[arch-commits] Commit in libreoffice-fresh/trunk (PKGBUILD emfio.patch)

Andreas Radke andyrtr at archlinux.org
Sat Jun 23 17:28:24 UTC 2018

    Date: Saturday, June 23, 2018 @ 17:28:24
  Author: andyrtr
Revision: 327494

upgpkg: libreoffice-fresh 6.0.5-1

upstream update 6.0.5


 PKGBUILD    |   26 +++--
 emfio.patch |  292 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 309 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2018-06-23 06:55:21 UTC (rev 327493)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-06-23 17:28:24 UTC (rev 327494)
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
 pkgname=('libreoffice-fresh-sdk' 'libreoffice-fresh')
@@ -52,9 +52,10 @@
 	${_additional_source_url2}/8249374c274932a21846fa7629c2aa9b-officeotron-0.7.4-master.jar  # for test suite
-	${_additional_source_url2}/odfvalidator-1.2.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies+ODFTOOLKIT-460+ODFTOOLKIT-461.jar  # for test suite
+	${_additional_source_url2}/odfvalidator-1.2.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies+ODFTOOLKIT-460+ODFTOOLKIT-475.jar # for test suite
+	emfio.patch
 	libreoffice-fresh.sh libreoffice-fresh.csh)
@@ -69,15 +70,15 @@
            8249374c274932a21846fa7629c2aa9b-officeotron-0.7.4-master.jar  # for test suite
-           odfvalidator-1.2.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies+ODFTOOLKIT-460+ODFTOOLKIT-461.jar  # for test suite
+           odfvalidator-1.2.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies+ODFTOOLKIT-460+ODFTOOLKIT-475.jar  # for test suite
 validpgpkeys=('C2839ECAD9408FBE9531C3E9F434A1EFAFEEAEA3') # LibreOffice Build Team (CODE SIGNING KEY) <build at documentfoundation.org>
-            'cef0f0d54da925bb9a69725177ba8594683f5f7500f226bdeeaf344ecb5c41fc'
+            '492db3e52c67944c2747a573f1b0efa1afb2ca747b95c1cdd495c46fcca97fb6'
-            '865f78003114c9333d8df63ee64197b25f1894c5dd1038f563abb4c91a1c542e'
+            '99e62f75bc94ca0797d22ef6fcca29af575578fb58bba5e77bc892dd655a0fdd'
@@ -92,9 +93,10 @@
-            'aa8896eef3adbd6b54d4ec1817c1bc3871cce99120faf26f93502077480233cf'
+            '702413413a5d8076c17fe79c0808dfba145a7260020f6c8627ea529a0cf83769'
+            '8b4815788be087940750b775690b5890c4cf9e121f11006a72ccab834f212abb'
@@ -114,8 +116,14 @@
 	sed -i "/CppunitTest_sw_uiwriter/d" sw/Module_sw.mk 
 	sed -i "/CppunitTest_xmlsecurity_signing/d" xmlsecurity/Module_xmlsecurity.mk
 	sed -i "/CppunitTest_sc_subsequent_filters_test/d" sc/Module_sc.mk 
+	sed -i "/CppunitTest_sc_subsequent_export_test/d" sc/Module_sc.mk
+	sed -i "/CppunitTest_chart2_export/d" chart2/Module_chart2.mk
 	sed -i "/CppunitTest_dbaccess_RowSetClones/d" dbaccess/Module_dbaccess.mk
 	sed -i "/CppunitTest_dbaccess_hsqldb/d" dbaccess/Module_dbaccess.mk
+	# apply upstream fix for broken cppunit test
+	patch -Np1 -i ../emfio.patch
+#	sed -i "/emfio\/emfio/d" emfio/CppunitTest_emfio_emf_test.mk
+	sed -i "/CppunitTest_emfio_emf_test/d" emfio/Module_emfio.mk
 	# unowinreg.dll must be a file not a symlink or the result will become a broken symlink
 	# /usr/share/libreoffice/sdk/classes/win/unowinreg.dll -> /build/libreoffice/src/185d60944ea767075d27247c3162b3bc-unowinreg.dll

Added: emfio.patch
--- emfio.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ emfio.patch	2018-06-23 17:28:24 UTC (rev 327494)
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+From 126f10840b0e5930be57cb55262789e85bff9b21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman at redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 20:24:43 +0100
