[arch-commits] Commit in networkmanager/trunk (4 files)

Jan Steffens heftig at archlinux.org
Fri Oct 19 17:25:23 UTC 2018

    Date: Friday, October 19, 2018 @ 17:25:22
  Author: heftig
Revision: 336897

1.14.2-1: with meson!


 0001-meson-Fix-platform-tests.patch |  137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 20-connectivity.conf                |    2 
 NetworkManager.conf                 |    2 
 PKGBUILD                            |  129 +++++++++++---------------------
 4 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)

Added: 0001-meson-Fix-platform-tests.patch
--- 0001-meson-Fix-platform-tests.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ 0001-meson-Fix-platform-tests.patch	2018-10-19 17:25:22 UTC (rev 336897)
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+From a407e10a2646771cd649976aae03f2cc6111ff92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+Message-Id: <a407e10a2646771cd649976aae03f2cc6111ff92.1539968035.git.jan.steffens at gmail.com>
+From: "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig)" <jan.steffens at gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 18:48:43 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] meson: Fix platform tests
+All platform tests were run twice with the `linux` platform, instead of
+`fake` and `linux`, as expected.
+ src/meson.build                | 13 ++++++++++---
+ src/ndisc/tests/meson.build    |  6 ++----
+ src/platform/tests/meson.build | 26 ++++++++++++--------------
+ 3 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/meson.build b/src/meson.build
+index f293f299b..d58fb4d1f 100644
+--- a/src/meson.build
++++ b/src/meson.build
+@@ -216,23 +216,30 @@ if enable_tests
+     test_cflags += ['-DREQUIRE_ROOT_TESTS=1']
+   endif
+-  platform = (host_machine.system().contains('linux') ? 'linux' : 'fake')
+-  test_cflags_platform = '-DSETUP=nm_' + platform + '_platform_setup'
+   libnetwork_manager_test = static_library(
+     nm_name + 'Test',
+     sources: sources,
+     dependencies: deps,
+     c_args: cflags + test_cflags,
+     link_with: libnetwork_manager
+   )
+   test_nm_dep = declare_dependency(
+     dependencies: nm_dep,
+     compile_args: test_cflags,
+     link_with: libnetwork_manager_test
+   )
++  test_nm_dep_fake = declare_dependency(
++    dependencies: test_nm_dep,
++    compile_args: ['-DSETUP=nm_fake_platform_setup']
++  )
++  test_nm_dep_linux = declare_dependency(
++    dependencies: test_nm_dep,
++    compile_args: ['-DSETUP=nm_linux_platform_setup']
++  )
+   subdir('dnsmasq/tests')
+   subdir('ndisc/tests')
+   subdir('platform/tests')
+diff --git a/src/ndisc/tests/meson.build b/src/ndisc/tests/meson.build
+index 2f479c2d9..e0dc9aa6c 100644
+--- a/src/ndisc/tests/meson.build
++++ b/src/ndisc/tests/meson.build
+@@ -3,21 +3,19 @@ test_unit = 'test-ndisc-fake'
+ exe = executable(
+   test_unit,
+   test_unit + '.c',
+-  dependencies: test_nm_dep,
+-  c_args: test_cflags_platform
++  dependencies: test_nm_dep_fake,
+ )
+ test(
+   'ndisc/' + test_unit,
+   test_script,
+   args: test_args + [exe.full_path()]
+ )
+ test = 'test-ndisc-linux'
+ exe = executable(
+   test,
+   test + '.c',
+-  dependencies: test_nm_dep,
+-  c_args: test_cflags_platform
++  dependencies: test_nm_dep_linux,
+ )
+diff --git a/src/platform/tests/meson.build b/src/platform/tests/meson.build
+index 0571efacf..67582d776 100644
+--- a/src/platform/tests/meson.build
++++ b/src/platform/tests/meson.build
+@@ -1,37 +1,35 @@
+ test_units = [
+-  ['test-link-fake', 'test-link.c', 60],
+-  ['test-link-linux', 'test-link.c', 60],
+-  ['test-address-fake', 'test-address.c'],
+-  ['test-address-linux', 'test-address.c'],
+-  ['test-general', 'test-general.c'],
+-  ['test-nmp-object', 'test-nmp-object.c'],
+-  ['test-route-fake', 'test-route.c'],
+-  ['test-route-linux', 'test-route.c'],
+-  ['test-cleanup-fake', 'test-cleanup.c'],
+-  ['test-cleanup-linux', 'test-cleanup.c'],
++  ['test-link-fake',     'test-link.c',       test_nm_dep_fake,  30],
++  ['test-link-linux',    'test-link.c',       test_nm_dep_linux, 90],
++  ['test-address-fake',  'test-address.c',    test_nm_dep_fake,  30],
++  ['test-address-linux', 'test-address.c',    test_nm_dep_linux, 30],
++  ['test-general',       'test-general.c',    test_nm_dep,       30],
++  ['test-nmp-object',    'test-nmp-object.c', test_nm_dep,       30],
++  ['test-route-fake',    'test-route.c',      test_nm_dep_fake,  30],
++  ['test-route-linux',   'test-route.c',      test_nm_dep_linux, 30],
++  ['test-cleanup-fake',  'test-cleanup.c',    test_nm_dep_fake,  30],
++  ['test-cleanup-linux', 'test-cleanup.c',    test_nm_dep_linux, 30],
+ ]
+ foreach test_unit: test_units
+   exe = executable(
+     'platform-' + test_unit[0],
+     test_unit[1],
+-    dependencies: test_nm_dep,
+-    c_args: test_cflags_platform
++    dependencies: test_unit[2],
+   )
+   test(
+     'platform/' + test_unit[0],
+     test_script,
+-    timeout: test_unit.length() > 2 ? test_unit[2] : 30,
++    timeout: test_unit[3],
+     args: test_args + [exe.full_path()]
+   )
+ endforeach
+ test = 'monitor'
+ executable(
+   test,
+   test + '.c',
+   dependencies: test_nm_dep,
+-  c_args: test_cflags_platform
+ )

