[arch-commits] Commit in ghostscript/trunk (2 files)

Andreas Radke andyrtr at archlinux.org
Tue Nov 20 20:09:09 UTC 2018

    Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 @ 20:09:08
  Author: andyrtr
Revision: 340161

upgpkg: ghostscript 9.26-1

upstream update 9.26


 PKGBUILD                                |   14 
 ghostscript-9.25-security_fixes-2.patch |  994 ------------------------------
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1004 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2018-11-20 18:58:30 UTC (rev 340160)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-11-20 20:09:08 UTC (rev 340161)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 pkgname=(ghostscript ghostxps ghostpcl)
 pkgdesc="An interpreter for the PostScript language"
@@ -12,18 +12,12 @@
          'libtiff' 'lcms2' 'dbus' 'libpaper' 'ijs' 'openjpeg2' 'libidn')
 makedepends=('gtk3' 'gnutls' 'glu' 'freeglut')
 # https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases
-        ghostscript-9.25-security_fixes-2.patch)
-            'f3d225a913780364df04588ba08afb9a9547082a801ad23ff3429e117c6c9f511c4c0f35c464710c7d503fa8b80c3a2cbc77bf50bf0c2e846db2a6ec15f77e2e')
 prepare() {
   cd ghostpdl-${pkgver}
-  # patch taken from LFS
-  # https://seclists.org/oss-sec/2018/q4/79
-  patch -Np1 -i ../ghostscript-9.25-security_fixes-2.patch
   # force it to use system-libs
   rm -r cups/libs expat ijs jbig2dec jpeg lcms2mt libpng openjpeg tiff zlib
   # using tree freetype because of https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/56849

Deleted: ghostscript-9.25-security_fixes-2.patch
--- ghostscript-9.25-security_fixes-2.patch	2018-11-20 18:58:30 UTC (rev 340160)
+++ ghostscript-9.25-security_fixes-2.patch	2018-11-20 20:09:08 UTC (rev 340161)
@@ -1,994 +0,0 @@
-Submitted By: Ken Moffat <ken at linuxfromscratch dot org>
-Date: 2018-10-21
-Initial Package Version: 9.25
-Upstream Status: Applied
-Origin: Upstream
-Description: Fixes another -dSAFER sandbox escape, probably in all
-all versions still in use.  This is exploitable from e.g. gimp,
-evince, and probably from some other applications which can use
-postscript files.  And add further updates to fix a vulnerability
-which can be exploited by malformed PDF files.
-Now tested, but I'll leave my notes below, because I was not really
-sure about which of the many commits could be ignored, and thought
-it best to keep a note of all the gory details.
-Commits added (from http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git) with notes:
-7c3e7ee to help applying 34cc326
-c76bf1c ditto
-f8ccc7d again for help in applying 34cc326, -ve offsets in gs_init
-a54c9e6 fix, failures in gs_fonts.ps manually fixed up, looks like
-        maybe a partial reversal of xsome earlier change
-a5a9bf8 -ve offsets in gs_fonts.ps
-34cc326 -ve offsets in gs_init.ps
-8d19fdf -ve offsets in gs_fonts.ps, gs_init.ps, gs_setpd.ps
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/base/gdevdflt.c ghostscript-9.25-1/base/gdevdflt.c
---- ghostscript-9.25/base/gdevdflt.c	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/base/gdevdflt.c	2018-10-19 23:12:55.395883189 +0100
-@@ -1044,6 +1044,11 @@
-                 dev_param_req_t *request = (dev_param_req_t *)data;
-                 return gx_default_get_param(pdev, request->Param, request->list);
-             }
-+        case gxdso_current_output_device:
-+            {
-+                *(gx_device **)data = pdev;
-+                return 0;
-+            }
-     }
-     return_error(gs_error_undefined);
- }
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/base/gxdevsop.h ghostscript-9.25-1/base/gxdevsop.h
---- ghostscript-9.25/base/gxdevsop.h	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/base/gxdevsop.h	2018-10-19 23:12:55.395883189 +0100
-@@ -327,6 +327,10 @@
-     gxdso_JPEG_passthrough_data,
-     gxdso_JPEG_passthrough_end,
-     gxdso_supports_iccpostrender,
-+    /* Retrieve the last device in a device chain
-+       (either forwarding or subclass devices).
