[arch-commits] Commit in openscenegraph/repos (8 files)

Sergej Pupykin spupykin at archlinux.org
Mon Sep 4 17:26:01 UTC 2017

    Date: Monday, September 4, 2017 @ 17:26:01
  Author: spupykin
Revision: 255677

archrelease: copy trunk to community-i686, community-x86_64

    (from rev 255676, openscenegraph/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 255676, openscenegraph/trunk/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch)
    (from rev 255676, openscenegraph/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 255676, openscenegraph/trunk/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch)

 /PKGBUILD                                     |   90 ++++++
 /openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch                 |  314 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 community-i686/PKGBUILD                       |   44 ---
 community-i686/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch   |  157 ------------
 community-x86_64/PKGBUILD                     |   44 ---
 community-x86_64/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch |  157 ------------
 6 files changed, 404 insertions(+), 402 deletions(-)

Deleted: community-i686/PKGBUILD
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD	2017-09-04 17:25:43 UTC (rev 255676)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD	2017-09-04 17:26:01 UTC (rev 255677)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Sergej Pupykin <pupykin.s+arch at gmail.com>
-# Maintainer: Hans Janssen <janserv at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: my64 <packages at obordes.com>
-# Contributor: Colin Pitrat <colin.pitrat at gmail.com>
-pkgdesc="An Open Source, high performance real-time graphics toolkit"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('giflib' 'jasper' 'librsvg' 'xine-lib' 'curl' 'pth')
-makedepends=('cmake' 'libvncserver' 'qt5-base' 'ffmpeg' 'mesa')
-optdepends=('libvncserver' 'gdal' 'openexr' 'poppler-glib' 'qt5-base' 'ffmpeg')
-source=(http://trac.openscenegraph.org/downloads/developer_releases/OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver.zip openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch)
-         'f8151db111ad492ea3bf93971f9a32a9')
-prepare() {
-  cd OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
-# Fix build with ffmpeg 3.0 (Debian)
-  patch -p2 -i ../openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch
-build() {
-  cd OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
-  [ $NOEXTRACT -eq 1 ] || cmake . \
-  make
-package() {
-  cd OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
-  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-  install -D -m644 LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
-  [ -d "$pkgdir/usr/lib64" ] && mv "$pkgdir/usr/lib64" "$pkgdir/usr/lib" || true

Copied: openscenegraph/repos/community-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 255676, openscenegraph/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD	2017-09-04 17:26:01 UTC (rev 255677)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Sergej Pupykin <pupykin.s+arch at gmail.com>
+# Maintainer: Hans Janssen <janserv at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: my64 <packages at obordes.com>
+# Contributor: Colin Pitrat <colin.pitrat at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc="An Open Source, high performance real-time graphics toolkit"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('giflib' 'jasper' 'librsvg' 'xine-lib' 'curl' 'pth')
+makedepends=('cmake' 'libvncserver' 'qt5-base' 'ffmpeg' 'mesa')
+optdepends=('libvncserver' 'gdal' 'openexr' 'poppler-glib' 'qt5-base' 'ffmpeg')
+	openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch)
+            'a65fc1ac0538fddb8d11ef1ab2322a782715f8d2b42e0bb01a191212a0612477')
+prepare() {
+  cd OpenSceneGraph-OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
+  # Fix build with ffmpeg 3.0 (Debian)
+#  patch -p2 -i ../openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch
+build() {
+  cd OpenSceneGraph-OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
+  [ $NOEXTRACT -eq 1 ] || cmake . \
+  make
+package() {
+  cd OpenSceneGraph-OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
