[arch-commits] Commit in hostapd/trunk (9 files)

Sergej Pupykin spupykin at archlinux.org
Wed Dec 5 09:35:50 UTC 2018

    Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 @ 09:35:50
  Author: spupykin
Revision: 411318

upgpkg: hostapd 2.7-1


 0001-hostapd-Avoid-key-reinstallation-in-FT-handshake.patch     |  174 ------
 0002-Prevent-reinstallation-of-an-already-in-use-group-ke.patch |  250 ----------
 0003-Extend-protection-of-GTK-IGTK-reinstallation-of-WNM-.patch |  184 -------
 0004-Prevent-installation-of-an-all-zero-TK.patch               |   79 ---
 0005-Fix-PTK-rekeying-to-generate-a-new-ANonce.patch            |   64 --
 0006-TDLS-Reject-TPK-TK-reconfiguration.patch                   |  132 -----
 0008-FT-Do-not-allow-multiple-Reassociation-Response-fram.patch |   82 ---
 PKGBUILD                                                        |   26 -
 hostapd-2.3-noscan.patch                                        |   10 
 9 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 990 deletions(-)

Deleted: 0001-hostapd-Avoid-key-reinstallation-in-FT-handshake.patch
--- 0001-hostapd-Avoid-key-reinstallation-in-FT-handshake.patch	2018-12-05 09:27:49 UTC (rev 411317)
+++ 0001-hostapd-Avoid-key-reinstallation-in-FT-handshake.patch	2018-12-05 09:35:50 UTC (rev 411318)
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-From cf4cab804c7afd5c45505528a8d16e46163243a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mathy Vanhoef <Mathy.Vanhoef at cs.kuleuven.be>
-Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2017 15:15:35 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/8] hostapd: Avoid key reinstallation in FT handshake
-Do not reinstall TK to the driver during Reassociation Response frame
-processing if the first attempt of setting the TK succeeded. This avoids
-issues related to clearing the TX/RX PN that could result in reusing
-same PN values for transmitted frames (e.g., due to CCM nonce reuse and
-also hitting replay protection on the receiver) and accepting replayed
-frames on RX side.
-This issue was introduced by the commit
-0e84c25434e6a1f283c7b4e62e483729085b78d2 ('FT: Fix PTK configuration in
-authenticator') which allowed wpa_ft_install_ptk() to be called multiple
-times with the same PTK. While the second configuration attempt is
-needed with some drivers, it must be done only if the first attempt
-Signed-off-by: Mathy Vanhoef <Mathy.Vanhoef at cs.kuleuven.be>
- src/ap/ieee802_11.c  | 16 +++++++++++++---
- src/ap/wpa_auth.c    | 11 +++++++++++
- src/ap/wpa_auth.h    |  3 ++-
- src/ap/wpa_auth_ft.c | 10 ++++++++++
- src/ap/wpa_auth_i.h  |  1 +
- 5 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/ap/ieee802_11.c b/src/ap/ieee802_11.c
-index 4e04169..333035f 100644
---- a/src/ap/ieee802_11.c
-+++ b/src/ap/ieee802_11.c
-@@ -1841,6 +1841,7 @@ static int add_associated_sta(struct hostapd_data *hapd,
- {
- 	struct ieee80211_ht_capabilities ht_cap;
- 	struct ieee80211_vht_capabilities vht_cap;
-+	int set = 1;
- 	/*
- 	 * Remove the STA entry to ensure the STA PS state gets cleared and
-@@ -1848,9 +1849,18 @@ static int add_associated_sta(struct hostapd_data *hapd,
- 	 * FT-over-the-DS, where a station re-associates back to the same AP but
- 	 * skips the authentication flow, or if working with a driver that
- 	 * does not support full AP client state.
-+	 *
-+	 * Skip this if the STA has already completed FT reassociation and the
-+	 * TK has been configured since the TX/RX PN must not be reset to 0 for
-+	 * the same key.
- 	 */
--	if (!sta->added_unassoc)
-+	if (!sta->added_unassoc &&
-+	    (!(sta->flags & WLAN_STA_AUTHORIZED) ||
-+	     !wpa_auth_sta_ft_tk_already_set(sta->wpa_sm))) {
- 		hostapd_drv_sta_remove(hapd, sta->addr);
-+		wpa_auth_sm_event(sta->wpa_sm, WPA_DRV_STA_REMOVED);
-+		set = 0;
-+	}
- #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211N
- 	if (sta->flags & WLAN_STA_HT)
-@@ -1873,11 +1883,11 @@ static int add_associated_sta(struct hostapd_data *hapd,
- 			    sta->flags & WLAN_STA_VHT ? &vht_cap : NULL,
- 			    sta->flags | WLAN_STA_ASSOC, sta->qosinfo,
- 			    sta->vht_opmode, sta->p2p_ie ? 1 : 0,
--			    sta->added_unassoc)) {
-+			    set)) {
- 		hostapd_logger(hapd, sta->addr,
- 			       "Could not %s STA to kernel driver",
--			       sta->added_unassoc ? "set" : "add");
-+			       set ? "set" : "add");
- 		if (sta->added_unassoc) {
- 			hostapd_drv_sta_remove(hapd, sta->addr);
-diff --git a/src/ap/wpa_auth.c b/src/ap/wpa_auth.c
-index 3587086..707971d 100644
---- a/src/ap/wpa_auth.c
-+++ b/src/ap/wpa_auth.c
-@@ -1745,6 +1745,9 @@ int wpa_auth_sm_event(struct wpa_state_machine *sm, enum wpa_event event)
- #else /* CONFIG_IEEE80211R */
- 		break;
- #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211R */
-+		sm->tk_already_set = FALSE;
-+		return 0;
- 	}
