[arch-commits] Commit in calibre/repos/community-x86_64 (8 files)

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at archlinux.org
Tue Dec 3 18:26:58 UTC 2019

    Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 @ 18:26:57
  Author: eschwartz
Revision: 534975

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 534974, calibre/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 534974, calibre/trunk/calibre-alternatives.sh)
    (from rev 534974, calibre/trunk/calibre-common.install)
    (from rev 534974, calibre/trunk/calibre.install)

 PKGBUILD                |  338 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 calibre-alternatives.sh |  124 ++++++++--------
 calibre-common.install  |   18 +-
 calibre.install         |   14 -
 4 files changed, 247 insertions(+), 247 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2019-12-03 18:26:35 UTC (rev 534974)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-12-03 18:26:57 UTC (rev 534975)
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Jelle van der Waa <jelle at vdwaa.nl>
-# Maintainer: Eli Schwartz <eschwartz at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Daniel Wallace <danielwallace at gtmanfred dot com>
-# Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Petrov Roman <nwhisper at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Andrea Fagiani <andfagiani _at_ gmail dot com>
-# Contributor: Larry Hajali <larryhaja at gmail.com>
-pkgname=('calibre' 'calibre-common' 'calibre-python3')
-pkgdesc="Ebook management application"
-_py_deps=('apsw' 'beautifulsoup4' 'cssselect' 'css-parser' 'dateutil' 'dbus' 'dnspython'
-          'feedparser' 'html2text' 'html5-parser' 'lxml' 'markdown' 'mechanize' 'msgpack'
-          'netifaces' 'unrardll' 'pillow' 'psutil' 'pygments' 'pyqt5' 'pyqtwebengine' 'regex')
-_py3_deps=("${_py_deps[@]}" 'zeroconf')
-depends=('chmlib' 'hunspell' 'icu' 'jxrlib' 'libmtp' 'libusbx' 'libwmf' 'mathjax2' 'mtdev' 'optipng'
-         'podofo' 'qt5-svg' 'udisks2')
-makedepends=("${_py_deps[@]/#/python2-}" "${_py3_deps[@]/#/python-}" 'qt5-x11extras'
-             'rapydscript-ng' 'sip' 'xdg-utils')
-        "https://calibre-ebook.com/signatures/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}.tar.xz.sig"
-        "calibre-alternatives.sh")
-            'SKIP'
-            '20dc4ff196423a7c7c8f644cb83fcfe07b4b5a64ba4addeb0750f94cd7aa9e8e')
-        'SKIP'
-        'c08d9587f9bb5c9b0f4be71bf5189515d2add7932ac5b504a11c8f5130fff129589a0cb58b7d4ffb172f454d993330b01ff153f59cbe4b626afec11f142ed631')
-validpgpkeys=('3CE1780F78DD88DF45194FD706BC317B515ACE7C') # Kovid Goyal (New longer key) <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>
-    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
-    # Desktop integration (e.g. enforce arch defaults)
-    # Use uppercase naming scheme, don't delete config files under fakeroot.
-    sed -e "/import config_dir/,/os.rmdir(config_dir)/d" \
-        -e "s/'ctc-posml'/'text' not in mt and 'pdf' not in mt and 'xhtml'/" \
-        -e "s/^Name=calibre/Name=Calibre/g" \
-        -i  src/calibre/linux.py
-    # cherry-picked bits of python2-backports.functools_lru_cache
-    # needed for frozen builds + beautifulsoup4
-    # see https://github.com/kovidgoyal/calibre/commit/b177f0a1096b4fdabd8772dd9edc66662a69e683#commitcomment-33169700
-    rm -r src/backports
-    cd resources
-    # Remove unneeded files
-    rm ${pkgbase}-portable.* mozilla-ca-certs.pem
-    # use system mathjax
-    rm -r mathjax
-build() {
-    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
-    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py build
-    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py gui
-    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py mathjax --path-to-mathjax /usr/share/mathjax2 --system-mathjax
-    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py rapydscript
-    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' CALIBRE_PY3_PORT=1 python3 setup.py build
-check() {
-    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
