[arch-commits] Commit in rt-tests/repos/community-x86_64 (4 files)

David Runge dvzrv at archlinux.org
Wed Jun 6 09:53:24 UTC 2018

    Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 @ 09:53:21
  Author: dvzrv
Revision: 341130

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 341129, rt-tests/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 341129, rt-tests/trunk/use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch)

 PKGBUILD                           |   68 +-
 use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch | 1078 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 574 insertions(+), 572 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2018-06-06 09:53:06 UTC (rev 341129)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-06-06 09:53:21 UTC (rev 341130)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: David Runge <dave at sleepmap.de>
-# Contributor: Joakim Hernberg <jhernberg at alchemy dot lu>
-pkgdesc="A collection of latency testing tools for the linux(-rt) kernel"
-depends=('python2' 'numactl')
-        'use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch')
-            '7ecf0a90cc9b37d3faf6572f33877f2e361c3d14959c8cec21a562fb01e75141e97be236b41076174c3d5353b9820f59e2e02f6d8e40af90f97e70abf4790470')
-prepare() {
-  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  sed -i s/'shell python'/'shell python2'/ Makefile
-  sed -i 's/python/python2/' src/hwlatdetect/hwlatdetect.py
-build() {
-  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  make
-package() {
-  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  make prefix=/usr DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
-  install -vDm 644 {MAINTAINERS,README.markdown} \
-    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}"

Copied: rt-tests/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 341129, rt-tests/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-06-06 09:53:21 UTC (rev 341130)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: David Runge <dave at sleepmap.de>
+# Contributor: Joakim Hernberg <jhernberg at alchemy dot lu>
+pkgdesc="A collection of latency testing tools for the linux(-rt) kernel"
+depends=('python2' 'numactl')
+        'use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch')
+            '7ecf0a90cc9b37d3faf6572f33877f2e361c3d14959c8cec21a562fb01e75141e97be236b41076174c3d5353b9820f59e2e02f6d8e40af90f97e70abf4790470')
+prepare() {
+  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  sed -i s/'shell python'/'shell python2'/ Makefile
+  sed -i 's/python/python2/' src/hwlatdetect/hwlatdetect.py
+build() {
+  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  make
+package() {
+  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  make prefix=/usr DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+  install -vDm 644 {MAINTAINERS,README.markdown} \
+    -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}"

Deleted: use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch
--- use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch	2018-06-06 09:53:06 UTC (rev 341129)
+++ use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch	2018-06-06 09:53:21 UTC (rev 341130)
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/hwlatdetect/hwlatdetect.py b/src/hwlatdetect/hwlatdetect.py
-index e08c798..6c6687f 100755
---- a/src/hwlatdetect/hwlatdetect.py
-+++ b/src/hwlatdetect/hwlatdetect.py
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- #!/usr/bin/python
--# (C) 2015 Clark Williams <williams at redhat.com>
-+# (C) 2015,2016 Clark Williams <williams at redhat.com>
- # (C) 2009 Clark Williams <williams at redhat.com>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import subprocess
- import errno
- import os.path
--version = "0.6"
-+version = "0.7"
- debugging = False
- quiet = False
- watch = False
-@@ -113,87 +113,81 @@ class DebugFS(object):
- # leave it alone when cleaning up.
- #
- class Kmod(object):
--    ''' class to manage loading and unloading hwlat.ko'''
-+    ''' class to manage loading and unloading of kernel modules'''
-     names = ("hwlat_detector", "smi_detector")
-     def __check_builtin(self):
-         for l in open(os.path.join('/lib/modules', os.uname()[2], 'modules.builtin'), "r"):
--            for m in Kmod.names:
--                if m in l:
--                    debug("found %s as builtin" % m)
--                    return m
--        return None
--    def __find_modname(self):
--        debug("looking for modules")
-+            if self.name in l:
-+                debug("found %s as builtin" % self.namename)
-+                return True
-+        return False
-+    def __find_module(self):
-+        debug("looking for module %s" % self.name)
-         path = os.path.join("/lib/modules",
-                             os.uname()[2],
-                             "kernel/drivers/misc")
-         debug("module path: %s" % path)
--        for m in Kmod.names:
--            mpath = os.path.join(path, m) + ".ko"
--            debug("checking %s" % mpath)
--            if os.path.exists(mpath):
--                return m
--        raise RuntimeError("no detector module found!")
