[arch-commits] Commit in bind/repos/extra-x86_64 (20 files)

Sébastien Luttringer seblu at archlinux.org
Sat Oct 20 23:59:49 UTC 2018

    Date: Saturday, October 20, 2018 @ 23:59:49
  Author: seblu
Revision: 336938

archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64

    (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/127.0.0.zone)
    (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/empty.zone)
    (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/fix-FS#60286.patch)
    (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/localhost.ip6.zone)
    (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/localhost.zone)
    (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/named.conf)
    (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/named.service)
    (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/sysusers.conf)
    (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/tmpfiles.conf)

 127.0.0.zone       |   20 +--
 PKGBUILD           |  269 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 empty.zone         |   16 +--
 fix-FS#60286.patch |  258 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 localhost.ip6.zone |   20 +--
 localhost.zone     |   22 ++--
 named.conf         |  144 +++++++++++++--------------
 named.service      |   20 +--
 sysusers.conf      |    2 
 tmpfiles.conf      |    2 
 10 files changed, 386 insertions(+), 387 deletions(-)

Deleted: 127.0.0.zone
--- 127.0.0.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:37 UTC (rev 336937)
+++ 127.0.0.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-@                               1D IN SOA   localhost. root.localhost. (
-                                    42    ; serial (yyyymmdd##)
-                                    3H    ; refresh
-                                    15M   ; retry
-                                    1W    ; expiry
-                                    1D )  ; minimum ttl
-                                1D  IN  NS      localhost.
-         1D  IN  PTR     localhost.

Copied: bind/repos/extra-x86_64/127.0.0.zone (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/127.0.0.zone)
--- 127.0.0.zone	                        (rev 0)
+++ 127.0.0.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+@                               1D IN SOA   localhost. root.localhost. (
+                                    42    ; serial (yyyymmdd##)
+                                    3H    ; refresh
+                                    15M   ; retry
+                                    1W    ; expiry
+                                    1D )  ; minimum ttl
+                                1D  IN  NS      localhost.
+         1D  IN  PTR     localhost.

