[arch-commits] Commit in atom/repos/community-x86_64 (18 files)

Nicola Squartini tensor5 at archlinux.org
Sun Sep 2 12:49:48 UTC 2018

    Date: Sunday, September 2, 2018 @ 12:49:48
  Author: tensor5
Revision: 376040

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/atom.js)
    (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/dugite-use-system-git.patch)
    (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/fix-atom-sh.patch)
    (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/fix-license-path.patch)
    (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/fix-restart.patch)
    (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch)
    (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/use-system-apm.patch)
    (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/use-system-electron.patch)

 PKGBUILD                            |  224 ++++++++---------
 atom.js                             |   66 ++---
 dugite-use-system-git.patch         |   66 ++---
 fix-atom-sh.patch                   |  260 ++++++++++----------
 fix-license-path.patch              |   44 +--
 fix-restart.patch                   |   22 -
 symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch |   22 -
 use-system-apm.patch                |   64 ++--
 use-system-electron.patch           |  440 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 9 files changed, 612 insertions(+), 596 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2018-09-02 12:49:29 UTC (rev 376039)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Maintainer: Nicola Squartini <tensor5 at gmail.com>
-pkgdesc='A hackable text editor for the 21st Century'
-license=('MIT' 'custom')
-depends=('apm' 'electron' 'libxkbfile')
-makedepends=('git' 'npm')
-optdepends=('ctags: symbol indexing support'
-            'git: Git and GitHub integration')
-        'atom.js'
-        'dugite-use-system-git.patch'
-        'fix-atom-sh.patch'
-        'fix-license-path.patch'
-        'fix-restart.patch'
-        'symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch'
-        'use-system-apm.patch'
-        'use-system-electron.patch')
-            'cdf87ab82cfcf69e8904684c59b08c35a68540ea16ab173fce06037ac341efcd'
-            '866f19de9184287da459b0f9e8b79d0eeb72ba4e6c2a803ba29f74a33976deda'
-            '681f3d8e19b92548ca3a2929a13c84ef42af5a8e89bea79aba66dab30916caa6'
-            'c8a931f36af3722c57c4d1b70c1e58aa1a18372e8e26c28a4e01253e05295205'
-            'b9533bd31e9329d63abc5ec87b237761c73d0586485288925ba723fb34b3b933'
-            '3c68e6b3751313e1d386e721f8f819fb051351fb2cf8e753b1d773a0f475fef8'
-            '4b91a1acd112838bd001f4e3c555de2a5fc7446c9eab6bc5dae0ca640306e81b'
-            '3022ed1aad7eb0590a5b9477c742b513c5ac024985607ac4a90ddd66b63b1003')
-prepare() {
-  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/fix-atom-sh.patch
-  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/use-system-electron.patch
-  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/use-system-apm.patch
-  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/fix-license-path.patch
-  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/fix-restart.patch
-build() {
-  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  export ATOM_RESOURCE_PATH="$srcdir/atom-$pkgver"
-  # If unset, ~/.atom/.node-gyp/.atom/.npm is used
-  export NPM_CONFIG_CACHE="${HOME}/.atom/.npm"
-  apm clean
-  apm install
-  # Use system ctags
-  cd node_modules/symbols-view
-  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch
-  rm -r vendor
-  cd ../..
-  # Use system git
-  cd node_modules/dugite
-  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/dugite-use-system-git.patch
-  rm -r git
-  cd ../..
-  cd script
-  npm install
-  ./build
-package() {
-  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-  install -d -m 755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib
-  cp -r out/app "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom
-  install -m 644 out/startup.js "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom
-  install -m 755 "${srcdir}/atom.js" "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom/atom
-  install -d -m 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications"
-  sed -e "s|<%= appName %>|Atom|" \
-      -e "s/<%= description %>/${pkgdesc}/" \
-      -e "s|<%= installDir %>/share/<%= appFileName %>/atom|/usr/lib/atom/atom|" \
-      -e "s|<%= iconPath %>|atom|" \
-      resources/linux/atom.desktop.in > "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/atom.desktop"
-  for size in 16 24 32 48 64 128 256 512 1024; do
-    install -D -m 644 resources/app-icons/stable/png/${size}.png \
-            "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps/atom.png
-  done
-  ln -sf ../../../share/icons/hicolor/1024x1024/apps/atom.png \
-      "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom/resources/atom.png
-  install -D -m 755 atom.sh "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/atom"
-  install -d -m 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
-  node -e "require('./script/lib/get-license-text')().then((licenseText) => require('fs').writeFileSync('${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE.md', licenseText))"
-  # Remove useless stuff
-  rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom/node_modules/.bin/pegjs
-  find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom/node_modules \
-      -name "*.a" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "*.bat" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "*.node" -exec chmod a-x '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "benchmark" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "doc" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "html" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "man" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "scripts" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -path "*/less/gradle" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -path "*/task-lists/src" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \;