-+        mpath = os.path.join(path, self.name) + ".ko"
-+        debug("checking %s" % mpath)
-+        if os.path.exists(mpath):
-+            return True
-+        return False
--    def __init__(self):
-+    def __init__(self, name):
-+        if name not in Kmod.names:
-+            raise RuntimeError, "unsupported module name: %s" % name
-+        self.name = name
-         self.preloaded = False
-         self.builtin = False
-         # check for builtin
--        self.modname = self.__check_builtin()
--        if self.modname:
-+        if self.__check_builtin():
-             self.builtin = True
-             return
--        # now look for module
--        f = open ('/proc/modules')
--        for l in f:
-+        # now look for already loaded module
-+        for l in open ('/proc/modules'):
-             field = l.split()
--            if field[0] in Kmod.names:
-+            if self.name in field[0]:
-                 self.preloaded = True
--                self.modname = field[0]
--                debug("using already loaded %s" % self.modname)
--                f.close()
--                break
--        f.close()
--        self.modname = self.__find_modname()
-+                debug("using already loaded %s" % self.name)
-+                return
-+        if not self.__find_module():
-+            raise RuntimeError, "module %s does not exist!" % self.name
-     def load(self):
-         if self.builtin:
--            debug("not loading %s (builtin)" % self.modname)
-+            debug("not loading %s (builtin)" % self.name)
-             return True
-         if self.preloaded:
--            debug("not loading %s (already loaded)" % self.modname)
-+            debug("not loading %s (already loaded)" % self.name)
-             return True
--        cmd = ['/sbin/modprobe', self.modname]
-+        cmd = ['/sbin/modprobe', self.name]
-         return (subprocess.call(cmd) == 0)
-     def unload(self):
-         if self.preloaded or self.builtin:
--            debug("Not unloading %s" % self.modname)
-+            debug("Not unloading %s" % self.name)
-             return True
--        cmd = ['/sbin/modprobe', '-r', self.modname]
-+        cmd = ['/sbin/modprobe', '-r', self.name]
-         return (subprocess.call(cmd) == 0)
- #
--# wrapper class for detection modules
-+# base class for detection modules
- #
- class Detector(object):
--    '''wrapper class for managing detector modules'''
-+    '''base class for detector modules'''
-     def __init__(self):
-+        self.type = "unknown"
-         if os.getuid() != 0:
-             raise RuntimeError("Must be root")
-         self.debugfs = DebugFS()
--        self.kmod = Kmod()
--        self.setup()
--        if self.kmod.modname == "hwlat_detector":
--            self.detector = Hwlat(self.debugfs)
--        elif self.kmod.modname == "smi_detector":
--            self.detector = Smi(self.debugfs)
-+        if not self.debugfs.mount():
-+            raise RuntimeError("failed to mount debugfs")
-         self.samples = []
--        self.testduration = 10 # ten seconds
-+        self.testduration = 30 # ten seconds
-         self.have_msr = False
-         self.initsmi = []
-         if os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/rdmsr'):
-@@ -208,78 +202,176 @@ class Detector(object):
-             counts = [ int(x.strip()) for x in p.stdout.readlines()]
-         return counts
--    def force_cleanup(self):
--        debug("forcing unload of hwlat module")
--        self.kmod.preloaded = False
--        debug("forcing unmount of debugfs")
--        self.debugfs.premounted = False
--        self.cleanup()
--        debug("exiting")
--        sys.exit(0)
--    def setup(self):
--        if not self.debugfs.mount():
--            raise RuntimeError("Failed to mount debugfs")
--        if not self.kmod.load():
--            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unload hwlat")
-     def cleanup(self):
--        if not self.kmod.unload():
--            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unload hwlat")
--        if not self.debugfs.umount():
--            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unmount debugfs")
-+        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'cleanup'!"
-     def get(self, field):
--        return self.detector.get(field)
-+        '''get the value of a debugfs field'''
-+        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'get'!"
-     def set(self, field, val):
--        return self.detector.set(field, val)
-+        '''set a value in a debugfs field'''
-+        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'set'!"
-+    def save(self, reportfile=None):
-+        '''save sample data to reportfile'''
-+        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'save'!"
-+    def display(self):
-+        '''output the sample data as a string'''
-+        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'display'!"
