[arch-commits] Commit in mayavi/repos (12 files)
Anatol Pomozov
anatolik at archlinux.org
Thu Jun 15 03:26:18 UTC 2017
Date: Thursday, June 15, 2017 @ 03:26:17
Author: anatolik
Revision: 236931
archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-i686, community-staging-x86_64
(from rev 236929, mayavi/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 236929, mayavi/trunk/mayavi.csh)
(from rev 236929, mayavi/trunk/mayavi.sh)
(from rev 236929, mayavi/trunk/setuptools.patch)
(from rev 236929, mayavi/trunk/vtk6.patch)
(from rev 236930, mayavi/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 236930, mayavi/trunk/mayavi.csh)
(from rev 236930, mayavi/trunk/mayavi.sh)
(from rev 236930, mayavi/trunk/setuptools.patch)
(from rev 236930, mayavi/trunk/vtk6.patch)
community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
community-staging-i686/mayavi.csh | 1
community-staging-i686/mayavi.sh | 1
community-staging-i686/setuptools.patch | 22 +++++
community-staging-i686/vtk6.patch | 47 +++++++++++
community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
community-staging-x86_64/mayavi.csh | 1
community-staging-x86_64/mayavi.sh | 1
community-staging-x86_64/setuptools.patch | 22 +++++
community-staging-x86_64/vtk6.patch | 47 +++++++++++
10 files changed, 378 insertions(+)
Copied: mayavi/repos/community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 236929, mayavi/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/PKGBUILD 2017-06-15 03:26:17 UTC (rev 236931)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Andrzej Giniewicz <gginiu at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc="A 3-dimensional visualizer of scientific data"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('ipython2' 'vtk6' 'python2-envisage' 'python2-traitsui' 'python2-configobj' 'wxpython'
+ 'gdal' 'unixodbc' 'jsoncpp' 'openmpi' 'ffmpeg')
+makedepends=('python2-setuptools' 'python2-sphinx' 'python2-twisted' 'xorg-server-xvfb' 'qt5-base')
+ "mayavi.sh" "mayavi.csh" "vtk6.patch" "setuptools.patch")
+ '3e998f4f3cb1d9bc3353fbb933984458'
+ 'd68e29e3c805ad2e0a5e82b1744b1f0a'
+ '1b91b3aaf31a44ddc5e770f4fb1e3c5f'
+ 'fa81f3c6610942dedd072ef55428c41b')
+prepare() {
+ cd "$srcdir"/mayavi-$pkgver
+ # patch to force VTK6
+ patch -p1 < ../vtk6.patch
+ # patch to fix setuptools 28.0 --- https://github.com/enthought/mayavi/issues/443
+ patch -p1 < ../setuptools.patch
+ # fix wrong-file-end-of-line-encoding
+ for file in *.txt examples/mayavi/data/room_vis.wrl examples/tvtk/dscene.py \
+ examples/mayavi/interactive/wx_mayavi_embed*.py ; do
+ sed "s|\r||g" $file > $file.new && \
+ touch -r $file $file.new && \
+ mv $file.new $file
+ done
+ # file-not-utf8
+ for file in *.txt docs/*.txt; do
+ iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 -o $file.new $file && \
+ touch -r $file $file.new && \
+ mv $file.new $file
+ done
+ # remove exec permission
+ find examples -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} ";"
+ chmod 0644 mayavi/tests/data/cellsnd.ascii.inp
+ # set path so autodoc can find just built modules
+ echo "sys.path.append('$srcdir/mayavi-$pkgver/build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/')" >> docs/source/mayavi/conf.py
+ # Use python2-sphinx provided sphinx-build2
+ sed -i -e 's/sphinx-build/sphinx-build2/' docs/Makefile*
+ # fix python->python2
+ sed -e "s|#![ ]*/usr/bin/python$|#!/usr/bin/python2|" \
+ -e "s|#![ ]*/usr/bin/env python$|#!/usr/bin/env python2|" \
+ -e "s|#![ ]*/bin/env python$|#!/usr/bin/env python2|" \
+ -i $(find . -name '*[\._]py')
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir"/mayavi-$pkgver
+ rm -rf build
+ mkdir build
+ mkdir -p build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/{tvtk/plugins/scene,mayavi/preferences,mayavi/core}
+ ln -s "$srcdir"/enthought-mayavi-${_githubtag}/tvtk/tvtk_classes.zip \
+ build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/tvtk/tvtk_classes.zip
+ ln -s "$srcdir"/enthought-mayavi-${_githubtag}/mayavi/preferences/preferences.ini \
+ build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/mayavi/preferences/preferences.ini
+ ln -s "$srcdir"/enthought-mayavi-${_githubtag}/tvtk/plugins/scene/preferences.ini \
+ build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/tvtk/plugins/scene/preferences.ini
+ # now this is ugly, but docs do not build without X. We setup X according to:
+ # http://docs.enthought.com/mayavi/mayavi/tips.html#rendering-using-the-virtual-framebuffer
+ export DISPLAY=:69
+ Xvfb $DISPLAY &
+ # build!
