/dev/null)
+# We need to remove directory "." from luatex cache to avoid absurd
+# behaviour.
+for item in /var/lib/texmf/luatex-cache/context/*/trees/*.lua; do
+    if grep -F '["root"]="."' "$item" >/dev/null; then
+        rm -f "$item" "${item%.lua}.luc"
+    fi

Added: texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/texlive-updmap.hook
--- texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/texlive-updmap.hook	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/texlive-updmap.hook	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Type = File
+Operation = Install
+Operation = Upgrade
+Operation = Remove
+Target = usr/bin/tex
+Target = var/lib/texmf/arch/installedpkgs/*.maps
+Description = Updating TeXLive font maps...
+When = PostTransaction
+Exec = /usr/share/libalpm/scripts/texlive-updmap

Added: texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/texlive-updmap.script
--- texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/texlive-updmap.script	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-bin/repos/extra-x86_64/texlive-updmap.script	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+cp usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/updmap-hdr.cfg $UPDMAP
+cat var/lib/texmf/arch/installedpkgs/*.maps >> $UPDMAP
+if [[ -f "$UPDMAPLOCAL" ]]; then
+    cat "$UPDMAPLOCAL" >> $UPDMAP
+/usr/bin/updmap-sys --quiet --nohash

Added: texlive-core/repos/extra-any/09-texlive-fonts.conf
--- texlive-core/repos/extra-any/09-texlive-fonts.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-core/repos/extra-any/09-texlive-fonts.conf	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
+  <dir>/usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype</dir>
+  <dir>/usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/truetype</dir>
+  <dir>/usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/opentype</dir>
+  <dir>/usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/truetype</dir>

Added: texlive-core/repos/extra-any/Changelog
--- texlive-core/repos/extra-any/Changelog	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-core/repos/extra-any/Changelog	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+texlive-core 2012.28273
+- new package a2ping
+- new package adhocfilelist
+- new package basque-book
+- upgrade package beamer 26788 -> 28273
+- upgrade package bibleref-french 25516 -> 27098
+- upgrade package bidi 26822 -> 28144
+- new package bropd
+- upgrade package chickenize 26702 -> 27720
+- upgrade package context-filter 26471 -> 27157
+- upgrade package context-gantt 25712 -> 27472
+- upgrade package context-gnuplot 26852 -> 27837
+- upgrade package context-letter 26753 -> 27787
+- upgrade package context-rst 24199 -> 27236
+- upgrade package context-simplefonts 25094 -> 27171
+- upgrade package context-vim 26873 -> 27374
+- upgrade package dvips 26765 -> 28191
+- upgrade package findhyph 26313 -> 28254
+- upgrade package fontinst 26689 -> 27335
+- upgrade package fontools 25995 -> 28093
+- upgrade package genmisc 20683 -> 27208
+- upgrade package helvetic 21993 -> 28007
+- upgrade package hyperref 26331 -> 28213
+- upgrade package interpreter 24740 -> 27232
+- upgrade package isomath 21296 -> 27654
+- upgrade package koma-script 26455 -> 27255
+- upgrade package l3experimental 26109 -> 27900
+- upgrade package l3kernel 26111 -> 27898
+- upgrade package l3packages 26110 -> 27899
+- upgrade package latex 23639 -> 27907
+- upgrade package latexmk 26313 -> 28264
+- new package latexpand
+- upgrade package lm 23165 -> 28119
+- new package lm-math
+- new package lua-check-hyphen
+- new package lua2dox
+- upgrade package lualatex-math 24009 -> 28101
+- new package luaxml
+- upgrade package mf2pt1 25811 -> 27032
+- upgrade package mpgraphics 22142 -> 27230
+- new package odsfile
+- upgrade package pdfcrop 26313 -> 28175
+- upgrade package pdfpages 25883 -> 27574
+- new package pdftex
+- new package pdftools
+- new package pstools
+- new package ptext
+- upgrade package rec-thy 20909 -> 27225
+- upgrade package sty2dtx 26313 -> 28206
+- upgrade package tetex 26892 -> 28191
+- upgrade package tex-gyre-math 26838 -> 28081
+- upgrade package texdoc 26780 -> 27321
+- upgrade package texinfo 26886 -> 28224
+- upgrade package typeoutfileinfo 26313 -> 27846
+- new package ucharclasses
+- upgrade package unicode-math 26720 -> 27257
+- upgrade package xecjk 26553 -> 28115
+- upgrade package xepersian 26823 -> 28145
+- upgrade package xkeyval 15878 -> 27995
+- upgrade package ytableau 21264 -> 27430
+- deleted package luapersian
+texlive-core 2012.26892
+- TEXLive 2012 release.
+texlive-core 2011.24722
+- upgrade package amscls 22145 -> 23392
+- upgrade package amsmath 22147 -> 23390
+- upgrade package babel 22149 -> 23397
+- upgrade package beamer 19443 -> 24067
+- upgrade package bibleref-french 22077 -> 24267
+- upgrade package bidi 22125 -> 24680
+- upgrade package caption 16715 -> 24571
+- upgrade package cmarrows 15878 -> 24378
+- upgrade package context 23169 -> 24174
+- upgrade package context-filter 23170 -> 24389
+- upgrade package context-french 23167 -> 24582
+- new package context-gantt
+- upgrade package context-gnuplot 23167 -> 24028
+- upgrade package context-letter 23167 -> 24045
+- upgrade package context-rst 23167 -> 24199
+- upgrade package context-simplefonts 23167 -> 23369
+- upgrade package context-simpleslides 23167 -> 24165
+- upgrade package context-typescripts 23167 -> 24492
+- upgrade package context-vim 23167 -> 24359
+- upgrade package cslatex 22650 -> 23409
+- upgrade package ctable 22269 -> 23834
+- new package ctanify
+- new package ctanupload
+- upgrade package dehyph-exptl 18640 -> 23403
+- new package dhua
+- upgrade package dvips 23089 -> 24563
+- upgrade package emp 15878 -> 23483
+- new package facture
+- new package fontbook
+- upgrade package fontname 23088 -> 24661
+- upgrade package fontools 20048 -> 23329
+- upgrade package fontspec 21527 -> 24114
+- upgrade package frontespizio 21648 -> 24054
+- upgrade package graphics 22151 -> 23395
+- upgrade package hatching 18486 -> 23818
+- upgrade package hyperref 22110 -> 24686
+- upgrade package hyph-utf8 23085 -> 24089
+- new package impnattypo
+- upgrade package index 15878 -> 24099
+Upgrading package texlive-core from 23170 to 24722
+- upgrade package amscls 22145 -> 23392
+- upgrade package amsmath 22147 -> 23390
+- upgrade package babel 22149 -> 23397
+- upgrade package beamer 19443 -> 24067
+- upgrade package bibleref-french 22077 -> 24267
+- upgrade package bidi 22125 -> 24680
+- upgrade package caption 16715 -> 24571
+- upgrade package cmarrows 15878 -> 24378
+- upgrade package context 23169 -> 24174
+- upgrade package context-filter 23170 -> 24389
+- upgrade package context-french 23167 -> 24582
+- new package context-gantt
+- upgrade package context-gnuplot 23167 -> 24028
+- upgrade package context-letter 23167 -> 24045
+- upgrade package context-rst 23167 -> 24199
+- upgrade package context-simplefonts 23167 -> 23369
+- upgrade package context-simpleslides 23167 -> 24165
+- upgrade package context-typescripts 23167 -> 24492
+- upgrade package context-vim 23167 -> 24359
+- upgrade package cslatex 22650 -> 23409
+- upgrade package ctable 22269 -> 23834
+- new package ctanify
+- new package ctanupload
+- upgrade package dehyph-exptl 18640 -> 23403
+- new package dhua
+- upgrade package dvips 23089 -> 24563
+- upgrade package emp 15878 -> 23483
+- new package facture
+- new package fontbook
+- upgrade package fontname 23088 -> 24661
+- upgrade package fontools 20048 -> 23329
+- upgrade package fontspec 21527 -> 24114
+- upgrade package frontespizio 21648 -> 24054
+- upgrade package graphics 22151 -> 23395
+- upgrade package hatching 18486 -> 23818
+- upgrade package hyperref 22110 -> 24686
+- upgrade package hyph-utf8 23085 -> 24089
+- new package impnattypo
+- upgrade package index 15878 -> 24099
+- new package interpreter
+- upgrade package ionumbers 15878 -> 23380
+- upgrade package koma-script 21983 -> 23235
+- new package l3experimental
+- new package l3kernel
+- new package l3packages
+- upgrade package latex 22152 -> 23639
+- upgrade package latexmk 22466 -> 24722