-     def start(self):
-         count = 0
--        threshold = self.get("threshold")
-+        threshold = int(self.get("threshold"))
-         debug("enabling detector module (threshold: %d)" % threshold)
--        self.detector.set("enable", 1)
--        debug("first attempt at enable")
--        while self.detector.get("enable") == 0:
-+        self.set("enable", 1)
-+        while self.get("enable") == 0:
-             debug("still disabled, retrying in a bit")
-             count += 1
-             time.sleep(0.1)
-             debug("retrying enable of detector module (%d)" % count)
--            self.detector.set("enable", 1)
-+            self.set("enable", 1)
-         if self.get("threshold") != threshold:
-             debug("start: threshold reset by start, fixing")
-             self.set("threshold", threshold)
--        debug("detector module enabled (threshold: %d)" % self.get("threshold"))
-+        debug("detector module enabled (threshold: %d)" % int(self.get("threshold")))
-     def stop(self):
-         count = 0
-         debug("disabling detector module")
--        self.detector.set("enable", 0)
--        debug("first attempt at disable");
--        while self.detector.get("enable") == 1:
-+        self.set("enable", 0)
-+        while self.get("enable") == 1:
-             debug("still enabled, retrying in a bit")
-             count += 1
-             time.sleep(0.1)
-             debug("retrying disable of detector module(%d)" % count)
--            self.detector.set("enable", 0)
-+            self.set("enable", 0)
-         debug("detector module disabled")
-     def detect(self):
--        debug("Starting hardware latency detection for %d seconds" % self.testduration)
-+        '''get detector output'''
-+        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'detect'!"
-+# class to handle running the hwlat tracer module of ftrace
-+class Tracer(Detector):
-+    '''class to wrap access to ftrace hwlat tracer'''
-+    __field_translation = {
-+        'width'     : "hwlat_detector/width",
-+        'window'    : "hwlat_detector/window",
-+        'enable'    : "tracing_on",
-+        'threshold' : "tracing_thresh",
-+    }
-+    class Sample(object):
-+        'private class for tracer sample data'
-+        __slots__= 'timestamp', 'inner', 'outer',
-+        def __init__(self, line):
-+            fields = line.split()
-+            i,o = fields[6].split('/')
-+            ts=fields[7][3:]
-+            self.timestamp = str(ts)
-+            self.inner = int(i)
-+            self.outer = int(o)
-+        def __str__(self):
-+            return "ts: %s, inner:%d, outer:%d" % (self.timestamp, self.inner, self.outer)
-+        def display(self):
-+            print(str(self))
-+        def largest(self):
-+            if self.inner > self.outer:
-+                return self.inner
-+            return self.outer
-+    def translate(self, field):
-+        path = self.debugfs.getpath('tracing')
-+        if field not in Tracer.__field_translation:
-+            return os.path.join(path, field)
-+        return os.path.join(path, Tracer.__field_translation[field])
-+    def __init__(self):
-+        super(Tracer, self).__init__()
-+        path = self.debugfs.getpath('tracing/hwlat_detector')
-+        if not os.path.exists(path):
-+            raise RuntimeError, "hwlat tracer not available"
-+        self.type = "tracer"
-+        self.samples = []
-+        self.set("enable", 0)
-+        self.set('current_tracer', 'hwlat')
-+    def set(self, field, val):
-+        path=self.translate(field)
-+        self.debugfs.putval(path, str(val))
-+    def get(self, field):
-+        if field == "count":
-+            return len(self.samples)
-+        elif field == "max":
-+            max=0
-+            for values in self.samples:
-+                s = int(values.largest())
-+                if s > max:
-+                    max = s
-+            return max
-+        return self.debugfs.getval(self.translate(field))
-+    def detect(self):
-+        self.samples = []
-+        testend = time.time() + self.testduration
-+        pollcnt = 0
-         self.start()
-         try:
--            self.samples = self.detector.detect(self.testduration)
--        finally:
--            self.stop()
--        debug("Hardware latency detection done (%d samples)" % len(self.samples))
-+            while time.time() < testend:
-+                pollcnt += 1
-+                val = self.get_sample()
-+                while val:
-+                    self.samples.append(val)
-+                    if watch: val.display()
-+                    val = self.get_sample()
-+                time.sleep(0.1)
-+        except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
-+            print("interrupted")
-+        self.stop()
-+        return self.samples
-+    def get_sample(self):
-+        val = None
