[arch-commits] Commit in chromium/repos/extra-x86_64 (13 files)

Evangelos Foutras foutrelis at archlinux.org
Wed Oct 17 04:48:48 UTC 2018

    Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 @ 04:48:46
  Author: foutrelis
Revision: 336780

archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64

    (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/chromium-skia-harmony.patch)
    (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/chromium-system-icu.patch)
    (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/chromium-widevine-r2.patch)
    (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/chromium.install)
    (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/include-stdint.h-in-pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h.patch)

 PKGBUILD                                                  |  448 +++++-------
 chromium-skia-harmony.patch                               |  154 ++--
 chromium-system-icu.patch                                 |   38 -
 chromium-widevine-r2.patch                                |   78 +-
 chromium.install                                          |   32 
 fix-cfi-icall-failure-with-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch  |   52 -
 include-stdint.h-in-pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h.patch  |   30 
 only-disable-cfi-icall-when-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch |   34 
 8 files changed, 403 insertions(+), 463 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2018-10-17 04:48:35 UTC (rev 336779)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
-# Contributor: Pierre Schmitz <pierre at archlinux.de>
-# Contributor: Jan "heftig" Steffens <jan.steffens at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Daniel J Griffiths <ghost1227 at archlinux.us>
-pkgdesc="A web browser built for speed, simplicity, and security"
-depends=('gtk3' 'nss' 'alsa-lib' 'xdg-utils' 'libxss' 'libcups' 'libgcrypt'
-         'ttf-font' 'systemd' 'dbus' 'libpulse' 'pciutils' 'json-glib'
-         'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
-makedepends=('python' 'python2' 'gperf' 'yasm' 'mesa' 'ninja' 'nodejs' 'git'
-             'clang' 'lld' 'gn')
-optdepends=('pepper-flash: support for Flash content'
-            'kdialog: needed for file dialogs in KDE'
-            'gnome-keyring: for storing passwords in GNOME keyring'
-            'kwallet: for storing passwords in KWallet')
-        chromium-launcher-$_launcher_ver.tar.gz::https://github.com/foutrelis/chromium-launcher/archive/v$_launcher_ver.tar.gz
-        fix-cfi-icall-failure-with-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch
-        only-disable-cfi-icall-when-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch
-        chromium-widevine-r2.patch
-        chromium-system-icu.patch
-        chromium-skia-harmony.patch)
-            '04917e3cd4307d8e31bfb0027a5dce6d086edb10ff8a716024fbb8bb0c7dccf1'
-            '97b421bc60a4abdf37de2d88a51b973e9f68fb44d1eccd464adfb3d9f5d71478'
-            '9cae9ded6497afd15ad72d963897425ab6c7f28941bb3c3948e7996610a0d180'
-            '02c69bb3954087db599def7f5b6d65cf8f7cf2ed81dfbdaa4bb7b51863b4df15'
-            'c4f2d1bed9034c02b8806f00c2e8165df24de467803855904bff709ceaf11af5'
-            'feca54ab09ac0fc9d0626770a6b899a6ac5a12173c7d0c1005bc3964ec83e7b3')
-# Possible replacements are listed in build/linux/unbundle/replace_gn_files.py
-# Keys are the names in the above script; values are the dependencies in Arch
-declare -gA _system_libs=(
-  [ffmpeg]=ffmpeg
-  [flac]=flac
-  [fontconfig]=fontconfig
-  [freetype]=freetype2
-  [harfbuzz-ng]=harfbuzz
-  [icu]=icu
-  [libdrm]=
-  [libjpeg]=libjpeg
-  #[libpng]=libpng            # https://crbug.com/752403#c10
-  #[libvpx]=libvpx            # needs unreleased libvpx
-  [libwebp]=libwebp
-  [libxml]=libxml2
-  [libxslt]=libxslt
-  [opus]=opus
-  [re2]=re2
-  [snappy]=snappy
-  [yasm]=
-  [zlib]=minizip
-  ${!_system_libs[@]}
-  ${_system_libs[libjpeg]+libjpeg_turbo}
-# Google API keys (see https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/api-keys)
-# Note: These are for Arch Linux use ONLY. For your own distribution, please
-# get your own set of keys.
