[arch-commits] Commit in postgrest/trunk (PKGBUILD new-hasql.patch)

Felix Yan felixonmars at archlinux.org
Sun Feb 3 12:38:31 UTC 2019

    Date: Sunday, February 3, 2019 @ 12:38:30
  Author: felixonmars
Revision: 429469

upgpkg: postgrest 5.2.0-1


 PKGBUILD        |   12 -
 new-hasql.patch |  477 ------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 485 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2019-02-03 12:14:43 UTC (rev 429468)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-02-03 12:38:30 UTC (rev 429469)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 # Contributor: Arch Haskell Team <arch-haskell at haskell.org>
 pkgdesc="REST API for any Postgres database"
@@ -22,15 +22,11 @@
 makedepends=('ghc' 'haskell-aeson-qq' 'haskell-async' 'haskell-hspec' 'haskell-hspec-wai'
              'haskell-hspec-wai-json' 'haskell-hjsonschema')
 checkdepends=('pifpaf' 'postgresql' 'procps-ng')
-        new-hasql.patch)
-            '53bbac6d2ef850ca66809f971b67d5ffd9b8d210d7561978a088c287e434beef1ba09bae65dc14048caf9b8c8d8eb9c329e618092c62c09dae836a9857ede470')
 prepare() {
     cd $pkgname-$pkgver
-    patch -p1 -i ../new-hasql.patch
     sed -i -e 's/==/>=/' -e 's/< *4.10/<5/' $pkgname.cabal

Deleted: new-hasql.patch
--- new-hasql.patch	2019-02-03 12:14:43 UTC (rev 429468)
+++ new-hasql.patch	2019-02-03 12:38:30 UTC (rev 429469)
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-From e0cc4d157106fb8978b00456181347cdb96ae1c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ben Gamari <ben at smart-cactus.org>
-Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 01:02:09 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] Update hasql
-Move to hasql 1.3.
- postgrest.cabal               |   6 +-
- src/PostgREST/App.hs          |  16 ++---
- src/PostgREST/DbStructure.hs  | 126 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
- src/PostgREST/Error.hs        |  11 +--
- src/PostgREST/QueryBuilder.hs |  30 ++++----
- 5 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/postgrest.cabal b/postgrest.cabal
-index 25231474..acfe7af9 100644
---- a/postgrest.cabal
-+++ b/postgrest.cabal
-@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ library
-                      , contravariant-extras
-                      , either
-                      , gitrev
--                     , hasql == 1.1
--                     , hasql-pool == 0.4.3
--                     , hasql-transaction == 0.5.2
-+                     , hasql >= 1.3
-+                     , hasql-pool >= 0.5
-+                     , hasql-transaction >= 0.7
-                      , heredoc
-                      , HTTP
-                      , http-types
-diff --git a/src/PostgREST/App.hs b/src/PostgREST/App.hs
-index 022d95ac..ff12b6dd 100644
---- a/src/PostgREST/App.hs
-+++ b/src/PostgREST/App.hs
-@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ findProc qi payloadKeys paramsAsSingleObject allProcs =
-              else payloadKeys `S.isSubsetOf` S.fromList (pgaName <$> pdArgs x))
-   ) <$> procs
--transactionMode :: Maybe ProcDescription -> Action -> H.Mode
-+transactionMode :: Maybe ProcDescription -> Action -> HT.Mode
- transactionMode proc action =
-   case action of
-     ActionRead -> HT.Read
-@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ app dbStructure proc conf apiRequest =
-             Right ((q, cq), bField) -> do
-               let stm = createReadStatement q cq (contentType == CTSingularJSON) shouldCount
