[arch-commits] Commit in vlc/repos (11 files)

Gaëtan Bisson bisson at archlinux.org
Fri Sep 14 07:24:45 UTC 2018

    Date: Friday, September 14, 2018 @ 07:24:44
  Author: bisson
Revision: 334535

db-move: moved vlc from [testing] to [extra] (x86_64)

    (from rev 334534, vlc/repos/testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 334534, vlc/repos/testing-x86_64/lua53_compat.patch)
    (from rev 334534, vlc/repos/testing-x86_64/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook)
    (from rev 334534, vlc/repos/testing-x86_64/vlc-qt5.11.patch)
    (from rev 334534, vlc/repos/testing-x86_64/vlc-x264-155.patch)

 /PKGBUILD                                 |  242 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 /lua53_compat.patch                       |   30 +++
 /update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook             |   11 +
 /vlc-qt5.11.patch                         |   10 +
 /vlc-x264-155.patch                       |  203 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD                     |  242 ----------------------------
 extra-x86_64/lua53_compat.patch           |   30 ---
 extra-x86_64/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook |   11 -
 extra-x86_64/vlc-qt5.11.patch             |   10 -
 extra-x86_64/vlc-x264-155.patch           |  203 -----------------------
 10 files changed, 496 insertions(+), 496 deletions(-)

