[arch-commits] Commit in syslinux/repos/testing-x86_64 (12 files)

Anatol Pomozov anatolik at archlinux.org
Thu Jan 10 17:31:05 UTC 2019

    Date: Thursday, January 10, 2019 @ 17:31:04
  Author: anatolik
Revision: 343519

archrelease: copy trunk to testing-x86_64

    (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/single-load-segment.patch)
    (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/strip_note_section.patch)
    (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/syslinux-install_update)
    (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/syslinux.cfg)
    (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/syslinux.install)

 PKGBUILD                  |  191 ++++-----
 single-load-segment.patch |  608 ++++++++++++++--------------
 strip_note_section.patch  |   58 +-
 syslinux-install_update   |  930 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 syslinux.cfg              |  156 +++----
 syslinux.install          |   64 +--
 6 files changed, 1006 insertions(+), 1001 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2019-01-10 17:30:23 UTC (rev 343518)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
-# Maintainer: Thomas Bächler <thomas at archlinux.org>
-# Maintainer: Anatol Pomozov <anatol.pomozov at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Keshav Amburay <(the ddoott ridikulus ddoott rat) (aatt) (gemmaeiil) (ddoott) (ccoomm)>
-pkgdesc='Collection of boot loaders that boot from FAT, ext2/3/4 and btrfs filesystems, from CDs and via PXE'
-# syslinux build system is a mess of submakes that does not work with -jN
-# efi32/com32 do not like Arch cflags/ldflags, though it would be nice to have the flags for userspace tools
-options=(!makeflags !buildflags)
-makedepends=(git python2 nasm upx asciidoc)
-makedepends_x86_64=(lib32-glibc) # efi32 needs it
-optdepends=('perl-crypt-passwdmd5: For md5pass'
-            'perl-digest-sha1:     For sha1pass'
-            'mtools:               For mkdiskimage and syslinux support'
-            'gptfdisk:             For GPT support'
-            'util-linux:           For isohybrid'
-            'efibootmgr:           For EFI support'
-            'dosfstools:           For EFI support')
-# The syslinux-install_update script is maintained at https://gist.github.com/pyther/772138
-# Script not yet updated for syslinux-efi
-        syslinux.cfg
-        syslinux-install_update
-	strip_note_section.patch
-        single-load-segment.patch
-          '1145f454bd297d373ad123425f93620c3e92f585'
-          'df5160a138ca8c6502d67fe1a64fec78b50e82c2'
-          '11d928087764ca286af0327d40230f219348568c'
-          '830c88005fb6c9e759f67b91ab33a10b002385de')
-_targets='bios efi32'
-case "$CARCH" in
-  x86_64) _targets+=' efi64' ;;
-prepare() {
-  cd syslinux
-  # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=906414
-  patch -p1 < ../strip_note_section.patch
-  # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/61059
-  patch -p1 < ../single-load-segment.patch
-  # do not swallow efi compilation output to make debugging easier
-  sed 's|> /dev/null 2>&1||' -i efi/check-gnu-efi.sh
-  # disable debug and development flags to reduce bootloader size
-  truncate --size 0 mk/devel.mk
-build() {
-  cd syslinux
-  export LDFLAGS+=--no-dynamic-linker  # workaround for binutils 2.28 http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=Building
-  export EXTRA_CFLAGS=-fno-PIE   # to fix gpxe build
-  make PYTHON=python2 $_targets
-check() {
-  cd syslinux
-  # tests fail to compile
-  # make unittest
-  true
-package() {
-  cd syslinux
-  make $_targets install INSTALLROOT="$pkgdir" SBINDIR=/usr/bin MANDIR=/usr/share/man AUXDIR=/usr/lib/syslinux
-  rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/syslinux/{com32,dosutil,syslinux.com}
-  install -D -m644 COPYING "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/syslinux/COPYING
-  install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc
-  cp -ar doc "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc/syslinux
-  install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/syslinux/bios
-  mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/syslinux/{*.bin,*.c32,*.0,memdisk} "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/syslinux/bios 
-  install -D -m0644 ../syslinux.cfg "$pkgdir"/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
-  install -D -m0755 ../syslinux-install_update "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/syslinux-install_update

Copied: syslinux/repos/testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <tpowa at archlinux.org>
+# Maintainer: Thomas Bächler <thomas at archlinux.org>
+# Maintainer: Anatol Pomozov <anatol.pomozov at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Keshav Amburay <(the ddoott ridikulus ddoott rat) (aatt) (gemmaeiil) (ddoott) (ccoomm)>
+pkgdesc='Collection of boot loaders that boot from FAT, ext2/3/4 and btrfs filesystems, from CDs and via PXE'
+# syslinux build system is a mess of submakes that does not work with -jN
+# efi32/com32 do not like Arch cflags/ldflags, though it would be nice to have the flags for userspace tools
+options=(!makeflags !buildflags)
+makedepends=(git python2 nasm upx asciidoc)
+makedepends_x86_64=(lib32-glibc) # efi32 needs it
+optdepends=('perl-crypt-passwdmd5: For md5pass'
+            'perl-digest-sha1:     For sha1pass'
+            'mtools:               For mkdiskimage and syslinux support'
+            'gptfdisk:             For GPT support'
+            'util-linux:           For isohybrid'
+            'efibootmgr:           For EFI support'
+            'dosfstools:           For EFI support')
+# The syslinux-install_update script is maintained at https://gist.github.com/pyther/772138
+# Script not yet updated for syslinux-efi
+        syslinux.cfg
+        syslinux-install_update
+	strip_note_section.patch
+        single-load-segment.patch
+          '1145f454bd297d373ad123425f93620c3e92f585'
+          'df5160a138ca8c6502d67fe1a64fec78b50e82c2'
+          '11d928087764ca286af0327d40230f219348568c'
+          '830c88005fb6c9e759f67b91ab33a10b002385de')
+_targets='bios efi32'
+case "$CARCH" in
+  x86_64) _targets+=' efi64' ;;
+pkgver() {
+  cd syslinux
+  git describe --long | sed 's/^syslinux-//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
+prepare() {
+  cd syslinux
+  # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=906414
+  patch -p1 < ../strip_note_section.patch
+  # https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/61059
+  patch -p1 < ../single-load-segment.patch
+  # do not swallow efi compilation output to make debugging easier
+  sed 's|> /dev/null 2>&1||' -i efi/check-gnu-efi.sh
+  # disable debug and development flags to reduce bootloader size
+  truncate --size 0 mk/devel.mk
+build() {
+  cd syslinux
+  export LDFLAGS+=--no-dynamic-linker  # workaround for binutils 2.28 http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=Building
+  export EXTRA_CFLAGS=-fno-PIE   # to fix gpxe build
+  make PYTHON=python2 $_targets
+check() {
+  cd syslinux
+  # tests fail to compile
+  # make unittest
+  true
+package() {
+  cd syslinux
+  make $_targets install INSTALLROOT="$pkgdir" SBINDIR=/usr/bin MANDIR=/usr/share/man AUXDIR=/usr/lib/syslinux
+  rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/syslinux/{com32,dosutil,syslinux.com}
+  install -D -m644 COPYING "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/syslinux/COPYING
+  install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc
+  cp -ar doc "$pkgdir"/usr/share/doc/syslinux
+  install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/syslinux/bios
+  mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/syslinux/{*.bin,*.c32,*.0,memdisk} "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/syslinux/bios 
+  install -D -m0644 ../syslinux.cfg "$pkgdir"/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
+  install -D -m0755 ../syslinux-install_update "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/syslinux-install_update