-                                             (contentType == CTTextCSV) bField
--              row <- H.query () stm
-+              row <- H.statement () stm
-               let (tableTotal, queryTotal, _ , body) = row
-                   (status, contentRange) = rangeHeader queryTotal tableTotal
-                   canonical = iCanonicalQS apiRequest
-@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ app dbStructure proc conf apiRequest =
-                       stm = createWriteStatement sq mq
-                         (contentType == CTSingularJSON) isSingle
-                         (contentType == CTTextCSV) (iPreferRepresentation apiRequest) pkCols
--                  row <- H.query (toS pjRaw) stm
-+                  row <- H.statement (toS pjRaw) stm
-                   let (_, _, fs, body) = extractQueryResult row
-                       headers = catMaybes [
-                           if null fs
-@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ app dbStructure proc conf apiRequest =
-               let stm = createWriteStatement sq mq
-                     (contentType == CTSingularJSON) False (contentType == CTTextCSV)
-                     (iPreferRepresentation apiRequest) []
--              row <- H.query (toS pjRaw) stm
-+              row <- H.statement (toS pjRaw) stm
-               let (_, queryTotal, _, body) = extractQueryResult row
-               if contentType == CTSingularJSON
-                  && queryTotal /= 1
-@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ app dbStructure proc conf apiRequest =
-               else if S.fromList colNames /= pjKeys
-                 then return $ simpleError status400 [] "You must specify all columns in the payload when using PUT"
-               else do
--                row <- H.query (toS pjRaw) $
-+                row <- H.statement (toS pjRaw) $
-                        createWriteStatement sq mq (contentType == CTSingularJSON) False
-                                             (contentType == CTTextCSV) (iPreferRepresentation apiRequest) []
-                 let (_, queryTotal, _, body) = extractQueryResult row
-@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ app dbStructure proc conf apiRequest =
-                     (contentType == CTSingularJSON) False
-                     (contentType == CTTextCSV)
-                     (iPreferRepresentation apiRequest) []
--              row <- H.query mempty stm
-+              row <- H.statement mempty stm
-               let (_, queryTotal, _, body) = extractQueryResult row
-                   r = contentRangeH 1 0 $
-                         toInteger <$> if shouldCount then Just queryTotal else Nothing
-@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ app dbStructure proc conf apiRequest =
-                                 PJArray _ -> False
-                   singular = contentType == CTSingularJSON
-                   specifiedPgArgs = filter ((`S.member` pjKeys) . pgaName) $ fromMaybe [] (pdArgs <$> proc)
--              row <- H.query (toS pjRaw) $
-+              row <- H.statement (toS pjRaw) $
-                 callProc qi specifiedPgArgs returnsScalar q cq shouldCount
-                          singular (iPreferSingleObjectParameter apiRequest)
-                          (contentType == CTTextCSV)
-@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ app dbStructure proc conf apiRequest =
-               toTableInfo :: [Table] -> [(Table, [Column], [Text])]
