[arch-commits] Commit in qt5-base/repos/extra-x86_64 (8 files)

Antonio Rojas arojas at archlinux.org
Mon Mar 12 13:28:56 UTC 2018

    Date: Monday, March 12, 2018 @ 13:28:56
  Author: arojas
Revision: 318748

archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64

    (from rev 318747, qt5-base/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 318747, qt5-base/trunk/qtbug-65478.patch)
    (from rev 318747, qt5-base/trunk/rebuild.list)
    (from rev 318747, qt5-base/trunk/revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch)

 PKGBUILD                                                     |  250 +++++-----
 qtbug-65478.patch                                            |   62 +-
 rebuild.list                                                 |   50 +-
 revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch |  142 ++---
 4 files changed, 254 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2018-03-12 13:28:21 UTC (rev 318747)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-03-12 13:28:56 UTC (rev 318748)
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Felix Yan <felixonmars at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
-pkgname=(qt5-base qt5-xcb-private-headers)
-license=('GPL3' 'LGPL3' 'FDL' 'custom')
-pkgdesc='A cross-platform application and UI framework'
-depends=('libjpeg-turbo' 'xcb-util-keysyms' 'xcb-util-renderutil' 'libgl' 'fontconfig' 'xdg-utils'
-         'xcb-util-wm' 'libxrender' 'libxi' 'sqlite' 'xcb-util-image' 'icu' 'pcre2'
-         'tslib' 'libinput' 'libsm' 'libxkbcommon-x11' 'libproxy' 'libcups' 'double-conversion')
-makedepends=('libfbclient' 'libmariadbclient' 'sqlite' 'unixodbc' 'postgresql-libs' 'alsa-lib' 'gst-plugins-base-libs'
-             'gtk3' 'libpulse' 'cups' 'freetds' 'vulkan-headers')
-optdepends=('qt5-svg: to use SVG icon themes'
-            'postgresql-libs: PostgreSQL driver'
-            'libmariadbclient: MariaDB driver'
-            'unixodbc: ODBC driver'
-            'libfbclient: Firebird/iBase driver'
-            'freetds: MS SQL driver'
-            'gtk3: GTK platform plugin')
-groups=('qt' 'qt5')
-        revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch
-        qtbug-65478.patch
-        qheaderview-restore.patch::"https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/patch/?id=4a04eea4")
-            '7161ea5747500dc9666f8d185f4b8e538799fc0aef574e577277747100ac4763'
-            'b2e8cb06c60be7de31a984c4cfc9ab85c9e2d08c1a3d93136f193735b43600c6'
-            '3a1016cbf8c3c4676e6fc406756ffa5a151ffe09153dfc0fa7ed3c16945b0ae5')
-prepare() {
-  cd ${_pkgfqn}
-  # Build qmake using Arch {C,LD}FLAGS
-  # This also sets default {C,CXX,LD}FLAGS for projects built using qmake
-  sed -i -e "s|^\(QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE.*\)|\1 ${CFLAGS}|" \
-    mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf
-  sed -i -e "s|^\(QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE.*\)|\1 ${LDFLAGS}|" \
-    mkspecs/common/g++-unix.conf
-  # Use python2 for Python 2.x
-  find . -name '*.py' -exec sed -i \
-    's|#![ ]*/usr/bin/python$|&2|;s|#![ ]*/usr/bin/env python$|&2|' {} +
-  # Fix missing private includes https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-37417
-  sed -e '/CMAKE_NO_PRIVATE_INCLUDES\ \=\ true/d' -i mkspecs/features/create_cmake.prf
-  # Revert upstream commit which breaks some Deepin components (FS#57531)
-  # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-66226
-  patch -Np1 -i ../revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch
-  # Fix kexi crash at startup http://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-65478
-  patch -p1 -i ../qtbug-65478.patch
-  # Fix restoring column status in kmail and ksysguard
-  patch -p1 -i ../qheaderview-restore.patch
-build() {
-  cd ${_pkgfqn}
-  PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 ./configure -confirm-license -opensource -v \
-    -prefix /usr \
-    -docdir /usr/share/doc/qt \
-    -headerdir /usr/include/qt \
-    -archdatadir /usr/lib/qt \
-    -datadir /usr/share/qt \
-    -sysconfdir /etc/xdg \
-    -examplesdir /usr/share/doc/qt/examples \
-    -plugin-sql-{psql,mysql,sqlite,odbc,ibase} \
-    -system-sqlite \
-    -openssl-linked \
-    -nomake examples \
-    -no-rpath \
-    -optimized-qmake \
-    -dbus-linked \
-    -system-harfbuzz \
-    -journald \
-    -no-use-gold-linker \
-    -reduce-relocations
-  make
-package_qt5-base() {
-  pkgdesc='A cross-platform application and UI framework'
-  cd ${_pkgfqn}
-  make INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}" install
-  install -D -m644 LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt \
-    "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgbase}/LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt
-  # Drop QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR because reference the build dir
-  find "${pkgdir}/usr/lib" -type f -name '*.prl' \
-    -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d' {} \;
-  # Fix wrong qmake path in pri file
-  sed -i "s|${srcdir}/${_pkgfqn}|/usr|" \
-    "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/qt/mkspecs/modules/qt_lib_bootstrap_private.pri
-  # Symlinks for backwards compatibility
-  for b in "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/*; do
-    ln -s /usr/bin/$(basename $b) "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/$(basename $b)-qt5
-  done
-package_qt5-xcb-private-headers() {
-  pkgdesc='Private headers for Qt5 Xcb'
-  depends=("qt5-base=$pkgver")
-  optdepends=()
-  groups=()
-  conflicts=()
-  cd ${_pkgfqn}
-  install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/usr/include/qtxcb-private
-  cp -r src/plugins/platforms/xcb/*.h "$pkgdir"/usr/include/qtxcb-private/