Deleted: extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2018-09-14 07:24:43 UTC (rev 334534)
+++ extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2018-09-14 07:24:44 UTC (rev 334535)
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Levente Polyak <anthraxx[at]archlinux[dot]org>
-# Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Sarah Hay <sarahhay at mb.sympatico.ca>
-# Contributor: Martin Sandsmark <martin.sandsmark at kde.org>
-# optional fixup version including hyphen
-pkgdesc='Multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player'
-license=('LGPL2.1' 'GPL2')
-depends=('a52dec' 'libdvbpsi' 'libxpm' 'libdca' 'libproxy' 'lua'
-         'libmatroska' 'taglib' 'libmpcdec' 'ffmpeg' 'faad2' 'libupnp' 'libmad'
-         'libmpeg2' 'xcb-util-keysyms' 'libtar' 'libxinerama' 'libsecret'
-         'libarchive' 'qt5-base' 'qt5-x11extras' 'qt5-svg' 'freetype2'
-         'fribidi' 'harfbuzz' 'fontconfig' 'libxml2' 'gnutls' 'libplacebo'
-         'wayland-protocols')
-makedepends=('gst-plugins-base-libs' 'live-media' 'libnotify' 'libbluray'
-             'flac' 'libdc1394' 'libavc1394' 'libcaca' 'gtk3'
-             'librsvg' 'libgme' 'xosd' 'twolame' 'aalib' 'avahi' 'libsystemd'
-             'libmtp' 'libupnp' 'libmicrodns' 'libdvdcss' 'smbclient'
-             'vcdimager' 'libssh2' 'mesa' 'protobuf' 'libnfs' 'mpg123'
-             'libdvdread' 'libdvdnav' 'libogg' 'libshout' 'libmodplug' 'libvpx'
-             'libvorbis' 'speex' 'opus' 'libtheora' 'libpng' 'libjpeg-turbo'
-             'libx265.so' 'libx264.so' 'zvbi' 'libass' 'libkate' 'libtiger'
-             'sdl_image' 'libpulse' 'alsa-lib' 'jack' 'libsamplerate' 'libsoxr'
-             'lirc' 'libgoom2' 'projectm' 'chromaprint' 'aribb24')
-optdepends=('avahi: service discovery using bonjour protocol'
-            'gst-plugins-base-libs: for libgst plugins'
-            'libdvdcss: decoding encrypted DVDs'
-            'libavc1394: devices using the 1394ta AV/C'
-            'libdc1394: IEEE 1394 access plugin'
-            'kwallet: kwallet keystore'
-            'libva-vdpau-driver: vdpau backend nvidia'
-            'libva-intel-driver: video backend intel'
-            'libbluray: Blu-Ray video input'
-            'flac: Free Lossless Audio Codec plugin'
-            'twolame: TwoLAME mpeg2 encoder plugin'
-            'libgme: Game Music Emu plugin'
-            'vcdimager: navigate VCD with libvcdinfo'
-            'libmtp: MTP devices discovery'
-            'libsystemd: udev services discovery'
-            'smbclient: SMB access plugin'
-            'libcdio: audio CD playback'
-            'ttf-freefont: subtitle font '
-            'ttf-dejavu: subtitle font'
-            'libssh2: sftp access'
-            'libnfs: NFS access'
-            'mpg123: mpg123 codec'
-            'protobuf: chromecast streaming'
-            'libmicrodns: mDNS services discovery (chromecast etc)'
-            'lua-socket: http interface'
-            'live-media: RTSP input'
-            'libdvdread: DVD input module'
-            'libdvdnav: DVD with navigation input module'
-            'libogg: Ogg and OggSpots codec'
-            'libshout: shoutcast/icecast output plugin'
-            'libmodplug: MOD output plugin'
-            'libvpx: VP8 and VP9 codec'
-            'libvorbis: Vorbis decoder/encoder'
-            'speex: Speex codec'
-            'opus: opus codec'
-            'libtheora: theora codec'
-            'libpng: PNG support'
-            'libjpeg-turbo: JPEG support'
-            'librsvg: SVG plugin'
-            'x264: H264 encoding'
-            'x265: HEVC/H.265 encoder'
-            'zvbi: VBI/Teletext decoding'
-            'libass: Subtitle support'
-            'aribb24: ARIB subtitles'
-            'libkate: Kate codec'
-            'libtiger: Tiger rendering for Kate streams'
-            'sdl_image: SDL image support'
-            'aalib: ASCII art video output'
-            'libcaca: colored ASCII art video output'
-            'libpulse: PulseAudio audio output'
-            'alsa-lib: ALSA audio output'
-            'jack: jack audio server'
-            'libsamplerate: audio Resampler'
-            'libsoxr: SoX audio Resampler'
-            'chromaprint: Chromaprint audio fingerprinter'
-            'lirc: lirc control'
-            'libgoom2: Goom visualization'
-            'projectm: ProjectM visualisation'
-            'ncurses: ncurses interface'
-            'libnotify: notification plugin'
-            'gtk3: notification plugin')
-        update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook
-        lua53_compat.patch
-        vlc-qt5.11.patch
-        vlc-x264-155.patch)
-            'SKIP'
-            '80357bae69e32b353d3784932d854e294906798e14faffb87c3383c3b6f6bdc57cbabb9c6e3f3c1adf0f8ddbb24153e72104c963cf1934970c2983c96daef9df'
-            '33cda373aa1fb3ee19a78748e2687f2b93c8662c9fda62ecd122a2e649df8edaceb54dda3991bc38c80737945a143a9e65baa2743a483bb737bb94cd590dc25f'
-            '66aad0ec32d1a96f65566b04eb9c0b4574824e281940fe5c0de54ac5f92189693a9f2576203d2c8562d7174ec5315cbbd683d93c481d16119d3038e30a58cbf5'
-            '47b844c7ada22042a0aab67d485ee68fda4847400dedd0f5662eb3738c1e45a06b50a6a045f3af1f07625ebd6f021bd43acaa9a8e63720e3b1207ad0d23bb36f')
-validpgpkeys=('65F7C6B4206BD057A7EB73787180713BE58D1ADC') # VideoLAN Release Signing Key
-prepare() {
-  cd ${pkgname}-${_vlcver}
-  sed -e 's:truetype/ttf-dejavu:TTF:g' -i modules/visualization/projectm.cpp
-  sed -e 's|-Werror-implicit-function-declaration||g' -i configure
-  sed 's|whoami|echo builduser|g' -i configure
-  sed 's|hostname -f|echo arch|g' -i configure
-  local src
-  for src in "${source[@]}"; do
-    src="${src%%::*}"
-    src="${src##*/}"
-    [[ $src = *.patch ]] || continue
-    msg2 "Applying patch $src..."
-    patch -Np1 < "../$src"
-  done
-build() {
-  cd ${pkgname}-${_vlcver}
-  export CFLAGS+=" -I/usr/include/samba-4.0"
-  export CPPFLAGS+=" -I/usr/include/samba-4.0"
-  export CXXFLAGS+=" -std=c++11"
-  export LUAC=/usr/bin/luac
-  export LUA_LIBS="$(pkg-config --libs lua)"
-  export RCC=/usr/bin/rcc-qt5
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
-              --sysconfdir=/etc \
-              --with-kde-solid=/usr/share/solid/actions/ \
-              --disable-rpath \
-              --enable-nls \
-              --enable-archive \
-              --enable-live555 \
-              --enable-dc1394 \
-              --enable-dv1394 \
-              --enable-dvdread \
-              --enable-dvdnav \
-              --enable-bluray \
-              --disable-opencv \
-              --enable-smbclient \
-              --enable-sftp \
-              --enable-nfs \
-              --enable-realrtsp \
-              --enable-dvbpsi \
-              --enable-gme \
-              --enable-ogg \
-              --enable-shout \
-              --enable-matroska \
-              --enable-mod \
-              --enable-mpc \
-              --enable-mad \
-              --enable-mpg123 \
-              --enable-gst-decode \
-              --enable-avcodec \
-              --enable-libva \
-              --enable-avformat \
-              --enable-postproc \
-              --enable-faad \
-              --enable-vpx \
-              --enable-twolame \
-              --disable-fdkaac \
-              --enable-a52 \
-              --enable-dca \
-              --enable-flac \
-              --enable-libmpeg2 \
-              --enable-vorbis \
-              --enable-speex \
-              --enable-opus \
-              --enable-oggspots \
-              --disable-schroedinger \
-              --enable-png \
-              --enable-jpeg \
-              --enable-x264 \
-              --enable-x265 \
-              --enable-zvbi \
-              --enable-libass \
-              --enable-kate \
-              --enable-tiger \
-              --enable-vdpau \
-              --enable-wayland \
-              --enable-sdl-image \
-              --enable-freetype \
-              --enable-fribidi \
-              --enable-harfbuzz \
-              --enable-fontconfig \
-              --enable-svg \
-              --enable-svgdec \
-              --enable-aa \
-              --enable-caca \
-              --enable-pulse \
-              --enable-alsa \
-              --enable-jack \
-              --enable-samplerate \
-              --enable-soxr \
-              --enable-chromaprint \
-              --enable-chromecast \
-              --enable-qt \
-              --enable-skins2 \
-              --enable-libtar \
-              --enable-ncurses \
-              --enable-lirc \
-              --enable-goom \
-              --enable-projectm \
-              --enable-avahi \
-              --enable-mtp \
-              --enable-upnp \
-              --enable-microdns \
-              --enable-libxml2 \
-              --disable-libgcrypt \
-              --enable-gnutls \
-              --enable-taglib \
-              --enable-secret \
-              --enable-kwallet \
-              --disable-update-check \
-              --enable-notify \
-              --enable-libplacebo \
-              --enable-vlc \
-              --enable-aribsub
-  make
-package() {
-  cd ${pkgname}-${_vlcver}
-  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
-  for res in 16 32 48 128 256; do
-    install -Dm 644 "${srcdir}/vlc-${_vlcver}/share/icons/${res}x${res}/vlc.png" \
-                     "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/vlc.png"
-  done
-  install -Dm 644 "${srcdir}/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/libalpm/hooks"
-# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 334534, vlc/repos/testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD)
--- extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2018-09-14 07:24:44 UTC (rev 334535)
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# Maintainer: Levente Polyak <anthraxx[at]archlinux[dot]org>
+# Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Sarah Hay <sarahhay at mb.sympatico.ca>
+# Contributor: Martin Sandsmark <martin.sandsmark at kde.org>
+# optional fixup version including hyphen
+pkgdesc='Multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player'
+license=('LGPL2.1' 'GPL2')
+depends=('a52dec' 'libdvbpsi' 'libxpm' 'libdca' 'libproxy' 'lua'
+         'libmatroska' 'taglib' 'libmpcdec' 'ffmpeg' 'faad2' 'libupnp' 'libmad'
+         'libmpeg2' 'xcb-util-keysyms' 'libtar' 'libxinerama' 'libsecret'
+         'libarchive' 'qt5-base' 'qt5-x11extras' 'qt5-svg' 'freetype2'
+         'fribidi' 'harfbuzz' 'fontconfig' 'libxml2' 'gnutls' 'libplacebo'
+         'wayland-protocols')
+makedepends=('gst-plugins-base-libs' 'live-media' 'libnotify' 'libbluray'
+             'flac' 'libdc1394' 'libavc1394' 'libcaca' 'gtk3'
+             'librsvg' 'libgme' 'xosd' 'twolame' 'aalib' 'avahi' 'libsystemd'
+             'libmtp' 'libupnp' 'libmicrodns' 'libdvdcss' 'smbclient'
+             'vcdimager' 'libssh2' 'mesa' 'protobuf' 'libnfs' 'mpg123'
+             'libdvdread' 'libdvdnav' 'libogg' 'libshout' 'libmodplug' 'libvpx'
+             'libvorbis' 'speex' 'opus' 'libtheora' 'libpng' 'libjpeg-turbo'
+             'libx265.so' 'libx264.so' 'zvbi' 'libass' 'libkate' 'libtiger'
+             'sdl_image' 'libpulse' 'alsa-lib' 'jack' 'libsamplerate' 'libsoxr'
+             'lirc' 'libgoom2' 'projectm' 'chromaprint' 'aribb24')
+optdepends=('avahi: service discovery using bonjour protocol'
+            'gst-plugins-base-libs: for libgst plugins'
+            'libdvdcss: decoding encrypted DVDs'
+            'libavc1394: devices using the 1394ta AV/C'
+            'libdc1394: IEEE 1394 access plugin'
+            'kwallet: kwallet keystore'
+            'libva-vdpau-driver: vdpau backend nvidia'
+            'libva-intel-driver: video backend intel'
+            'libbluray: Blu-Ray video input'
+            'flac: Free Lossless Audio Codec plugin'
+            'twolame: TwoLAME mpeg2 encoder plugin'
+            'libgme: Game Music Emu plugin'
+            'vcdimager: navigate VCD with libvcdinfo'
+            'libmtp: MTP devices discovery'
+            'libsystemd: udev services discovery'
+            'smbclient: SMB access plugin'
+            'libcdio: audio CD playback'
+            'ttf-freefont: subtitle font '
+            'ttf-dejavu: subtitle font'
+            'libssh2: sftp access'
+            'libnfs: NFS access'
+            'mpg123: mpg123 codec'
+            'protobuf: chromecast streaming'
+            'libmicrodns: mDNS services discovery (chromecast etc)'
+            'lua-socket: http interface'
+            'live-media: RTSP input'
+            'libdvdread: DVD input module'
+            'libdvdnav: DVD with navigation input module'
+            'libogg: Ogg and OggSpots codec'
+            'libshout: shoutcast/icecast output plugin'
+            'libmodplug: MOD output plugin'
+            'libvpx: VP8 and VP9 codec'
+            'libvorbis: Vorbis decoder/encoder'
+            'speex: Speex codec'
+            'opus: opus codec'
+            'libtheora: theora codec'
+            'libpng: PNG support'
+            'libjpeg-turbo: JPEG support'
+            'librsvg: SVG plugin'
+            'x264: H264 encoding'
+            'x265: HEVC/H.265 encoder'
+            'zvbi: VBI/Teletext decoding'
+            'libass: Subtitle support'
+            'aribb24: ARIB subtitles'
+            'libkate: Kate codec'
+            'libtiger: Tiger rendering for Kate streams'
+            'sdl_image: SDL image support'
+            'aalib: ASCII art video output'
+            'libcaca: colored ASCII art video output'
+            'libpulse: PulseAudio audio output'
+            'alsa-lib: ALSA audio output'
+            'jack: jack audio server'
+            'libsamplerate: audio Resampler'
+            'libsoxr: SoX audio Resampler'
+            'chromaprint: Chromaprint audio fingerprinter'
+            'lirc: lirc control'
+            'libgoom2: Goom visualization'
+            'projectm: ProjectM visualisation'
+            'ncurses: ncurses interface'
+            'libnotify: notification plugin'
+            'gtk3: notification plugin')
+        update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook
+        lua53_compat.patch
+        vlc-qt5.11.patch
+        vlc-x264-155.patch)
+            'SKIP'
+            '80357bae69e32b353d3784932d854e294906798e14faffb87c3383c3b6f6bdc57cbabb9c6e3f3c1adf0f8ddbb24153e72104c963cf1934970c2983c96daef9df'
+            '33cda373aa1fb3ee19a78748e2687f2b93c8662c9fda62ecd122a2e649df8edaceb54dda3991bc38c80737945a143a9e65baa2743a483bb737bb94cd590dc25f'
+            '66aad0ec32d1a96f65566b04eb9c0b4574824e281940fe5c0de54ac5f92189693a9f2576203d2c8562d7174ec5315cbbd683d93c481d16119d3038e30a58cbf5'
+            '47b844c7ada22042a0aab67d485ee68fda4847400dedd0f5662eb3738c1e45a06b50a6a045f3af1f07625ebd6f021bd43acaa9a8e63720e3b1207ad0d23bb36f')
+validpgpkeys=('65F7C6B4206BD057A7EB73787180713BE58D1ADC') # VideoLAN Release Signing Key
+prepare() {
+  cd ${pkgname}-${_vlcver}
+  sed -e 's:truetype/ttf-dejavu:TTF:g' -i modules/visualization/projectm.cpp
+  sed -e 's|-Werror-implicit-function-declaration||g' -i configure
+  sed 's|whoami|echo builduser|g' -i configure
+  sed 's|hostname -f|echo arch|g' -i configure
+  local src
+  for src in "${source[@]}"; do
+    src="${src%%::*}"
+    src="${src##*/}"
+    [[ $src = *.patch ]] || continue
+    msg2 "Applying patch $src..."
+    patch -Np1 < "../$src"
+  done
+build() {
+  cd ${pkgname}-${_vlcver}
+  export CFLAGS+=" -I/usr/include/samba-4.0"
+  export CPPFLAGS+=" -I/usr/include/samba-4.0"
+  export CXXFLAGS+=" -std=c++11"
+  export LUAC=/usr/bin/luac
+  export LUA_LIBS="$(pkg-config --libs lua)"
+  export RCC=/usr/bin/rcc-qt5
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
+              --sysconfdir=/etc \
+              --with-kde-solid=/usr/share/solid/actions/ \
+              --disable-rpath \
+              --enable-nls \
+              --enable-archive \
+              --enable-live555 \
+              --enable-dc1394 \
+              --enable-dv1394 \
+              --enable-dvdread \
+              --enable-dvdnav \
+              --enable-bluray \
+              --disable-opencv \
+              --enable-smbclient \
+              --enable-sftp \
+              --enable-nfs \
+              --enable-realrtsp \
+              --enable-dvbpsi \
+              --enable-gme \
+              --enable-ogg \
+              --enable-shout \
+              --enable-matroska \
+              --enable-mod \
+              --enable-mpc \
+              --enable-mad \
+              --enable-mpg123 \
+              --enable-gst-decode \
+              --enable-avcodec \
+              --enable-libva \
+              --enable-avformat \
+              --enable-postproc \
+              --enable-faad \
+              --enable-vpx \
+              --enable-twolame \
+              --disable-fdkaac \
+              --enable-a52 \
+              --enable-dca \
+              --enable-flac \
+              --enable-libmpeg2 \
+              --enable-vorbis \
+              --enable-speex \
+              --enable-opus \
+              --enable-oggspots \
+              --disable-schroedinger \
+              --enable-png \
+              --enable-jpeg \
+              --enable-x264 \
+              --enable-x265 \
+              --enable-zvbi \
+              --enable-libass \
+              --enable-kate \
+              --enable-tiger \
+              --enable-vdpau \
+              --enable-wayland \
+              --enable-sdl-image \
+              --enable-freetype \
+              --enable-fribidi \
+              --enable-harfbuzz \
+              --enable-fontconfig \
+              --enable-svg \
+              --enable-svgdec \
+              --enable-aa \
+              --enable-caca \
+              --enable-pulse \
+              --enable-alsa \
+              --enable-jack \
+              --enable-samplerate \
+              --enable-soxr \
+              --enable-chromaprint \
+              --enable-chromecast \
+              --enable-qt \
+              --enable-skins2 \
+              --enable-libtar \
+              --enable-ncurses \
+              --enable-lirc \
+              --enable-goom \
+              --enable-projectm \
+              --enable-avahi \
+              --enable-mtp \
+              --enable-upnp \
+              --enable-microdns \
+              --enable-libxml2 \
+              --disable-libgcrypt \
+              --enable-gnutls \
+              --enable-taglib \
+              --enable-secret \
+              --enable-kwallet \
+              --disable-update-check \
+              --enable-notify \
+              --enable-libplacebo \
+              --enable-vlc \
+              --enable-aribsub
+  make
+package() {
+  cd ${pkgname}-${_vlcver}
+  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+  for res in 16 32 48 128 256; do
+    install -Dm 644 "${srcdir}/vlc-${_vlcver}/share/icons/${res}x${res}/vlc.png" \
+                     "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/vlc.png"
+  done
+  install -Dm 644 "${srcdir}/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/libalpm/hooks"
+# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:

Deleted: extra-x86_64/lua53_compat.patch
--- extra-x86_64/lua53_compat.patch	2018-09-14 07:24:43 UTC (rev 334534)
+++ extra-x86_64/lua53_compat.patch	2018-09-14 07:24:44 UTC (rev 334535)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-commit 41caaa08cde60c4fec4bf2e5f9610e2a1b9e6a23
-Author: Vinson Lee <vlee at freedesktop.org>
-Date:   Thu Feb 5 14:48:53 2015 -0800
-    lua: Define LUA_COMPAT_APIINTCASTS for Lua >= 5.3.0 compatibility.
-    In Lua 5.3.0, luaL_checkint was deprecated.
-    This patch fixes this build error with Lua 5.3.0.
-    lua/demux.c: In function ‘vlclua_demux_peek’:
-    lua/demux.c:55:5: error: implicit declaration of function ‘luaL_checkint’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
-         int n = luaL_checkint( L, 1 );
-         ^
-    Signed-off-by: Vinson Lee <vlee at freedesktop.org>
-    Signed-off-by: Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>
-diff --git a/modules/lua/vlc.h b/modules/lua/vlc.h
-index efd94f1..85c7fc1 100644
---- a/modules/lua/vlc.h
-+++ b/modules/lua/vlc.h
-@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- #include <vlc_stream.h>
- #include <vlc_demux.h>
- #include <lua.h>        /* Low level lua C API */
- #include <lauxlib.h>    /* Higher level C API */