+Subject: More loplugin:cstylecast: emfio
+auto-rewrite with <https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/47798/> "Enable
+loplugin:cstylecast for some more cases" plus
+Change-Id: Idffd3ef04b007f04b7022e54881254da9b2aa4a0
+ emfio/qa/cppunit/emf/EmfImportTest.cxx |  6 +++---
+ emfio/source/reader/emfreader.cxx      |  8 ++++----
+ emfio/source/reader/mtftools.cxx       | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
+ emfio/source/reader/wmfreader.cxx      | 12 ++++++------
+ 4 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/emfio/qa/cppunit/emf/EmfImportTest.cxx b/emfio/qa/cppunit/emf/EmfImportTest.cxx
+index bc14c4b..9611db6 100644
+--- a/emfio/qa/cppunit/emf/EmfImportTest.cxx
++++ b/emfio/qa/cppunit/emf/EmfImportTest.cxx
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void Test::checkRectPrimitive(Primitive2DSequence const & rPrimitive)
+ void Test::testWorking()
+ {
+     Primitive2DSequence aSequenceRect = parseEmf("/emfio/qa/cppunit/emf/data/fdo79679-2.emf");
+-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, (int) aSequenceRect.getLength());
++    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, static_cast<int>(aSequenceRect.getLength()));
+     checkRectPrimitive(aSequenceRect);
+ }
+@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void Test::TestDrawString()
+     // first, get the sequence of primitives and dump it
+     Primitive2DSequence aSequence = parseEmf("/emfio/qa/cppunit/emf/data/TestDrawString.emf");
+-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, (int) aSequence.getLength());
++    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, static_cast<int>(aSequence.getLength()));
+     Primitive2dXmlDump dumper;
+     xmlDocPtr pDocument = dumper.dumpAndParse(comphelper::sequenceToContainer<Primitive2DContainer>(aSequence));
+     CPPUNIT_ASSERT (pDocument);
+@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ void Test::TestDrawLine()
+     // first, get the sequence of primitives and dump it
+     Primitive2DSequence aSequence = parseEmf("/emfio/qa/cppunit/emf/data/TestDrawLine.emf");
+-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, (int) aSequence.getLength());
++    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, static_cast<int>(aSequence.getLength()));
+     Primitive2dXmlDump dumper;
+     xmlDocPtr pDocument = dumper.dumpAndParse(comphelper::sequenceToContainer<Primitive2DContainer>(aSequence));
+     CPPUNIT_ASSERT (pDocument);
+diff --git a/emfio/source/reader/emfreader.cxx b/emfio/source/reader/emfreader.cxx
+index 52e8661..ea557ea 100644
+--- a/emfio/source/reader/emfreader.cxx
++++ b/emfio/source/reader/emfreader.cxx
+@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ namespace emfio
+         {
+             sal_uInt32 nPoints(0);
+             mpInputStream->ReadUInt32( nPoints );
+-            aPoints[i] = (sal_uInt16)nPoints;
++            aPoints[i] = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nPoints);
+         }
+         if ( mpInputStream->good() && ( nGesPoints * (sizeof(T)+sizeof(T)) ) <= ( nEndPos - mpInputStream->Tell() ) )
+         {
+@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                     mpInputStream->ReadUInt32( nCommentId );
