[arch-commits] Commit in xscreensaver/repos (12 files)
Antonio Rojas
arojas at archlinux.org
Wed Oct 12 11:50:09 UTC 2016
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 @ 11:50:09
Author: arojas
Revision: 278487
archrelease: copy trunk to extra-i686, extra-x86_64
(from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/LICENSE)
(from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff)
(from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/LICENSE)
(from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff)
/LICENSE | 20 ++++
/PKGBUILD | 86 +++++++++++++++++++++
/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff | 20 ++++
extra-i686/LICENSE | 10 --
extra-i686/PKGBUILD | 43 ----------
extra-i686/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff | 10 --
extra-x86_64/LICENSE | 10 --
extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD | 43 ----------
extra-x86_64/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff | 10 --
9 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)
Deleted: extra-i686/LICENSE
--- extra-i686/LICENSE 2016-10-12 11:49:33 UTC (rev 278486)
+++ extra-i686/LICENSE 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1991-2013 Jamie Zawinski <jwz at jwz.org>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
- * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- * implied warranty.
- */
Copied: xscreensaver/repos/extra-i686/LICENSE (from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/LICENSE)
--- extra-i686/LICENSE (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/LICENSE 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1991-2013 Jamie Zawinski <jwz at jwz.org>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ */
Deleted: extra-i686/PKGBUILD
--- extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2016-10-12 11:49:33 UTC (rev 278486)
+++ extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Eric Bélanger <eric at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc="Screen saver and locker for the X Window System"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('libglade' 'libxmu' 'glu' 'xorg-appres' 'perl-libwww')
-makedepends=('bc' 'intltool' 'libxpm' 'gdm')
-optdepends=('gdm: for login manager support')
- xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff
- 'e8dc57b6471fb3867ee099304ac6bf628351cb98'
- '3eedb8b91b13c29df9b1fe5cbb027e1470b802d2')
-prepare() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff"
-build() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \
- --libexecdir=/usr/lib --with-x-app-defaults=/usr/share/X11/app-defaults \
- --with-pam --with-login-manager --with-gtk --with-gl \
- --without-gle --with-pixbuf --with-jpeg
- make
-package() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- install -d "${pkgdir}/etc/pam.d"
- make install_prefix="${pkgdir}" install
- install -D -m644 ../LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
- chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/xscreensaver"
- echo "NotShowIn=KDE;GNOME;" >> "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/xscreensaver-properties.desktop"
Copied: xscreensaver/repos/extra-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- extra-i686/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/PKGBUILD 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Eric Bélanger <eric at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="Screen saver and locker for the X Window System"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('libglade' 'libxmu' 'glu' 'xorg-appres' 'perl-libwww')
+makedepends=('bc' 'intltool' 'libxpm' 'gdm')
+optdepends=('gdm: for login manager support')
+ xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff
+ 'e8dc57b6471fb3867ee099304ac6bf628351cb98'
+ '3eedb8b91b13c29df9b1fe5cbb027e1470b802d2')
+prepare() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff"
+build() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib --with-x-app-defaults=/usr/share/X11/app-defaults \
+ --with-pam --with-login-manager --with-gtk --with-gl \
+ --without-gle --with-pixbuf --with-jpeg
+ make
+package() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/etc/pam.d"
+ make install_prefix="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -D -m644 ../LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
+ chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/xscreensaver"
+ echo "NotShowIn=KDE;GNOME;" >> "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/xscreensaver-properties.desktop"
Deleted: extra-i686/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff
--- extra-i686/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff 2016-10-12 11:49:33 UTC (rev 278486)
+++ extra-i686/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- driver/XScreenSaver.ad.in-orig 2013-07-16 16:47:10.183068023 -0400
-+++ driver/XScreenSaver.ad.in 2013-07-16 16:48:23.293473297 -0400
-@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
- !
- *programs: \
- maze -root \n\
-+ electricsheep --root 1 \n\
- @GL_KLUDGE@ GL: superquadrics -root \n\
- attraction -root \n\
- blitspin -root \n\
Copied: xscreensaver/repos/extra-i686/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff (from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff)
--- extra-i686/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff (rev 0)
+++ extra-i686/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- driver/XScreenSaver.ad.in-orig 2013-07-16 16:47:10.183068023 -0400
++++ driver/XScreenSaver.ad.in 2013-07-16 16:48:23.293473297 -0400
+@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
+ !