+  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+  install -D -m644 LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
+  [ -d "$pkgdir/usr/lib64" ] && mv "$pkgdir/usr/lib64" "$pkgdir/usr/lib" || true

Deleted: community-i686/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch
--- community-i686/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch	2017-09-04 17:25:43 UTC (rev 255676)
+++ community-i686/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch	2017-09-04 17:26:01 UTC (rev 255677)
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-Description: Replace deprecated FFmpeg API
-Author: Andreas Cadhalpun <Andreas.Cadhalpun at googlemail.com>
-Last-Update: <2015-11-02>
---- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.cpp
-+++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.cpp
-@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::open(AVStream *
-     findAspectRatio();
-     // Find out whether we support Alpha channel
--    m_alpha_channel = (m_context->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_YUVA420P);
-+    m_alpha_channel = (m_context->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P);
-     // Find out the framerate
-     m_frame_rate = av_q2d(stream->avg_frame_rate);
-@@ -91,20 +91,19 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::open(AVStream *
-         throw std::runtime_error("avcodec_open() failed");
-     // Allocate video frame
--    m_frame.reset(avcodec_alloc_frame());
-+    m_frame.reset(av_frame_alloc());
-     // Allocate converted RGB frame
--    m_frame_rgba.reset(avcodec_alloc_frame());
--    m_buffer_rgba[0].resize(avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height()));
-+    m_frame_rgba.reset(av_frame_alloc());
-+    m_buffer_rgba[0].resize(avpicture_get_size(AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height()));
-     m_buffer_rgba[1].resize(m_buffer_rgba[0].size());
-     // Assign appropriate parts of the buffer to image planes in m_frame_rgba
--    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[0])[0], PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
-+    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[0])[0], AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
-     // Override get_buffer()/release_buffer() from codec context in order to retrieve the PTS of each frame.
-     m_context->opaque = this;
--    m_context->get_buffer = getBuffer;
--    m_context->release_buffer = releaseBuffer;
-+    m_context->get_buffer2 = getBuffer;
- }
-@@ -263,8 +262,8 @@ int FFmpegDecoderVideo::convert(AVPictur
- #ifdef USE_SWSCALE
-     if (m_swscale_ctx==0)
-     {
--        m_swscale_ctx = sws_getContext(src_width, src_height, (PixelFormat) src_pix_fmt,
--                                      src_width, src_height, (PixelFormat) dst_pix_fmt,
-+        m_swscale_ctx = sws_getContext(src_width, src_height, (AVPixelFormat) src_pix_fmt,
-+                                      src_width, src_height, (AVPixelFormat) dst_pix_fmt,
-                                       /*SWS_BILINEAR*/ SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-     }
-@@ -311,14 +310,14 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::publishFrame(co
-     AVPicture * const dst = (AVPicture *) m_frame_rgba.get();
-     // Assign appropriate parts of the buffer to image planes in m_frame_rgba
--    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[m_writeBuffer])[0], PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
-+    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[m_writeBuffer])[0], AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
-     // Convert YUVA420p (i.e. YUV420p plus alpha channel) using our own routine
--    if (m_context->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_YUVA420P)
-+    if (m_context->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P)
-         yuva420pToRgba(dst, src, width(), height());
-     else
--        convert(dst, PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width(), height());
-+        convert(dst, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width(), height());
-     // Wait 'delay' seconds before publishing the picture.