+-                    SAL_INFO ("emfio", "\t\tbegin " << (char)(nCommentId & 0xff) << (char)((nCommentId & 0xff00) >> 8) << (char)((nCommentId & 0xff0000) >> 16) << (char)((nCommentId & 0xff000000) >> 24) << " id: 0x" << std::hex << nCommentId << std::dec);
++                    SAL_INFO ("emfio", "\t\tbegin " << static_cast<char>(nCommentId & 0xff) << static_cast<char>((nCommentId & 0xff00) >> 8) << static_cast<char>((nCommentId & 0xff0000) >> 16) << static_cast<char>((nCommentId & 0xff000000) >> 24) << " id: 0x" << std::hex << nCommentId << std::dec);
+                     if( nCommentId == EMR_COMMENT_EMFPLUS && nRecSize >= 12 )
+                     {
+@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                     {
+                         mpInputStream->ReadUInt32( nNom1 ).ReadUInt32( nDen1 ).ReadUInt32( nNom2 ).ReadUInt32( nDen2 );
+                         if (nDen1 != 0 && nDen2 != 0)
+-                            ScaleWinExt( (double)nNom1 / nDen1, (double)nNom2 / nDen2 );
++                            ScaleWinExt( static_cast<double>(nNom1) / nDen1, static_cast<double>(nNom2) / nDen2 );
+                         else
+                             SAL_WARN("vcl.emf", "ignoring bogus divide by zero");
+                     }
+@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                     {
+                         mpInputStream->ReadUInt32( nNom1 ).ReadUInt32( nDen1 ).ReadUInt32( nNom2 ).ReadUInt32( nDen2 );
+                         if (nDen1 != 0 && nDen2 != 0)
+-                            ScaleDevExt( (double)nNom1 / nDen1, (double)nNom2 / nDen2 );
++                            ScaleDevExt( static_cast<double>(nNom1) / nDen1, static_cast<double>(nNom2) / nDen2 );
+                         else
+                             SAL_WARN("vcl.emf", "ignoring bogus divide by zero");
+                     }
+diff --git a/emfio/source/reader/mtftools.cxx b/emfio/source/reader/mtftools.cxx
+index 55fd4dd..e3bbb5f 100644
+--- a/emfio/source/reader/mtftools.cxx
++++ b/emfio/source/reader/mtftools.cxx
+@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ namespace emfio
+         if( rFont.lfStrikeOut )
+             aFont.SetStrikeout( STRIKEOUT_SINGLE );
+-        aFont.SetOrientation( (short)rFont.lfEscapement );
++        aFont.SetOrientation( static_cast<short>(rFont.lfEscapement) );
+         Size aFontSize( Size( rFont.lfWidth, rFont.lfHeight ) );
+         if ( rFont.lfHeight > 0 )
+@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ namespace emfio
+             long nHeight = aMetric.GetAscent() + aMetric.GetDescent();
+             if (nHeight)
+             {
+-                double fHeight = ((double)aFontSize.Height() * rFont.lfHeight ) / nHeight;
+-                aFontSize.Height() = (sal_Int32)( fHeight + 0.5 );
++                double fHeight = (static_cast<double>(aFontSize.Height()) * rFont.lfHeight ) / nHeight;
++                aFontSize.Height() = static_cast<sal_Int32>( fHeight + 0.5 );
+             }
+         }
+@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ namespace emfio
+         sal_uInt32 nColor;
+         mpInputStream->ReadUInt32( nColor );
+-        return Color( (sal_uInt8)nColor, (sal_uInt8)( nColor >> 8 ), (sal_uInt8)( nColor >> 16 ) );
++        return Color( static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nColor), static_cast<sal_uInt8>( nColor >> 8 ), static_cast<sal_uInt8>( nColor >> 16 ) );
+     };
+     Point MtfTools::ImplScale(const Point& rPoint) // Hack to set varying defaults for incompletely defined files.
