[arch-commits] Commit in consul-template/repos (4 files)

Christian Rebischke shibumi at archlinux.org
Mon Mar 12 00:05:07 UTC 2018

    Date: Monday, March 12, 2018 @ 00:04:56
  Author: shibumi
Revision: 306252

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 306251, consul-template/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 306251, consul-template/trunk/consul-template.hcl)
    (from rev 306251, consul-template/trunk/consul-template.service)

 PKGBUILD                |   41 +++++
 consul-template.hcl     |  350 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 consul-template.service |   12 +
 3 files changed, 403 insertions(+)

Copied: consul-template/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 306251, consul-template/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2018-03-12 00:04:56 UTC (rev 306252)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Maintainer: Christian Rebischke <chris.rebischke at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Tyler Langlois <ty |at| tjll |dot| net>
+# Contributor: Tim Meusel <tim at bastelfreak.de>
+pkgdesc='Template rendering, notifier, and supervisor for HashiCorp Consul and Vault data'
+makedepends=('go-pie' 'git')
+optdepends=('consul: interpolate values from a distributed key/value store'
+            'vault: reference secure secrets in template files')
+        "${pkgname}.service"
+        "${pkgname}.hcl")
+            '8b187ff470fb10b47b815b2faaad836ac369071c8ce7e353ec0cbc98e3b1ac2ffc9c892244ac492be1285caa303c4b5fd0a22df3bdb2a037fca1b06c7b24084b'
+            'b2acfbb4bf389b1d95ca9a5f2dfe9be85444c20efdae63f0e6e34d2f33a16ca1d089e6510b6867f74c3b4390a097952ab235c55e4023245e61cc4318622d5674')
+prepare() {
+  export GOPATH="${srcdir}"
+  export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"
+  mkdir -p src/github.com/hashicorp/
+  mv "${pkgname}" src/github.com/hashicorp/
+build() {
+  cd src/github.com/hashicorp/"${pkgname}"
+  go build -o consul-template-binary
+package() {
+  cd src/github.com/hashicorp/"${pkgname}"
+  install -Dm755 consul-template-binary "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/consul-template"
+  install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.hcl" "${pkgdir}/etc/${pkgname}/${pkgname}.hcl"
+  install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/${pkgname}.service"

