[arch-commits] Commit in kresus/repos/community-x86_64 (10 files)

Bruno Pagani archange at archlinux.org
Sun Feb 24 23:35:59 UTC 2019

    Date: Sunday, February 24, 2019 @ 23:35:56
  Author: archange
Revision: 435624

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 435623, kresus/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 435623, kresus/trunk/config.ini)
    (from rev 435623, kresus/trunk/kresus.service)
    (from rev 435623, kresus/trunk/kresus.sysusers)
    (from rev 435623, kresus/trunk/kresus.tmpfiles)

 PKGBUILD        |   90 ++++++++---------
 config.ini      |  284 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 kresus.service  |   63 ++++++-----
 kresus.sysusers |    2 
 kresus.tmpfiles |    4 
 5 files changed, 238 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2019-02-24 23:35:39 UTC (rev 435623)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-02-24 23:35:56 UTC (rev 435624)
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Bruno Pagani (a.k.a. ArchangeGabriel) <bruno.n.pagani at gmail.com>
-pkgdesc="Self-hosted personal finance manager"
-depends=('nodejs' 'weboob-headless')
-makedepends=('npm' 'libpng' 'python2')
-optdepends=('python2-pdfminer: For IBAN extraction from PDF RIB')
-        'config.ini'
-        "${pkgname}.service"
-        "${pkgname}.sysusers"
-        "${pkgname}.tmpfiles")
-            'adc91cd0cef6b546d482ebe1e9de85a451105166c15c190caa8c6a86c023b07a'
-            '0231362054dca49e4fadf3f853095a0f9d6ceebf1d8b12d9332a7bf8b09bcbe2'
-            'd9d30f5470c7165e4917487b69d7ab82e463da4e1355056e1035ee501d3f1adc'
-            'ba8ad7d9eb5d2b47fde5f6a3ab98596e5c679141b78d76d54b44830604b67632')
-build() {
-    cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${_commit}
-    npm install && npm run build:prod
-package() {
-    cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${_commit}
-    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
-    # Fix python2 name
-    sed -i 's:#!/usr/bin/env python:#!/usr/bin/env python2:' "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/node_modules/kresus/server/weboob/main.py
-    sed -i 's:#!/usr/bin/env python:#!/usr/bin/env python2:' "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/node_modules/kresus/build/server/weboob/main.py
-    # Fix npm crazyness
-    chmod -R go-w "${pkgdir}"/usr
-    install -Dm644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/
-    cd ..
-    install -Dm600 config.ini -t "${pkgdir}"/etc/webapps/kresus/
-    install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.service -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/
-    install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.sysusers "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/sysusers.d/${pkgname}.conf
-    install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.tmpfiles "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/${pkgname}.conf

Copied: kresus/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 435623, kresus/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-02-24 23:35:56 UTC (rev 435624)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Maintainer: Bruno Pagani <archange at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="Self-hosted personal finance manager"
+depends=('nodejs' 'weboob-headless')
+makedepends=('yarn' 'npm' 'libpng' 'python2')
+optdepends=('python2-pdfminer: For IBAN extraction from PDF RIB')
+        'config.ini'
+        "${pkgname}.service"
+        "${pkgname}.sysusers"
+        "${pkgname}.tmpfiles")
+            'e9ea978f2edb56651471fcfb7689318dbeba737e2bf3f9847536526ca698a9e3'
+            '3d4b07c2c029be80597e84d9fbbf67c479c6231347b83cf429af4441ec5a491e'
+            'd9d30f5470c7165e4917487b69d7ab82e463da4e1355056e1035ee501d3f1adc'
+            'ba8ad7d9eb5d2b47fde5f6a3ab98596e5c679141b78d76d54b44830604b67632')
+build() {
+    cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+    npm install && npm run build:prod
+package() {
+    cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+    # Fix python2 name
+    sed -i 's:#!/usr/bin/env python:#!/usr/bin/env python2:' "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/node_modules/kresus/build/server/weboob/main.py
+    # Fix npm crazyness
+    chmod -R go-w "${pkgdir}"/usr
+    install -Dm644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/
+    cd ..
+    install -Dm600 config.ini -t "${pkgdir}"/etc/webapps/kresus/
+    install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.service -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/
+    install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.sysusers "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/sysusers.d/${pkgname}.conf
+    install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.tmpfiles "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/${pkgname}.conf