Copied: atom/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: Nicola Squartini <tensor5 at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc='A hackable text editor for the 21st Century'
+license=('MIT' 'custom')
+depends=('apm' 'electron' 'libxkbfile')
+makedepends=('git' 'npm')
+optdepends=('ctags: symbol indexing support'
+            'git: Git and GitHub integration')
+        'atom.js'
+        'dugite-use-system-git.patch'
+        'fix-atom-sh.patch'
+        'fix-license-path.patch'
+        'fix-restart.patch'
+        'symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch'
+        'use-system-apm.patch'
+        'use-system-electron.patch')
+            'cdf87ab82cfcf69e8904684c59b08c35a68540ea16ab173fce06037ac341efcd'
+            '530b46d31df0f5e8f5881e1608a66fe75d549092a6db2e72ba3ad69c48714153'
+            'ab9eed3d4c8bfefea256953428379ab1e636b9c7d4c4af30ddc3f485330183c2'
+            'c8a931f36af3722c57c4d1b70c1e58aa1a18372e8e26c28a4e01253e05295205'
+            'b9533bd31e9329d63abc5ec87b237761c73d0586485288925ba723fb34b3b933'
+            '3c68e6b3751313e1d386e721f8f819fb051351fb2cf8e753b1d773a0f475fef8'
+            '4b91a1acd112838bd001f4e3c555de2a5fc7446c9eab6bc5dae0ca640306e81b'
+            '79ae5cf80af9a4aa4ff84cad3786e8cdf3eef25e967919c84374d490f9c7f884')
+prepare() {
+  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/fix-atom-sh.patch
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/use-system-electron.patch
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/use-system-apm.patch
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/fix-license-path.patch
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/fix-restart.patch
+build() {
+  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  export ATOM_RESOURCE_PATH="$srcdir/atom-$pkgver"
+  # If unset, ~/.atom/.node-gyp/.atom/.npm is used
+  export NPM_CONFIG_CACHE="${HOME}/.atom/.npm"
+  apm clean
+  apm install
+  # Use system ctags
+  cd node_modules/symbols-view
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch
+  rm -r vendor
+  cd ../..
+  # Use system git
+  cd node_modules/dugite
+  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/dugite-use-system-git.patch
+  rm -r git
+  cd ../..
+  cd script
+  npm install
+  ./build
+package() {
+  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  install -d -m 755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib
+  cp -r out/app "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom
+  install -m 644 out/startup.js "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom
+  install -m 755 "${srcdir}/atom.js" "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom/atom
+  install -d -m 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications"
+  sed -e "s|<%= appName %>|Atom|" \
+      -e "s/<%= description %>/${pkgdesc}/" \
+      -e "s|<%= installDir %>/share/<%= appFileName %>/atom|/usr/lib/atom/atom|" \
+      -e "s|<%= iconPath %>|atom|" \
+      resources/linux/atom.desktop.in > "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/atom.desktop"
+  for size in 16 24 32 48 64 128 256 512 1024; do
+    install -D -m 644 resources/app-icons/stable/png/${size}.png \
+            "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps/atom.png
+  done
+  ln -sf ../../../share/icons/hicolor/1024x1024/apps/atom.png \
+      "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom/resources/atom.png
+  install -D -m 755 atom.sh "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/atom"
+  install -d -m 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
+  node -e "require('./script/lib/get-license-text')().then((licenseText) => require('fs').writeFileSync('${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE.md', licenseText))"
+  # Remove useless stuff
+  rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom/node_modules/.bin/pegjs
+  find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/atom/node_modules \
+      -name "*.a" -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -name "*.bat" -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -name "*.node" -exec chmod a-x '{}' \; \
+      -or -name "benchmark" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name "doc" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name "html" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name "man" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name "scripts" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -path "*/less/gradle" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -path "*/task-lists/src" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \;

Deleted: atom.js
--- atom.js	2018-09-02 12:49:29 UTC (rev 376039)
+++ atom.js	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-const name = "atom";
-const {app} = require("electron");
-const fs = require("fs");
-const Module = require("module");
-const {join} = require("path");
-const vm = require("vm");
-// Change command name.
-const fd = fs.openSync("/proc/self/comm", fs.constants.O_WRONLY);
-fs.writeSync(fd, name);
-// Remove first command line argument (/usr/bin/electron).
-process.argv.splice(0, 1);
-// Set application paths.
-const appPath = __dirname;
-const packageJson = require(join(appPath, "package.json"));
-const productName = packageJson.productName;
-app.setDesktopName(name + ".desktop");
-app.setPath("userCache", join(app.getPath("cache"), productName));
-app.setPath("userData", join(app.getPath("appData"), productName));
-// Run the application.
-const startupJs = fs.readFileSync(join(appPath, "startup.js"), "utf-8");
-Module._load(appPath, Module, true);

Copied: atom/repos/community-x86_64/atom.js (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/atom.js)
--- atom.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ atom.js	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+const name = "atom";
+const {app} = require("electron");
+const fs = require("fs");
+const Module = require("module");
+const {join} = require("path");
+const vm = require("vm");
+// Change command name.
+const fd = fs.openSync("/proc/self/comm", fs.constants.O_WRONLY);
+fs.writeSync(fd, name);
+// Remove first command line argument (/usr/bin/electron).
+process.argv.splice(0, 1);
+// Set application paths.
+const appPath = __dirname;
+const packageJson = require(join(appPath, "package.json"));
+const productName = packageJson.productName;
+app.setDesktopName(name + ".desktop");
+app.setPath("userCache", join(app.getPath("cache"), productName));
+app.setPath("userData", join(app.getPath("appData"), productName));
+// Run the application.
+const startupJs = fs.readFileSync(join(appPath, "startup.js"), "utf-8");
+Module._load(appPath, Module, true);

Deleted: dugite-use-system-git.patch
--- dugite-use-system-git.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:29 UTC (rev 376039)
+++ dugite-use-system-git.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
---- a/build/lib/git-environment.js
-+++ b/build/lib/git-environment.js
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
-         return path.resolve(process.env.LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY);
-     }
-     else {
--        return resolveEmbeddedGitDir();
-+        return '/usr';
-     }
- }
- /**
-@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
-     if (process.platform === 'darwin' ||
-         process.platform === 'linux' ||
-         process.platform === 'android') {
--        return path.join(gitDir, 'libexec', 'git-core');
-+        return path.join(gitDir, 'lib', 'git-core');
-     }
-     else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
-         return path.join(gitDir, 'mingw64', 'libexec', 'git-core');
-@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
-         if (!env.GIT_SSL_CAINFO && !env.LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY) {
-             // use the SSL certificate bundle included in the distribution only
-             // when using embedded Git and not providing your own bundle
--            const distDir = resolveEmbeddedGitDir();
--            const sslCABundle = `${distDir}/ssl/cacert.pem`;
--            env.GIT_SSL_CAINFO = sslCABundle;
-+            // const distDir = resolveEmbeddedGitDir();
-+            // const sslCABundle = `${distDir}/ssl/cacert.pem`;
-+            // env.GIT_SSL_CAINFO = sslCABundle;
-         }
-     }
-     return { env, gitLocation };