-+        line = self.debugfs.getval("tracing/trace_pipe", nonblocking=True)
-+        if line:
-+            val = self.Sample(line)
-+        return val
-+    def save(self, output=None):
-+        if output:
-+            f = open(output, "w")
-+            for s in self.samples:
-+                f.write("%s\n" % str(s))
-+            print("report saved to %s (%d samples)" % (output, len(self.samples)))
-+    def display(self):
-+        for s in self.samples:
-+            s.display()
-+    def cleanup(self):
-+        self.set("tracing_on", "0")
-+        self.set("current_tracer", "nop")
-+        if not self.debugfs.umount():
-+            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unmount debugfs")
- #
- # Class to simplify running the hwlat kernel module
- #
--class Hwlat(object):
-+class Hwlat(Detector):
-     '''class to wrap access to hwlat debugfs files'''
--    def __init__(self, debugfs):
--        self.debugfs = debugfs
-+    def __init__(self):
-+        super(Hwlat, self).__init__()
-+        self.kmod = Kmod("hwlat_detector")
-+        self.type = "kmodule"
-+        self.kmod.load()
-     def get(self, field):
-         return int(self.debugfs.getval(os.path.join("hwlat_detector", field)))
-@@ -292,10 +384,11 @@ class Hwlat(object):
-     def get_sample(self):
-         return self.debugfs.getval("hwlat_detector/sample", nonblocking=True)
--    def detect(self, duration):
-+    def detect(self):
-         self.samples = []
--        testend = time.time() + duration
-+        testend = time.time() + self.testduration
-         pollcnt = 0
-+        self.start()
-         try:
-             while time.time() < testend:
-                 pollcnt += 1
-@@ -304,13 +397,30 @@ class Hwlat(object):
-                     val = val.strip()
-                     self.samples.append(val)
-                     if watch: print(val)
--                    debug("got a latency sample: %s" % val)
-                     val = self.get_sample()
-                 time.sleep(0.1)
-         except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
-             print("interrupted")
--            sys.exit(1)
-+        self.stop()
-         return self.samples
-+    def display(self):
-+        for s in self.samples:
-+            print (s)
-+    def save(self, output=None):
-+        if output:
-+            f = open(output, "w")
-+            for s in self.samples:
-+                f.write("%s\n" % str(s))
-+            print("report saved to %s (%d samples)" % (output, len(self.samples)))
-+    def cleanup(self):
-+        if not self.kmod.unload():
-+            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unload %s" % self.name)
-+        if not self.debugfs.umount():
-+            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unmount debugfs")
- #
- # the old smi_detector.ko module has different debugfs entries than the modern
- # hwlat_detector.ko module; this object translates the current entries into the
-@@ -320,7 +430,7 @@ class Hwlat(object):
- # have them both to calculate the window.
- #
--class Smi(object):
-+class Smi(Detector):
-     '''class to wrap access to smi_detector debugfs files'''
-     field_translate = {
-         "count" : "smi_count",
-@@ -333,6 +443,9 @@ class Smi(object):
-         }
-     def __init__(self, debugfs):
-+        super(Smi, self).__init__()
-+        self.kmod = Kmod("smi_detector")
-+        self.type = "kmodule"
-         self.width = 0
-         self.window = 0
-         self.debugfs = debugfs
-@@ -386,9 +499,9 @@ class Smi(object):
-         name = Smi.field_translate["sample"]
-         return self.debugfs.getval(os.path.join('smi_detector', name), nonblocking=True)
--    def detect(self, duration):
-+    def detect(self):
-         self.samples = []
--        testend = time.time() + duration
-+        testend = time.time() + self.testduration
-         threshold = self.get("threshold")
-         debug("detect: threshold %d" % threshold)
-         pollcnt = 0
-@@ -404,9 +517,13 @@ class Smi(object):
-                 time.sleep(0.1)
-         except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
-             print("interrupted")
--            sys.exit(1)
-         return self.samples
-+    def cleanup(self):
-+        if not self.kmod.unload():
-+            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unload %s" % self.name)
-+        if not self.debugfs.umount():
-+            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unmount debugfs")
- def ms2us(val):
-     return val * 1000
-@@ -462,6 +579,10 @@ def microseconds(str):
-     else:
-         raise RuntimeError("invalid input for microseconds: '%s'" % str)
-+# main starts here
- if __name__ == '__main__':
-     from optparse import OptionParser
-@@ -506,6 +627,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-                       dest="watch",
-                       help="print sample data to stdout as it arrives")