Copied: qt5-base/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 318747, qt5-base/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-03-12 13:28:56 UTC (rev 318748)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Felix Yan <felixonmars at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
+pkgname=(qt5-base qt5-xcb-private-headers)
+license=('GPL3' 'LGPL3' 'FDL' 'custom')
+pkgdesc='A cross-platform application and UI framework'
+depends=('libjpeg-turbo' 'xcb-util-keysyms' 'xcb-util-renderutil' 'libgl' 'fontconfig' 'xdg-utils'
+         'xcb-util-wm' 'libxrender' 'libxi' 'sqlite' 'xcb-util-image' 'icu' 'pcre2'
+         'tslib' 'libinput' 'libsm' 'libxkbcommon-x11' 'libproxy' 'libcups' 'double-conversion')
+makedepends=('libfbclient' 'libmariadbclient' 'sqlite' 'unixodbc' 'postgresql-libs' 'alsa-lib' 'gst-plugins-base-libs'
+             'gtk3' 'libpulse' 'cups' 'freetds' 'vulkan-validation-layers')
+optdepends=('qt5-svg: to use SVG icon themes'
+            'postgresql-libs: PostgreSQL driver'
+            'libmariadbclient: MariaDB driver'
+            'unixodbc: ODBC driver'
+            'libfbclient: Firebird/iBase driver'
+            'freetds: MS SQL driver'
+            'gtk3: GTK platform plugin')
+groups=('qt' 'qt5')
+        revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch
+        qtbug-65478.patch
+        qheaderview-restore.patch::"https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/patch/?id=4a04eea4"
+        qtbug-66444.patch::"https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/patch/?id=9395f35c")
+            '7161ea5747500dc9666f8d185f4b8e538799fc0aef574e577277747100ac4763'
+            'b2e8cb06c60be7de31a984c4cfc9ab85c9e2d08c1a3d93136f193735b43600c6'
+            '3a1016cbf8c3c4676e6fc406756ffa5a151ffe09153dfc0fa7ed3c16945b0ae5'
+            '88766a7b73a03e1219800c8fdc56afbf23b15d16cc61c4d77547b1fd2404ea6e')
+prepare() {
+  cd ${_pkgfqn}
+  # Build qmake using Arch {C,LD}FLAGS
+  # This also sets default {C,CXX,LD}FLAGS for projects built using qmake
+  sed -i -e "s|^\(QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE.*\)|\1 ${CFLAGS}|" \
+    mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf
+  sed -i -e "s|^\(QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE.*\)|\1 ${LDFLAGS}|" \
+    mkspecs/common/g++-unix.conf
+  # Use python2 for Python 2.x
+  find . -name '*.py' -exec sed -i \
+    's|#![ ]*/usr/bin/python$|&2|;s|#![ ]*/usr/bin/env python$|&2|' {} +
+  # Fix missing private includes https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-37417
+  sed -e '/CMAKE_NO_PRIVATE_INCLUDES\ \=\ true/d' -i mkspecs/features/create_cmake.prf
+  # Revert upstream commit which breaks some Deepin components (FS#57531)
+  # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-66226
+  patch -Np1 -i ../revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch
+  # Fix kexi crash at startup http://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-65478
+  patch -p1 -i ../qtbug-65478.patch
+  # Fix restoring column status in kmail and ksysguard
+  patch -p1 -i ../qheaderview-restore.patch
+  # Fix QHeaderView regression https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-66444
+  patch -p1 -i ../qtbug-66444.patch
+build() {
+  cd ${_pkgfqn}
+  PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2 ./configure -confirm-license -opensource -v \
+    -prefix /usr \
+    -docdir /usr/share/doc/qt \
+    -headerdir /usr/include/qt \
+    -archdatadir /usr/lib/qt \
+    -datadir /usr/share/qt \
+    -sysconfdir /etc/xdg \
+    -examplesdir /usr/share/doc/qt/examples \
+    -plugin-sql-{psql,mysql,sqlite,odbc,ibase} \
+    -system-sqlite \
+    -openssl-linked \
+    -nomake examples \
+    -no-rpath \
+    -optimized-qmake \
+    -dbus-linked \
+    -system-harfbuzz \
+    -journald \
+    -no-use-gold-linker \
+    -reduce-relocations
+  make
+package_qt5-base() {
+  pkgdesc='A cross-platform application and UI framework'
+  cd ${_pkgfqn}
+  make INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}" install
+  install -D -m644 LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt \
+    "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgbase}/LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt
+  # Drop QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR because reference the build dir
+  find "${pkgdir}/usr/lib" -type f -name '*.prl' \
+    -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d' {} \;
+  # Fix wrong qmake path in pri file
+  sed -i "s|${srcdir}/${_pkgfqn}|/usr|" \
+    "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/qt/mkspecs/modules/qt_lib_bootstrap_private.pri
+  # Symlinks for backwards compatibility
+  for b in "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/*; do
+    ln -s /usr/bin/$(basename $b) "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/$(basename $b)-qt5
+  done
+package_qt5-xcb-private-headers() {
+  pkgdesc='Private headers for Qt5 Xcb'
+  depends=("qt5-base=$pkgver")
+  optdepends=()
+  groups=()
+  conflicts=()
+  cd ${_pkgfqn}
+  install -d -m755 "$pkgdir"/usr/include/qtxcb-private
+  cp -r src/plugins/platforms/xcb/*.h "$pkgdir"/usr/include/qtxcb-private/