- #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211R
-@@ -3250,6 +3253,14 @@ int wpa_auth_sta_wpa_version(struct wpa_state_machine *sm)
- }
-+int wpa_auth_sta_ft_tk_already_set(struct wpa_state_machine *sm)
-+	if (!sm || !wpa_key_mgmt_ft(sm->wpa_key_mgmt))
-+		return 0;
-+	return sm->tk_already_set;
- int wpa_auth_sta_clear_pmksa(struct wpa_state_machine *sm,
- 			     struct rsn_pmksa_cache_entry *entry)
- {
-diff --git a/src/ap/wpa_auth.h b/src/ap/wpa_auth.h
-index 0de8d97..97461b0 100644
---- a/src/ap/wpa_auth.h
-+++ b/src/ap/wpa_auth.h
-@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ void wpa_receive(struct wpa_authenticator *wpa_auth,
- 		 u8 *data, size_t data_len);
- enum wpa_event {
- };
- void wpa_remove_ptk(struct wpa_state_machine *sm);
- int wpa_auth_sm_event(struct wpa_state_machine *sm, enum wpa_event event);
-@@ -280,6 +280,7 @@ int wpa_auth_pairwise_set(struct wpa_state_machine *sm);
- int wpa_auth_get_pairwise(struct wpa_state_machine *sm);
- int wpa_auth_sta_key_mgmt(struct wpa_state_machine *sm);
- int wpa_auth_sta_wpa_version(struct wpa_state_machine *sm);
-+int wpa_auth_sta_ft_tk_already_set(struct wpa_state_machine *sm);
- int wpa_auth_sta_clear_pmksa(struct wpa_state_machine *sm,
- 			     struct rsn_pmksa_cache_entry *entry);
- struct rsn_pmksa_cache_entry *
-diff --git a/src/ap/wpa_auth_ft.c b/src/ap/wpa_auth_ft.c
-index 42242a5..e63b99a 100644
---- a/src/ap/wpa_auth_ft.c
-+++ b/src/ap/wpa_auth_ft.c
-@@ -780,6 +780,14 @@ void wpa_ft_install_ptk(struct wpa_state_machine *sm)
- 		return;
- 	}
-+	if (sm->tk_already_set) {
-+		/* Must avoid TK reconfiguration to prevent clearing of TX/RX
-+		 * PN in the driver */
-+		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
-+			   "FT: Do not re-install same PTK to the driver");
-+		return;
-+	}
- 	/* FIX: add STA entry to kernel/driver here? The set_key will fail
- 	 * most likely without this.. At the moment, STA entry is added only
- 	 * after association has been completed. This function will be called
-@@ -792,6 +800,7 @@ void wpa_ft_install_ptk(struct wpa_state_machine *sm)
- 	/* FIX: MLME-SetProtection.Request(TA, Tx_Rx) */
- 	sm->pairwise_set = TRUE;
-+	sm->tk_already_set = TRUE;
- }
-@@ -898,6 +907,7 @@ static int wpa_ft_process_auth_req(struct wpa_state_machine *sm,
- 	sm->pairwise = pairwise;
- 	sm->PTK_valid = TRUE;
-+	sm->tk_already_set = FALSE;
- 	wpa_ft_install_ptk(sm);
- 	buflen = 2 + sizeof(struct rsn_mdie) + 2 + sizeof(struct rsn_ftie) +
-diff --git a/src/ap/wpa_auth_i.h b/src/ap/wpa_auth_i.h
-index 72b7eb3..7fd8f05 100644
---- a/src/ap/wpa_auth_i.h
-+++ b/src/ap/wpa_auth_i.h
-@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ struct wpa_state_machine {
- 	struct wpa_ptk PTK;
- 	Boolean PTK_valid;
- 	Boolean pairwise_set;
-+	Boolean tk_already_set;
- 	int keycount;
- 	Boolean Pair;
- 	struct wpa_key_replay_counter {

Deleted: 0002-Prevent-reinstallation-of-an-already-in-use-group-ke.patch
--- 0002-Prevent-reinstallation-of-an-already-in-use-group-ke.patch	2018-12-05 09:27:49 UTC (rev 411317)
+++ 0002-Prevent-reinstallation-of-an-already-in-use-group-ke.patch	2018-12-05 09:35:50 UTC (rev 411318)
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-From 927f891007c402fefd1ff384645b3f07597c3ede Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mathy Vanhoef <Mathy.Vanhoef at cs.kuleuven.be>
-Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 16:03:24 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/8] Prevent reinstallation of an already in-use group key
-Track the current GTK and IGTK that is in use and when receiving a
-(possibly retransmitted) Group Message 1 or WNM-Sleep Mode Response, do
-not install the given key if it is already in use. This prevents an
-attacker from trying to trick the client into resetting or lowering the
-sequence counter associated to the group key.
-Signed-off-by: Mathy Vanhoef <Mathy.Vanhoef at cs.kuleuven.be>
- src/common/wpa_common.h |  11 +++++
- src/rsn_supp/wpa.c      | 116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
- src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h    |   4 ++
- 3 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/common/wpa_common.h b/src/common/wpa_common.h
-index af1d0f0..d200285 100644
---- a/src/common/wpa_common.h
-+++ b/src/common/wpa_common.h
-@@ -217,6 +217,17 @@ struct wpa_ptk {
- 	size_t tk_len;
- };
-+struct wpa_gtk {
-+	u8 gtk[WPA_GTK_MAX_LEN];
-+	size_t gtk_len;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
-+struct wpa_igtk {
-+	u8 igtk[WPA_IGTK_MAX_LEN];
-+	size_t igtk_len;
-+#endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
- /* WPA IE version 1
-  * 00-50-f2:1 (OUI:OUI type)
-diff --git a/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c b/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-index 3c47879..95bd7be 100644