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-x86_64/lua53_compat.patch (from rev 334534, vlc/repos/testing-x86_64/lua53_compat.patch)
--- extra-x86_64/lua53_compat.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/lua53_compat.patch	2018-09-14 07:24:44 UTC (rev 334535)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+commit 41caaa08cde60c4fec4bf2e5f9610e2a1b9e6a23
+Author: Vinson Lee <vlee at freedesktop.org>
+Date:   Thu Feb 5 14:48:53 2015 -0800
+    lua: Define LUA_COMPAT_APIINTCASTS for Lua >= 5.3.0 compatibility.
+    In Lua 5.3.0, luaL_checkint was deprecated.
+    This patch fixes this build error with Lua 5.3.0.
+    lua/demux.c: In function ‘vlclua_demux_peek’:
+    lua/demux.c:55:5: error: implicit declaration of function ‘luaL_checkint’ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
+         int n = luaL_checkint( L, 1 );
+         ^
+    Signed-off-by: Vinson Lee <vlee at freedesktop.org>
+    Signed-off-by: Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>
+diff --git a/modules/lua/vlc.h b/modules/lua/vlc.h
+index efd94f1..85c7fc1 100644
+--- a/modules/lua/vlc.h
++++ b/modules/lua/vlc.h
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+ #include <vlc_stream.h>
+ #include <vlc_demux.h>
+ #include <lua.h>        /* Low level lua C API */
+ #include <lauxlib.h>    /* Higher level C API */

