[arch-commits] Commit in thunderbird/repos/extra-x86_64 (15 files)
Jan Steffens
heftig at archlinux.org
Thu Feb 1 19:17:43 UTC 2018
Date: Thursday, February 1, 2018 @ 19:17:42
Author: heftig
Revision: 315740
archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64
(from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch)
(from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/fix-wifi-scanner.diff)
(from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/no-crmf.diff)
(from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/rust-i686.patch)
(from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/thunderbird-install-dir.patch)
(from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/thunderbird.desktop)
0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch | 96 +-
PKGBUILD | 357 ++++------
fix-wifi-scanner.diff | 32
glibc-2.26-fix.diff | 258 -------
no-crmf.diff | 78 +-
rust-i686.patch | 32
thunderbird-install-dir.patch | 24
thunderbird.desktop | 346 ++++-----
8 files changed, 480 insertions(+), 743 deletions(-)
Deleted: 0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch
--- 0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch 2018-02-01 19:15:16 UTC (rev 315739)
+++ 0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-From bbd48a5613c872883616884cfaf41665b0e4ec9b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ralph Giles <giles at mozilla.com>
-Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 12:58:18 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH] Bug 1338655 - Don't try to build mp4parse bindings. r=froydnj
-We use the cheddar crate to generate a C header file
-for our mp4parse_capi wrapper crate. Currently we
-do this at code check-in time via update-rust.sh.
-Cargo 0.18 and later will try to execute a build.rs
-file in the crate source tree regardless of whether
-it's specified in Cargo.toml so patching out that
-line just results in 'crate cheddar not found'.
-This change restores the old behaviour by substituting
-a 'build = false' line instead.
-We do have syntex vendored, but we don't currently build
-it by default, so I prefer this solution to just vendoring
-cheddar and generating the header at build time. The syntex
-crate is quite large and adds significantly to our compile
-MozReview-Commit-ID: InJRRODWAdP
-extra : rebase_source : 29378fcbc86015ce6cc22dc66d38a43ddbac204e
- media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse-cargo.patch | 5 +++--
- media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse_capi/Cargo.toml | 2 ++
- 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse_capi/Cargo.toml b/media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse_capi/Cargo.toml
-index aee7ee947151a27c..d7e3f55119d3f4b6 100644
---- a/media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse_capi/Cargo.toml
-+++ b/media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse_capi/Cargo.toml
-@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ exclude = [
- "*.mp4",
- ]
-+build = false
- [dependencies]
- byteorder = "1.0.0"
- "mp4parse" = {version = "0.6.0", path = "../mp4parse"}
Copied: thunderbird/repos/extra-x86_64/0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch (from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch)
--- 0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch (rev 0)
+++ 0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From bbd48a5613c872883616884cfaf41665b0e4ec9b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ralph Giles <giles at mozilla.com>
+Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 12:58:18 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] Bug 1338655 - Don't try to build mp4parse bindings. r=froydnj
+We use the cheddar crate to generate a C header file
+for our mp4parse_capi wrapper crate. Currently we
+do this at code check-in time via update-rust.sh.
+Cargo 0.18 and later will try to execute a build.rs
+file in the crate source tree regardless of whether
+it's specified in Cargo.toml so patching out that
+line just results in 'crate cheddar not found'.
+This change restores the old behaviour by substituting
+a 'build = false' line instead.
+We do have syntex vendored, but we don't currently build
+it by default, so I prefer this solution to just vendoring
+cheddar and generating the header at build time. The syntex
+crate is quite large and adds significantly to our compile
+MozReview-Commit-ID: InJRRODWAdP
+extra : rebase_source : 29378fcbc86015ce6cc22dc66d38a43ddbac204e
+ media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse-cargo.patch | 5 +++--
+ media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse_capi/Cargo.toml | 2 ++
+ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse_capi/Cargo.toml b/media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse_capi/Cargo.toml
+index aee7ee947151a27c..d7e3f55119d3f4b6 100644
+--- a/media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse_capi/Cargo.toml
++++ b/media/libstagefright/binding/mp4parse_capi/Cargo.toml
+@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ exclude = [
+ "*.mp4",
+ ]
++build = false
+ [dependencies]
+ byteorder = "1.0.0"
+ "mp4parse" = {version = "0.6.0", path = "../mp4parse"}
--- PKGBUILD 2018-02-01 19:15:16 UTC (rev 315739)
+++ PKGBUILD 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Contributor: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <jan.steffens at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Ionut Biru <ibiru at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Alexander Baldeck <alexander at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Dale Blount <dale at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Anders Bostrom <anders.bostrom at home.se>
-pkgdesc="Standalone mail and news reader from mozilla.org"
-license=(MPL GPL LGPL)
-depends=(gtk3 gtk2 mozilla-common libxt startup-notification mime-types dbus-glib alsa-lib ffmpeg
- nss hunspell sqlite ttf-font icu libvpx)
-makedepends=(unzip zip diffutils python2 yasm mesa imake gconf libpulse inetutils xorg-server-xvfb
- autoconf2.13 rust clang llvm)
-optdepends=('libcanberra: sound support')
-options=(!emptydirs !makeflags)
- 0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch
- no-crmf.diff rust-i686.patch glibc-2.26-fix.diff fix-wifi-scanner.diff
- $pkgname.desktop thunderbird-install-dir.patch)
- '413cd6d366d78f325d80ebebccfd0afa0d266b40b2e54b66ba2fa03c15f3ea67'
- 'a7317caba56e89932bd9e3b9352d94701dd9a419685057f238b1ded8dc0adcd7'
- 'f61ea706ce6905f568b9bdafd1b044b58f20737426f0aa5019ddb9b64031a269'
- 'cd7ff441da66a287f8712e60cdc9e216c30355d521051e2eaae28a66d81915e8'
- '9765bca5d63fb5525bbd0520b7ab1d27cabaed697e2fc7791400abc3fa4f13b8'
- 'e44c55501f650a4e80b9c353b81f33e07ca65808db831eff6ca616aded233827'
- '24599eab8862476744fe1619a9a53a5b8cdcab30b3fc5767512f31d3529bd05d')
-# Google API keys (see http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/api-keys)
-# Note: These are for Arch Linux use ONLY. For your own distribution, please
-# get your own set of keys. Feel free to contact foutrelis at archlinux.org for
-# more information.
-# Mozilla API keys (see https://location.services.mozilla.com/api)
-# Note: These are for Arch Linux use ONLY. For your own distribution, please
-# get your own set of keys. Feel free to contact heftig at archlinux.org for
-# more information.