--- PKGBUILD	2018-10-20 23:59:37 UTC (rev 336937)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Sébastien Luttringer
-# Contributor: Gaetan Bisson <bisson at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: judd <jvinet at zeroflux.org>
-# Contributor: Mario Vazquez <mario_vazq at hotmail.com>
-pkgname=(bind bind-tools)
-makedepends=('libcap' 'libxml2' 'zlib' 'krb5' 'e2fsprogs' 'openssl' 'readline'
- 'libidn2' 'geoip' 'dnssec-anchors' 'python' 'json-c' 'python-ply' 'libseccomp')
-              'ADBE9446286C794905F1E0756FA6EBC9911A4C02' #ISC, Inc)
-              'BE0E9748B718253A28BB89FFF1B11BF05CF02E57' #Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
-              )
-        'tmpfiles.conf'
-        'sysusers.conf'
-        'named.conf'
-        'named.service'
-        'localhost.zone'
-        'localhost.ip6.zone'
-        '127.0.0.zone'
-        'empty.zone'
-        'fix-FS#60286.patch')
-          'SKIP'
-          'c5a2bcd9b0f009ae71f3a03fbdbe012196962a11'
-          '9537f4835a1f736788d0733c7996a10db2d4eee4'
-          'c017aae379c32c7cb1aa1ad84776b83e3a5c139f'
-          '62b06487323dd0d515a4dc659b8ecd193c29107b'
-          '6704303a6ed431a29b1d8fe7b12decd4d1f2f50f'
-          '52da8f1c0247a11b16daa4e03d920e8f09315cbe'
-          '9c33726088342207ad06d33b2c13408290a0c8ad'
-          '4f4457b310cbbeadca2272eced062a9c2b2b42fe'
-          '90b8362f8be53a025e204ddf5f202fc872846f1e')
-prepare() {
-  msg2 'Getting a fresh version of root DNS'
-  # no more using source array, lack of versioning.
-  curl -o root.hint https://www.internic.net/zones/named.root
-  [[ -s root.hint ]]
-  cd bind-$_pkgver
-  # apply patch from the source array (should be a pacman feature)
-  local filename
-  for filename in "${source[@]}"; do
-    if [[ "$filename" =~ \.patch$ ]]; then
-      msg2 "Applying patch ${filename##*/}"
-      patch -p1 -N -i "$srcdir/${filename##*/}"
-    fi
-  done
-build() {
-  cd bind-$_pkgver
-  ./configure \
-    --prefix=/usr \
-    --sysconfdir=/etc \
-    --sbindir=/usr/bin \
-    --localstatedir=/var \
-    --disable-static \
-    --enable-ipv6 \
-    --enable-filter-aaaa \
-    --enable-fixed-rrset \
-    --enable-seccomp \
-    --enable-full-report \
-    --with-python=/usr/bin/python \
-    --with-geoip \
-    --with-idn \
-    --with-openssl \
-    --with-libjson \
-    --with-libxml2 \
-    --with-libtool
-  sed -i -e 's/ -shared / -Wl,-O1,--as-needed\0/g' libtool
-  make
-package_bind() {
-  pkgdesc='The ISC DNS Server'
-  provides=('dns-server')
-  depends=('glibc' 'libxml2' 'libcap' 'libseccomp' 'openssl' 'geoip' 'json-c'
-           'bind-tools')
-  backup=('etc/named.conf'
-          'var/named/127.0.0.zone'
-          'var/named/localhost.zone'
-          'var/named/localhost.ip6.zone'
-          'var/named/empty.zone')
-  cd "bind-$_pkgver"
-  install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/"
-  install -Dm644 LICENSE COPYRIGHT "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/"
-  for _d in bin/{check,named,rndc}; do
-    (cd "$_d" && make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install)
-  done
-  cd "$srcdir"
-  install -D -m644 tmpfiles.conf "$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/$pkgname.conf"
-  install -D -m644 sysusers.conf "$pkgdir/usr/lib/sysusers.d/$pkgname.conf"
-  install -D -m644 named.service "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/named.service"
-  install -D -m640 -o 0 -g 40 named.conf "$pkgdir/etc/named.conf"
-  install -d -m770 -o 0 -g 40 "$pkgdir/var/named"
-  install    -m640 -o 0 -g 40 root.hint "$pkgdir/var/named"
-  install    -m640 -o 0 -g 40 localhost.zone "$pkgdir/var/named"
-  install    -m640 -o 0 -g 40 localhost.ip6.zone "$pkgdir/var/named"
-  install    -m640 -o 0 -g 40 127.0.0.zone "$pkgdir/var/named"
-  install    -m640 -o 0 -g 40 empty.zone "$pkgdir/var/named"
-package_bind-tools() {
-  pkgdesc='The ISC DNS tools'
-  depends=('glibc' 'libcap' 'libseccomp' 'libxml2' 'zlib' 'krb5' 'e2fsprogs'
-           'openssl' 'readline' 'geoip' 'libidn2' 'dnssec-anchors' 'json-c'
-           'python')
-  conflicts=('dnsutils')
-  replaces=('dnsutils' 'host')
-  provides=("dnsutils=$pkgver")
-  cd "bind-$_pkgver"
-  install -Dm644 COPYRIGHT "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
-  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" SUBDIRS="" install
-  (cd lib && make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install)
-  for _d in bin/{confgen,dig,dnssec,delv,nsupdate,python,tools}; do
-    (cd "$_d" && make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install)
-  done
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: bind/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Maintainer: Sébastien Luttringer
+# Contributor: Gaetan Bisson <bisson at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: judd <jvinet at zeroflux.org>
+# Contributor: Mario Vazquez <mario_vazq at hotmail.com>