-+     */
-+    gxdso_current_output_device,
-     /* Add new gxdso_ keys above this. */
-     gxdso_pattern__LAST
- };
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/psi/interp.c ghostscript-9.25-1/psi/interp.c
---- ghostscript-9.25/psi/interp.c	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/psi/interp.c	2018-10-20 01:32:43.867083905 +0100
-@@ -142,7 +142,6 @@
- static int oparray_cleanup(i_ctx_t *);
- static int zerrorexec(i_ctx_t *);
- static int zfinderrorobject(i_ctx_t *);
--static int errorexec_find(i_ctx_t *, ref *);
- static int errorexec_pop(i_ctx_t *);
- static int errorexec_cleanup(i_ctx_t *);
- static int zsetstackprotect(i_ctx_t *);
-@@ -662,31 +661,24 @@
-     if (gs_errorname(i_ctx_p, code, &error_name) < 0)
-         return code;            /* out-of-range error code! */
--    /*  If LockFilePermissions is true, we only refer to gserrordict, which
--     *  is not accessible to Postcript jobs
-+    /*  We refer to gserrordict first, which is not accessible to Postcript jobs
-+     *  If we're running with SAFERERRORS all the handlers are copied to gserrordict
-+     *  so we'll always find the default one. If not SAFERERRORS, only gs specific
-+     *  errors are in gserrordict.
-      */
--    if (i_ctx_p->LockFilePermissions) {
--        if (((dict_find_string(systemdict, "gserrordict", &perrordict) <= 0 ||
--              dict_find(perrordict, &error_name, &epref) <= 0))
--            )
--            return code;            /* error name not in errordict??? */
--    }
--    else {
--        /*
--         * For greater Adobe compatibility, only the standard PostScript errors
--         * are defined in errordict; the rest are in gserrordict.
--         */
--        if (dict_find_string(systemdict, "errordict", &perrordict) <= 0 ||
--            (dict_find(perrordict, &error_name, &epref) <= 0 &&
--             (dict_find_string(systemdict, "gserrordict", &perrordict) <= 0 ||
--              dict_find(perrordict, &error_name, &epref) <= 0))
--            )
--            return code;            /* error name not in errordict??? */
--    }
-+    if (dict_find_string(systemdict, "gserrordict", &perrordict) <= 0 ||
-+        (dict_find(perrordict, &error_name, &epref) <= 0 &&
-+         (dict_find_string(systemdict, "errordict", &perrordict) <= 0 ||
-+          dict_find(perrordict, &error_name, &epref) <= 0))
-+        )
-+        return code;            /* error name not in errordict??? */
-     doref = *epref;
-     epref = &doref;
-     /* Push the error object on the operand stack if appropriate. */
-     if (!GS_ERROR_IS_INTERRUPT(code)) {
-+        byte buf[260], *bufptr;
-+        uint rlen;
-         /* Replace the error object if within an oparray or .errorexec. */
-         osp++;
-         if (osp >= ostop) {
-@@ -695,6 +687,37 @@
-         }
-         *osp = *perror_object;
-         errorexec_find(i_ctx_p, osp);
-+        if (!r_has_type(osp, t_string) && !r_has_type(osp, t_name)) {
-+            code = obj_cvs(imemory, osp, buf + 2, 256, &rlen, (const byte **)&bufptr);
-+            if (code < 0) {
-+                const char *unknownstr = "--unknown--";
-+                rlen = strlen(unknownstr);
-+                memcpy(buf, unknownstr, rlen);
-+                bufptr = buf;
-+            }
-+            else {
-+                ref *tobj;
-+                bufptr[rlen] = '\0';
-+                /* Only pass a name object if the operator doesn't exist in systemdict
-+                 * i.e. it's an internal operator we have hidden
-+                 */
-+                code = dict_find_string(systemdict, (const char *)bufptr, &tobj);
-+                if (code < 0) {
-+                    buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[rlen + 2] = buf[rlen + 3] = '-';
-+                    rlen += 4;
-+                    bufptr = buf;
-+                }
-+                else {
-+                    bufptr = NULL;
-+                }
-+            }
-+            if (bufptr) {
-+                code = name_ref(imemory, buf, rlen, osp, 1);
-+                if (code < 0)
-+                    make_null(osp);
-+            }
-+        }
-     }
-     goto again;
- }
-@@ -737,7 +760,7 @@
- {
-     uint size = ref_stack_count(pstack) - skip;
-     uint save_space = ialloc_space(idmemory);
--    int code;
-+    int code, i;
-     if (size > 65535)
-         size = 65535;
-@@ -746,6 +769,15 @@
-     if (code >= 0)
-         code = ref_stack_store(pstack, arr, size, 0, 1, true, idmemory,
-                                "copy_stack");
-+    /* If we are copying the exec stack, try to replace any oparrays with
-+     * with the operator than references them
-+     */
-+    if (pstack == &e_stack) {
-+        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-+            if (errorexec_find(i_ctx_p, &arr->value.refs[i]) < 0)
-+                make_null(&arr->value.refs[i]);
-+        }
-+    }
-     ialloc_set_space(idmemory, save_space);
-     return code;
- }
-@@ -1910,7 +1942,7 @@
-  * .errorexec with errobj != null, store it in *perror_object and return 1,
-  * otherwise return 0;
-  */
--static int
- errorexec_find(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, ref *perror_object)
- {
-     long i;
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/psi/interp.h ghostscript-9.25-1/psi/interp.h
---- ghostscript-9.25/psi/interp.h	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/psi/interp.h	2018-10-20 01:32:43.867083905 +0100
-@@ -91,5 +91,7 @@
- /* Define the top-level interface to the interpreter. */
- int gs_interpret(i_ctx_t **pi_ctx_p, ref * pref, int user_errors,
-                  int *pexit_code, ref * perror_object);
-+errorexec_find(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, ref *perror_object);
- #endif /* interp_INCLUDED */
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/psi/int.mak ghostscript-9.25-1/psi/int.mak
---- ghostscript-9.25/psi/int.mak	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/psi/int.mak	2018-10-20 01:32:43.867083905 +0100