+- new package luabibentry
+- new package luaindex
+- upgrade package lualatex-math 22339 -> 24009
+- new package luapersian
+- upgrade package marvosym 22202 -> 23630
+- new package match_parens
+- new package mf2pt1
+- upgrade package mh 21405 -> 23333
+- upgrade package misc 17497 -> 23699
+- new package mpcolornames
+- upgrade package ms 16596 -> 24467
+- upgrade package pdfcrop 19781 -> 23499
+- upgrade package pdfpages 21680 -> 23319
+- upgrade package polyglossia 19698 -> 24291
+- upgrade package powerdot 22510 -> 24587
+- new package przechlewski-book
+- upgrade package psnfss 22153 -> 23394
+- new package showhyphens
+- upgrade package statex2 20307 -> 23961
+- upgrade package tabvar 21678 -> 23278
+- upgrade package texcount 18835 -> 23293
+- upgrade package texdef 22049 -> 23260
+- upgrade package texdoc 23089 -> 24354
+- upgrade package texinfo 22646 -> 24108
+- new package texliveonfly
+- upgrade package thumbpdf 23089 -> 23503
+- upgrade package tools 22154 -> 24253
+- upgrade package unicode-math 21391 -> 24022
+- upgrade package xecjk 22487 -> 23994
+- new package xecolor
+- upgrade package xepersian 21397 -> 24687
+- upgrade package xetex 18937 -> 24091
+- upgrade package xetex-itrans 20757 -> 24105
+- upgrade package xunicode 20553 -> 23897
+- deleted package expl3
+- deleted package xecolour
+- deleted package xetex-devanagari
+- deleted package xpackages
+texlive-core 2011.23170
+- upgrade package amstex 22650 -> 23089
+- upgrade package bibtex 22198 -> 23089
+- upgrade package context 22719 -> 23169
+- upgrade package context-account 16837 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-algorithmic 15878 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-bnf 15878 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-chromato 15878 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-construction-plan 15878 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-degrade 15878 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-filter 21636 -> 23170
+- upgrade package context-fixme 16141 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-french 15878 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-fullpage 21201 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-games 15878 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-gnuplot 21379 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-letter 21349 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-lettrine 15878 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-lilypond 17445 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-mathsets 21969 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-rst 22387 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-ruby 16847 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-simplefonts 21854 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-simpleslides 16975 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-typearea 15878 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-typescripts 21034 -> 23167
+- upgrade package context-vim 21637 -> 23167
+- upgrade package cweb 22198 -> 23089
+- upgrade package dvips 22534 -> 23089
+- upgrade package fontinst 18835 -> 23089
+- upgrade package fontname 21489 -> 23088
+- upgrade package hyph-utf8 21077 -> 23085
+- upgrade package latexconfig 21697 -> 22998
+- upgrade package lm 18651 -> 23165
+- upgrade package luamplib 20881 -> 23137
+- upgrade package makeindex 21345 -> 23089
+- upgrade package metafont 22646 -> 23089
+- upgrade package metapost 22680 -> 23089
+- upgrade package mfware 22534 -> 23089
+- upgrade package mptopdf 22719 -> 23089
+- upgrade package pkfix-helper 20168 -> 22981
+- new package texdoc
+- upgrade package thumbpdf 19315 -> 23089
+- upgrade package ttfutils 22534 -> 23089
+texlive-core 2011.22722
+- upgrade package amstex 22089 -> 22650
+- upgrade package bibtex 22089 -> 22198
+- upgrade package bundledoc 18835 -> 22307
+- upgrade package context 21345 -> 22719
+- new package context-rst
+- upgrade package cslatex 18835 -> 22650
+- upgrade package csplain 18835 -> 22650
+- upgrade package ctable 22095 -> 22269
+- upgrade package cweb 22089 -> 22198
+- upgrade package dvips 22035 -> 22534
+- upgrade package etex 22089 -> 22198
+- upgrade package euro 15878 -> 22191
+- upgrade package expl3 21634 -> 22236
+- upgrade package ifluatex 22124 -> 22180
+- upgrade package jmn 15878 -> 22719
+- upgrade package latexmk 22132 -> 22466
+- upgrade package lithuanian 15878 -> 22722
+- upgrade package luacode 20372 -> 22605
+- new package lualatex-math
+- upgrade package luaotfload 21450 -> 22165
+- upgrade package luatexbase 20476 -> 22560
+- upgrade package marvosym 15878 -> 22202
+- upgrade package metafont 22089 -> 22646
+- upgrade package metapost 22106 -> 22680
+- upgrade package mex 18835 -> 22650
+- upgrade package mfware 22089 -> 22534
+- upgrade package mptopdf 18835 -> 22719
+- upgrade package oberdiek 22124 -> 22180
+- upgrade package pdftex-def 21241 -> 22653
+- upgrade package pgf 20236 -> 22614
+- upgrade package pkfix 18835 -> 22168
+- upgrade package powerdot 20970 -> 22510
+- upgrade package texinfo 21803 -> 22646
+- upgrade package ttfutils 18835 -> 22534
+- upgrade package unisugar 21552 -> 22357
+- upgrade package xecjk 21117 -> 22487
+- new package xetex-devanagari
+- upgrade package xpackages 21184 -> 22347
+- deleted package eurofont
+- deleted package eurosans
+- deleted package harvardkyoto
+texlive-core 2010.22154-1
+- upgrade package amscls 20248 -> 22145
+- upgrade package amsmath 20250 -> 22147
+- upgrade package amstex 18835 -> 22089
+- upgrade package avantgar 15878 -> 21993
+- upgrade package babel 20253 -> 22149
+- new package bibleref-french
+- new package bibleref-german
+- upgrade package bibtex 20729 -> 22089
+- upgrade package bidi 20057 -> 22125
+- upgrade package bookman 15878 -> 21993
+- upgrade package context 20438 -> 21345
+- upgrade package context-filter 20288 -> 21636
+- upgrade package context-fullpage 18021 -> 21201
+- upgrade package context-gnuplot 15878 -> 21379
+- upgrade package context-letter 20359 -> 21349
+- upgrade package context-mathsets 15878 -> 21969
+- upgrade package context-simplefonts 20103 -> 21854
+- upgrade package context-typescripts 19977 -> 21034
+- upgrade package context-vim 15878 -> 21637
+- upgrade package courier 20926 -> 21993
+- upgrade package ctable 20274 -> 22095
+- upgrade package cweb 18835 -> 22089
+- upgrade package drv 20511 -> 21499
+- upgrade package dvips 20950 -> 22035
+- upgrade package epsf 17190 -> 21461
+- upgrade package eso-pic 20020 -> 21515
+- upgrade package etex 16381 -> 22089
+- upgrade package expl3 20793 -> 21634
+- new package fixlatvian
+- upgrade package fontname 20190 -> 21489
+- upgrade package fontspec 20472 -> 21527
+- upgrade package fragmaster 18835 -> 21460
+- upgrade package frontespizio 19139 -> 21648
+- new package gmp
+- upgrade package graphics 20255 -> 22151
+- upgrade package helvetic 20926 -> 21993
+- upgrade package hyperref 20783 -> 22110
+- upgrade package hyph-utf8 19815 -> 21077
+- upgrade package ifluatex 18100 -> 22124
+- upgrade package isomath 19786 -> 21296
+- upgrade package koma-script 19797 -> 21983
+- upgrade package latex 20256 -> 22152
+- upgrade package latexconfig 20663 -> 21697
+- upgrade package latexmk 20887 -> 22132
+- upgrade package ltxmisc 20350 -> 21927
+- upgrade package lualibs 19328 -> 21149
+- upgrade package luaotfload 20475 -> 21450
+- upgrade package makeindex 18835 -> 21345
+- upgrade package memoir 19810 -> 21638
+- upgrade package metafont 18835 -> 22089
+- upgrade package metapost 18835 -> 22106
+- upgrade package mfpic 18920 -> 21800
+- upgrade package mfware 18835 -> 22089
+- upgrade package mh 19794 -> 21405
+- upgrade package mkjobtexmf 20859 -> 21345
+- upgrade package mp3d 15878 -> 21771
+- new package mpgraphics
+- upgrade package ncntrsbk 15878 -> 21993
+- upgrade package oberdiek 18100 -> 22124
+- upgrade package oubraces 17175 -> 21833
+- upgrade package palatino 15878 -> 21993
+- upgrade package path 19866 -> 22045
+- upgrade package pdfpages 20796 -> 21680
+- upgrade package pdftex-def 20593 -> 21241
+- upgrade package powerdot 20649 -> 20970