-    # without xvfb-run this fails with much "Control socket failed to recv(), resetting"
-    # ERROR: test_websocket_perf (calibre.srv.tests.web_sockets.WebSocketTest)
-    # one or two tests are a bit flaky, but the python3 build seems to succeed more often
-    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' xvfb-run env CALIBRE_PY3_PORT=1 python3 setup.py test
-    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' xvfb-run python2 setup.py test
-package_calibre-common() {
-    pkgdesc+=" (common files)"
-    optdepends=('poppler: required for converting pdf to html')
-    conflicts=("calibre<${pkgver}-${pkgrel}")
-    install=calibre-common.install
-    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
-    # If this directory doesn't exist, zsh completion won't install.
-    install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/zsh/site-functions"
-    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py install \
-        --staging-root="${pkgdir}/usr" \
-        --prefix=/usr
-    for bin in "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/*; do
-        ln -sfT "/usr/lib/calibre/bin/${bin##*/}" "${bin}"
-    done
-    install -Dm755 "${srcdir}"/calibre-alternatives.sh "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/calibre-alternatives
-    cp -a man-pages/ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man"
-    # not needed at runtime
-    rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/calibre/rapydscript/
-    #cleanup overlapping files
-    rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/python2.7
-    rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/plugins/
-    find "${pkgdir}" -type f -name '*.py[co]' -delete
-package_calibre() {
-    pkgdesc+=" (python2 build)"
-    depends=('calibre-common' "${_py_deps[@]/#/python2-}")
-    optdepends+=('ipython2: to use calibre-debug')
-    install=calibre.install
-    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
-    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py install \
-        --staging-root="${pkgdir}/usr" \
-        --prefix=/usr \
-        --no-postinstall \
-        --bindir=/usr/lib/calibre/bin-py2 \
-        --staging-bindir="${pkgdir}/usr/lib/calibre/bin-py2" \
-        --staging-sharedir="${srcdir}"/temp
-    # Compiling bytecode FS#33392
-    # This is kind of ugly but removes traces of the build root.
-    while read -rd '' _file; do
-        _destdir="$(dirname "${_file#${pkgdir}}")"
-        python2 -m compileall -d "${_destdir}" "${_file}"
-        python2 -O -m compileall -d "${_destdir}" "${_file}"
-    done < <(find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/ -name '*.py' -print0)
-    # cleanup overlapping files
-    find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/calibre -name '*.py' -delete
-    rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/plugins/3/
-package_calibre-python3() {
-    pkgdesc+=" (experimental python3 port)"
-    depends=('calibre-common' "${_py3_deps[@]/#/python-}")
-    optdepends+=('ipython: to use calibre-debug')
-    install=calibre.install
-    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
-    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' CALIBRE_PY3_PORT=1 python3 setup.py install \
-        --staging-root="${pkgdir}/usr" \
-        --prefix=/usr \
-        --no-postinstall \
-        --bindir=/usr/lib/calibre/bin-py3 \
-        --staging-bindir="${pkgdir}/usr/lib/calibre/bin-py3" \
-        --staging-sharedir="${srcdir}"/temp
-    # Compiling bytecode FS#33392
-    # This is kind of ugly but removes traces of the build root.
-    while read -rd '' _file; do
-        _destdir="$(dirname "${_file#${pkgdir}}")"
-        python3 -m compileall -d "${_destdir}" "${_file}"
-        python3 -O -m compileall -d "${_destdir}" "${_file}"
-    done < <(find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/ -name '*.py' -print0)
-    # cleanup overlapping files
-    find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/calibre -name '*.py' -delete
-    rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/plugins/*.so