-@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
- $(PSOBJ)zcontrol.$(OBJ) : $(PSSRC)zcontrol.c $(OP) $(string__h)\
-  $(estack_h) $(files_h) $(ipacked_h) $(iutil_h) $(store_h) $(stream_h)\
-+ $(interp_h) $(INT_MAK) $(MAKEDIRS)
- 	$(PSCC) $(PSO_)zcontrol.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(PSSRC)zcontrol.c
- $(PSOBJ)zdict.$(OBJ) : $(PSSRC)zdict.c $(OP)\
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/psi/zcontrol.c ghostscript-9.25-1/psi/zcontrol.c
---- ghostscript-9.25/psi/zcontrol.c	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/psi/zcontrol.c	2018-10-20 01:32:43.867083905 +0100
-@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
- #include "ipacked.h"
- #include "iutil.h"
- #include "store.h"
-+#include "interp.h"
- /* Forward references */
- static int check_for_exec(const_os_ptr);
-@@ -787,7 +788,7 @@
- /* Continuation operator to do the actual transfer. */
- /* r_size(op1) was set just above. */
- static int
--do_execstack(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, bool include_marks, os_ptr op1)
-+do_execstack(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, bool include_marks, bool include_oparrays, os_ptr op1)
- {
-     os_ptr op = osp;
-     ref *arefs = op1->value.refs;
-@@ -829,6 +830,12 @@
-                                   strlen(tname), (const byte *)tname);
-                 break;
-             }
-+            case t_array:
-+            case t_shortarray:
-+            case t_mixedarray:
-+                if (!include_oparrays && errorexec_find(i_ctx_p, rq) < 0)
-+                    make_null(rq);
-+                break;
-             default:
-                 ;
-         }
-@@ -841,14 +848,14 @@
- {
-     os_ptr op = osp;
--    return do_execstack(i_ctx_p, false, op);
-+    return do_execstack(i_ctx_p, false, false, op);
- }
- static int
- execstack2_continue(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
- {
-     os_ptr op = osp;
--    return do_execstack(i_ctx_p, op->value.boolval, op - 1);
-+    return do_execstack(i_ctx_p, op->value.boolval, true, op - 1);
- }
- /* - .needinput - */
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/psi/zdevice.c ghostscript-9.25-1/psi/zdevice.c
---- ghostscript-9.25/psi/zdevice.c	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/psi/zdevice.c	2018-10-19 23:12:55.395883189 +0100
-@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
- }
- /* - currentdevice <device> */
-+/* Returns the current device in the graphics state */
- int
- zcurrentdevice(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
- {
-@@ -71,6 +72,34 @@
-     return 0;
- }
-+/* - .currentoutputdevice <device> */
-+/* Returns the *output* device - which will often
-+   be the same as above, but not always: if a compositor
-+   or other forwarding device, or subclassing device is
-+   in force, that will be referenced by the graphics state
-+   rather than the output device.
-+   This is equivalent of currentdevice device, but returns
-+   the *device* object, rather than the dictionary describing
-+   the device and device state.
-+ */
-+static int
-+zcurrentoutputdevice(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
-+    os_ptr op = osp;
-+    gx_device *odev = NULL, *dev = gs_currentdevice(igs);
-+    gs_ref_memory_t *mem = (gs_ref_memory_t *) dev->memory;
-+    int code = dev_proc(dev, dev_spec_op)(dev,
-+                        gxdso_current_output_device, (void *)&odev, 0);
-+    if (code < 0)
-+        return code;
-+    push(1);
-+    make_tav(op, t_device,
-+             (mem == 0 ? avm_foreign : imemory_space(mem)) | a_all,
-+             pdevice, odev);
-+    return 0;
- /* <device> .devicename <string> */
- static int
- zdevicename(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p)
-@@ -614,6 +643,7 @@
- {
-     {"1.copydevice2", zcopydevice2},
-     {"0currentdevice", zcurrentdevice},
-+    {"0.currentoutputdevice", zcurrentoutputdevice},
-     {"1.devicename", zdevicename},
-     {"0.doneshowpage", zdoneshowpage},
-     {"0flushpage", zflushpage},
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_diskn.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_diskn.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_diskn.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_diskn.ps	2018-10-20 01:34:43.827823372 +0100
-@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-     exch .setglobal
-   }
-   if
--} .bind executeonly def % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
-+} .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
- % Modify .putdevparams to force regeneration of .searchabledevs list
- /.putdevparams {
-@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
-   % doesn't get run enough to justify the complication
-   //.putdevparams
-   //systemdict /.searchabledevs .forceundef
--} .bind odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceundef
-+} .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceundef
- % ------ extend filenameforall to handle wildcards in %dev% part of pattern -------%
- /filenameforall {
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_dps1.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_dps1.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_dps1.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_dps1.ps	2018-10-20 01:27:39.874278223 +0100
-@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- % ------ Virtual memory ------ %
- /currentshared /.currentglobal load def
--/scheck /.gcheck load def
-+/scheck {.gcheck} bind odef
- %****** FOLLOWING IS WRONG ******
- /shareddict currentdict /globaldict .knownget not { 20 dict } if def
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_dps.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_dps.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_dps.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_dps.ps	2018-10-20 01:34:43.827823372 +0100
-@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-                 % Save a copy of the initial gstate.