-prepare() {
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  # Allow building against system libraries in official builds
-    tools/generate_shim_headers/generate_shim_headers.py
-  # https://crbug.com/866290
-  patch -Np1 -i ../fix-cfi-icall-failure-with-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch
-  patch -Np1 -i ../only-disable-cfi-icall-when-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch
-  # https://crbug.com/skia/6663#c10
-  patch -Np4 -i ../chromium-skia-harmony.patch
-  # Fixes from Gentoo
-  patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-widevine-r2.patch
-  # https://bugs.gentoo.org/661880#c21
-  patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-system-icu.patch
-  # Remove compiler flags not supported by our system clang
-  sed -i \
-    -e '/"-Wno-ignored-pragma-optimize"/d' \
-    build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn
-  # Force script incompatible with Python 3 to use /usr/bin/python2
-  sed -i '1s|python$|&2|' third_party/dom_distiller_js/protoc_plugins/*.py
-  mkdir -p third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
-  ln -s /usr/bin/node third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin/
-  # Remove bundled libraries for which we will use the system copies; this
-  # *should* do what the remove_bundled_libraries.py script does, with the
-  # added benefit of not having to list all the remaining libraries
-  local _lib
-  for _lib in ${_unwanted_bundled_libs[@]}; do
-    find "third_party/$_lib" -type f \
-      \! -path "third_party/$_lib/chromium/*" \
-      \! -path "third_party/$_lib/google/*" \
-      \! -path 'third_party/yasm/run_yasm.py' \
-      \! -regex '.*\.\(gn\|gni\|isolate\)' \
-      -delete
-  done
-  python2 build/linux/unbundle/replace_gn_files.py \
-    --system-libraries "${!_system_libs[@]}"
-build() {
-  make -C chromium-launcher-$_launcher_ver
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  if check_buildoption ccache y; then
-    # Avoid falling back to preprocessor mode when sources contain time macros
-    export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=time_macros
-  fi
-  export CC=clang
-  export CXX=clang++
-  export AR=ar
-  export NM=nm
-  local _flags=(
-    'custom_toolchain="//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default"'
-    'host_toolchain="//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default"'
-    'clang_use_chrome_plugins=false'
-    'is_official_build=true' # implies is_cfi=true on x86_64
-    'is_debug=false'
-    'treat_warnings_as_errors=false'
-    'fieldtrial_testing_like_official_build=true'
-    'remove_webcore_debug_symbols=true'
-    'ffmpeg_branding="Chrome"'
-    'proprietary_codecs=true'
-    'link_pulseaudio=true'
-    'use_gnome_keyring=false'
-    'use_sysroot=false'
-    'linux_use_bundled_binutils=false'
-    'use_custom_libcxx=false'
-    'enable_hangout_services_extension=true'
-    'enable_widevine=true'
-    'enable_nacl=false'
-    'enable_swiftshader=false'
-    "google_api_key=\"${_google_api_key}\""
-    "google_default_client_id=\"${_google_default_client_id}\""
-    "google_default_client_secret=\"${_google_default_client_secret}\""
-  )
-  # Facilitate deterministic builds (taken from build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn)
-  CFLAGS+='   -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined'
-  CXXFLAGS+=' -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined'
-  CPPFLAGS+=' -D__DATE__=  -D__TIME__=  -D__TIMESTAMP__='
-  if check_option strip y; then
-    _flags+=('symbol_level=0')
-    # Mimic exclude_unwind_tables=true
-    CFLAGS+='   -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables'
-    CXXFLAGS+=' -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables'
-  fi
-  gn gen out/Release --args="${_flags[*]}" --script-executable=/usr/bin/python2
-  ninja -C out/Release chrome chrome_sandbox chromedriver
-package() {
-  cd chromium-launcher-$_launcher_ver
-  make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-  install -Dm644 LICENSE \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/chromium/LICENSE.launcher"
-  cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  install -D out/Release/chrome "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/chromium"