Copied: consul-template/repos/community-x86_64/consul-template.hcl (from rev 306251, consul-template/trunk/consul-template.hcl)
--- community-x86_64/consul-template.hcl	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/consul-template.hcl	2018-03-12 00:04:56 UTC (rev 306252)
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# This denotes the start of the configuration section for Consul. All values
+# contained in this section pertain to Consul.
+consul {
+  # This block specifies the basic authentication information to pass with the
+  # request. For more information on authentication, please see the Consul
+  # documentation.
+  auth {
+    enabled  = true
+    username = "test"
+    password = "test"
+  }
+  # This is the address of the Consul agent. By default, this is
+  #, which is the default bind and port for a local Consul
+  # agent. It is not recommended that you communicate directly with a Consul
+  # server, and instead communicate with the local Consul agent. There are many
+  # reasons for this, most importantly the Consul agent is able to multiplex
+  # connections to the Consul server and reduce the number of open HTTP
+  # connections. Additionally, it provides a "well-known" IP address for which
+  # clients can connect.
+  address = ""
+  # This is the ACL token to use when connecting to Consul. If you did not
+  # enable ACLs on your Consul cluster, you do not need to set this option.
+  #
+  # This option is also available via the environment variable CONSUL_TOKEN.
+  token = "abcd1234"
+  # This controls the retry behavior when an error is returned from Consul.
+  # Consul Template is highly fault tolerant, meaning it does not exit in the
+  # face of failure. Instead, it uses exponential back-off and retry functions
+  # to wait for the cluster to become available, as is customary in distributed
+  # systems.
+  retry {
+    # This enabled retries. Retries are enabled by default, so this is
+    # redundant.
+    enabled = true
+    # This specifies the number of attempts to make before giving up. Each
+    # attempt adds the exponential backoff sleep time. Setting this to
+    # zero will implement an unlimited number of retries.
+    attempts = 12
+    # This is the base amount of time to sleep between retry attempts. Each
+    # retry sleeps for an exponent of 2 longer than this base. For 5 retries,
+    # the sleep times would be: 250ms, 500ms, 1s, 2s, then 4s.
+    backoff = "250ms"
+    # This is the maximum amount of time to sleep between retry attempts.
+    # When max_backoff is set to zero, there is no upper limit to the
+    # exponential sleep between retry attempts.
+    # If max_backoff is set to 10s and backoff is set to 1s, sleep times
+    # would be: 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 10s, 10s, ...
+    max_backoff = "1m"
+  }
+  # This block configures the SSL options for connecting to the Consul server.
+  ssl {
+    # This enables SSL. Specifying any option for SSL will also enable it.
+    enabled = true
+    # This enables SSL peer verification. The default value is "true", which
+    # will check the global CA chain to make sure the given certificates are
+    # valid. If you are using a self-signed certificate that you have not added
+    # to the CA chain, you may want to disable SSL verification. However, please
+    # understand this is a potential security vulnerability.
+    verify = false
+    # This is the path to the certificate to use to authenticate. If just a
+    # certificate is provided, it is assumed to contain both the certificate and
+    # the key to convert to an X509 certificate. If both the certificate and
+    # key are specified, Consul Template will automatically combine them into an
+    # X509 certificate for you.
+    cert = "/path/to/client/cert"
+    key  = "/path/to/client/key"
+    # This is the path to the certificate authority to use as a CA. This is
+    # useful for self-signed certificates or for organizations using their own
+    # internal certificate authority.
+    ca_cert = "/path/to/ca"
+    # This is the path to a directory of PEM-encoded CA cert files. If both
+    # `ca_cert` and `ca_path` is specified, `ca_cert` is preferred.
+    ca_path = "path/to/certs/"
+    # This sets the SNI server name to use for validation.
+    server_name = "my-server.com"
+  }
+# This is the signal to listen for to trigger a reload event. The default
+# value is shown below. Setting this value to the empty string will cause CT
+# to not listen for any reload signals.
+reload_signal = "SIGHUP"
+# This is the signal to listen for to trigger a graceful stop. The default
+# value is shown below. Setting this value to the empty string will cause CT
+# to not listen for any graceful stop signals.
+kill_signal = "SIGINT"
+# This is the maximum interval to allow "stale" data. By default, only the
+# Consul leader will respond to queries; any requests to a follower will
+# forward to the leader. In large clusters with many requests, this is not as
+# scalable, so this option allows any follower to respond to a query, so long
+# as the last-replicated data is within these bounds. Higher values result in
+# less cluster load, but are more likely to have outdated data.
+max_stale = "10m"
+# This is the log level. If you find a bug in Consul Template, please enable
+# debug logs so we can help identify the issue. This is also available as a
+# command line flag.
+log_level = "warn"
+# This is the path to store a PID file which will contain the process ID of the
+# Consul Template process. This is useful if you plan to send custom signals
+# to the process.
+pid_file = "/path/to/pid"
+# This is the quiescence timers; it defines the minimum and maximum amount of