Deleted: single-load-segment.patch
--- single-load-segment.patch	2019-01-10 17:30:23 UTC (rev 343518)
+++ single-load-segment.patch	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-Author: Lukas Schwaighofer <lukas at schwaighofer.name>
-Description: Force the linker to put all sections into a single PT_LOAD
- segment. This is required when using binutils >= 2.31 which writes two PT_LOAD
- segments by default. This is not supported by the wrapper.c script used to
- convert the shared object into an elf binary.
-Forwarded: https://www.syslinux.org/archives/2018-August/026167.html
- efi/i386/syslinux.ld   | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------
- efi/x86_64/syslinux.ld | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------
- 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/efi/i386/syslinux.ld b/efi/i386/syslinux.ld
-index bab3fc7..5b4589d 100644
---- a/efi/i386/syslinux.ld
-+++ b/efi/i386/syslinux.ld
-@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386", "elf32-i386", "elf32-i386")
- ENTRY(_start)
-+	all PT_LOAD ;
- {
- 	. = 0;
-@@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		*(.text)
- 		*(.text.*)
- 		__text_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(16);
-@@ -40,7 +45,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		*(.rodata)
- 		*(.rodata.*)
- 		__rodata_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4);
-@@ -49,14 +54,14 @@ SECTIONS
- 		KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*)))
- 		KEEP (*(.ctors))
- 		__ctors_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.dtors : {
- 		__dtors_start = .;
- 		KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
- 		KEEP (*(.dtors))
- 		__dtors_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4096);
- 	.rel : {
-@@ -64,7 +69,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		*(.rel.data)
- 		*(.rel.data.*)
- 		*(.rel.ctors)
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4);
-@@ -72,14 +77,14 @@ SECTIONS
- 		__gnu_hash_start = .;
- 		*(.gnu.hash)
- 		__gnu_hash_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.dynsym : {
- 		__dynsym_start = .;
- 		*(.dynsym)
- 		__dynsym_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4);
-@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		__dynstr_start = .;
- 		*(.dynstr)
- 		__dynstr_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4);
-@@ -104,7 +109,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		KEEP (*(.got.plt))
- 		KEEP (*(.got))
- 		__got_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4);
-@@ -112,7 +117,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		__dynamic_start = .;
- 		*(.dynamic)
- 		__dynamic_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(16);
-@@ -122,19 +127,19 @@ SECTIONS
- 		*(.data.*)
- 		*(.lowmem)
- 		__data_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.reloc : {
- 		*(.reloc)
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.symtab : {
- 		*(.symtab)
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.strtab : {
- 		*(.strtab)
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.bss (NOLOAD) : {
- 		/* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section,
-@@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		__bss_end = .;
- 		*(.sbss)
- 		*(.scommon)
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	__bss_len = ABSOLUTE(__bss_end) - ABSOLUTE(__bss_start);
- 	__bss_dwords = (__bss_len + 3) >> 2;
-@@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		*(.hugebss)
- 		*(.hugebss.*)
- 		__hugebss_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	_end = .;
-diff --git a/efi/x86_64/syslinux.ld b/efi/x86_64/syslinux.ld
-index 450641c..cad28a8 100644
---- a/efi/x86_64/syslinux.ld
-+++ b/efi/x86_64/syslinux.ld
-@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf64-x86-64", "elf64-x86-64", "elf64-x86-64")
- OUTPUT_ARCH(i386:x86-64)
- ENTRY(_start)
-+	all PT_LOAD ;
- {
- 	. = 0;
-@@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		*(.text)
- 		*(.text.*)
- 		__text_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(16);
-@@ -40,7 +45,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		*(.rodata)
- 		*(.rodata.*)
- 		__rodata_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4);
-@@ -49,14 +54,14 @@ SECTIONS
- 		KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*)))
- 		KEEP (*(.ctors))
- 		__ctors_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.dtors : {
- 		__dtors_start = .;
- 		KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
- 		KEEP (*(.dtors))
- 		__dtors_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4096);
- 	.rel : {
-@@ -64,7 +69,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		*(.rel.data)
- 		*(.rel.data.*)
- 		*(.rel.ctors)
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4);
-@@ -72,14 +77,14 @@ SECTIONS
- 		__gnu_hash_start = .;
- 		*(.gnu.hash)
- 		__gnu_hash_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.dynsym : {
- 		__dynsym_start = .;
- 		*(.dynsym)
- 		__dynsym_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4);
-@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		__dynstr_start = .;
- 		*(.dynstr)
- 		__dynstr_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4);
-@@ -104,7 +109,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		KEEP (*(.got.plt))
- 		KEEP (*(.got))
- 		__got_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(4);
-@@ -112,7 +117,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		__dynamic_start = .;
- 		*(.dynamic)
- 		__dynamic_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	. = ALIGN(16);
-@@ -122,19 +127,19 @@ SECTIONS
- 		*(.data.*)
- 		*(.lowmem)
- 		__data_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.reloc : {
- 		*(.reloc)
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.symtab : {
- 		*(.symtab)
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.strtab : {
- 		*(.strtab)
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	.bss (NOLOAD) : {
- 		/* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section,
-@@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		__bss_end = .;
- 		*(.sbss)
- 		*(.scommon)
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	__bss_len = ABSOLUTE(__bss_end) - ABSOLUTE(__bss_start);
- 	__bss_dwords = (__bss_len + 3) >> 2;
-@@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ SECTIONS
- 		*(.hugebss)
- 		*(.hugebss.*)
- 		__hugebss_end = .;
--	}
-+	} :all
- 	_end = .;