-+    parser.add_option("--kmodule", action="store_true", default=False,
-+                      dest="kmodule",
-+                      help="force using the kernel module")
-     (o, a) = parser.parse_args()
-     # need these before creating detector instance
-@@ -518,7 +643,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-         quiet = True
-         debugging = False
--    detect = Detector()
-+    if o.kmodule:
-+        detect = Hwlat()
-+    else:
-+        detect = Tracer()
-     if o.cleanup:
-         debug("forcing cleanup of debugfs and hardware latency module")
-@@ -534,7 +662,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-         hardlimit = microseconds(o.hardlimit)
-     else:
-         hardlimit = detect.get("threshold")
--    debug("hardlimit set to %dus" % hardlimit)
-+    debug("hardlimit set to %dus" % int(hardlimit))
-     if o.window:
-         w = microseconds(o.window)
-@@ -566,11 +694,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-     reportfile = o.report
-     info("hwlatdetect:  test duration %d seconds" % detect.testduration)
-+    info("   detector: %s" % detect.type)
-     info("   parameters:")
--    info("        Latency threshold: %dus" % detect.get("threshold"))
--    info("        Sample window:     %dus" % detect.get("window"))
--    info("        Sample width:      %dus" % detect.get("width"))
--    info("     Non-sampling period:  %dus" % (detect.get("window") - detect.get("width")))
-+    info("        Latency threshold: %dus" % int(detect.get("threshold")))
-+    info("        Sample window:     %dus" % int(detect.get("window")))
-+    info("        Sample width:      %dus" % int(detect.get("width")))
-+    info("     Non-sampling period:  %dus" % (int(detect.get("window")) - int(detect.get("width"))))
-     info("        Output File:       %s" % reportfile)
-     info("\nStarting test")
-@@ -599,18 +728,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-                 print("%d SMIs occured on cpu %d" % (smis, i))
-         info("SMIs during run: %d" % total_smis)
-+    maxlatency = int(detect.get("max"))
-     if reportfile:
--        count = 0
--        f = open(reportfile, "w")
--        for s in detect.samples:
--            count += 1
--            f.write("%s\n" % s)
--        f.close()
--        info("sample data (%d samples) written to %s" % (count, reportfile))
--    else:
--        for s in detect.samples:
--            print("%s" % s)
-+        detect.save(reportfile)
-+    if not watch:
-+        detect.display()
--    maxlatency = int(detect.get("max"))
-     detect.cleanup()
-     sys.exit(maxlatency > hardlimit)

Copied: rt-tests/repos/community-x86_64/use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch (from rev 341129, rt-tests/trunk/use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch)
--- use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ use-the-ftrace-hwlatdetector.patch	2018-06-06 09:53:21 UTC (rev 341130)
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+diff --git a/src/hwlatdetect/hwlatdetect.py b/src/hwlatdetect/hwlatdetect.py
+index e08c798..6c6687f 100755
+--- a/src/hwlatdetect/hwlatdetect.py
++++ b/src/hwlatdetect/hwlatdetect.py
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+-# (C) 2015 Clark Williams <williams at redhat.com>
++# (C) 2015,2016 Clark Williams <williams at redhat.com>
+ # (C) 2009 Clark Williams <williams at redhat.com>
+ #
+ # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import subprocess
+ import errno
+ import os.path
+-version = "0.6"
++version = "0.7"
+ debugging = False
+ quiet = False
+ watch = False
+@@ -113,87 +113,81 @@ class DebugFS(object):
+ # leave it alone when cleaning up.
+ #
+ class Kmod(object):
+-    ''' class to manage loading and unloading hwlat.ko'''
++    ''' class to manage loading and unloading of kernel modules'''
+     names = ("hwlat_detector", "smi_detector")
+     def __check_builtin(self):
+         for l in open(os.path.join('/lib/modules', os.uname()[2], 'modules.builtin'), "r"):
+-            for m in Kmod.names:
+-                if m in l:
+-                    debug("found %s as builtin" % m)
+-                    return m
+-        return None
+-    def __find_modname(self):
+-        debug("looking for modules")
++            if self.name in l:
++                debug("found %s as builtin" % self.namename)
++                return True
++        return False
++    def __find_module(self):
++        debug("looking for module %s" % self.name)
+         path = os.path.join("/lib/modules",
+                             os.uname()[2],
+                             "kernel/drivers/misc")
+         debug("module path: %s" % path)
+-        for m in Kmod.names:
+-            mpath = os.path.join(path, m) + ".ko"
+-            debug("checking %s" % mpath)
+-            if os.path.exists(mpath):
+-                return m
+-        raise RuntimeError("no detector module found!")