-     int i_delay = static_cast<int>(delay * 1000000 + 0.5);
-@@ -345,7 +344,7 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::publishFrame(co
- void FFmpegDecoderVideo::yuva420pToRgba(AVPicture * const dst, AVPicture * const src, int width, int height)
- {
--    convert(dst, PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width, height);
-+    convert(dst, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width, height);
-     const size_t bpp = 4;
-@@ -363,31 +362,28 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::yuva420pToRgba(
-     }
- }
--int FFmpegDecoderVideo::getBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture)
-+int FFmpegDecoderVideo::getBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture, int flags)
- {
-+    AVBufferRef *ref;
-     const FFmpegDecoderVideo * const this_ = reinterpret_cast<const FFmpegDecoderVideo*>(context->opaque);
--    const int result = avcodec_default_get_buffer(context, picture);
-+    const int result = avcodec_default_get_buffer2(context, picture, flags);
-     int64_t * p_pts = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>( av_malloc(sizeof(int64_t)) );
-     *p_pts = this_->m_packet_pts;
-     picture->opaque = p_pts;
-+    ref = av_buffer_create((uint8_t *)picture->opaque, sizeof(int64_t), FFmpegDecoderVideo::freeBuffer, picture->buf[0], flags);
-+    picture->buf[0] = ref;
-     return result;
- }
--void FFmpegDecoderVideo::releaseBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture)
-+void FFmpegDecoderVideo::freeBuffer(void *opaque, uint8_t *data)
- {
--    if (picture != 0)
--        av_freep(&picture->opaque);
--    avcodec_default_release_buffer(context, picture);
-+    AVBufferRef *ref = (AVBufferRef *)opaque;
-+    av_buffer_unref(&ref);
-+    av_free(data);
- }
- } // namespace osgFFmpeg
---- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.hpp
-+++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.hpp
-@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ private:
-                 int src_pix_fmt, int src_width, int src_height);
--    static int getBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture);
--    static void releaseBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture);
-+    static int getBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture, int flags);
-+    static void freeBuffer(void * opaque, uint8_t *data);
-     PacketQueue &           m_packets;
-     FFmpegClocks &          m_clocks;
---- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegParameters.cpp
-+++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegParameters.cpp
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ extern "C"
-     #include <libavutil/pixdesc.h>
- }
--inline PixelFormat osg_av_get_pix_fmt(const char *name) { return av_get_pix_fmt(name); }
-+inline AVPixelFormat osg_av_get_pix_fmt(const char *name) { return av_get_pix_fmt(name); }
- namespace osgFFmpeg {
---- src/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderAudio.cpp.orig	2016-02-18 21:25:39.627923629 +0000
-+++ src/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderAudio.cpp	2016-02-18 21:26:17.071140100 +0000
-@@ -227,8 +227,7 @@
-         if (avcodec_open2(m_context, p_codec, NULL) < 0)
-             throw std::runtime_error("avcodec_open() failed");
--        m_context->get_buffer = avcodec_default_get_buffer;
--        m_context->release_buffer = avcodec_default_release_buffer;
-+        m_context->get_buffer2 = avcodec_default_get_buffer2;
-     }

Copied: openscenegraph/repos/community-i686/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch (from rev 255676, openscenegraph/trunk/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch)
--- community-i686/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-i686/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch	2017-09-04 17:26:01 UTC (rev 255677)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+Description: Replace deprecated FFmpeg API
+Author: Andreas Cadhalpun <Andreas.Cadhalpun at googlemail.com>
+Last-Update: <2015-11-02>
+--- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.cpp
++++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.cpp
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::open(AVStream *
+     findAspectRatio();
+     // Find out whether we support Alpha channel
+-    m_alpha_channel = (m_context->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_YUVA420P);
++    m_alpha_channel = (m_context->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P);
+     // Find out the framerate
+     m_frame_rate = av_q2d(stream->avg_frame_rate);
+@@ -91,20 +91,19 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::open(AVStream *
+         throw std::runtime_error("avcodec_open() failed");
+     // Allocate video frame
+-    m_frame.reset(avcodec_alloc_frame());
++    m_frame.reset(av_frame_alloc());
+     // Allocate converted RGB frame
+-    m_frame_rgba.reset(avcodec_alloc_frame());
+-    m_buffer_rgba[0].resize(avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height()));
++    m_frame_rgba.reset(av_frame_alloc());
++    m_buffer_rgba[0].resize(avpicture_get_size(AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height()));
+     m_buffer_rgba[1].resize(m_buffer_rgba[0].size());
+     // Assign appropriate parts of the buffer to image planes in m_frame_rgba
+-    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[0])[0], PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
++    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[0])[0], AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
+     // Override get_buffer()/release_buffer() from codec context in order to retrieve the PTS of each frame.