+- upgrade package psnfss 20257 -> 22153
+- upgrade package ruhyphen 18394 -> 21081
+- upgrade package setspace 15878 -> 21104
+- upgrade package stmaryrd 15878 -> 22027
+- new package sty2dtx
+- upgrade package symbol 15878 -> 21570
+- upgrade package tabvar 19619 -> 21678
+- new package texdef
+- upgrade package texinfo 20918 -> 21803
+- upgrade package times 20926 -> 21993
+- upgrade package tools 20258 -> 22154
+- upgrade package ukrhyph 18396 -> 21081
+- upgrade package ulem 20083 -> 21840
+- upgrade package unicode-math 19934 -> 21391
+- new package unisugar
+- upgrade package xecjk 18848 -> 21117
+- upgrade package xepersian 20681 -> 21397
+- upgrade package xpackages 20954 -> 21184
+- upgrade package ytableau 20357 -> 21264
+- upgrade package zapfchan 15878 -> 21993
+- upgrade package zapfding 15878 -> 21570
+- deleted package circle
+- deleted package citeref

Added: texlive-core/repos/extra-any/PKGBUILD
--- texlive-core/repos/extra-any/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-core/repos/extra-any/PKGBUILD	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 281688 2016-11-21 06:23:47Z remy $
+# Maintainer: Rémy Oudompheng <remy at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="TeX Live core distribution"
+depends=('texlive-bin' 'perl')
+  'dialog:      for texconfig'
+  'ghostscript: for epstopdf, epspdf and other ConTeXt tools' 
+  'java-runtime: for utilities like arara'
+  'perl-tk:     for texdoctk'
+  'psutils:     to manipulate the output of dvips'
+  'python:      for pythontex'
+  'python2:     for dviasm'
+  'ruby:        for old ConTeXT MkII and epspdf'
+  't1utils:     can be useful when installing Type1 fonts'
+conflicts=('tetex' 'texlive-latex3' 'pdfjam')
+provides=('tetex' 'texlive-latex3' 'pdfjam')
+replaces=('tetex' 'texlive-latex3' 'pdfjam')
+        "$pkgname.maps"
+        "$pkgname.fmts"
+        "texmf.cnf"
+        "texmfcnf.lua"
+        "09-texlive-fonts.conf")
+backup=(etc/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf \
+        etc/texmf/chktex/chktexrc \
+	etc/texmf/dvipdfmx/dvipdfmx.cfg \
+	etc/texmf/dvips/config/config.ps \
+	etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.dat \
+	etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.def \
+	etc/texmf/tex/generic/tex-ini-files/pdftexconfig.tex \
+	etc/texmf/ttf2pk/ttf2pk.cfg \
+	etc/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf \
+	etc/texmf/web2c/mktex.cnf \
+	etc/texmf/xdvi/XDvi)
+         'ae4f25a5e69e3debd0e662bd2231ff95'
+         'd38aaf62ad1e4d09113c44cd68d82fed'
+         'df537245012f3e5f05bdc55644b7a3df'
+         '16ad4dc53deb00029baef1b01ba1d984'
+         '393a4bf67adc7ca5df2b386759d1a637')
+build() {
+   cd "$srcdir"
+   echo -n "   --> extracting all packages... "
+   for p in *.tar.xz; do 
+     bsdtar -xf $p
+   done
+   echo "done"
+   rm -rf source doc
+package() {
+   cd "$srcdir"
+   # Install packages.
+   install -m755 -d $pkgdir/var/lib/texmf/arch/installedpkgs
+   sed -i '/^#/d' CONTENTS
+   install -m644 CONTENTS $pkgdir/var/lib/texmf/arch/installedpkgs/${pkgname}_${_revnr}.pkgs
+   install -m644 $pkgname.maps $pkgdir/var/lib/texmf/arch/installedpkgs/
+   install -m644 $pkgname.fmts $pkgdir/var/lib/texmf/arch/installedpkgs/
+   install -m755 -d $pkgdir/usr/share
+   wanteddirs=$(for d in *; do test -d $d && [[ $d != texmf* ]] && echo $d; done) || true
+   for dir in $wanteddirs; do
+     find $dir -type d -exec install -d -m755 $pkgdir/usr/share/texmf-dist/'{}' \;
+     find $dir -type f -exec install -m644 '{}' $pkgdir/usr/share/texmf-dist/'{}' \;
+   done
+   find texmf-dist -type d -exec install -d -m755 $pkgdir/usr/share/'{}' \;
+   find texmf-dist -type f -exec install -m644 '{}' $pkgdir/usr/share/'{}' \;
+   find texmf-dist -type f -executable -exec chmod 755 $pkgdir/usr/share/'{}' \;
+   #############################################################
+   ### install texmf tree
+   echo "--> installing the /etc/texmf tree"
+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/web2c
+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/chktex
+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/dvips/config
+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/dvipdfmx
+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/tex/generic/config
+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/tex/generic/tex-ini-files
+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/ttf2pk
+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/xdvi
+   install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/etc/fonts/conf.avail
+   install -m644 "$srcdir"/09-texlive-fonts.conf "$pkgdir"/etc/fonts/conf.avail/
+   # Remove manpages (already in texlive-bin).
+   rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/doc/man
+   # copy config files to $TEXMFCONFIG tree
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/chktex/chktexrc \
+     	"$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/chktex/
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/mktex.cnf \
+   	  "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/web2c/
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/updmap-hdr.cfg \
+   	  "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/web2c/
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil-hdr.cnf \
+   	  "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/dvips/config/config.ps \
+   	  "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/dvips/config/
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/dvipdfmx/dvipdfmx.cfg \
+   	  "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/dvipdfmx/
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex-ini-files/pdftexconfig.tex \
+   	  "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/tex/generic/tex-ini-files/
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/config/language.dat \
+   	  "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/config/language.def \
+   	  "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/ttf2pk/ttf2pk.cfg \
+   	  "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/ttf2pk/
+   cp -a "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/xdvi/XDvi \
+   	  "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/xdvi/
+   # remove TL specific warnings in the language.{dat,def} files:
+   sed -i -e '/DO NOT EDIT/,+3 d' "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/tex/generic/config/language.*
+   # replace upstream texmf.cnf with ours
+   rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/texmf.cnf
+   install -m644 "$srcdir"/texmf.cnf "$pkgdir"/etc/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf
+   # since the location of texmf.cnf is hard-wired to be under /usr/share/texmf/web2c
+   # we make a symlink from /etc/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf to the latter
+   ln -sf /etc/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/texmf.cnf
+   # replace upstream texmfcnf.lua with ours
+   install -m644 "$srcdir"/texmfcnf.lua "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/texmfcnf.lua
+   # create symlinks for formats 
+   echo "--> Create symlinks for TeX formats ..."
+   mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
+   bash "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive/texlinks.sh -f "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil.cnf "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/
+   # use python2 instead of python for scripts.
+   sed -i '1s/python/python2/' $pkgdir/usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/de-macro/de-macro
+   sed -i 's/env python/env python2/' $pkgdir/usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/dviasm/dviasm.py
+   # install Perl libraries
+   mv "$pkgdir"/usr/share/texmf-dist/tlpkg "$pkgdir"/usr/share
+   rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/tlpkg/tlpobj
+   # copy config file to texmf-config
+   #mkdir -p $pkgdir/etc/texmf/tex/context/config
+   #cp -a $pkgdir/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/context/config/cont-usr.tex \
+   #	  $pkgdir/etc/texmf/tex/context/config/cont-usr.tex
+   # remove upstream updmap.cfg: it contains too many maps.