+@@ -394,8 +394,8 @@ namespace emfio
+                             fY2 *= mnDevHeight;
+                             fX2 += mnDevOrgX;
+                             fY2 += mnDevOrgY;   // fX2, fY2 now in device units
+-                            fX2 *= (double)mnMillX * 100.0 / (double)mnPixX;
+-                            fY2 *= (double)mnMillY * 100.0 / (double)mnPixY;
++                            fX2 *= static_cast<double>(mnMillX) * 100.0 / static_cast<double>(mnPixX);
++                            fY2 *= static_cast<double>(mnMillY) * 100.0 / static_cast<double>(mnPixY);
+                         }
+                     }
+                     break;
+@@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ namespace emfio
+                             fHeight /= mnWinExtY;
+                             fWidth *= mnDevWidth;
+                             fHeight *= mnDevHeight;
+-                            fWidth *= (double)mnMillX * 100.0 / (double)mnPixX;
+-                            fHeight *= (double)mnMillY * 100.0 / (double)mnPixY;
++                            fWidth *= static_cast<double>(mnMillX) * 100.0 / static_cast<double>(mnPixX);
++                            fHeight *= static_cast<double>(mnMillY) * 100.0 / static_cast<double>(mnPixY);
+                         }
+                     }
+                     break;
+@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ namespace emfio
+     {
+         if ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT )
+         {
+-            sal_uInt16 nStockId = (sal_uInt8)nIndex;
++            sal_uInt16 nStockId = static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nIndex);
+             switch( nStockId )
+             {
+                 case WHITE_BRUSH :
+@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ namespace emfio
+             GDIObj *pGDIObj = nullptr;
+-            if ( (sal_uInt32)nIndex < mvGDIObj.size() )
++            if ( static_cast<sal_uInt32>(nIndex) < mvGDIObj.size() )
+                 pGDIObj = mvGDIObj[ nIndex ].get();
+             if ( pGDIObj )
+@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+-            if ( (sal_uInt32)nIndex >= mvGDIObj.size() )
++            if ( static_cast<sal_uInt32>(nIndex) >= mvGDIObj.size() )
+                 ImplResizeObjectArry( nIndex + 16 );
+             mvGDIObj[ nIndex ] = std::move(pObject);
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ namespace emfio
+     {
+         if ( ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT ) == 0 )
+         {
+-            if ( (sal_uInt32)nIndex < mvGDIObj.size() )
++            if ( static_cast<sal_uInt32>(nIndex) < mvGDIObj.size() )
+             {
+                 mvGDIObj[ nIndex ].reset();
+             }
+@@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                 pSave = rSaveList[i].get();
+                 sal_uInt32  nWinRop = pSave->nWinRop;
+-                sal_uInt8   nRasterOperation = (sal_uInt8)( nWinRop >> 16 );
++                sal_uInt8   nRasterOperation = static_cast<sal_uInt8>( nWinRop >> 16 );
+                 sal_uInt32  nUsed =  0;
+                 if ( ( nRasterOperation & 0xf )  != ( nRasterOperation >> 4 ) )
+diff --git a/emfio/source/reader/wmfreader.cxx b/emfio/source/reader/wmfreader.cxx
+index 7a925e7..e20576c 100644
+--- a/emfio/source/reader/wmfreader.cxx
++++ b/emfio/source/reader/wmfreader.cxx
+@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                     mpInputStream->SetError( SVSTREAM_FILEFORMAT_ERROR );
+                     break;
+                 }
+-                ScaleWinExt( (double)nXNum / nXDenom, (double)nYNum / nYDenom );
++                ScaleWinExt( static_cast<double>(nXNum) / nXDenom, static_cast<double>(nYNum) / nYDenom );
+             }
+             break;
+@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                     mpInputStream->SetError( SVSTREAM_FILEFORMAT_ERROR );
+                     break;
+                 }
+-                ScaleDevExt( (double)nXNum / nXDenom, (double)nYNum / nYDenom );
++                ScaleDevExt( static_cast<double>(nXNum) / nXDenom, static_cast<double>(nYNum) / nYDenom );
+             }
+             break;
+@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                         nCount++;
+                     pBmp.reset();
+                 }
+-                Color aColor( (sal_uInt8)( nRed / nCount ), (sal_uInt8)( nGreen / nCount ), (sal_uInt8)( nBlue / nCount ) );
++                Color aColor( static_cast<sal_uInt8>( nRed / nCount ), static_cast<sal_uInt8>( nGreen / nCount ), static_cast<sal_uInt8>( nBlue / nCount ) );
+                 CreateObject(o3tl::make_unique<WinMtfFillStyle>( aColor, false ));
+             }
+             break;
+@@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                                 }
+                             }
+                         }
+-                        else if ( (nNewMagic == static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(0x43464D57)) && (nLen >= 34) && ( (sal_Int32)(nLen + 10) <= (sal_Int32)(mnRecSize * 2) ))
++                        else if ( (nNewMagic == static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(0x43464D57)) && (nLen >= 34) && ( static_cast<sal_Int32>(nLen + 10) <= static_cast<sal_Int32>(mnRecSize * 2) ))
+                         {
+                             sal_uInt32 nComType = 0, nVersion = 0, nFlags = 0, nComRecCount = 0,
+                                        nCurRecSize = 0, nRemainingSize = 0, nEMFTotalSize = 0;
+@@ -1252,8 +1252,8 @@ namespace emfio
+             {
+                 // #n417818#: If we have an external header then overwrite the bounds!