-               toTableInfo = map (\t -> let (s, tn) = (tableSchema t, tableName t) in (t, tableCols dbStructure s tn, tablePKCols dbStructure s tn))
-               encodeApi ti sd procs = encodeOpenAPI (concat $ M.elems procs) (toTableInfo ti) uri' sd $ dbPrimaryKeys dbStructure
--          body <- encodeApi <$> H.query schema accessibleTables <*> H.query schema schemaDescription <*> H.query schema accessibleProcs
-+          body <- encodeApi <$> H.statement schema accessibleTables <*> H.statement schema schemaDescription <*> H.statement schema accessibleProcs
-           return $ responseLBS status200 [toHeader CTOpenAPI] $ toS body
-         _ -> return notFound
-diff --git a/src/PostgREST/DbStructure.hs b/src/PostgREST/DbStructure.hs
-index 99e792ec..82a48210 100644
---- a/src/PostgREST/DbStructure.hs
-+++ b/src/PostgREST/DbStructure.hs
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module PostgREST.DbStructure (
- import qualified Hasql.Decoders                as HD
- import qualified Hasql.Encoders                as HE
--import qualified Hasql.Query                   as H
-+import qualified Hasql.Statement               as H
- import           Control.Applicative
- import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict           as M
-@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ import           Unsafe (unsafeHead)
- getDbStructure :: Schema -> PgVersion -> H.Session DbStructure
- getDbStructure schema pgVer = do
--  tabs      <- H.query () allTables
--  cols      <- H.query schema $ allColumns tabs
--  syns      <- H.query schema $ allSynonyms cols
--  childRels <- H.query () $ allChildRelations tabs cols
--  keys      <- H.query () $ allPrimaryKeys tabs
--  procs     <- H.query schema allProcs
-+  tabs      <- H.statement () allTables
-+  cols      <- H.statement schema $ allColumns tabs
-+  syns      <- H.statement schema $ allSynonyms cols
-+  childRels <- H.statement () $ allChildRelations tabs cols
-+  keys      <- H.statement () $ allPrimaryKeys tabs
-+  procs     <- H.statement schema allProcs
-   let rels = addManyToManyRelations . addParentRelations $ addViewRelations syns childRels
-       cols' = addForeignKeys rels cols
-@@ -56,70 +56,70 @@ getDbStructure schema pgVer = do
- decodeTables :: HD.Result [Table]
- decodeTables =
--  HD.rowsList tblRow
-+  HD.rowList tblRow
-  where
--  tblRow = Table <$> HD.value HD.text
--                 <*> HD.value HD.text
--                 <*> HD.nullableValue HD.text
--                 <*> HD.value HD.bool
-+  tblRow = Table <$> HD.column HD.text
-+                 <*> HD.column HD.text
-+                 <*> HD.nullableColumn HD.text
-+                 <*> HD.column HD.bool
- decodeColumns :: [Table] -> HD.Result [Column]
- decodeColumns tables =
--  mapMaybe (columnFromRow tables) <$> HD.rowsList colRow
-+  mapMaybe (columnFromRow tables) <$> HD.rowList colRow
-  where
-   colRow =
-     (,,,,,,,,,,,)
--      <$> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text
--      <*> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.nullableValue HD.text
--      <*> HD.value HD.int4 <*> HD.value HD.bool
--      <*> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.bool
--      <*> HD.nullableValue HD.int4
--      <*> HD.nullableValue HD.int4
--      <*> HD.nullableValue HD.text
--      <*> HD.nullableValue HD.text
-+      <$> HD.column HD.text <*> HD.column HD.text
-+      <*> HD.column HD.text <*> HD.nullableColumn HD.text