+   rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/updmap.cfg"
+   # remove upstream fmtutil.cnf: it will be autogenerated
+   rm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/fmtutil.cnf"
+   # more cleanup
+   rm -rf $pkgdir/usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/mswin/
+    # link programs from /usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts
+    _linked_scripts="
+    install -m755 -d $pkgdir/usr/bin
+    for _script in ${_linked_scripts}; do
+        _scriptbase=$(basename $_script)
+        _scriptbase=${_scriptbase%.*}
+        ln -s /usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/${_script} ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${_scriptbase}
+    done
+    ln -s /usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/listings-ext/listings-ext.sh ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/listings-ext.sh
+    # additional symlinks
+    ln -s allcm ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/allec
+    ln -s fmtutil ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mktexfmt
+    ln -s kpsetool ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/kpsexpand
+    ln -s kpsetool ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/kpsepath
+    ln -s epstopdf ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/repstopdf
+    ln -s pdfcrop ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/rpdfcrop
+    ln -s luaotfload-tool ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mkluatexfontdb

Added: texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texlive-core.maps
--- texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texlive-core.maps	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texlive-core.maps	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Map      euler.map
+Map charter.map
+Map cs-charter.map
+Map csfonts.map
+Map dummy-space.map
+Map fpls.map
+Map garuda-c90.map
+Map l7x-urwvn.map
+Map lm.map
+Map marvosym.map
+Map mathpple.map
+Map norasi-c90.map
+Map original-context-symbol.map
+Map pazo.map
+Map pxfonts.map
+Map qag.map
+Map qbk.map
+Map qcr.map
+Map qcs.map
+Map qhv.map
+Map qpl.map
+Map qtm.map
+Map qzc.map
+Map tabvar.map
+Map troff-updmap.map
+Map txfonts.map
+Map uag.map
+Map ubk.map
+Map ucr.map
+Map uhv.map
+Map unc.map
+Map upl.map
+Map usy.map
+Map utm.map
+Map utopia.map
+Map uzc.map
+Map uzd.map
+MixedMap arss.map
+MixedMap artm.map
+MixedMap ccpl.map
+MixedMap cm-super-t1.map
+MixedMap cm-super-t2a.map
+MixedMap cm-super-t2b.map
+MixedMap cm-super-t2c.map
+MixedMap cm-super-ts1.map
+MixedMap cm-super-x2.map
+MixedMap cm.map
+MixedMap cmextra.map
+MixedMap cmtext-bsr-interpolated.map
+MixedMap cyrillic.map
+MixedMap eurosym.map
+MixedMap latxfont.map
+MixedMap manfnt.map
+MixedMap mflogo.map
+MixedMap plother.map
+MixedMap pltext.map
+MixedMap rsfs.map
+MixedMap symbols.map
+MixedMap tipa.map
+MixedMap wasy.map

Added: texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texlive.install
--- texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texlive.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texlive.install	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+post_install() {
+    echo ">>> updmap custom entries should go into /etc/texmf/web2c/updmap-local.cfg"
+    echo ">>> fmtutil custom entries should go into /etc/texmf/web2c/fmtutil-local.cnf"
+    echo "NB: To setup ConTeXt and the lua(la)tex font db,"
+    echo "    see http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/TeX_Live"
+post_upgrade() {
+    echo ">>> updmap custom entries should go into /etc/texmf/web2c/updmap-local.cfg"
+    echo ">>> fmtutil custom entries should go into /etc/texmf/web2c/fmtutil-local.cnf"

Added: texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texmf.cnf
--- texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texmf.cnf	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texmf.cnf	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
+% texmf.cnf for TeXLive/Arch Linux -- runtime path configuration file for kpathsea.
+% Public domain.
+% If you modify this original file, YOUR CHANGES WILL BE LOST when it is
+% updated.  Instead, put your changes -- and only your changes, not an
+% entire copy! -- in ../../texmf.cnf.  That is, if this file is
+% installed in /some/path/to/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/web2c/texmf.cnf,
+% add your custom settings to /some/path/to/texlive/2013/texmf.cnf.
+% What follows is a super-summary of what this .cnf file can
+% contain. Please read the Kpathsea manual for more information.
+% Any identifier (sticking to A-Za-z_ for names is safest) can be assigned.
+% The `=' (and surrounding spaces) is optional.
+% $foo (or ${foo}) in a value expands to the envvar or cnf value of foo.
+% Long lines can be continued with a \.
+% Earlier entries (in the same or another file) override later ones, and
+% an environment variable foo overrides any texmf.cnf definition of foo.
+% All definitions are read before anything is expanded, so you can use
+% variables before they are defined.
+% If a variable assignment is qualified with `.PROGRAM', it is ignored
+% unless the current executable (last filename component of argv[0]) is
+% named PROGRAM.  This foo.PROGRAM construct is not recognized on the
+% right-hand side. For environment variables, use FOO_PROGRAM.
+% Which file formats use which paths for searches is described in the
+% various programs' and the Kpathsea documentation (http://tug.org/kpathsea).
+% // means to search subdirectories (recursively).
+% A leading !! means to look only in the ls-R db, never on the disk.
+% In this file, either ; or : can be used to separate path components.
+% A leading/trailing/doubled path separator in the paths will be
+%   expanded into the compile-time default. Probably not what you want.
+% Brace notation is supported, for example: /usr/local/{mytex,othertex}
+% expands to /usr/local/mytex:/usr/local/othertex.  We make extensive
+% use of this.
 Part 1: Search paths and directories.
+% This is the parent directory of our several trees, i.e.,
+% /usr/local/texlive/YYYY in the original TeX Live distribution.
+% All trees must be organized according to the TeX Directory Structure
+% (http://tug.org/tds), or files may not be found.
+% Redistributors will probably want $SELFAUTODIR/share, i.e., /usr/share.
+% Kpathsea sets SELFAUTOLOC (the directory with the binary),
+% SELFAUTODIR (its parent), and SELFAUTOPARENT (its grandparent).
+% The main tree of distributed packages and programs:
+% We used to have a separate /texmf tree with some core programs and files.
+% Keep the variable name.
+% Local additions to the distribution trees.
+TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/local/share/texmf;/usr/share/texmf
+% TEXMFSYSVAR, where *-sys store cached runtime data.
+TEXMFSYSVAR = /var/lib/texmf
+% TEXMFSYSCONFIG, where *-sys store configuration data.
+TEXMFSYSCONFIG = /etc/texmf
+% Per-user texmf tree(s) -- organized per the TDS, as usual.  To define
+% more than one per-user tree, set this to a list of directories in
+% braces, as described above.  (This used to be HOMETEXMF.)  ~ expands
+% to %USERPROFILE% on Windows, $HOME otherwise.
+TEXMFHOME = ~/texmf
+% TEXMFVAR, where texconfig/updmap/fmtutil store cached runtime data.
+TEXMFVAR = ~/.texlive/texmf-var
+% TEXMFCONFIG, where texconfig/updmap/fmtutil store configuration data.
+TEXMFCONFIG = ~/.texlive/texmf-config
+% List all the texmf trees. For an explanation of what they are, see the
+% TeX Live manual.
+% For texconfig to work properly, TEXMFCONFIG and TEXMFVAR should be named
+% explicitly and before all other trees.
+% TEXMFLOCAL precedes TEXMFDIST because locally-installed versions
+% should take precedence over distribution files -- although it is
+% generally a source of confusion to have different versions of a
+% package installed, whatever the trees, so try to avoid it.
+% Where to look for ls-R files.  There need not be an ls-R in the
+% directories in this path, but if there is one, Kpathsea will use it.
+% By default, this is only the !! elements of TEXMF, so that mktexlsr
+% does not create ls-R files in the non-!! elements -- because if an
+% ls-R is present, it will be used, and the disk will not be searched.
+% This is arguably a bug in kpathsea.
+% The system trees.  These are the trees that are shared by all users.
+% If a tree appears in this list, the mktex* scripts will use
+% VARTEXFONTS for generated files, if the original tree isn't writable;
+% otherwise the current working directory is used.
+% First writable tree here is used by Lua(La)TeX for the font cache.
+% LuaLaTeX uses the value here, while ConTeXt uses the same variable but
+% from texmfcnf.lua; therefore the two values should be kept in sync.
+% (As should everything else in texmf.cnf <-> texmfcnf.lua.)
+% Where generated fonts may be written.  This tree is used when the sources
+% were found in a system tree and either that tree wasn't writable, or the
+% varfonts feature was enabled in MT_FEATURES in mktex.cnf.