Copied: atom/repos/community-x86_64/dugite-use-system-git.patch (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/dugite-use-system-git.patch)
--- dugite-use-system-git.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ dugite-use-system-git.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+--- a/build/lib/git-environment.js
++++ b/build/lib/git-environment.js
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+         return path.resolve(process.env.LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY);
+     }
+     else {
+-        return resolveEmbeddedGitDir();
++        return '/usr';
+     }
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
+         return path.join(gitDir, 'mingw32', 'libexec', 'git-core');
+     }
+     else {
+-        return path.join(gitDir, 'libexec', 'git-core');
++        return path.join(gitDir, 'lib', 'git-core');
+     }
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@
+         if (!env.GIT_SSL_CAINFO && !env.LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY) {
+             // use the SSL certificate bundle included in the distribution only
+             // when using embedded Git and not providing your own bundle
+-            const distDir = resolveEmbeddedGitDir();
+-            const sslCABundle = `${distDir}/ssl/cacert.pem`;
+-            env.GIT_SSL_CAINFO = sslCABundle;
++            // const distDir = resolveEmbeddedGitDir();
++            // const sslCABundle = `${distDir}/ssl/cacert.pem`;
++            // env.GIT_SSL_CAINFO = sslCABundle;
+         }
+     }
+     return { env, gitLocation };

Deleted: fix-atom-sh.patch
--- fix-atom-sh.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:29 UTC (rev 376039)
+++ fix-atom-sh.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
---- a/atom.sh
-+++ b/atom.sh
-@@ -1,26 +1,5 @@
- #!/bin/bash
--if [ "$(uname)" == 'Darwin' ]; then
--  OS='Mac'
--elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == 'Linux' ]; then
--  OS='Linux'
--  echo "Your platform ($(uname -a)) is not supported."
--  exit 1
--case $(basename $0) in
--  atom-beta)
--    CHANNEL=beta
--    ;;
--  atom-dev)
--    CHANNEL=dev
--    ;;
--  *)
--    CHANNEL=stable
--    ;;
- while getopts ":wtfvh-:" opt; do
-@@ -62,82 +41,19 @@
- mkdir -p "$ATOM_HOME"
--if [ $OS == 'Mac' ]; then
--  if [ -L "$0" ]; then
--    SCRIPT="$(readlink "$0")"
--  else
--    SCRIPT="$0"
--  fi
--  ATOM_APP="$(dirname "$(dirname "$(dirname "$(dirname "$SCRIPT")")")")"
--  if [ "$ATOM_APP" == . ]; then
--    unset ATOM_APP
--  else
--    ATOM_PATH="$(dirname "$ATOM_APP")"
--    ATOM_APP_NAME="$(basename "$ATOM_APP")"
--  fi
--  if [ "$CHANNEL" == 'beta' ]; then
--  else
--  fi
--  if [ -z "${ATOM_PATH}" ]; then
--    # If ATOM_PATH isn't set, check /Applications and then ~/Applications for Atom.app
--    if [ -x "/Applications/$ATOM_APP_NAME" ]; then
--      ATOM_PATH="/Applications"
--    elif [ -x "$HOME/Applications/$ATOM_APP_NAME" ]; then
--      ATOM_PATH="$HOME/Applications"
--    else
--      # We haven't found an Atom.app, use spotlight to search for Atom
--      ATOM_PATH="$(mdfind "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == 'com.github.atom'" | grep -v ShipIt | head -1 | xargs -0 dirname)"
--      # Exit if Atom can't be found
--      if [ ! -x "$ATOM_PATH/$ATOM_APP_NAME" ]; then
--        echo "Cannot locate ${ATOM_APP_NAME}, it is usually located in /Applications. Set the ATOM_PATH environment variable to the directory containing ${ATOM_APP_NAME}."
--        exit 1
--      fi
--    fi
--  fi
--  if [ $EXPECT_OUTPUT ]; then
--    "$ATOM_PATH/$ATOM_APP_NAME/Contents/MacOS/$ATOM_EXECUTABLE_NAME" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@"
--    exit $?
--  else
--    open -a "$ATOM_PATH/$ATOM_APP_NAME" -n --args --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ --path-environment="$PATH" "$@"
--  fi
--elif [ $OS == 'Linux' ]; then
--  SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
--  USR_DIRECTORY=$(readlink -f $(dirname $SCRIPT)/..)
--  case $CHANNEL in
--    beta)
--      ATOM_PATH="$USR_DIRECTORY/share/atom-beta/atom"
--      ;;
--    dev)
--      ATOM_PATH="$USR_DIRECTORY/share/atom-dev/atom"
--      ;;
--    *)
--      ATOM_PATH="$USR_DIRECTORY/share/atom/atom"
--      ;;
--  esac
--  : ${TMPDIR:=/tmp}
--  [ -x "$ATOM_PATH" ] || ATOM_PATH="$TMPDIR/atom-build/Atom/atom"
--  if [ $EXPECT_OUTPUT ]; then
--    "$ATOM_PATH" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@"
-+if [ $EXPECT_OUTPUT ]; then
-+  "$ATOM_PATH" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@"
-+  exit $?
-+  (
-+  nohup "$ATOM_PATH" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@" > "$ATOM_HOME/nohup.out" 2>&1
-+  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-+    cat "$ATOM_HOME/nohup.out"
-     exit $?
--  else
--    (
--    nohup "$ATOM_PATH" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@" > "$ATOM_HOME/nohup.out" 2>&1
--    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
--      cat "$ATOM_HOME/nohup.out"
--      exit $?
--    fi
--    ) &
-   fi
-+  ) &
- fi
- # Exits this process when Atom is used as $EDITOR

