[arch-commits] Commit in ogre/repos (8 files)
Sven-Hendrik Haase
svenstaro at archlinux.org
Wed Sep 6 10:10:11 UTC 2017
Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 @ 10:10:10
Author: svenstaro
Revision: 256040
archrelease: copy trunk to community-i686, community-x86_64
(from rev 256039, ogre/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 256039, ogre/trunk/ogre.install)
(from rev 256039, ogre/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 256039, ogre/trunk/ogre.install)
/PKGBUILD | 162 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
/ogre.install | 8 +
community-i686/PKGBUILD | 81 --------------------
community-i686/ogre.install | 4
community-x86_64/PKGBUILD | 81 --------------------
community-x86_64/ogre.install | 4
6 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)
Deleted: community-i686/PKGBUILD
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD 2017-09-06 10:09:58 UTC (rev 256039)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD 2017-09-06 10:10:10 UTC (rev 256040)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <sh at lutzhaase.com>
-pkgname=('ogre' 'ogre-docs')
-pkgdesc='Scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++'
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('boost-libs' 'freeimage' 'freetype2' 'libxaw' 'libxrandr'
- 'nvidia-cg-toolkit' 'zziplib' 'sdl2' 'glu' 'tinyxml')
-makedepends=('boost' 'cmake' 'doxygen' 'graphviz' 'ttf-dejavu' 'mesa' 'mercurial' 'python' 'swig')
-build() {
- cd ogre
- [[ -d build ]] && rm -rf build
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake .. \
- make
- make OgreDoc
-package_ogre() {
- optdepends=('cppunit: unit testing'
- 'intel-tbb: better threading support'
- 'poco: portability'
- 'python: python bindings'
- 'boost: for developing using ogre'
- 'ogre-docs: documentation')
- cd ogre/build
- make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
- # fix up samples
- install -dm775 -o root -g users ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
- mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/*.cfg ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
- mv ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/SampleBrowser ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
- # make sample launcher
- echo "#!/bin/bash" > ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
- echo "cd /opt/OGRE/samples && ./SampleBrowser" >> ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
- chmod +x ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
- install -Dm644 ../COPYING ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING
- # move docs out of this package
- mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/docs ${srcdir}/docs
-package_ogre-docs() {
- pkgdesc="Documentation for ogre"
- depends=()
- cd ogre/build
- # move docs into this package
- install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc
- mv ${srcdir}/docs ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/OGRE/
- # symlink for docs
- install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/
- cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share
- ln -s /usr/share/doc/OGRE/ OGRE/docs
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: ogre/repos/community-i686/PKGBUILD (from rev 256039, ogre/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-i686/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ community-i686/PKGBUILD 2017-09-06 10:10:10 UTC (rev 256040)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <sh at lutzhaase.com>
+pkgname=('ogre' 'ogre-docs')
+pkgdesc='Scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++'
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('boost-libs' 'freeimage' 'freetype2' 'libxaw' 'libxrandr'
+ 'nvidia-cg-toolkit' 'zziplib' 'sdl2' 'glu' 'tinyxml')
+makedepends=('boost' 'cmake' 'doxygen' 'graphviz' 'ttf-dejavu' 'mesa' 'mercurial' 'python' 'swig')
+build() {
+ cd ogre
+ [[ -d build ]] && rm -rf build
+ mkdir build && cd build
+ cmake .. \
+ make
+ make OgreDoc
+package_ogre() {
+ optdepends=('cppunit: unit testing'
+ 'intel-tbb: better threading support'
+ 'poco: portability'
+ 'python: python bindings'
+ 'boost: for developing using ogre'
+ 'ogre-docs: documentation')
+ cd ogre/build
+ make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
+ # fix up samples
+ install -dm775 -o root -g users ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
+ mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/*.cfg ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
+ mv ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/SampleBrowser ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
+ # make sample launcher
+ echo "#!/bin/bash" > ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
+ echo "cd /opt/OGRE/samples && ./SampleBrowser" >> ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
+ chmod +x ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
+ install -Dm644 ../COPYING ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING
+ # move docs out of this package
+ mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/docs ${srcdir}/docs
+package_ogre-docs() {
+ pkgdesc="Documentation for ogre"
+ depends=()
+ cd ogre/build
+ # move docs into this package
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc
+ mv ${srcdir}/docs ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/OGRE/
+ # symlink for docs
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/
+ cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share
+ ln -s /usr/share/doc/OGRE/ OGRE/docs
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Deleted: community-i686/ogre.install
--- community-i686/ogre.install 2017-09-06 10:09:58 UTC (rev 256039)
+++ community-i686/ogre.install 2017-09-06 10:10:10 UTC (rev 256040)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
- echo "To view the OGRE samples just run OgreSampleBrowser or launch"
- echo "it directly in /opt/OGRE/samples/"