+pkgname=(bind bind-tools)
+makedepends=('libcap' 'libxml2' 'zlib' 'krb5' 'e2fsprogs' 'openssl' 'readline'
+  'libidn2' 'geoip' 'dnssec-anchors' 'python' 'json-c' 'python-ply' 'lmdb'
+  'zlib' 'icu' 'xz')
+              'ADBE9446286C794905F1E0756FA6EBC9911A4C02' #ISC, Inc)
+              'BE0E9748B718253A28BB89FFF1B11BF05CF02E57' #Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
+              )
+        'tmpfiles.conf'
+        'sysusers.conf'
+        'named.conf'
+        'named.service'
+        'localhost.zone'
+        'localhost.ip6.zone'
+        '127.0.0.zone'
+        'empty.zone'
+        'fix-FS#60286.patch')
+          'SKIP'
+          'c5a2bcd9b0f009ae71f3a03fbdbe012196962a11'
+          '9537f4835a1f736788d0733c7996a10db2d4eee4'
+          'c017aae379c32c7cb1aa1ad84776b83e3a5c139f'
+          '62b06487323dd0d515a4dc659b8ecd193c29107b'
+          '6704303a6ed431a29b1d8fe7b12decd4d1f2f50f'
+          '52da8f1c0247a11b16daa4e03d920e8f09315cbe'
+          '9c33726088342207ad06d33b2c13408290a0c8ad'
+          '4f4457b310cbbeadca2272eced062a9c2b2b42fe'
+          '90b8362f8be53a025e204ddf5f202fc872846f1e')
+prepare() {
+  msg2 'Getting a fresh version of root DNS'
+  # no more using source array, lack of versioning.
+  curl -o root.hint https://www.internic.net/zones/named.root
+  [[ -s root.hint ]]
+  cd bind-$_pkgver
+  # apply patch from the source array (should be a pacman feature)
+  local filename
+  for filename in "${source[@]}"; do
+    if [[ "$filename" =~ \.patch$ ]]; then
+      msg2 "Applying patch ${filename##*/}"
+      patch -p1 -N -i "$srcdir/${filename##*/}"
+    fi
+  done
+build() {
+  cd bind-$_pkgver
+  ./configure \
+    --prefix=/usr \
+    --sysconfdir=/etc \
+    --sbindir=/usr/bin \
+    --localstatedir=/var \
+    --disable-static \
+    --enable-fixed-rrset \
+    --enable-full-report \
+    --enable-dnsrps \
+    --with-python=/usr/bin/python \
+    --with-geoip \
+    --with-openssl \
+    --with-libidn2 \
+    --with-libjson \
+    --with-libxml2 \
+    --with-lmdb \
+    --with-libtool
+  make
+package_bind() {
+  pkgdesc='The ISC DNS Server'
+  provides=('dns-server')
+  depends=('glibc' 'libxml2' 'libcap' 'openssl' 'geoip' 'json-c' 'bind-tools'
+           'zlib' 'lmdb')
+  backup=('etc/named.conf'
+          'var/named/127.0.0.zone'
+          'var/named/localhost.zone'
+          'var/named/localhost.ip6.zone'
+          'var/named/empty.zone')
+  cd "bind-$_pkgver"
+  install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/"
+  install -Dm644 LICENSE COPYRIGHT "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/"
+  for _d in bin/{check,named,rndc}; do
+    (cd "$_d" && make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install)
+  done
+  cd "$srcdir"
+  install -D -m644 tmpfiles.conf "$pkgdir/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/$pkgname.conf"
+  install -D -m644 sysusers.conf "$pkgdir/usr/lib/sysusers.d/$pkgname.conf"
+  install -D -m644 named.service "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/named.service"
+  install -D -m640 -o 0 -g 40 named.conf "$pkgdir/etc/named.conf"
+  install -d -m770 -o 0 -g 40 "$pkgdir/var/named"
+  install    -m640 -o 0 -g 40 root.hint "$pkgdir/var/named"
+  install    -m640 -o 0 -g 40 localhost.zone "$pkgdir/var/named"
+  install    -m640 -o 0 -g 40 localhost.ip6.zone "$pkgdir/var/named"
+  install    -m640 -o 0 -g 40 127.0.0.zone "$pkgdir/var/named"
+  install    -m640 -o 0 -g 40 empty.zone "$pkgdir/var/named"
+package_bind-tools() {
+  pkgdesc='The ISC DNS tools'
+  depends=('glibc' 'libcap' 'libxml2' 'zlib' 'krb5' 'e2fsprogs' 'python' 'bash'
+           'openssl' 'readline' 'geoip' 'libidn2' 'dnssec-anchors' 'json-c'
+           'lmdb' 'xz' 'icu')
+  conflicts=('dnsutils')
+  replaces=('dnsutils' 'host')
+  provides=("dnsutils=$pkgver")
+  cd "bind-$_pkgver"
+  install -Dm644 COPYRIGHT "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
+  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" SUBDIRS="" install
+  (cd lib && make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install)
+  for _d in bin/{confgen,dig,dnssec,delv,nsupdate,python,tools}; do
+    (cd "$_d" && make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install)
+  done
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Deleted: empty.zone
--- empty.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:37 UTC (rev 336937)
+++ empty.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-@                               1D IN SOA   localhost. root.localhost. (
-                                    42     ; serial (yyyymmdd##)
-                                    3H     ; refresh
-                                    15M    ; retry
-                                    1W     ; expiry
-                                    1D )   ; minimum ttl
-                                1D  IN  NS  localhost.

