[arch-commits] Commit in patch/trunk (CVE-2018-1000156.patch PKGBUILD)

Jelle van der Waa jelle at archlinux.org
Tue Sep 25 20:00:45 UTC 2018

    Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 @ 20:00:44
  Author: jelle
Revision: 335377

upgpkg: patch 2.7.6-2

Fix FS#57526, patch patch for CVE-2018-6952 CVE-2018-6951 and CVE-2018-1000156


 CVE-2018-1000156.patch |  142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 PKGBUILD               |   19 ++++--
 2 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

Added: CVE-2018-1000156.patch
--- CVE-2018-1000156.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ CVE-2018-1000156.patch	2018-09-25 20:00:44 UTC (rev 335377)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+diff -aur patch-2.7.6.old/src/pch.c patch-2.7.6/src/pch.c
+--- patch-2.7.6.old/src/pch.c	2018-09-25 21:35:15.468805478 +0200
++++ patch-2.7.6/src/pch.c	2018-09-25 21:39:33.691394951 +0200
+@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+ # include <io.h>
+ #endif
+ #include <safe.h>
++#include <sys/wait.h>
+ #define INITHUNKMAX 125			/* initial dynamic allocation size */
+@@ -2388,22 +2389,28 @@
+     static char const editor_program[] = EDITOR_PROGRAM;
+     file_offset beginning_of_this_line;
+-    FILE *pipefp = 0;
+     size_t chars_read;
++    FILE *tmpfp = 0;
++    char const *tmpname;
++    int tmpfd;
++    pid_t pid;
++    if (! dry_run && ! skip_rest_of_patch)
++      {
++	/* Write ed script to a temporary file.  This causes ed to abort on
++	   invalid commands such as when line numbers or ranges exceed the
++	   number of available lines.  When ed reads from a pipe, it rejects
++	   invalid commands and treats the next line as a new command, which
++	   can lead to arbitrary command execution.  */
++	tmpfd = make_tempfile (&tmpname, 'e', NULL, O_RDWR | O_BINARY, 0);
++	if (tmpfd == -1)
++	  pfatal ("Can't create temporary file %s", quotearg (tmpname));
++	tmpfp = fdopen (tmpfd, "w+b");
++	if (! tmpfp)
++	  pfatal ("Can't open stream for file %s", quotearg (tmpname));
++      }
+-    if (! dry_run && ! skip_rest_of_patch) {
+-	int exclusive = *outname_needs_removal ? 0 : O_EXCL;
+-	assert (! inerrno);
+-	*outname_needs_removal = true;
+-	copy_file (inname, outname, 0, exclusive, instat.st_mode, true);
+-	sprintf (buf, "%s %s%s", editor_program,
+-		 verbosity == VERBOSE ? "" : "- ",
+-		 outname);
+-	fflush (stdout);
+-	pipefp = popen(buf, binary_transput ? "wb" : "w");
+-	if (!pipefp)
+-	  pfatal ("Can't open pipe to %s", quotearg (buf));
+-    }
+     for (;;) {
+ 	char ed_command_letter;
+ 	beginning_of_this_line = file_tell (pfp);
+@@ -2414,14 +2421,14 @@
+ 	}
+ 	ed_command_letter = get_ed_command_letter (buf);
+ 	if (ed_command_letter) {
+-	    if (pipefp)
+-		if (! fwrite (buf, sizeof *buf, chars_read, pipefp))
++	    if (tmpfp)
++		if (! fwrite (buf, sizeof *buf, chars_read, tmpfp))
+ 		    write_fatal ();
+ 	    if (ed_command_letter != 'd' && ed_command_letter != 's') {
+ 	        p_pass_comments_through = true;
+ 		while ((chars_read = get_line ()) != 0) {
+-		    if (pipefp)
+-			if (! fwrite (buf, sizeof *buf, chars_read, pipefp))
++		    if (tmpfp)
++			if (! fwrite (buf, sizeof *buf, chars_read, tmpfp))
+ 			    write_fatal ();
+ 		    if (chars_read == 2  &&  strEQ (buf, ".\n"))
+ 			break;
+@@ -2434,13 +2441,49 @@
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+-    if (!pipefp)
++    if (!tmpfp)
+       return;
+-    if (fwrite ("w\nq\n", sizeof (char), (size_t) 4, pipefp) == 0
+-	|| fflush (pipefp) != 0)
++    if (fwrite ("w\nq\n", sizeof (char), (size_t) 4, tmpfp) == 0
++	|| fflush (tmpfp) != 0)
+       write_fatal ();
+-    if (pclose (pipefp) != 0)
+-      fatal ("%s FAILED", editor_program);
++    if (lseek (tmpfd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)
++      pfatal ("Can't rewind to the beginning of file %s", quotearg (tmpname));
++    if (! dry_run && ! skip_rest_of_patch) {
++	int exclusive = *outname_needs_removal ? 0 : O_EXCL;
++	*outname_needs_removal = true;
++	if (inerrno != ENOENT)
++	  {
++	    *outname_needs_removal = true;
++	    copy_file (inname, outname, 0, exclusive, instat.st_mode, true);
++	  }
++	sprintf (buf, "%s %s%s", editor_program,
++		 verbosity == VERBOSE ? "" : "- ",
++		 outname);
++	fflush (stdout);
++	pid = fork();
++	if (pid == -1)
++	  pfatal ("Can't fork");
++	else if (pid == 0)
++	  {
++	    dup2 (tmpfd, 0);
++	    execl ("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", buf, (char *) 0);
++	    _exit (2);
++	  }
++	else
++	  {
++	    int wstatus;
++	    if (waitpid (pid, &wstatus, 0) == -1
++	        || ! WIFEXITED (wstatus)
++		|| WEXITSTATUS (wstatus) != 0)
++	      fatal ("%s FAILED", editor_program);
++	  }
++    }
++    fclose (tmpfp);
++    safe_unlink (tmpname);
+     if (ofp)
+       {
+Only in patch-2.7.6/src: pch.c.orig
+Only in patch-2.7.6/src: pch.c.rej
+Only in patch-2.7.6/tests: ed-style
+diff -aur patch-2.7.6.old/tests/Makefile.am patch-2.7.6/tests/Makefile.am
+--- patch-2.7.6.old/tests/Makefile.am	2018-09-25 21:35:15.468805478 +0200
++++ patch-2.7.6/tests/Makefile.am	2018-09-25 21:35:35.028947275 +0200
+@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+ 	crlf-handling \
+ 	dash-o-append \
+ 	deep-directories \
++	ed-style \
+ 	empty-files \
+ 	false-match \
+ 	fifo \