---- a/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-+++ b/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-@@ -714,6 +714,15 @@ static int wpa_supplicant_install_gtk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 	const u8 *_gtk = gd->gtk;
- 	u8 gtk_buf[32];
-+	/* Detect possible key reinstallation */
-+	if (sm->gtk.gtk_len == (size_t) gd->gtk_len &&
-+	    os_memcmp(sm->gtk.gtk, gd->gtk, sm->gtk.gtk_len) == 0) {
-+		wpa_dbg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_DEBUG,
-+			"WPA: Not reinstalling already in-use GTK to the driver (keyidx=%d tx=%d len=%d)",
-+			gd->keyidx, gd->tx, gd->gtk_len);
-+		return 0;
-+	}
- 	wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "WPA: Group Key", gd->gtk, gd->gtk_len);
- 	wpa_dbg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_DEBUG,
- 		"WPA: Installing GTK to the driver (keyidx=%d tx=%d len=%d)",
-@@ -748,6 +757,9 @@ static int wpa_supplicant_install_gtk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 	}
- 	os_memset(gtk_buf, 0, sizeof(gtk_buf));
-+	sm->gtk.gtk_len = gd->gtk_len;
-+	os_memcpy(sm->gtk.gtk, gd->gtk, sm->gtk.gtk_len);
- 	return 0;
- }
-@@ -854,6 +866,48 @@ static int wpa_supplicant_pairwise_gtk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
-+static int wpa_supplicant_install_igtk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
-+				       const struct wpa_igtk_kde *igtk)
-+	size_t len = wpa_cipher_key_len(sm->mgmt_group_cipher);
-+	u16 keyidx = WPA_GET_LE16(igtk->keyid);
-+	/* Detect possible key reinstallation */
-+	if (sm->igtk.igtk_len == len &&
-+	    os_memcmp(sm->igtk.igtk, igtk->igtk, sm->igtk.igtk_len) == 0) {
-+		wpa_dbg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_DEBUG,
-+			"WPA: Not reinstalling already in-use IGTK to the driver (keyidx=%d)",
-+			keyidx);
-+		return  0;
-+	}
-+	wpa_dbg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_DEBUG,
-+		"WPA: IGTK keyid %d pn %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
-+		keyidx, MAC2STR(igtk->pn));
-+	wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "WPA: IGTK", igtk->igtk, len);
-+	if (keyidx > 4095) {
-+		wpa_msg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_WARNING,
-+			"WPA: Invalid IGTK KeyID %d", keyidx);
-+		return -1;
-+	}
-+	if (wpa_sm_set_key(sm, wpa_cipher_to_alg(sm->mgmt_group_cipher),
-+			   broadcast_ether_addr,
-+			   keyidx, 0, igtk->pn, sizeof(igtk->pn),
-+			   igtk->igtk, len) < 0) {
-+		wpa_msg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_WARNING,
-+			"WPA: Failed to configure IGTK to the driver");
-+		return -1;
-+	}
-+	sm->igtk.igtk_len = len;
-+	os_memcpy(sm->igtk.igtk, igtk->igtk, sm->igtk.igtk_len);
-+	return 0;
-+#endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
- static int ieee80211w_set_keys(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 			       struct wpa_eapol_ie_parse *ie)
- {
-@@ -864,30 +918,14 @@ static int ieee80211w_set_keys(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 	if (ie->igtk) {
- 		size_t len;
- 		const struct wpa_igtk_kde *igtk;
--		u16 keyidx;
- 		len = wpa_cipher_key_len(sm->mgmt_group_cipher);
- 		if (ie->igtk_len != WPA_IGTK_KDE_PREFIX_LEN + len)
- 			return -1;
- 		igtk = (const struct wpa_igtk_kde *) ie->igtk;
--		keyidx = WPA_GET_LE16(igtk->keyid);
--		wpa_dbg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_DEBUG, "WPA: IGTK keyid %d "
--			"pn %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
--			keyidx, MAC2STR(igtk->pn));
--		wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "WPA: IGTK",
--				igtk->igtk, len);
--		if (keyidx > 4095) {
--			wpa_msg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_WARNING,
--				"WPA: Invalid IGTK KeyID %d", keyidx);
--			return -1;
--		}
--		if (wpa_sm_set_key(sm, wpa_cipher_to_alg(sm->mgmt_group_cipher),
--				   broadcast_ether_addr,
--				   keyidx, 0, igtk->pn, sizeof(igtk->pn),
--				   igtk->igtk, len) < 0) {
--			wpa_msg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_WARNING,
--				"WPA: Failed to configure IGTK to the driver");
-+		if (wpa_supplicant_install_igtk(sm, igtk) < 0)
- 			return -1;
--		}
- 	}
- 	return 0;
-@@ -2307,7 +2345,7 @@ void wpa_sm_deinit(struct wpa_sm *sm)
-  */
- void wpa_sm_notify_assoc(struct wpa_sm *sm, const u8 *bssid)
- {
--	int clear_ptk = 1;
-+	int clear_keys = 1;
- 	if (sm == NULL)
- 		return;
-@@ -2333,11 +2371,11 @@ void wpa_sm_notify_assoc(struct wpa_sm *sm, const u8 *bssid)
- 		/* Prepare for the next transition */
- 		wpa_ft_prepare_auth_request(sm, NULL);
--		clear_ptk = 0;
-+		clear_keys = 0;
- 	}
- #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211R */
--	if (clear_ptk) {
-+	if (clear_keys) {
- 		/*
- 		 * IEEE 802.11, 8.4.10: Delete PTK SA on (re)association if
- 		 * this is not part of a Fast BSS Transition.