+     m_context->opaque = this;
+-    m_context->get_buffer = getBuffer;
+-    m_context->release_buffer = releaseBuffer;
++    m_context->get_buffer2 = getBuffer;
+ }
+@@ -263,8 +262,8 @@ int FFmpegDecoderVideo::convert(AVPictur
+ #ifdef USE_SWSCALE
+     if (m_swscale_ctx==0)
+     {
+-        m_swscale_ctx = sws_getContext(src_width, src_height, (PixelFormat) src_pix_fmt,
+-                                      src_width, src_height, (PixelFormat) dst_pix_fmt,
++        m_swscale_ctx = sws_getContext(src_width, src_height, (AVPixelFormat) src_pix_fmt,
++                                      src_width, src_height, (AVPixelFormat) dst_pix_fmt,
+                                       /*SWS_BILINEAR*/ SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+     }
+@@ -311,14 +310,14 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::publishFrame(co
+     AVPicture * const dst = (AVPicture *) m_frame_rgba.get();
+     // Assign appropriate parts of the buffer to image planes in m_frame_rgba
+-    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[m_writeBuffer])[0], PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
++    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[m_writeBuffer])[0], AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
+     // Convert YUVA420p (i.e. YUV420p plus alpha channel) using our own routine
+-    if (m_context->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_YUVA420P)
++    if (m_context->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P)
+         yuva420pToRgba(dst, src, width(), height());
+     else
+-        convert(dst, PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width(), height());
++        convert(dst, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width(), height());
+     // Wait 'delay' seconds before publishing the picture.
+     int i_delay = static_cast<int>(delay * 1000000 + 0.5);
+@@ -345,7 +344,7 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::publishFrame(co
+ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::yuva420pToRgba(AVPicture * const dst, AVPicture * const src, int width, int height)
+ {
+-    convert(dst, PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width, height);
++    convert(dst, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width, height);
+     const size_t bpp = 4;
+@@ -363,31 +362,28 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::yuva420pToRgba(
+     }
+ }
+-int FFmpegDecoderVideo::getBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture)
++int FFmpegDecoderVideo::getBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture, int flags)
+ {
++    AVBufferRef *ref;
+     const FFmpegDecoderVideo * const this_ = reinterpret_cast<const FFmpegDecoderVideo*>(context->opaque);
+-    const int result = avcodec_default_get_buffer(context, picture);
++    const int result = avcodec_default_get_buffer2(context, picture, flags);
+     int64_t * p_pts = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>( av_malloc(sizeof(int64_t)) );
+     *p_pts = this_->m_packet_pts;
+     picture->opaque = p_pts;
++    ref = av_buffer_create((uint8_t *)picture->opaque, sizeof(int64_t), FFmpegDecoderVideo::freeBuffer, picture->buf[0], flags);
++    picture->buf[0] = ref;
+     return result;
+ }
+-void FFmpegDecoderVideo::releaseBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture)
++void FFmpegDecoderVideo::freeBuffer(void *opaque, uint8_t *data)
+ {
+-    if (picture != 0)
+-        av_freep(&picture->opaque);
+-    avcodec_default_release_buffer(context, picture);
++    AVBufferRef *ref = (AVBufferRef *)opaque;
++    av_buffer_unref(&ref);
++    av_free(data);
+ }
+ } // namespace osgFFmpeg
+--- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.hpp
++++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.hpp
+@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ private:
+                 int src_pix_fmt, int src_width, int src_height);
+-    static int getBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture);
+-    static void releaseBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture);
++    static int getBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture, int flags);
++    static void freeBuffer(void * opaque, uint8_t *data);
+     PacketQueue &           m_packets;
+     FFmpegClocks &          m_clocks;
+--- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegParameters.cpp
++++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegParameters.cpp
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ extern "C"
+     #include <libavutil/pixdesc.h>
+ }
+-inline PixelFormat osg_av_get_pix_fmt(const char *name) { return av_get_pix_fmt(name); }
++inline AVPixelFormat osg_av_get_pix_fmt(const char *name) { return av_get_pix_fmt(name); }
+ namespace osgFFmpeg {
+--- src/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderAudio.cpp.orig	2016-02-18 21:25:39.627923629 +0000
++++ src/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderAudio.cpp	2016-02-18 21:26:17.071140100 +0000
+@@ -227,8 +227,7 @@
+         if (avcodec_open2(m_context, p_codec, NULL) < 0)
+             throw std::runtime_error("avcodec_open() failed");
+-        m_context->get_buffer = avcodec_default_get_buffer;
+-        m_context->release_buffer = avcodec_default_release_buffer;
++        m_context->get_buffer2 = avcodec_default_get_buffer2;