Deleted: qtbug-65478.patch
--- qtbug-65478.patch	2018-03-12 13:28:21 UTC (rev 318747)
+++ qtbug-65478.patch	2018-03-12 13:28:56 UTC (rev 318748)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From e8425f9e52c9df0ce0fbf122adff3ef6930f9961 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Thorbj=C3=B8rn=20Lund=20Martsum?= <tmartsum at gmail.com>
-Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2018 09:23:54 +0100
-Subject: QHeaderView: Fix crash in layout about to change
-Before there was a risk looking up e.g index -1 if there
-were no visible sections in layoutAboutToChange.
-Change-Id: Ic911e4292e8e8c4892fef1c0f34cf7dccaad2bac
-Task-number: QTBUG-65478
-Reviewed-by: David Faure <david.faure at kdab.com>
-diff --git a/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp b/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp
-index 26d7c5472a..708b9b44ca 100644
---- a/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp
-+++ b/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp
-@@ -2163,9 +2163,11 @@ void QHeaderViewPrivate::_q_sectionsAboutToBeChanged()
-     layoutChangePersistentSections.clear();
-     layoutChangePersistentSections.reserve(std::min(10, sectionItems.count()));
-     // after layoutChanged another section can be last stretched section
--    if (stretchLastSection) {
-+    if (stretchLastSection && lastSectionLogicalIdx >= 0 && lastSectionLogicalIdx < sectionItems.count()) {
-         const int visual = visualIndex(lastSectionLogicalIdx);
--        sectionItems[visual].size = lastSectionSize;
-+        if (visual >= 0 && visual < sectionItems.size()) {
-+            sectionItems[visual].size = lastSectionSize;
-+        }
-     }
-     for (int i = 0; i < sectionItems.size(); ++i) {
-         auto s = sectionItems.at(i);