-@@ -2347,6 +2385,10 @@ void wpa_sm_notify_assoc(struct wpa_sm *sm, const u8 *bssid)
- 		os_memset(&sm->ptk, 0, sizeof(sm->ptk));
- 		sm->tptk_set = 0;
- 		os_memset(&sm->tptk, 0, sizeof(sm->tptk));
-+		os_memset(&sm->gtk, 0, sizeof(sm->gtk));
-+#ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
-+		os_memset(&sm->igtk, 0, sizeof(sm->igtk));
-+#endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
- 	}
- #ifdef CONFIG_TDLS
-@@ -2877,6 +2919,10 @@ void wpa_sm_drop_sa(struct wpa_sm *sm)
- 	os_memset(sm->pmk, 0, sizeof(sm->pmk));
- 	os_memset(&sm->ptk, 0, sizeof(sm->ptk));
- 	os_memset(&sm->tptk, 0, sizeof(sm->tptk));
-+	os_memset(&sm->gtk, 0, sizeof(sm->gtk));
-+#ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
-+	os_memset(&sm->igtk, 0, sizeof(sm->igtk));
-+#endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
- #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211R
- 	os_memset(sm->xxkey, 0, sizeof(sm->xxkey));
- 	os_memset(sm->pmk_r0, 0, sizeof(sm->pmk_r0));
-@@ -2949,29 +2995,11 @@ int wpa_wnmsleep_install_key(struct wpa_sm *sm, u8 subelem_id, u8 *buf)
- 		os_memset(&gd, 0, sizeof(gd));
- #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
- 	} else if (subelem_id == WNM_SLEEP_SUBELEM_IGTK) {
--		struct wpa_igtk_kde igd;
--		u16 keyidx;
--		os_memset(&igd, 0, sizeof(igd));
--		keylen = wpa_cipher_key_len(sm->mgmt_group_cipher);
--		os_memcpy(igd.keyid, buf + 2, 2);
--		os_memcpy(igd.pn, buf + 4, 6);
--		keyidx = WPA_GET_LE16(igd.keyid);
--		os_memcpy(igd.igtk, buf + 10, keylen);
--		wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "Install IGTK (WNM SLEEP)",
--				igd.igtk, keylen);
--		if (wpa_sm_set_key(sm, wpa_cipher_to_alg(sm->mgmt_group_cipher),
--				   broadcast_ether_addr,
--				   keyidx, 0, igd.pn, sizeof(igd.pn),
--				   igd.igtk, keylen) < 0) {
--			wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Failed to install the IGTK in "
--				   "WNM mode");
--			os_memset(&igd, 0, sizeof(igd));
-+		const struct wpa_igtk_kde *igtk;
-+		igtk = (const struct wpa_igtk_kde *) (buf + 2);
-+		if (wpa_supplicant_install_igtk(sm, igtk) < 0)
- 			return -1;
--		}
--		os_memset(&igd, 0, sizeof(igd));
- #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
- 	} else {
- 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Unknown element id");
-diff --git a/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h b/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-index f653ba6..afc9e37 100644
---- a/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-+++ b/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ struct wpa_sm {
- 	u8 rx_replay_counter[WPA_REPLAY_COUNTER_LEN];
- 	int rx_replay_counter_set;
- 	u8 request_counter[WPA_REPLAY_COUNTER_LEN];
-+	struct wpa_gtk gtk;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
-+	struct wpa_igtk igtk;
-+#endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
- 	struct eapol_sm *eapol; /* EAPOL state machine from upper level code */

Deleted: 0003-Extend-protection-of-GTK-IGTK-reinstallation-of-WNM-.patch
--- 0003-Extend-protection-of-GTK-IGTK-reinstallation-of-WNM-.patch	2018-12-05 09:27:49 UTC (rev 411317)
+++ 0003-Extend-protection-of-GTK-IGTK-reinstallation-of-WNM-.patch	2018-12-05 09:35:50 UTC (rev 411318)
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-From 8280294e74846ea342389a0cd17215050fa5afe8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jouni Malinen <j at w1.fi>
-Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2017 12:12:24 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH 3/8] Extend protection of GTK/IGTK reinstallation of WNM-Sleep
- Mode cases
-This extends the protection to track last configured GTK/IGTK value
-separately from EAPOL-Key frames and WNM-Sleep Mode frames to cover a
-corner case where these two different mechanisms may get used when the
-GTK/IGTK has changed and tracking a single value is not sufficient to
-detect a possible key reconfiguration.
-Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <j at w1.fi>
- src/rsn_supp/wpa.c   | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
- src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h |  2 ++
- 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c b/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-index 95bd7be..7a2c68d 100644
---- a/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-+++ b/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-@@ -709,14 +709,17 @@ struct wpa_gtk_data {
- static int wpa_supplicant_install_gtk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 				      const struct wpa_gtk_data *gd,
--				      const u8 *key_rsc)
-+				      const u8 *key_rsc, int wnm_sleep)
- {
- 	const u8 *_gtk = gd->gtk;
- 	u8 gtk_buf[32];
- 	/* Detect possible key reinstallation */
--	if (sm->gtk.gtk_len == (size_t) gd->gtk_len &&
--	    os_memcmp(sm->gtk.gtk, gd->gtk, sm->gtk.gtk_len) == 0) {
-+	if ((sm->gtk.gtk_len == (size_t) gd->gtk_len &&
-+	     os_memcmp(sm->gtk.gtk, gd->gtk, sm->gtk.gtk_len) == 0) ||
-+	    (sm->gtk_wnm_sleep.gtk_len == (size_t) gd->gtk_len &&
-+	     os_memcmp(sm->gtk_wnm_sleep.gtk, gd->gtk,
-+		       sm->gtk_wnm_sleep.gtk_len) == 0)) {
- 		wpa_dbg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_DEBUG,
- 			"WPA: Not reinstalling already in-use GTK to the driver (keyidx=%d tx=%d len=%d)",
- 			gd->keyidx, gd->tx, gd->gtk_len);
-@@ -757,8 +760,14 @@ static int wpa_supplicant_install_gtk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 	}
- 	os_memset(gtk_buf, 0, sizeof(gtk_buf));
--	sm->gtk.gtk_len = gd->gtk_len;
--	os_memcpy(sm->gtk.gtk, gd->gtk, sm->gtk.gtk_len);
-+	if (wnm_sleep) {
-+		sm->gtk_wnm_sleep.gtk_len = gd->gtk_len;
-+		os_memcpy(sm->gtk_wnm_sleep.gtk, gd->gtk,
-+			  sm->gtk_wnm_sleep.gtk_len);
-+	} else {
-+		sm->gtk.gtk_len = gd->gtk_len;
-+		os_memcpy(sm->gtk.gtk, gd->gtk, sm->gtk.gtk_len);
-+	}
- 	return 0;
- }
-@@ -852,7 +861,7 @@ static int wpa_supplicant_pairwise_gtk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 	    (wpa_supplicant_check_group_cipher(sm, sm->group_cipher,