+     }

Deleted: community-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2017-09-04 17:25:43 UTC (rev 255676)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2017-09-04 17:26:01 UTC (rev 255677)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Sergej Pupykin <pupykin.s+arch at gmail.com>
-# Maintainer: Hans Janssen <janserv at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: my64 <packages at obordes.com>
-# Contributor: Colin Pitrat <colin.pitrat at gmail.com>
-pkgdesc="An Open Source, high performance real-time graphics toolkit"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('giflib' 'jasper' 'librsvg' 'xine-lib' 'curl' 'pth')
-makedepends=('cmake' 'libvncserver' 'qt5-base' 'ffmpeg' 'mesa')
-optdepends=('libvncserver' 'gdal' 'openexr' 'poppler-glib' 'qt5-base' 'ffmpeg')
-source=(http://trac.openscenegraph.org/downloads/developer_releases/OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver.zip openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch)
-         'f8151db111ad492ea3bf93971f9a32a9')
-prepare() {
-  cd OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
-# Fix build with ffmpeg 3.0 (Debian)
-  patch -p2 -i ../openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch
-build() {
-  cd OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
-  [ $NOEXTRACT -eq 1 ] || cmake . \
-  make
-package() {
-  cd OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
-  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-  install -D -m644 LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
-  [ -d "$pkgdir/usr/lib64" ] && mv "$pkgdir/usr/lib64" "$pkgdir/usr/lib" || true

Copied: openscenegraph/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 255676, openscenegraph/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2017-09-04 17:26:01 UTC (rev 255677)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Sergej Pupykin <pupykin.s+arch at gmail.com>
+# Maintainer: Hans Janssen <janserv at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: my64 <packages at obordes.com>
+# Contributor: Colin Pitrat <colin.pitrat at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc="An Open Source, high performance real-time graphics toolkit"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('giflib' 'jasper' 'librsvg' 'xine-lib' 'curl' 'pth')
+makedepends=('cmake' 'libvncserver' 'qt5-base' 'ffmpeg' 'mesa')
+optdepends=('libvncserver' 'gdal' 'openexr' 'poppler-glib' 'qt5-base' 'ffmpeg')
+	openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch)
+            'a65fc1ac0538fddb8d11ef1ab2322a782715f8d2b42e0bb01a191212a0612477')
+prepare() {
+  cd OpenSceneGraph-OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
+  # Fix build with ffmpeg 3.0 (Debian)
+#  patch -p2 -i ../openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch
+build() {
+  cd OpenSceneGraph-OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
+  [ $NOEXTRACT -eq 1 ] || cmake . \
+  make
+package() {
+  cd OpenSceneGraph-OpenSceneGraph-$pkgver
+  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+  install -D -m644 LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
+  [ -d "$pkgdir/usr/lib64" ] && mv "$pkgdir/usr/lib64" "$pkgdir/usr/lib" || true

Deleted: community-x86_64/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch
--- community-x86_64/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch	2017-09-04 17:25:43 UTC (rev 255676)
+++ community-x86_64/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch	2017-09-04 17:26:01 UTC (rev 255677)
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-Description: Replace deprecated FFmpeg API
-Author: Andreas Cadhalpun <Andreas.Cadhalpun at googlemail.com>
-Last-Update: <2015-11-02>
---- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.cpp
-+++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.cpp
-@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::open(AVStream *
-     findAspectRatio();
-     // Find out whether we support Alpha channel
--    m_alpha_channel = (m_context->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_YUVA420P);
-+    m_alpha_channel = (m_context->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P);
-     // Find out the framerate
-     m_frame_rate = av_q2d(stream->avg_frame_rate);
-@@ -91,20 +91,19 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::open(AVStream *
-         throw std::runtime_error("avcodec_open() failed");
-     // Allocate video frame
--    m_frame.reset(avcodec_alloc_frame());
-+    m_frame.reset(av_frame_alloc());
-     // Allocate converted RGB frame
--    m_frame_rgba.reset(avcodec_alloc_frame());
--    m_buffer_rgba[0].resize(avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height()));
-+    m_frame_rgba.reset(av_frame_alloc());
-+    m_buffer_rgba[0].resize(avpicture_get_size(AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height()));
-     m_buffer_rgba[1].resize(m_buffer_rgba[0].size());
-     // Assign appropriate parts of the buffer to image planes in m_frame_rgba
--    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[0])[0], PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
-+    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[0])[0], AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
-     // Override get_buffer()/release_buffer() from codec context in order to retrieve the PTS of each frame.
