[arch-commits] Commit in rtmidi/repos/community-testing-x86_64 (4 files)
David Runge
dvzrv at archlinux.org
Wed Jan 31 19:56:56 UTC 2018
Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 @ 19:56:55
Author: dvzrv
Revision: 288443
archrelease: copy trunk to community-testing-x86_64
(from rev 288442, rtmidi/trunk/0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff)
(from rev 288442, rtmidi/trunk/PKGBUILD)
0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff | 20 +++----
PKGBUILD | 105 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
2 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
Deleted: 0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff
--- 0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff 2018-01-31 19:56:46 UTC (rev 288442)
+++ 0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff 2018-01-31 19:56:55 UTC (rev 288443)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- a/rtmidi-3.0.0/configure.ac 2017-08-31 17:10:07.000000000 -0700
-+++ b/rtmidi-3.0.0/configure.ac 2017-09-28 19:19:37.515888982 -0700
-@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@
- # Set paths if prefix is defined
- if test "x$prefix" != "x" && test "x$prefix" != "xNONE"; then
- LIBS="$LIBS -L$prefix/lib"
-- CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$prefix/include/rtmidi"
- fi
- # For -I and -D flags
Copied: rtmidi/repos/community-testing-x86_64/0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff (from rev 288442, rtmidi/trunk/0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff)
--- 0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff (rev 0)
+++ 0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff 2018-01-31 19:56:55 UTC (rev 288443)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- a/rtmidi-3.0.0/configure.ac 2017-08-31 17:10:07.000000000 -0700
++++ b/rtmidi-3.0.0/configure.ac 2017-09-28 19:19:37.515888982 -0700
+@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@
+ # Set paths if prefix is defined
+ if test "x$prefix" != "x" && test "x$prefix" != "xNONE"; then
+ LIBS="$LIBS -L$prefix/lib"
+- CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$prefix/include/rtmidi"
+ fi
+ # For -I and -D flags
--- PKGBUILD 2018-01-31 19:56:46 UTC (rev 288442)
+++ PKGBUILD 2018-01-31 19:56:55 UTC (rev 288443)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: David Runge <dave at sleepmap.de>
-# Contributor: Llewelyn Trahaearn <WoefulDerelict at GMail dot com>
-# Contributor: rtfreedman <rob dot til dot freedman at gmail dot com>
-# Contributor: speps <speps at aur dot archlinux dot org>
-pkgdesc="A set of C++ classes that provides a common API for realtime MIDI input/output."
- '0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff')
- 'cab71dd641eaa3c7fa3c83b81fb4517bcf455a6037e103c29edbc2d540feed1b4fc0e5e3f9ea5f03845c98c8246cbb9bd12d1cf1f16c4bcbb2c0e874bd66674a')
-prepare() {
- cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
- # Link the tests against build output and not the system library when using --prefix.
- # [https://github.com/thestk/rtmidi/pull/127]
- patch -Np2 -i "${srcdir}/0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff"
- autoreconf -fi
-build() {
- cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-alsa --with-jack
- make
-package() {
- cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
- make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
- # docs
- install -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}" \
- -vDm644 {README.md,doc/release.txt}
- # html
- install -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html" \
- -vDm644 doc/html/*
- install -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/images" \
- -vDm644 doc/images/*
- # license
- csplit -s README.md "%Legal and%"
- install -vDm644 xx00 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
Copied: rtmidi/repos/community-testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 288442, rtmidi/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2018-01-31 19:56:55 UTC (rev 288443)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Maintainer: David Runge <dave at sleepmap.de>
+# Contributor: Llewelyn Trahaearn <WoefulDerelict at GMail dot com>
+# Contributor: rtfreedman <rob dot til dot freedman at gmail dot com>
+# Contributor: speps <speps at aur dot archlinux dot org>
+pkgdesc="A set of C++ classes that provides a common API for realtime MIDI input/output."
+ '0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff')
+ 'cab71dd641eaa3c7fa3c83b81fb4517bcf455a6037e103c29edbc2d540feed1b4fc0e5e3f9ea5f03845c98c8246cbb9bd12d1cf1f16c4bcbb2c0e874bd66674a')
+prepare() {
+ cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ # Link the tests against build output and not the system library when using --prefix.
+ # [https://github.com/thestk/rtmidi/pull/127]
+ patch -Np2 -i "${srcdir}/0001-fix-tests-with-prefix.diff"
+ autoreconf -fi
+build() {
+ cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-alsa --with-jack
+ sed -i 's/Requires: /Requires: jack/' "${pkgname}.pc"
+ make
+package() {
+ cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ # docs
+ install -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}" \
+ -vDm644 {README.md,doc/release.txt}
+ # html
+ install -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/html" \
+ -vDm644 doc/html/*
+ install -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/images" \
+ -vDm644 doc/images/*
+ # license
+ csplit -s README.md "%Legal and%"
+ install -vDm644 xx00 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
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