Copied: syslinux/repos/testing-x86_64/single-load-segment.patch (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/single-load-segment.patch)
--- single-load-segment.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ single-load-segment.patch	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+Author: Lukas Schwaighofer <lukas at schwaighofer.name>
+Description: Force the linker to put all sections into a single PT_LOAD
+ segment. This is required when using binutils >= 2.31 which writes two PT_LOAD
+ segments by default. This is not supported by the wrapper.c script used to
+ convert the shared object into an elf binary.
+Forwarded: https://www.syslinux.org/archives/2018-August/026167.html
+ efi/i386/syslinux.ld   | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------
+ efi/x86_64/syslinux.ld | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------
+ 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/efi/i386/syslinux.ld b/efi/i386/syslinux.ld
+index bab3fc7..5b4589d 100644
+--- a/efi/i386/syslinux.ld
++++ b/efi/i386/syslinux.ld
+@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386", "elf32-i386", "elf32-i386")
+ ENTRY(_start)
++	all PT_LOAD ;
+ {
+ 	. = 0;
+@@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		*(.text)
+ 		*(.text.*)
+ 		__text_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(16);
+@@ -40,7 +45,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		*(.rodata)
+ 		*(.rodata.*)
+ 		__rodata_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4);
+@@ -49,14 +54,14 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*)))
+ 		KEEP (*(.ctors))
+ 		__ctors_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.dtors : {
+ 		__dtors_start = .;
+ 		KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
+ 		KEEP (*(.dtors))
+ 		__dtors_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4096);
+ 	.rel : {
+@@ -64,7 +69,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		*(.rel.data)
+ 		*(.rel.data.*)
+ 		*(.rel.ctors)
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4);
+@@ -72,14 +77,14 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		__gnu_hash_start = .;
+ 		*(.gnu.hash)
+ 		__gnu_hash_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.dynsym : {
+ 		__dynsym_start = .;
+ 		*(.dynsym)
+ 		__dynsym_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4);
+@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		__dynstr_start = .;
+ 		*(.dynstr)
+ 		__dynstr_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4);
+@@ -104,7 +109,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		KEEP (*(.got.plt))
+ 		KEEP (*(.got))
+ 		__got_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4);
+@@ -112,7 +117,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		__dynamic_start = .;
+ 		*(.dynamic)
+ 		__dynamic_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(16);
+@@ -122,19 +127,19 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		*(.data.*)
+ 		*(.lowmem)
+ 		__data_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.reloc : {
+ 		*(.reloc)
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.symtab : {
+ 		*(.symtab)
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.strtab : {
+ 		*(.strtab)
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.bss (NOLOAD) : {
+ 		/* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section,
+@@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		__bss_end = .;
+ 		*(.sbss)
+ 		*(.scommon)
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	__bss_len = ABSOLUTE(__bss_end) - ABSOLUTE(__bss_start);
+ 	__bss_dwords = (__bss_len + 3) >> 2;
+@@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		*(.hugebss)
+ 		*(.hugebss.*)
+ 		__hugebss_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	_end = .;
+diff --git a/efi/x86_64/syslinux.ld b/efi/x86_64/syslinux.ld
+index 450641c..cad28a8 100644
+--- a/efi/x86_64/syslinux.ld
++++ b/efi/x86_64/syslinux.ld
+@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf64-x86-64", "elf64-x86-64", "elf64-x86-64")
+ OUTPUT_ARCH(i386:x86-64)
+ ENTRY(_start)
++	all PT_LOAD ;
+ {
+ 	. = 0;
+@@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		*(.text)
+ 		*(.text.*)
+ 		__text_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(16);
+@@ -40,7 +45,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		*(.rodata)
+ 		*(.rodata.*)
+ 		__rodata_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4);
+@@ -49,14 +54,14 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*)))
+ 		KEEP (*(.ctors))
+ 		__ctors_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.dtors : {
+ 		__dtors_start = .;
+ 		KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
+ 		KEEP (*(.dtors))
+ 		__dtors_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4096);
+ 	.rel : {
+@@ -64,7 +69,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		*(.rel.data)
+ 		*(.rel.data.*)
+ 		*(.rel.ctors)
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4);
+@@ -72,14 +77,14 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		__gnu_hash_start = .;
+ 		*(.gnu.hash)
+ 		__gnu_hash_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.dynsym : {
+ 		__dynsym_start = .;
+ 		*(.dynsym)
+ 		__dynsym_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4);
+@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		__dynstr_start = .;
+ 		*(.dynstr)
+ 		__dynstr_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4);
+@@ -104,7 +109,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		KEEP (*(.got.plt))
+ 		KEEP (*(.got))
+ 		__got_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(4);
+@@ -112,7 +117,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		__dynamic_start = .;
+ 		*(.dynamic)
+ 		__dynamic_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	. = ALIGN(16);
+@@ -122,19 +127,19 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		*(.data.*)
+ 		*(.lowmem)
+ 		__data_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.reloc : {
+ 		*(.reloc)
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.symtab : {
+ 		*(.symtab)
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.strtab : {
+ 		*(.strtab)
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	.bss (NOLOAD) : {
+ 		/* the EFI loader doesn't seem to like a .bss section,
+@@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		__bss_end = .;
+ 		*(.sbss)
+ 		*(.scommon)
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	__bss_len = ABSOLUTE(__bss_end) - ABSOLUTE(__bss_start);
+ 	__bss_dwords = (__bss_len + 3) >> 2;
+@@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ SECTIONS
+ 		*(.hugebss)
+ 		*(.hugebss.*)
+ 		__hugebss_end = .;
+-	}
++	} :all
+ 	_end = .;

Deleted: strip_note_section.patch
--- strip_note_section.patch	2019-01-10 17:30:23 UTC (rev 343518)
+++ strip_note_section.patch	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Author: Lukas Schwaighofer <lukas at schwaighofer.name>
-Description: Strip the .note.gnu.property section for the mbr. This section is
- added since binutils Debian version 2.31.1-2 and causes mbr.bin to grow in
- size beyond what can fit into the master boot record.
- mbr/i386/mbr.ld   | 1 +
- mbr/x86_64/mbr.ld | 1 +
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/mbr/i386/mbr.ld b/mbr/i386/mbr.ld
-index d14ba80..5368346 100644
---- a/mbr/i386/mbr.ld
-+++ b/mbr/i386/mbr.ld
-@@ -70,4 +70,5 @@ SECTIONS
-   .debug_typenames 0 : { *(.debug_typenames) }
-   .debug_varnames  0 : { *(.debug_varnames) }
-   /DISCARD/ : { *(.note.GNU-stack) }
-+  /DISCARD/ : { *(.note.gnu.property) }
- }
-diff --git a/mbr/x86_64/mbr.ld b/mbr/x86_64/mbr.ld
-index ae27d49..b8c0d89 100644
---- a/mbr/x86_64/mbr.ld
-+++ b/mbr/x86_64/mbr.ld
-@@ -69,4 +69,5 @@ SECTIONS
-   .debug_typenames 0 : { *(.debug_typenames) }
-   .debug_varnames  0 : { *(.debug_varnames) }
-   /DISCARD/ : { *(.note.GNU-stack) }
-+  /DISCARD/ : { *(.note.gnu.property) }
- }

Copied: syslinux/repos/testing-x86_64/strip_note_section.patch (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/strip_note_section.patch)
--- strip_note_section.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ strip_note_section.patch	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Author: Lukas Schwaighofer <lukas at schwaighofer.name>
+Description: Strip the .note.gnu.property section for the mbr. This section is
+ added since binutils Debian version 2.31.1-2 and causes mbr.bin to grow in
+ size beyond what can fit into the master boot record.
+ mbr/i386/mbr.ld   | 1 +
+ mbr/x86_64/mbr.ld | 1 +
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/mbr/i386/mbr.ld b/mbr/i386/mbr.ld
+index d14ba80..5368346 100644
+--- a/mbr/i386/mbr.ld
++++ b/mbr/i386/mbr.ld
+@@ -70,4 +70,5 @@ SECTIONS
+   .debug_typenames 0 : { *(.debug_typenames) }
+   .debug_varnames  0 : { *(.debug_varnames) }
+   /DISCARD/ : { *(.note.GNU-stack) }
++  /DISCARD/ : { *(.note.gnu.property) }
+ }
+diff --git a/mbr/x86_64/mbr.ld b/mbr/x86_64/mbr.ld
+index ae27d49..b8c0d89 100644
+--- a/mbr/x86_64/mbr.ld
++++ b/mbr/x86_64/mbr.ld
+@@ -69,4 +69,5 @@ SECTIONS
+   .debug_typenames 0 : { *(.debug_typenames) }
+   .debug_varnames  0 : { *(.debug_varnames) }
+   /DISCARD/ : { *(.note.GNU-stack) }
++  /DISCARD/ : { *(.note.gnu.property) }
+ }