-  install -Dm4755 out/Release/chrome_sandbox "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/chrome-sandbox"
-  ln -s /usr/lib/chromium/chromedriver "$pkgdir/usr/bin/chromedriver"
-  install -Dm644 chrome/installer/linux/common/desktop.template \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop"
-  install -Dm644 chrome/app/resources/manpage.1.in \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/chromium.1"
-  sed -i \
-    -e "s/@@MENUNAME@@/Chromium/g" \
-    -e "s/@@PACKAGE@@/chromium/g" \
-    -e "s/@@USR_BIN_SYMLINK_NAME@@/chromium/g" \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop" \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/chromium.1"
-  cp \
-    out/Release/{chrome_{100,200}_percent,resources}.pak \
-    out/Release/{*.bin,chromedriver} \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/"
-  install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/locales" out/Release/locales/*.pak
-  if [[ -z ${_system_libs[icu]+set} ]]; then
-    cp out/Release/icudtl.dat "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/"
-  fi
-  for size in 22 24 48 64 128 256; do
-    install -Dm644 "chrome/app/theme/chromium/product_logo_$size.png" \
-      "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps/chromium.png"
-  done
-  for size in 16 32; do
-    install -Dm644 "chrome/app/theme/default_100_percent/chromium/product_logo_$size.png" \
-      "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps/chromium.png"
-  done
-  install -Dm644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/chromium/LICENSE"
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: chromium/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Maintainer: Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
+# Contributor: Pierre Schmitz <pierre at archlinux.de>
+# Contributor: Jan "heftig" Steffens <jan.steffens at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Daniel J Griffiths <ghost1227 at archlinux.us>
+pkgdesc="A web browser built for speed, simplicity, and security"
+depends=('gtk3' 'nss' 'alsa-lib' 'xdg-utils' 'libxss' 'libcups' 'libgcrypt'
+         'ttf-font' 'systemd' 'dbus' 'libpulse' 'pciutils' 'json-glib'
+         'desktop-file-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
+makedepends=('python' 'python2' 'gperf' 'yasm' 'mesa' 'ninja' 'nodejs' 'git'
+             'clang' 'lld' 'gn')
+optdepends=('pepper-flash: support for Flash content'
+            'kdialog: needed for file dialogs in KDE'
+            'gnome-keyring: for storing passwords in GNOME keyring'
+            'kwallet: for storing passwords in KWallet')
+        chromium-launcher-$_launcher_ver.tar.gz::https://github.com/foutrelis/chromium-launcher/archive/v$_launcher_ver.tar.gz
+        include-stdint.h-in-pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h.patch
+        chromium-widevine-r2.patch
+        chromium-system-icu.patch
+        chromium-skia-harmony.patch)
+            '04917e3cd4307d8e31bfb0027a5dce6d086edb10ff8a716024fbb8bb0c7dccf1'
+            'cd1e87bf3618b7897c5caf7b0f4213cfa5ce917acb0613ecd2ab3f830f0cbfbb'
+            '02c69bb3954087db599def7f5b6d65cf8f7cf2ed81dfbdaa4bb7b51863b4df15'
+            'c4f2d1bed9034c02b8806f00c2e8165df24de467803855904bff709ceaf11af5'
+            'feca54ab09ac0fc9d0626770a6b899a6ac5a12173c7d0c1005bc3964ec83e7b3')
+# Possible replacements are listed in build/linux/unbundle/replace_gn_files.py
+# Keys are the names in the above script; values are the dependencies in Arch
+declare -gA _system_libs=(
+  [ffmpeg]=ffmpeg
+  [flac]=flac
+  [fontconfig]=fontconfig
+  [freetype]=freetype2
+  [harfbuzz-ng]=harfbuzz
+  [icu]=icu
+  [libdrm]=
+  [libjpeg]=libjpeg
+  #[libpng]=libpng            # https://crbug.com/752403#c10
+  #[libvpx]=libvpx            # needs unreleased libvpx
+  [libwebp]=libwebp
+  [libxml]=libxml2
+  [libxslt]=libxslt
+  [opus]=opus
+  [re2]=re2
+  [snappy]=snappy
+  [yasm]=
+  [zlib]=minizip
+  ${!_system_libs[@]}
+  ${_system_libs[libjpeg]+libjpeg_turbo}
+# Google API keys (see https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/api-keys)
+# Note: These are for Arch Linux use ONLY. For your own distribution, please
+# get your own set of keys.