-prepare() {
- mkdir path
- ln -s /usr/bin/python2 path/python
- cd $pkgname-$pkgver
- patch -Np1 -i ../thunderbird-install-dir.patch
- # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1314968
- patch -d mozilla -Np1 < ../fix-wifi-scanner.diff
- # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1371991
- patch -Np1 -i ../no-crmf.diff
- # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1385667
- # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1394149
- patch -d mozilla/toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/client -Np4 < ../glibc-2.26-fix.diff
- # Build with the rust targets we actually ship
- patch -d mozilla -Np1 < ../rust-i686.patch
- # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/53890
- patch -d mozilla -Np1 < ../0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch
- echo -n "$_google_api_key" >google-api-key
- echo -n "$_mozilla_api_key" >mozilla-api-key
- cat >.mozconfig <<END
-ac_add_options --enable-application=mail
-ac_add_options --enable-calendar
-ac_add_options --prefix=/usr
-ac_add_options --enable-release
-ac_add_options --enable-gold
-ac_add_options --enable-pie
-ac_add_options --enable-optimize="-O2"
-ac_add_options --enable-rust
-# Branding
-ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
-ac_add_options --enable-update-channel=release
-ac_add_options --with-distribution-id=org.archlinux
-# Keys
-ac_add_options --with-google-api-keyfile=${PWD at Q}/google-api-key
-ac_add_options --with-mozilla-api-keyfile=${PWD at Q}/mozilla-api-key
-# System libraries
-ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
-ac_add_options --with-system-nss
-ac_add_options --with-system-icu
-ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg
-ac_add_options --with-system-zlib
-ac_add_options --with-system-bz2
-ac_add_options --with-system-libvpx
-ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell
-ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite
-ac_add_options --enable-system-ffi
-ac_add_options --enable-system-pixman
-# Features
-ac_add_options --enable-alsa
-ac_add_options --disable-jack
-ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification
-ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter
-ac_add_options --disable-updater
-build() {
- cd $pkgname-$pkgver
- # _FORTIFY_SOURCE causes configure failures
- CPPFLAGS+=" -O2"
- export PATH="$srcdir/path:$PATH"
- # Do PGO
- #xvfb-run -a -n 95 -s "-extension GLX -screen 0 1280x1024x24" \
- # make -f client.mk build MOZ_PGO=1
- make -f client.mk build
-package() {
- cd $pkgname-$pkgver
- make -f client.mk DESTDIR="$pkgdir" INSTALL_SDK= install
- _vendorjs="$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/defaults/preferences/vendor.js"
- install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$_vendorjs" <<END
-// Use LANG environment variable to choose locale
-pref("intl.locale.matchOS", true);
-// Disable default mailer checking.
-pref("mail.shell.checkDefaultMail", false);
-// Don't disable our bundled extensions in the application directory
-pref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 11);
-pref("extensions.shownSelectionUI", true);
- _distini="$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/distribution/distribution.ini"
- install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$_distini" <<END
-about=Mozilla Thunderbird for Arch Linux
- for i in 16 22 24 32 48 256; do
- install -Dm644 other-licenses/branding/thunderbird/mailicon$i.png \
- "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/$pkgname.png"
- done
- install -Dm644 ../$pkgname.desktop \
- "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop"
- # Use system-provided dictionaries
- rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname/dictionaries
- ln -Ts /usr/share/hunspell "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/dictionaries"
- ln -Ts /usr/share/hyphen "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/hyphenation"
- # Install a wrapper to avoid confusion about binary path
- install -Dm755 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname" <<END
-exec /usr/lib/$pkgname/thunderbird "\$@"
- # Replace duplicate binary with wrapper
- # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=658850
- ln -srf "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname" \
- "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/thunderbird-bin"
Copied: thunderbird/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# $Id$
+# Contributor: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <jan.steffens at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Ionut Biru <ibiru at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Alexander Baldeck <alexander at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Dale Blount <dale at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Anders Bostrom <anders.bostrom at home.se>
+pkgdesc="Standalone mail and news reader from mozilla.org"
+license=(MPL GPL LGPL)
+depends=(gtk3 gtk2 mozilla-common libxt startup-notification mime-types dbus-glib alsa-lib ffmpeg
+ nss hunspell sqlite ttf-font icu libvpx)
+makedepends=(unzip zip diffutils python2 yasm mesa imake gconf libpulse inetutils xorg-server-xvfb
+ autoconf2.13 rust clang llvm)
+optdepends=('libcanberra: sound support')
+options=(!emptydirs !makeflags)
+ $pkgname.desktop
+ 0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch
+ rust-i686.patch fix-wifi-scanner.diff
+ thunderbird-install-dir.patch no-crmf.diff)
+ 'e44c55501f650a4e80b9c353b81f33e07ca65808db831eff6ca616aded233827'
+ '413cd6d366d78f325d80ebebccfd0afa0d266b40b2e54b66ba2fa03c15f3ea67'
+ 'f61ea706ce6905f568b9bdafd1b044b58f20737426f0aa5019ddb9b64031a269'
+ '9765bca5d63fb5525bbd0520b7ab1d27cabaed697e2fc7791400abc3fa4f13b8'
+ '24599eab8862476744fe1619a9a53a5b8cdcab30b3fc5767512f31d3529bd05d'
+ 'a7317caba56e89932bd9e3b9352d94701dd9a419685057f238b1ded8dc0adcd7')
+# Google API keys (see http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/api-keys)
+# Note: These are for Arch Linux use ONLY. For your own distribution, please
+# get your own set of keys. Feel free to contact foutrelis at archlinux.org for
+# more information.
+# Mozilla API keys (see https://location.services.mozilla.com/api)
+# Note: These are for Arch Linux use ONLY. For your own distribution, please
+# get your own set of keys. Feel free to contact heftig at archlinux.org for
+# more information.