Deleted: syslinux-install_update
--- syslinux-install_update	2019-01-10 17:30:23 UTC (rev 343518)
+++ syslinux-install_update	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-# Syslinux Installer / Updater Script (for BIOS only)
-# Copyright (C) 2011-2013  Matthew Gyurgyik <pyther at pyther.net>
-# Copyright (C) 2013  Keshav Padram Amburay <(the) (ddoott) (ridikulus) (ddoott) (rat) (aatt) (gemmaeiil) (ddoott) (ccoomm)>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-# ChangeLog:
-# 2013-10-23 : Keshav Padram Amburay : Updated script to work with Syslinux 6.02 Arch Linux pkg
-# Exit Codes:
-#   1 - get_boot_device or other function failed
-#   2 - install/update failed
-#   3 - set_active failed
-#   4 - install_mbr failed
-shopt -s nullglob
-## Helper functions ##
-# Taken from libui-sh
-# $1 needle
-# $2 set (array) haystack
-check_is_in() {
-    local needle="$1" element
-    shift
-    for element; do
-        [[ $element = $needle ]] && return 0
-    done
-    return 1
-get_disk() {
-    local part=$1
-    if [[ ! -b "${part}" ]]; then
-        echo >&2 "error: '$part' is not a valid block device!"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    case "$part" in
-        # catch cases like mmcblk0p1 and loop0p3
-        *[[:digit:]]p[[:digit:]]*)
-            local disk="${part%p[[:digit:]]}" # get everything before p1
-            ;;
-        *)
-            local disk="${part%%[[:digit:]]*}"
-            ;;
-    esac
-    if [[ ! -b "${disk}" ]]; then
-        echo >&2 "error: '$disk' is not a valid block device!"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    echo $disk
-# return true when blockdevice is an md raid, otherwise return a unset value
-# get all devices that are part of raid device $1
-device_is_raid() {
-    [[ $1 && -f /proc/mdstat ]] || return 1
-    local devmajor=$(stat -c %t "$1")
-    (( devmajor == 9 ))
-mdraid_all_slaves() {
-    local slave slaves
-    for slave in /sys/class/block/${1##*/}/slaves/*; do
-        source "$slave/uevent"
-        slaves="$slaves/dev/$DEVNAME "
-        unset DEVNAME
-    done
-    echo $slaves
-# Check /sys/block to see if device is partitioned
-# If we have a partitioned block device (sda1) /sys/block/sda1/dev will not exist
-# However, if we have an unpartitioned block device (sda) /sys/block/sda/dev will exist
-dev_is_part() {
-    # $1 - blockdevice
-    local dev=$1
-    # If block device uevent file should be found
-    # If a partition is passed in path shouldn't exist
-    if [[ $dev = *cciss* ]]; then
-        [[ -f /sys/block/cciss\!${dev##*/}/dev ]] && return 1
-    elif [[ $dev = *ida* ]]; then
-        [[ -f /sys/block/ida\!${dev##*/}/dev ]] && return 1
-    else
-        [[ -f /sys/block/${dev##*/}/dev ]] && return 1
-    fi
-    return 0
-# If EFI PART is present in the first 8 bytes then it must be a GPT disk
-device_is_gpt() {
-    local partsig=$(dd if="$1" skip=64 bs=8 count=1 2>/dev/null)
-    [[ $partsig = "EFI PART" ]]
-clear_gpt_attr2() {
-    # $1 - Block Device, no partitions
-    local disk=$1
-    # Special Exception for cciss controllers
-    if [[ $disk = *cciss* ]]; then
-        for part in /dev/cciss/${disk##*/}*p*; do
-            local partnum="${part##*[[:alpha:]]}"
-            sgdisk "$disk" --attributes="$partnum":clear:2 &>/dev/null
-        done
-    # Smart 2 Controllers
-    elif [[ $disk = *ida* ]]; then
-        for part in /dev/ida/${disk##*/}*p*; do
-            local partnum="${part##*[[:alpha:]]}"
-            sgdisk "$disk" --attributes="$partnum":clear:2 &>/dev/null
-        done
-    else
-        for part in  /sys/block/${disk##*/}/${disk##*/}*; do
-            local partnum="${part##*[[:alpha:]]}"
-            sgdisk "$disk" --attributes="$partnum":clear:2 &>/dev/null
-        done
-    fi
-    return 0
-usage() {
-cat << EOF
-usage: $0 options
-This script will install or upgrade Syslinux (for BIOS only)
-  -h    Show this message
-  -i    Install Syslinux
-  -u    Update Syslinux
-  -a    Set Boot flag on boot partiton
-  -m    Install Syslinux MBR
-  -s    Updates Syslinux if /boot/syslinux/SYSLINUX_AUTOUPDATE exists
- Arguments Required:
-  -c    Chroot install (ex: -c /mnt)
-Example Usage: $0 -i -a -m     # (install, set boot flag, install mbr)
-               $0 -u           # (update)
-# Trys to find the partition that /boot resides on
-# This will either be on /boot or / (root)
-getBoot() {
-    if [[ ! -d "$bios_bootpath" ]]; then
-        echo "Could not find $bios_bootpath"
-        echo "Is boot mounted? Is Syslinux installed?"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    syslinux_fs=(ext2 ext3 ext4 btrfs vfat xfs)
-    # Use DATA from findmnt see rc.sysint for more info
-    if [[ -f /proc/self/mountinfo ]]; then
-        read rootdev rootfs < <(findmnt -run -t noautofs -o SOURCE,FSTYPE "$CHROOT/")
-        read bootdev bootfs < <(findmnt -run -t noautofs -o SOURCE,FSTYPE "$CHROOT/boot")
-    else
-        echo "Could not find /proc/self/mountinfo"
-        echo "Are you running a kernel greater than 2.6.24?"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    if [[ $bootfs ]]; then
-        if ! check_is_in "$bootfs" "${syslinux_fs[@]}"; then
-            echo "/boot file system is not supported by Syslinux"
-            exit 1
-        fi
-        boot="boot"
-        bootpart="$(readlink -f "$bootdev")"
-    elif [[ $rootfs ]]; then
-        if ! check_is_in "$rootfs" "${syslinux_fs[@]}"; then
-            echo "/ (root) file system is not supported by Syslinux"
-            exit 1
-        fi
-        boot="root"
-        bootpart="$(readlink -f "$rootdev")"
-    else
-        echo "Could not find filesystem on / (root) or /boot."
-        exit 1
-    fi
-# We store the partition table type either gpt or mbr in var ptb
-# In rare cases a user could have one raid disk using mbr and another using gpt
-# In such cases we accept that the output may be incomplete
-# Calls get_ptb() for $bootpart or for all device in RAID
-declare -A bootdevs
-get_boot_devices() {
-    if device_is_raid "$bootpart"; then
-        slaves=$(mdraid_all_slaves "$bootpart")
-        for slave in ${slaves[@]}; do
-            local disk=$(get_disk "$slave")
-            device_is_gpt "$disk" && local ptb="GPT" || local ptb="MBR"
-            bootdevs[$slave]="$ptb"
-        done
-    else
-        local disk=$(get_disk "$bootpart")
-        device_is_gpt "$disk" && local ptb="GPT" || local ptb="MBR"
-        bootdevs[$bootpart]="$ptb"
-    fi
-# Function Assumes the boot partition should be marked as active
-# All other partitions should not have the boot flag set
-set_active() {
-    # If any bootdev is a block device without partitions bail
-    # we want to set the boot flag on partitioned disk
-    for dev in "${!bootdevs[@]}"; do
-        dev_is_part $dev || { echo "$dev does not contain partition table. Aborting set_active!"; return 1; }
-    done
-    # Clear BIOS Bootable Legacy Attribute for GPT drives
-    # In rare cases where a RAID device has slaves on the same block device
-    # Attribute 2 will be cleared for each partition multiple times
-    for dev in "${!bootdevs[@]}"; do
-        local ptb="${bootdevs[$dev]}"
-        if [[ "$ptb" = GPT ]]; then
-            local disk=$(get_disk "$dev")
-            clear_gpt_attr2 "$disk"
-        fi
-    done
-    # Set the boot flag on bootdevs (generated from get_boot_devices)
-    for part in "${!bootdevs[@]}"; do
-        local ptb="${bootdevs[$part]}"
-        local partnum="${part##*[[:alpha:]]}"
-        local disk=$(get_disk "$part")
-        if [[ "$ptb" = MBR ]]; then
-            if sfdisk "$disk" --activate "$partnum" &>/dev/null; then
-                echo "Boot Flag Set - $part"
-            else
-                echo "FAILED to Set the boot flag on $part"
-                exit 3
-            fi
-        elif [[ "$ptb" = GPT ]]; then
-            if [[ ! -e /usr/bin/sgdisk ]]; then
-                echo "FAILED to set attribute Legacy BIOS Bootable. sgdisk is not found - please install 'gptfdisk' package."
-                exit 3
-            fi
-            if sgdisk "$disk" --attributes="$partnum":set:2 &>/dev/null; then
-                echo "Attribute Legacy Bios Bootable Set - $part"
-            else
-                echo "FAILED to set attribute Legacy BIOS Bootable on $part"
-                exit 3
-            fi
-        fi
-    done
-    return 0
-install_mbr() {
-    # If any bootdev is a block device without partitions bail
-    # we want to install the mbr to a partitioned disk
-    for dev in "${!bootdevs[@]}"; do
-        dev_is_part "$dev" || { echo "$dev does not contain partition table. Aborting MBR install."; return 1; }
-    done
-    for part in "${!bootdevs[@]}"; do
-        local partnum="${part##*[[:alpha:]]}"
-        local disk=$(get_disk "$part")
-        local ptb="${bootdevs[$part]}"
-        # We want to install to the root of the block device
-        # If the device is a partition - ABORT!
-        dev_is_part "$disk" && \
-        { echo "ABORT! MBR installation to partition ($disk)!"; exit 4;}
-        if [[ "$ptb" = MBR ]]; then
-            mbrfile="$bios_libpath/mbr.bin"
-        elif [[ "$ptb" = GPT ]]; then
-            mbrfile="$bios_libpath/gptmbr.bin"
-        fi
-        if dd bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc if="$mbrfile" of="$disk" &> /dev/null; then
-            echo "Installed MBR ($mbrfile) to $disk"
-        else
-            echo "Error Installing MBR ($mbrfile) to $disk"
-            exit 4
-        fi
-    done
-    return 0
-install_modules() {
-    # Copy all syslinux *.c32 modules to /boot
-    rm "$bios_bootpath"/*.c32 &> /dev/null
-    cp "$bios_libpath"/*.c32 "$bios_bootpath"/ &> /dev/null
-    # Copy / Symlink pci.ids if pci.ids exists on the FS
-    if [[ -f "$pciids_file" ]]; then
-        rm "$bios_bootpath/pci.ids" &> /dev/null
-        cp "$pciids_file" "$bios_bootpath/pci.ids" &> /dev/null
-    fi
-_install() {
-    install_modules
-    if device_is_raid "$bootpart" ; then
-        echo "Detected RAID on /boot - installing Syslinux with --raid"
-        "$EXTLINUX" --install "$bios_bootpath" --raid &> /dev/null
-    else
-        "$EXTLINUX" --install "$bios_bootpath" &> /dev/null
-    fi
-    if (( $? )); then
-        echo "Syslinux BIOS install failed"
-        exit 2
-    else
-        echo "Syslinux BIOS install successful"
-    fi
-    touch "$CHROOT/$bios_autoupdate_file"
-update() {
-    install_modules
-    if device_is_raid "$bootpart" ; then
-        echo "Detected RAID on /boot - updating Syslinux with --raid"
-        "$EXTLINUX" --update "$bios_bootpath" --raid &> /dev/null
-    else
-        "$EXTLINUX" --update "$bios_bootpath" &> /dev/null
-    fi
-    if (($?)); then
-        echo "Syslinux BIOS update failed"
-        exit 2
-    else
-        echo "Syslinux BIOS update successful"
-    fi
-if (( $# == 0 )); then
-    usage
-    exit 1
-while getopts "c:uihmas" opt; do
-    case $opt in
-        c)
-            CHROOT=$(readlink -e "$OPTARG")
-            if [[ -z $CHROOT ]]; then
-                echo "error: chroot path ``$OPTARG does not exist";
-                exit 1
-            fi
-            ;;
-        h)
-            USAGE="True"
-            ;;
-        i)
-            INSTALL="True"
-            ;;
-        u)
-            UPDATE="True"
-            ;;
-        m)
-            MBR="True"
-            ;;
-        a)
-            SET_ACTIVE="True"
-            ;;
-        s)
-            # If AUTOUPDATE_FILE does not exist exit the script
-            if [[ -f $bios_autoupdate_file ]]; then
-                UPDATE="True"
-            else
-                exit 0
-            fi
-            ;;
-        *)
-            usage
-            exit 1
-            ;;
-    esac
-if [[ $USAGE ]]; then
-    usage
-    exit 0
-# Display Usage Information if both Install and Update are passed
-if [[ $INSTALL && $UPDATE ]]; then
-    usage
-    exit 1
-# Make sure only root can run our script
-if (( $(id -u) != 0 )); then
-    echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
-    exit 1
-# If a chroot dir is path set variables to reflect chroot
-if [[ "$CHROOT" ]]; then
-    bios_libpath="$CHROOT$bios_libpath"
-    bios_bootpath="$CHROOT$bios_bootpath"
-# Exit if no /boot path exists
-if ( f=("$bios_bootpath"/*); (( ! ${#f[@]} )) ); then
-    echo "Error: $bios_bootpath is empty!"
-    echo "Is /boot mounted?"
-    exit 1
-# Get the boot device if any of these options are passed
-if [[ $INSTALL || $UPDATE || $SET_ACTIVE || $MBR ]]; then
-    getBoot
-# Install or Update
-if [[ $INSTALL ]]; then
-    _install || exit
-elif [[ $UPDATE ]]; then
-    update || exit
-if [[ $SET_ACTIVE ]] || [[ $MBR ]]; then
-    get_boot_devices
-    if [[ $SET_ACTIVE ]]; then
-        set_active || exit
-    fi
-    if [[ $MBR ]]; then
-        install_mbr || exit
-    fi
-exit 0