-   //systemdict /savedinitialgstate gstate readonly .forceput
-   .setglobal
--} .bind executeonly def % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
-+} .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
- % Initialize local dictionaries and gstate when creating a new context.
- % Note that until this completes, we are in the anomalous situation of
-@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
-   /savedinitialgstate .systemvar setgstate gsave
-                 % Wrap up.
-   end .setglobal
--} odef
-+} bind executeonly odef
- % Check whether an object is a procedure.
- /.proccheck {			% <obj> .proccheck <bool>
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_epsf.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_epsf.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_epsf.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_epsf.ps	2018-10-20 01:34:43.827823372 +0100
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- /EPSBoundingBoxState 5 def
- /EPSBoundingBoxSetState {
-   //systemdict /EPSBoundingBoxState 3 -1 roll .forceput
--} .bind odef % .forceput must be bound and hidden
-+} .bind executeonly odef % .forceput must be bound and hidden
- % Parse 4 numbers for a bounding box
- /EPSBoundingBoxParse { % (llx lly urx ury) -- llx lly urx ury true OR false
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_fntem.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_fntem.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_fntem.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_fntem.ps	2018-10-19 23:32:36.960622205 +0100
-@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
-     exit
-   } loop
-   exch setglobal
--} .bind executeonly def % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
-+} .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
- currentdict end /ProcSet defineresource pop
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_fonts.ps	2018-10-20 01:34:43.827823372 +0100
-@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
- % and the access path.
- /.setnativefontmapbuilt { % set whether we've been run
-   systemdict exch /.nativefontmapbuilt exch .forceput
--} .bind executeonly def
-+} .bind executeonly odef
- systemdict /NONATIVEFONTMAP known .setnativefontmapbuilt
- /.buildnativefontmap {   % - .buildnativefontmap <bool>
-   systemdict /.nativefontmapbuilt .knownget not
-@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
- } bind def
- /.setloadingfont {
-    //systemdict /.loadingfont 3 -1 roll .forceput
--} .bind odef % .forceput must be bound and hidden
-+} .bind executeonly odef % .forceput must be bound and hidden
- /.loadfont
-  {              % Some buggy fonts leave extra junk on the stack,
-                 % so we have to make a closure that records the stack depth
-@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@
-     dup length string copy
-     .forceput setglobal
-   } ifelse
--} .bind odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
-+} .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
- % Attempt to load a font from a file.
- /.tryloadfont {         % <fontname> .tryloadfont <font> true
-@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@
-                 % Check to make sure the font was actually loaded.
-         dup 3 index .fontknownget
--         { dup /PathLoad 4 index //.putgstringcopy exec
-+         { dup /PathLoad 4 index .putgstringcopy
-            4 1 roll pop pop pop //true exit
-          } if
-@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@
-          {            % Stack: origfontname fontdirectory path filefontname
-            2 index 1 index .fontknownget
-             {   % Yes.  Stack: origfontname fontdirectory path filefontname fontdict
--              dup 4 -1 roll /PathLoad exch //.putgstringcopy exec
-+              dup 4 -1 roll /PathLoad exch .putgstringcopy
-                       % Stack: origfontname fontdirectory filefontname fontdict
-               3 -1 roll pop
-                       % Stack: origfontname filefontname fontdict
-@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@
-     } loop              % end of loop
-- } bind executeonly def % must be bound and hidden for .putgstringcopy
-+ } bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .putgstringcopy
- currentdict /.putgstringcopy .undef
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_init.ps	2018-10-20 01:34:43.828823362 +0100
-@@ -188,6 +188,16 @@
-   currentdict /PARANOIDSAFER known or	% PARANOIDSAFER is equivalent
- }
- ifelse def
-+currentdict /NOSAFERERRORS known
-+  //false
-+  currentdict /SAFERERRORS known
-+} ifelse def
- currentdict /SHORTERRORS known   /SHORTERRORS exch def
- currentdict /TTYPAUSE known   /TTYPAUSE exch def
- currentdict /WRITESYSTEMDICT known   /WRITESYSTEMDICT exch def
-@@ -831,12 +841,26 @@
- /.runstring {
-   0 0 .systemvmstring .systemvmSFD cvx { .runexec } execute0
- } bind def
- % Define the procedure that the C code uses to set up for executing
- % a string that may be received in pieces.