-+      <*> HD.column HD.int4 <*> HD.column HD.bool
-+      <*> HD.column HD.text <*> HD.column HD.bool
-+      <*> HD.nullableColumn HD.int4
-+      <*> HD.nullableColumn HD.int4
-+      <*> HD.nullableColumn HD.text
-+      <*> HD.nullableColumn HD.text
- decodeRelations :: [Table] -> [Column] -> HD.Result [Relation]
- decodeRelations tables cols =
--  mapMaybe (relationFromRow tables cols) <$> HD.rowsList relRow
-+  mapMaybe (relationFromRow tables cols) <$> HD.rowList relRow
-  where
-   relRow = (,,,,,)
--    <$> HD.value HD.text
--    <*> HD.value HD.text
--    <*> HD.value (HD.array (HD.arrayDimension replicateM (HD.arrayValue HD.text)))
--    <*> HD.value HD.text
--    <*> HD.value HD.text
--    <*> HD.value (HD.array (HD.arrayDimension replicateM (HD.arrayValue HD.text)))
-+    <$> HD.column HD.text
-+    <*> HD.column HD.text
-+    <*> HD.column (HD.array (HD.dimension replicateM (HD.element HD.text)))
-+    <*> HD.column HD.text
-+    <*> HD.column HD.text
-+    <*> HD.column (HD.array (HD.dimension replicateM (HD.element HD.text)))
- decodePks :: [Table] -> HD.Result [PrimaryKey]
- decodePks tables =
--  mapMaybe (pkFromRow tables) <$> HD.rowsList pkRow
-+  mapMaybe (pkFromRow tables) <$> HD.rowList pkRow
-  where
--  pkRow = (,,) <$> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text
-+  pkRow = (,,) <$> HD.column HD.text <*> HD.column HD.text <*> HD.column HD.text
- decodeSynonyms :: [Column] -> HD.Result [Synonym]
- decodeSynonyms cols =
--  mapMaybe (synonymFromRow cols) <$> HD.rowsList synRow
-+  mapMaybe (synonymFromRow cols) <$> HD.rowList synRow
-  where
-   synRow = (,,,,,)
--    <$> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text
--    <*> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text
--    <*> HD.value HD.text <*> HD.value HD.text
-+    <$> HD.column HD.text <*> HD.column HD.text
-+    <*> HD.column HD.text <*> HD.column HD.text
-+    <*> HD.column HD.text <*> HD.column HD.text
- decodeProcs :: HD.Result (M.HashMap Text [ProcDescription])
- decodeProcs =
-   -- Duplicate rows for a function means they're overloaded, order these by least args according to ProcDescription Ord instance
--  map sort . M.fromListWith (++) . map ((\(x,y) -> (x, [y])) . addName) <$> HD.rowsList tblRow
-+  map sort . M.fromListWith (++) . map ((\(x,y) -> (x, [y])) . addName) <$> HD.rowList tblRow
-   where
-     tblRow = ProcDescription
--              <$> HD.value HD.text
--              <*> HD.nullableValue HD.text
--              <*> (parseArgs <$> HD.value HD.text)
-+              <$> HD.column HD.text
-+              <*> HD.nullableColumn HD.text
-+              <*> (parseArgs <$> HD.column HD.text)
-               <*> (parseRetType
--                  <$> HD.value HD.text
--                  <*> HD.value HD.text
--                  <*> HD.value HD.bool
--                  <*> HD.value HD.char)
--              <*> (parseVolatility <$> HD.value HD.char)
-+                  <$> HD.column HD.text
-+                  <*> HD.column HD.text
-+                  <*> HD.column HD.bool
-+                  <*> HD.column HD.char)
-+              <*> (parseVolatility <$> HD.column HD.char)
-     addName :: ProcDescription -> (Text, ProcDescription)
-     addName pd = (pdName pd, pd)
-@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ decodeProcs =
-                       | v == 's' = Stable
-                       | otherwise = Volatile -- only 'v' can happen here
--allProcs :: H.Query Schema (M.HashMap Text [ProcDescription])