++        mpath = os.path.join(path, self.name) + ".ko"
++        debug("checking %s" % mpath)
++        if os.path.exists(mpath):
++            return True
++        return False
+-    def __init__(self):
++    def __init__(self, name):
++        if name not in Kmod.names:
++            raise RuntimeError, "unsupported module name: %s" % name
++        self.name = name
+         self.preloaded = False
+         self.builtin = False
+         # check for builtin
+-        self.modname = self.__check_builtin()
+-        if self.modname:
++        if self.__check_builtin():
+             self.builtin = True
+             return
+-        # now look for module
+-        f = open ('/proc/modules')
+-        for l in f:
++        # now look for already loaded module
++        for l in open ('/proc/modules'):
+             field = l.split()
+-            if field[0] in Kmod.names:
++            if self.name in field[0]:
+                 self.preloaded = True
+-                self.modname = field[0]
+-                debug("using already loaded %s" % self.modname)
+-                f.close()
+-                break
+-        f.close()
+-        self.modname = self.__find_modname()
++                debug("using already loaded %s" % self.name)
++                return
++        if not self.__find_module():
++            raise RuntimeError, "module %s does not exist!" % self.name
+     def load(self):
+         if self.builtin:
+-            debug("not loading %s (builtin)" % self.modname)
++            debug("not loading %s (builtin)" % self.name)
+             return True
+         if self.preloaded:
+-            debug("not loading %s (already loaded)" % self.modname)
++            debug("not loading %s (already loaded)" % self.name)
+             return True
+-        cmd = ['/sbin/modprobe', self.modname]
++        cmd = ['/sbin/modprobe', self.name]
+         return (subprocess.call(cmd) == 0)
+     def unload(self):
+         if self.preloaded or self.builtin:
+-            debug("Not unloading %s" % self.modname)
++            debug("Not unloading %s" % self.name)
+             return True
+-        cmd = ['/sbin/modprobe', '-r', self.modname]
++        cmd = ['/sbin/modprobe', '-r', self.name]
+         return (subprocess.call(cmd) == 0)
+ #
+-# wrapper class for detection modules
++# base class for detection modules
+ #
+ class Detector(object):
+-    '''wrapper class for managing detector modules'''
++    '''base class for detector modules'''
+     def __init__(self):
++        self.type = "unknown"
+         if os.getuid() != 0:
+             raise RuntimeError("Must be root")
+         self.debugfs = DebugFS()
+-        self.kmod = Kmod()
+-        self.setup()
+-        if self.kmod.modname == "hwlat_detector":
+-            self.detector = Hwlat(self.debugfs)
+-        elif self.kmod.modname == "smi_detector":
+-            self.detector = Smi(self.debugfs)
++        if not self.debugfs.mount():
++            raise RuntimeError("failed to mount debugfs")
+         self.samples = []
+-        self.testduration = 10 # ten seconds
++        self.testduration = 30 # ten seconds
+         self.have_msr = False
+         self.initsmi = []
+         if os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/rdmsr'):
+@@ -208,78 +202,176 @@ class Detector(object):
+             counts = [ int(x.strip()) for x in p.stdout.readlines()]
+         return counts
+-    def force_cleanup(self):
+-        debug("forcing unload of hwlat module")
+-        self.kmod.preloaded = False
+-        debug("forcing unmount of debugfs")
+-        self.debugfs.premounted = False
+-        self.cleanup()
+-        debug("exiting")
+-        sys.exit(0)
+-    def setup(self):
+-        if not self.debugfs.mount():
+-            raise RuntimeError("Failed to mount debugfs")
+-        if not self.kmod.load():
+-            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unload hwlat")
+     def cleanup(self):
+-        if not self.kmod.unload():
+-            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unload hwlat")
+-        if not self.debugfs.umount():
+-            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unmount debugfs")
++        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'cleanup'!"
+     def get(self, field):
+-        return self.detector.get(field)
++        '''get the value of a debugfs field'''
++        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'get'!"
+     def set(self, field, val):
+-        return self.detector.set(field, val)
++        '''set a value in a debugfs field'''
++        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'set'!"
++    def save(self, reportfile=None):
++        '''save sample data to reportfile'''
++        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'save'!"
++    def display(self):
++        '''output the sample data as a string'''
++        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'display'!"
+     def start(self):
+         count = 0
+-        threshold = self.get("threshold")
++        threshold = int(self.get("threshold"))
+         debug("enabling detector module (threshold: %d)" % threshold)
+-        self.detector.set("enable", 1)
+-        debug("first attempt at enable")
+-        while self.detector.get("enable") == 0:
++        self.set("enable", 1)
++        while self.get("enable") == 0:
+             debug("still disabled, retrying in a bit")
+             count += 1
+             time.sleep(0.1)
+             debug("retrying enable of detector module (%d)" % count)
+-            self.detector.set("enable", 1)
++            self.set("enable", 1)
+         if self.get("threshold") != threshold:
+             debug("start: threshold reset by start, fixing")
+             self.set("threshold", threshold)
+-        debug("detector module enabled (threshold: %d)" % self.get("threshold"))
++        debug("detector module enabled (threshold: %d)" % int(self.get("threshold")))
+     def stop(self):
+         count = 0
+         debug("disabling detector module")
+-        self.detector.set("enable", 0)
+-        debug("first attempt at disable");
+-        while self.detector.get("enable") == 1:
++        self.set("enable", 0)
++        while self.get("enable") == 1:
+             debug("still enabled, retrying in a bit")
+             count += 1
+             time.sleep(0.1)
+             debug("retrying disable of detector module(%d)" % count)
+-            self.detector.set("enable", 0)
++            self.set("enable", 0)
+         debug("detector module disabled")
+     def detect(self):
+-        debug("Starting hardware latency detection for %d seconds" % self.testduration)
++        '''get detector output'''
++        raise RuntimeError, "must override base method 'detect'!"