Copied: ogre/repos/community-i686/ogre.install (from rev 256039, ogre/trunk/ogre.install)
--- community-i686/ogre.install (rev 0)
+++ community-i686/ogre.install 2017-09-06 10:10:10 UTC (rev 256040)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+post_install() {
+ echo "To view the OGRE samples just run OgreSampleBrowser or launch"
+ echo "it directly in /opt/OGRE/samples/"
Deleted: community-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2017-09-06 10:09:58 UTC (rev 256039)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2017-09-06 10:10:10 UTC (rev 256040)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <sh at lutzhaase.com>
-pkgname=('ogre' 'ogre-docs')
-pkgdesc='Scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++'
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('boost-libs' 'freeimage' 'freetype2' 'libxaw' 'libxrandr'
- 'nvidia-cg-toolkit' 'zziplib' 'sdl2' 'glu' 'tinyxml')
-makedepends=('boost' 'cmake' 'doxygen' 'graphviz' 'ttf-dejavu' 'mesa' 'mercurial' 'python' 'swig')
-build() {
- cd ogre
- [[ -d build ]] && rm -rf build
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake .. \
- make
- make OgreDoc
-package_ogre() {
- optdepends=('cppunit: unit testing'
- 'intel-tbb: better threading support'
- 'poco: portability'
- 'python: python bindings'
- 'boost: for developing using ogre'
- 'ogre-docs: documentation')
- cd ogre/build
- make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
- # fix up samples
- install -dm775 -o root -g users ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
- mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/*.cfg ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
- mv ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/SampleBrowser ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
- # make sample launcher
- echo "#!/bin/bash" > ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
- echo "cd /opt/OGRE/samples && ./SampleBrowser" >> ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
- chmod +x ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
- install -Dm644 ../COPYING ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING
- # move docs out of this package
- mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/docs ${srcdir}/docs
-package_ogre-docs() {
- pkgdesc="Documentation for ogre"
- depends=()
- cd ogre/build
- # move docs into this package
- install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc
- mv ${srcdir}/docs ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/OGRE/
- # symlink for docs
- install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/
- cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share
- ln -s /usr/share/doc/OGRE/ OGRE/docs
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: ogre/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 256039, ogre/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2017-09-06 10:10:10 UTC (rev 256040)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <sh at lutzhaase.com>
+pkgname=('ogre' 'ogre-docs')
+pkgdesc='Scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++'
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('boost-libs' 'freeimage' 'freetype2' 'libxaw' 'libxrandr'
+ 'nvidia-cg-toolkit' 'zziplib' 'sdl2' 'glu' 'tinyxml')
+makedepends=('boost' 'cmake' 'doxygen' 'graphviz' 'ttf-dejavu' 'mesa' 'mercurial' 'python' 'swig')
+build() {
+ cd ogre
+ [[ -d build ]] && rm -rf build
+ mkdir build && cd build
+ cmake .. \
+ make
+ make OgreDoc
+package_ogre() {
+ optdepends=('cppunit: unit testing'
+ 'intel-tbb: better threading support'
+ 'poco: portability'
+ 'python: python bindings'
+ 'boost: for developing using ogre'
+ 'ogre-docs: documentation')
+ cd ogre/build
+ make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
+ # fix up samples
+ install -dm775 -o root -g users ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
+ mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/*.cfg ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
+ mv ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/SampleBrowser ${pkgdir}/opt/OGRE/samples/
+ # make sample launcher
+ echo "#!/bin/bash" > ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
+ echo "cd /opt/OGRE/samples && ./SampleBrowser" >> ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
+ chmod +x ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/OgreSampleBrowser
+ install -Dm644 ../COPYING ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING
+ # move docs out of this package
+ mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/docs ${srcdir}/docs
+package_ogre-docs() {
+ pkgdesc="Documentation for ogre"
+ depends=()
+ cd ogre/build
+ # move docs into this package
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc
+ mv ${srcdir}/docs ${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/OGRE/
+ # symlink for docs
+ install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/OGRE/
+ cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share
+ ln -s /usr/share/doc/OGRE/ OGRE/docs
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Deleted: community-x86_64/ogre.install
--- community-x86_64/ogre.install 2017-09-06 10:09:58 UTC (rev 256039)
+++ community-x86_64/ogre.install 2017-09-06 10:10:10 UTC (rev 256040)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
- echo "To view the OGRE samples just run OgreSampleBrowser or launch"
- echo "it directly in /opt/OGRE/samples/"
Copied: ogre/repos/community-x86_64/ogre.install (from rev 256039, ogre/trunk/ogre.install)
--- community-x86_64/ogre.install (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/ogre.install 2017-09-06 10:10:10 UTC (rev 256040)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+post_install() {
+ echo "To view the OGRE samples just run OgreSampleBrowser or launch"
+ echo "it directly in /opt/OGRE/samples/"
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