+ export ETS_TOOLKIT="wx"
+ python2 setup.py build
+ # have to kill the server to proceed, and do other cleanup
+ kill `cat /tmp/.X${DISPLAY/:/}-lock`
+ rm build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/tvtk/tvtk_classes.zip
+ rm build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/mayavi/preferences/preferences.ini
+ rm build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/tvtk/plugins/scene/preferences.ini
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir"/mayavi-$pkgver
+ python2 setup.py install --skip-build --root="$pkgdir"/ --optimize=1
+ # remove useless files
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tvtk/setup.py*
+ find "${pkgdir}" -name \.buildinfo -type f -print | xargs rm -f -
+ # non-executable-script
+ chmod +x "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mayavi/tests/runtests.py
+ # install manpage
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man1
+ cp -p docs/mayavi2.man "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man1/mayavi2.1
+ # switch to Wx, as PyQT no longer works, FS#41791 no longer fixed :(
+ install -d "${pkgdir}"/etc/profile.d
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir}"/mayavi.sh "${pkgdir}"/etc/profile.d/mayavi.sh
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir}"/mayavi.csh "${pkgdir}"/etc/profile.d/mayavi.csh
+ install -D LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
Copied: mayavi/repos/community-staging-i686/mayavi.csh (from rev 236929, mayavi/trunk/mayavi.csh)
--- community-staging-i686/mayavi.csh (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/mayavi.csh 2017-06-15 03:26:17 UTC (rev 236931)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+setenv ETS_TOOLKIT "wx"
Copied: mayavi/repos/community-staging-i686/mayavi.sh (from rev 236929, mayavi/trunk/mayavi.sh)
--- community-staging-i686/mayavi.sh (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/mayavi.sh 2017-06-15 03:26:17 UTC (rev 236931)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export ETS_TOOLKIT="wx"
Copied: mayavi/repos/community-staging-i686/setuptools.patch (from rev 236929, mayavi/trunk/setuptools.patch)
--- community-staging-i686/setuptools.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/setuptools.patch 2017-06-15 03:26:17 UTC (rev 236931)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+diff -urN mayavi-4.5.0.orig/tvtk/setup.py mayavi-4.5.0/tvtk/setup.py
+--- mayavi-4.5.0.orig/tvtk/setup.py 2016-10-06 09:59:45.021343207 +0200
++++ mayavi-4.5.0/tvtk/setup.py 2016-10-06 10:01:17.458009409 +0200
+@@ -19,12 +19,18 @@
+ config.add_subpackage('custom')
+ config.add_subpackage('pipeline')
++ config.add_subpackage('pyface')
++ config.add_subpackage('pyface.*')
++ config.add_subpackage('pyface.*.*')
++ config.add_subpackage('view')
+ config.add_data_dir('pipeline/images')
+ config.add_data_dir('pyface/images')
+ config.add_data_dir('tools/images')
+ config.add_subpackage('plugins')
+ config.add_subpackage('plugins.*')
++ config.add_subpackage('plugins.*.*')
+ config.add_subpackage('tools')
+ config.add_subpackage('util')
Copied: mayavi/repos/community-staging-i686/vtk6.patch (from rev 236929, mayavi/trunk/vtk6.patch)
--- community-staging-i686/vtk6.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-i686/vtk6.patch 2017-06-15 03:26:17 UTC (rev 236931)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+diff -urN mayavi-4.4.4/mayavi/scripts/mayavi2.py mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/mayavi/scripts/mayavi2.py
+--- mayavi-4.4.4/mayavi/scripts/mayavi2.py 2016-02-29 07:49:20.000000000 +0100
++++ mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/mayavi/scripts/mayavi2.py 2016-07-30 21:23:58.565217168 +0200
+@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
+ import logging
+ from os.path import splitext, exists, join, abspath
++sys.path.insert(1, "/opt/vtk6/lib/python2.7/site-packages")
+ # Local imports.