-     m_context->opaque = this;
--    m_context->get_buffer = getBuffer;
--    m_context->release_buffer = releaseBuffer;
-+    m_context->get_buffer2 = getBuffer;
- }
-@@ -263,8 +262,8 @@ int FFmpegDecoderVideo::convert(AVPictur
- #ifdef USE_SWSCALE
-     if (m_swscale_ctx==0)
-     {
--        m_swscale_ctx = sws_getContext(src_width, src_height, (PixelFormat) src_pix_fmt,
--                                      src_width, src_height, (PixelFormat) dst_pix_fmt,
-+        m_swscale_ctx = sws_getContext(src_width, src_height, (AVPixelFormat) src_pix_fmt,
-+                                      src_width, src_height, (AVPixelFormat) dst_pix_fmt,
-                                       /*SWS_BILINEAR*/ SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-     }
-@@ -311,14 +310,14 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::publishFrame(co
-     AVPicture * const dst = (AVPicture *) m_frame_rgba.get();
-     // Assign appropriate parts of the buffer to image planes in m_frame_rgba
--    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[m_writeBuffer])[0], PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
-+    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[m_writeBuffer])[0], AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
-     // Convert YUVA420p (i.e. YUV420p plus alpha channel) using our own routine
--    if (m_context->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_YUVA420P)
-+    if (m_context->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P)
-         yuva420pToRgba(dst, src, width(), height());
-     else
--        convert(dst, PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width(), height());
-+        convert(dst, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width(), height());
-     // Wait 'delay' seconds before publishing the picture.
-     int i_delay = static_cast<int>(delay * 1000000 + 0.5);
-@@ -345,7 +344,7 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::publishFrame(co
- void FFmpegDecoderVideo::yuva420pToRgba(AVPicture * const dst, AVPicture * const src, int width, int height)
- {
--    convert(dst, PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width, height);
-+    convert(dst, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width, height);
-     const size_t bpp = 4;
-@@ -363,31 +362,28 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::yuva420pToRgba(
-     }
- }
--int FFmpegDecoderVideo::getBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture)
-+int FFmpegDecoderVideo::getBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture, int flags)
- {
-+    AVBufferRef *ref;
-     const FFmpegDecoderVideo * const this_ = reinterpret_cast<const FFmpegDecoderVideo*>(context->opaque);
--    const int result = avcodec_default_get_buffer(context, picture);
-+    const int result = avcodec_default_get_buffer2(context, picture, flags);
-     int64_t * p_pts = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>( av_malloc(sizeof(int64_t)) );
-     *p_pts = this_->m_packet_pts;
-     picture->opaque = p_pts;
-+    ref = av_buffer_create((uint8_t *)picture->opaque, sizeof(int64_t), FFmpegDecoderVideo::freeBuffer, picture->buf[0], flags);
-+    picture->buf[0] = ref;
-     return result;
- }
--void FFmpegDecoderVideo::releaseBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture)
-+void FFmpegDecoderVideo::freeBuffer(void *opaque, uint8_t *data)
- {
--    if (picture != 0)
--        av_freep(&picture->opaque);
--    avcodec_default_release_buffer(context, picture);
-+    AVBufferRef *ref = (AVBufferRef *)opaque;
-+    av_buffer_unref(&ref);
-+    av_free(data);
- }
- } // namespace osgFFmpeg
---- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.hpp
-+++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.hpp
-@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ private:
-                 int src_pix_fmt, int src_width, int src_height);
--    static int getBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture);
--    static void releaseBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture);
-+    static int getBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture, int flags);
-+    static void freeBuffer(void * opaque, uint8_t *data);
-     PacketQueue &           m_packets;
-     FFmpegClocks &          m_clocks;
---- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegParameters.cpp
-+++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegParameters.cpp
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ extern "C"
-     #include <libavutil/pixdesc.h>
- }
--inline PixelFormat osg_av_get_pix_fmt(const char *name) { return av_get_pix_fmt(name); }