+% On some systems, there will be a system tree which contains all the font
+% files that may be created as well as the formats.  For example
+%   TEXMFVAR = /var/lib/texmf
+% is used in many distros.  In this case, set VARTEXFONTS like this
+% and do not mention it in TEXMFDBS (but _do_ mention TEXMFVAR).
+% Remove $VARTEXFONTS from TEXMFDBS if the VARTEXFONTS directory is below
+% one of the TEXMF directories (avoids overlapping ls-R files).
+% Usually you will not need to edit any of the following variables.
+% WEB2C is for Web2C specific files.  The current directory may not be
+% a good place to look for them.
+WEB2C = $TEXMF/web2c
+% TEXINPUTS is for TeX input files -- i.e., anything to be found by \input
+% or \openin, including .sty, .eps, etc.  We specify paths for all known
+% formats, past or present.  Not all of them are built these days.
+% Plain TeX.  Have the command tex check all directories as a last
+% resort, we may have plain-compatible stuff anywhere.
+TEXINPUTS.tex           = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
+% Fontinst needs to read afm files.
+TEXINPUTS.fontinst      = .;$TEXMF/{tex,fonts/afm}//
+% Other plain-based formats.
+TEXINPUTS.amstex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{amstex,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.csplain       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{csplain,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.eplain        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{eplain,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.ftex          = .;$TEXMF/tex/{formate,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.mex           = .;$TEXMF/tex/{mex,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.texinfo       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{texinfo,plain,generic,}//
+% LaTeX 2e specific macros are stored in latex/, macros that can only be
+% used with 2.09 in latex209/.  In addition, we look in the directory
+% latex209, useful for macros that were written for 2.09 and do not
+% mention 2e at all, but can be used with 2e.
+TEXINPUTS.cslatex       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{cslatex,csplain,latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.latex         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.latex209      = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex209,generic,latex,}//
+TEXINPUTS.olatex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//
+% MLTeX.
+TEXINPUTS.frlatex       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{french,latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.frtex         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{french,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.mllatex       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.mltex         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
+% e-TeX.
+TEXINPUTS.elatex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.etex          = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
+% pdfTeX.
+TEXINPUTS.pdfcslatex    = .;$TEXMF/tex/{cslatex,csplain,latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdfcsplain    = .;$TEXMF/tex/{csplain,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdflatex      = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdfmex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{mex,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.utf8mex       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{mex,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdftex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdftexinfo    = .;$TEXMF/tex/{texinfo,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdfamstex     = .;$TEXMF/tex/{amstex,plain,generic,}//
+% pdfeTeX.
+TEXINPUTS.pdfelatex     = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdfetex       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
+% pdfxTeX.
+TEXINPUTS.pdfxlatex     = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdfxmex       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{mex,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdfxtex       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
+% LuaTeX.
+TEXINPUTS.lualatex      = .;$TEXMF/tex/{lualatex,latex,luatex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.luatex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{luatex,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.dvilualatex   = .;$TEXMF/tex/{lualatex,latex,luatex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.dviluatex     = .;$TEXMF/tex/{luatex,plain,generic,}//
+% XeTeX.
+TEXINPUTS.xelatex       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{xelatex,latex,xetex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.xeplain       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{xeplain,eplain,plain,xetex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.xetex         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{xetex,plain,generic,}//
+% Omega / Aleph.
+TEXINPUTS.aleph         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.elambda       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{lambda,latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.eomega        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.lambda        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{lambda,latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.lamed         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{lambda,latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.omega         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
+% p(La)TeX.
+TEXINPUTS.ptex          = .;$TEXMF/tex/{ptex,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.platex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{platex,latex,generic,}//
+% epTeX, and for pmpost.
+TEXINPUTS.eptex         = .;$TEXMF/tex/{ptex,plain,generic,}//
+TEX.pmpost = eptex
+% (e)up(La)TeX.
+TEXINPUTS.uplatex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{uplatex,platex,latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.uptex   = .;$TEXMF/tex/{uptex,ptex,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.euptex  = .;$TEXMF/tex/{uptex,ptex,plain,generic}//
+% pBibTeX bibliographies and style files.
+BIBINPUTS.pbibtex       = .;$TEXMF/{pbibtex,bibtex}/bib//
+BSTINPUTS.pbibtex       = .;$TEXMF/{pbibtex,bibtex}/bst//
+% ConTeXt.
+TEXINPUTS.context       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{context,plain,generic}//
+% jadetex.
+TEXINPUTS.jadetex       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{jadetex,latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdfjadetex    = .;$TEXMF/tex/{jadetex,latex,generic,}//
+% XMLTeX.
+TEXINPUTS.xmltex        = .;$TEXMF/tex/{xmltex,latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdfxmltex     = .;$TEXMF/tex/{xmltex,latex,generic,}//
+% Miscellany, no longer built.
+TEXINPUTS.lamstex       = .;$TEXMF/tex/{lamstex,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.lollipop      = .;$TEXMF/tex/{lollipop,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.frpdflatex    = .;$TEXMF/tex/{french,latex,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.frpdftex      = .;$TEXMF/tex/{french,plain,generic,}//
+% Earlier entries override later ones, so put this generic one last.
+TEXINPUTS               = .;$TEXMF/tex/{$progname,generic,}//
+% ttf2tfm.
+TTF2TFMINPUTS =                 .;$TEXMF/ttf2pk//
+% Metafont, MetaPost inputs.
+MFINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/metafont//;{$TEXMF/fonts,$VARTEXFONTS}/source//
+MPINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/metapost//
+% Dump files (fmt/base/mem) for vir{tex,mf,mp} to read.
+% We want to find the engine-specific file, e.g., cont-en.fmt can
+% exist under both pdftex/ and xetex/.  But just in case some formats
+% end up without an engine directory, look directly in web2c/ too.
+% We repeat the same definition three times because of the way fmtutil
+% is implemented; if we use ${TEXFORMATS}, the mpost/mf/etc. formats
+% will not be found.
+TEXFORMATS = .;$TEXMF/web2c{/$engine,}
+MFBASES = .;$TEXMF/web2c{/$engine,}
+MPMEMS = .;$TEXMF/web2c{/$engine,}
+% As of 2008, pool files don't exist any more (the strings are compiled
+% into the binaries), but just in case something expects to find these:
+TEXPOOL = .;$TEXMF/web2c
+% support the original xdvi.  Must come before the generic settings.
+PKFONTS.XDvi   = .;$TEXMF/%s;$VARTEXFONTS/pk/{%m,modeless}//
+VFFONTS.XDvi   = .;$TEXMF/%s
+PSHEADERS.XDvi = .;$TEXMF/%q{dvips,fonts/type1}//
+TEXPICTS.XDvi  = .;$TEXMF/%q{dvips,tex}//
+% Device-independent font metric files.
+VFFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/vf//
+% The $MAKETEX_MODE below means the drivers will not use a cx font when
+% the mode is ricoh.  If no mode is explicitly specified, kpse_prog_init
+% sets MAKETEX_MODE to /, so all subdirectories are searched.  See the manual.
+% The modeless part guarantees that bitmaps for PostScript fonts are found.
+PKFONTS = .;{$TEXMF/fonts,$VARTEXFONTS}/pk/{$MAKETEX_MODE,modeless}//
+% Similarly for the GF format, which only remains in existence because
+% Metafont outputs it (and MF isn't going to change).
+% A backup for PKFONTS and GFFONTS. Not used for anything.
+% A place to puth everything that doesn't fit the other font categories.
+MISCFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/misc//
+% font name map files.  This isn't just fonts/map// because ConTeXt
+% wants support for having files with the same name in the different
+% subdirs.  Maybe if the programs ever get unified to accepting the same
+% map file syntax the definition can be simplified again.
+TEXFONTMAPS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{$progname,pdftex,dvips,}//
+% BibTeX bibliographies and style files.  bibtex8 also uses these.
+BIBINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/bibtex/bib//
+BSTINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/bibtex/{bst,csf}//
+% MlBibTeX.
+MLBIBINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/bibtex/bib/{mlbib,}//
+MLBSTINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/bibtex/{mlbst,bst}//
+% .ris and .bltxml bibliography formats.
+RISINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/bibtex/ris//
+BLTXMLINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/bibtex/bltxml//
+% MFT style files.