--allProcs = H.statement (toS procsSqlQuery) (HE.value HE.text) decodeProcs True
-+allProcs :: H.Statement Schema (M.HashMap Text [ProcDescription])
-+allProcs = H.Statement (toS procsSqlQuery) (HE.param HE.text) decodeProcs True
--accessibleProcs :: H.Query Schema (M.HashMap Text [ProcDescription])
--accessibleProcs = H.statement (toS sql) (HE.value HE.text) decodeProcs True
-+accessibleProcs :: H.Statement Schema (M.HashMap Text [ProcDescription])
-+accessibleProcs = H.Statement (toS sql) (HE.param HE.text) decodeProcs True
-   where
-     sql = procsSqlQuery <> " AND has_function_privilege(p.oid, 'execute')"
-@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ procsSqlQuery = [q|
-   WHERE  pn.nspname = $1
- |]
--schemaDescription :: H.Query Schema (Maybe Text)
-+schemaDescription :: H.Statement Schema (Maybe Text)
- schemaDescription =
--    H.statement sql (HE.value HE.text) (join <$> HD.maybeRow (HD.nullableValue HD.text)) True
-+    H.Statement sql (HE.param HE.text) (join <$> HD.rowMaybe (HD.nullableColumn HD.text)) True
-   where
-     sql = [q|
-       select
-@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ schemaDescription =
-       where
-         n.nspname = $1 |]
--accessibleTables :: H.Query Schema [Table]
-+accessibleTables :: H.Statement Schema [Table]
- accessibleTables =
--  H.statement sql (HE.value HE.text) decodeTables True
-+  H.Statement sql (HE.param HE.text) decodeTables True
-  where
-   sql = [q|
-     select
-@@ -324,9 +324,9 @@ addViewPrimaryKeys syns = concatMap (\pk ->
-                 filter (\(col, _) -> colTable col == pkTable pk && colName col == pkName pk) syns in
-   pk : viewPks)
--allTables :: H.Query () [Table]
-+allTables :: H.Statement () [Table]
- allTables =
--  H.statement sql HE.unit decodeTables True
-+  H.Statement sql HE.unit decodeTables True
-  where
-   sql = [q|
-     SELECT
-@@ -347,9 +347,9 @@ allTables =
-     GROUP BY table_schema, table_name, insertable
-     ORDER BY table_schema, table_name |]
--allColumns :: [Table] -> H.Query Schema [Column]
-+allColumns :: [Table] -> H.Statement Schema [Column]
- allColumns tabs =
--  H.statement sql (HE.value HE.text) (decodeColumns tabs) True
-+  H.Statement sql (HE.param HE.text) (decodeColumns tabs) True
-  where
-   sql = [q|
-@@ -534,9 +534,9 @@ columnFromRow tabs (s, t, n, desc, pos, nul, typ, u, l, p, d, e) = buildColumn <
-     parseEnum :: Maybe Text -> [Text]
-     parseEnum str = fromMaybe [] $ split (==',') <$> str
--allChildRelations :: [Table] -> [Column] -> H.Query () [Relation]
-+allChildRelations :: [Table] -> [Column] -> H.Statement () [Relation]
- allChildRelations tabs cols =
--  H.statement sql HE.unit (decodeRelations tabs cols) True
-+  H.Statement sql HE.unit (decodeRelations tabs cols) True
-  where
-   sql = [q|
-     SELECT ns1.nspname AS table_schema,
-@@ -575,9 +575,9 @@ relationFromRow allTabs allCols (rs, rt, rcs, frs, frt, frcs) =
-     cols  = mapM (findCol rs rt) rcs
-     colsF = mapM (findCol frs frt) frcs
--allPrimaryKeys :: [Table] -> H.Query () [PrimaryKey]
-+allPrimaryKeys :: [Table] -> H.Statement () [PrimaryKey]
- allPrimaryKeys tabs =
--  H.statement sql HE.unit (decodePks tabs) True
-+  H.Statement sql HE.unit (decodePks tabs) True
-  where
-   sql = [q|
-     /*
-@@ -685,9 +685,9 @@ pkFromRow :: [Table] -> (Schema, Text, Text) -> Maybe PrimaryKey
- pkFromRow tabs (s, t, n) = PrimaryKey <$> table <*> pure n
-   where table = find (\tbl -> tableSchema tbl == s && tableName tbl == t) tabs