Copied: syslinux/repos/testing-x86_64/syslinux-install_update (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/syslinux-install_update)
--- syslinux-install_update	                        (rev 0)
+++ syslinux-install_update	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+# Syslinux Installer / Updater Script (for BIOS only)
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2013  Matthew Gyurgyik <pyther at pyther.net>
+# Copyright (C) 2013  Keshav Padram Amburay <(the) (ddoott) (ridikulus) (ddoott) (rat) (aatt) (gemmaeiil) (ddoott) (ccoomm)>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+# ChangeLog:
+# 2013-10-23 : Keshav Padram Amburay : Updated script to work with Syslinux 6.02 Arch Linux pkg
+# Exit Codes:
+#   1 - get_boot_device or other function failed
+#   2 - install/update failed
+#   3 - set_active failed
+#   4 - install_mbr failed
+shopt -s nullglob
+## Helper functions ##
+# Taken from libui-sh
+# $1 needle
+# $2 set (array) haystack
+check_is_in() {
+    local needle="$1" element
+    shift
+    for element; do
+        [[ $element = $needle ]] && return 0
+    done
+    return 1
+get_disk() {
+    local part=$1
+    if [[ ! -b "${part}" ]]; then
+        echo >&2 "error: '$part' is not a valid block device!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    case "$part" in
+        # catch cases like mmcblk0p1 and loop0p3
+        *[[:digit:]]p[[:digit:]]*)
+            local disk="${part%p[[:digit:]]}" # get everything before p1
+            ;;
+        *)
+            local disk="${part%%[[:digit:]]*}"
+            ;;
+    esac
+    if [[ ! -b "${disk}" ]]; then
+        echo >&2 "error: '$disk' is not a valid block device!"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    echo $disk
+# return true when blockdevice is an md raid, otherwise return a unset value
+# get all devices that are part of raid device $1
+device_is_raid() {
+    [[ $1 && -f /proc/mdstat ]] || return 1
+    local devmajor=$(stat -c %t "$1")
+    (( devmajor == 9 ))
+mdraid_all_slaves() {
+    local slave slaves
+    for slave in /sys/class/block/${1##*/}/slaves/*; do
+        source "$slave/uevent"
+        slaves="$slaves/dev/$DEVNAME "
+        unset DEVNAME
+    done
+    echo $slaves
+# Check /sys/block to see if device is partitioned
+# If we have a partitioned block device (sda1) /sys/block/sda1/dev will not exist
+# However, if we have an unpartitioned block device (sda) /sys/block/sda/dev will exist
+dev_is_part() {
+    # $1 - blockdevice
+    local dev=$1
+    # If block device uevent file should be found
+    # If a partition is passed in path shouldn't exist
+    if [[ $dev = *cciss* ]]; then
+        [[ -f /sys/block/cciss\!${dev##*/}/dev ]] && return 1
+    elif [[ $dev = *ida* ]]; then
+        [[ -f /sys/block/ida\!${dev##*/}/dev ]] && return 1
+    else
+        [[ -f /sys/block/${dev##*/}/dev ]] && return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+# If EFI PART is present in the first 8 bytes then it must be a GPT disk
+device_is_gpt() {
+    local partsig=$(dd if="$1" skip=64 bs=8 count=1 2>/dev/null)
+    [[ $partsig = "EFI PART" ]]
+clear_gpt_attr2() {
+    # $1 - Block Device, no partitions
+    local disk=$1
+    # Special Exception for cciss controllers
+    if [[ $disk = *cciss* ]]; then
+        for part in /dev/cciss/${disk##*/}*p*; do
+            local partnum="${part##*[[:alpha:]]}"
+            sgdisk "$disk" --attributes="$partnum":clear:2 &>/dev/null
+        done
+    # Smart 2 Controllers
+    elif [[ $disk = *ida* ]]; then
+        for part in /dev/ida/${disk##*/}*p*; do
+            local partnum="${part##*[[:alpha:]]}"
+            sgdisk "$disk" --attributes="$partnum":clear:2 &>/dev/null
+        done
+    else
+        for part in  /sys/block/${disk##*/}/${disk##*/}*; do
+            local partnum="${part##*[[:alpha:]]}"
+            sgdisk "$disk" --attributes="$partnum":clear:2 &>/dev/null
+        done
+    fi
+    return 0
+usage() {
+cat << EOF
+usage: $0 options
+This script will install or upgrade Syslinux (for BIOS only)
+  -h    Show this message
+  -i    Install Syslinux
+  -u    Update Syslinux
+  -a    Set Boot flag on boot partiton
+  -m    Install Syslinux MBR
+  -s    Updates Syslinux if /boot/syslinux/SYSLINUX_AUTOUPDATE exists
+ Arguments Required:
+  -c    Chroot install (ex: -c /mnt)
+Example Usage: $0 -i -a -m     # (install, set boot flag, install mbr)
+               $0 -u           # (update)
+# Trys to find the partition that /boot resides on
+# This will either be on /boot or / (root)
+getBoot() {
+    if [[ ! -d "$bios_bootpath" ]]; then
+        echo "Could not find $bios_bootpath"
+        echo "Is boot mounted? Is Syslinux installed?"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    syslinux_fs=(ext2 ext3 ext4 btrfs vfat xfs)
+    # Use DATA from findmnt see rc.sysint for more info
+    if [[ -f /proc/self/mountinfo ]]; then
+        read rootdev rootfs < <(findmnt -run -t noautofs -o SOURCE,FSTYPE "$CHROOT/")
+        read bootdev bootfs < <(findmnt -run -t noautofs -o SOURCE,FSTYPE "$CHROOT/boot")
+    else
+        echo "Could not find /proc/self/mountinfo"
+        echo "Are you running a kernel greater than 2.6.24?"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    if [[ $bootfs ]]; then
+        if ! check_is_in "$bootfs" "${syslinux_fs[@]}"; then
+            echo "/boot file system is not supported by Syslinux"
+            exit 1
+        fi
+        boot="boot"
+        bootpart="$(readlink -f "$bootdev")"
+    elif [[ $rootfs ]]; then
+        if ! check_is_in "$rootfs" "${syslinux_fs[@]}"; then
+            echo "/ (root) file system is not supported by Syslinux"
+            exit 1
+        fi
+        boot="root"
+        bootpart="$(readlink -f "$rootdev")"
+    else
+        echo "Could not find filesystem on / (root) or /boot."
+        exit 1
+    fi
+# We store the partition table type either gpt or mbr in var ptb
+# In rare cases a user could have one raid disk using mbr and another using gpt
+# In such cases we accept that the output may be incomplete
+# Calls get_ptb() for $bootpart or for all device in RAID
+declare -A bootdevs
+get_boot_devices() {
+    if device_is_raid "$bootpart"; then
+        slaves=$(mdraid_all_slaves "$bootpart")
+        for slave in ${slaves[@]}; do
+            local disk=$(get_disk "$slave")
+            device_is_gpt "$disk" && local ptb="GPT" || local ptb="MBR"
+            bootdevs[$slave]="$ptb"
+        done
+    else
+        local disk=$(get_disk "$bootpart")
+        device_is_gpt "$disk" && local ptb="GPT" || local ptb="MBR"
+        bootdevs[$bootpart]="$ptb"
+    fi
+# Function Assumes the boot partition should be marked as active
+# All other partitions should not have the boot flag set
+set_active() {
+    # If any bootdev is a block device without partitions bail
+    # we want to set the boot flag on partitioned disk
+    for dev in "${!bootdevs[@]}"; do
+        dev_is_part $dev || { echo "$dev does not contain partition table. Aborting set_active!"; return 1; }
+    done
+    # Clear BIOS Bootable Legacy Attribute for GPT drives
+    # In rare cases where a RAID device has slaves on the same block device
+    # Attribute 2 will be cleared for each partition multiple times
+    for dev in "${!bootdevs[@]}"; do
+        local ptb="${bootdevs[$dev]}"
+        if [[ "$ptb" = GPT ]]; then
+            local disk=$(get_disk "$dev")
+            clear_gpt_attr2 "$disk"
+        fi
+    done
+    # Set the boot flag on bootdevs (generated from get_boot_devices)
+    for part in "${!bootdevs[@]}"; do
+        local ptb="${bootdevs[$part]}"
+        local partnum="${part##*[[:alpha:]]}"
+        local disk=$(get_disk "$part")
+        if [[ "$ptb" = MBR ]]; then
+            if sfdisk "$disk" --activate "$partnum" &>/dev/null; then
+                echo "Boot Flag Set - $part"
+            else
+                echo "FAILED to Set the boot flag on $part"
+                exit 3
+            fi
+        elif [[ "$ptb" = GPT ]]; then
+            if [[ ! -e /usr/bin/sgdisk ]]; then
+                echo "FAILED to set attribute Legacy BIOS Bootable. sgdisk is not found - please install 'gptfdisk' package."
+                exit 3
+            fi
+            if sgdisk "$disk" --attributes="$partnum":set:2 &>/dev/null; then
+                echo "Attribute Legacy Bios Bootable Set - $part"
+            else
+                echo "FAILED to set attribute Legacy BIOS Bootable on $part"
+                exit 3
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+    return 0
+install_mbr() {
+    # If any bootdev is a block device without partitions bail
+    # we want to install the mbr to a partitioned disk
+    for dev in "${!bootdevs[@]}"; do
+        dev_is_part "$dev" || { echo "$dev does not contain partition table. Aborting MBR install."; return 1; }
+    done
+    for part in "${!bootdevs[@]}"; do
+        local partnum="${part##*[[:alpha:]]}"
+        local disk=$(get_disk "$part")
+        local ptb="${bootdevs[$part]}"
+        # We want to install to the root of the block device
+        # If the device is a partition - ABORT!
+        dev_is_part "$disk" && \
+        { echo "ABORT! MBR installation to partition ($disk)!"; exit 4;}
+        if [[ "$ptb" = MBR ]]; then
+            mbrfile="$bios_libpath/mbr.bin"
+        elif [[ "$ptb" = GPT ]]; then
+            mbrfile="$bios_libpath/gptmbr.bin"
+        fi
+        if dd bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc if="$mbrfile" of="$disk" &> /dev/null; then
+            echo "Installed MBR ($mbrfile) to $disk"
+        else
+            echo "Error Installing MBR ($mbrfile) to $disk"
+            exit 4
+        fi
+    done
+    return 0
+install_modules() {
+    # Copy all syslinux *.c32 modules to /boot
+    rm "$bios_bootpath"/*.c32 &> /dev/null
+    cp "$bios_libpath"/*.c32 "$bios_bootpath"/ &> /dev/null
+    # Copy / Symlink pci.ids if pci.ids exists on the FS
+    if [[ -f "$pciids_file" ]]; then
+        rm "$bios_bootpath/pci.ids" &> /dev/null
+        cp "$pciids_file" "$bios_bootpath/pci.ids" &> /dev/null
+    fi
+_install() {
+    install_modules
+    if device_is_raid "$bootpart" ; then
+        echo "Detected RAID on /boot - installing Syslinux with --raid"
+        "$EXTLINUX" --install "$bios_bootpath" --raid &> /dev/null
+    else
+        "$EXTLINUX" --install "$bios_bootpath" &> /dev/null
+    fi
+    if (( $? )); then
+        echo "Syslinux BIOS install failed"
+        exit 2
+    else
+        echo "Syslinux BIOS install successful"
+    fi
+    touch "$CHROOT/$bios_autoupdate_file"
+update() {
+    install_modules
+    if device_is_raid "$bootpart" ; then
+        echo "Detected RAID on /boot - updating Syslinux with --raid"
+        "$EXTLINUX" --update "$bios_bootpath" --raid &> /dev/null
+    else
+        "$EXTLINUX" --update "$bios_bootpath" &> /dev/null
+    fi
+    if (($?)); then
+        echo "Syslinux BIOS update failed"
+        exit 2
+    else
+        echo "Syslinux BIOS update successful"
+    fi
+if (( $# == 0 )); then
+    usage
+    exit 1
+while getopts "c:uihmas" opt; do
+    case $opt in
+        c)
+            CHROOT=$(readlink -e "$OPTARG")
+            if [[ -z $CHROOT ]]; then
+                echo "error: chroot path ``$OPTARG does not exist";
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        h)
+            USAGE="True"
+            ;;
+        i)
+            INSTALL="True"
+            ;;
+        u)
+            UPDATE="True"
+            ;;
+        m)
+            MBR="True"
+            ;;
+        a)
+            SET_ACTIVE="True"
+            ;;
+        s)
+            # If AUTOUPDATE_FILE does not exist exit the script
+            if [[ -f $bios_autoupdate_file ]]; then
+                UPDATE="True"
+            else
+                exit 0
+            fi
+            ;;
+        *)
+            usage
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+    esac
+if [[ $USAGE ]]; then
+    usage
+    exit 0
+# Display Usage Information if both Install and Update are passed
+if [[ $INSTALL && $UPDATE ]]; then
+    usage
+    exit 1
+# Make sure only root can run our script
+if (( $(id -u) != 0 )); then
+    echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+# If a chroot dir is path set variables to reflect chroot
+if [[ "$CHROOT" ]]; then
+    bios_libpath="$CHROOT$bios_libpath"
+    bios_bootpath="$CHROOT$bios_bootpath"
+# Exit if no /boot path exists
+if ( f=("$bios_bootpath"/*); (( ! ${#f[@]} )) ); then
+    echo "Error: $bios_bootpath is empty!"
+    echo "Is /boot mounted?"
+    exit 1
+# Get the boot device if any of these options are passed
+if [[ $INSTALL || $UPDATE || $SET_ACTIVE || $MBR ]]; then
+    getBoot
+# Install or Update
+if [[ $INSTALL ]]; then
+    _install || exit
+elif [[ $UPDATE ]]; then
+    update || exit
+if [[ $SET_ACTIVE ]] || [[ $MBR ]]; then
+    get_boot_devices
+    if [[ $SET_ACTIVE ]]; then
+        set_active || exit
+    fi
+    if [[ $MBR ]]; then
+        install_mbr || exit
+    fi
+exit 0

