[arch-commits] Commit in git-annex/repos (3 files)

Felix Yan felixonmars at archlinux.org
Wed Jun 6 07:57:48 UTC 2018

    Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 @ 07:57:48
  Author: felixonmars
Revision: 340938

archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-x86_64

    (from rev 340937, git-annex/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 340937, git-annex/trunk/ghc-8.4.patch)

 PKGBUILD      |   61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ghc-8.4.patch |  121 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 182 insertions(+)

Copied: git-annex/repos/community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 340937, git-annex/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2018-06-06 07:57:48 UTC (rev 340938)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Felix Yan <felixonmars at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Arch Haskell Team <arch-haskell at haskell.org>
+pkgdesc="Manage files with git, without checking their contents into git"
+depends=('git' 'rsync' 'ghc-libs' 'haskell-aeson' 'haskell-async' 'haskell-aws'
+         'haskell-blaze-builder' 'haskell-bloomfilter' 'haskell-byteable' 'haskell-case-insensitive'
+         'haskell-clientsession' 'haskell-concurrent-output' 'haskell-conduit' 'haskell-crypto-api'
+         'haskell-cryptonite' 'haskell-data-default' 'haskell-dav' 'haskell-dbus'
+         'haskell-disk-free-space' 'haskell-dlist' 'haskell-dns' 'haskell-edit-distance'
+         'haskell-esqueleto' 'haskell-exceptions' 'haskell-fdo-notify' 'haskell-feed'
+         'haskell-hinotify' 'haskell-hslogger' 'haskell-http-client' 'haskell-http-conduit'
+         'haskell-http-types' 'haskell-ifelse' 'haskell-magic' 'haskell-memory'
+         'haskell-monad-control' 'haskell-monad-logger' 'haskell-mountpoints'
+         'haskell-network' 'haskell-network-info' 'haskell-network-multicast' 'haskell-network-uri'
+         'haskell-old-locale' 'haskell-optparse-applicative' 'haskell-path-pieces'
+         'haskell-persistent' 'haskell-persistent-sqlite' 'haskell-persistent-template'
+         'haskell-quickcheck' 'haskell-random' 'haskell-regex-tdfa' 'haskell-resourcet'
+         'haskell-safesemaphore' 'haskell-sandi' 'haskell-securemem' 'haskell-shakespeare'
+         'haskell-socks' 'haskell-split' 'haskell-stm-chans' 'haskell-tagsoup'
+         'haskell-tasty' 'haskell-tasty-hunit' 'haskell-tasty-quickcheck' 'haskell-tasty-rerun'
+         'haskell-torrent' 'haskell-unix-compat' 'haskell-unordered-containers'
+         'haskell-utf8-string' 'haskell-uuid' 'haskell-vector' 'haskell-wai' 'haskell-wai-extra'
+         'haskell-warp' 'haskell-warp-tls' 'haskell-yesod' 'haskell-yesod-core' 'haskell-yesod-form'
+         'haskell-yesod-static')
+makedepends=('chrpath' 'ghc')
+        ghc-8.4.patch)
+            'b73ccbe31b1f792522f3e1a98c43cdd1d6bc92cb42a6ef4d71e1966465e55973b04dd4e23c5aecf6b09565a28c2ff43bcca32b50a4e8a2d1b71fc5f4633783cf')
+prepare() {
+  cd git-annex
+  patch -p1 -i ../ghc-8.4.patch
+build() {
+  cd git-annex
+  runhaskell Setup configure -O --prefix=/usr --enable-executable-dynamic --disable-library-vanilla \
+    --docdir="/usr/share/doc/$pkgname" \
+    -fnetwork-uri -fconcurrentoutput -ftorrentparser \
+    -f-androidsplice -f-android -fproduction -fpairing -fwebapp \
+    -fassistant -fwebdav -fs3 -f-benchmark -fdbus -fmagicmime
+  runhaskell Setup build
+package() {
+  cd git-annex
+  runhaskell Setup copy --destdir="$pkgdir"
+  make GHC="ghc -dynamic" BUILDER=true DESTDIR="$pkgdir" -j1 install-misc
+  rm "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc/git-annex/COPYRIGHT
+  rmdir "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc/git-annex "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc

Copied: git-annex/repos/community-staging-x86_64/ghc-8.4.patch (from rev 340937, git-annex/trunk/ghc-8.4.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/ghc-8.4.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/ghc-8.4.patch	2018-06-06 07:57:48 UTC (rev 340938)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+diff --git a/Command/Info.hs b/Command/Info.hs
+index c9a314056a..3ae82f5532 100644
+--- a/Command/Info.hs
++++ b/Command/Info.hs
+@@ -56,15 +56,17 @@ data KeyData = KeyData
+ 	, backendsKeys :: M.Map KeyVariety Integer
+ 	}
+-instance Monoid KeyData where
+-	mempty = KeyData 0 0 0 M.empty
+-	mappend a b = KeyData
++instance Semigroup KeyData where
++	a <> b = KeyData
+ 		{ countKeys = countKeys a + countKeys b
+ 		, sizeKeys = sizeKeys a + sizeKeys b
+ 		, unknownSizeKeys = unknownSizeKeys a + unknownSizeKeys b
+ 		, backendsKeys = backendsKeys a <> backendsKeys b
+ 		}
++instance Monoid KeyData where
++	mempty = KeyData 0 0 0 M.empty
+ data NumCopiesStats = NumCopiesStats
+ 	{ numCopiesVarianceMap :: M.Map Variance Integer
+ 	}
+diff --git a/Git/Fsck.hs b/Git/Fsck.hs
+index a716b56e3a..e7061cb812 100644
+--- a/Git/Fsck.hs
++++ b/Git/Fsck.hs
+@@ -44,15 +44,17 @@ type MissingObjects = S.Set Sha
+ type Truncated = Bool
++instance Semigroup FsckOutput where
++	(<>) (FsckOutput s1 t1) (FsckOutput s2 t2) = FsckOutput (S.union s1 s2) (t1 || t2)
++	(<>) (FsckOutput s t) _ = FsckOutput s t
++	(<>) _ (FsckOutput s t) = FsckOutput s t
++	(<>) NoFsckOutput NoFsckOutput = NoFsckOutput
++	(<>) AllDuplicateEntriesWarning AllDuplicateEntriesWarning = AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
++	(<>) AllDuplicateEntriesWarning NoFsckOutput = AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
++	(<>) NoFsckOutput AllDuplicateEntriesWarning = AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
+ instance Monoid FsckOutput where
+ 	mempty = NoFsckOutput
+-	mappend (FsckOutput s1 t1) (FsckOutput s2 t2) = FsckOutput (S.union s1 s2) (t1 || t2)
+-	mappend (FsckOutput s t) _ = FsckOutput s t
+-	mappend _ (FsckOutput s t) = FsckOutput s t
+-	mappend NoFsckOutput NoFsckOutput = NoFsckOutput
+-	mappend AllDuplicateEntriesWarning AllDuplicateEntriesWarning = AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
+-	mappend AllDuplicateEntriesWarning NoFsckOutput = AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
+-	mappend NoFsckOutput AllDuplicateEntriesWarning = AllDuplicateEntriesWarning
+ {- Runs fsck to find some of the broken objects in the repository.
+  - May not find all broken objects, if fsck fails on bad data in some of
+diff --git a/Types/DesktopNotify.hs b/Types/DesktopNotify.hs
+index e6df05ab1c..83aeef7c54 100644
+--- a/Types/DesktopNotify.hs
++++ b/Types/DesktopNotify.hs
+@@ -16,10 +16,12 @@ data DesktopNotify = DesktopNotify
+ 	}
+ 	deriving (Show)
++instance Semigroup DesktopNotify where
++    (<>) (DesktopNotify s1 f1) (DesktopNotify s2 f2) =
++        DesktopNotify (s1 || s2) (f1 || f2)
+ instance Monoid DesktopNotify where
+ 	mempty = DesktopNotify False False
+-	mappend (DesktopNotify s1 f1) (DesktopNotify s2 f2) =
+-		DesktopNotify (s1 || s2) (f1 || f2)
+ mkNotifyStart :: DesktopNotify
+ mkNotifyStart = DesktopNotify True False
+diff --git a/Types/Difference.hs b/Types/Difference.hs
+index 4abc75c447..56b3bcab63 100644
+--- a/Types/Difference.hs
++++ b/Types/Difference.hs
+@@ -67,14 +67,16 @@ instance Eq Differences where
+ 		, oneLevelBranchHash
+ 		]
+-instance Monoid Differences where
+-	mempty = Differences False False False
+-	mappend a@(Differences {}) b@(Differences {}) = a
++instance Semigroup Differences where
++	(<>) a@(Differences {}) b@(Differences {}) = a
+ 		{ objectHashLower = objectHashLower a || objectHashLower b
+ 		, oneLevelObjectHash = oneLevelObjectHash a || oneLevelObjectHash b
+ 		, oneLevelBranchHash = oneLevelBranchHash a || oneLevelBranchHash b
+ 		}
+-	mappend _ _ = UnknownDifferences
++	(<>) _ _ = UnknownDifferences
++instance Monoid Differences where
++	mempty = Differences False False False
+ readDifferences :: String -> Differences
+ readDifferences = maybe UnknownDifferences mkDifferences . readish
+diff --git a/Types/Test.hs b/Types/Test.hs
+index 50c460f501..5eeb7e52b4 100644
+--- a/Types/Test.hs
++++ b/Types/Test.hs
+@@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ data TestOptions = TestOptions
+ 	, internalData :: CmdParams
+ 	}
+-instance Monoid TestOptions where
+-	mempty = TestOptions mempty False False mempty
+-	mappend a b = TestOptions
++instance Semigroup TestOptions where
++	(<>) a b = TestOptions
+ 		(tastyOptionSet a <> tastyOptionSet b)
+ 		(keepFailuresOption a || keepFailuresOption b)
+ 		(fakeSsh a || fakeSsh b)
+ 		(internalData a <> internalData b)
++instance Monoid TestOptions where
++	mempty = TestOptions mempty False False mempty
+ type TestRunner = TestOptions -> IO ()

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