+prepare() {
+ mkdir path
+ ln -s /usr/bin/python2 path/python
+ cd $pkgname-$pkgver
+ patch -Np1 -i ../thunderbird-install-dir.patch
+ # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1314968
+ patch -d mozilla -Np1 < ../fix-wifi-scanner.diff
+ # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1371991
+ patch -Np1 -i ../no-crmf.diff
+ # Build with the rust targets we actually ship
+ patch -d mozilla -Np1 < ../rust-i686.patch
+ # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/53890
+ patch -d mozilla -Np1 < ../0001-Bug-1338655-Don-t-try-to-build-mp4parse-bindings.-r-.patch
+ echo -n "$_google_api_key" >google-api-key
+ echo -n "$_mozilla_api_key" >mozilla-api-key
+ cat >.mozconfig <<END
+ac_add_options --enable-application=mail
+ac_add_options --enable-calendar
+ac_add_options --prefix=/usr
+ac_add_options --enable-release
+ac_add_options --enable-gold
+ac_add_options --enable-pie
+ac_add_options --enable-optimize="-O2"
+ac_add_options --enable-rust
+# Branding
+ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
+ac_add_options --enable-update-channel=release
+ac_add_options --with-distribution-id=org.archlinux
+# Keys
+ac_add_options --with-google-api-keyfile=${PWD at Q}/google-api-key
+ac_add_options --with-mozilla-api-keyfile=${PWD at Q}/mozilla-api-key
+# System libraries
+ac_add_options --with-system-zlib
+ac_add_options --with-system-bz2
+ac_add_options --with-system-icu
+ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg
+ac_add_options --with-system-libvpx
+ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
+ac_add_options --with-system-nss
+ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell
+ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite
+ac_add_options --enable-system-ffi
+# Features
+ac_add_options --enable-alsa
+ac_add_options --disable-jack
+ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification
+ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter
+ac_add_options --disable-updater
+build() {
+ cd $pkgname-$pkgver
+ # _FORTIFY_SOURCE causes configure failures
+ CPPFLAGS+=" -O2"
+ export PATH="$srcdir/path:$PATH"
+ # Do PGO
+ #xvfb-run -a -n 95 -s "-extension GLX -screen 0 1280x1024x24" \
+ # make -f client.mk build MOZ_PGO=1
+ make -f client.mk build
+package() {
+ cd $pkgname-$pkgver
+ make -f client.mk DESTDIR="$pkgdir" INSTALL_SDK= install
+ _vendorjs="$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/defaults/preferences/vendor.js"
+ install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$_vendorjs" <<END
+// Use LANG environment variable to choose locale
+pref("intl.locale.matchOS", true);
+// Disable default mailer checking.
+pref("mail.shell.checkDefaultMail", false);
+// Don't disable our bundled extensions in the application directory
+pref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 11);
+pref("extensions.shownSelectionUI", true);
+ _distini="$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/distribution/distribution.ini"
+ install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$_distini" <<END
+about=Mozilla Thunderbird for Arch Linux
+ for i in 16 22 24 32 48 256; do
+ install -Dm644 other-licenses/branding/thunderbird/mailicon$i.png \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/$pkgname.png"
+ done
+ install -Dm644 ../$pkgname.desktop \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop"
+ # Use system-provided dictionaries
+ rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname/dictionaries
+ ln -Ts /usr/share/hunspell "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/dictionaries"
+ ln -Ts /usr/share/hyphen "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/hyphenation"
+ # Install a wrapper to avoid confusion about binary path
+ install -Dm755 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname" <<END
+exec /usr/lib/$pkgname/thunderbird "\$@"
+ # Replace duplicate binary with wrapper
+ # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=658850
+ ln -srf "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname" \
+ "$pkgdir/usr/lib/$pkgname/thunderbird-bin"
Deleted: fix-wifi-scanner.diff
--- fix-wifi-scanner.diff 2018-02-01 19:15:16 UTC (rev 315739)
+++ fix-wifi-scanner.diff 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- netwerk/wifi/nsWifiScannerDBus.cpp | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git c/netwerk/wifi/nsWifiScannerDBus.cpp i/netwerk/wifi/nsWifiScannerDBus.cpp
-index 182553e18fa6e104..6fa0a0b023d3e45f 100644
---- c/netwerk/wifi/nsWifiScannerDBus.cpp
-+++ i/netwerk/wifi/nsWifiScannerDBus.cpp
-@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ nsWifiScannerDBus::SendMessage(const char* aInterface,
- }
- } else if (!strcmp(aFuncCall, "GetAll")) {
-- const char* param = "";
-+ const char* param = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint";
- if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&argsIter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, ¶m)) {
- }
Copied: thunderbird/repos/extra-x86_64/fix-wifi-scanner.diff (from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/fix-wifi-scanner.diff)
--- fix-wifi-scanner.diff (rev 0)
+++ fix-wifi-scanner.diff 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ netwerk/wifi/nsWifiScannerDBus.cpp | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git c/netwerk/wifi/nsWifiScannerDBus.cpp i/netwerk/wifi/nsWifiScannerDBus.cpp
+index 182553e18fa6e104..6fa0a0b023d3e45f 100644
+--- c/netwerk/wifi/nsWifiScannerDBus.cpp
++++ i/netwerk/wifi/nsWifiScannerDBus.cpp
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ nsWifiScannerDBus::SendMessage(const char* aInterface,
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(aFuncCall, "GetAll")) {
+- const char* param = "";
++ const char* param = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint";
+ if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&argsIter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, ¶m)) {
+ }
Deleted: glibc-2.26-fix.diff
--- glibc-2.26-fix.diff 2018-02-01 19:15:16 UTC (rev 315739)
+++ glibc-2.26-fix.diff 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-From 6a0b7c8ecf0734ba1bcdccf8e0ee97e721fd5420 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-Message-Id: <6a0b7c8ecf0734ba1bcdccf8e0ee97e721fd5420.1505113337.git.jan.steffens at gmail.com>
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Emilio=20Cobos=20=C3=81lvarez?= <emilio at crisal.io>
-Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2017 20:14:25 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix use of struct ucontext (squash 2 commits)
-Needed for building with glibc 2.26.