Deleted: syslinux.cfg
--- syslinux.cfg	2019-01-10 17:30:23 UTC (rev 343518)
+++ syslinux.cfg	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Config file for Syslinux -
-# /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
-# Comboot modules:
-#   * menu.c32 - provides a text menu
-#   * vesamenu.c32 - provides a graphical menu
-#   * chain.c32 - chainload MBRs, partition boot sectors, Windows bootloaders
-#   * hdt.c32 - hardware detection tool
-#   * reboot.c32 - reboots the system
-# To Use: Copy the respective files from /usr/lib/syslinux to /boot/syslinux.
-# If /usr and /boot are on the same file system, symlink the files instead
-# of copying them.
-# If you do not use a menu, a 'boot:' prompt will be shown and the system
-# will boot automatically after 5 seconds.
-# Please review the wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Syslinux
-# The wiki provides further configuration examples
-PROMPT 0        # Set to 1 if you always want to display the boot: prompt
-# You can create syslinux keymaps with the keytab-lilo tool
-#KBDMAP de.ktl
-# Menu Configuration
-# Either menu.c32 or vesamenu32.c32 must be copied to /boot/syslinux
-UI menu.c32
-#UI vesamenu.c32
-# Refer to http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/Doc/menu
-MENU TITLE Arch Linux
-#MENU BACKGROUND splash.png
-MENU COLOR border       30;44   #40ffffff #a0000000 std
-MENU COLOR title        1;36;44 #9033ccff #a0000000 std
-MENU COLOR sel          7;37;40 #e0ffffff #20ffffff all
-MENU COLOR unsel        37;44   #50ffffff #a0000000 std
-MENU COLOR help         37;40   #c0ffffff #a0000000 std
-MENU COLOR timeout_msg  37;40   #80ffffff #00000000 std
-MENU COLOR timeout      1;37;40 #c0ffffff #00000000 std
-MENU COLOR msg07        37;40   #90ffffff #a0000000 std
-MENU COLOR tabmsg       31;40   #30ffffff #00000000 std
-# boot sections follow
-# TIP: If you want a 1024x768 framebuffer, add "vga=773" to your kernel line.
-LABEL arch
-    MENU LABEL Arch Linux
-    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
-    APPEND root=/dev/sda3 rw
-    INITRD ../initramfs-linux.img
-LABEL archfallback
-    MENU LABEL Arch Linux Fallback
-    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
-    APPEND root=/dev/sda3 rw
-    INITRD ../initramfs-linux-fallback.img
-#LABEL windows
-#        MENU LABEL Windows
-#        COM32 chain.c32
-#        APPEND hd0 1
-LABEL hdt
-        MENU LABEL HDT (Hardware Detection Tool)
-        COM32 hdt.c32
-LABEL reboot
-        MENU LABEL Reboot
-        COM32 reboot.c32
-LABEL poweroff
-        MENU LABEL Poweroff
-        COM32 poweroff.c32