+% PostScript headers and prologues (.pro); unfortunately, some programs
+% also use this for acessing font files (enc, type1, truetype)
+TEXPSHEADERS = .;$TEXMF/{dvips,fonts/{enc,type1,type42,type3}}//
+TEXPSHEADERS.gsftopk = .;$TEXMF/{dvips,fonts/{enc,type1,type42,type3,truetype}}//
+% OSFONTDIR is to provide a convenient hook for allowing TeX to find
+% fonts installed on the system (outside of TeX).  An empty default
+% value would add "//" to the search paths, so we give it a dummy value.
+% OSFONTDIR = /usr/share/fonts
+% PostScript Type 1 outline fonts.
+T1FONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/type1//;$OSFONTDIR//
+% PostScript AFM metric files.
+AFMFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/afm//;$OSFONTDIR//
+% TrueType outline fonts.
+TTFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/{truetype,opentype}//;$OSFONTDIR//
+% OpenType outline fonts.
+OPENTYPEFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/{opentype,truetype}//;$OSFONTDIR//
+% Type 42 outline fonts.
+T42FONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/type42//
+% Ligature definition files.
+LIGFONTS =  .;$TEXMF/fonts/lig//
+% Dvips' config.* files (this name should not start with `TEX'!).
+% Makeindex style (.ist) files.
+INDEXSTYLE = .;$TEXMF/makeindex//
+% Font encoding files (.enc).
+ENCFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/enc//
+% CMap files.
+CMAPFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/cmap//
+% Subfont definition files.
+SFDFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/sfd//
+% OpenType feature files (.fea).
+% .cid and .cidmap
+% pdftex config files:
+PDFTEXCONFIG = .;$TEXMF/pdftex/{$progname,}//
+% Used by DMP (ditroff-to-mpx), called by makempx -troff.
+TRFONTS = /usr{/local,}/share/groff/{current/font,site-font}/devps
+MPSUPPORT = .;$TEXMF/metapost/support
+% For xdvi to find mime.types and .mailcap, if they do not exist in
+% ~.  These are single directories, not paths.
+% (But the default mime.types, at least, may well suffice.)
+% Default settings for the fontconfig library as used by the Windows
+% versions of xetex/xdvipdfmx.  Not used by xetex on Unixish systems.
+% ConTeXT MkIV (all platforms) also use these values.
+FONTCONFIG_FILE = fonts.conf
+% TeX documentation and source files, for use with texdoc and kpsewhich.
+TEXSOURCES = .;$TEXMF/source//
+% Web and CWeb input paths.
+% Omega-related fonts and other files.
+OFMFONTS = .;{$TEXMF/fonts,$VARTEXFONTS}/{ofm,tfm}//
+OVFFONTS = .;{$TEXMF/fonts,$VARTEXFONTS}/{ovf,vf}//
+OTPINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/omega/otp//
+OCPINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/omega/ocp//
+% Some additional input variables for several programs.  If you add
+% a program that uses the `other text files' or `other binary files'
+% search formats, you'll want to add their variables here as well.
+T4HTINPUTS   = .;$TEXMF/tex4ht//
+%% t4ht utility, sharing files with TeX4ht
+TEX4HTINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex4ht/base//;$TEXMF/tex4ht/ht-fonts/{$TEX4HTFONTSET}//
+% TeXworks editor configuration and settings
+% For security, do not look in . for dvipdfmx.cfg, since the D option
+% would allow command execution.
+% Lua needs to look in TEXINPUTS for lua scripts distributed with packages.
+% But we can't simply use $TEXINPUTS, since then if TEXINPUTS is set in
+% the environment with a colon, say, TEXINPUTS=/some/dir:, the intended
+% default expansion of TEXINPUTS will not happen and .lua files under
+% the /tex/ will not be found.
+% So, duplicate the TEXINPUTS.*lualatex values as LUAINPUTS.*lualatex.
+% The default LUAINPUTS suffices for luatex and dviluatex.
+LUAINPUTS.lualatex = .;$TEXMF/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/{lua,}//;$TEXMF/tex/{lualatex,latex,luatex,generic,}//
+LUAINPUTS.dvilualatex = .;$TEXMF/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/{lua,}//;$TEXMF/tex/{lualatex,latex,luatex,generic,}//
+LUAINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/{lua,}//;$TEXMF/tex/{luatex,plain,generic,}//
+% Lua needs to look for binary lua libraries distributed with packages.
+CLUAINPUTS = .;$SELFAUTOLOC/lib/{$progname,$engine,}/lua//
+% Architecture independent executables.
+TEXMFSCRIPTS = $TEXMF/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}//
+% Other languages.
+JAVAINPUTS   = .;$TEXMF/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/java//
+PERLINPUTS   = .;$TEXMF/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/perl//
+PYTHONINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/python//
+RUBYINPUTS   = .;$TEXMF/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}/ruby//
+%% The mktex* scripts rely on KPSE_DOT. Do not set it in the environment.
+% KPSE_DOT = .
+% This definition isn't used from this .cnf file itself (that would be
+% paradoxical), but the compile-time default in paths.h is built from it.
+% The SELFAUTO* variables are set automatically from the location of
+% argv[0], in kpse_set_program_name.
+% This main texmf.cnf file is installed, for a release YYYY, in a
+% directory such as /usr/local/texlive/YYYY/texmf-dist/web2c/texmf.cnf.
+% Since this file is subject to future updates, the TeX Live installer
+% or human administrator may also create a file
+% /usr/local/texlive/YYYY/texmf.cnf; any settings in this latter file
+% will take precedence over the distributed one.
+% For security reasons, it is best not to include . in this path.
+% The idea behind this lengthy definition: for each of
+% SELFAUTO{LOC,DIR,PARENT}, look in the directory,
+% then the subdirectories share/texmf-local, share/texmf-dist, share/texmf,
+% then the subdirectories ./texmf-local, texmf-dist, ./texmf.
+% At any given installation, most of these directories will not exist,
+% but they all turn out to be useful somewhere.
+% Special addition -- we want to include one more directory: the
+% great-grandparent's texmf-local, because that is how TL is installed
+% by default.  That is, given a binary
+% /usr/local/texlive/YYYY/bin/PLATFORM/kpsewhich, it should find
+% /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/web2c/texmf.cnf.  I.e., not under YYYY.
+% As a result, we cannot use actual brace expansion in the definition,
+% since we don't want to scatter ../'s throughout the value.  Hence we
+% explicitly list every directory.  Arguably more understandable anyway.
+% For reference, here is the old brace-using definition:
+%TEXMFCNF = {$SELFAUTOLOC,$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,}/web2c}
+% kpathsea 3.5.3 and later sets these at runtime. To avoid empty
+% expansions from binaries linked against an earlier version of the
+% library, we set $progname and $engine to something non-empty:
+progname = unsetprogname
+engine = unsetengine
 Part 2: Options.
+% If this option is set to true, `tex a.b' will look first for a.b.tex
+% (within each path element), and then for a.b, i.e., we try standard
+% extensions first.  If this is false, we first look for a.b and then
+% a.b.tex, i.e., we try the name as-is first.
+% Both names are always tried; the difference is the order in which they
+% are tried.  The setting applies to all searches, not just .tex.
+% This setting only affects names being looked up which *already* have
+% an extension.  A name without an extension (e.g., `tex story') will
+% always have an extension added first.
+% The default is true, because we already avoid adding the standard
+% extension(s) in the usual cases.  E.g., babel.sty will only look for
+% babel.sty, not babel.sty.tex, regardless of this setting.
+try_std_extension_first = t
+% Enable system commands via \write18{...}.  When enabled fully (set to
+% t), obviously insecure.  When enabled partially (set to p), only the
+% commands listed in shell_escape_commands are allowed.  Although this
+% is not fully secure either, it is much better, and so useful that we
+% enable it for everything but bare tex.
+shell_escape = p
+% No spaces in this command list.
+% The programs listed here are as safe as any we know: they either do
+% not write any output files, respect openout_any, or have hard-coded
+% restrictions similar or higher to openout_any=p.  They also have no
+% features to invoke arbitrary other programs, and no known exploitable
+% bugs.  All to the best of our knowledge.  They also have practical use
+% for being called from TeX.
+shell_escape_commands = \
+% we'd like to allow:
+% dvips - but external commands can be executed, need at least -R1.