-+% Immediate evaluation doesn't work on operators (like .needinput)
-+% so calling .runstringbegin will throw an undefined error if we
-+% undefined .needinput so it cannot be accessed outside the init
-+% code. But, we can store the operator in an array, use immediate
-+% evaluation on the array to get the operator, then undefined the
-+% array (and because they are both of the same name, the operator
-+% get undefined too).
-+% This prevents random Postscript from erroneously calling .needinput
-+% and forcing the interpreter into an invalid state.
-+1 .systemvmarray dup 0 /.needinput load put
- /.runstringbegin {
--  1 .systemvmarray dup 0 /.needinput load put cvx	% { .needinput } in systemvm
-+  1 .systemvmarray dup 0 //.needinput 0 get put cvx	% { .needinput } in systemvm
-   0 0 .systemvmstring .systemvmSFD cvx .runexec
--} bind def
-+} bind executeonly def
- % Define a special version of runlibfile that aborts on errors.
- /runlibfile0
-@@ -1123,12 +1147,23 @@
-  } bind def
- end		% errordict
--% Put all the default handlers in gserrordict
--errordict {2 index 3 1 roll put} forall
--noaccess pop
--% remove the non-standard errors from errordict
-+gserrordict /unknownerror errordict /unknownerror get put
- errordict /unknownerror .undef
-+/.SAFERERRORLIST ErrorNames def
-+% Put all the requested handlers in gserrordict
-+  gserrordict
-+  {dup errordict exch get 2 index 3 1 roll put} forall
-+  noaccess pop
-+  systemdict /.setsafeerrors .forceundef
-+  systemdict /.SAFERERRORLIST .forceundef
-+} bind executeonly odef
-+SAFERERRORS {.setsafererrors} if
- % Define a stable private copy of handleerror that we will always use under
- % JOBSERVER mode.
- /.GShandleerror errordict /handleerror get def
-@@ -1760,18 +1795,15 @@
- % Bind all the operators defined as procedures.
- /.bindoperators		% binds operators in currentdict
-- { % Temporarily disable the typecheck error.
--   errordict /typecheck 2 copy get
--   errordict /typecheck { pop } put	% pop the command
-+ {
-    currentdict
-     { dup type /operatortype eq
--       { % This might be a real operator, so bind might cause a typecheck,
--         % but we've made the error a no-op temporarily.
--         .bind
-+       {
-+         % This might be a real operator, so bind might cause a typecheck
-+         {.bind} .internalstopped pop
-        }
-       if pop pop
-     } forall
--   put
-  } def
- DELAYBIND not { .bindoperators } if
-@@ -2173,7 +2205,7 @@
-   %% but can be easily restored (just delete the name from the list in the array). In future
-   %% we may remove the operator and the code implementation entirely.
-   [
--  /.bitadd /.charboxpath /.cond /.countexecstack /.execstack /.runandhide /.popdevicefilter
-+  /.bitadd /.charboxpath /.cond /.runandhide /.popdevicefilter
-   /.execfile /.filenamesplit /.file_name_parent
-   /.setdefaultmatrix /.isprocfilter /.unread /.psstringencode
-   /.buildsampledfunction /.isencapfunction /.currentaccuratecurves /.currentcurvejoin /.currentdashadapt /.currentdotlength
-@@ -2211,7 +2243,8 @@
-   /.shfill /.argindex /.bytestring /.namestring /.stringbreak /.stringmatch /.globalvmarray /.globalvmdict /.globalvmpackedarray /.globalvmstring
-   /.localvmarray /.localvmdict /.localvmpackedarray /.localvmstring /.systemvmarray /.systemvmdict /.systemvmpackedarray /.systemvmstring /.systemvmfile /.systemvmlibfile
-   /.systemvmSFD /.settrapparams /.currentsystemparams /.currentuserparams /.getsystemparam /.getuserparam /.setsystemparams /.setuserparams
--  /.checkpassword /.locale_to_utf8 /.currentglobal /.gcheck /.imagepath
-+  /.checkpassword /.locale_to_utf8 /.currentglobal /.gcheck /.imagepath /.currentoutputdevice
-+  /.type /.writecvs /.setSMask /.currentSMask /.needinput /.countexecstack /.execstack /.applypolicies
-   % Used by a free user in the Library of Congress. Apparently this is used to
-   % draw a partial page, which is then filled in by the results of a barcode
-@@ -2230,7 +2263,7 @@
-   % test files/utilities, or engineers expressed a desire to keep them visible.