++# class to handle running the hwlat tracer module of ftrace
++class Tracer(Detector):
++    '''class to wrap access to ftrace hwlat tracer'''
++    __field_translation = {
++        'width'     : "hwlat_detector/width",
++        'window'    : "hwlat_detector/window",
++        'enable'    : "tracing_on",
++        'threshold' : "tracing_thresh",
++    }
++    class Sample(object):
++        'private class for tracer sample data'
++        __slots__= 'timestamp', 'inner', 'outer',
++        def __init__(self, line):
++            fields = line.split()
++            i,o = fields[6].split('/')
++            ts=fields[7][3:]
++            self.timestamp = str(ts)
++            self.inner = int(i)
++            self.outer = int(o)
++        def __str__(self):
++            return "ts: %s, inner:%d, outer:%d" % (self.timestamp, self.inner, self.outer)
++        def display(self):
++            print(str(self))
++        def largest(self):
++            if self.inner > self.outer:
++                return self.inner
++            return self.outer
++    def translate(self, field):
++        path = self.debugfs.getpath('tracing')
++        if field not in Tracer.__field_translation:
++            return os.path.join(path, field)
++        return os.path.join(path, Tracer.__field_translation[field])
++    def __init__(self):
++        super(Tracer, self).__init__()
++        path = self.debugfs.getpath('tracing/hwlat_detector')
++        if not os.path.exists(path):
++            raise RuntimeError, "hwlat tracer not available"
++        self.type = "tracer"
++        self.samples = []
++        self.set("enable", 0)
++        self.set('current_tracer', 'hwlat')
++    def set(self, field, val):
++        path=self.translate(field)
++        self.debugfs.putval(path, str(val))
++    def get(self, field):
++        if field == "count":
++            return len(self.samples)
++        elif field == "max":
++            max=0
++            for values in self.samples:
++                s = int(values.largest())
++                if s > max:
++                    max = s
++            return max
++        return self.debugfs.getval(self.translate(field))
++    def detect(self):
++        self.samples = []
++        testend = time.time() + self.testduration
++        pollcnt = 0
+         self.start()
+         try:
+-            self.samples = self.detector.detect(self.testduration)
+-        finally:
+-            self.stop()
+-        debug("Hardware latency detection done (%d samples)" % len(self.samples))
++            while time.time() < testend:
++                pollcnt += 1
++                val = self.get_sample()
++                while val:
++                    self.samples.append(val)
++                    if watch: val.display()
++                    val = self.get_sample()
++                time.sleep(0.1)
++        except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
++            print("interrupted")
++        self.stop()
++        return self.samples
++    def get_sample(self):
++        val = None
++        line = self.debugfs.getval("tracing/trace_pipe", nonblocking=True)
++        if line:
++            val = self.Sample(line)
++        return val
++    def save(self, output=None):
++        if output:
++            f = open(output, "w")
++            for s in self.samples:
++                f.write("%s\n" % str(s))
++            print("report saved to %s (%d samples)" % (output, len(self.samples)))
++    def display(self):
++        for s in self.samples:
++            s.display()
++    def cleanup(self):
++        self.set("tracing_on", "0")
++        self.set("current_tracer", "nop")
++        if not self.debugfs.umount():
++            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unmount debugfs")
+ #
+ # Class to simplify running the hwlat kernel module
+ #
+-class Hwlat(object):
++class Hwlat(Detector):
+     '''class to wrap access to hwlat debugfs files'''
+-    def __init__(self, debugfs):
+-        self.debugfs = debugfs
++    def __init__(self):
++        super(Hwlat, self).__init__()
++        self.kmod = Kmod("hwlat_detector")
++        self.type = "kmodule"
++        self.kmod.load()
+     def get(self, field):
+         return int(self.debugfs.getval(os.path.join("hwlat_detector", field)))
+@@ -292,10 +384,11 @@ class Hwlat(object):
+     def get_sample(self):
+         return self.debugfs.getval("hwlat_detector/sample", nonblocking=True)
+-    def detect(self, duration):
++    def detect(self):
+         self.samples = []
+-        testend = time.time() + duration
++        testend = time.time() + self.testduration
+         pollcnt = 0
++        self.start()
+         try:
+             while time.time() < testend:
+                 pollcnt += 1
+@@ -304,13 +397,30 @@ class Hwlat(object):
+                     val = val.strip()
+                     self.samples.append(val)
+                     if watch: print(val)
+-                    debug("got a latency sample: %s" % val)
+                     val = self.get_sample()
+                 time.sleep(0.1)
+         except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
+             print("interrupted")
+-            sys.exit(1)
++        self.stop()
+         return self.samples
++    def display(self):
++        for s in self.samples:
++            print (s)
++    def save(self, output=None):
++        if output:
++            f = open(output, "w")
++            for s in self.samples:
++                f.write("%s\n" % str(s))
++            print("report saved to %s (%d samples)" % (output, len(self.samples)))
++    def cleanup(self):
++        if not self.kmod.unload():
++            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unload %s" % self.name)
++        if not self.debugfs.umount():
++            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unmount debugfs")
+ #
+ # the old smi_detector.ko module has different debugfs entries than the modern
+ # hwlat_detector.ko module; this object translates the current entries into the
+@@ -320,7 +430,7 @@ class Hwlat(object):
+ # have them both to calculate the window.