Copied: qt5-base/repos/extra-x86_64/qtbug-65478.patch (from rev 318747, qt5-base/trunk/qtbug-65478.patch)
--- qtbug-65478.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ qtbug-65478.patch	2018-03-12 13:28:56 UTC (rev 318748)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From e8425f9e52c9df0ce0fbf122adff3ef6930f9961 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Thorbj=C3=B8rn=20Lund=20Martsum?= <tmartsum at gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2018 09:23:54 +0100
+Subject: QHeaderView: Fix crash in layout about to change
+Before there was a risk looking up e.g index -1 if there
+were no visible sections in layoutAboutToChange.
+Change-Id: Ic911e4292e8e8c4892fef1c0f34cf7dccaad2bac
+Task-number: QTBUG-65478
+Reviewed-by: David Faure <david.faure at kdab.com>
+diff --git a/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp b/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp
+index 26d7c5472a..708b9b44ca 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/itemviews/qheaderview.cpp
+@@ -2163,9 +2163,11 @@ void QHeaderViewPrivate::_q_sectionsAboutToBeChanged()
+     layoutChangePersistentSections.clear();
+     layoutChangePersistentSections.reserve(std::min(10, sectionItems.count()));
+     // after layoutChanged another section can be last stretched section
+-    if (stretchLastSection) {
++    if (stretchLastSection && lastSectionLogicalIdx >= 0 && lastSectionLogicalIdx < sectionItems.count()) {
+         const int visual = visualIndex(lastSectionLogicalIdx);
+-        sectionItems[visual].size = lastSectionSize;
++        if (visual >= 0 && visual < sectionItems.size()) {
++            sectionItems[visual].size = lastSectionSize;
++        }
+     }
+     for (int i = 0; i < sectionItems.size(); ++i) {
+         auto s = sectionItems.at(i);

Deleted: rebuild.list
--- rebuild.list	2018-03-12 13:28:21 UTC (rev 318747)
+++ rebuild.list	2018-03-12 13:28:56 UTC (rev 318748)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-### Rebuild only for minor version updates
-### Rebuild for minor and patch version updates

Copied: qt5-base/repos/extra-x86_64/rebuild.list (from rev 318747, qt5-base/trunk/rebuild.list)
--- rebuild.list	                        (rev 0)
+++ rebuild.list	2018-03-12 13:28:56 UTC (rev 318748)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+### Rebuild only for minor version updates
+### Rebuild for minor and patch version updates

Deleted: revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch
--- revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch	2018-03-12 13:28:21 UTC (rev 318747)
+++ revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch	2018-03-12 13:28:56 UTC (rev 318748)
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-From f4bc1f620727366b6a977b106cc68fade95ef426 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
-Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2018 04:20:20 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Set sharedPainter correctly for QGraphicsEffect"
-This reverts commit 7257862fb2edfab0219d6cd45c83677049404f7d.
- src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp                      |  4 ++--
- .../effects/qgraphicseffect/tst_qgraphicseffect.cpp | 21 ---------------------
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp
-index a973bee2cd..256c77e5a0 100644
---- a/src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp
-+++ b/src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp
-@@ -5482,11 +5482,11 @@ void QWidgetPrivate::drawWidget(QPaintDevice *pdev, const QRegion &rgn, const QP
-                 setSystemClip(pdev->paintEngine(), pdev->devicePixelRatioF(), rgn.translated(offset));
-                 QPainter p(pdev);
-                 p.translate(offset);
--                context.painter = context.sharedPainter = &p;
-+                context.painter = &p;
-                 graphicsEffect->draw(&p);
-                 setSystemClip(pdev->paintEngine(), 1, QRegion());
-             } else {
--                context.painter = context.sharedPainter = sharedPainter;
-+                context.painter = sharedPainter;
-                 if (sharedPainter->worldTransform() != sourced->lastEffectTransform) {
-                     sourced->invalidateCache();
-                     sourced->lastEffectTransform = sharedPainter->worldTransform();
-diff --git a/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect/tst_qgraphicseffect.cpp b/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect/tst_qgraphicseffect.cpp
-index dfe5baba71..a1cb729849 100644
---- a/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect/tst_qgraphicseffect.cpp
-+++ b/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect/tst_qgraphicseffect.cpp
-@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ private slots:
-     void boundingRect2();
-     void draw();
-     void opacity();
--    void nestedOpaqueOpacity();
-     void grayscale();
-     void colorize();
-     void drawPixmapItem();
-@@ -408,26 +407,6 @@ void tst_QGraphicsEffect::opacity()
-     QCOMPARE(effect->m_opacity, qreal(0.5));
- }
--void tst_QGraphicsEffect::nestedOpaqueOpacity()
--    // QTBUG-60231: Nesting widgets with a QGraphicsEffect on a toplevel with
--    // QGraphicsOpacityEffect caused crashes due to constructing several
--    // QPainter instances on a device in the fast path for
--    // QGraphicsOpacityEffect::opacity=1
--    QWidget topLevel;
--    topLevel.setWindowTitle(QTest::currentTestFunction());
--    topLevel.resize(320, 200);
--    QGraphicsOpacityEffect *opacityEffect = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect;
--    opacityEffect->setOpacity(1);
--    topLevel.setGraphicsEffect(opacityEffect);
--    QWidget *child = new QWidget(&topLevel);
--    child->resize(topLevel.size() / 2);
--    QGraphicsDropShadowEffect *childEffect = new QGraphicsDropShadowEffect;
--    child->setGraphicsEffect(childEffect);
--    topLevel.show();
--    QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&topLevel));
- void tst_QGraphicsEffect::grayscale()
- {
-     if (qApp->desktop()->depth() < 24)