Copied: syslinux/repos/testing-x86_64/syslinux.cfg (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/syslinux.cfg)
--- syslinux.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ syslinux.cfg	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Config file for Syslinux -
+# /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
+# Comboot modules:
+#   * menu.c32 - provides a text menu
+#   * vesamenu.c32 - provides a graphical menu
+#   * chain.c32 - chainload MBRs, partition boot sectors, Windows bootloaders
+#   * hdt.c32 - hardware detection tool
+#   * reboot.c32 - reboots the system
+# To Use: Copy the respective files from /usr/lib/syslinux to /boot/syslinux.
+# If /usr and /boot are on the same file system, symlink the files instead
+# of copying them.
+# If you do not use a menu, a 'boot:' prompt will be shown and the system
+# will boot automatically after 5 seconds.
+# Please review the wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Syslinux
+# The wiki provides further configuration examples
+PROMPT 0        # Set to 1 if you always want to display the boot: prompt
+# You can create syslinux keymaps with the keytab-lilo tool
+#KBDMAP de.ktl
+# Menu Configuration
+# Either menu.c32 or vesamenu32.c32 must be copied to /boot/syslinux
+UI menu.c32
+#UI vesamenu.c32
+# Refer to http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/Doc/menu
+MENU TITLE Arch Linux
+#MENU BACKGROUND splash.png
+MENU COLOR border       30;44   #40ffffff #a0000000 std
+MENU COLOR title        1;36;44 #9033ccff #a0000000 std
+MENU COLOR sel          7;37;40 #e0ffffff #20ffffff all
+MENU COLOR unsel        37;44   #50ffffff #a0000000 std
+MENU COLOR help         37;40   #c0ffffff #a0000000 std
+MENU COLOR timeout_msg  37;40   #80ffffff #00000000 std
+MENU COLOR timeout      1;37;40 #c0ffffff #00000000 std
+MENU COLOR msg07        37;40   #90ffffff #a0000000 std
+MENU COLOR tabmsg       31;40   #30ffffff #00000000 std
+# boot sections follow
+# TIP: If you want a 1024x768 framebuffer, add "vga=773" to your kernel line.
+LABEL arch
+    MENU LABEL Arch Linux
+    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
+    APPEND root=/dev/sda3 rw
+    INITRD ../initramfs-linux.img
+LABEL archfallback
+    MENU LABEL Arch Linux Fallback
+    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
+    APPEND root=/dev/sda3 rw
+    INITRD ../initramfs-linux-fallback.img
+#LABEL windows
+#        MENU LABEL Windows
+#        COM32 chain.c32
+#        APPEND hd0 1
+LABEL hdt
+        MENU LABEL HDT (Hardware Detection Tool)
+        COM32 hdt.c32
+LABEL reboot
+        MENU LABEL Reboot
+        COM32 reboot.c32
+LABEL poweroff
+        MENU LABEL Poweroff
+        COM32 poweroff.c32