+ from mayavi.__version__ import __version__
+ from mayavi.scripts.util import get_data_dir
+diff -urN mayavi-4.4.4/setup.py mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/setup.py
+--- mayavi-4.4.4/setup.py 2016-02-29 07:49:20.000000000 +0100
++++ mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/setup.py 2016-07-30 21:23:33.185353652 +0200
+@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
+ from distutils import log
+ from setuptools.command import develop, install_scripts
++sys.path.insert(1, "/opt/vtk6/lib/python2.7/site-packages")
+ info = {}
+ fname = join('mayavi', '__init__.py')
+diff -urN mayavi-4.4.4/tvtk/setup.py mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/tvtk/setup.py
+--- mayavi-4.4.4/tvtk/setup.py 2016-02-29 07:49:20.000000000 +0100
++++ mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/tvtk/setup.py 2016-07-30 21:23:33.185353652 +0200
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+ import os, sys
++sys.path.insert(1, "/opt/vtk6/lib/python2.7/site-packages")
+ def configuration(parent_package=None, top_path=None):
+ from os.path import join
+diff -urN mayavi-4.4.4/tvtk/tools/tvtk_doc.py mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/tvtk/tools/tvtk_doc.py
+--- mayavi-4.4.4/tvtk/tools/tvtk_doc.py 2016-02-29 07:49:20.000000000 +0100
++++ mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/tvtk/tools/tvtk_doc.py 2016-07-30 21:24:31.208374707 +0200
+@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
+ # Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Enthought, Inc.
+ # License: BSD Style.
++import sys
++sys.path.insert(1, "/opt/vtk6/lib/python2.7/site-packages")
+ # Standard library imports.
+ import vtk
+ import types
Copied: mayavi/repos/community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 236930, mayavi/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2017-06-15 03:26:17 UTC (rev 236931)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Andrzej Giniewicz <gginiu at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc="A 3-dimensional visualizer of scientific data"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('ipython2' 'vtk6' 'python2-envisage' 'python2-traitsui' 'python2-configobj' 'wxpython'
+ 'gdal' 'unixodbc' 'jsoncpp' 'openmpi' 'ffmpeg')
+makedepends=('python2-setuptools' 'python2-sphinx' 'python2-twisted' 'xorg-server-xvfb' 'qt5-base')
+ "mayavi.sh" "mayavi.csh" "vtk6.patch" "setuptools.patch")
+ '3e998f4f3cb1d9bc3353fbb933984458'
+ 'd68e29e3c805ad2e0a5e82b1744b1f0a'
+ '1b91b3aaf31a44ddc5e770f4fb1e3c5f'
+ 'fa81f3c6610942dedd072ef55428c41b')
+prepare() {
+ cd "$srcdir"/mayavi-$pkgver
+ # patch to force VTK6
+ patch -p1 < ../vtk6.patch
+ # patch to fix setuptools 28.0 --- https://github.com/enthought/mayavi/issues/443
+ patch -p1 < ../setuptools.patch
+ # fix wrong-file-end-of-line-encoding
+ for file in *.txt examples/mayavi/data/room_vis.wrl examples/tvtk/dscene.py \
+ examples/mayavi/interactive/wx_mayavi_embed*.py ; do
+ sed "s|\r||g" $file > $file.new && \
+ touch -r $file $file.new && \
+ mv $file.new $file
+ done
+ # file-not-utf8
+ for file in *.txt docs/*.txt; do
+ iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 -o $file.new $file && \
+ touch -r $file $file.new && \
+ mv $file.new $file
+ done
+ # remove exec permission
+ find examples -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} ";"
+ chmod 0644 mayavi/tests/data/cellsnd.ascii.inp
+ # set path so autodoc can find just built modules