Copied: calibre/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 534974, calibre/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-12-03 18:26:57 UTC (rev 534975)
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Maintainer: Jelle van der Waa <jelle at vdwaa.nl>
+# Maintainer: Eli Schwartz <eschwartz at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Daniel Wallace <danielwallace at gtmanfred dot com>
+# Contributor: Giovanni Scafora <giovanni at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Petrov Roman <nwhisper at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Andrea Fagiani <andfagiani _at_ gmail dot com>
+# Contributor: Larry Hajali <larryhaja at gmail.com>
+pkgname=('calibre' 'calibre-common' 'calibre-python3')
+pkgdesc="Ebook management application"
+_py_deps=('apsw' 'beautifulsoup4' 'cssselect' 'css-parser' 'dateutil' 'dbus' 'dnspython'
+          'feedparser' 'html2text' 'html5-parser' 'lxml' 'markdown' 'mechanize' 'msgpack'
+          'netifaces' 'unrardll' 'pillow' 'psutil' 'pygments' 'pyqt5' 'pyqtwebengine' 'regex')
+_py3_deps=("${_py_deps[@]}" 'zeroconf')
+depends=('chmlib' 'hunspell' 'icu' 'jxrlib' 'libmtp' 'libusbx' 'libwmf' 'mathjax2' 'mtdev' 'optipng'
+         'podofo' 'qt5-svg' 'udisks2')
+makedepends=("${_py_deps[@]/#/python2-}" "${_py3_deps[@]/#/python-}" 'qt5-x11extras'
+             'rapydscript-ng' 'sip' 'xdg-utils')
+        "https://calibre-ebook.com/signatures/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}.tar.xz.sig"
+        "calibre-alternatives.sh")
+            'SKIP'
+            '1a3b24fb8a4d80dcd791842c4049e8519b9297f1199ef323ac678509f0290573')
+        'SKIP'
+        'eaf6ee113e24dbf4ac045f4bef6c2b83424cba3aac52f967d0aca8a27356c053b4fc903e2b857c981bfe9c6cb600701ef640facd3df00d3225b2237ee927f5b1')
+validpgpkeys=('3CE1780F78DD88DF45194FD706BC317B515ACE7C') # Kovid Goyal (New longer key) <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>
+    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+    # Desktop integration (e.g. enforce arch defaults)
+    # Use uppercase naming scheme, don't delete config files under fakeroot.
+    sed -e "/import config_dir/,/os.rmdir(config_dir)/d" \
+        -e "s/'ctc-posml'/'text' not in mt and 'pdf' not in mt and 'xhtml'/" \
+        -e "s/^Name=calibre/Name=Calibre/g" \
+        -i  src/calibre/linux.py
+    # cherry-picked bits of python2-backports.functools_lru_cache
+    # needed for frozen builds + beautifulsoup4
+    # see https://github.com/kovidgoyal/calibre/commit/b177f0a1096b4fdabd8772dd9edc66662a69e683#commitcomment-33169700
+    rm -r src/backports
+    cd resources
+    # Remove unneeded files
+    rm ${pkgbase}-portable.* mozilla-ca-certs.pem
+    # use system mathjax
+    rm -r mathjax
+build() {
+    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py build
+    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py gui
+    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py mathjax --path-to-mathjax /usr/share/mathjax2 --system-mathjax
+    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py rapydscript
+    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' CALIBRE_PY3_PORT=1 python3 setup.py build
+check() {
+    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+    # without xvfb-run this fails with much "Control socket failed to recv(), resetting"
+    # ERROR: test_websocket_perf (calibre.srv.tests.web_sockets.WebSocketTest)
+    # one or two tests are a bit flaky, but the python3 build seems to succeed more often
+    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' xvfb-run env CALIBRE_PY3_PORT=1 python3 setup.py test
+    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' xvfb-run python2 setup.py test
+package_calibre-common() {
+    pkgdesc+=" (common files)"
+    optdepends=('poppler: required for converting pdf to html')
+    conflicts=("calibre<${pkgver}-${pkgrel}")
+    install=calibre-common.install
+    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+    # If this directory doesn't exist, zsh completion won't install.
+    install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/zsh/site-functions"
+    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py install \
+        --staging-root="${pkgdir}/usr" \
+        --prefix=/usr
+    for bin in "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/*; do
+        ln -sfT "/usr/lib/calibre/bin/${bin##*/}" "${bin}"
+    done
+    install -Dm755 "${srcdir}"/calibre-alternatives.sh "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/calibre-alternatives
+    cp -a man-pages/ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man"
+    # not needed at runtime
+    rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/calibre/rapydscript/
+    #cleanup overlapping files
+    rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/python2.7
+    rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/plugins/
+    find "${pkgdir}" -type f -name '*.py[co]' -delete
+package_calibre() {
+    pkgdesc+=" (python2 build)"
+    depends=('calibre-common' "${_py_deps[@]/#/python2-}")
+    optdepends+=('ipython2: to use calibre-debug')
+    install=calibre.install
+    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' python2 setup.py install \
+        --staging-root="${pkgdir}/usr" \
+        --prefix=/usr \
+        --no-postinstall \
+        --bindir=/usr/lib/calibre/bin-py2 \
+        --staging-bindir="${pkgdir}/usr/lib/calibre/bin-py2" \
+        --staging-sharedir="${srcdir}"/temp
+    # Compiling bytecode FS#33392
+    # This is kind of ugly but removes traces of the build root.
+    while read -rd '' _file; do
+        _destdir="$(dirname "${_file#${pkgdir}}")"
+        python2 -m compileall -d "${_destdir}" "${_file}"
+        python2 -O -m compileall -d "${_destdir}" "${_file}"
+    done < <(find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/ -name '*.py' -print0)
+    # cleanup overlapping files
+    find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/calibre -name '*.py' -delete
+    rm -r "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/plugins/3/
+package_calibre-python3() {
+    pkgdesc+=" (experimental python3 port)"
+    depends=('calibre-common' "${_py3_deps[@]/#/python-}")
+    optdepends+=('ipython: to use calibre-debug')
+    install=calibre.install
+    cd "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}"
+    LANG='en_US.UTF-8' CALIBRE_PY3_PORT=1 python3 setup.py install \
+        --staging-root="${pkgdir}/usr" \
+        --prefix=/usr \
+        --no-postinstall \
+        --bindir=/usr/lib/calibre/bin-py3 \
+        --staging-bindir="${pkgdir}/usr/lib/calibre/bin-py3" \
+        --staging-sharedir="${srcdir}"/temp
+    # Compiling bytecode FS#33392
+    # This is kind of ugly but removes traces of the build root.
+    while read -rd '' _file; do
+        _destdir="$(dirname "${_file#${pkgdir}}")"
+        python3 -m compileall -d "${_destdir}" "${_file}"
+        python3 -O -m compileall -d "${_destdir}" "${_file}"
+    done < <(find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/ -name '*.py' -print0)
+    # cleanup overlapping files
+    find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/calibre -name '*.py' -delete
+    rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/plugins/*.so