- 					       gtk_len, gtk_len,
- 					       &gd.key_rsc_len, &gd.alg) ||
--	     wpa_supplicant_install_gtk(sm, &gd, key_rsc))) {
-+	     wpa_supplicant_install_gtk(sm, &gd, key_rsc, 0))) {
- 		wpa_dbg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_DEBUG,
- 			"RSN: Failed to install GTK");
- 		os_memset(&gd, 0, sizeof(gd));
-@@ -868,14 +877,18 @@ static int wpa_supplicant_pairwise_gtk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
- static int wpa_supplicant_install_igtk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
--				       const struct wpa_igtk_kde *igtk)
-+				       const struct wpa_igtk_kde *igtk,
-+				       int wnm_sleep)
- {
- 	size_t len = wpa_cipher_key_len(sm->mgmt_group_cipher);
- 	u16 keyidx = WPA_GET_LE16(igtk->keyid);
- 	/* Detect possible key reinstallation */
--	if (sm->igtk.igtk_len == len &&
--	    os_memcmp(sm->igtk.igtk, igtk->igtk, sm->igtk.igtk_len) == 0) {
-+	if ((sm->igtk.igtk_len == len &&
-+	     os_memcmp(sm->igtk.igtk, igtk->igtk, sm->igtk.igtk_len) == 0) ||
-+	    (sm->igtk_wnm_sleep.igtk_len == len &&
-+	     os_memcmp(sm->igtk_wnm_sleep.igtk, igtk->igtk,
-+		       sm->igtk_wnm_sleep.igtk_len) == 0)) {
- 		wpa_dbg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_DEBUG,
- 			"WPA: Not reinstalling already in-use IGTK to the driver (keyidx=%d)",
- 			keyidx);
-@@ -900,8 +913,14 @@ static int wpa_supplicant_install_igtk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 		return -1;
- 	}
--	sm->igtk.igtk_len = len;
--	os_memcpy(sm->igtk.igtk, igtk->igtk, sm->igtk.igtk_len);
-+	if (wnm_sleep) {
-+		sm->igtk_wnm_sleep.igtk_len = len;
-+		os_memcpy(sm->igtk_wnm_sleep.igtk, igtk->igtk,
-+			  sm->igtk_wnm_sleep.igtk_len);
-+	} else {
-+		sm->igtk.igtk_len = len;
-+		os_memcpy(sm->igtk.igtk, igtk->igtk, sm->igtk.igtk_len);
-+	}
- 	return 0;
- }
-@@ -924,7 +943,7 @@ static int ieee80211w_set_keys(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 			return -1;
- 		igtk = (const struct wpa_igtk_kde *) ie->igtk;
--		if (wpa_supplicant_install_igtk(sm, igtk) < 0)
-+		if (wpa_supplicant_install_igtk(sm, igtk, 0) < 0)
- 			return -1;
- 	}
-@@ -1574,7 +1593,7 @@ static void wpa_supplicant_process_1_of_2(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 	if (wpa_supplicant_rsc_relaxation(sm, key->key_rsc))
- 		key_rsc = null_rsc;
--	if (wpa_supplicant_install_gtk(sm, &gd, key_rsc) ||
-+	if (wpa_supplicant_install_gtk(sm, &gd, key_rsc, 0) ||
- 	    wpa_supplicant_send_2_of_2(sm, key, ver, key_info) < 0)
- 		goto failed;
- 	os_memset(&gd, 0, sizeof(gd));
-@@ -2386,8 +2405,10 @@ void wpa_sm_notify_assoc(struct wpa_sm *sm, const u8 *bssid)
- 		sm->tptk_set = 0;
- 		os_memset(&sm->tptk, 0, sizeof(sm->tptk));
- 		os_memset(&sm->gtk, 0, sizeof(sm->gtk));
-+		os_memset(&sm->gtk_wnm_sleep, 0, sizeof(sm->gtk_wnm_sleep));
- #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
- 		os_memset(&sm->igtk, 0, sizeof(sm->igtk));
-+		os_memset(&sm->igtk_wnm_sleep, 0, sizeof(sm->igtk_wnm_sleep));
- #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
- 	}
-@@ -2920,8 +2941,10 @@ void wpa_sm_drop_sa(struct wpa_sm *sm)
- 	os_memset(&sm->ptk, 0, sizeof(sm->ptk));
- 	os_memset(&sm->tptk, 0, sizeof(sm->tptk));
- 	os_memset(&sm->gtk, 0, sizeof(sm->gtk));
-+	os_memset(&sm->gtk_wnm_sleep, 0, sizeof(sm->gtk_wnm_sleep));
- #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
- 	os_memset(&sm->igtk, 0, sizeof(sm->igtk));
-+	os_memset(&sm->igtk_wnm_sleep, 0, sizeof(sm->igtk_wnm_sleep));
- #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
- #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211R
- 	os_memset(sm->xxkey, 0, sizeof(sm->xxkey));
-@@ -2986,7 +3009,7 @@ int wpa_wnmsleep_install_key(struct wpa_sm *sm, u8 subelem_id, u8 *buf)
- 		wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "Install GTK (WNM SLEEP)",
- 				gd.gtk, gd.gtk_len);
--		if (wpa_supplicant_install_gtk(sm, &gd, key_rsc)) {
-+		if (wpa_supplicant_install_gtk(sm, &gd, key_rsc, 1)) {
- 			os_memset(&gd, 0, sizeof(gd));
- 			wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Failed to install the GTK in "
- 				   "WNM mode");
-@@ -2998,7 +3021,7 @@ int wpa_wnmsleep_install_key(struct wpa_sm *sm, u8 subelem_id, u8 *buf)
- 		const struct wpa_igtk_kde *igtk;
- 		igtk = (const struct wpa_igtk_kde *) (buf + 2);
--		if (wpa_supplicant_install_igtk(sm, igtk) < 0)
-+		if (wpa_supplicant_install_igtk(sm, igtk, 1) < 0)
- 			return -1;
- #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
- 	} else {
-diff --git a/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h b/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-index afc9e37..9a54631 100644
---- a/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-+++ b/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ struct wpa_sm {
- 	int rx_replay_counter_set;
- 	u8 request_counter[WPA_REPLAY_COUNTER_LEN];
- 	struct wpa_gtk gtk;
-+	struct wpa_gtk gtk_wnm_sleep;
- #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211W
- 	struct wpa_igtk igtk;
-+	struct wpa_igtk igtk_wnm_sleep;
- #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211W */
- 	struct eapol_sm *eapol; /* EAPOL state machine from upper level code */

Deleted: 0004-Prevent-installation-of-an-all-zero-TK.patch
--- 0004-Prevent-installation-of-an-all-zero-TK.patch	2018-12-05 09:27:49 UTC (rev 411317)
+++ 0004-Prevent-installation-of-an-all-zero-TK.patch	2018-12-05 09:35:50 UTC (rev 411318)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-From 8f82bc94e8697a9d47fa8774dfdaaede1084912c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mathy Vanhoef <Mathy.Vanhoef at cs.kuleuven.be>
-Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 04:22:51 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 4/8] Prevent installation of an all-zero TK
-Properly track whether a PTK has already been installed to the driver
-and the TK part cleared from memory. This prevents an attacker from
-trying to trick the client into installing an all-zero TK.