+prepare() {
+  cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+  # Allow building against system libraries in official builds
+    tools/generate_shim_headers/generate_shim_headers.py
+  # https://crbug.com/893950
+  sed -i -e 's/\<xmlMalloc\>/malloc/' -e 's/\<xmlFree\>/free/' \
+    third_party/blink/renderer/core/xml/*.cc \
+    third_party/blink/renderer/core/xml/parser/xml_document_parser.cc \
+    third_party/libxml/chromium/libxml_utils.cc
+  # https://crbug.com/879900
+  patch -Np1 -i ../include-stdint.h-in-pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h.patch
+  # https://crbug.com/skia/6663#c10
+  patch -Np4 -i ../chromium-skia-harmony.patch
+  # Fixes from Gentoo
+  patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-widevine-r2.patch
+  # https://bugs.gentoo.org/661880#c21
+  patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-system-icu.patch
+  # Force script incompatible with Python 3 to use /usr/bin/python2
+  sed -i '1s|python$|&2|' third_party/dom_distiller_js/protoc_plugins/*.py
+  mkdir -p third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
+  ln -s /usr/bin/node third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin/
+  # Remove bundled libraries for which we will use the system copies; this
+  # *should* do what the remove_bundled_libraries.py script does, with the
+  # added benefit of not having to list all the remaining libraries
+  local _lib
+  for _lib in ${_unwanted_bundled_libs[@]}; do
+    find "third_party/$_lib" -type f \
+      \! -path "third_party/$_lib/chromium/*" \
+      \! -path "third_party/$_lib/google/*" \
+      \! -path 'third_party/yasm/run_yasm.py' \
+      \! -regex '.*\.\(gn\|gni\|isolate\)' \
+      -delete
+  done
+  python2 build/linux/unbundle/replace_gn_files.py \
+    --system-libraries "${!_system_libs[@]}"
+build() {
+  make -C chromium-launcher-$_launcher_ver
+  cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+  if check_buildoption ccache y; then
+    # Avoid falling back to preprocessor mode when sources contain time macros
+    export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=time_macros
+  fi
+  export CC=clang
+  export CXX=clang++
+  export AR=ar
+  export NM=nm
+  local _flags=(
+    'custom_toolchain="//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default"'
+    'host_toolchain="//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default"'
+    'clang_use_chrome_plugins=false'
+    'is_official_build=true' # implies is_cfi=true on x86_64
+    'treat_warnings_as_errors=false'
+    'fieldtrial_testing_like_official_build=true'
+    'ffmpeg_branding="Chrome"'
+    'proprietary_codecs=true'
+    'link_pulseaudio=true'
+    'use_gnome_keyring=false'
+    'use_sysroot=false'
+    'linux_use_bundled_binutils=false'
+    'use_custom_libcxx=false'
+    'enable_hangout_services_extension=true'
+    'enable_widevine=true'
+    'enable_nacl=false'
+    'enable_swiftshader=false'
+    "google_api_key=\"${_google_api_key}\""
+    "google_default_client_id=\"${_google_default_client_id}\""
+    "google_default_client_secret=\"${_google_default_client_secret}\""
+  )
+  # Facilitate deterministic builds (taken from build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn)
+  CFLAGS+='   -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined'
+  CXXFLAGS+=' -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined'
+  CPPFLAGS+=' -D__DATE__=  -D__TIME__=  -D__TIMESTAMP__='
+  if check_option strip y; then
+    _flags+=('symbol_level=0')
+    # Mimic exclude_unwind_tables=true
+    CFLAGS+='   -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables'
+    CXXFLAGS+=' -fno-unwind-tables -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables'
+  fi
+  gn gen out/Release --args="${_flags[*]}" --script-executable=/usr/bin/python2
+  ninja -C out/Release chrome chrome_sandbox chromedriver
+package() {
+  cd chromium-launcher-$_launcher_ver
+  make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+  install -Dm644 LICENSE \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/chromium/LICENSE.launcher"
+  cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
+  install -D out/Release/chrome "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/chromium"
+  install -Dm4755 out/Release/chrome_sandbox "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/chrome-sandbox"
+  ln -s /usr/lib/chromium/chromedriver "$pkgdir/usr/bin/chromedriver"
+  install -Dm644 chrome/installer/linux/common/desktop.template \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop"
+  install -Dm644 chrome/app/resources/manpage.1.in \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/chromium.1"
+  sed -i \
+    -e "s/@@MENUNAME@@/Chromium/g" \
+    -e "s/@@PACKAGE@@/chromium/g" \
+    -e "s/@@USR_BIN_SYMLINK_NAME@@/chromium/g" \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop" \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/chromium.1"
+  cp \
+    out/Release/{chrome_{100,200}_percent,resources}.pak \
+    out/Release/{*.bin,chromedriver} \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/"
+  install -Dm644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/locales" out/Release/locales/*.pak
+  if [[ -z ${_system_libs[icu]+set} ]]; then
+    cp out/Release/icudtl.dat "$pkgdir/usr/lib/chromium/"
+  fi
+  for size in 22 24 48 64 128 256; do
+    install -Dm644 "chrome/app/theme/chromium/product_logo_$size.png" \
+      "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps/chromium.png"
+  done
+  for size in 16 32; do
+    install -Dm644 "chrome/app/theme/default_100_percent/chromium/product_logo_$size.png" \
+      "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps/chromium.png"
+  done
+  install -Dm644 LICENSE "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/chromium/LICENSE"
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Deleted: chromium-skia-harmony.patch
--- chromium-skia-harmony.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:35 UTC (rev 336779)
+++ chromium-skia-harmony.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
---- qtwebengine-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp.orig	2017-10-10 17:42:06.956950985 +0200
-+++ qtwebengine-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp	2017-10-10 17:46:05.824187787 +0200
-@@ -99,8 +99,6 @@
-     FreeTypeLibrary()
-         : fGetVarDesignCoordinates(nullptr)
-         , fLibrary(nullptr)
--        , fIsLCDSupported(false)
--        , fLCDExtra(0)
-     {
-         if (FT_New_Library(&gFTMemory, &fLibrary)) {
-             return;
-@@ -147,12 +145,7 @@
-         }
- #endif
--        // Setup LCD filtering. This reduces color fringes for LCD smoothed glyphs.