Copied: qt5-base/repos/extra-x86_64/revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch (from rev 318747, qt5-base/trunk/revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch)
--- revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ revert-Set-sharedPainter-correctly-for-QGraphicsEffect.patch	2018-03-12 13:28:56 UTC (rev 318748)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+From f4bc1f620727366b6a977b106cc68fade95ef426 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
+Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2018 04:20:20 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Set sharedPainter correctly for QGraphicsEffect"
+This reverts commit 7257862fb2edfab0219d6cd45c83677049404f7d.
+ src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp                      |  4 ++--
+ .../effects/qgraphicseffect/tst_qgraphicseffect.cpp | 21 ---------------------
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp b/src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp
+index a973bee2cd..256c77e5a0 100644
+--- a/src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/widgets/kernel/qwidget.cpp
+@@ -5482,11 +5482,11 @@ void QWidgetPrivate::drawWidget(QPaintDevice *pdev, const QRegion &rgn, const QP
+                 setSystemClip(pdev->paintEngine(), pdev->devicePixelRatioF(), rgn.translated(offset));
+                 QPainter p(pdev);
+                 p.translate(offset);
+-                context.painter = context.sharedPainter = &p;
++                context.painter = &p;
+                 graphicsEffect->draw(&p);
+                 setSystemClip(pdev->paintEngine(), 1, QRegion());
+             } else {
+-                context.painter = context.sharedPainter = sharedPainter;
++                context.painter = sharedPainter;
+                 if (sharedPainter->worldTransform() != sourced->lastEffectTransform) {
+                     sourced->invalidateCache();
+                     sourced->lastEffectTransform = sharedPainter->worldTransform();
+diff --git a/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect/tst_qgraphicseffect.cpp b/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect/tst_qgraphicseffect.cpp
+index dfe5baba71..a1cb729849 100644
+--- a/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect/tst_qgraphicseffect.cpp
++++ b/tests/auto/widgets/effects/qgraphicseffect/tst_qgraphicseffect.cpp
+@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ private slots:
+     void boundingRect2();
+     void draw();
+     void opacity();
+-    void nestedOpaqueOpacity();
+     void grayscale();
+     void colorize();
+     void drawPixmapItem();
+@@ -408,26 +407,6 @@ void tst_QGraphicsEffect::opacity()
+     QCOMPARE(effect->m_opacity, qreal(0.5));
+ }
+-void tst_QGraphicsEffect::nestedOpaqueOpacity()
+-    // QTBUG-60231: Nesting widgets with a QGraphicsEffect on a toplevel with
+-    // QGraphicsOpacityEffect caused crashes due to constructing several
+-    // QPainter instances on a device in the fast path for
+-    // QGraphicsOpacityEffect::opacity=1
+-    QWidget topLevel;
+-    topLevel.setWindowTitle(QTest::currentTestFunction());
+-    topLevel.resize(320, 200);
+-    QGraphicsOpacityEffect *opacityEffect = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect;
+-    opacityEffect->setOpacity(1);
+-    topLevel.setGraphicsEffect(opacityEffect);
+-    QWidget *child = new QWidget(&topLevel);
+-    child->resize(topLevel.size() / 2);
+-    QGraphicsDropShadowEffect *childEffect = new QGraphicsDropShadowEffect;
+-    child->setGraphicsEffect(childEffect);
+-    topLevel.show();
+-    QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(&topLevel));
+ void tst_QGraphicsEffect::grayscale()
+ {
+     if (qApp->desktop()->depth() < 24)

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