Deleted: calibre-alternatives.sh
--- calibre-alternatives.sh	2019-12-03 18:26:35 UTC (rev 534974)
+++ calibre-alternatives.sh	2019-12-03 18:26:57 UTC (rev 534975)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-die() {
-    echo "${1}" >&2
-    exit 1
-usage() {
-    cat <<- __EOF__
-	usage: calibre-alternatives [help|get]
-	usage: calibre-alternatives set [2|3]
-	Set the default python interpreter for calibre, either python2 or python3.
-get_current() {
-    currentdir=$(readlink "${libdir}/bin")
-    echo "${currentdir##*-py}"
-find_alternative() {
-    for i in 2 3; do
-        if [ -d "${libdir}/bin-py${i}" ]; then
-            echo "${i}"
-            return 0
-        fi
-    done
-    return 1
-set_current() {
-    alt=${1}
-    if [ -z "${alt}" ]; then
-        [ -z "$(get_current)" ] || exit 0 # nothing to do
-        alt=$(find_alternative) || die "error: no alternatives exist"
-    fi
-    if ! [ $(id -u) = 0 ]; then
-        die "error: cannot set without being root"
-    fi
-    if [ -d "${libdir}/bin-py${alt}" ]; then
-        ln -snvf bin-py${alt} "${libdir}/bin"
-    else
-        die "alternative '${alt}' does not exist"
-    fi
-case ${1} in
-    help)
-        usage;;
-    ''|get)
-        get_current;;
-    set)
-        shift; set_current "${1}";;
-    *)
-        die "invalid option: '${1}'"