+                 tools::Rectangle aExtRect(0, 0,
+-                    (double)mpExternalHeader->xExt * 567 * mnUnitsPerInch / 1440000,
+-                    (double)mpExternalHeader->yExt * 567 * mnUnitsPerInch / 1440000);
++                    static_cast<double>(mpExternalHeader->xExt) * 567 * mnUnitsPerInch / 1440000,
++                    static_cast<double>(mpExternalHeader->yExt) * 567 * mnUnitsPerInch / 1440000);
+                 aPlaceableBound = aExtRect;
+                 SAL_INFO("vcl.wmf", "External header size "
+cgit v1.1
+From 769ad348b0008d2879333a29a5570e185a9b5937 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Stephan Bergmann <sbergman at redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 09:05:51 +0100
+Subject: More loplugin:cstylecast: emfio
+Change-Id: I52e540bdd8ba0090dec752deb7b1fa5c67ae3c85
+ emfio/source/reader/emfreader.cxx | 2 +-
+ emfio/source/reader/wmfreader.cxx | 4 ++--
+ 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/emfio/source/reader/emfreader.cxx b/emfio/source/reader/emfreader.cxx
+index 8e9b6b5..d1873c7 100644
+--- a/emfio/source/reader/emfreader.cxx
++++ b/emfio/source/reader/emfreader.cxx
+@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                     case EMR_SETROP2 :
+                     {
+                         mpInputStream->ReadUInt32( nDat32 );
+-                        SetRasterOp( (WMFRasterOp)nDat32 );
++                        SetRasterOp( static_cast<WMFRasterOp>(nDat32) );
+                     }
+                     break;
+diff --git a/emfio/source/reader/wmfreader.cxx b/emfio/source/reader/wmfreader.cxx
+index 21f0bd2..5b4353f 100644
+--- a/emfio/source/reader/wmfreader.cxx
++++ b/emfio/source/reader/wmfreader.cxx
+@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ namespace emfio
+             {
+                 sal_uInt16 nROP2 = 0;
+                 mpInputStream->ReadUInt16( nROP2 );
+-                SetRasterOp( (WMFRasterOp)nROP2 );
++                SetRasterOp( static_cast<WMFRasterOp>(nROP2) );
+             }
+             break;
+@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ namespace emfio
+                 WMFRasterOp nOldROP = WMFRasterOp::NONE;
+                 mpInputStream->ReadUInt32( nROP );
+                 Size aSize = ReadYXExt();
+-                nOldROP = SetRasterOp( (WMFRasterOp)nROP );
++                nOldROP = SetRasterOp( static_cast<WMFRasterOp>(nROP) );
+                 DrawRect( tools::Rectangle( ReadYX(), aSize ), false );
+                 SetRasterOp( nOldROP );
+             }
+cgit v1.1

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