Copied: atom/repos/community-x86_64/fix-atom-sh.patch (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/fix-atom-sh.patch)
--- fix-atom-sh.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ fix-atom-sh.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+--- a/atom.sh
++++ b/atom.sh
+@@ -1,29 +1,5 @@
+ #!/bin/bash
+-if [ "$(uname)" == 'Darwin' ]; then
+-  OS='Mac'
+-elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == 'Linux' ]; then
+-  OS='Linux'
+-  echo "Your platform ($(uname -a)) is not supported."
+-  exit 1
+-case $(basename $0) in
+-  atom-beta)
+-    CHANNEL=beta
+-    ;;
+-  atom-nightly)
+-    CHANNEL=nightly
+-    ;;
+-  atom-dev)
+-    CHANNEL=dev
+-    ;;
+-  *)
+-    CHANNEL=stable
+-    ;;
+ while getopts ":wtfvh-:" opt; do
+@@ -65,95 +41,19 @@
+ mkdir -p "$ATOM_HOME"
+-if [ $OS == 'Mac' ]; then
+-  if [ -L "$0" ]; then
+-    SCRIPT="$(readlink "$0")"
+-  else
+-    SCRIPT="$0"
+-  fi
+-  ATOM_APP="$(dirname "$(dirname "$(dirname "$(dirname "$SCRIPT")")")")"
+-  if [ "$ATOM_APP" == . ]; then
+-    unset ATOM_APP
+-  else
+-    ATOM_PATH="$(dirname "$ATOM_APP")"
+-    ATOM_APP_NAME="$(basename "$ATOM_APP")"
+-  fi
+-  if [ ! -z "${ATOM_APP_NAME}" ]; then
+-    # If ATOM_APP_NAME is known, use it as the executable name
+-  else
+-    # Else choose it from the inferred channel name
+-    if [ "$CHANNEL" == 'beta' ]; then
+-      ATOM_EXECUTABLE_NAME="Atom Beta"
+-    elif [ "$CHANNEL" == 'nightly' ]; then
+-      ATOM_EXECUTABLE_NAME="Atom Nightly"
+-    elif [ "$CHANNEL" == 'dev' ]; then
+-    else
+-    fi
+-  fi
+-  if [ -z "${ATOM_PATH}" ]; then
+-    # If ATOM_PATH isn't set, check /Applications and then ~/Applications for Atom.app
+-    if [ -x "/Applications/$ATOM_APP_NAME" ]; then
+-      ATOM_PATH="/Applications"
+-    elif [ -x "$HOME/Applications/$ATOM_APP_NAME" ]; then
+-      ATOM_PATH="$HOME/Applications"
+-    else
+-      # We haven't found an Atom.app, use spotlight to search for Atom
+-      ATOM_PATH="$(mdfind "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == 'com.github.atom'" | grep -v ShipIt | head -1 | xargs -0 dirname)"
+-      # Exit if Atom can't be found
+-      if [ ! -x "$ATOM_PATH/$ATOM_APP_NAME" ]; then
+-        echo "Cannot locate ${ATOM_APP_NAME}, it is usually located in /Applications. Set the ATOM_PATH environment variable to the directory containing ${ATOM_APP_NAME}."
+-        exit 1
+-      fi
+-    fi
+-  fi
+-  if [ $EXPECT_OUTPUT ]; then
+-    "$ATOM_PATH/$ATOM_APP_NAME/Contents/MacOS/$ATOM_EXECUTABLE_NAME" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@"
+-    exit $?
+-  else
+-    open -a "$ATOM_PATH/$ATOM_APP_NAME" -n --args --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ --path-environment="$PATH" "$@"
+-  fi
+-elif [ $OS == 'Linux' ]; then
+-  SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
+-  USR_DIRECTORY=$(readlink -f $(dirname $SCRIPT)/..)
+-  case $CHANNEL in
+-    beta)
+-      ATOM_PATH="$USR_DIRECTORY/share/atom-beta/atom"
+-      ;;
+-    nightly)
+-      ATOM_PATH="$USR_DIRECTORY/share/atom-nightly/atom"
+-      ;;
+-    dev)
+-      ATOM_PATH="$USR_DIRECTORY/share/atom-dev/atom"
+-      ;;
+-    *)
+-      ATOM_PATH="$USR_DIRECTORY/share/atom/atom"
+-      ;;
+-  esac
+-  : ${TMPDIR:=/tmp}
+-  [ -x "$ATOM_PATH" ] || ATOM_PATH="$TMPDIR/atom-build/Atom/atom"
+-  if [ $EXPECT_OUTPUT ]; then
+-    "$ATOM_PATH" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@"
++if [ $EXPECT_OUTPUT ]; then
++  "$ATOM_PATH" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@"
++  exit $?
++  (
++  nohup "$ATOM_PATH" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@" > "$ATOM_HOME/nohup.out" 2>&1
++  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
++    cat "$ATOM_HOME/nohup.out"
+     exit $?
+-  else
+-    (
+-    nohup "$ATOM_PATH" --executed-from="$(pwd)" --pid=$$ "$@" > "$ATOM_HOME/nohup.out" 2>&1
+-    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+-      cat "$ATOM_HOME/nohup.out"
+-      exit $?
+-    fi
+-    ) &
+   fi
++  ) &
+ fi
+ # Exits this process when Atom is used as $EDITOR

Deleted: fix-license-path.patch
--- fix-license-path.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:29 UTC (rev 376039)
+++ fix-license-path.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- a/src/main-process/atom-application.js
-+++ b/src/main-process/atom-application.js
-@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
-     this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-keymap', 'atom://.atom/keymap')
-     this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-snippets', 'atom://.atom/snippets')
-     this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-stylesheet', 'atom://.atom/stylesheet')
--    this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-license', path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'LICENSE.md'))
-+    this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-license', '/usr/share/licenses/atom/LICENSE.md')
-     this.configFile.onDidChange(settings => {
-       for (let window of this.getAllWindows()) {
---- a/src/workspace.js
-+++ b/src/workspace.js
-@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@
-   // Open Atom's license in the active pane.
-   openLicense () {
--    return this.open(path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'LICENSE.md'))
-+    return this.open('/usr/share/licenses/atom/LICENSE.md')
-   }
-   // Synchronously open the given URI in the active pane. **Only use this method