Copied: calibre/repos/community-x86_64/calibre-alternatives.sh (from rev 534974, calibre/trunk/calibre-alternatives.sh)
--- calibre-alternatives.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ calibre-alternatives.sh	2019-12-03 18:26:57 UTC (rev 534975)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+die() {
+    echo "${1}" >&2
+    exit 1
+usage() {
+    cat <<- __EOF__
+	usage: calibre-alternatives [help|get]
+	usage: calibre-alternatives set [2|3]
+	Set the default python interpreter for calibre, either python2 or python3.
+get_current() {
+    currentdir=$(readlink "${libdir}/bin")
+    echo "${currentdir##*-py}"
+find_alternative() {
+    for i in 2 3; do
+        if [ -d "${libdir}/bin-py${i}" ]; then
+            echo "${i}"
+            return 0
+        fi
+    done
+    return 1
+set_current() {
+    alt=${1}
+    if [ -z "${alt}" ]; then
+        [ -z "$(get_current)" ] || exit 0 # nothing to do
+        alt=$(find_alternative) || die "error: no alternatives exist"
+    fi
+    if ! [ $(id -u) = 0 ]; then
+        die "error: cannot set without being root"
+    fi
+    if [ -d "${libdir}/bin-py${alt}" ]; then
+        ln -snvf bin-py${alt} "${libdir}/bin"
+    else
+        die "alternative '${alt}' does not exist"
+    fi
+case ${1} in
+    ''|help)
+        usage;;
+    get)
+        get_current;;
+    set)
+        shift; set_current "${1}";;
+    *)
+        die "invalid option: '${1}'"

Deleted: calibre-common.install
--- calibre-common.install	2019-12-03 18:26:35 UTC (rev 534974)
+++ calibre-common.install	2019-12-03 18:26:57 UTC (rev 534975)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
-    echo '=> calibre and calibre-python3 are now co-installable'
-    echo '=> use `calibre-alternatives set [2|3]` to switch between them'
-post_remove() {
-    rm -f /usr/lib/calibre/bin
-    rmdir /usr/lib/calibre/

Copied: calibre/repos/community-x86_64/calibre-common.install (from rev 534974, calibre/trunk/calibre-common.install)
--- calibre-common.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ calibre-common.install	2019-12-03 18:26:57 UTC (rev 534975)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+post_install() {
+    echo '=> calibre and calibre-python3 are now co-installable'
+    echo '=> use `calibre-alternatives set [2|3]` to switch between them'
+post_remove() {
+    rm -f /usr/lib/calibre/bin
+    rmdir /usr/lib/calibre/

Deleted: calibre.install
--- calibre.install	2019-12-03 18:26:35 UTC (rev 534974)
+++ calibre.install	2019-12-03 18:26:57 UTC (rev 534975)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
-    calibre-alternatives set
-post_upgrade() {
-    calibre-alternatives set

Copied: calibre/repos/community-x86_64/calibre.install (from rev 534974, calibre/trunk/calibre.install)
--- calibre.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ calibre.install	2019-12-03 18:26:57 UTC (rev 534975)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+post_install() {
+    calibre-alternatives set
+post_upgrade() {
+    calibre-alternatives set

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