-Bug 1385667: Use ucontext_t consistently in breakpad-client. r=ted
-MozReview-Commit-ID: AJhzJdNXP0f
-Bug 1394149: Fix remaining uses of ucontext in breakpad-client. r=ted
-MozReview-Commit-ID: 5tP7fXsI7dQ
- .../linux/dump_writer_common/ucontext_reader.cc | 30 +++++++++++-----------
- .../linux/dump_writer_common/ucontext_reader.h | 10 ++++----
- .../linux/handler/exception_handler.cc | 10 ++++----
- .../linux/handler/exception_handler.h | 2 +-
- .../linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer.cc | 2 +-
- .../linux/minidump_writer/minidump_writer.cc | 2 +-
- 6 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/dump_writer_common/ucontext_reader.cc b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/dump_writer_common/ucontext_reader.cc
-index 999960912e459e1b..303c0ebd32b663c4 100644
---- a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/dump_writer_common/ucontext_reader.cc
-+++ b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/dump_writer_common/ucontext_reader.cc
-@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ namespace google_breakpad {
- #if defined(__i386__)
--uintptr_t UContextReader::GetStackPointer(const struct ucontext* uc) {
-+uintptr_t UContextReader::GetStackPointer(const ucontext_t* uc) {
- return uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_ESP];
- }
--uintptr_t UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(const struct ucontext* uc) {
-+uintptr_t UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(const ucontext_t* uc) {
- return uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_EIP];
- }
--void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc,
-+void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext_t *uc,
- const struct _libc_fpstate* fp) {
- const greg_t* regs = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs;
-@@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc,
- #elif defined(__x86_64)
--uintptr_t UContextReader::GetStackPointer(const struct ucontext* uc) {
-+uintptr_t UContextReader::GetStackPointer(const ucontext_t* uc) {
- return uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RSP];
- }
--uintptr_t UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(const struct ucontext* uc) {
-+uintptr_t UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(const ucontext_t* uc) {
- return uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP];
- }
--void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc,
-+void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext_t *uc,
- const struct _libc_fpstate* fpregs) {
- const greg_t* regs = uc->uc_mcontext.gregs;
-@@ -145,15 +145,15 @@ void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc,
- #elif defined(__ARM_EABI__)
--uintptr_t UContextReader::GetStackPointer(const struct ucontext* uc) {
-+uintptr_t UContextReader::GetStackPointer(const ucontext_t* uc) {
- return uc->uc_mcontext.arm_sp;
- }
--uintptr_t UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(const struct ucontext* uc) {
-+uintptr_t UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(const ucontext_t* uc) {
- return uc->uc_mcontext.arm_pc;
- }
--void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc) {
-+void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext_t *uc) {
- out->context_flags = MD_CONTEXT_ARM_FULL;
- out->iregs[0] = uc->uc_mcontext.arm_r0;
-@@ -184,41 +184,41 @@ void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc) {
- #elif defined(__aarch64__)
--uintptr_t UContextReader::GetStackPointer(const struct ucontext* uc) {
-+uintptr_t UContextReader::GetStackPointer(const ucontext_t* uc) {
- return uc->uc_mcontext.sp;
- }
--uintptr_t UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(const struct ucontext* uc) {
-+uintptr_t UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(const ucontext_t* uc) {
- return uc->uc_mcontext.pc;
- }
--void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc,
-+void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext_t *uc,
- const struct fpsimd_context* fpregs) {
- out->context_flags = MD_CONTEXT_ARM64_FULL;
- out->cpsr = static_cast<uint32_t>(uc->uc_mcontext.pstate);
- for (int i = 0; i < MD_CONTEXT_ARM64_REG_SP; ++i)
- out->iregs[i] = uc->uc_mcontext.regs[i];
- out->iregs[MD_CONTEXT_ARM64_REG_SP] = uc->uc_mcontext.sp;
- out->iregs[MD_CONTEXT_ARM64_REG_PC] = uc->uc_mcontext.pc;
- out->float_save.fpsr = fpregs->fpsr;
- out->float_save.fpcr = fpregs->fpcr;
- my_memcpy(&out->float_save.regs, &fpregs->vregs,
- }
- #elif defined(__mips__)
--uintptr_t UContextReader::GetStackPointer(const struct ucontext* uc) {
-+uintptr_t UContextReader::GetStackPointer(const ucontext_t* uc) {
- return uc->uc_mcontext.gregs[MD_CONTEXT_MIPS_REG_SP];
- }
--uintptr_t UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(const struct ucontext* uc) {
-+uintptr_t UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(const ucontext_t* uc) {
- return uc->uc_mcontext.pc;
- }
--void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc) {
-+void UContextReader::FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext_t *uc) {
- #if _MIPS_SIM == _ABI64
- out->context_flags = MD_CONTEXT_MIPS64_FULL;
- #elif _MIPS_SIM == _ABIO32
-diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/dump_writer_common/ucontext_reader.h b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/dump_writer_common/ucontext_reader.h
-index c533e28ba7441e83..039752a2dfb6e589 100644
---- a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/dump_writer_common/ucontext_reader.h
-+++ b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/dump_writer_common/ucontext_reader.h
-@@ -41,21 +41,21 @@ namespace google_breakpad {
- // Wraps platform-dependent implementations of accessors to ucontext structs.
- struct UContextReader {
-- static uintptr_t GetStackPointer(const struct ucontext* uc);
-+ static uintptr_t GetStackPointer(const ucontext_t* uc);
-- static uintptr_t GetInstructionPointer(const struct ucontext* uc);
-+ static uintptr_t GetInstructionPointer(const ucontext_t* uc);
- // Juggle a arch-specific ucontext into a minidump format
- // out: the minidump structure
- // info: the collection of register structures.
- #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64)
-- static void FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc,
-+ static void FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext_t *uc,
- const struct _libc_fpstate* fp);
- #elif defined(__aarch64__)
-- static void FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc,
-+ static void FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext_t *uc,
- const struct fpsimd_context* fpregs);
- #else
-- static void FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext *uc);
-+ static void FillCPUContext(RawContextCPU *out, const ucontext_t *uc);
- #endif
- };
-diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/handler/exception_handler.cc b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/handler/exception_handler.cc
-index 71a51a763938e39d..12df9bc96ec45fea 100644
---- a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/handler/exception_handler.cc
-+++ b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/handler/exception_handler.cc
-@@ -439,44 +439,44 @@ bool ExceptionHandler::HandleSignal(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* uc) {
- // Fill in all the holes in the struct to make Valgrind happy.
- memset(&g_crash_context_, 0, sizeof(g_crash_context_));
- memcpy(&g_crash_context_.siginfo, info, sizeof(siginfo_t));
-- memcpy(&g_crash_context_.context, uc, sizeof(struct ucontext));
-+ memcpy(&g_crash_context_.context, uc, sizeof(ucontext_t));
- #if defined(__aarch64__)
-- struct ucontext* uc_ptr = (struct ucontext*)uc;
-+ ucontext_t* uc_ptr = (ucontext_t*)uc;
- struct fpsimd_context* fp_ptr =
- (struct fpsimd_context*)&uc_ptr->uc_mcontext.__reserved;
- if (fp_ptr->head.magic == FPSIMD_MAGIC) {
- memcpy(&g_crash_context_.float_state, fp_ptr,
- sizeof(g_crash_context_.float_state));
- }
- #elif !defined(__ARM_EABI__) && !defined(__mips__)
- // FP state is not part of user ABI on ARM Linux.
-- // In case of MIPS Linux FP state is already part of struct ucontext
-+ // In case of MIPS Linux FP state is already part of ucontext_t
- // and 'float_state' is not a member of CrashContext.
-- struct ucontext* uc_ptr = (struct ucontext*)uc;
-+ ucontext_t* uc_ptr = (ucontext_t*)uc;
- if (uc_ptr->uc_mcontext.fpregs) {
- memcpy(&g_crash_context_.float_state, uc_ptr->uc_mcontext.fpregs,
- sizeof(g_crash_context_.float_state));
- }
- #endif
- g_crash_context_.tid = syscall(__NR_gettid);
- if (crash_handler_ != NULL) {
- if (crash_handler_(&g_crash_context_, sizeof(g_crash_context_),
- callback_context_)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return GenerateDump(&g_crash_context_);
- }
- // This is a public interface to HandleSignal that allows the client to
- // generate a crash dump. This function may run in a compromised context.