-   %
-   %/currentdevice /.sort /.buildfont0 /.buildfont1 /.buildfont2 /.buildfont3 /.buildfont4 /.buildfont9 /.buildfont10 /.buildfont11
--  %/.buildfotn32 /.buildfont42 /.type9mapcid /.type11mapcid /.swapcolors
-+  %/.buildfont32 /.buildfont42 /.type9mapcid /.type11mapcid /.swapcolors
-   %/currentdevice  /.quit /.setuseciecolor /.needinput /.setoverprintmode /.special_op /.dicttomark /.knownget
-   %/.FAPIavailable /.FAPIpassfont /.FAPIrebuildfont /.FAPIBuildGlyph /.FAPIBuildChar /.FAPIBuildGlyph9
-   %/.tempfile /.numicc_components /.set_outputintent  /.max /.min /.vmreclaim /.getpath /.setglobal
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_lev2.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_lev2.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_lev2.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_lev2.ps	2018-10-19 23:32:36.960622205 +0100
-@@ -163,10 +163,11 @@
-         % Set them again to the new values.  From here on, we are safe,
-         % since a context switch will consult userparams.
-   .setuserparams
--} .bind executeonly def % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
-+} .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
- /setuserparams {		% <dict> setuserparams -
--    .setuserparams2
-+    {.setuserparams2} stopped
-+    {/setuserparams load $error /errorname get signalerror} if
- } .bind odef
- % Initialize user parameters managed here.
- /JobName () .definepsuserparam
-@@ -415,7 +416,9 @@
- % VMReclaim and VMThreshold are user parameters.
- /setvmthreshold {		% <int> setvmthreshold -
--  mark /VMThreshold 2 .argindex .dicttomark .setuserparams2 pop
-+  mark /VMThreshold 2 .argindex .dicttomark {.setuserparams2} stopped
-+  {pop /setvmthreshold load $error /errorname get signalerror}
-+  {pop} ifelse
- } odef
- /vmreclaim {			% <int> vmreclaim -
-   dup 0 gt {
-@@ -427,7 +430,9 @@
-     ifelse
-   } {
-     % VMReclaim userparam controls enable/disable GC
--    mark /VMReclaim 2 index .dicttomark .setuserparams2 pop
-+    mark /VMReclaim 2 index .dicttomark {.setuserparams2} stopped
-+    {pop /vmreclaim load $error /errorname get signalerror}
-+    {pop} ifelse
-   } ifelse
- } odef
- -1 setvmthreshold
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_pdfwr.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_pdfwr.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_pdfwr.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_pdfwr.ps	2018-10-19 23:32:36.960622205 +0100
-@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
-   {
-     pop
-   } ifelse
--} .bind executeonly def % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
-+} .bind executeonly odef % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
- % Use the DSC processing hook to pass DSC comments to the driver.
- % We use a pseudo-parameter named DSC whose value is an array:
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_resmp.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_resmp.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_resmp.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_resmp.ps	2018-10-20 01:32:43.867083905 +0100
-@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
-   % We don't check them.
-   currentglobal //false setglobal                  % <object> bGlobal
--  countexecstack array execstack                   % <object> bGlobal [execstack]
-+  //false .countexecstack array //false .execstack % <object> bGlobal [execstack]
-   dup //null exch                                  % <object> bGlobal [execstack] null [execstack]
-   length 3 sub -1 0 {                              % <object> bGlobal [execstack] null i
-     2 index exch get                               % <object> bGlobal [execstack] null proc
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_setpd.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_setpd.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_setpd.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_setpd.ps	2018-10-20 01:34:43.828823362 +0100
-@@ -608,59 +608,72 @@
- % in the <failed> dictionary with the policy value,
- % and we replace the key in the <merged> dictionary with its prior value
- % (or remove it if it had no prior value).
--/.policyprocs mark
- % These procedures are called with the following on the stack:
- %   <orig> <merged> <failed> <Policies> <key> <policy>
- % They are expected to consume the top 2 operands.
- % NOTE: we currently treat all values other than 0, 1, or 7 (for PageSize)
- % the same as 0, i.e., we signal an error.
--% M. Sweet, Easy Software Products:
--% Define NOMEDIAATTRS to turn off the default (but unimplementable) media
--% selection policies for setpagedevice.  This is used by CUPS to support
--% the standard Adobe media attributes.
--  0 {		% Set errorinfo and signal a configurationerror.
--        % NOMEDIAATTRS means that the default policy is 7...
--        pop 2 index exch 7 put
--      } {
--        pop dup 4 index exch get 2 array astore
--        $error /errorinfo 3 -1 roll put
--        cleartomark
--        /setpagedevice .systemvar /configurationerror signalerror
--      } ifelse
--  } bind
--  1 {		% Roll back the failed request to its previous status.
--SETPDDEBUG { (Rolling back.) = pstack flush } if
--        3 index 2 index 3 -1 roll .forceput
--        4 index 1 index .knownget
--         { 4 index 3 1 roll .forceput }
--         { 3 index exch .undef }
--        ifelse
--  } .bind executeonly % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
--  7 {		% For PageSize only, just impose the request.