+% epspdf, ps2pdf, pstopdf - need to respect openout_any,
+%   and gs -dSAFER must be used and check for shell injection with filenames.
+% (img)convert (ImageMagick) - delegates.mgk possible misconfig, besides,
+%   without Unix convert it hardly seems worth it, and Windows convert
+%   is something completely different that destroys filesystems, so skip.
+% pygmentize - but is the filter feature insecure?
+% ps4pdf - but it calls an unrestricted latex.
+% rpdfcrop - maybe ok, but let's get experience with repstopdf first.
+% texindy,xindy - but is the module feature insecure?
+% ulqda - but requires optional SHA1.pm, so why bother.
+% tex, latex, etc. - need to forbid --shell-escape, and inherit openout_any.
+% plain TeX should remain unenhanced.
+shell_escape.tex = f
+shell_escape.initex = f
+% This is used by the Windows script wrapper for restricting searching
+% for the purportedly safe shell_escape_commands above to system
+% directories.
+  {!!$TEXMFLOCAL,!!$TEXMFDIST}/scripts/{$progname,$engine,}//
+% Allow TeX \openin, \openout, or \input on filenames starting with `.'
+% (e.g., .rhosts) or outside the current tree (e.g., /etc/passwd)?
+% a (any)        : any file can be opened.
+% r (restricted) : disallow opening "dotfiles".
+% p (paranoid)   : as `r' and disallow going to parent directories, and
+%                  restrict absolute paths to be under $TEXMFOUTPUT.
+openout_any = p
+openin_any = a
+% Write .log/.dvi/etc. files here, if the current directory is unwritable.
+% If a dynamic file creation fails, log the command to this file, in
+% either the current directory or TEXMFOUTPUT.  Set to the
+% empty string or  0  to avoid logging.
+MISSFONT_LOG = missfont.log
+% Set to a colon-separated list of words specifying warnings to suppress.
+% To suppress everything, use TEX_HUSH = all; this is currently equivalent to
+% TEX_HUSH = checksum:lostchar:readable:special
+% To suppress nothing, use TEX_HUSH = none or do not set the variable at all.
+TEX_HUSH = none
+% Allow TeX, and MF to parse the first line of an input file for
+% the %&format construct.
+parse_first_line = t
+% But don't parse the first line if invoked as "tex", since we want that
+% to remain Knuth-compatible.  The src_specials and
+% file_line_error_style settings, as well as the options -enctex,
+% -mltex, -8bit, etc., also affect this, but they are all off by default.
+parse_first_line.tex = f
+parse_first_line.initex = f
+% Control file:line:error style messages.
+file_line_error_style = f
+% Enable the mktex... scripts by default?  These must be set to 0 or 1.
+% Particular programs can and do override these settings, for example
+% dvips's -M option.  Your first chance to specify whether the scripts
+% are invoked by default is at configure time.
+% These values are ignored if the script names are changed; e.g., if you
+% set DVIPSMAKEPK to `foo', what counts is the value of the environment
+% variable/config value `FOO', not the `MKTEXPK' value.
+%MKOCP = 0
+%MKOFM = 0
+% Used by makempx to run TeX.  We use "etex" because MetaPost is
+% expecting DVI, and not "tex" because we want first line parsing.
+TEX = etex
+% These variables specify the external program called for the
+% interactive `e' option.  %d is replaced by the line number and %s by
+% the current filename.  The default is specified at compile-time, and
+% we let that stay in place since different platforms like different values.
+%TEXEDIT = vi +%d '%s'                    % default for Unix
+%TEXEDIT = texworks --position=+%d "%s"   % default for Windows
+% The default `codepage and sort order' file for BibTeX8, when none is
+% given as command line option or environment variable.
+BIBTEX_CSFILE = 88591lat.csf
+% This variable is specific to Windows.  It must be set to 0 or 1.  The
+% default is 0.  Setting it to 1 tells the Windows script wrappers to
+% use an already installed Perl interpreter if one is found on the
+% search path, in preference to the Perl shipped with TeX Live.  Thus,
+% it may be useful if you both (a) installed a full Perl distribution
+% for general use, and (b) need to run Perl programs from TL that use
+% additional modules we don't provide.  The TL Perl does provide all the
+% standard Perl modules.
 Part 3: Array and other sizes for TeX (and Metafont).
+% If you want to change some of these sizes only for a certain TeX
+% variant, the usual dot notation works, e.g.,
+% main_memory.hugetex = 20000000
+% If a change here appears to be ignored, try redumping the format file.
+% Memory. Must be less than 8,000,000 total.
+% main_memory is relevant only to initex, extra_mem_* only to non-ini.
+% Thus, have to redump the .fmt file after changing main_memory; to add
+% to existing fmt files, increase extra_mem_*.  (To get an idea of how
+% much, try \tracingstats=2 in your TeX source file;
+% web2c/tests/memtest.tex might also be interesting.)
+% To increase space for boxes (as might be needed by, e.g., PiCTeX),
+% increase extra_mem_bot.
+% For some xy-pic samples, you may need as much as 700000 words of memory.
+% For the vast majority of documents, 60000 or less will do.
+main_memory = 5000000 % words of inimemory available; also applies to inimf&mp
+extra_mem_top = 0     % extra high memory for chars, tokens, etc.
+extra_mem_bot = 0     % extra low memory for boxes, glue, breakpoints, etc.
+% ConTeXt needs lots of memory.
+extra_mem_top.context = 2000000
+extra_mem_bot.context = 4000000
+% Words of font info for TeX (total size of all TFM files, approximately).
+% Must be >= 20000 and <= 147483647 (without tex.ch changes).
+font_mem_size = 8000000
+% Total number of fonts. Must be >= 50 and <= 9000 (without tex.ch changes).
+font_max = 9000
+% Extra space for the hash table of control sequences.
+hash_extra = 600000
+% Max number of characters in all strings, including all error messages,
+% help texts, font names, control sequences.  These values apply to TeX.
+pool_size = 6250000
+% Minimum pool space after TeX's own strings; must be at least
+% 25000 less than pool_size, but doesn't need to be nearly that large.
+string_vacancies = 90000
+% Maximum number of strings.
+max_strings = 500000
+% min pool space left after loading .fmt
+pool_free = 47500
+% Buffer size.  TeX uses the buffer to contain input lines, but macro
+% expansion works by writing material into the buffer and reparsing the
+% line.  As a consequence, certain constructs require the buffer to be
+% very large, even though most documents can be handled with a small value.
+buf_size = 200000
+% Hyphenation trie.  The maximum possible is 4194303 (ssup_trie_size in
+% the sources), but we don't need that much.  The value here suffices
+% for all known free hyphenation patterns to be loaded simultaneously
+% (as TeX Live does).
+trie_size = 1000000
+hyph_size = 8191        % prime number of hyphenation exceptions, >610, <32767.
+                        % http://primes.utm.edu/curios/page.php/8191.html
+nest_size = 500         % simultaneous semantic levels (e.g., groups)
+max_in_open = 15        % simultaneous input files and error insertions, 
+                        % also applies to MetaPost
+param_size = 10000      % simultaneous macro parameters, also applies to MP
+save_size  = 100000     % for saving values outside current group
+stack_size = 5000       % simultaneous input sources
+% These are Omega-specific.
+ocp_buf_size = 500000   % character buffers for ocp filters.
+ocp_stack_size = 10000  % stacks for ocp computations.
+ocp_list_size = 1000    % control for multiple ocps.
+% These work best if they are the same as the I/O buffer size, but it
+% doesn't matter much.  Must be a multiple of 8.
+dvi_buf_size = 16384 % TeX
+gf_buf_size = 16384  % MF
+% It's probably inadvisable to change these. At any rate, we must have:
+% 45 < error_line      < 255;
+% 30 < half_error_line < error_line - 15;
+% 60 <= max_print_line;
+% These apply to TeX, Metafont, and MetaPost.
+error_line = 79
+half_error_line = 50
+max_print_line = 79
+% Metafont only.
+screen_width.mf = 1664
+screen_depth.mf = 1200
+% BibTeX only (max_strings also determines hash_size and hash_prime).
+ent_str_size =  250
+glob_str_size = 20000
+max_strings.bibtex = 35307
+max_strings.bibtex8 = 35307
+max_strings.bibtexu = 35307
+max_strings.pbibtex = 35307
+% GFtype only.
