[arch-commits] Commit in rmlint/repos/community-x86_64 (3 files)

Massimiliano Torromeo mtorromeo at archlinux.org
Sun Aug 25 09:37:54 UTC 2019

    Date: Sunday, August 25, 2019 @ 09:37:53
  Author: mtorromeo
Revision: 501650

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 501649, rmlint/trunk/PKGBUILD)

 PKGBUILD      |   98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 no-sse4.patch |   16 ---------
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2019-08-25 09:37:38 UTC (rev 501649)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-08-25 09:37:53 UTC (rev 501650)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Massimiliano Torromeo <massimiliano.torromeo at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Blisfull <narthana.epa at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: SahibBommelig <sahib at online.de>
-pkgname=(rmlint rmlint-shredder)
-makedepends=('scons' 'python-sphinx' 'gettext' 'sqlite' 'libutil-linux'
-             'binutils' 'json-glib' 'libelf' 'python-gobject' 'python-cairo'
-             'dconf' 'gtksourceview3' 'librsvg' 'desktop-file-utils' 'python-requests')
-        "no-sse4.patch")
-            '634386ee36022f0ebbb4750a7fbc8475eb2be8e36bee051f7e5878ea09b791f1')
-prepare() {
-    cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver
-    sed 's/python4/python/' -i gui/SConscript
-    patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/no-sse4.patch
-build() {
-    cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver
-    scons config
-    scons -j4 DEBUG=1 --prefix="$pkgdir"/usr --actual-prefix=/usr
-package_rmlint() {
-    pkgdesc="Tool to remove duplicates and other lint, being much faster than fdupes"
-    depends=('sqlite' 'libutil-linux' 'binutils' 'json-glib' 'libelf')
-    cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver
-    scons DEBUG=1 --prefix="$pkgdir"/usr install --actual-prefix=/usr
-    rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{glib-2.0,icons,applications}
-    rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/lib
-package_rmlint-shredder() {
-    pkgdesc="Graphical user interface for rmlint"
-    depends=('rmlint' 'python-gobject' 'python-cairo' 'dconf' 'librsvg'
-             'gtksourceview3' 'xdg-utils')
-    cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver
-    scons DEBUG=1 --prefix="$pkgdir"/usr install --actual-prefix=/usr
-    rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/{bin,share/locale,share/man}
-    rm "$pkgdir"/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled

Copied: rmlint/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 501649, rmlint/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-08-25 09:37:53 UTC (rev 501650)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Maintainer: Massimiliano Torromeo <massimiliano.torromeo at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Blisfull <narthana.epa at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: SahibBommelig <sahib at online.de>
+pkgname=(rmlint rmlint-shredder)
+makedepends=('scons' 'python-sphinx' 'gettext' 'sqlite' 'libutil-linux'
+             'binutils' 'json-glib' 'libelf' 'python-gobject' 'python-cairo'
+             'dconf' 'gtksourceview3' 'librsvg' 'desktop-file-utils' 'python-requests')
+build() {
+    cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver
+    scons config
+    scons -j4 DEBUG=1 --prefix="$pkgdir"/usr --actual-prefix=/usr
+package_rmlint() {
+    pkgdesc="Tool to remove duplicates and other lint, being much faster than fdupes"
+    depends=('sqlite' 'libutil-linux' 'binutils' 'json-glib' 'libelf')
+    cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver
+    scons DEBUG=1 --prefix="$pkgdir"/usr install --actual-prefix=/usr
+    rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{glib-2.0,icons,applications}
+    rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/lib
+package_rmlint-shredder() {
+    pkgdesc="Graphical user interface for rmlint"
+    depends=('rmlint' 'python-gobject' 'python-cairo' 'dconf' 'librsvg'
+             'gtksourceview3' 'xdg-utils')
+    cd "$srcdir"/$pkgbase-$pkgver
+    scons DEBUG=1 --prefix="$pkgdir"/usr install --actual-prefix=/usr
+    rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/{bin,share/locale,share/man}
+    rm "$pkgdir"/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled

Deleted: no-sse4.patch
--- no-sse4.patch	2019-08-25 09:37:38 UTC (rev 501649)
+++ no-sse4.patch	2019-08-25 09:37:53 UTC (rev 501650)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/SConstruct b/SConstruct
-index 81d54a4..66cc632 100755
---- a/SConstruct
-+++ b/SConstruct
-@@ -661,10 +661,7 @@ if conf.env['IS_CYGWIN']:
- else:
-     conf.env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-fPIC'])
--# check _mm_crc32_u64 (SSE4.2) support:
--if conf.env['HAVE_MM_CRC32_U64']:
--    conf.env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-msse4.2'])
-+conf.env['HAVE_MM_CRC32_U64'] = False
- if 'clang' in os.path.basename(conf.env['CC']):
-     conf.env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-fcolor-diagnostics'])  # Colored warnings

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