Deleted: config.ini
--- config.ini	2019-02-24 23:35:39 UTC (rev 435623)
+++ config.ini	2019-02-24 23:35:56 UTC (rev 435624)
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-; Hi there! This is the configuration file for Kresus. Please make sure to
-; read all the options before setting up Kresus for the first time.
-; This is where Kresus stores additional data, as the latest bank scrapping
-; modules. It should be writeable by the user which launches the Kresus
-; executable.
-; Can be removed; defaults to HOME_DIR/.kresus.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_DIR environment variable, if it's set.
-; Example:
-; dataDir=/home/ben/.kresus
-; The host on which the Kresus server will listen to.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "".
-; Overridden by the HOST environment variable, if it's set.
-; This is the port that Kresus will run on. It is recommended not to
-; expose it on port 80 directly but to use a reverse-proxy configuration
-; like Nginx, Caddy or Apache.
-; Can be removed; defaults to 9876.
-; Overridden by the PORT environment variable, if it's set.
-; The directory prefix in the URL, if Kresus is to be served from a
-; subdirectory. For instance, if your website is hosted at example.com and
-; the url prefix is "money", then Kresus will be reachable at
-; example.com/money.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "", i.e. Kresus has its own (sub)domain.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_URL_PREFIX environment variable, if it's set.
-; Example:
-; url_prefix=/money
-; The executable version of Python that is going to get used when interacting
-; with Python scripts. This can be python, python2 or python3.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "python2".
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_PYTHON_EXEC environment variable, if it's set.
-; Example:
-; python_exec=python3
-; The directory in which Weboob core is stored.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "", indicating that weboob is already in the
-; PYTHON_PATH (e.g. installed at the global level).
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_WEBOOB_DIR environment variable, if it's set.
-; Example:
-; srcdir=/home/ben/code/weboob
-; Path to a file containing a valid Weboob's source list directory.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "", indicating that Kresus will generate its own
-; source list file and will store it in ${datadir}/weboob-data/sources.list.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_WEBOOB_SOURCES_LIST environment variable, if it's
-; set.
-; Example:
-; sources_list/home/ben/code/weboob/sources.list
-; The transport method you want to use. Can be either:
-; * "sendmail": relies on sendmail executable to be available on your system
-; and only sendmail-specific parameters are used,
-; * "smtp": you should provide proper SMTP credentials to use, in the dedicated
-; configuration entries.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "", which means no emails will be sent.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_TRANSPORT environment variable, if it's set.
-; The path to the sendmail executable to use.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "", which means defaults to "sendmail"
-; executable.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_SENDMAIL_BIN environment variable, if it's
-; set.
-; The email address from which email alerts will be sent. Make sure that
-; your domain DNS is correctly configured and that you've done what's
-; needed to prevent email alerts from landing in the spam folder.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "", which means no email will be sent.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_FROM environment variable, if it's set.
-; The network address (ipv4, ipv6 or FQDN) of the SMTP server.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "", which means no email will be sent.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_HOST environment variable, if it's set.
-; The port to which the SMTP server listens. Default values tend to be
-; 25 (server to server), or 587 (clients to server), or 465 (nonstandard).
-; Can be removed; defaults to "", which means no email will be sent.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_PORT environment variable, if it's set.
-; The username used during authentication to the SMTP server.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "", which means an anonymous connection.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_USER environment variable, if it's set.
-; The password used during authentication to the SMTP server.
-; Can be removed; defaults to "", which means no password.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_PASSWORD environment variable, if it's set.
-; If set to true, will force using a TLS connection. By default, emails
-; are sent with STARTTLS, i.e. using TLS if available.
-; Can be removed; defaults to false.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_FORCE_TLS environment variable, if it's set.
-; If set to false, will allow self-signed TLS certificates.
-; Can be removed; defaults to true.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED_TLS environment
-; variable, if it's set.
-; The path to the log file to use.
-; Can be removed; defaults to kresus.log in kresus' datadir.
-; Overridden by the KRESUS_LOG_FILE environment variable, if it's set.
-; Logs will still be written to stdout.