Deleted: 20-connectivity.conf
--- 20-connectivity.conf	2018-10-19 15:21:33 UTC (rev 336896)
+++ 20-connectivity.conf	2018-10-19 17:25:22 UTC (rev 336897)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

Deleted: NetworkManager.conf
--- NetworkManager.conf	2018-10-19 15:21:33 UTC (rev 336896)
+++ NetworkManager.conf	2018-10-19 17:25:22 UTC (rev 336897)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for NetworkManager.
-# See "man 5 NetworkManager.conf" for details.

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2018-10-19 15:21:33 UTC (rev 336896)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-10-19 17:25:22 UTC (rev 336897)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 pkgname=(networkmanager libnm libnm-glib)
 pkgdesc="Network connection manager and user applications"
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@
 makedepends=(intltool dhclient iptables gobject-introspection gtk-doc "ppp=$_pppver" modemmanager
              dbus-glib iproute2 nss polkit wpa_supplicant curl systemd libmm-glib
              libnewt libndp libteam vala perl-yaml python-gobject git vala jansson bluez-libs
-             glib2-docs dhcpcd iwd dnsmasq systemd-resolvconf libpsl audit)
+             glib2-docs dhcpcd iwd dnsmasq systemd-resolvconf libpsl audit meson)
 checkdepends=(libx11 python-dbus)
-_commit=0d323447812ce1f07e1af4e6f38d6c0a135a85da  # nm-1-14
+_commit=ef5ada1d1d53b04a468dc44838afb459f85e95e7  # tags/1.14.2^0
+        0001-meson-Fix-platform-tests.patch)
+            'e993a727bb06494419071baea3c20fcc00aa2f9cf110d14f09f043be23952a1b')
 pkgver() {
   cd NetworkManager
@@ -29,84 +31,45 @@
 prepare() {
-  mkdir build
   cd NetworkManager
-  NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh
+  # Meson fixes
+  git cherry-pick -n 1ff00d51e750610ec5a1a1736ccb5b75c8457f20
+  patch -Np1 -i ../0001-meson-Fix-platform-tests.patch
 build() {
-  cd build
-  ../NetworkManager/configure \
-    --prefix=/usr \
-    --sysconfdir=/etc \
-    --localstatedir=/var \
-    runstatedir=/run \
-    --sbindir=/usr/bin \
-    --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
-    --disable-ifcfg-rh \
-    --disable-ifupdown \
-    --disable-lto \
-    --disable-more-logging \
-    --disable-more-warnings \
-    --disable-qt \
-    --disable-static \
-    --enable-bluez5-dun \
-    --enable-concheck \
-    --enable-config-plugin-ibft \
-    --enable-gtk-doc \
-    --enable-introspection \
-    --enable-json-validation \
-    --enable-ld-gc \
-    --enable-modify-system \
-    --enable-polkit \
-    --enable-polkit-agent \
-    --enable-teamdctl \
-    --enable-wifi \
-    --with-config-dhcp-default=internal \
-    --with-config-dns-rc-manager-default=symlink \
-    --with-config-logging-backend-default=journal \
-    --with-config-plugins-default=keyfile,ibft \
-    --with-crypto=nss \