Copied: bind/repos/extra-x86_64/empty.zone (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/empty.zone)
--- empty.zone	                        (rev 0)
+++ empty.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@                               1D IN SOA   localhost. root.localhost. (
+                                    42     ; serial (yyyymmdd##)
+                                    3H     ; refresh
+                                    15M    ; retry
+                                    1W     ; expiry
+                                    1D )   ; minimum ttl
+                                1D  IN  NS  localhost.

Deleted: fix-FS#60286.patch
--- fix-FS#60286.patch	2018-10-20 23:59:37 UTC (rev 336937)
+++ fix-FS#60286.patch	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/lib/irs/getaddrinfo.c b/lib/irs/getaddrinfo.c
-index 1b2df6d71c9a3df0e75c1f336833a136e0d6a06c..d5481c7afa605880b7c9e5ca17815d5f80e6ea5a 100644
---- a/lib/irs/getaddrinfo.c
-+++ b/lib/irs/getaddrinfo.c
-@@ -181,6 +181,47 @@ static void _freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo *ai);
- #define FOUND_IPV6	0x2
- #define FOUND_MAX	2
-+ * Try converting the scope identifier in 'src' to a network interface index.
-+ * Upon success, return true and store the resulting index in 'dst'.  Upon
-+ * failure, return false.
-+ */
-+static bool
-+parse_scopeid(const char *src, uint32_t *dst) {
-+	uint32_t scopeid = 0;
-+	REQUIRE(src != NULL);
-+	REQUIRE(dst != NULL);
-+	/*
-+	 * Try using if_nametoindex() first if it is available.  As it does not
-+	 * handle numeric scopes, we do not simply return if it fails.
-+	 */
-+	scopeid = (uint32_t)if_nametoindex(src);
-+	/*
-+	 * Fall back to numeric scope processing if if_nametoindex() either
-+	 * fails or is unavailable.
-+	 */
-+	if (scopeid == 0) {
-+		char *endptr = NULL;
-+		scopeid = (uint32_t)strtoul(src, &endptr, 10);
-+		/*
-+		 * The scope identifier must not be empty and no trailing
-+		 * characters are allowed after it.
-+		 */
-+		if (src == endptr || endptr == NULL || *endptr != '\0') {
-+			return (false);
-+		}
-+	}
-+	*dst = scopeid;
-+	return (true);
- /*%
-  * Get a list of IP addresses and port numbers for host hostname and
-@@ -365,39 +406,24 @@ getaddrinfo(const char *hostname, const char *servname,
- 		char abuf[sizeof(struct in6_addr)];
- 		char nbuf[NI_MAXHOST];
- 		int addrsize, addroff;
--		char *p, *ep;
- 		char ntmp[NI_MAXHOST];
--		uint32_t scopeid;
-+		uint32_t scopeid = 0;
- 		/*
- 		 * Scope identifier portion.
- 		 */
- 		ntmp[0] = '\0';
- 		if (strchr(hostname, '%') != NULL) {
-+			char *p;
- 			strlcpy(ntmp, hostname, sizeof(ntmp));
- 			p = strchr(ntmp, '%');
--			ep = NULL;
--			/*
--			 * Vendors may want to support non-numeric
--			 * scopeid around here.
--			 */
--			if (p != NULL)
--				scopeid = (uint32_t)strtoul(p + 1,
--								&ep, 10);
--			if (p != NULL && ep != NULL && ep[0] == '\0')
-+			if (p != NULL && parse_scopeid(p + 1, &scopeid)) {
- 				*p = '\0';
--			else {
-+			} else {
- 				ntmp[0] = '\0';
--				scopeid = 0;
- 			}
--		} else
--			scopeid = 0;
-+		}
- 		if (inet_pton(AF_INET, hostname, (struct in_addr *)abuf)
- 		    == 1) {
-@@ -415,7 +441,6 @@ getaddrinfo(const char *hostname, const char *servname,
- 			addroff = offsetof(struct sockaddr_in, sin_addr);
- 			family = AF_INET;
- 			goto common;
- 		} else if (ntmp[0] != '\0' &&
- 			   inet_pton(AF_INET6, ntmp, abuf) == 1) {
- 			if (family && family != AF_INET6)
-@@ -424,7 +449,6 @@ getaddrinfo(const char *hostname, const char *servname,
- 			addroff = offsetof(struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_addr);
- 			family = AF_INET6;
- 			goto common;
- 		} else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, hostname, abuf) == 1) {
- 			if (family != 0 && family != AF_INET6)
- 				return (EAI_NONAME);
-@@ -444,12 +468,10 @@ getaddrinfo(const char *hostname, const char *servname,
- 			ai->ai_socktype = socktype;
- 			SIN(ai->ai_addr)->sin_port = port;
- 			memmove((char *)ai->ai_addr + addroff, abuf, addrsize);
-+			if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
-+				SIN6(ai->ai_addr)->sin6_scope_id = scopeid;
-+			}
- 			if ((flags & AI_CANONNAME) != 0) {
--				if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6)
--					SIN6(ai->ai_addr)->sin6_scope_id =
--						scopeid;
- 				if (getnameinfo(ai->ai_addr,
- 						(socklen_t)ai->ai_addrlen,
- 						nbuf, sizeof(nbuf), NULL, 0,