- bool ExceptionHandler::SimulateSignalDelivery(int sig) {
- siginfo_t siginfo = {};
- // Mimic a trusted signal to allow tracing the process (see
- // ExceptionHandler::HandleSignal().
- siginfo.si_code = SI_USER;
- siginfo.si_pid = getpid();
-- struct ucontext context;
-+ ucontext_t context;
- getcontext(&context);
- return HandleSignal(sig, &siginfo, &context);
- }
-diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/handler/exception_handler.h b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/handler/exception_handler.h
-index 711586fec7ddae59..be1880170e2826b0 100644
---- a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/handler/exception_handler.h
-+++ b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/handler/exception_handler.h
-@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class ExceptionHandler {
- struct CrashContext {
- siginfo_t siginfo;
- pid_t tid; // the crashing thread.
-- struct ucontext context;
-+ ucontext_t context;
- #if !defined(__ARM_EABI__) && !defined(__mips__)
- // #ifdef this out because FP state is not part of user ABI for Linux ARM.
- // In case of MIPS Linux FP state is already part of struct
-diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer.cc b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer.cc
-index ff20bf36584c876b..a0b90e08fc5f0cff 100644
---- a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer.cc
-+++ b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer.cc
-@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ class MicrodumpWriter {
- void* Alloc(unsigned bytes) { return dumper_->allocator()->Alloc(bytes); }
-- const struct ucontext* const ucontext_;
-+ const ucontext_t* const ucontext_;
- #if !defined(__ARM_EABI__) && !defined(__mips__)
- const google_breakpad::fpstate_t* const float_state_;
- #endif
-diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/minidump_writer/minidump_writer.cc b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/minidump_writer/minidump_writer.cc
-index 0650bb95c179464a..6b5304bcd605ca3a 100644
---- a/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/minidump_writer/minidump_writer.cc
-+++ b/toolkit/crashreporter/breakpad-client/linux/minidump_writer/minidump_writer.cc
-@@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@ class MinidumpWriter {
- const int fd_; // File descriptor where the minidum should be written.
- const char* path_; // Path to the file where the minidum should be written.
-- const struct ucontext* const ucontext_; // also from the signal handler
-+ const ucontext_t* const ucontext_; // also from the signal handler
- #if !defined(__ARM_EABI__) && !defined(__mips__)
- const google_breakpad::fpstate_t* const float_state_; // ditto
- #endif
Deleted: no-crmf.diff
--- no-crmf.diff 2018-02-01 19:15:16 UTC (rev 315739)
+++ no-crmf.diff 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-diff -u -rN thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/config/external/nss/crmf/moz.build thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/config/external/nss/crmf/moz.build
---- thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/config/external/nss/crmf/moz.build 2017-05-09 23:35:13.000000000 +0200
-+++ thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/config/external/nss/crmf/moz.build 2017-06-14 01:51:36.686773132 +0200
-@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
- OS_LIBS += [l for l in CONFIG['NSS_LIBS'] if l.startswith('-L')]
-- OS_LIBS += ['-lcrmf']
- else:
- USE_LIBS += [
- # The dependency on nss is not real, but is required to force the
-diff -u -rN thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/old-configure thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/old-configure
---- thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/old-configure 2017-05-09 23:35:35.000000000 +0200
-+++ thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/old-configure 2017-06-14 01:50:28.726873231 +0200
-@@ -10692,9 +10692,7 @@
- fi
--if test -n "$MOZ_SYSTEM_NSS"; then
-- NSS_LIBS="$NSS_LIBS -lcrmf"
-+if test -z "$MOZ_SYSTEM_NSS"; then
- NSS_CFLAGS="-I${DIST}/include/nss"
- fi
-diff -u -rN thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/old-configure.in thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/old-configure.in
---- thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/old-configure.in 2017-05-09 23:35:22.000000000 +0200
-+++ thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/old-configure.in 2017-06-14 01:50:50.953507079 +0200
-@@ -2126,9 +2126,7 @@
- AM_PATH_NSS(3.28.4, [MOZ_SYSTEM_NSS=1], [AC_MSG_ERROR([you don't have NSS installed or your version is too old])])
- fi
--if test -n "$MOZ_SYSTEM_NSS"; then
-- NSS_LIBS="$NSS_LIBS -lcrmf"
-+if test -z "$MOZ_SYSTEM_NSS"; then
- NSS_CFLAGS="-I${DIST}/include/nss"
- fi
Copied: thunderbird/repos/extra-x86_64/no-crmf.diff (from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/no-crmf.diff)
--- no-crmf.diff (rev 0)
+++ no-crmf.diff 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+diff -u -rN thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/config/external/nss/crmf/moz.build thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/config/external/nss/crmf/moz.build
+--- thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/config/external/nss/crmf/moz.build 2017-05-09 23:35:13.000000000 +0200
++++ thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/config/external/nss/crmf/moz.build 2017-06-14 01:51:36.686773132 +0200