-    --with-dbus-sys-dir=/usr/share/dbus-1/system.d \
-    --with-dhclient=/usr/bin/dhclient \
-    --with-dhcpcd-supports-ipv6 \
-    --with-dhcpcd=/usr/bin/dhcpcd \
-    --with-dist-version="$pkgver-$pkgrel" \
-    --with-dnsmasq=/usr/bin/dnsmasq \
-    --with-dnssec-trigger=/usr/lib/dnssec-trigger/dnssec-trigger-script \
-    --with-hostname-persist=default \
-    --with-iptables=/usr/bin/iptables \
-    --with-iwd \
-    --with-kernel-firmware-dir=/usr/lib/firmware \
-    --with-libaudit=yes \
-    --with-libnm-glib \
-    --with-libpsl \
-    --with-modem-manager-1 \
-    --with-nmcli \
-    --with-nmtui \
-    --with-pppd-plugin-dir=/usr/lib/pppd/$_pppver \
-    --with-pppd=/usr/bin/pppd \
-    --with-resolvconf=/usr/bin/resolvconf \
-    --with-session-tracking=systemd \
-    --with-suspend-resume=systemd \
-    --with-system-ca-path=/etc/ssl/certs \
-    --with-systemd-journal \
-    --with-systemd-logind \
-    --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/usr/lib/systemd/system \
-    --with-udev-dir=/usr/lib/udev \
-    --with-wext \
-    --without-consolekit \
-    --without-dhcpcanon \
-    --without-more-asserts \
-    --without-netconfig \
-    --without-ofono \
-    --without-selinux
-  sed -i -e 's/ -shared / -Wl,-O1,--as-needed\0/g' libtool
-  make
+  local meson_args=(
+    # https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/issues/63
+    -D b_lto=false
+    -D dbus_conf_dir=/usr/share/dbus-1/system.d
+    -D dist_version="$pkgver-$pkgrel"
+    -D session_tracking_consolekit=false
+    -D suspend_resume=systemd
+    -D modify_system=true
+    -D polkit_agent=true
+    -D selinux=false
+    -D iwd=true
+    -D pppd_plugin_dir=/usr/lib/pppd/$_pppver
+    -D teamdctl=true
+    -D libnm_glib=true
+    -D bluez5_dun=true
+    -D config_plugins_default=keyfile,ibft
+    -D ibft=true
+    -D docs=true
+    -D more_asserts=no
+    -D more_logging=false
+    -D qt=false
+  )
+  arch-meson NetworkManager build "${meson_args[@]}"
+  ninja -C build
 check() {
-  make check -C build
+  meson test -C build
 _pick() {
@@ -130,14 +93,8 @@
-  DESTDIR="$pkgdir" make install -C build
+  DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install -C build
-  # packaged configuration
-  install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/20-connectivity.conf" <<END
   # /etc/NetworkManager
   install -d "$pkgdir"/etc/NetworkManager/{conf,dnsmasq}.d
   install -dm700 "$pkgdir/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections"
@@ -146,6 +103,12 @@
 # See "man 5 NetworkManager.conf" for details.
+  # packaged configuration
+  install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/20-connectivity.conf" <<END
 ### Split libnm
   _pick libnm "$pkgdir"/usr/include/libnm
   _pick libnm "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/girepository-1.0/NM-*

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