Deleted: syslinux.install
--- syslinux.install	2019-01-10 17:30:23 UTC (rev 343518)
+++ syslinux.install	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-show_efi_msg() {
-  cat << EOF
-==> For setting up Syslinux EFI follow
-    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Syslinux#UEFI_Systems
-==> The syslinux-install_update script does not currently support EFI install
-show_bios_autoupdate_msg() {
-  cat << EOF
-==> For setting up Syslinux BIOS using the syslinux-install_update script follow
-    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Syslinux#Automatic_Install
-post_install() {
-  [ -f /boot/syslinux/SYSLINUX_AUTOUPDATE ] || show_bios_autoupdate_msg
-  [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && show_efi_msg
-  true
-post_upgrade() {
-  ## auto-update syslinux if /boot/syslinux/SYSLINUX_AUTOUPDATE exists
-  /usr/bin/syslinux-install_update -s
-  post_install

Copied: syslinux/repos/testing-x86_64/syslinux.install (from rev 343518, syslinux/trunk/syslinux.install)
--- syslinux.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ syslinux.install	2019-01-10 17:31:04 UTC (rev 343519)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+show_efi_msg() {
+  cat << EOF
+==> For setting up Syslinux EFI follow
+    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Syslinux#UEFI_Systems
+==> The syslinux-install_update script does not currently support EFI install
+show_bios_autoupdate_msg() {
+  cat << EOF
+==> For setting up Syslinux BIOS using the syslinux-install_update script follow
+    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Syslinux#Automatic_Install
+post_install() {
+  [ -f /boot/syslinux/SYSLINUX_AUTOUPDATE ] || show_bios_autoupdate_msg
+  [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && show_efi_msg
+  true
+post_upgrade() {
+  ## auto-update syslinux if /boot/syslinux/SYSLINUX_AUTOUPDATE exists
+  /usr/bin/syslinux-install_update -s
+  post_install

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