Copied: atom/repos/community-x86_64/fix-license-path.patch (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/fix-license-path.patch)
--- fix-license-path.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ fix-license-path.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- a/src/main-process/atom-application.js
++++ b/src/main-process/atom-application.js
+@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
+     this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-keymap', 'atom://.atom/keymap')
+     this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-snippets', 'atom://.atom/snippets')
+     this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-stylesheet', 'atom://.atom/stylesheet')
+-    this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-license', path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'LICENSE.md'))
++    this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-license', '/usr/share/licenses/atom/LICENSE.md')
+     this.configFile.onDidChange(settings => {
+       for (let window of this.getAllWindows()) {
+--- a/src/workspace.js
++++ b/src/workspace.js
+@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@
+   // Open Atom's license in the active pane.
+   openLicense () {
+-    return this.open(path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'LICENSE.md'))
++    return this.open('/usr/share/licenses/atom/LICENSE.md')
+   }
+   // Synchronously open the given URI in the active pane. **Only use this method

Deleted: fix-restart.patch
--- fix-restart.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:29 UTC (rev 376039)
+++ fix-restart.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- a/src/main-process/atom-application.js
-+++ b/src/main-process/atom-application.js
-@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@
-   }
-   restart () {
--    const args = []
-+    const args = ['/usr/lib/atom/atom']
-     if (this.safeMode) args.push('--safe')
-     if (this.logFile != null) args.push(`--log-file=${this.logFile}`)
-     if (this.socketPath != null) args.push(`--socket-path=${this.socketPath}`)

Copied: atom/repos/community-x86_64/fix-restart.patch (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/fix-restart.patch)
--- fix-restart.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ fix-restart.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/src/main-process/atom-application.js
++++ b/src/main-process/atom-application.js
+@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@
+   }
+   restart () {
+-    const args = []
++    const args = ['/usr/lib/atom/atom']
+     if (this.safeMode) args.push('--safe')
+     if (this.logFile != null) args.push(`--log-file=${this.logFile}`)
+     if (this.socketPath != null) args.push(`--socket-path=${this.socketPath}`)

Deleted: symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch
--- symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:29 UTC (rev 376039)
+++ symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- a/lib/tag-generator.js
-+++ b/lib/tag-generator.js
-@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ export default class TagGenerator {
-   generate() {
-     let tags = {};
-     const packageRoot = this.getPackageRoot();
--    const command = path.join(packageRoot, 'vendor', `ctags-${process.platform}`);
-+    const command = 'ctags';
-     const defaultCtagsFile = path.join(packageRoot, 'lib', 'ctags-config');
-     const args = [`--options=${defaultCtagsFile}`, '--fields=+KS'];

Copied: atom/repos/community-x86_64/symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch)
--- symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ symbols-view-use-system-ctags.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/lib/tag-generator.js
++++ b/lib/tag-generator.js
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ export default class TagGenerator {
+   generate() {
+     let tags = {};
+     const packageRoot = this.getPackageRoot();
+-    const command = path.join(packageRoot, 'vendor', `ctags-${process.platform}`);
++    const command = 'ctags';
+     const defaultCtagsFile = path.join(packageRoot, 'lib', 'ctags-config');
+     const args = [`--options=${defaultCtagsFile}`, '--fields=+KS'];

Deleted: use-system-apm.patch
--- use-system-apm.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:29 UTC (rev 376039)
+++ use-system-apm.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
---- a/script/lib/run-apm-install.js
-+++ b/script/lib/run-apm-install.js
-@@ -8,11 +8,8 @@
-   const installEnv = Object.assign({}, process.env)
-   // Set resource path so that apm can load metadata related to Atom.
-   installEnv.ATOM_RESOURCE_PATH = CONFIG.repositoryRootPath
--  // Set our target (Electron) version so that node-pre-gyp can download the
--  // proper binaries.
--  installEnv.npm_config_target = CONFIG.appMetadata.electronVersion
-   childProcess.execFileSync(
--    CONFIG.getApmBinPath(),
-+    'apm',
-     ['--loglevel=error', 'install'],
-     {env: installEnv, cwd: packagePath, stdio: 'inherit'}
-   )
---- a/src/package-manager.js
-+++ b/src/package-manager.js
-@@ -166,13 +166,7 @@
-       return configPath || this.apmPath
-     }
--    const commandName = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'apm.cmd' : 'apm'
--    const apmRoot = path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'app', 'apm')
--    this.apmPath = path.join(apmRoot, 'bin', commandName)
--    if (!fs.isFileSync(this.apmPath)) {
--      this.apmPath = path.join(apmRoot, 'node_modules', 'atom-package-manager', 'bin', commandName)
--    }
--    return this.apmPath
-+    return '/usr/lib/node_modules/atom-package-manager/bin/apm'
-   }
-   // Public: Get the paths being used to look for packages.

Copied: atom/repos/community-x86_64/use-system-apm.patch (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/use-system-apm.patch)
--- use-system-apm.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ use-system-apm.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+--- a/script/lib/run-apm-install.js
++++ b/script/lib/run-apm-install.js
+@@ -8,11 +8,8 @@
+   const installEnv = Object.assign({}, process.env)
+   // Set resource path so that apm can load metadata related to Atom.
+   installEnv.ATOM_RESOURCE_PATH = CONFIG.repositoryRootPath
+-  // Set our target (Electron) version so that node-pre-gyp can download the
+-  // proper binaries.
+-  installEnv.npm_config_target = CONFIG.appMetadata.electronVersion
+   childProcess.execFileSync(
+-    CONFIG.getApmBinPath(),
++    'apm',
+     ['--loglevel=error', 'install'],
+     {env: installEnv, cwd: packagePath, stdio: 'inherit'}
+   )
+--- a/src/package-manager.js
++++ b/src/package-manager.js
+@@ -166,13 +166,7 @@
+       return configPath || this.apmPath
+     }
+-    const commandName = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'apm.cmd' : 'apm'
+-    const apmRoot = path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'app', 'apm')
+-    this.apmPath = path.join(apmRoot, 'bin', commandName)
+-    if (!fs.isFileSync(this.apmPath)) {
+-      this.apmPath = path.join(apmRoot, 'node_modules', 'atom-package-manager', 'bin', commandName)
+-    }
+-    return this.apmPath
++    return '/usr/lib/node_modules/atom-package-manager/bin/apm'
+   }
+   // Public: Get the paths being used to look for packages.