+@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
+ OS_LIBS += [l for l in CONFIG['NSS_LIBS'] if l.startswith('-L')]
+- OS_LIBS += ['-lcrmf']
+ else:
+ USE_LIBS += [
+ # The dependency on nss is not real, but is required to force the
+diff -u -rN thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/old-configure thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/old-configure
+--- thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/old-configure 2017-05-09 23:35:35.000000000 +0200
++++ thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/old-configure 2017-06-14 01:50:28.726873231 +0200
+@@ -10692,9 +10692,7 @@
+ fi
+-if test -n "$MOZ_SYSTEM_NSS"; then
+- NSS_LIBS="$NSS_LIBS -lcrmf"
++if test -z "$MOZ_SYSTEM_NSS"; then
+ NSS_CFLAGS="-I${DIST}/include/nss"
+ fi
+diff -u -rN thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/old-configure.in thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/old-configure.in
+--- thunderbird-52.1.1/mozilla/old-configure.in 2017-05-09 23:35:22.000000000 +0200
++++ thunderbird-52.1.1-nocrmf/mozilla/old-configure.in 2017-06-14 01:50:50.953507079 +0200
+@@ -2126,9 +2126,7 @@
+ AM_PATH_NSS(3.28.4, [MOZ_SYSTEM_NSS=1], [AC_MSG_ERROR([you don't have NSS installed or your version is too old])])
+ fi
+-if test -n "$MOZ_SYSTEM_NSS"; then
+- NSS_LIBS="$NSS_LIBS -lcrmf"
++if test -z "$MOZ_SYSTEM_NSS"; then
+ NSS_CFLAGS="-I${DIST}/include/nss"
+ fi
Deleted: rust-i686.patch
--- rust-i686.patch 2018-02-01 19:15:16 UTC (rev 315739)
+++ rust-i686.patch 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- build/moz.configure/rust.configure | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git c/build/moz.configure/rust.configure i/build/moz.configure/rust.configure
-index cd86b24153debb1b..44911715e25d95e3 100644
---- c/build/moz.configure/rust.configure
-+++ i/build/moz.configure/rust.configure
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def rust_target(rust_compiler, rustc, target, cross_compiling):
- # OpenBSD
- ('x86_64', 'OpenBSD'): 'x86_64-unknown-openbsd',
- # Linux
-- ('x86', 'Linux'): 'i586-unknown-linux-gnu',
-+ ('x86', 'Linux'): 'i686-unknown-linux-gnu',
- # Linux
- ('x86_64', 'Linux'): 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu',
- # OS X and iOS
Copied: thunderbird/repos/extra-x86_64/rust-i686.patch (from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/rust-i686.patch)
--- rust-i686.patch (rev 0)
+++ rust-i686.patch 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ build/moz.configure/rust.configure | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git c/build/moz.configure/rust.configure i/build/moz.configure/rust.configure
+index cd86b24153debb1b..44911715e25d95e3 100644
+--- c/build/moz.configure/rust.configure
++++ i/build/moz.configure/rust.configure
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ def rust_target(rust_compiler, rustc, target, cross_compiling):
+ # OpenBSD
+ ('x86_64', 'OpenBSD'): 'x86_64-unknown-openbsd',
+ # Linux
+- ('x86', 'Linux'): 'i586-unknown-linux-gnu',
++ ('x86', 'Linux'): 'i686-unknown-linux-gnu',
+ # Linux
+ ('x86_64', 'Linux'): 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu',
+ # OS X and iOS
Deleted: thunderbird-install-dir.patch
--- thunderbird-install-dir.patch 2018-02-01 19:15:16 UTC (rev 315739)
+++ thunderbird-install-dir.patch 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -upr comm-esr31.orig/mozilla/config/baseconfig.mk comm-esr31/mozilla/config/baseconfig.mk
---- comm-esr31.orig/mozilla/config/baseconfig.mk 2014-07-22 09:44:22.000000000 +0300
-+++ comm-esr31/mozilla/config/baseconfig.mk 2014-07-22 09:46:45.000000000 +0300
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- # whether a normal build is happening or whether the check is running.
- includedir := $(includedir)/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)-$(MOZ_APP_VERSION)
- idldir = $(datadir)/idl/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)-$(MOZ_APP_VERSION)
--installdir = $(libdir)/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)-$(MOZ_APP_VERSION)
-+installdir = $(libdir)/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)
- sdkdir = $(libdir)/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)-devel-$(MOZ_APP_VERSION)
- ifndef TOP_DIST
- TOP_DIST = dist
Copied: thunderbird/repos/extra-x86_64/thunderbird-install-dir.patch (from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/thunderbird-install-dir.patch)
--- thunderbird-install-dir.patch (rev 0)
+++ thunderbird-install-dir.patch 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -upr comm-esr31.orig/mozilla/config/baseconfig.mk comm-esr31/mozilla/config/baseconfig.mk
+--- comm-esr31.orig/mozilla/config/baseconfig.mk 2014-07-22 09:44:22.000000000 +0300
++++ comm-esr31/mozilla/config/baseconfig.mk 2014-07-22 09:46:45.000000000 +0300
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ # whether a normal build is happening or whether the check is running.
+ includedir := $(includedir)/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)-$(MOZ_APP_VERSION)
+ idldir = $(datadir)/idl/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)-$(MOZ_APP_VERSION)
+-installdir = $(libdir)/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)-$(MOZ_APP_VERSION)
++installdir = $(libdir)/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)
+ sdkdir = $(libdir)/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)-devel-$(MOZ_APP_VERSION)
+ ifndef TOP_DIST
+ TOP_DIST = dist
Deleted: thunderbird.desktop