-This fixes the earlier fix in commit
-ad00d64e7d8827b3cebd665a0ceb08adabf15e1e ('Fix TK configuration to the
-driver in EAPOL-Key 3/4 retry case') which did not take into account
-possibility of an extra message 1/4 showing up between retries of
-message 3/4.
-Signed-off-by: Mathy Vanhoef <Mathy.Vanhoef at cs.kuleuven.be>
- src/common/wpa_common.h | 1 +
- src/rsn_supp/wpa.c      | 5 ++---
- src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h    | 1 -
- 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/common/wpa_common.h b/src/common/wpa_common.h
-index d200285..1021ccb 100644
---- a/src/common/wpa_common.h
-+++ b/src/common/wpa_common.h
-@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ struct wpa_ptk {
- 	size_t kck_len;
- 	size_t kek_len;
- 	size_t tk_len;
-+	int installed; /* 1 if key has already been installed to driver */
- };
- struct wpa_gtk {
-diff --git a/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c b/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-index 7a2c68d..0550a41 100644
---- a/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-+++ b/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-@@ -510,7 +510,6 @@ static void wpa_supplicant_process_1_of_4(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 		os_memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
- 	}
- 	sm->tptk_set = 1;
--	sm->tk_to_set = 1;
- 	kde = sm->assoc_wpa_ie;
- 	kde_len = sm->assoc_wpa_ie_len;
-@@ -615,7 +614,7 @@ static int wpa_supplicant_install_ptk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 	enum wpa_alg alg;
- 	const u8 *key_rsc;
--	if (!sm->tk_to_set) {
-+	if (sm->ptk.installed) {
- 		wpa_dbg(sm->ctx->msg_ctx, MSG_DEBUG,
- 			"WPA: Do not re-install same PTK to the driver");
- 		return 0;
-@@ -659,7 +658,7 @@ static int wpa_supplicant_install_ptk(struct wpa_sm *sm,
- 	/* TK is not needed anymore in supplicant */
- 	os_memset(sm->ptk.tk, 0, WPA_TK_MAX_LEN);
--	sm->tk_to_set = 0;
-+	sm->ptk.installed = 1;
- 	if (sm->wpa_ptk_rekey) {
- 		eloop_cancel_timeout(wpa_sm_rekey_ptk, sm, NULL);
-diff --git a/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h b/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-index 9a54631..41f371f 100644
---- a/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-+++ b/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ struct wpa_sm {
- 	struct wpa_ptk ptk, tptk;
- 	int ptk_set, tptk_set;
- 	unsigned int msg_3_of_4_ok:1;
--	unsigned int tk_to_set:1;
- 	u8 snonce[WPA_NONCE_LEN];
- 	u8 anonce[WPA_NONCE_LEN]; /* ANonce from the last 1/4 msg */
- 	int renew_snonce;

Deleted: 0005-Fix-PTK-rekeying-to-generate-a-new-ANonce.patch
--- 0005-Fix-PTK-rekeying-to-generate-a-new-ANonce.patch	2018-12-05 09:27:49 UTC (rev 411317)
+++ 0005-Fix-PTK-rekeying-to-generate-a-new-ANonce.patch	2018-12-05 09:35:50 UTC (rev 411318)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-From 12fac09b437a1dc8a0f253e265934a8aaf4d2f8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jouni Malinen <j at w1.fi>
-Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2017 12:32:57 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH 5/8] Fix PTK rekeying to generate a new ANonce
-The Authenticator state machine path for PTK rekeying ended up bypassing
-the AUTHENTICATION2 state where a new ANonce is generated when going
-directly to the PTKSTART state since there is no need to try to
-determine the PMK again in such a case. This is far from ideal since the
-new PTK would depend on a new nonce only from the supplicant.
-Fix this by generating a new ANonce when moving to the PTKSTART state
-for the purpose of starting new 4-way handshake to rekey PTK.
-Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <j at w1.fi>
- src/ap/wpa_auth.c | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/ap/wpa_auth.c b/src/ap/wpa_auth.c
-index 707971d..bf10cc1 100644
---- a/src/ap/wpa_auth.c
-+++ b/src/ap/wpa_auth.c
-@@ -1901,6 +1901,21 @@ SM_STATE(WPA_PTK, AUTHENTICATION2)
- }
-+static int wpa_auth_sm_ptk_update(struct wpa_state_machine *sm)
-+	if (random_get_bytes(sm->ANonce, WPA_NONCE_LEN)) {
-+		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-+			   "WPA: Failed to get random data for ANonce");
-+		sm->Disconnect = TRUE;
-+		return -1;
-+	}
-+	wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "WPA: Assign new ANonce", sm->ANonce,
-+		    WPA_NONCE_LEN);
-+	sm->TimeoutCtr = 0;
-+	return 0;
- {
- 	u8 msk[2 * PMK_LEN];
-@@ -2458,9 +2473,12 @@ SM_STEP(WPA_PTK)
- 	else if (sm->ReAuthenticationRequest)
--	else if (sm->PTKRequest)
--	else switch (sm->wpa_ptk_state) {
-+	else if (sm->PTKRequest) {
-+		if (wpa_auth_sm_ptk_update(sm) < 0)
-+		else
-+	} else switch (sm->wpa_ptk_state) {
- 		break;

Deleted: 0006-TDLS-Reject-TPK-TK-reconfiguration.patch
--- 0006-TDLS-Reject-TPK-TK-reconfiguration.patch	2018-12-05 09:27:49 UTC (rev 411317)
+++ 0006-TDLS-Reject-TPK-TK-reconfiguration.patch	2018-12-05 09:35:50 UTC (rev 411318)
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-From 6c4bed4f47d1960ec04981a9d50e5076aea5223d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jouni Malinen <j at w1.fi>
-Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2017 11:03:15 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH 6/8] TDLS: Reject TPK-TK reconfiguration
-Do not try to reconfigure the same TPK-TK to the driver after it has
-been successfully configured. This is an explicit check to avoid issues
-related to resetting the TX/RX packet number. There was already a check
-for this for TPK M2 (retries of that message are ignored completely), so
-that behavior does not get modified.