Copied: kresus/repos/community-x86_64/config.ini (from rev 435623, kresus/trunk/config.ini)
--- config.ini	                        (rev 0)
+++ config.ini	2019-02-24 23:35:56 UTC (rev 435624)
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+; Hi there! This is the configuration file for
+; Kresus. Please make sure to read all the options before setting up
+; Kresus for the first time.
+; This is where Kresus stores additional data, as the latest bank
+; scrapping modules. It should be writeable by the user which launches
+; the Kresus executable.
+; Can be removed; defaults to "HOME_DIR/.kresus".
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_DIR environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; datadir=/home/ben/.kresus
+; This is the port that Kresus will run on. It is recommended not
+; to expose it on port 80 directly but to use a reverse-proxy
+; configuration like Nginx, Caddy or Apache.
+; Can be removed; defaults to "9876".
+; Overriden by the PORT environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; port=9876
+; The host on which the Kresus server will listen to.
+; Can be removed; defaults to "".
+; Overriden by the HOST environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; host=
+; The executable version of Python that is going to get used when
+; interacting with Python scripts. This can be python, python2 or
+; python3.
+; Can be removed; defaults to "python2".
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_PYTHON_EXEC environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; python_exec=python2
+; The directory prefix in the URL, if Kresus is to be served from a
+; subdirectory. For instance, if your website is hosted at example.com
+; and the url prefix is "money", then Kresus will be reachable at
+; example.com/money. By default, it's '', meaning that Kresus has its own
+; subdomain.
+; Can be removed; defaults to "".
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_URL_PREFIX environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; url_prefix=/money
+; A salt value used in encryption algorithms (used for instance to
+; encrypt/decrypt exports). It should be a random string value with
+; at least 16 characters if you decide to provide it.
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_SALT environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; salt=gj4J89fkjf4h29aDi0f{}fu4389sejk`9osk`
+; The directory in which Weboob core is stored. If empty, indicates
+; that weboob is already in the PYTHON_PATH (e.g. installed at the global
+; level)
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_WEBOOB_DIR environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; srcdir=/home/ben/code/weboob
+; Path to a file containing a valid Weboob's source list directory.
+; If empty (the default), indicates that Kresus will generate its own
+; source list file and will store it in
+; DATA_DIR/weboob-data/sources.list.
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_WEBOOB_SOURCES_LIST environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; sources_list=/home/ben/code/weboob/sources.list
+; The transport method you want to use. Can be either:
+; * "sendmail": relies on sendmail executable to be available on your
+; system and only sendmail-specific parameters are used,
+; * "smtp": you should provide proper SMTP credentials to use, in the
+; dedicated configuration entries.
+; If empty, no emails will be sent by Kresus.
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_TRANSPORT environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; transport=smtp
+; The path to the sendmail executable to use. If empty, indicates
+; that the default sendmail executable will be used.
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_SENDMAIL_BIN environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; sendmail_bin=/usr/bin/sendmail
+; The email address from which email alerts will be sent. Make sure
+; that your domain DNS is correctly configured and that you've done
+; what's needed to prevent email alerts from landing in the spam folder.
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_FROM environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; from=kresus at domain.tld
+; The network address (ipv4, ipv6 or FQDN) of the SMTP server.
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_HOST environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; host=mail.domain.tld
+; The port to which the SMTP server listens. Default values tend to
+; be: 25 (server to server), or 587 (clients to server), or 465
+; (nonstandard).
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_PORT environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; port=465
+; The username used during authentication to the SMTP server. If
+; empty, indicates an anonymous connection will be used.
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_USER environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; user=login
+; The password used during authentication to the SMTP server. If
+; empty, indicates no password will be used.
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_PASSWORD environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; password=hunter2
+; If set to true, will force using a TLS connection. By default,
+; emails are sent with STARTTLS, i.e. using TLS if available.
+; Can be removed; defaults to "false".
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_FORCE_TLS environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; force_tls=false
+; If set to false, will allow self-signed TLS certificates.
+; Can be removed; defaults to "true".
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_EMAIL_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED_TLS environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; reject_unauthorized_tls=true
+; The path to the log file to use. If empty, defaults to kresus.log
+; in datadir.
+; Overriden by the KRESUS_LOG_FILE environment variable, if it's set.
+; Example:
+; log_file=/var/log/kresus.log

Deleted: kresus.service
--- kresus.service	2019-02-24 23:35:39 UTC (rev 435623)
+++ kresus.service	2019-02-24 23:35:56 UTC (rev 435624)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Description=Kresus service
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/kresus -c /etc/webapps/kresus/config.ini
-ReadWritePaths=/etc/webapps/kresus/config.ini /var/lib/kresus

Copied: kresus/repos/community-x86_64/kresus.service (from rev 435623, kresus/trunk/kresus.service)
--- kresus.service	                        (rev 0)
+++ kresus.service	2019-02-24 23:35:56 UTC (rev 435624)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Description=Kresus service
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/kresus -c /etc/webapps/kresus/config.ini

Deleted: kresus.sysusers
--- kresus.sysusers	2019-02-24 23:35:39 UTC (rev 435623)
+++ kresus.sysusers	2019-02-24 23:35:56 UTC (rev 435624)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-u kresus - "Kresus" /var/lib/kresus

Copied: kresus/repos/community-x86_64/kresus.sysusers (from rev 435623, kresus/trunk/kresus.sysusers)
--- kresus.sysusers	                        (rev 0)
+++ kresus.sysusers	2019-02-24 23:35:56 UTC (rev 435624)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+u kresus - "Kresus" /var/lib/kresus

Deleted: kresus.tmpfiles
--- kresus.tmpfiles	2019-02-24 23:35:39 UTC (rev 435623)
+++ kresus.tmpfiles	2019-02-24 23:35:56 UTC (rev 435624)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-d /var/lib/kresus 0750 kresus kresus
-z /etc/webapps/kresus/config.ini 0600 kresus kresus

Copied: kresus/repos/community-x86_64/kresus.tmpfiles (from rev 435623, kresus/trunk/kresus.tmpfiles)
--- kresus.tmpfiles	                        (rev 0)
+++ kresus.tmpfiles	2019-02-24 23:35:56 UTC (rev 435624)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+d /var/lib/kresus 0750 kresus kresus
+z /etc/webapps/kresus/config.ini 0600 kresus kresus

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