Deleted: extra-x86_64/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook
--- extra-x86_64/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook	2018-09-14 07:24:43 UTC (rev 334534)
+++ extra-x86_64/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook	2018-09-14 07:24:44 UTC (rev 334535)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Type = File
-Operation = Install
-Operation = Upgrade
-Operation = Remove
-Target = usr/lib/vlc/plugins/*
-Description = Updating the vlc plugin cache...
-When = PostTransaction
-Exec = /usr/lib/vlc/vlc-cache-gen /usr/lib/vlc/plugins

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-x86_64/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook (from rev 334534, vlc/repos/testing-x86_64/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook)
--- extra-x86_64/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/update-vlc-plugin-cache.hook	2018-09-14 07:24:44 UTC (rev 334535)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Type = File
+Operation = Install
+Operation = Upgrade
+Operation = Remove
+Target = usr/lib/vlc/plugins/*
+Description = Updating the vlc plugin cache...
+When = PostTransaction
+Exec = /usr/lib/vlc/vlc-cache-gen /usr/lib/vlc/plugins

Deleted: extra-x86_64/vlc-qt5.11.patch
--- extra-x86_64/vlc-qt5.11.patch	2018-09-14 07:24:43 UTC (rev 334534)
+++ extra-x86_64/vlc-qt5.11.patch	2018-09-14 07:24:44 UTC (rev 334535)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- a/modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp	2018-01-25 17:57:40.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp	2018-03-18 21:08:51.212556781 +0100
-@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
- #include <vlc_config_cat.h>
- #include <vlc_configuration.h>
-+#include <QButtonGroup>
- #include <QString>
- #include <QFont>
- #include <QToolButton>

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-x86_64/vlc-qt5.11.patch (from rev 334534, vlc/repos/testing-x86_64/vlc-qt5.11.patch)
--- extra-x86_64/vlc-qt5.11.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/vlc-qt5.11.patch	2018-09-14 07:24:44 UTC (rev 334535)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+--- a/modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp	2018-01-25 17:57:40.000000000 +0100
++++ b/modules/gui/qt/components/simple_preferences.cpp	2018-03-18 21:08:51.212556781 +0100
+@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+ #include <vlc_config_cat.h>
+ #include <vlc_configuration.h>
++#include <QButtonGroup>
+ #include <QString>
+ #include <QFont>
+ #include <QToolButton>

