[arch-commits] Commit in glide/repos (4 files)

Alexander Rødseth arodseth at archlinux.org
Mon Oct 2 09:22:24 UTC 2017

    Date: Monday, October 2, 2017 @ 09:22:22
  Author: arodseth
Revision: 261235

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64, community-i686

    (from rev 261233, glide/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 261233, glide/trunk/PKGBUILD)

 /PKGBUILD                 |   86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 community-i686/PKGBUILD   |   43 ----------------------
 community-x86_64/PKGBUILD |   43 ----------------------
 3 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

Deleted: community-i686/PKGBUILD
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD	2017-10-02 09:22:20 UTC (rev 261234)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD	2017-10-02 09:22:22 UTC (rev 261235)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Alexander F Rødseth <xyproto at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: fanningert <thomas at fanninger.at>
-pkgdesc='Dependency management and vendoring for Go projects'
-arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
-makedepends=('git' 'go')
-options=('!strip' '!emptydirs')
-prepare() {
-  mkdir -p build/go; cd build/go
-  for f in "/usr/lib/go/"*; do ln -s "$f"; done
-  rm pkg; mkdir pkg; cd pkg
-  for f in "/usr/lib/go/pkg/"*; do ln -s "$f"; done
-  export GOROOT="$srcdir/build/go"
-  export GOPATH="$srcdir/build"
-  mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/$_gourl"
-  mv "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" "$GOPATH/src/$_gourl/$pkgname"
-build() {
-  cd "$GOPATH/src/${_gourl}/${pkgname}"
-  go fix && go build -o glide -ldflags "-X main.version=$pkgver" glide.go
-package() {
-  install -Dm755 "build/src/$_gourl/$pkgname/$pkgname" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname"
-  install -Dm644 "build/src/$_gourl/$pkgname/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
-# getver: https://github.com/Masterminds/glide
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: glide/repos/community-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 261233, glide/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD	2017-10-02 09:22:22 UTC (rev 261235)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Alexander F Rødseth <xyproto at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: fanningert <thomas at fanninger.at>
+pkgdesc='Dependency management and vendoring for Go projects'
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
+makedepends=('git' 'go')
+options=('!strip' '!emptydirs')
+prepare() {
+  mkdir -p build/go; cd build/go
+  for f in "/usr/lib/go/"*; do ln -s "$f"; done
+  rm pkg; mkdir pkg; cd pkg
+  for f in "/usr/lib/go/pkg/"*; do ln -s "$f"; done
+  export GOROOT="$srcdir/build/go"
+  export GOPATH="$srcdir/build"
+  mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/$_gourl"
+  mv "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" "$GOPATH/src/$_gourl/$pkgname"
+build() {
+  cd "$GOPATH/src/${_gourl}/${pkgname}"
+  go fix && go build -o glide -ldflags "-X main.version=$pkgver" glide.go
+package() {
+  install -Dm755 "build/src/$_gourl/$pkgname/$pkgname" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname"
+  install -Dm644 "build/src/$_gourl/$pkgname/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
+# getver: https://github.com/Masterminds/glide
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Deleted: community-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2017-10-02 09:22:20 UTC (rev 261234)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2017-10-02 09:22:22 UTC (rev 261235)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Alexander F Rødseth <xyproto at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: fanningert <thomas at fanninger.at>
-pkgdesc='Dependency management and vendoring for Go projects'
-arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
-makedepends=('git' 'go')
-options=('!strip' '!emptydirs')
-prepare() {
-  mkdir -p build/go; cd build/go
-  for f in "/usr/lib/go/"*; do ln -s "$f"; done
-  rm pkg; mkdir pkg; cd pkg
-  for f in "/usr/lib/go/pkg/"*; do ln -s "$f"; done
-  export GOROOT="$srcdir/build/go"
-  export GOPATH="$srcdir/build"
-  mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/$_gourl"
-  mv "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" "$GOPATH/src/$_gourl/$pkgname"
-build() {
-  cd "$GOPATH/src/${_gourl}/${pkgname}"
-  go fix && go build -o glide -ldflags "-X main.version=$pkgver" glide.go
-package() {
-  install -Dm755 "build/src/$_gourl/$pkgname/$pkgname" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname"
-  install -Dm644 "build/src/$_gourl/$pkgname/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
-# getver: https://github.com/Masterminds/glide
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: glide/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 261233, glide/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2017-10-02 09:22:22 UTC (rev 261235)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Alexander F Rødseth <xyproto at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: fanningert <thomas at fanninger.at>
+pkgdesc='Dependency management and vendoring for Go projects'
+arch=('x86_64' 'i686')
+makedepends=('git' 'go')
+options=('!strip' '!emptydirs')
+prepare() {
+  mkdir -p build/go; cd build/go
+  for f in "/usr/lib/go/"*; do ln -s "$f"; done
+  rm pkg; mkdir pkg; cd pkg
+  for f in "/usr/lib/go/pkg/"*; do ln -s "$f"; done
+  export GOROOT="$srcdir/build/go"
+  export GOPATH="$srcdir/build"
+  mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/$_gourl"
+  mv "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" "$GOPATH/src/$_gourl/$pkgname"
+build() {
+  cd "$GOPATH/src/${_gourl}/${pkgname}"
+  go fix && go build -o glide -ldflags "-X main.version=$pkgver" glide.go
+package() {
+  install -Dm755 "build/src/$_gourl/$pkgname/$pkgname" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname"
+  install -Dm644 "build/src/$_gourl/$pkgname/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
+# getver: https://github.com/Masterminds/glide
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

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