--        // The default has changed over time, so this doesn't mean the same thing to all users.
--        if (FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(fLibrary, FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT) == 0) {
--            fIsLCDSupported = true;
--            fLCDExtra = 2; //Using a filter adds one full pixel to each side.
--        }
-+        FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(fLibrary, FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT);
-     }
-     ~FreeTypeLibrary() {
-         if (fLibrary) {
-@@ -161,8 +153,6 @@
-     }
-     FT_Library library() { return fLibrary; }
--    bool isLCDSupported() { return fIsLCDSupported; }
--    int lcdExtra() { return fLCDExtra; }
-     // FT_Get_{MM,Var}_{Blend,Design}_Coordinates were added in FreeType 2.7.1.
-     // Prior to this there was no way to get the coordinates out of the FT_Face.
-@@ -173,8 +163,6 @@
- private:
-     FT_Library fLibrary;
--    bool fIsLCDSupported;
--    int fLCDExtra;
-     // FT_Library_SetLcdFilterWeights was introduced in FreeType 2.4.0.
-     // The following platforms provide FreeType of at least 2.4.0.
-@@ -704,17 +692,6 @@
-         rec->fTextSize = SkIntToScalar(1 << 14);
-     }
--    if (isLCD(*rec)) {
--        // TODO: re-work so that FreeType is set-up and selected by the SkFontMgr.
--        SkAutoMutexAcquire ama(gFTMutex);
--        ref_ft_library();
--        if (!gFTLibrary->isLCDSupported()) {
--            // If the runtime Freetype library doesn't support LCD, disable it here.
--            rec->fMaskFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
--        }
--        unref_ft_library();
--    }
-     SkPaint::Hinting h = rec->getHinting();
-     if (SkPaint::kFull_Hinting == h && !isLCD(*rec)) {
-         // collapse full->normal hinting if we're not doing LCD
-@@ -1115,11 +1092,11 @@
- void SkScalerContext_FreeType::updateGlyphIfLCD(SkGlyph* glyph) {
-     if (isLCD(fRec)) {
-         if (fLCDIsVert) {
--            glyph->fHeight += gFTLibrary->lcdExtra();
--            glyph->fTop -= gFTLibrary->lcdExtra() >> 1;
-+            glyph->fHeight += 2;
-+            glyph->fTop -= 1;
-         } else {
--            glyph->fWidth += gFTLibrary->lcdExtra();
--            glyph->fLeft -= gFTLibrary->lcdExtra() >> 1;
-+            glyph->fWidth += 2;
-+            glyph->fLeft -= 1;
-         }
-     }
- }

Copied: chromium/repos/extra-x86_64/chromium-skia-harmony.patch (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/chromium-skia-harmony.patch)
--- chromium-skia-harmony.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ chromium-skia-harmony.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+--- qtwebengine-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp.orig	2017-10-10 17:42:06.956950985 +0200
++++ qtwebengine-opensource-src-5.9.1/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp	2017-10-10 17:46:05.824187787 +0200
+@@ -99,8 +99,6 @@
+     FreeTypeLibrary()
+         : fGetVarDesignCoordinates(nullptr)
+         , fLibrary(nullptr)
+-        , fIsLCDSupported(false)
+-        , fLCDExtra(0)
+     {
+         if (FT_New_Library(&gFTMemory, &fLibrary)) {
+             return;
+@@ -147,12 +145,7 @@
+         }
+ #endif
+-        // Setup LCD filtering. This reduces color fringes for LCD smoothed glyphs.