Copied: bind/repos/extra-x86_64/fix-FS#60286.patch (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/fix-FS#60286.patch)
--- fix-FS#60286.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ fix-FS#60286.patch	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+diff --git a/lib/irs/getaddrinfo.c b/lib/irs/getaddrinfo.c
+index 1b2df6d71c9a3df0e75c1f336833a136e0d6a06c..d5481c7afa605880b7c9e5ca17815d5f80e6ea5a 100644
+--- a/lib/irs/getaddrinfo.c
++++ b/lib/irs/getaddrinfo.c
+@@ -181,6 +181,47 @@ static void _freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo *ai);
+ #define FOUND_IPV6	0x2
+ #define FOUND_MAX	2
++ * Try converting the scope identifier in 'src' to a network interface index.
++ * Upon success, return true and store the resulting index in 'dst'.  Upon
++ * failure, return false.
++ */
++static bool
++parse_scopeid(const char *src, uint32_t *dst) {
++	uint32_t scopeid = 0;
++	REQUIRE(src != NULL);
++	REQUIRE(dst != NULL);
++	/*
++	 * Try using if_nametoindex() first if it is available.  As it does not
++	 * handle numeric scopes, we do not simply return if it fails.
++	 */
++	scopeid = (uint32_t)if_nametoindex(src);
++	/*
++	 * Fall back to numeric scope processing if if_nametoindex() either
++	 * fails or is unavailable.
++	 */
++	if (scopeid == 0) {
++		char *endptr = NULL;
++		scopeid = (uint32_t)strtoul(src, &endptr, 10);
++		/*
++		 * The scope identifier must not be empty and no trailing
++		 * characters are allowed after it.
++		 */
++		if (src == endptr || endptr == NULL || *endptr != '\0') {
++			return (false);
++		}
++	}
++	*dst = scopeid;
++	return (true);
+ /*%
+  * Get a list of IP addresses and port numbers for host hostname and
+@@ -365,39 +406,24 @@ getaddrinfo(const char *hostname, const char *servname,
+ 		char abuf[sizeof(struct in6_addr)];
+ 		char nbuf[NI_MAXHOST];
+ 		int addrsize, addroff;
+-		char *p, *ep;
+ 		char ntmp[NI_MAXHOST];
+-		uint32_t scopeid;
++		uint32_t scopeid = 0;
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Scope identifier portion.
+ 		 */
+ 		ntmp[0] = '\0';
+ 		if (strchr(hostname, '%') != NULL) {
++			char *p;
+ 			strlcpy(ntmp, hostname, sizeof(ntmp));
+ 			p = strchr(ntmp, '%');
+-			ep = NULL;
+-			/*
+-			 * Vendors may want to support non-numeric
+-			 * scopeid around here.
+-			 */
+-			if (p != NULL)
+-				scopeid = (uint32_t)strtoul(p + 1,
+-								&ep, 10);
+-			if (p != NULL && ep != NULL && ep[0] == '\0')
++			if (p != NULL && parse_scopeid(p + 1, &scopeid)) {
+ 				*p = '\0';
+-			else {
++			} else {
+ 				ntmp[0] = '\0';
+-				scopeid = 0;
+ 			}
+-		} else
+-			scopeid = 0;
++		}
+ 		if (inet_pton(AF_INET, hostname, (struct in_addr *)abuf)
+ 		    == 1) {
+@@ -415,7 +441,6 @@ getaddrinfo(const char *hostname, const char *servname,
+ 			addroff = offsetof(struct sockaddr_in, sin_addr);
+ 			family = AF_INET;
+ 			goto common;
+ 		} else if (ntmp[0] != '\0' &&
+ 			   inet_pton(AF_INET6, ntmp, abuf) == 1) {
+ 			if (family && family != AF_INET6)
+@@ -424,7 +449,6 @@ getaddrinfo(const char *hostname, const char *servname,
+ 			addroff = offsetof(struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_addr);
+ 			family = AF_INET6;
+ 			goto common;
+ 		} else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, hostname, abuf) == 1) {
+ 			if (family != 0 && family != AF_INET6)
+ 				return (EAI_NONAME);
+@@ -444,12 +468,10 @@ getaddrinfo(const char *hostname, const char *servname,
+ 			ai->ai_socktype = socktype;
+ 			SIN(ai->ai_addr)->sin_port = port;
+ 			memmove((char *)ai->ai_addr + addroff, abuf, addrsize);
++			if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
++				SIN6(ai->ai_addr)->sin6_scope_id = scopeid;
++			}
+ 			if ((flags & AI_CANONNAME) != 0) {
+-				if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6)
+-					SIN6(ai->ai_addr)->sin6_scope_id =
+-						scopeid;
+ 				if (getnameinfo(ai->ai_addr,
+ 						(socklen_t)ai->ai_addrlen,
+ 						nbuf, sizeof(nbuf), NULL, 0,