+# time to wait for the cluster to reach a consistent state before rendering a
+# template. This is useful to enable in systems that have a lot of flapping,
+# because it will reduce the the number of times a template is rendered.
+wait {
+  min = "5s"
+  max = "10s"
+# This denotes the start of the configuration section for Vault. All values
+# contained in this section pertain to Vault.
+vault {
+  # This is the address of the Vault leader. The protocol (http(s)) portion
+  # of the address is required.
+  address = "https://vault.service.consul:8200"
+  # This is the grace period between lease renewal of periodic secrets and secret
+  # re-acquisition. When renewing a secret, if the remaining lease is less than or
+  # equal to the configured grace, Consul Template will request a new credential.
+  # This prevents Vault from revoking the credential at expiration and Consul
+  # Template having a stale credential.
+  #
+  # Note: If you set this to a value that is higher than your default TTL or
+  # max TTL, Consul Template will always read a new secret!
+  grace = "5m"
+  # This is the token to use when communicating with the Vault server.
+  # Like other tools that integrate with Vault, Consul Template makes the
+  # assumption that you provide it with a Vault token; it does not have the
+  # incorporated logic to generate tokens via Vault's auth methods.
+  #
+  # This value can also be specified via the environment variable VAULT_TOKEN.
+  token = "abcd1234"
+  # This tells Consul Template that the provided token is actually a wrapped
+  # token that should be unwrapped using Vault's cubbyhole response wrapping
+  # before being used. Please see Vault's cubbyhole response wrapping
+  # documentation for more information.
+  unwrap_token = true
+  # This option tells Consul Template to automatically renew the Vault token
+  # given. If you are unfamiliar with Vault's architecture, Vault requires
+  # tokens be renewed at some regular interval or they will be revoked. Consul
+  # Template will automatically renew the token at half the lease duration of
+  # the token. The default value is true, but this option can be disabled if
+  # you want to renew the Vault token using an out-of-band process.
+  #
+  # Note that secrets specified in a template (using {{secret}} for example)
+  # are always renewed, even if this option is set to false. This option only
+  # applies to the top-level Vault token itself.
+  renew_token = true
+  # This section details the retry options for connecting to Vault. Please see
+  # the retry options in the Consul section for more information (they are the
+  # same).
+  retry {
+    # ...
+  }
+  # This section details the SSL options for connecting to the Vault server.
+  # Please see the SSL options in the Consul section for more information (they
+  # are the same).
+  ssl {
+    # ...
+  }
+# This block defines the configuration for connecting to a syslog server for
+# logging.
+syslog {
+  # This enables syslog logging. Specifying any other option also enables
+  # syslog logging.
+  enabled = true
+  # This is the name of the syslog facility to log to.
+  facility = "LOCAL5"
+# This block defines the configuration for de-duplication mode. Please see the
+# de-duplication mode documentation later in the README for more information
+# on how de-duplication mode operates.
+deduplicate {
+  # This enables de-duplication mode. Specifying any other options also enables
+  # de-duplication mode.
+  enabled = true
+  # This is the prefix to the path in Consul's KV store where de-duplication
+  # templates will be pre-rendered and stored.
+  prefix = "consul-template/dedup/"
+# This block defines the configuration for exec mode. Please see the exec mode
+# documentation at the bottom of this README for more information on how exec
+# mode operates and the caveats of this mode.
+exec {
+  # This is the command to exec as a child process. There can be only one
+  # command per Consul Template process.
+  command = "/usr/bin/app"
+  # This is a random splay to wait before killing the command. The default
+  # value is 0 (no wait), but large clusters should consider setting a splay
+  # value to prevent all child processes from reloading at the same time when
+  # data changes occur. When this value is set to non-zero, Consul Template
+  # will wait a random period of time up to the splay value before reloading
+  # or killing the child process. This can be used to prevent the thundering
+  # herd problem on applications that do not gracefully reload.
+  splay = "5s"
+  env {
+    # This specifies if the child process should not inherit the parent
+    # process's environment. By default, the child will have full access to the
+    # environment variables of the parent. Setting this to true will send only
+    # the values specified in `custom_env` to the child process.
+    pristine = false
+    # This specifies additional custom environment variables in the form shown
+    # below to inject into the child's runtime environment. If a custom
+    # environment variable shares its name with a system environment variable,
+    # the custom environment variable takes precedence. Even if pristine,
+    # whitelist, or blacklist is specified, all values in this option
+    # are given to the child process.
+    custom = ["PATH=$PATH:/etc/myapp/bin"]
+    # This specifies a list of environment variables to exclusively include in
+    # the list of environment variables exposed to the child process. If
+    # specified, only those environment variables matching the given patterns
+    # are exposed to the child process. These strings are matched using Go's
+    # glob function, so wildcards are permitted.
+    whitelist = ["CONSUL_*"]