--allSynonyms :: [Column] -> H.Query Schema [Synonym]
-+allSynonyms :: [Column] -> H.Statement Schema [Synonym]
- allSynonyms cols =
--  H.statement sql (HE.value HE.text) (decodeSynonyms cols) True
-+  H.Statement sql (HE.param HE.text) (decodeSynonyms cols) True
-   -- query explanation at https://gist.github.com/steve-chavez/7ee0e6590cddafb532e5f00c46275569
-   where sql = [q|
-     with
-@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ synonymFromRow allCols (s1,t1,c1,s2,t2,c2) = (,) <$> col1 <*> col2
-     findCol s t c = find (\col -> (tableSchema . colTable) col == s && (tableName . colTable) col == t && colName col == c) allCols
- getPgVersion :: H.Session PgVersion
--getPgVersion = H.query () $ H.statement sql HE.unit versionRow False
-+getPgVersion = H.statement () $ H.Statement sql HE.unit versionRow False
-   where
-     sql = "SELECT current_setting('server_version_num')::integer, current_setting('server_version')"
--    versionRow = HD.singleRow $ PgVersion <$> HD.value HD.int4 <*> HD.value HD.text
-+    versionRow = HD.singleRow $ PgVersion <$> HD.column HD.int4 <*> HD.column HD.text
-diff --git a/src/PostgREST/Error.hs b/src/PostgREST/Error.hs
-index 0972b281..f54a8e63 100644
---- a/src/PostgREST/Error.hs
-+++ b/src/PostgREST/Error.hs
-@@ -118,7 +118,10 @@ instance JSON.ToJSON P.UsageError where
-     "details" .= (toS $ fromMaybe "" e :: Text)]
-   toJSON (P.SessionError e) = JSON.toJSON e -- H.Error
--instance JSON.ToJSON H.Error where
-+instance JSON.ToJSON H.QueryError where
-+  toJSON (H.QueryError _ _ e) = JSON.toJSON e
-+instance JSON.ToJSON H.CommandError where
-   toJSON (H.ResultError (H.ServerError c m d h)) = case toS c of
-     'P':'T':_ ->
-       JSON.object [
-@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ instance JSON.ToJSON H.Error where
- httpStatus :: Bool -> P.UsageError -> HT.Status
- httpStatus _ (P.ConnectionError _) = HT.status503
--httpStatus authed (P.SessionError (H.ResultError (H.ServerError c m _ _))) =
-+httpStatus authed (P.SessionError (H.QueryError _ _ (H.ResultError (H.ServerError c m _ _)))) =
-   case toS c of
-     '0':'8':_ -> HT.status503 -- pg connection err
-     '0':'9':_ -> HT.status500 -- triggered action exception
-@@ -184,5 +187,5 @@ httpStatus authed (P.SessionError (H.ResultError (H.ServerError c m _ _))) =
-     "42501"   -> if authed then HT.status403 else HT.status401 -- insufficient privilege
-     'P':'T':n -> fromMaybe HT.status500 (HT.mkStatus <$> readMaybe n <*> pure m)
-     _         -> HT.status400
--httpStatus _ (P.SessionError (H.ResultError _)) = HT.status500
--httpStatus _ (P.SessionError (H.ClientError _)) = HT.status503
-+httpStatus _ (P.SessionError (H.QueryError _ _ (H.ResultError _))) = HT.status500
-+httpStatus _ (P.SessionError (H.QueryError _ _ (H.ClientError _))) = HT.status503
-diff --git a/src/PostgREST/QueryBuilder.hs b/src/PostgREST/QueryBuilder.hs
-index e29ce630..95bc2516 100644
---- a/src/PostgREST/QueryBuilder.hs
-+++ b/src/PostgREST/QueryBuilder.hs
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module PostgREST.QueryBuilder (
-   , pgFmtSetLocal
-   ) where
--import qualified Hasql.Query             as H
-+import qualified Hasql.Statement         as H
- import qualified Hasql.Encoders          as HE
- import qualified Hasql.Decoders          as HD
-@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ import           PostgREST.ApiRequest    (PreferRepresentation (..))