+line_length.gftype = 500
+max_rows.gftype = 8191
+max_cols.gftype = 8191

Added: texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texmfcnf.lua
--- texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texmfcnf.lua	                        (rev 0)
+++ texlive-core/repos/extra-any/texmfcnf.lua	2016-11-21 06:32:01 UTC (rev 281692)
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+-- public domain
+-- ConTeXt needs a properly expanded TEXMFLOCAL, so here is a
+-- bit of lua code to make that happen
+local texmflocal = resolvers.prefixes.selfautoparent();
+texmflocal = string.gsub(texmflocal, "20%d%d$", "texmf-local");
+return {
+    type    = "configuration",
+    version = "1.1.0",
+    date    = "2012-05-24",
+    time    = "12:12:12",
+    comment = "ConTeXt MkIV configuration file",
+    author  = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
+    content = {
+        -- Originally there was support for engines and progname but I don't expect
+        -- other engines to use this file, so first engines were removed. After that
+        -- if made sense also to get rid of progname. At some point specific formats
+        -- will be supported but then as a subtable with fallbacks, which sounds more
+        -- natural. Also, at some point the paths will become tables. For the moment
+        -- I don't care too much about it as extending is easy.
+        variables = {
+            -- The following variable is predefined (but can be overloaded) and in
+            -- most cases you can leve this one untouched. The built-in definition
+            -- permits relocation of the tree.
+            --
+            -- TEXMFCNF     = "{selfautodir:,selfautoparent:}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,}/web2c}"
+            --
+            -- more readable than "selfautoparent:{/texmf{-local,}{,/web2c},}}" is:
+            --
+            -- TEXMFCNF     = {
+            --     "selfautoparent:/texmf-local",
+            --     "selfautoparent:/texmf-local/web2c",
+            --     "selfautoparent:/texmf-dist",
+            --     "selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c",
+            --     "selfautoparent:",
+            -- }
+            -- only used for FONTCONFIG_PATH & TEXMFCACHE in TeX Live
+            TEXMFSYSVAR     = "/var/lib/texmf",
+            TEXMFVAR        = "home:.texlive/texmf-var",
+            -- We have only one cache path but there can be more. The first writable one
+            -- will be chosen but there can be more readable paths.
+            TEXMFCONFIG     = "home:.texlive/texmf-config",
+            -- I don't like this texmf under home and texmf-home would make more
+            -- sense. One never knows what installers put under texmf anywhere and
+            -- sorting out problems will be a pain. But on the other hand ... home
+            -- mess is normally under the users own responsibility.
+            --
+            -- By using prefixes we don't get expanded paths in the cache __path__
+            -- entry. This makes the tex root relocatable.
+            TEXMFOS         = "selfautodir:share",
+            TEXMFDIST       = "selfautodir:share/texmf-dist",
+            TEXMFLOCAL      = texmflocal,
+            TEXMFSYSCONFIG  = "/etc/texmf",
+            TEXMFFONTS      = "selfautoparent:texmf-fonts",
+            TEXMFPROJECT    = "selfautoparent:texmf-project",
+            TEXMFHOME       = "home:texmf",
+         -- TEXMFHOME       = os.name == "macosx" and "home:Library/texmf" or "home:texmf",
+            -- We need texmfos for a few rare files but as I have a few more bin trees
+            -- a hack is needed. Maybe other users also have texmf-platform-new trees.
+            TEXFONTMAPS     = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/data//;$TEXMF/fonts/map/{pdftex,dvips}//",
+            ENCFONTS        = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/data//;$TEXMF/fonts/enc/{dvips,pdftex}//",
+            VFFONTS         = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,vf}//",
+            TFMFONTS        = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,tfm}//",
+            T1FONTS         = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,type1}//;$OSFONTDIR",
+            AFMFONTS        = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,afm}//;$OSFONTDIR",
+            TTFONTS         = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,truetype}//;$OSFONTDIR",
+            OPENTYPEFONTS   = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,opentype}//;$OSFONTDIR",
+            CMAPFONTS       = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/cmap//",
+            FONTFEATURES    = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,fea}//;$OPENTYPEFONTS;$TTFONTS;$T1FONTS;$AFMFONTS",
+            FONTCIDMAPS     = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,cid}//",
+            OFMFONTS        = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,ofm,tfm}//",
+            OVFFONTS        = ".;$TEXMF/fonts/{data,ovf,vf}//",
+            TEXINPUTS       = ".;$TEXMF/tex/{context,plain/base,generic}//",
+            MPINPUTS        = ".;$TEXMF/metapost/{context,base,}//",
+            -- In the next variable the inputs path will go away.
+            TEXMFSCRIPTS    = ".;$TEXMF/scripts/context/{lua,ruby,python,perl}//;$TEXINPUTS",
+            PERLINPUTS      = ".;$TEXMF/scripts/context/perl",
+            PYTHONINPUTS    = ".;$TEXMF/scripts/context/python",
+            RUBYINPUTS      = ".;$TEXMF/scripts/context/ruby",
+            LUAINPUTS       = ".;$TEXINPUTS;$TEXMF/scripts/context/lua//",
+            CLUAINPUTS      = ".;$SELFAUTOLOC/lib/{context,luatex,}/lua//",
+            -- Not really used by MkIV so they might go away.
+            BIBINPUTS       = ".;$TEXMF/bibtex/bib//",
+            BSTINPUTS       = ".;$TEXMF/bibtex/bst//",
+            -- Experimental
+            ICCPROFILES     = ".;$TEXMF/tex/context/colors/{icc,profiles}//;$OSCOLORDIR",
+            -- A few special ones that will change some day.
+            FONTCONFIG_FILE = "fonts.conf",
+            FONTCONFIG_PATH = "$TEXMFSYSVAR/fonts/conf",
+        },
+        -- We have a few reserved subtables. These control runtime behaviour. The
+        -- keys have names like 'foo.bar' which means that you have to use keys
+        -- like ['foo.bar'] so for convenience we also support 'foo_bar'.
+        directives = {
+            -- There are a few variables that determine the engines
+            -- limits. Most will fade away when we close in on version 1.
+            ["luatex.expanddepth"]       =  "10000", -- 10000
+            ["luatex.hashextra"]         = "100000", --     0
+            ["luatex.nestsize"]          =   "1000", --    50
+            ["luatex.maxinopen"]         =    "500", --    15
+            ["luatex.maxprintline"]      = " 10000", --    79
+            ["luatex.maxstrings"]        = "500000", -- 15000 -- obsolete
+            ["luatex.paramsize"]         =  "25000", --    60
+            ["luatex.savesize"]          =  "50000", --  4000
+            ["luatex.stacksize"]         =  "10000", --   300
+            -- A few process related variables come next.
+         -- ["system.checkglobals"]      = "10",
+         -- ["system.nostatistics"]      = "yes",
+            ["system.errorcontext"]      = "10",
+            ["system.compile.cleanup"]   = "no",    -- remove tma files
+            ["system.compile.strip"]     = "yes",   -- strip tmc files
+            -- The io modes are similar to the traditional ones. Possible values
+            -- are all, paranoid and restricted.
+            ["system.outputmode"]        = "restricted",
+            ["system.inputmode"]         = "any",
+            -- The following variable is under consideration. We do have protection
+            -- mechanims but it's not enabled by default.
+            ["system.commandmode"]       = "any", -- any none list
+            ["system.commandlist"]       = "mtxrun, convert, inkscape, gs, imagemagick, curl, bibtex, pstoedit",
+            -- The mplib library support mechanisms have their own
+            -- configuration. Normally these variables can be left as
+            -- they are.
+            ["mplib.texerrors"]          = "yes",
+            -- Normally you can leave the font related directives untouched
+            -- as they only make sense when testing.
+         -- ["fonts.autoreload"]         = "no",
+         -- ["fonts.otf.loader.method"]  = "table", -- table mixed sparse
+         -- ["fonts.otf.loader.cleanup"] = "0",     -- 0 1 2 3
+            -- In an edit cycle it can be handy to launch an editor. The
+            -- preferred one can be set here.
+         -- ["pdfview.method"]           = "okular", -- default (often acrobat) xpdf okular
+        },
+        experiments = {
+            ["fonts.autorscale"] = "yes",
+        },
+        trackers = {
+        },
+    },

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