Deleted: use-system-electron.patch
--- use-system-electron.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:29 UTC (rev 376039)
+++ use-system-electron.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
---- a/package.json
-+++ b/package.json
-@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
-     "url": "https://github.com/atom/atom/issues"
-   },
-   "license": "MIT",
--  "electronVersion": "2.0.5",
-   "dependencies": {
-     "@atom/nsfw": "^1.0.18",
-     "@atom/watcher": "1.0.3",
---- a/script/build
-+++ b/script/build
-@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
- 'use strict'
--// Run bootstrap first to ensure all the dependencies used later in this script
--// are installed.
- // Needed so we can require src/module-cache.coffee during generateModuleCache
- require('coffee-script/register')
- require('colors')
-@@ -27,7 +23,6 @@
-   .wrap(yargs.terminalWidth())
-   .argv
--const checkChromedriverVersion = require('./lib/check-chromedriver-version')
- const cleanOutputDirectory = require('./lib/clean-output-directory')
- const cleanPackageLock = require('./lib/clean-package-lock')
- const codeSignOnMac = require('./lib/code-sign-on-mac')
-@@ -61,7 +56,6 @@
- if (!argv.existingBinaries) {
-   cleanPackageLock()
--  checkChromedriverVersion()
-   cleanOutputDirectory()
-   copyAssets()
-   transpilePackagesWithCustomTranspilerPaths()
-@@ -80,67 +74,5 @@
- if (!argv.generateApiDocs) {
-   binariesPromise
--    .then(packageApplication)
-     .then(packagedAppPath => generateStartupSnapshot(packagedAppPath).then(() => packagedAppPath))
--    .then(packagedAppPath => {
--      switch (process.platform) {
--        case 'darwin': {
--          if (argv.codeSign) {
--            codeSignOnMac(packagedAppPath)
--          } else {
--            console.log('Skipping code-signing. Specify the --code-sign option to perform code-signing'.gray)
--          }
--          break
--        }
--        case 'win32': {
--          if (argv.codeSign) {
--            const executablesToSign = [ path.join(packagedAppPath, 'Atom.exe') ]
--            if (argv.createWindowsInstaller) {
--              executablesToSign.push(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'electron-winstaller', 'vendor', 'Update.exe'))
--            }
--            codeSignOnWindows(executablesToSign)
--          } else {
--            console.log('Skipping code-signing. Specify the --code-sign option to perform code-signing'.gray)
--          }
--          if (argv.createWindowsInstaller) {
--            return createWindowsInstaller(packagedAppPath)
--              .then((installerPath) => {
--                argv.codeSign && codeSignOnWindows([installerPath])
--                return packagedAppPath
--              })
--          } else {
--            console.log('Skipping creating installer. Specify the --create-windows-installer option to create a Squirrel-based Windows installer.'.gray)
--          }
--          break
--        }
--        case 'linux': {
--          if (argv.createDebianPackage) {
--            createDebianPackage(packagedAppPath)
--          } else {
--            console.log('Skipping creating debian package. Specify the --create-debian-package option to create it.'.gray)
--          }
--          if (argv.createRpmPackage) {
--            createRpmPackage(packagedAppPath)
--          } else {
--            console.log('Skipping creating rpm package. Specify the --create-rpm-package option to create it.'.gray)
--          }
--          break
--        }
--      }
--      return Promise.resolve(packagedAppPath)
--    }).then(packagedAppPath => {
--      if (argv.compressArtifacts) {
--        compressArtifacts(packagedAppPath)
--      } else {
--        console.log('Skipping artifacts compression. Specify the --compress-artifacts option to compress Atom binaries (and symbols on macOS)'.gray)
--      }
--      if (argv.install != null) {
--        installApplication(packagedAppPath, argv.install)
--      } else {
--        console.log('Skipping installation. Specify the --install option to install Atom'.gray)
--      }
--    })
- }
---- a/script/lib/generate-startup-snapshot.js
-+++ b/script/lib/generate-startup-snapshot.js
-@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
-     } else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
-       nodeBundledInElectronPath = path.join(packagedAppPath, 'atom.exe')
-     } else {
--      nodeBundledInElectronPath = path.join(packagedAppPath, 'atom')
-+      nodeBundledInElectronPath = 'electron'
-     }
-     childProcess.execFileSync(
-       nodeBundledInElectronPath,
-@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
-       {env: Object.assign({}, process.env, {ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: 1})}
-     )
-     const generatedStartupBlobPath = path.join(CONFIG.buildOutputPath, 'snapshot_blob.bin')
-     console.log(`Generating startup blob at "${generatedStartupBlobPath}"`)
-     childProcess.execFileSync(
-@@ -104,5 +105,6 @@
-     console.log(`Moving generated startup blob into "${startupBlobDestinationPath}"`)
-     fs.unlinkSync(startupBlobDestinationPath)
-     fs.renameSync(generatedStartupBlobPath, startupBlobDestinationPath)
-   })
- }
---- a/script/package.json
-+++ b/script/package.json
-@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@
-     "coffeelint": "1.15.7",
-     "colors": "1.1.2",
-     "donna": "1.0.16",
--    "electron-chromedriver": "~2.0",
-     "electron-link": "0.2.2",
--    "electron-mksnapshot": "~2.0",
-     "electron-packager": "7.3.0",
-     "electron-winstaller": "2.6.4",
-     "fs-admin": "^0.1.5",
---- a/src/compile-cache.js
-+++ b/src/compile-cache.js
-@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ exports.install = function (resourcesPath, nodeRequire) {
-       return {
-         column,
-         line: row,
--        source: path.join(resourcesPath, 'app', 'static', relativePath),
-+        source: path.join(resourcesPath, 'static', relativePath),
-         name: null
-       }
-     }
---- a/src/main-process/start.js
-+++ b/src/main-process/start.js
-@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function handleStartupEventWithSquirrel () {
- function setupCompileCache () {
-   const CompileCache = require('../compile-cache')
-   CompileCache.setAtomHomeDirectory(process.env.ATOM_HOME)
--  CompileCache.install(process.resourcesPath, require)
-+  CompileCache.install('/usr/lib/atom', require)
- }
- function getConfig () {
---- a/src/module-cache.coffee
-+++ b/src/module-cache.coffee
-@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ resolveModulePath = (relativePath, parentModule) ->
-   return
- registerBuiltins = (devMode) ->
--  if devMode or not cache.resourcePath.startsWith("#{process.resourcesPath}#{path.sep}")
-+  if devMode or not cache.resourcePath.startsWith("/usr/lib/atom")
-     fs = require 'fs-plus'
-     atomJsPath = path.join(cache.resourcePath, 'exports', 'atom.js')
-     cache.builtins.atom = atomJsPath if fs.isFileSync(atomJsPath)
---- a/src/package-manager.js
-+++ b/src/package-manager.js
-@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ module.exports = class PackageManager {
-   }
-   isBundledPackagePath (packagePath) {
--    if (this.devMode && !this.resourcePath.startsWith(`${process.resourcesPath}${path.sep}`)) {
-+    if (this.devMode && this.resourcePath !== '/usr/lib/atom') {
-       return false
-     }
---- a/src/task-bootstrap.js
-+++ b/src/task-bootstrap.js
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ const [compileCachePath, taskPath] = process.argv.slice(2)
- const CompileCache = require('./compile-cache')
- CompileCache.setCacheDirectory(compileCachePath)
--CompileCache.install(`${process.resourcesPath}`, require)
-+CompileCache.install('/usr/lib/atom', require)
- const setupGlobals = function () {
-   global.attachEvent = function () {}
---- a/static/index.js
-+++ b/static/index.js
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-       process.resourcesPath = path.normalize(process.resourcesPath)
-       setupAtomHome()
--      const devMode = getWindowLoadSettings().devMode || !getWindowLoadSettings().resourcePath.startsWith(process.resourcesPath + path.sep)
-+      const devMode = getWindowLoadSettings().devMode || !getWindowLoadSettings().resourcePath.startsWith('/usr/lib/atom')
-       useSnapshot = !devMode && typeof snapshotResult !== 'undefined'
-       if (devMode) {
-@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
-   function setupWindow () {
-     const CompileCache = useSnapshot ? snapshotResult.customRequire('../src/compile-cache.js') : require('../src/compile-cache')
-     CompileCache.setAtomHomeDirectory(process.env.ATOM_HOME)
--    CompileCache.install(process.resourcesPath, require)
-+    CompileCache.install('/usr/lib/atom', require)
-     const ModuleCache = useSnapshot ? snapshotResult.customRequire('../src/module-cache.js') : require('../src/module-cache')
-     ModuleCache.register(getWindowLoadSettings())