+ echo "sys.path.append('$srcdir/mayavi-$pkgver/build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/')" >> docs/source/mayavi/conf.py
+ # Use python2-sphinx provided sphinx-build2
+ sed -i -e 's/sphinx-build/sphinx-build2/' docs/Makefile*
+ # fix python->python2
+ sed -e "s|#![ ]*/usr/bin/python$|#!/usr/bin/python2|" \
+ -e "s|#![ ]*/usr/bin/env python$|#!/usr/bin/env python2|" \
+ -e "s|#![ ]*/bin/env python$|#!/usr/bin/env python2|" \
+ -i $(find . -name '*[\._]py')
+build() {
+ cd "$srcdir"/mayavi-$pkgver
+ rm -rf build
+ mkdir build
+ mkdir -p build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/{tvtk/plugins/scene,mayavi/preferences,mayavi/core}
+ ln -s "$srcdir"/enthought-mayavi-${_githubtag}/tvtk/tvtk_classes.zip \
+ build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/tvtk/tvtk_classes.zip
+ ln -s "$srcdir"/enthought-mayavi-${_githubtag}/mayavi/preferences/preferences.ini \
+ build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/mayavi/preferences/preferences.ini
+ ln -s "$srcdir"/enthought-mayavi-${_githubtag}/tvtk/plugins/scene/preferences.ini \
+ build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/tvtk/plugins/scene/preferences.ini
+ # now this is ugly, but docs do not build without X. We setup X according to:
+ # http://docs.enthought.com/mayavi/mayavi/tips.html#rendering-using-the-virtual-framebuffer
+ export DISPLAY=:69
+ Xvfb $DISPLAY &
+ # build!
+ export ETS_TOOLKIT="wx"
+ python2 setup.py build
+ # have to kill the server to proceed, and do other cleanup
+ kill `cat /tmp/.X${DISPLAY/:/}-lock`
+ rm build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/tvtk/tvtk_classes.zip
+ rm build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/mayavi/preferences/preferences.ini
+ rm build/lib.linux-$CARCH-2.7/tvtk/plugins/scene/preferences.ini
+package() {
+ cd "$srcdir"/mayavi-$pkgver
+ python2 setup.py install --skip-build --root="$pkgdir"/ --optimize=1
+ # remove useless files
+ rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tvtk/setup.py*
+ find "${pkgdir}" -name \.buildinfo -type f -print | xargs rm -f -
+ # non-executable-script
+ chmod +x "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mayavi/tests/runtests.py
+ # install manpage
+ mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man1
+ cp -p docs/mayavi2.man "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/man/man1/mayavi2.1
+ # switch to Wx, as PyQT no longer works, FS#41791 no longer fixed :(
+ install -d "${pkgdir}"/etc/profile.d
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir}"/mayavi.sh "${pkgdir}"/etc/profile.d/mayavi.sh
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir}"/mayavi.csh "${pkgdir}"/etc/profile.d/mayavi.csh
+ install -D LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
Copied: mayavi/repos/community-staging-x86_64/mayavi.csh (from rev 236930, mayavi/trunk/mayavi.csh)
--- community-staging-x86_64/mayavi.csh (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/mayavi.csh 2017-06-15 03:26:17 UTC (rev 236931)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+setenv ETS_TOOLKIT "wx"
Copied: mayavi/repos/community-staging-x86_64/mayavi.sh (from rev 236930, mayavi/trunk/mayavi.sh)
--- community-staging-x86_64/mayavi.sh (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/mayavi.sh 2017-06-15 03:26:17 UTC (rev 236931)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export ETS_TOOLKIT="wx"