+-        // The default has changed over time, so this doesn't mean the same thing to all users.
+-        if (FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(fLibrary, FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT) == 0) {
+-            fIsLCDSupported = true;
+-            fLCDExtra = 2; //Using a filter adds one full pixel to each side.
+-        }
++        FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(fLibrary, FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT);
+     }
+     ~FreeTypeLibrary() {
+         if (fLibrary) {
+@@ -161,8 +153,6 @@
+     }
+     FT_Library library() { return fLibrary; }
+-    bool isLCDSupported() { return fIsLCDSupported; }
+-    int lcdExtra() { return fLCDExtra; }
+     // FT_Get_{MM,Var}_{Blend,Design}_Coordinates were added in FreeType 2.7.1.
+     // Prior to this there was no way to get the coordinates out of the FT_Face.
+@@ -173,8 +163,6 @@
+ private:
+     FT_Library fLibrary;
+-    bool fIsLCDSupported;
+-    int fLCDExtra;
+     // FT_Library_SetLcdFilterWeights was introduced in FreeType 2.4.0.
+     // The following platforms provide FreeType of at least 2.4.0.
+@@ -704,17 +692,6 @@
+         rec->fTextSize = SkIntToScalar(1 << 14);
+     }
+-    if (isLCD(*rec)) {
+-        // TODO: re-work so that FreeType is set-up and selected by the SkFontMgr.
+-        SkAutoMutexAcquire ama(gFTMutex);
+-        ref_ft_library();
+-        if (!gFTLibrary->isLCDSupported()) {
+-            // If the runtime Freetype library doesn't support LCD, disable it here.
+-            rec->fMaskFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
+-        }
+-        unref_ft_library();
+-    }
+     SkPaint::Hinting h = rec->getHinting();
+     if (SkPaint::kFull_Hinting == h && !isLCD(*rec)) {
+         // collapse full->normal hinting if we're not doing LCD
+@@ -1115,11 +1092,11 @@
+ void SkScalerContext_FreeType::updateGlyphIfLCD(SkGlyph* glyph) {
+     if (isLCD(fRec)) {
+         if (fLCDIsVert) {
+-            glyph->fHeight += gFTLibrary->lcdExtra();
+-            glyph->fTop -= gFTLibrary->lcdExtra() >> 1;
++            glyph->fHeight += 2;
++            glyph->fTop -= 1;
+         } else {
+-            glyph->fWidth += gFTLibrary->lcdExtra();
+-            glyph->fLeft -= gFTLibrary->lcdExtra() >> 1;
++            glyph->fWidth += 2;
++            glyph->fLeft -= 1;
+         }
+     }
+ }

Deleted: chromium-system-icu.patch
--- chromium-system-icu.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:35 UTC (rev 336779)
+++ chromium-system-icu.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data_generator.h b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data_generator.h
-index 28fb6a9..bb4dbd7 100644
---- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data_generator.h
-+++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data_generator.h
-@@ -244,10 +244,12 @@ static const UChar32 kIsHangulRanges[] = {
-     0xD7B0, 0xD7FF,
-     // Halfwidth Hangul Jamo
-     // https://www.unicode.org/charts/nameslist/c_FF00.html
--    0xFFA0, 0xFFDC,
-+    0xFFA0, 0xFFDB,
- };
--static const UChar32 kIsHangulArray[] = {};
-+static const UChar32 kIsHangulArray[] = {
-+  0xFFDC,
- }  // namespace blink

Copied: chromium/repos/extra-x86_64/chromium-system-icu.patch (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/chromium-system-icu.patch)
--- chromium-system-icu.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ chromium-system-icu.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data_generator.h b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data_generator.h
+index 28fb6a9..bb4dbd7 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data_generator.h
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data_generator.h
+@@ -244,10 +244,12 @@ static const UChar32 kIsHangulRanges[] = {
+     0xD7B0, 0xD7FF,
+     // Halfwidth Hangul Jamo
+     // https://www.unicode.org/charts/nameslist/c_FF00.html
+-    0xFFA0, 0xFFDC,
++    0xFFA0, 0xFFDB,
+ };
+-static const UChar32 kIsHangulArray[] = {};
++static const UChar32 kIsHangulArray[] = {
++  0xFFDC,
+ }  // namespace blink

Deleted: chromium-widevine-r2.patch
--- chromium-widevine-r2.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:35 UTC (rev 336779)
+++ chromium-widevine-r2.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Minimal patch to get chromium to compile with widevine support.