-+inline AVPixelFormat osg_av_get_pix_fmt(const char *name) { return av_get_pix_fmt(name); }
- namespace osgFFmpeg {
---- src/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderAudio.cpp.orig	2016-02-18 21:25:39.627923629 +0000
-+++ src/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderAudio.cpp	2016-02-18 21:26:17.071140100 +0000
-@@ -227,8 +227,7 @@
-         if (avcodec_open2(m_context, p_codec, NULL) < 0)
-             throw std::runtime_error("avcodec_open() failed");
--        m_context->get_buffer = avcodec_default_get_buffer;
--        m_context->release_buffer = avcodec_default_release_buffer;
-+        m_context->get_buffer2 = avcodec_default_get_buffer2;
-     }

Copied: openscenegraph/repos/community-x86_64/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch (from rev 255676, openscenegraph/trunk/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch)
--- community-x86_64/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/openscenegraph-ffmpeg3.patch	2017-09-04 17:26:01 UTC (rev 255677)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+Description: Replace deprecated FFmpeg API
+Author: Andreas Cadhalpun <Andreas.Cadhalpun at googlemail.com>
+Last-Update: <2015-11-02>
+--- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.cpp
++++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.cpp
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::open(AVStream *
+     findAspectRatio();
+     // Find out whether we support Alpha channel
+-    m_alpha_channel = (m_context->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_YUVA420P);
++    m_alpha_channel = (m_context->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P);
+     // Find out the framerate
+     m_frame_rate = av_q2d(stream->avg_frame_rate);
+@@ -91,20 +91,19 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::open(AVStream *
+         throw std::runtime_error("avcodec_open() failed");
+     // Allocate video frame
+-    m_frame.reset(avcodec_alloc_frame());
++    m_frame.reset(av_frame_alloc());
+     // Allocate converted RGB frame
+-    m_frame_rgba.reset(avcodec_alloc_frame());
+-    m_buffer_rgba[0].resize(avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height()));
++    m_frame_rgba.reset(av_frame_alloc());
++    m_buffer_rgba[0].resize(avpicture_get_size(AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height()));
+     m_buffer_rgba[1].resize(m_buffer_rgba[0].size());
+     // Assign appropriate parts of the buffer to image planes in m_frame_rgba
+-    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[0])[0], PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
++    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[0])[0], AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
+     // Override get_buffer()/release_buffer() from codec context in order to retrieve the PTS of each frame.
+     m_context->opaque = this;
+-    m_context->get_buffer = getBuffer;
+-    m_context->release_buffer = releaseBuffer;
++    m_context->get_buffer2 = getBuffer;
+ }
+@@ -263,8 +262,8 @@ int FFmpegDecoderVideo::convert(AVPictur
+ #ifdef USE_SWSCALE
+     if (m_swscale_ctx==0)
+     {
+-        m_swscale_ctx = sws_getContext(src_width, src_height, (PixelFormat) src_pix_fmt,
+-                                      src_width, src_height, (PixelFormat) dst_pix_fmt,
++        m_swscale_ctx = sws_getContext(src_width, src_height, (AVPixelFormat) src_pix_fmt,
++                                      src_width, src_height, (AVPixelFormat) dst_pix_fmt,
+                                       /*SWS_BILINEAR*/ SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+     }
+@@ -311,14 +310,14 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::publishFrame(co
+     AVPicture * const dst = (AVPicture *) m_frame_rgba.get();
+     // Assign appropriate parts of the buffer to image planes in m_frame_rgba
+-    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[m_writeBuffer])[0], PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
++    avpicture_fill((AVPicture *) (m_frame_rgba).get(), &(m_buffer_rgba[m_writeBuffer])[0], AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, width(), height());
+     // Convert YUVA420p (i.e. YUV420p plus alpha channel) using our own routine
+-    if (m_context->pix_fmt == PIX_FMT_YUVA420P)
++    if (m_context->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_YUVA420P)
+         yuva420pToRgba(dst, src, width(), height());
+     else
+-        convert(dst, PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width(), height());
++        convert(dst, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width(), height());
+     // Wait 'delay' seconds before publishing the picture.