Deleted: extra-x86_64/vlc-x264-155.patch
--- extra-x86_64/vlc-x264-155.patch	2018-09-14 07:24:43 UTC (rev 334534)
+++ extra-x86_64/vlc-x264-155.patch	2018-09-14 07:24:44 UTC (rev 334535)
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-From a8953ba707cca1f2de372ca24513296bcfcdaaa8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ilkka Ollakka <ileoo at videolan.org>
-Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 13:23:33 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] x264: drop <148 build support and fix 10bit support
-Drop old #if as 148 is not that recent anymore.
-fixes #19581
- modules/codec/x264.c | 65 +++++++-------------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/modules/codec/x264.c b/modules/codec/x264.c
-index e02048f0757..bcf3c89a10f 100644
---- a/modules/codec/x264.c
-+++ b/modules/codec/x264.c
-@@ -84,13 +84,7 @@ static void x264_log( void *, int i_level, const char *psz, va_list );
-     "I-frames, but do not start a new GOP." )
- #define OPENGOP_TEXT N_("Use recovery points to close GOPs")
--#if X264_BUILD < 115
--#define OPENGOP_LONGTEXT N_("none: use closed GOPs only\n"\
--    "normal: use standard open GOPs\n" \
--    "bluray: use Blu-ray compatible open GOPs" )
- #define OPENGOP_LONGTEXT N_("use open GOP, for bluray compatibility use also bluray-compat option")
- #define BLURAY_TEXT N_("Enable compatibility hacks for Blu-ray support")
- #define BLURAY_LONGTEXT N_("Enable hacks for Blu-ray support, this doesn't enforce every aspect of Blu-ray compatibility\n" \
-@@ -469,16 +463,10 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
-     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "min-keyint", 25, MIN_KEYINT_TEXT,
-                  MIN_KEYINT_LONGTEXT, true )
--#if X264_BUILD >= 102 && X264_BUILD <= 114
--    add_string( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "opengop", "none", OPENGOP_TEXT,
--               OPENGOP_LONGTEXT, true )
--        change_string_list( x264_open_gop_names, x264_open_gop_names )
--#elif X264_BUILD > 114
-     add_bool( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "opengop", false, OPENGOP_TEXT,
-                OPENGOP_LONGTEXT, true )
-     add_bool( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bluray-compat", false, BLURAY_TEXT,
-                BLURAY_LONGTEXT, true )
-     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "scenecut", 40, SCENE_TEXT,
-                  SCENE_LONGTEXT, true )
-@@ -498,13 +486,8 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
-                  B_BIAS_LONGTEXT, true )
-         change_integer_range( -100, 100 )
--#if X264_BUILD >= 87
-     add_string( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bpyramid", "normal", BPYRAMID_TEXT,
-               BPYRAMID_LONGTEXT, true )
--    add_string( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bpyramid", "none", BPYRAMID_TEXT,
--              BPYRAMID_LONGTEXT, true )
-         change_string_list( bpyramid_list, bpyramid_list )
-     add_bool( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "cabac", true, CABAC_TEXT, CABAC_LONGTEXT,
-@@ -541,22 +524,18 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
-     add_bool( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "interlaced", false, INTERLACED_TEXT, INTERLACED_LONGTEXT,
-               true )
--#if X264_BUILD >= 111
-     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "frame-packing", -1, FRAMEPACKING_TEXT, FRAMEPACKING_LONGTEXT, true )
-         change_integer_list( framepacking_list, framepacking_list_text )
-         change_integer_range( -1, 6)
-     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "slices", 0, SLICE_COUNT, SLICE_COUNT_LONGTEXT, true )
-     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "slice-max-size", 0, SLICE_MAX_SIZE, SLICE_MAX_SIZE_LONGTEXT, true )
-     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "slice-max-mbs", 0, SLICE_MAX_MBS, SLICE_MAX_MBS_LONGTEXT, true )
--#if X264_BUILD >= 89
-     add_string( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "hrd", "none", HRD_TEXT, HRD_TEXT, true )
-         vlc_config_set (VLC_CONFIG_LIST,
-             (sizeof(x264_nal_hrd_names) / sizeof (char*)) - 1,
-             x264_nal_hrd_names, x264_nal_hrd_names);
- /* Ratecontrol */
-@@ -842,20 +821,14 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
-     fullrange |= p_enc->fmt_in.video.b_color_range_full;
-     p_enc->fmt_in.i_codec = fullrange ? VLC_CODEC_J420 : VLC_CODEC_I420;
-     p_sys->i_colorspace = X264_CSP_I420;
--#if X264_BUILD >= 118
-     char *psz_profile = var_GetString( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "profile" );
--    if( psz_profile )
--    {
--        const int mask = x264_bit_depth > 8 ? X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH : 0;
- # ifdef MODULE_NAME_IS_x26410b
--        if( mask == 0)
--        {
--            msg_Err( p_enc, "Only high bit depth encoding supported, bit depth:%d", x264_bit_depth);
--            return VLC_EGENERIC;
--        }
-+    const int mask = X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
-+# else
-+    const int mask = 0;
- # endif
-+    if( psz_profile )
-+    {
-         if( !strcmp( psz_profile, "high10" ) )
-         {
-@@ -878,7 +851,6 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
-             msg_Err( p_enc, "Only high-profiles and 10-bit are supported");
-             return VLC_EGENERIC;
-         }
- # endif
-     }
- # ifdef MODULE_NAME_IS_x26410b
-@@ -889,7 +861,6 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
-     }
- # endif
-     free( psz_profile );
--#endif //X264_BUILD
-     p_enc->pf_encode_video = Encode;
-     p_enc->pf_encode_audio = NULL;
-@@ -912,6 +883,10 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
- #else
-     x264_param_default( &p_sys->param );
-     x264_param_default_preset( &p_sys->param, psz_preset, psz_tune );
-+# if X264_BUILD > 152
-+    if( mask )
-+        p_sys->param.i_bitdepth = 10;
-+# endif
- #endif
-     free( psz_preset );
-     free( psz_tune );
-@@ -1089,10 +1064,8 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
-     if( fabs( var_GetFloat( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "aq-strength" ) - 1.0) > 0.005 )
-        p_sys->param.rc.f_aq_strength = var_GetFloat( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "aq-strength" );
--#if X264_BUILD >= 111
-     if( var_GetInteger( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "frame-packing" ) > -1 )
-        p_sys->param.i_frame_packing = var_GetInteger( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "frame-packing" );
-     if( var_GetBool( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "verbose" ) )
-         p_sys->param.i_log_level = X264_LOG_DEBUG;
-@@ -1108,26 +1081,14 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
-     i_val = var_GetInteger( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "keyint" );
-     if( i_val > 0 && i_val != 250 ) p_sys->param.i_keyint_max = i_val;
--#if X264_BUILD >= 102
-     if( i_val == -1 ) p_sys->param.i_keyint_max = X264_KEYINT_MAX_INFINITE;
-     i_val = var_GetInteger( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "min-keyint" );
-     if( i_val > 0 && i_val != 25 ) p_sys->param.i_keyint_min = i_val;
--#if X264_BUILD >= 102 && X264_BUILD <= 114
--    psz_val = var_GetString( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "opengop" );
--    if( !strcmp( psz_val, "none" ) )
--        p_sys->param.i_open_gop = X264_OPEN_GOP_NONE;
--    else if( !strcmp( psz_val, "normal" ) )
--        p_sys->param.i_open_gop = X264_OPEN_GOP_NORMAL;
--    else if( !strcmp( psz_val, "bluray" ) )
--        p_sys->param.i_open_gop = X264_OPEN_GOP_BLURAY;
--    free( psz_val );
--#elif X264_BUILD >= 115
-     p_sys->param.b_open_gop = var_GetBool( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "opengop" );
-     p_sys->param.b_bluray_compat = var_GetBool( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bluray-compat" );
-     i_val = var_GetInteger( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bframes" );
-     if( i_val >= 0 && i_val <= 16 && i_val != 3 )
-         p_sys->param.i_bframe = i_val;
-@@ -1165,14 +1126,12 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
-     if( i_val >= 1 && i_val != 7 )
-         p_sys->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine = i_val;
--#if X264_BUILD >= 89
-     psz_val = var_GetString( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "hrd");
-     if( !strcmp( psz_val, "vbr" ) )
-         p_sys->param.i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_VBR;
-     else if( !strcmp( psz_val, "cbr" ) )
-         p_sys->param.i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_CBR;
-     free( psz_val );
-     //TODO: psz_val == NULL ?
-     psz_val = var_GetString( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "me" );
-@@ -1531,11 +1490,7 @@ static block_t *Encode( encoder_t *p_enc, picture_t *p_pict )
-     int i_nal=0, i_out=0, i=0;
-     /* init pic */
--#if X264_BUILD >= 98
-     x264_picture_init( &pic );
--    memset( &pic, 0, sizeof( x264_picture_t ) );
-     if( likely(p_pict) ) {
-        pic.i_pts = p_pict->date;
-        pic.img.i_csp = p_sys->i_colorspace;