-Exactly the same as -r1, but we now need to patch
-ninja to pretty please not terminate our build.
-caveat emptor: it's in no way clear that building chromium this
-way is safer, from a security perspective, than whatever Google
-Chrome does.
-Upstream appears to be cooking up a code-signing trust-chain
-which may protect users against malicious cdm blobs; I doubt
-we benefit from these using this kludge.  Ideally, someone
-would look into this more carefully than I have ... tbh as
-soon as I got my "stories" back, I pretty much lost interest :)
---- a/third_party/widevine/cdm/stub/widevine_cdm_version.h
-+++ b/third_party/widevine/cdm/stub/widevine_cdm_version.h
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- #include "third_party/widevine/cdm/widevine_cdm_common.h"
---- a/third_party/widevine/cdm/BUILD.gn
-+++ b/third_party/widevine/cdm/BUILD.gn
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import("//third_party/widevine/cdm/widev
- # Internal Cast builds set enable_widevine=true to bring in Widevine support.
- # TODO(xhwang): Support component updated CDM on other platforms and remove this
- # assert.
--assert(!enable_widevine || is_win || is_mac || is_chromecast,
-+assert(!enable_widevine || is_win || is_mac || is_chromecast || is_linux,
-        "Component updated CDM only supported on Windows and Mac for now.")
- widevine_arch = current_cpu

Copied: chromium/repos/extra-x86_64/chromium-widevine-r2.patch (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/chromium-widevine-r2.patch)
--- chromium-widevine-r2.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ chromium-widevine-r2.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Minimal patch to get chromium to compile with widevine support.
+Exactly the same as -r1, but we now need to patch
+ninja to pretty please not terminate our build.
+caveat emptor: it's in no way clear that building chromium this
+way is safer, from a security perspective, than whatever Google
+Chrome does.
+Upstream appears to be cooking up a code-signing trust-chain
+which may protect users against malicious cdm blobs; I doubt
+we benefit from these using this kludge.  Ideally, someone
+would look into this more carefully than I have ... tbh as
+soon as I got my "stories" back, I pretty much lost interest :)
+--- a/third_party/widevine/cdm/stub/widevine_cdm_version.h
++++ b/third_party/widevine/cdm/stub/widevine_cdm_version.h
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include "third_party/widevine/cdm/widevine_cdm_common.h"
+--- a/third_party/widevine/cdm/BUILD.gn
++++ b/third_party/widevine/cdm/BUILD.gn
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import("//third_party/widevine/cdm/widev
+ # Internal Cast builds set enable_widevine=true to bring in Widevine support.
+ # TODO(xhwang): Support component updated CDM on other platforms and remove this
+ # assert.
+-assert(!enable_widevine || is_win || is_mac || is_chromecast,
++assert(!enable_widevine || is_win || is_mac || is_chromecast || is_linux,
+        "Component updated CDM only supported on Windows and Mac for now.")
+ widevine_arch = current_cpu

Deleted: chromium.install
--- chromium.install	2018-10-17 04:48:35 UTC (rev 336779)
+++ chromium.install	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-post_upgrade() {
-  if (($(vercmp $2 42.0.2311.90-1) < 0)); then
-    echo ':: This Chromium package no longer supports custom flags passed via the'
-    echo '   /etc/chromium/default file (or any other files under /etc/chromium/).'
-    echo
-    echo '   The new /usr/bin/chromium launcher script will automatically detect'
-    echo '   Pepper Flash (if installed) and pass the correct flags to Chromium.'
-    echo
-    echo '   If you need to pass extra command-line arguments to Chromium, you'
-    echo '   can put them in a "chromium-flags.conf" file under $HOME/.config/'
-    echo '   (or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME). Arguments are split on whitespace and shell'
-    echo '   quoting rules apply but no further parsing is performed.'
-  fi
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: chromium/repos/extra-x86_64/chromium.install (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/chromium.install)
--- chromium.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ chromium.install	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+post_upgrade() {
+  if (($(vercmp $2 42.0.2311.90-1) < 0)); then
+    echo ':: This Chromium package no longer supports custom flags passed via the'
+    echo '   /etc/chromium/default file (or any other files under /etc/chromium/).'
+    echo
+    echo '   The new /usr/bin/chromium launcher script will automatically detect'
+    echo '   Pepper Flash (if installed) and pass the correct flags to Chromium.'