+     int i_delay = static_cast<int>(delay * 1000000 + 0.5);
+@@ -345,7 +344,7 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::publishFrame(co
+ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::yuva420pToRgba(AVPicture * const dst, AVPicture * const src, int width, int height)
+ {
+-    convert(dst, PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width, height);
++    convert(dst, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, src, m_context->pix_fmt, width, height);
+     const size_t bpp = 4;
+@@ -363,31 +362,28 @@ void FFmpegDecoderVideo::yuva420pToRgba(
+     }
+ }
+-int FFmpegDecoderVideo::getBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture)
++int FFmpegDecoderVideo::getBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture, int flags)
+ {
++    AVBufferRef *ref;
+     const FFmpegDecoderVideo * const this_ = reinterpret_cast<const FFmpegDecoderVideo*>(context->opaque);
+-    const int result = avcodec_default_get_buffer(context, picture);
++    const int result = avcodec_default_get_buffer2(context, picture, flags);
+     int64_t * p_pts = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>( av_malloc(sizeof(int64_t)) );
+     *p_pts = this_->m_packet_pts;
+     picture->opaque = p_pts;
++    ref = av_buffer_create((uint8_t *)picture->opaque, sizeof(int64_t), FFmpegDecoderVideo::freeBuffer, picture->buf[0], flags);
++    picture->buf[0] = ref;
+     return result;
+ }
+-void FFmpegDecoderVideo::releaseBuffer(AVCodecContext * const context, AVFrame * const picture)
++void FFmpegDecoderVideo::freeBuffer(void *opaque, uint8_t *data)
+ {
+-    if (picture != 0)
+-        av_freep(&picture->opaque);
+-    avcodec_default_release_buffer(context, picture);
++    AVBufferRef *ref = (AVBufferRef *)opaque;
++    av_buffer_unref(&ref);
++    av_free(data);
+ }
+ } // namespace osgFFmpeg
+--- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.hpp
++++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderVideo.hpp
+@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ private:
+                 int src_pix_fmt, int src_width, int src_height);
+-    static int getBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture);
+-    static void releaseBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture);
++    static int getBuffer(AVCodecContext * context, AVFrame * picture, int flags);
++    static void freeBuffer(void * opaque, uint8_t *data);
+     PacketQueue &           m_packets;
+     FFmpegClocks &          m_clocks;
+--- openscenegraph-3.2.1.orig/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegParameters.cpp
++++ openscenegraph-3.2.1/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegParameters.cpp
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ extern "C"
+     #include <libavutil/pixdesc.h>
+ }
+-inline PixelFormat osg_av_get_pix_fmt(const char *name) { return av_get_pix_fmt(name); }
++inline AVPixelFormat osg_av_get_pix_fmt(const char *name) { return av_get_pix_fmt(name); }
+ namespace osgFFmpeg {
+--- src/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderAudio.cpp.orig	2016-02-18 21:25:39.627923629 +0000
++++ src/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/src/osgPlugins/ffmpeg/FFmpegDecoderAudio.cpp	2016-02-18 21:26:17.071140100 +0000
+@@ -227,8 +227,7 @@
+         if (avcodec_open2(m_context, p_codec, NULL) < 0)
+             throw std::runtime_error("avcodec_open() failed");
+-        m_context->get_buffer = avcodec_default_get_buffer;
+-        m_context->release_buffer = avcodec_default_release_buffer;
++        m_context->get_buffer2 = avcodec_default_get_buffer2;
+     }

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