--- thunderbird.desktop 2018-02-01 19:15:16 UTC (rev 315739)
+++ thunderbird.desktop 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Comment=Send and receive mail with Thunderbird
-Comment[ast]=Lleer y escribir corréu electrónicu
-Comment[ca]=Llegiu i escriviu correu
-Comment[cs]=Čtení a psaní pošty
-Comment[da]=Skriv/læs e-post/nyhedsgruppe med Mozilla Thunderbird
-Comment[de]=E-Mails und Nachrichten mit Thunderbird lesen und schreiben
-Comment[el]=Διαβάστε και γράψτε γράμματα με το Mozilla Thunderbird
-Comment[es]=Lea y escriba correos y noticias con Thunderbird
-Comment[fi]=Lue ja kirjoita sähköposteja
-Comment[fr]=Lire et écrire des courriels
-Comment[gl]=Lea e escriba correo electrónico
-Comment[he]=קריאה/כתיבה של דוא״ל/חדשות באמצעות Mozilla Thunderbird
-Comment[hr]=Čitajte/šaljite e-poštu s Thunderbird
-Comment[hu]=Levelek írása és olvasása a Thunderbirddel
-Comment[it]=Per leggere e scrivere email
-Comment[ko]=Mozilla Thunderbird 메일/뉴스 읽기 및 쓰기 클라이언트
-Comment[nl]=E-mail/nieuws lezen en schrijven met Mozilla Thunderbird
-Comment[pl]=Czytanie i wysyłanie e-maili
-Comment[pt_BR]=Leia e escreva suas mensagens
-Comment[ru]=Читайте и пишите письма
-Comment[sk]=Čítajte a píšte poštu pomocou programu Thunderbird
-Comment[sv]=Läs och skriv e-post
-Comment[ug]=ئېلخەت ۋە خەۋەرلەرنى Mozilla Thunderbird دا كۆرۈش ۋە يېزىش
-Comment[uk]=Читання та написання листів
-Comment[vi]=Đọc và soạn thư điện tử
-Comment[zh_TW]=以 Mozilla Thunderbird 讀寫郵件或新聞
-GenericName=Mail Client
-GenericName[ast]=Client de correu
-GenericName[ca]=Client de correu
-GenericName[cs]=Poštovní klient
-GenericName[el]=Λογισμικό αλληλογραφίας
-GenericName[es]=Cliente de correo
-GenericName[fr]=Client de messagerie
-GenericName[gl]=Cliente de correo electrónico
-GenericName[he]=לקוח דוא״ל
-GenericName[hr]=Klijent e-pošte
-GenericName[it]=Client email
-GenericName[ko]=메일 클라이언트
-GenericName[pl]=Klient poczty
-GenericName[pt_BR]=Cliente de E-mail
-GenericName[ru]=Почтовый клиент
-GenericName[sk]=Poštový klient
-GenericName[ug]=ئېلخەت دېتالى
-GenericName[uk]=Поштова програма
-GenericName[vi]=Phần mềm khách quản lý thư điện tử
-Exec=/usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird %u
-[Desktop Action ComposeMessage]
-Name=Write new message
-Name[ar]=اكتب رسالة جديدة
-Name[ast]=Redactar mensaxe nuevu
-Name[be]=Напісаць новы ліст
-Name[bg]=Съставяне на ново съобщение
-Name[br]=Skrivañ ur gemennadenn nevez
-Name[ca]=Escriu un missatge nou
-Name[cs]=Napsat novou zprávu
-Name[da]=Skriv en ny meddelelse
-Name[de]=Neue Nachricht verfassen
-Name[el]=Σύνταξη νέου μηνύματος
-Name[es_AR]=Escribir un nuevo mensaje
-Name[es_ES]=Redactar nuevo mensaje
-Name[et]=Kirjuta uus kiri
-Name[eu]=Idatzi mezu berria
-Name[fi]=Kirjoita uusi viesti
-Name[fr]=Rédiger un nouveau message
-Name[fy_NL]=Skriuw in nij berjocht
-Name[ga_IE]=Scríobh teachtaireacht nua
-Name[gd]=Sgrìobh teachdaireachd ùr
-Name[gl]=Escribir unha nova mensaxe
-Name[he]=כתיבת הודעה חדשה
-Name[hr]=Piši novu poruku
-Name[hu]=Új üzenet írása
-Name[hy_AM]=Գրել նոր նամակ
-Name[is]=SKrifa nýjan póst
-Name[it]=Scrivi nuovo messaggio
-Name[ko]=새 메시지 작성
-Name[lt]=Rašyti naują laišką
-Name[nb_NO]=Skriv ny melding
-Name[nl]=Nieuw bericht aanmaken
-Name[nn_NO]=Skriv ny melding
-Name[pl]=Nowa wiadomość
-Name[pt_BR]=Nova mensagem
-Name[pt_PT]=Escrever nova mensagem
-Name[rm]=Scriver in nov messadi
-Name[ro]=Scrie un mesaj nou
-Name[ru]=Создать новое сообщение
-Name[si]=නව ලිපියක් ලියන්න
-Name[sk]=Nová e-mailová správa
-Name[sl]=Sestavi novo sporočilo
-Name[sq]=Shkruani mesazh të ri
-Name[sr]=Писање нове поруке
-Name[sv_SE]=Skriv ett nytt meddelande
-Name[ta_LK]=புதிய செய்தியை எழுதுக
-Name[tr]=Yeni ileti yaz
-Name[uk]=Написати нового листа
-Name[vi]=Viết thư mới
-Exec=/usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird -compose
-[Desktop Action OpenAddressBook]
-Name=Open address book
-Name[ar]=افتح دفتر العناوين
-Name[ast]=Abrir llibreta de direiciones
-Name[be]=Адкрыць адрасную кнігу
-Name[bg]=Отваряне на адресник
-Name[br]=Digeriñ ur c'harned chomlec'hioù
-Name[ca]=Obre la llibreta d'adreces
-Name[cs]=Otevřít Adresář
-Name[da]=Åbn adressebog
-Name[de]=Adressbuch öffnen
-Name[el]=Άνοιγμα ευρετηρίου διευθύνσεων
-Name[es_AR]=Abrir libreta de direcciones
-Name[es_ES]=Abrir libreta de direcciones
-Name[et]=Ava aadressiraamat
-Name[eu]=Ireki helbide-liburua
-Name[fi]=Avaa osoitekirja
-Name[fr]=Ouvrir un carnet d'adresses
-Name[fy_NL]=Iepenje adresboek
-Name[ga_IE]=Oscail leabhar seoltaí
-Name[gd]=Fosgail leabhar-sheòlaidhean
-Name[gl]=Abrir a axenda de enderezos
-Name[he]=פתיחת ספר כתובות
-Name[hr]=Otvori adresar
-Name[hu]=Címjegyzék megnyitása
-Name[hy_AM]=Բացել Հասցեագիրքը
-Name[is]=Opna nafnaskrá
-Name[it]=Apri rubrica
-Name[ko]=주소록 열기
-Name[lt]=Atverti adresų knygą
-Name[nb_NO]=Åpne adressebok
-Name[nl]=Adresboek openen
-Name[nn_NO]=Opne adressebok
-Name[pl]=Książka adresowa
-Name[pt_BR]=Catálogo de endereços
-Name[pt_PT]=Abrir livro de endereços
-Name[rm]=Avrir il cudeschet d'adressas
-Name[ro]=Deschide agenda de contacte
-Name[ru]=Открыть адресную книгу
-Name[si]=ලිපින පොත විවෘත කරන්න
-Name[sk]=Otvoriť adresár
-Name[sl]=Odpri adressar
-Name[sq]=Hapni libër adresash
-Name[sr]=Отвори адресар
-Name[sv_SE]=Öppna adressboken
-Name[ta_LK]=முகவரி பத்தகத்தை திறக்க
-Name[tr]=Adres defterini aç
-Name[uk]=Відкрити адресну книгу
-Name[vi]=Mở sổ địa chỉ
-Exec=/usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird -addressbook
Copied: thunderbird/repos/extra-x86_64/thunderbird.desktop (from rev 315739, thunderbird/trunk/thunderbird.desktop)