--        1 index /PageSize eq
--         { pop pop 1 index /PageSize 7 put }
--         { .policyprocs 0 get exec }
--        ifelse
--  } bind
--.dicttomark readonly def
-+/0Policy {		% Set errorinfo and signal a configurationerror.
-+    % NOMEDIAATTRS means that the default policy is 7...
-+    pop 2 index exch 7 put
-+  } {
-+    pop dup 4 index exch get 2 array astore
-+    $error /errorinfo 3 -1 roll put
-+    cleartomark
-+    /setpagedevice .systemvar /configurationerror signalerror
-+  } ifelse
-+} bind executeonly odef
-+% Making this an operator means we can properly hide
-+% the contents - specifically .forceput
-+  % Roll back the failed request to its previous status.
-+  SETPDDEBUG { (Rolling back.) = pstack flush } if
-+  3 index 2 index 3 -1 roll .forceput
-+  4 index 1 index .knownget
-+  { 4 index 3 1 roll .forceput }
-+  { 3 index exch .undef }
-+  ifelse
-+} bind executeonly odef
-+/7Policy {		% For PageSize only, just impose the request.
-+  1 index /PageSize eq
-+  { pop pop 1 index /PageSize 7 put }
-+  { .policyprocs 0 get exec }
-+  ifelse
-+} bind executeonly odef
- /.applypolicies		% <orig> <merged> <failed> .applypolicies
-                         %   <orig> <merged'> <failed'>
-- { 1 index /Policies get 1 index
--    { type /integertype eq
--       { pop		% already processed
--       }
--       { 2 copy .knownget not { 1 index /PolicyNotFound get } if
--                        % Stack: <orig> <merged> <failed> <Policies> <key>
--                        %   <policy>
--         .policyprocs 1 index .knownget not { .policyprocs 0 get } if exec
--       }
--      ifelse
--    }
--   forall pop
-- } bind def
-+  1 index /Policies get 1 index
-+  { type /integertype eq
-+     {
-+       pop		% already processed
-+     }{
-+       2 copy .knownget not { 1 index /PolicyNotFound get } if
-+                      % Stack: <orig> <merged> <failed> <Policies> <key>
-+                      %   <policy>
-+        dup 1 eq {
-+          1Policy
-+        }{
-+          dup 7 eq {
-+            7Policy
-+          }{
-+            0Policy
-+          } ifelse
-+        } ifelse
-+     } ifelse
-+  }
-+  forall pop
-+} bind executeonly odef
-+currentdict /0Policy undef
-+currentdict /1Policy undef
-+currentdict /7Policy undef
- % Prepare to present parameters to the device, by spreading them onto the
- % operand stack and removing any that shouldn't be presented.
-@@ -877,7 +890,13 @@
-                 % Stack: mark <orig> <request> <merged> <failed>
- SETPDDEBUG { (Constructing.) = pstack flush } if
--   currentdevice .devicename 2 index /OutputDevice get eq
-+   % Non-obvious: we need to check the name of the output device, to tell
-+   % whether we're going to have to replace the entire device chain (which
-+   % may be only one device, or may be multiple devices.
-+   % If we're not replacing the entire change, we have to use the device in
-+   % the graphics state, so the configuration of the entire device chain is
-+   % correctly set.
-+   .currentoutputdevice .devicename 2 index /OutputDevice get eq
-     { currentdevice }
-     { 1 index /OutputDevice get finddevice }
-    ifelse
-@@ -997,7 +1016,7 @@
-     .postinstall
-   } ifelse
-   setglobal           % return to original VM allocation mode
--} odef
-+} bind executeonly odef
- % We break out the code after calling the Install procedure into a
- % separate procedure, since it is executed even if Install causes an error.
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_typ32.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_typ32.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_typ32.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_typ32.ps	2018-10-19 23:32:36.960622205 +0100
-@@ -79,15 +79,19 @@
- .dicttomark /ProcSet defineresource pop
- /.cidfonttypes where { pop } { /.cidfonttypes 6 dict def } ifelse
--.cidfonttypes begin
--4	% CIDFontType 4 = FontType 32
--{ dup /FontType 32 .forceput
-+  dup /FontType 32 .forceput
-   dup /CharStrings 20 dict .forceput
-   1 index exch .buildfont32 exch pop
--} .bind executeonly def % must be bound and hidden for .forceput
-+} .bind executeonly odef
-+.cidfonttypes begin
-+4 /CIDFontType4 load def % CIDFontType 4 = FontType 32
- end		% .cidfonttypes
-+currentdict /CIDFontType4 .forceundef
- % Define the BuildGlyph procedure.
- % Since Type 32 fonts are indexed by CID, there is no BuildChar procedure.
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_type1.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_type1.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/gs_type1.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/gs_type1.ps	2018-10-19 23:32:36.961622195 +0100
-@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
-   } if
-   2 copy /WeightVector exch .forceput
-   .setweightvector
--} .bind executeonly def
-+} .bind executeonly odef
- end
- % Register the font types for definefont.