+    # This specifies a list of environment variables to exclusively prohibit in
+    # the list of environment variables exposed to the child process. If
+    # specified, any environment variables matching the given patterns will not
+    # be exposed to the child process, even if they are whitelisted. The values
+    # in this option take precedence over the values in the whitelist.
+    # These strings are matched using Go's glob function, so wildcards are
+    # permitted.
+    blacklist = ["VAULT_*"]
+  }
+  # This defines the signal that will be sent to the child process when a
+  # change occurs in a watched template. The signal will only be sent after the
+  # process is started, and the process will only be started after all
+  # dependent templates have been rendered at least once. The default value is
+  # nil, which tells Consul Template to stop the child process and spawn a new
+  # one instead of sending it a signal. This is useful for legacy applications
+  # or applications that cannot properly reload their configuration without a
+  # full reload.
+  reload_signal = ""
+  # This defines the signal sent to the child process when Consul Template is
+  # gracefully shutting down. The application should begin a graceful cleanup.
+  # If the application does not terminate before the `kill_timeout`, it will
+  # be terminated (effectively "kill -9"). The default value is "SIGTERM".
+  kill_signal = "SIGINT"
+  # This defines the amount of time to wait for the child process to gracefully
+  # terminate when Consul Template exits. After this specified time, the child
+  # process will be force-killed (effectively "kill -9"). The default value is
+  # "30s".
+  kill_timeout = "2s"
+# This block defines the configuration for a template. Unlike other blocks,
+# this block may be specified multiple times to configure multiple templates.
+# It is also possible to configure templates via the CLI directly.
+template {
+  # This is the source file on disk to use as the input template. This is often
+  # called the "Consul Template template". This option is required if not using
+  # the `contents` option.
+  source = "/path/on/disk/to/template.ctmpl"
+  # This is the destination path on disk where the source template will render.
+  # If the parent directories do not exist, Consul Template will attempt to
+  # create them, unless create_dest_dirs is false.
+  destination = "/path/on/disk/where/template/will/render.txt"
+  # This options tells Consul Template to create the parent directories of the
+  # destination path if they do not exist. The default value is true.
+  create_dest_dirs = true
+  # This option allows embedding the contents of a template in the configuration
+  # file rather then supplying the `source` path to the template file. This is
+  # useful for short templates. This option is mutually exclusive with the
+  # `source` option.
+  contents = "{{ keyOrDefault \"service/redis/maxconns at east-aws\" \"5\" }}"
+  # This is the optional command to run when the template is rendered. The
+  # command will only run if the resulting template changes. The command must
+  # return within 30s (configurable), and it must have a successful exit code.
+  # Consul Template is not a replacement for a process monitor or init system.
+  command = "restart service foo"
+  # This is the maximum amount of time to wait for the optional command to
+  # return. Default is 30s.
+  command_timeout = "60s"
+  # Exit with an error when accessing a struct or map field/key that does not
+  # exist. The default behavior will print "<no value>" when accessing a field
+  # that does not exist. It is highly recommended you set this to "true" when
+  # retrieving secrets from Vault.
+  error_on_missing_key = false
+  # This is the permission to render the file. If this option is left
+  # unspecified, Consul Template will attempt to match the permissions of the
+  # file that already exists at the destination path. If no file exists at that
+  # path, the permissions are 0644.
+  perms = 0600
+  # This option backs up the previously rendered template at the destination
+  # path before writing a new one. It keeps exactly one backup. This option is
+  # useful for preventing accidental changes to the data without having a
+  # rollback strategy.
+  backup = true
+  # These are the delimiters to use in the template. The default is "{{" and
+  # "}}", but for some templates, it may be easier to use a different delimiter
+  # that does not conflict with the output file itself.
+  left_delimiter  = "{{"
+  right_delimiter = "}}"
+  # This is the `minimum(:maximum)` to wait before rendering a new template to
+  # disk and triggering a command, separated by a colon (`:`). If the optional
+  # maximum value is omitted, it is assumed to be 4x the required minimum value.
+  # This is a numeric time with a unit suffix ("5s"). There is no default value.
+  # The wait value for a template takes precedence over any globally-configured
+  # wait.
+  wait {
+    min = "2s"
+    max = "10s"
+  }

Copied: consul-template/repos/community-x86_64/consul-template.service (from rev 306251, consul-template/trunk/consul-template.service)
--- community-x86_64/consul-template.service	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-x86_64/consul-template.service	2018-03-12 00:04:56 UTC (rev 306252)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Description=template rendering, notifier, and supervisor for HashiCorp Consul and Vault data
+After=vault.service consul.service
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/consul-template -config /etc/consul-template/config.hcl
+ExecReload=/usr/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

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