Deleted: localhost.ip6.zone
--- localhost.ip6.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:37 UTC (rev 336937)
+++ localhost.ip6.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-@                               1D IN SOA   localhost. root.localhost. (
-                                    42    ; serial (yyyymmdd##)
-                                    3H    ; refresh
-                                    15M   ; retry
-                                    1W    ; expiry
-                                    1D )  ; minimum ttl
-                                1D  IN  NS      localhost.
-   1D  IN  PTR localhost.

Copied: bind/repos/extra-x86_64/localhost.ip6.zone (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/localhost.ip6.zone)
--- localhost.ip6.zone	                        (rev 0)
+++ localhost.ip6.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+@                               1D IN SOA   localhost. root.localhost. (
+                                    42    ; serial (yyyymmdd##)
+                                    3H    ; refresh
+                                    15M   ; retry
+                                    1W    ; expiry
+                                    1D )  ; minimum ttl
+                                1D  IN  NS      localhost.
+   1D  IN  PTR localhost.

Deleted: localhost.zone
--- localhost.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:37 UTC (rev 336937)
+++ localhost.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-@                               1D IN SOA   localhost. root.localhost. (
-                                    42    ; serial (yyyymmdd##)
-                                    3H    ; refresh
-                                    15M   ; retry
-                                    1W    ; expiry
-                                    1D )  ; minimum ttl
-                                1D  IN  NS      localhost.
-localhost.                      1D  IN  A
-localhost.                      1D  IN  AAAA    ::1

Copied: bind/repos/extra-x86_64/localhost.zone (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/localhost.zone)
--- localhost.zone	                        (rev 0)
+++ localhost.zone	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+@                               1D IN SOA   localhost. root.localhost. (
+                                    42    ; serial (yyyymmdd##)
+                                    3H    ; refresh
+                                    15M   ; retry
+                                    1W    ; expiry
+                                    1D )  ; minimum ttl
+                                1D  IN  NS      localhost.
+localhost.                      1D  IN  A
+localhost.                      1D  IN  AAAA    ::1