Copied: mayavi/repos/community-staging-x86_64/setuptools.patch (from rev 236930, mayavi/trunk/setuptools.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/setuptools.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/setuptools.patch 2017-06-15 03:26:17 UTC (rev 236931)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+diff -urN mayavi-4.5.0.orig/tvtk/setup.py mayavi-4.5.0/tvtk/setup.py
+--- mayavi-4.5.0.orig/tvtk/setup.py 2016-10-06 09:59:45.021343207 +0200
++++ mayavi-4.5.0/tvtk/setup.py 2016-10-06 10:01:17.458009409 +0200
+@@ -19,12 +19,18 @@
+ config.add_subpackage('custom')
+ config.add_subpackage('pipeline')
++ config.add_subpackage('pyface')
++ config.add_subpackage('pyface.*')
++ config.add_subpackage('pyface.*.*')
++ config.add_subpackage('view')
+ config.add_data_dir('pipeline/images')
+ config.add_data_dir('pyface/images')
+ config.add_data_dir('tools/images')
+ config.add_subpackage('plugins')
+ config.add_subpackage('plugins.*')
++ config.add_subpackage('plugins.*.*')
+ config.add_subpackage('tools')
+ config.add_subpackage('util')
Copied: mayavi/repos/community-staging-x86_64/vtk6.patch (from rev 236930, mayavi/trunk/vtk6.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/vtk6.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/vtk6.patch 2017-06-15 03:26:17 UTC (rev 236931)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+diff -urN mayavi-4.4.4/mayavi/scripts/mayavi2.py mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/mayavi/scripts/mayavi2.py
+--- mayavi-4.4.4/mayavi/scripts/mayavi2.py 2016-02-29 07:49:20.000000000 +0100
++++ mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/mayavi/scripts/mayavi2.py 2016-07-30 21:23:58.565217168 +0200
+@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
+ import logging
+ from os.path import splitext, exists, join, abspath
++sys.path.insert(1, "/opt/vtk6/lib/python2.7/site-packages")
+ # Local imports.
+ from mayavi.__version__ import __version__
+ from mayavi.scripts.util import get_data_dir
+diff -urN mayavi-4.4.4/setup.py mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/setup.py
+--- mayavi-4.4.4/setup.py 2016-02-29 07:49:20.000000000 +0100
++++ mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/setup.py 2016-07-30 21:23:33.185353652 +0200
+@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
+ from distutils import log
+ from setuptools.command import develop, install_scripts
++sys.path.insert(1, "/opt/vtk6/lib/python2.7/site-packages")
+ info = {}
+ fname = join('mayavi', '__init__.py')
+diff -urN mayavi-4.4.4/tvtk/setup.py mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/tvtk/setup.py
+--- mayavi-4.4.4/tvtk/setup.py 2016-02-29 07:49:20.000000000 +0100
++++ mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/tvtk/setup.py 2016-07-30 21:23:33.185353652 +0200
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+ import os, sys
++sys.path.insert(1, "/opt/vtk6/lib/python2.7/site-packages")
+ def configuration(parent_package=None, top_path=None):
+ from os.path import join
+diff -urN mayavi-4.4.4/tvtk/tools/tvtk_doc.py mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/tvtk/tools/tvtk_doc.py
+--- mayavi-4.4.4/tvtk/tools/tvtk_doc.py 2016-02-29 07:49:20.000000000 +0100
++++ mayavi-4.4.4-vtk6/tvtk/tools/tvtk_doc.py 2016-07-30 21:24:31.208374707 +0200
+@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
+ # Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Enthought, Inc.
+ # License: BSD Style.
++import sys
++sys.path.insert(1, "/opt/vtk6/lib/python2.7/site-packages")
+ # Standard library imports.
+ import vtk
+ import types
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