-For TPK M3, the TPK-TK could have been reconfigured, but that was
-followed by immediate teardown of the link due to an issue in updating
-the STA entry. Furthermore, for TDLS with any real security (i.e.,
-ignoring open/WEP), the TPK message exchange is protected on the AP path
-and simple replay attacks are not feasible.
-As an additional corner case, make sure the local nonce gets updated if
-the peer uses a very unlikely "random nonce" of all zeros.
-Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <j at w1.fi>
- src/rsn_supp/tdls.c | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/rsn_supp/tdls.c b/src/rsn_supp/tdls.c
-index e424168..9eb9738 100644
---- a/src/rsn_supp/tdls.c
-+++ b/src/rsn_supp/tdls.c
-@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ struct wpa_tdls_peer {
- 		u8 tk[16]; /* TPK-TK; assuming only CCMP will be used */
- 	} tpk;
- 	int tpk_set;
-+	int tk_set; /* TPK-TK configured to the driver */
- 	int tpk_success;
- 	int tpk_in_progress;
-@@ -192,6 +193,20 @@ static int wpa_tdls_set_key(struct wpa_sm *sm, struct wpa_tdls_peer *peer)
- 	u8 rsc[6];
- 	enum wpa_alg alg;
-+	if (peer->tk_set) {
-+		/*
-+		 * This same TPK-TK has already been configured to the driver
-+		 * and this new configuration attempt (likely due to an
-+		 * unexpected retransmitted frame) would result in clearing
-+		 * the TX/RX sequence number which can break security, so must
-+		 * not allow that to happen.
-+		 */
-+		wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "TDLS: TPK-TK for the peer " MACSTR
-+			   " has already been configured to the driver - do not reconfigure",
-+			   MAC2STR(peer->addr));
-+		return -1;
-+	}
- 	os_memset(rsc, 0, 6);
- 	switch (peer->cipher) {
-@@ -209,12 +224,15 @@ static int wpa_tdls_set_key(struct wpa_sm *sm, struct wpa_tdls_peer *peer)
- 		return -1;
- 	}
-+	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "TDLS: Configure pairwise key for peer " MACSTR,
-+		   MAC2STR(peer->addr));
- 	if (wpa_sm_set_key(sm, alg, peer->addr, -1, 1,
- 			   rsc, sizeof(rsc), peer->tpk.tk, key_len) < 0) {
- 		wpa_printf(MSG_WARNING, "TDLS: Failed to set TPK to the "
- 			   "driver");
- 		return -1;
- 	}
-+	peer->tk_set = 1;
- 	return 0;
- }
-@@ -696,7 +714,7 @@ static void wpa_tdls_peer_clear(struct wpa_sm *sm, struct wpa_tdls_peer *peer)
- 	peer->cipher = 0;
- 	peer->qos_info = 0;
- 	peer->wmm_capable = 0;
--	peer->tpk_set = peer->tpk_success = 0;
-+	peer->tk_set = peer->tpk_set = peer->tpk_success = 0;
- 	peer->chan_switch_enabled = 0;
- 	os_memset(&peer->tpk, 0, sizeof(peer->tpk));
- 	os_memset(peer->inonce, 0, WPA_NONCE_LEN);
-@@ -1159,6 +1177,7 @@ skip_rsnie:
- 		wpa_tdls_peer_free(sm, peer);
- 		return -1;
- 	}
-+	peer->tk_set = 0; /* A new nonce results in a new TK */
- 	wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "TDLS: Initiator Nonce for TPK handshake",
- 		    peer->inonce, WPA_NONCE_LEN);
- 	os_memcpy(ftie->Snonce, peer->inonce, WPA_NONCE_LEN);
-@@ -1751,6 +1770,19 @@ static int wpa_tdls_addset_peer(struct wpa_sm *sm, struct wpa_tdls_peer *peer,
- }
-+static int tdls_nonce_set(const u8 *nonce)
-+	int i;
-+	for (i = 0; i < WPA_NONCE_LEN; i++) {
-+		if (nonce[i])
-+			return 1;
-+	}
-+	return 0;
- static int wpa_tdls_process_tpk_m1(struct wpa_sm *sm, const u8 *src_addr,
- 				   const u8 *buf, size_t len)
- {
-@@ -2004,7 +2036,8 @@ skip_rsn:
- 	peer->rsnie_i_len = kde.rsn_ie_len;
- 	peer->cipher = cipher;
--	if (os_memcmp(peer->inonce, ftie->Snonce, WPA_NONCE_LEN) != 0) {
-+	if (os_memcmp(peer->inonce, ftie->Snonce, WPA_NONCE_LEN) != 0 ||
-+	    !tdls_nonce_set(peer->inonce)) {
- 		/*
- 		 * There is no point in updating the RNonce for every obtained
- 		 * TPK M1 frame (e.g., retransmission due to timeout) with the
-@@ -2020,6 +2053,7 @@ skip_rsn:
- 				"TDLS: Failed to get random data for responder nonce");
- 			goto error;
- 		}
-+		peer->tk_set = 0; /* A new nonce results in a new TK */
- 	}
- #if 0

Deleted: 0008-FT-Do-not-allow-multiple-Reassociation-Response-fram.patch
--- 0008-FT-Do-not-allow-multiple-Reassociation-Response-fram.patch	2018-12-05 09:27:49 UTC (rev 411317)
+++ 0008-FT-Do-not-allow-multiple-Reassociation-Response-fram.patch	2018-12-05 09:35:50 UTC (rev 411318)
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-From b372ab0b7daea719749194dc554b26e6367603f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jouni Malinen <j at w1.fi>
-Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2017 12:06:37 +0300
-Subject: [PATCH 8/8] FT: Do not allow multiple Reassociation Response frames
-The driver is expected to not report a second association event without
-the station having explicitly request a new association. As such, this
-case should not be reachable. However, since reconfiguring the same
-pairwise or group keys to the driver could result in nonce reuse issues,
-be extra careful here and do an additional state check to avoid this
-even if the local driver ends up somehow accepting an unexpected
-Reassociation Response frame.
-Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <j at w1.fi>
- src/rsn_supp/wpa.c    | 3 +++
- src/rsn_supp/wpa_ft.c | 8 ++++++++
- src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h  | 1 +
- 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c b/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-index 0550a41..2a53c6f 100644
---- a/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-+++ b/src/rsn_supp/wpa.c
-@@ -2440,6 +2440,9 @@ void wpa_sm_notify_disassoc(struct wpa_sm *sm)
- #ifdef CONFIG_TDLS
- 	wpa_tdls_disassoc(sm);
- #endif /* CONFIG_TDLS */
-+#ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211R
-+	sm->ft_reassoc_completed = 0;
-+#endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211R */
- 	/* Keys are not needed in the WPA state machine anymore */
- 	wpa_sm_drop_sa(sm);
-diff --git a/src/rsn_supp/wpa_ft.c b/src/rsn_supp/wpa_ft.c
-index 205793e..d45bb45 100644
---- a/src/rsn_supp/wpa_ft.c
-+++ b/src/rsn_supp/wpa_ft.c
-@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ static u8 * wpa_ft_gen_req_ies(struct wpa_sm *sm, size_t *len,
- 	u16 capab;
- 	sm->ft_completed = 0;
-+	sm->ft_reassoc_completed = 0;
- 	buf_len = 2 + sizeof(struct rsn_mdie) + 2 + sizeof(struct rsn_ftie) +
- 		2 + sm->r0kh_id_len + ric_ies_len + 100;
-@@ -681,6 +682,11 @@ int wpa_ft_validate_reassoc_resp(struct wpa_sm *sm, const u8 *ies,
- 		return -1;
- 	}
-+	if (sm->ft_reassoc_completed) {
-+		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "FT: Reassociation has already been completed for this FT protocol instance - ignore unexpected retransmission");
-+		return 0;
-+	}
- 	if (wpa_ft_parse_ies(ies, ies_len, &parse) < 0) {
- 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "FT: Failed to parse IEs");
- 		return -1;
-@@ -781,6 +787,8 @@ int wpa_ft_validate_reassoc_resp(struct wpa_sm *sm, const u8 *ies,
- 		return -1;
- 	}
-+	sm->ft_reassoc_completed = 1;
- 	if (wpa_ft_process_gtk_subelem(sm, parse.gtk, parse.gtk_len) < 0)
- 		return -1;
-diff --git a/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h b/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-index 41f371f..56f88dc 100644
---- a/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-+++ b/src/rsn_supp/wpa_i.h
-@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ struct wpa_sm {
- 	size_t r0kh_id_len;
- 	u8 r1kh_id[FT_R1KH_ID_LEN];
- 	int ft_completed;
-+	int ft_reassoc_completed;
- 	int over_the_ds_in_progress;
- 	u8 target_ap[ETH_ALEN]; /* over-the-DS target AP */
- 	int set_ptk_after_assoc;

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2018-12-05 09:27:49 UTC (rev 411317)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-12-05 09:35:50 UTC (rev 411318)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # Maintainer: Sergej Pupykin <pupykin.s+arch at gmail.com>
 pkgdesc="IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator"
@@ -14,27 +14,13 @@
-        openvswitch.patch
-        0001-hostapd-Avoid-key-reinstallation-in-FT-handshake.patch
-        0002-Prevent-reinstallation-of-an-already-in-use-group-ke.patch
-        0003-Extend-protection-of-GTK-IGTK-reinstallation-of-WNM-.patch
-        0004-Prevent-installation-of-an-all-zero-TK.patch
-        0005-Fix-PTK-rekeying-to-generate-a-new-ANonce.patch
-        0006-TDLS-Reject-TPK-TK-reconfiguration.patch
-        0008-FT-Do-not-allow-multiple-Reassociation-Response-fram.patch)
+        openvswitch.patch)
-            'c15b4310f21b41254e4d4485bc04e36926572f213e7c4d3a17038fdff19529b5'
-            'eeb07b5a3b971b3108ce8c5c947f4600d98ec9b338b8b88a96a7774cef269e49'
-            '529113cc81256c6178f3c1cf25dd8d3f33e6d770e4a180bd31c6ab7e4917f40b'
-            'd86d47ab74170f3648b45b91bce780949ca92b09ab43df065178850ec0c335d7'
-            'd4535e36739a0cc7f3585e6bcba3c0bb8fc67cb3e729844e448c5dc751f47e81'
-            '793a54748161b5af430dd9de4a1988d19cb8e85ab29bc2340f886b0297cee20b'
-            '147c8abe07606905d16404fb2d2c8849796ca7c85ed8673c09bb50038bcdeb9e'
-            '596d4d3b63ea859ed7ea9791b3a21cb11b6173b04c0a14a2afa47edf1666afa6'
-            'c8840d857b9432f3b488113c85c1ff5d4a4b8d81078b7033388dae1e990843b1')
+            '46a1967d7ec2fb190adde23c1bbd59f54c29902ae257276daef909dc842287f2'
+            'eeb07b5a3b971b3108ce8c5c947f4600d98ec9b338b8b88a96a7774cef269e49')
 prepare() {
   cd $pkgname-$pkgver

Modified: hostapd-2.3-noscan.patch
--- hostapd-2.3-noscan.patch	2018-12-05 09:27:49 UTC (rev 411317)
+++ hostapd-2.3-noscan.patch	2018-12-05 09:35:50 UTC (rev 411318)
@@ -54,16 +54,16 @@
 diff -wbBur hostapd-2.6/src/ap/ieee802_11_ht.c hostapd-2.6.my/src/ap/ieee802_11_ht.c
 --- hostapd-2.6/src/ap/ieee802_11_ht.c	2016-10-02 21:51:11.000000000 +0300
 +++ hostapd-2.6.my/src/ap/ieee802_11_ht.c	2016-10-04 21:14:04.989773368 +0300
-@@ -244,6 +244,9 @@
- 	if (!(iface->conf->ht_capab & HT_CAP_INFO_SUPP_CHANNEL_WIDTH_SET))
+@@ -252,6 +252,9 @@
+ 	}
 +	if (iface->conf->noscan)
 +		return;
- 	if (len < IEEE80211_HDRLEN + 2 + sizeof(*bc_ie))
- 		return;
+ 	if (len < IEEE80211_HDRLEN + 2 + sizeof(*bc_ie)) {
+ 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
+ 			   "Ignore too short 20/40 BSS Coexistence Management frame");
 @@ -368,6 +371,9 @@
  	if (iface->current_mode->mode != HOSTAPD_MODE_IEEE80211G)

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