+ *programs: \
+ maze -root \n\
++ electricsheep --root 1 \n\
+ @GL_KLUDGE@ GL: superquadrics -root \n\
+ attraction -root \n\
+ blitspin -root \n\
Deleted: extra-x86_64/LICENSE
--- extra-x86_64/LICENSE 2016-10-12 11:49:33 UTC (rev 278486)
+++ extra-x86_64/LICENSE 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1991-2013 Jamie Zawinski <jwz at jwz.org>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
- * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- * implied warranty.
- */
Copied: xscreensaver/repos/extra-x86_64/LICENSE (from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/LICENSE)
--- extra-x86_64/LICENSE (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/LICENSE 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1991-2013 Jamie Zawinski <jwz at jwz.org>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ */
Deleted: extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2016-10-12 11:49:33 UTC (rev 278486)
+++ extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Eric Bélanger <eric at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc="Screen saver and locker for the X Window System"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('libglade' 'libxmu' 'glu' 'xorg-appres' 'perl-libwww')
-makedepends=('bc' 'intltool' 'libxpm' 'gdm')
-optdepends=('gdm: for login manager support')
- xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff
- 'e8dc57b6471fb3867ee099304ac6bf628351cb98'
- '3eedb8b91b13c29df9b1fe5cbb027e1470b802d2')
-prepare() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff"
-build() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \
- --libexecdir=/usr/lib --with-x-app-defaults=/usr/share/X11/app-defaults \
- --with-pam --with-login-manager --with-gtk --with-gl \
- --without-gle --with-pixbuf --with-jpeg
- make
-package() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- install -d "${pkgdir}/etc/pam.d"
- make install_prefix="${pkgdir}" install
- install -D -m644 ../LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
- chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/xscreensaver"
- echo "NotShowIn=KDE;GNOME;" >> "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/xscreensaver-properties.desktop"
Copied: xscreensaver/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Eric Bélanger <eric at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="Screen saver and locker for the X Window System"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('libglade' 'libxmu' 'glu' 'xorg-appres' 'perl-libwww')
+makedepends=('bc' 'intltool' 'libxpm' 'gdm')
+optdepends=('gdm: for login manager support')
+ xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff
+ 'e8dc57b6471fb3867ee099304ac6bf628351cb98'
+ '3eedb8b91b13c29df9b1fe5cbb027e1470b802d2')
+prepare() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff"
+build() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib --with-x-app-defaults=/usr/share/X11/app-defaults \
+ --with-pam --with-login-manager --with-gtk --with-gl \
+ --without-gle --with-pixbuf --with-jpeg
+ make
+package() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ install -d "${pkgdir}/etc/pam.d"
+ make install_prefix="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -D -m644 ../LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
+ chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/xscreensaver"
+ echo "NotShowIn=KDE;GNOME;" >> "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/xscreensaver-properties.desktop"
Deleted: extra-x86_64/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff
--- extra-x86_64/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff 2016-10-12 11:49:33 UTC (rev 278486)
+++ extra-x86_64/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- driver/XScreenSaver.ad.in-orig 2013-07-16 16:47:10.183068023 -0400
-+++ driver/XScreenSaver.ad.in 2013-07-16 16:48:23.293473297 -0400
-@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
- !
- *programs: \
- maze -root \n\
-+ electricsheep --root 1 \n\
- @GL_KLUDGE@ GL: superquadrics -root \n\
- attraction -root \n\
- blitspin -root \n\
Copied: xscreensaver/repos/extra-x86_64/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff (from rev 278486, xscreensaver/trunk/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff)
--- extra-x86_64/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/xscreensaver-add-electricsheep.diff 2016-10-12 11:50:09 UTC (rev 278487)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- driver/XScreenSaver.ad.in-orig 2013-07-16 16:47:10.183068023 -0400
++++ driver/XScreenSaver.ad.in 2013-07-16 16:48:23.293473297 -0400
+@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
+ !
+ *programs: \
+ maze -root \n\
++ electricsheep --root 1 \n\
+ @GL_KLUDGE@ GL: superquadrics -root \n\
+ attraction -root \n\
+ blitspin -root \n\
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