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/pdf_base.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/pdf_base.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/pdf_base.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/pdf_base.ps	2018-10-19 23:32:36.961622195 +0100
-@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
-       } ifelse
-     } ifelse
-   } ifelse
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- /PDFScanRules_true << /PDFScanRules //true >> def
- /PDFScanRules_null << /PDFScanRules //null >> def
- /.pdfrun {			% <file> <opdict> .pdfrun -
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/pdf_draw.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/pdf_draw.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/pdf_draw.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/pdf_draw.ps	2018-10-19 23:32:36.961622195 +0100
-@@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@
-   Q
-   PDFDEBUG { pdfdict /PDFSTEPcount .knownget { 1 le } { //true } ifelse { (%End PaintProc) print dup === flush } if } if
-   PDFfile exch setfileposition
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- /.pdfpaintproc {
-     %% Get the /m from pdfopdict (must be present)
-@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@
-     {
-       switch_to_text_marking_ops
-     } if
--}bind executeonly def
-+}bind executeonly odef
- /resolvepattern {	% <patternstreamdict> resolvepattern <patterndict>
-                 % Don't do the resolvestream now: just capture the data
-@@ -2353,7 +2353,7 @@
-   }{
-     pdfdict /AppearanceNumber 0 .forceput
-   } ifelse
--}bind executeonly def
-+}bind executeonly odef
- /MakeAppearanceName {
-   pdfdict /AppearanceNumber get
-@@ -2382,7 +2382,7 @@
-   DoForm
-   pdfdict /.PreservePDFForm 3 -1 roll .forceput
-   grestore
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- /DoForm {
-   %% save the current value, if its true we will set it to false later, in order
-@@ -2541,7 +2541,7 @@
-     end
-   } if
-   pdfdict /.PreservePDFForm 3 -1 roll .forceput
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- /_dops_save 1 array def
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/pdf_font.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/pdf_font.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/pdf_font.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/pdf_font.ps	2018-10-19 23:32:36.961622195 +0100
-@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@
-   {pop pop pop}
-   ifelse
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- currentdict /.DoToUnicode? .forceundef
-@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@
-     } bdef
-     dup currentdict Encoding .processToUnicode
-     currentdict end .completefont exch pop
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- /.adjustcharwidth {	% <wx> <wy> .adjustcharwidth <wx'> <wy'>
-   % Enforce the metrics, in glyph space, to the values found in the PDF Font object
-   % - force wy == 0 (assumed, and not stored in the PDF font)
-@@ -2026,7 +2026,7 @@
-     } if
-     /findresource cvx /undefined signalerror
-   } loop
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- /buildCIDType0 {	% <CIDFontType0-font-resource> buildCIDType0 <font>
-   dup /BaseFont get findCIDFont exch pop
-@@ -2211,7 +2211,7 @@
-   /Type0 //buildType0
-   /Type1 //buildType1
-   /MMType1 //buildType1
--  /Type3 //buildType3
-+  /Type3 /buildType3 load
-   /TrueType //buildTrueType
-   /CIDFontType0 //buildCIDType0
-   /CIDFontType2 //buildCIDType2
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/pdf_main.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/pdf_main.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/pdf_main.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/pdf_main.ps	2018-10-19 23:32:36.961622195 +0100
-@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
-     } forall
-     pop
-   } ifelse
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- currentdict /pdf_collection_files .undef
-@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@
-   .setglobal
-   /RepairedAnError exch def
-   /Repaired exch def
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- % Display the contents of a page (including annotations).
- /showpagecontents {	% <pagedict> showpagecontents -
-diff -Naur ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/pdf_ops.ps ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/pdf_ops.ps
---- ghostscript-9.25/Resource/Init/pdf_ops.ps	2018-09-13 11:02:01.000000000 +0100
-+++ ghostscript-9.25-1/Resource/Init/pdf_ops.ps	2018-10-19 23:32:36.962622184 +0100
-@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
-       pdfformaterror
-     } ifelse
-   } if
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- % Save PDF gstate
- /qstate {       % - qstate <qstate>
-@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
-   %% a gsave, so we haven't copied it to /self, if we don't do that here
-   %% then transparent annotations cause an invalid access error.
-   currentdict //nodict eq {/self dup load end 5 dict begin def} if
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- /AIS { .setalphaisshape } bind executeonly def
- /BM {
-   /.setblendmode where {
-@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@
-     pdfopdict /v {inside_text_v} bind .forceput
-     pdfopdict /y {inside_text_y} bind .forceput
-     pdfopdict /re {inside_text_re} bind .forceput
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- /switch_to_normal_marking_ops {
-     pdfopdict /m {normal_m} bind .forceput
-@@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@
-     pdfopdict /v {normal_v} bind .forceput
-     pdfopdict /y {normal_y} bind .forceput
-     pdfopdict /re {normal_re} bind .forceput
--} bind executeonly def
-+} bind executeonly odef
- /BT {
-   currentdict /TextSaveMatrix known {

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