Copied: atom/repos/community-x86_64/use-system-electron.patch (from rev 376039, atom/trunk/use-system-electron.patch)
--- use-system-electron.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ use-system-electron.patch	2018-09-02 12:49:48 UTC (rev 376040)
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+--- a/package.json
++++ b/package.json
+@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
+     "url": "https://github.com/atom/atom/issues"
+   },
+   "license": "MIT",
+-  "electronVersion": "2.0.5",
+   "dependencies": {
+     "@atom/nsfw": "^1.0.18",
+     "@atom/watcher": "1.0.3",
+--- a/script/build
++++ b/script/build
+@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
+ 'use strict'
+-// Run bootstrap first to ensure all the dependencies used later in this script
+-// are installed.
+ // Needed so we can require src/module-cache.coffee during generateModuleCache
+ require('coffee-script/register')
+ require('colors')
+@@ -27,7 +23,6 @@
+   .wrap(yargs.terminalWidth())
+   .argv
+-const checkChromedriverVersion = require('./lib/check-chromedriver-version')
+ const cleanOutputDirectory = require('./lib/clean-output-directory')
+ const cleanPackageLock = require('./lib/clean-package-lock')
+ const codeSignOnMac = require('./lib/code-sign-on-mac')
+@@ -61,7 +56,6 @@
+ if (!argv.existingBinaries) {
+   cleanPackageLock()
+-  checkChromedriverVersion()
+   cleanOutputDirectory()
+   copyAssets()
+   transpilePackagesWithCustomTranspilerPaths()
+@@ -80,67 +74,5 @@
+ if (!argv.generateApiDocs) {
+   binariesPromise
+-    .then(packageApplication)
+     .then(packagedAppPath => generateStartupSnapshot(packagedAppPath).then(() => packagedAppPath))
+-    .then(packagedAppPath => {
+-      switch (process.platform) {
+-        case 'darwin': {
+-          if (argv.codeSign) {
+-            codeSignOnMac(packagedAppPath)
+-          } else {
+-            console.log('Skipping code-signing. Specify the --code-sign option to perform code-signing'.gray)
+-          }
+-          break
+-        }
+-        case 'win32': {
+-          if (argv.codeSign) {
+-            const executablesToSign = [ path.join(packagedAppPath, 'Atom.exe') ]
+-            if (argv.createWindowsInstaller) {
+-              executablesToSign.push(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'electron-winstaller', 'vendor', 'Update.exe'))
+-            }
+-            codeSignOnWindows(executablesToSign)
+-          } else {
+-            console.log('Skipping code-signing. Specify the --code-sign option to perform code-signing'.gray)
+-          }
+-          if (argv.createWindowsInstaller) {
+-            return createWindowsInstaller(packagedAppPath)
+-              .then((installerPath) => {
+-                argv.codeSign && codeSignOnWindows([installerPath])
+-                return packagedAppPath
+-              })
+-          } else {
+-            console.log('Skipping creating installer. Specify the --create-windows-installer option to create a Squirrel-based Windows installer.'.gray)
+-          }
+-          break
+-        }
+-        case 'linux': {
+-          if (argv.createDebianPackage) {
+-            createDebianPackage(packagedAppPath)
+-          } else {
+-            console.log('Skipping creating debian package. Specify the --create-debian-package option to create it.'.gray)
+-          }
+-          if (argv.createRpmPackage) {
+-            createRpmPackage(packagedAppPath)
+-          } else {
+-            console.log('Skipping creating rpm package. Specify the --create-rpm-package option to create it.'.gray)
+-          }
+-          break
+-        }
+-      }
+-      return Promise.resolve(packagedAppPath)
+-    }).then(packagedAppPath => {
+-      if (argv.compressArtifacts) {
+-        compressArtifacts(packagedAppPath)
+-      } else {
+-        console.log('Skipping artifacts compression. Specify the --compress-artifacts option to compress Atom binaries (and symbols on macOS)'.gray)
+-      }
+-      if (argv.install != null) {
+-        installApplication(packagedAppPath, argv.install)
+-      } else {
+-        console.log('Skipping installation. Specify the --install option to install Atom'.gray)
+-      }
+-    })
+ }
+--- a/script/lib/generate-startup-snapshot.js
++++ b/script/lib/generate-startup-snapshot.js
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+     } else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
+       nodeBundledInElectronPath = path.join(packagedAppPath, 'atom.exe')
+     } else {
+-      nodeBundledInElectronPath = path.join(packagedAppPath, 'atom')