Copied: vlc/repos/extra-x86_64/vlc-x264-155.patch (from rev 334534, vlc/repos/testing-x86_64/vlc-x264-155.patch)
--- extra-x86_64/vlc-x264-155.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ extra-x86_64/vlc-x264-155.patch	2018-09-14 07:24:44 UTC (rev 334535)
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+From a8953ba707cca1f2de372ca24513296bcfcdaaa8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ilkka Ollakka <ileoo at videolan.org>
+Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 13:23:33 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] x264: drop <148 build support and fix 10bit support
+Drop old #if as 148 is not that recent anymore.
+fixes #19581
+ modules/codec/x264.c | 65 +++++++-------------------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/modules/codec/x264.c b/modules/codec/x264.c
+index e02048f0757..bcf3c89a10f 100644
+--- a/modules/codec/x264.c
++++ b/modules/codec/x264.c
+@@ -84,13 +84,7 @@ static void x264_log( void *, int i_level, const char *psz, va_list );
+     "I-frames, but do not start a new GOP." )
+ #define OPENGOP_TEXT N_("Use recovery points to close GOPs")
+-#if X264_BUILD < 115
+-#define OPENGOP_LONGTEXT N_("none: use closed GOPs only\n"\
+-    "normal: use standard open GOPs\n" \
+-    "bluray: use Blu-ray compatible open GOPs" )
+ #define OPENGOP_LONGTEXT N_("use open GOP, for bluray compatibility use also bluray-compat option")
+ #define BLURAY_TEXT N_("Enable compatibility hacks for Blu-ray support")
+ #define BLURAY_LONGTEXT N_("Enable hacks for Blu-ray support, this doesn't enforce every aspect of Blu-ray compatibility\n" \
+@@ -469,16 +463,10 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
+     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "min-keyint", 25, MIN_KEYINT_TEXT,
+                  MIN_KEYINT_LONGTEXT, true )
+-#if X264_BUILD >= 102 && X264_BUILD <= 114
+-    add_string( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "opengop", "none", OPENGOP_TEXT,
+-               OPENGOP_LONGTEXT, true )
+-        change_string_list( x264_open_gop_names, x264_open_gop_names )
+-#elif X264_BUILD > 114
+     add_bool( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "opengop", false, OPENGOP_TEXT,
+                OPENGOP_LONGTEXT, true )
+     add_bool( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bluray-compat", false, BLURAY_TEXT,
+                BLURAY_LONGTEXT, true )
+     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "scenecut", 40, SCENE_TEXT,
+                  SCENE_LONGTEXT, true )
+@@ -498,13 +486,8 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
+                  B_BIAS_LONGTEXT, true )
+         change_integer_range( -100, 100 )
+-#if X264_BUILD >= 87
+     add_string( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bpyramid", "normal", BPYRAMID_TEXT,
+               BPYRAMID_LONGTEXT, true )
+-    add_string( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bpyramid", "none", BPYRAMID_TEXT,
+-              BPYRAMID_LONGTEXT, true )
+         change_string_list( bpyramid_list, bpyramid_list )
+     add_bool( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "cabac", true, CABAC_TEXT, CABAC_LONGTEXT,
+@@ -541,22 +524,18 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
+     add_bool( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "interlaced", false, INTERLACED_TEXT, INTERLACED_LONGTEXT,
+               true )
+-#if X264_BUILD >= 111
+     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "frame-packing", -1, FRAMEPACKING_TEXT, FRAMEPACKING_LONGTEXT, true )
+         change_integer_list( framepacking_list, framepacking_list_text )
+         change_integer_range( -1, 6)
+     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "slices", 0, SLICE_COUNT, SLICE_COUNT_LONGTEXT, true )
+     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "slice-max-size", 0, SLICE_MAX_SIZE, SLICE_MAX_SIZE_LONGTEXT, true )
+     add_integer( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "slice-max-mbs", 0, SLICE_MAX_MBS, SLICE_MAX_MBS_LONGTEXT, true )
+-#if X264_BUILD >= 89
+     add_string( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "hrd", "none", HRD_TEXT, HRD_TEXT, true )
+         vlc_config_set (VLC_CONFIG_LIST,
+             (sizeof(x264_nal_hrd_names) / sizeof (char*)) - 1,
+             x264_nal_hrd_names, x264_nal_hrd_names);
+ /* Ratecontrol */
+@@ -842,20 +821,14 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
+     fullrange |= p_enc->fmt_in.video.b_color_range_full;
+     p_enc->fmt_in.i_codec = fullrange ? VLC_CODEC_J420 : VLC_CODEC_I420;
+     p_sys->i_colorspace = X264_CSP_I420;
+-#if X264_BUILD >= 118
+     char *psz_profile = var_GetString( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "profile" );
+-    if( psz_profile )
+-    {
+-        const int mask = x264_bit_depth > 8 ? X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH : 0;
+ # ifdef MODULE_NAME_IS_x26410b
+-        if( mask == 0)
+-        {
+-            msg_Err( p_enc, "Only high bit depth encoding supported, bit depth:%d", x264_bit_depth);
+-            return VLC_EGENERIC;
+-        }
++    const int mask = X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;
++# else
++    const int mask = 0;
+ # endif
++    if( psz_profile )
++    {
+         if( !strcmp( psz_profile, "high10" ) )
+         {
+@@ -878,7 +851,6 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
+             msg_Err( p_enc, "Only high-profiles and 10-bit are supported");
+             return VLC_EGENERIC;
+         }
+ # endif
+     }
+ # ifdef MODULE_NAME_IS_x26410b
+@@ -889,7 +861,6 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
+     }
+ # endif
+     free( psz_profile );
+-#endif //X264_BUILD
+     p_enc->pf_encode_video = Encode;
+     p_enc->pf_encode_audio = NULL;
+@@ -912,6 +883,10 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
+ #else
+     x264_param_default( &p_sys->param );
+     x264_param_default_preset( &p_sys->param, psz_preset, psz_tune );
++# if X264_BUILD > 152
++    if( mask )
++        p_sys->param.i_bitdepth = 10;
++# endif
+ #endif
+     free( psz_preset );
+     free( psz_tune );
+@@ -1089,10 +1064,8 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
+     if( fabs( var_GetFloat( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "aq-strength" ) - 1.0) > 0.005 )
+        p_sys->param.rc.f_aq_strength = var_GetFloat( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "aq-strength" );
+-#if X264_BUILD >= 111
+     if( var_GetInteger( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "frame-packing" ) > -1 )
+        p_sys->param.i_frame_packing = var_GetInteger( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "frame-packing" );
+     if( var_GetBool( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "verbose" ) )
+         p_sys->param.i_log_level = X264_LOG_DEBUG;
+@@ -1108,26 +1081,14 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
+     i_val = var_GetInteger( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "keyint" );
+     if( i_val > 0 && i_val != 250 ) p_sys->param.i_keyint_max = i_val;
+-#if X264_BUILD >= 102
+     if( i_val == -1 ) p_sys->param.i_keyint_max = X264_KEYINT_MAX_INFINITE;
+     i_val = var_GetInteger( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "min-keyint" );
+     if( i_val > 0 && i_val != 25 ) p_sys->param.i_keyint_min = i_val;
+-#if X264_BUILD >= 102 && X264_BUILD <= 114
+-    psz_val = var_GetString( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "opengop" );
+-    if( !strcmp( psz_val, "none" ) )
+-        p_sys->param.i_open_gop = X264_OPEN_GOP_NONE;
+-    else if( !strcmp( psz_val, "normal" ) )
+-        p_sys->param.i_open_gop = X264_OPEN_GOP_NORMAL;
+-    else if( !strcmp( psz_val, "bluray" ) )
+-        p_sys->param.i_open_gop = X264_OPEN_GOP_BLURAY;
+-    free( psz_val );
+-#elif X264_BUILD >= 115
+     p_sys->param.b_open_gop = var_GetBool( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "opengop" );
+     p_sys->param.b_bluray_compat = var_GetBool( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bluray-compat" );
+     i_val = var_GetInteger( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "bframes" );
+     if( i_val >= 0 && i_val <= 16 && i_val != 3 )
+         p_sys->param.i_bframe = i_val;
+@@ -1165,14 +1126,12 @@ static int  Open ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
+     if( i_val >= 1 && i_val != 7 )
+         p_sys->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine = i_val;
+-#if X264_BUILD >= 89
+     psz_val = var_GetString( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "hrd");
+     if( !strcmp( psz_val, "vbr" ) )
+         p_sys->param.i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_VBR;
+     else if( !strcmp( psz_val, "cbr" ) )
+         p_sys->param.i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_CBR;
+     free( psz_val );
+     //TODO: psz_val == NULL ?
+     psz_val = var_GetString( p_enc, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "me" );
+@@ -1531,11 +1490,7 @@ static block_t *Encode( encoder_t *p_enc, picture_t *p_pict )
+     int i_nal=0, i_out=0, i=0;
+     /* init pic */
+-#if X264_BUILD >= 98
+     x264_picture_init( &pic );
+-    memset( &pic, 0, sizeof( x264_picture_t ) );
+     if( likely(p_pict) ) {
+        pic.i_pts = p_pict->date;
+        pic.img.i_csp = p_sys->i_colorspace;

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