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2018-09-25 19:44:01 UTC (rev 335376)
+++ PKGBUILD	2018-09-25 20:00:44 UTC (rev 335377)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 pkgdesc='A utility to apply patch files to original sources'
@@ -14,9 +14,20 @@
 optdepends=('ed: for patch -e functionality')
 validpgpkeys=('259B3792B3D6D319212CC4DCD5BF9FEB0313653A') # Andreas Gruenbacher
+        "https://github.com/mirror/patch/commit/f290f48a621867084884bfff87f8093c15195e6a.patch" # CVE-2018-6951
+        "CVE-2018-1000156.patch" # CVE-2018-1000156
+        "https://github.com/mirror/patch/commit/9c986353e420ead6e706262bf204d6e03322c300.patch" # CVE-2018-6952
+        "http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/patch.git/patch/?id=19599883ffb6a450d2884f081f8ecf68edbed7ee" # Fix memory leaks introduced in CVE-2018-1000165
+        "http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/patch.git/patch/?id=369dcccdfa6336e5a873d6d63705cfbe04c55727"
+        )
-         'SKIP')
+         'SKIP'
+         '7e34fc859ccc07b235a8b01b043ff456'
+         'fb16655d092f251316715e792636b48d'
+         'aa8ac1e3dccbd523143b01e9f60b06e8'
+         'bba3e65611813a4467cdd73219a5059d'
+         '5eb2c88e30fa8775deaf0b29287bf6bd')
 prepare() {
   cd $pkgname-$pkgver
@@ -24,7 +35,7 @@
   local filename
   for filename in "${source[@]}"; do
     if [[ "$filename" =~ \.patch$ ]]; then
-      msg2 "Applying patch ${filename##*/}"
+      echo "Applying patch ${filename##*/}"
       patch -p1 -N -i "$srcdir/${filename##*/}"

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