++      nodeBundledInElectronPath = 'electron'
+     }
+     childProcess.execFileSync(
+       nodeBundledInElectronPath,
+@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
+       {env: Object.assign({}, process.env, {ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: 1})}
+     )
+     const generatedStartupBlobPath = path.join(CONFIG.buildOutputPath, 'snapshot_blob.bin')
+     console.log(`Generating startup blob at "${generatedStartupBlobPath}"`)
+     childProcess.execFileSync(
+@@ -104,5 +105,6 @@
+     console.log(`Moving generated startup blob into "${startupBlobDestinationPath}"`)
+     fs.unlinkSync(startupBlobDestinationPath)
+     fs.renameSync(generatedStartupBlobPath, startupBlobDestinationPath)
+   })
+ }
+--- a/script/package.json
++++ b/script/package.json
+@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@
+     "coffeelint": "1.15.7",
+     "colors": "1.1.2",
+     "donna": "1.0.16",
+-    "electron-chromedriver": "~2.0",
+     "electron-link": "0.2.2",
+-    "electron-mksnapshot": "~2.0",
+     "electron-packager": "7.3.0",
+     "electron-winstaller": "2.6.4",
+     "fs-admin": "^0.1.5",
+--- a/src/compile-cache.js
++++ b/src/compile-cache.js
+@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ exports.install = function (resourcesPath, nodeRequire) {
+       return {
+         column,
+         line: row,
+-        source: path.join(resourcesPath, 'app', 'static', relativePath),
++        source: path.join(resourcesPath, 'static', relativePath),
+         name: null
+       }
+     }
+--- a/src/main-process/start.js
++++ b/src/main-process/start.js
+@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function handleStartupEventWithSquirrel () {
+ function setupCompileCache () {
+   const CompileCache = require('../compile-cache')
+   CompileCache.setAtomHomeDirectory(process.env.ATOM_HOME)
+-  CompileCache.install(process.resourcesPath, require)
++  CompileCache.install('/usr/lib/atom', require)
+ }
+ function getConfig () {
+--- a/src/module-cache.coffee
++++ b/src/module-cache.coffee
+@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ resolveModulePath = (relativePath, parentModule) ->
+   return
+ registerBuiltins = (devMode) ->
+-  if devMode or not cache.resourcePath.startsWith("#{process.resourcesPath}#{path.sep}")
++  if devMode or not cache.resourcePath.startsWith("/usr/lib/atom")
+     fs = require 'fs-plus'
+     atomJsPath = path.join(cache.resourcePath, 'exports', 'atom.js')
+     cache.builtins.atom = atomJsPath if fs.isFileSync(atomJsPath)
+--- a/src/package-manager.js
++++ b/src/package-manager.js
+@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ module.exports = class PackageManager {
+   }
+   isBundledPackagePath (packagePath) {
+-    if (this.devMode && !this.resourcePath.startsWith(`${process.resourcesPath}${path.sep}`)) {
++    if (this.devMode && this.resourcePath !== '/usr/lib/atom') {
+       return false
+     }
+--- a/src/task-bootstrap.js
++++ b/src/task-bootstrap.js
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ const [compileCachePath, taskPath] = process.argv.slice(2)
+ const CompileCache = require('./compile-cache')
+ CompileCache.setCacheDirectory(compileCachePath)
+-CompileCache.install(`${process.resourcesPath}`, require)
++CompileCache.install('/usr/lib/atom', require)
+ const setupGlobals = function () {
+   global.attachEvent = function () {}
+--- a/static/index.js
++++ b/static/index.js
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+       process.resourcesPath = path.normalize(process.resourcesPath)
+       setupAtomHome()
+-      const devMode = getWindowLoadSettings().devMode || !getWindowLoadSettings().resourcePath.startsWith(process.resourcesPath + path.sep)
++      const devMode = getWindowLoadSettings().devMode || !getWindowLoadSettings().resourcePath.startsWith('/usr/lib/atom')
+       useSnapshot = !devMode && typeof snapshotResult !== 'undefined'
+       if (devMode) {
+@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
+   function setupWindow () {
+     const CompileCache = useSnapshot ? snapshotResult.customRequire('../src/compile-cache.js') : require('../src/compile-cache')
+     CompileCache.setAtomHomeDirectory(process.env.ATOM_HOME)
+-    CompileCache.install(process.resourcesPath, require)
++    CompileCache.install('/usr/lib/atom', require)
+     const ModuleCache = useSnapshot ? snapshotResult.customRequire('../src/module-cache.js') : require('../src/module-cache')
+     ModuleCache.register(getWindowLoadSettings())

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