--- thunderbird.desktop (rev 0)
+++ thunderbird.desktop 2018-02-01 19:17:42 UTC (rev 315740)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=Send and receive mail with Thunderbird
+Comment[ast]=Lleer y escribir corréu electrónicu
+Comment[ca]=Llegiu i escriviu correu
+Comment[cs]=Čtení a psaní pošty
+Comment[da]=Skriv/læs e-post/nyhedsgruppe med Mozilla Thunderbird
+Comment[de]=E-Mails und Nachrichten mit Thunderbird lesen und schreiben
+Comment[el]=Διαβάστε και γράψτε γράμματα με το Mozilla Thunderbird
+Comment[es]=Lea y escriba correos y noticias con Thunderbird
+Comment[fi]=Lue ja kirjoita sähköposteja
+Comment[fr]=Lire et écrire des courriels
+Comment[gl]=Lea e escriba correo electrónico
+Comment[he]=קריאה/כתיבה של דוא״ל/חדשות באמצעות Mozilla Thunderbird
+Comment[hr]=Čitajte/šaljite e-poštu s Thunderbird
+Comment[hu]=Levelek írása és olvasása a Thunderbirddel
+Comment[it]=Per leggere e scrivere email
+Comment[ko]=Mozilla Thunderbird 메일/뉴스 읽기 및 쓰기 클라이언트
+Comment[nl]=E-mail/nieuws lezen en schrijven met Mozilla Thunderbird
+Comment[pl]=Czytanie i wysyłanie e-maili
+Comment[pt_BR]=Leia e escreva suas mensagens
+Comment[ru]=Читайте и пишите письма
+Comment[sk]=Čítajte a píšte poštu pomocou programu Thunderbird
+Comment[sv]=Läs och skriv e-post
+Comment[ug]=ئېلخەت ۋە خەۋەرلەرنى Mozilla Thunderbird دا كۆرۈش ۋە يېزىش
+Comment[uk]=Читання та написання листів
+Comment[vi]=Đọc và soạn thư điện tử
+Comment[zh_TW]=以 Mozilla Thunderbird 讀寫郵件或新聞
+GenericName=Mail Client
+GenericName[ast]=Client de correu
+GenericName[ca]=Client de correu
+GenericName[cs]=Poštovní klient
+GenericName[el]=Λογισμικό αλληλογραφίας
+GenericName[es]=Cliente de correo
+GenericName[fr]=Client de messagerie
+GenericName[gl]=Cliente de correo electrónico
+GenericName[he]=לקוח דוא״ל
+GenericName[hr]=Klijent e-pošte
+GenericName[it]=Client email
+GenericName[ko]=메일 클라이언트
+GenericName[pl]=Klient poczty
+GenericName[pt_BR]=Cliente de E-mail
+GenericName[ru]=Почтовый клиент
+GenericName[sk]=Poštový klient
+GenericName[ug]=ئېلخەت دېتالى
+GenericName[uk]=Поштова програма
+GenericName[vi]=Phần mềm khách quản lý thư điện tử
+Exec=/usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird %u
+[Desktop Action ComposeMessage]
+Name=Write new message
+Name[ar]=اكتب رسالة جديدة
+Name[ast]=Redactar mensaxe nuevu
+Name[be]=Напісаць новы ліст
+Name[bg]=Съставяне на ново съобщение
+Name[br]=Skrivañ ur gemennadenn nevez
+Name[ca]=Escriu un missatge nou
+Name[cs]=Napsat novou zprávu
+Name[da]=Skriv en ny meddelelse
+Name[de]=Neue Nachricht verfassen
+Name[el]=Σύνταξη νέου μηνύματος
+Name[es_AR]=Escribir un nuevo mensaje
+Name[es_ES]=Redactar nuevo mensaje
+Name[et]=Kirjuta uus kiri
+Name[eu]=Idatzi mezu berria
+Name[fi]=Kirjoita uusi viesti
+Name[fr]=Rédiger un nouveau message
+Name[fy_NL]=Skriuw in nij berjocht
+Name[ga_IE]=Scríobh teachtaireacht nua
+Name[gd]=Sgrìobh teachdaireachd ùr
+Name[gl]=Escribir unha nova mensaxe
+Name[he]=כתיבת הודעה חדשה
+Name[hr]=Piši novu poruku
+Name[hu]=Új üzenet írása
+Name[hy_AM]=Գրել նոր նամակ
+Name[is]=SKrifa nýjan póst
+Name[it]=Scrivi nuovo messaggio
+Name[ko]=새 메시지 작성
+Name[lt]=Rašyti naują laišką
+Name[nb_NO]=Skriv ny melding
+Name[nl]=Nieuw bericht aanmaken
+Name[nn_NO]=Skriv ny melding
+Name[pl]=Nowa wiadomość
+Name[pt_BR]=Nova mensagem
+Name[pt_PT]=Escrever nova mensagem
+Name[rm]=Scriver in nov messadi
+Name[ro]=Scrie un mesaj nou
+Name[ru]=Создать новое сообщение
+Name[si]=නව ලිපියක් ලියන්න
+Name[sk]=Nová e-mailová správa
+Name[sl]=Sestavi novo sporočilo
+Name[sq]=Shkruani mesazh të ri
+Name[sr]=Писање нове поруке
+Name[sv_SE]=Skriv ett nytt meddelande
+Name[ta_LK]=புதிய செய்தியை எழுதுக
+Name[tr]=Yeni ileti yaz
+Name[uk]=Написати нового листа
+Name[vi]=Viết thư mới
+Exec=/usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird -compose
+[Desktop Action OpenAddressBook]
+Name=Open address book
+Name[ar]=افتح دفتر العناوين
+Name[ast]=Abrir llibreta de direiciones
+Name[be]=Адкрыць адрасную кнігу
+Name[bg]=Отваряне на адресник
+Name[br]=Digeriñ ur c'harned chomlec'hioù
+Name[ca]=Obre la llibreta d'adreces
+Name[cs]=Otevřít Adresář
+Name[da]=Åbn adressebog
+Name[de]=Adressbuch öffnen
+Name[el]=Άνοιγμα ευρετηρίου διευθύνσεων
+Name[es_AR]=Abrir libreta de direcciones
+Name[es_ES]=Abrir libreta de direcciones
+Name[et]=Ava aadressiraamat
+Name[eu]=Ireki helbide-liburua
+Name[fi]=Avaa osoitekirja
+Name[fr]=Ouvrir un carnet d'adresses
+Name[fy_NL]=Iepenje adresboek
+Name[ga_IE]=Oscail leabhar seoltaí
+Name[gd]=Fosgail leabhar-sheòlaidhean
+Name[gl]=Abrir a axenda de enderezos
+Name[he]=פתיחת ספר כתובות
+Name[hr]=Otvori adresar
+Name[hu]=Címjegyzék megnyitása
+Name[hy_AM]=Բացել Հասցեագիրքը
+Name[is]=Opna nafnaskrá
+Name[it]=Apri rubrica
+Name[ko]=주소록 열기
+Name[lt]=Atverti adresų knygą
+Name[nb_NO]=Åpne adressebok
+Name[nl]=Adresboek openen
+Name[nn_NO]=Opne adressebok
+Name[pl]=Książka adresowa
+Name[pt_BR]=Catálogo de endereços
+Name[pt_PT]=Abrir livro de endereços
+Name[rm]=Avrir il cudeschet d'adressas
+Name[ro]=Deschide agenda de contacte
+Name[ru]=Открыть адресную книгу
+Name[si]=ලිපින පොත විවෘත කරන්න
+Name[sk]=Otvoriť adresár
+Name[sl]=Odpri adressar
+Name[sq]=Hapni libër adresash
+Name[sr]=Отвори адресар
+Name[sv_SE]=Öppna adressboken
+Name[ta_LK]=முகவரி பத்தகத்தை திறக்க
+Name[tr]=Adres defterini aç
+Name[uk]=Відкрити адресну книгу
+Name[vi]=Mở sổ địa chỉ
+Exec=/usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird -addressbook
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