- type ResultsWithCount = (Maybe Int64, Int64, [BS.ByteString], BS.ByteString)
- standardRow :: HD.Row ResultsWithCount
--standardRow = (,,,) <$> HD.nullableValue HD.int8 <*> HD.value HD.int8
--                    <*> HD.value header <*> HD.value HD.bytea
-+standardRow = (,,,) <$> HD.nullableColumn HD.int8 <*> HD.column HD.int8
-+                    <*> HD.column header <*> HD.column HD.bytea
-   where
--    header = HD.array $ HD.arrayDimension replicateM $ HD.arrayValue HD.bytea
-+    header = HD.array $ HD.dimension replicateM $ HD.element HD.bytea
- noLocationF :: Text
- noLocationF = "array[]::text[]"
-@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ decodeStandard =
- decodeStandardMay :: HD.Result (Maybe ResultsWithCount)
- decodeStandardMay =
--  HD.maybeRow standardRow
-+  HD.rowMaybe standardRow
- createReadStatement :: SqlQuery -> SqlQuery -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe FieldName ->
--                       H.Query () ResultsWithCount
-+                       H.Statement () ResultsWithCount
- createReadStatement selectQuery countQuery isSingle countTotal asCsv binaryField =
-   unicodeStatement sql HE.unit decodeStandard False
-  where
-@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ createReadStatement selectQuery countQuery isSingle countTotal asCsv binaryField
- createWriteStatement :: SqlQuery -> SqlQuery -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool ->
-                         PreferRepresentation -> [Text] ->
--                        H.Query ByteString (Maybe ResultsWithCount)
-+                        H.Statement ByteString (Maybe ResultsWithCount)
- createWriteStatement selectQuery mutateQuery wantSingle wantHdrs asCsv rep pKeys =
--  unicodeStatement sql (HE.value HE.unknown) decodeStandardMay True
-+  unicodeStatement sql (HE.param HE.unknown) decodeStandardMay True
-  where
-   sql = case rep of
-@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ createWriteStatement selectQuery mutateQuery wantSingle wantHdrs asCsv rep pKeys
- type ProcResults = (Maybe Int64, Int64, ByteString, ByteString)
- callProc :: QualifiedIdentifier -> [PgArg] -> Bool -> SqlQuery -> SqlQuery -> Bool ->
-             Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe FieldName -> Bool -> PgVersion ->
--            H.Query ByteString (Maybe ProcResults)
-+            H.Statement ByteString (Maybe ProcResults)
- callProc qi pgArgs returnsScalar selectQuery countQuery countTotal isSingle paramsAsSingleObject asCsv asBinary binaryField isObject pgVer =
--  unicodeStatement sql (HE.value HE.unknown) decodeProc True
-+  unicodeStatement sql (HE.param HE.unknown) decodeProc True
-   where
-     sql =
-      if returnsScalar then [qc|
-@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ callProc qi pgArgs returnsScalar selectQuery countQuery countTotal isSingle para
-       if pgVer >= pgVersion96
-         then "coalesce(nullif(current_setting('response.headers', true), ''), '[]')" :: Text -- nullif is used because of https://gist.github.com/steve-chavez/8d7033ea5655096903f3b52f8ed09a15
-         else "'[]'" :: Text
--    decodeProc = HD.maybeRow procRow
--    procRow = (,,,) <$> HD.nullableValue HD.int8 <*> HD.value HD.int8
--                    <*> HD.value HD.bytea <*> HD.value HD.bytea
-+    decodeProc = HD.rowMaybe procRow
-+    procRow = (,,,) <$> HD.nullableColumn HD.int8 <*> HD.column HD.int8
-+                    <*> HD.column HD.bytea <*> HD.column HD.bytea
-     scalarBodyF
-      | asBinary = asBinaryF _procName
-      | otherwise = "(row_to_json(_postgrest_t)->" <> pgFmtLit _procName <> ")::character varying"
-@@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ fromQi t = (if s == "" then "" else pgFmtIdent s <> ".") <> pgFmtIdent n
-     n = qiName t
-     s = qiSchema t
--unicodeStatement :: Text -> HE.Params a -> HD.Result b -> Bool -> H.Query a b
--unicodeStatement = H.statement . T.encodeUtf8
-+unicodeStatement :: Text -> HE.Params a -> HD.Result b -> Bool -> H.Statement a b
-+unicodeStatement = H.Statement . T.encodeUtf8
- emptyOnFalse :: Text -> Bool -> Text
- emptyOnFalse val cond = if cond then "" else val

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