+    echo
+    echo '   If you need to pass extra command-line arguments to Chromium, you'
+    echo '   can put them in a "chromium-flags.conf" file under $HOME/.config/'
+    echo '   (or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME). Arguments are split on whitespace and shell'
+    echo '   quoting rules apply but no further parsing is performed.'
+  fi
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Deleted: fix-cfi-icall-failure-with-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch
--- fix-cfi-icall-failure-with-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:35 UTC (rev 336779)
+++ fix-cfi-icall-failure-with-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-From db82db1b609f30d144d45477f55697818bcd363c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Vlad Tsyrklevich <vtsyrklevich at chromium.org>
-Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 01:03:22 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix cfi-icall failure with use_system_libjpeg=true
-JPEGImageReader::AllocateSampleArray() can call the function pointer
-(*info_.mem->alloc_sarray) which can be set by the systems non-CFI
-enabled libjpeg DSO when chromium is built with use_system_libjpeg=true.
-Disable cfi-icall for that method.
-Bug: 866290
-Change-Id: I6d9bbf08c514d6d5f48ad34c3802c63419ed1223
-Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/1155927
-Reviewed-by: Kentaro Hara <haraken at chromium.org>
-Commit-Queue: Vlad Tsyrklevich <vtsyrklevich at chromium.org>
-Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#579270}
- .../renderer/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.cc | 2 +-
- third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/compiler.h              | 2 ++
- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.cc b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.cc
-index a1e440f6eed5..fd4e72ba053c 100644
---- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.cc
-+++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.cc
-@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ class JPEGImageReader final {
-   IntSize UvSize() const { return uv_size_; }
-  private:
--  JSAMPARRAY AllocateSampleArray() {
- // Some output color spaces don't need the sample array: don't allocate in that
- // case.
-diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/compiler.h b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/compiler.h
-index 51595afdc955..5225a70309d6 100644
---- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/compiler.h
-+++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/compiler.h
-@@ -57,8 +57,10 @@
- #if defined(__clang__)
-   __attribute__((no_sanitize("cfi-unrelated-cast", "vptr")))
-+#define NO_SANITIZE_CFI_ICALL __attribute__((no_sanitize("cfi-icall")))
- #else
- #endif
- #endif /* WTF_Compiler_h */

Copied: chromium/repos/extra-x86_64/include-stdint.h-in-pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h.patch (from rev 336779, chromium/trunk/include-stdint.h-in-pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h.patch)
--- include-stdint.h-in-pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ include-stdint.h-in-pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From e3ad3deb6a6e79284f3748fa7410311d87df91c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Henrique Nakashima <hnakashima at chromium.org>
+Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2018 16:49:51 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] IWYU: stdint.h in pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h for uint8_t
+Bug: 879900
+Change-Id: I9c15d1c280a23c53d31f2d72c9d0d1db79eab886
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/1204410
+Reviewed-by: Lei Zhang <thestig at chromium.org>
+Commit-Queue: Henrique Nakashima <hnakashima at chromium.org>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#588547}
+ pdf/pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/pdf/pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h b/pdf/pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h
+index 03c54bb63800..82e82d23684d 100644
+--- a/pdf/pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h
++++ b/pdf/pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+ #include <stddef.h>
++#include <stdint.h>
+ #include <vector>

Deleted: only-disable-cfi-icall-when-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch
--- only-disable-cfi-icall-when-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:35 UTC (rev 336779)
+++ only-disable-cfi-icall-when-use_system_libjpeg-true.patch	2018-10-17 04:48:46 UTC (rev 336780)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From 20f81a066ffdf6bd30fb4b696b8b3e101368e2f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Vlad Tsyrklevich <vtsyrklevich at chromium.org>
-Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 23:21:09 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Only disable cfi-icall when use_system_libjpeg=true
-Bug: 866290
-Change-Id: Ic5d175b3b854665f50781650406d599d09ee9849
-Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/1157136
-Reviewed-by: Kentaro Hara <haraken at chromium.org>
-Commit-Queue: Vlad Tsyrklevich <vtsyrklevich at chromium.org>
-Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#579614}
- .../platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.cc       | 5 ++++-
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.cc b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.cc
-index fd4e72ba053c..afa90d83efee 100644
---- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.cc
-+++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/jpeg_image_decoder.cc
-@@ -643,7 +643,10 @@ class JPEGImageReader final {
-   IntSize UvSize() const { return uv_size_; }
-  private:
-+#if defined(USE_SYSTEM_LIBJPEG)
-+  JSAMPARRAY AllocateSampleArray() {
- // Some output color spaces don't need the sample array: don't allocate in that
- // case.

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