Deleted: named.conf
--- named.conf	2018-10-20 23:59:37 UTC (rev 336937)
+++ named.conf	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// vim:set ts=4 sw=4 et:
-options {
-    directory "/var/named";
-    pid-file "/run/named/named.pid";
-    // Uncomment these to enable IPv6 connections support
-    // IPv4 will still work:
-    //  listen-on-v6 { any; };
-    // Add this for no IPv4:
-    //  listen-on { none; };
-    allow-recursion {; };
-    allow-transfer { none; };
-    allow-update { none; };
-    version none;
-    hostname none;
-    server-id none;
-zone "localhost" IN {
-    type master;
-    file "localhost.zone";
-zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN {
-    type master;
-    file "127.0.0.zone";
-zone "" {
-    type master;
-    file "localhost.ip6.zone";
-zone "255.in-addr.arpa" IN {
-    type master;
-    file "empty.zone";
-zone "0.in-addr.arpa" IN {
-    type master;
-    file "empty.zone";
-zone "." IN {
-    type hint;
-    file "root.hint";
-//zone "example.org" IN {
-//    type slave;
-//    file "example.zone";
-//    masters {
-//    };
-//    allow-query { any; };
-//    allow-transfer { any; };
-//logging {
-//    channel xfer-log {
-//        file "/var/log/named.log";
-//            print-category yes;
-//            print-severity yes;
-//            severity info;
-//        };
-//        category xfer-in { xfer-log; };
-//        category xfer-out { xfer-log; };
-//        category notify { xfer-log; };

Copied: bind/repos/extra-x86_64/named.conf (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/named.conf)
--- named.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ named.conf	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// vim:set ts=4 sw=4 et:
+options {
+    directory "/var/named";
+    pid-file "/run/named/named.pid";
+    // Uncomment these to enable IPv6 connections support
+    // IPv4 will still work:
+    //  listen-on-v6 { any; };
+    // Add this for no IPv4:
+    //  listen-on { none; };
+    allow-recursion {; };
+    allow-transfer { none; };
+    allow-update { none; };
+    version none;
+    hostname none;
+    server-id none;
+zone "localhost" IN {
+    type master;
+    file "localhost.zone";
+zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN {
+    type master;
+    file "127.0.0.zone";
+zone "" {
+    type master;
+    file "localhost.ip6.zone";
+zone "255.in-addr.arpa" IN {
+    type master;
+    file "empty.zone";
+zone "0.in-addr.arpa" IN {
+    type master;
+    file "empty.zone";
+zone "." IN {
+    type hint;
+    file "root.hint";
+//zone "example.org" IN {
+//    type slave;
+//    file "example.zone";
+//    masters {
+//    };
+//    allow-query { any; };
+//    allow-transfer { any; };
+//logging {
+//    channel xfer-log {
+//        file "/var/log/named.log";
+//            print-category yes;
+//            print-severity yes;
+//            severity info;
+//        };
+//        category xfer-in { xfer-log; };
+//        category xfer-out { xfer-log; };
+//        category notify { xfer-log; };

Deleted: named.service
--- named.service	2018-10-20 23:59:37 UTC (rev 336937)
+++ named.service	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Description=Internet domain name server
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/named -f -u named
-ExecReload=/usr/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

Copied: bind/repos/extra-x86_64/named.service (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/named.service)
--- named.service	                        (rev 0)
+++ named.service	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Description=Internet domain name server
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/named -f -u named
+ExecReload=/usr/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

Deleted: sysusers.conf
--- sysusers.conf	2018-10-20 23:59:37 UTC (rev 336937)
+++ sysusers.conf	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-u named 40 "BIND DNS Server" -

Copied: bind/repos/extra-x86_64/sysusers.conf (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/sysusers.conf)
--- sysusers.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ sysusers.conf	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+u named 40 "BIND DNS Server" -

Deleted: tmpfiles.conf
--- tmpfiles.conf	2018-10-20 23:59:37 UTC (rev 336937)
+++ tmpfiles.conf	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-d /run/named 0750 named named -

Copied: bind/repos/extra-x86_64/tmpfiles.conf (from rev 336937, bind/trunk/tmpfiles.conf)
--- tmpfiles.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ tmpfiles.conf	2018-10-20 23:59:49 UTC (rev 336938)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+d /run/named 0750 named named -

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