+ #
+-class Smi(object):
++class Smi(Detector):
+     '''class to wrap access to smi_detector debugfs files'''
+     field_translate = {
+         "count" : "smi_count",
+@@ -333,6 +443,9 @@ class Smi(object):
+         }
+     def __init__(self, debugfs):
++        super(Smi, self).__init__()
++        self.kmod = Kmod("smi_detector")
++        self.type = "kmodule"
+         self.width = 0
+         self.window = 0
+         self.debugfs = debugfs
+@@ -386,9 +499,9 @@ class Smi(object):
+         name = Smi.field_translate["sample"]
+         return self.debugfs.getval(os.path.join('smi_detector', name), nonblocking=True)
+-    def detect(self, duration):
++    def detect(self):
+         self.samples = []
+-        testend = time.time() + duration
++        testend = time.time() + self.testduration
+         threshold = self.get("threshold")
+         debug("detect: threshold %d" % threshold)
+         pollcnt = 0
+@@ -404,9 +517,13 @@ class Smi(object):
+                 time.sleep(0.1)
+         except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
+             print("interrupted")
+-            sys.exit(1)
+         return self.samples
++    def cleanup(self):
++        if not self.kmod.unload():
++            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unload %s" % self.name)
++        if not self.debugfs.umount():
++            raise RuntimeError("Failed to unmount debugfs")
+ def ms2us(val):
+     return val * 1000
+@@ -462,6 +579,10 @@ def microseconds(str):
+     else:
+         raise RuntimeError("invalid input for microseconds: '%s'" % str)
++# main starts here
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+     from optparse import OptionParser
+@@ -506,6 +627,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+                       dest="watch",
+                       help="print sample data to stdout as it arrives")
++    parser.add_option("--kmodule", action="store_true", default=False,
++                      dest="kmodule",
++                      help="force using the kernel module")
+     (o, a) = parser.parse_args()
+     # need these before creating detector instance
+@@ -518,7 +643,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+         quiet = True
+         debugging = False
+-    detect = Detector()
++    if o.kmodule:
++        detect = Hwlat()
++    else:
++        detect = Tracer()
+     if o.cleanup:
+         debug("forcing cleanup of debugfs and hardware latency module")
+@@ -534,7 +662,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+         hardlimit = microseconds(o.hardlimit)
+     else:
+         hardlimit = detect.get("threshold")
+-    debug("hardlimit set to %dus" % hardlimit)
++    debug("hardlimit set to %dus" % int(hardlimit))
+     if o.window:
+         w = microseconds(o.window)
+@@ -566,11 +694,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+     reportfile = o.report
+     info("hwlatdetect:  test duration %d seconds" % detect.testduration)
++    info("   detector: %s" % detect.type)
+     info("   parameters:")
+-    info("        Latency threshold: %dus" % detect.get("threshold"))
+-    info("        Sample window:     %dus" % detect.get("window"))
+-    info("        Sample width:      %dus" % detect.get("width"))
+-    info("     Non-sampling period:  %dus" % (detect.get("window") - detect.get("width")))
++    info("        Latency threshold: %dus" % int(detect.get("threshold")))
++    info("        Sample window:     %dus" % int(detect.get("window")))
++    info("        Sample width:      %dus" % int(detect.get("width")))
++    info("     Non-sampling period:  %dus" % (int(detect.get("window")) - int(detect.get("width"))))
+     info("        Output File:       %s" % reportfile)
+     info("\nStarting test")
+@@ -599,18 +728,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+                 print("%d SMIs occured on cpu %d" % (smis, i))
+         info("SMIs during run: %d" % total_smis)
++    maxlatency = int(detect.get("max"))
+     if reportfile:
+-        count = 0
+-        f = open(reportfile, "w")
+-        for s in detect.samples:
+-            count += 1
+-            f.write("%s\n" % s)
+-        f.close()
+-        info("sample data (%d samples) written to %s" % (count, reportfile))
+-    else:
+-        for s in detect.samples:
+-            print("%s" % s)
++        detect.save(reportfile)
++    if not watch:
++        detect.display()
+-    maxlatency = int(detect.get("max"))
+     detect.cleanup()
+     sys.exit(maxlatency > hardlimit)

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