[arch-commits] Commit in qtcreator/repos (5 files)

Evangelos Foutras foutrelis at archlinux.org
Sat Jul 20 14:15:47 UTC 2019

    Date: Saturday, July 20, 2019 @ 14:15:46
  Author: foutrelis
Revision: 358442

archrelease: copy trunk to staging-x86_64

    (from rev 358441, qtcreator/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 358441, qtcreator/trunk/qtcreator-clazy-1.5.patch)
    (from rev 358441, qtcreator/trunk/qtcreator-mime-database.patch)
    (from rev 358441, qtcreator/trunk/qtcreator-preload-plugins.patch)

 PKGBUILD                        |   80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 qtcreator-clazy-1.5.patch       |   45 +++++++++++++++++++++
 qtcreator-mime-database.patch   |   77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 qtcreator-preload-plugins.patch |   21 +++++++++
 4 files changed, 223 insertions(+)

Copied: qtcreator/repos/staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 358441, qtcreator/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2019-07-20 14:15:46 UTC (rev 358442)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <sh at lutzhaase.com>
+# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Imanol Celaya <ornitorrincos at archlinux-es.org>
+# Contributor: Lukas Jirkovsky <l.jirkovsky at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Dan Vratil <progdan at progdansoft.com>
+# Contributor: thotypous <matiasΘarchlinux-br·org>
+# Contributor: delor <bartekpiech gmail com>
+pkgdesc='Lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment'
+depends=(qt5-tools qt5-quickcontrols qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-webengine clang=$_clangver qbs clazy syntax-highlighting desktop-file-utils)
+makedepends=(llvm python patchelf)
+optdepends=('qt5-doc: integrated Qt documentation'
+            'qt5-examples: welcome page examples'
+            'qt5-translations: for other languages'
+            'gdb: debugger'
+            'cmake: cmake project support'
+            'x11-ssh-askpass: ssh support'
+            'git: git support'
+            'mercurial: mercurial support'
+            'bzr: bazaar support'
+            'valgrind: analyze support'
+            'perf: performer analyzer')
+        qtcreator-clazy-1.5.patch
+        qtcreator-preload-plugins.patch
+        qtcreator-mime-database.patch)
+            '1f6998fea92b9a157f42cca783839ce95f70ccc667027078b7881cbb253838f0'
+            '150c444e76ec969fc8765774b648984037829623300d0ce9d41a915b2afa792d'
+            '8d64b5c28535dcaab910f32e82b04b425253015ca70f379cbe5e9693526a852a')
+prepare() {
+  mkdir -p build
+  cd qt-creator-opensource-src-$pkgver
+  # fix hardcoded libexec path
+  sed -e 's|libexec\/qtcreator|lib\/qtcreator|g' -i qtcreator.pri
+  sed -e 's|libexec|lib|g' -i src/tools/tools.pro
+  # use system qbs
+  rm -r src/shared/qbs
+  # Adapt to clazy 1.5 plugin rename
+  patch -p1 -i ../qtcreator-clazy-1.5.patch
+  # Preload analyzer plugins, since upstream clang doesn't link to all plugins
+  # see http://code.qt.io/cgit/clang/clang.git/commit/?id=7f349701d3ea0c47be3a43e265699dddd3fd55cf
+  # and https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/59492
+  patch -p1 -i ../qtcreator-preload-plugins.patch
+  patch -p1 -i ../qtcreator-mime-database.patch # Use system shared-mime-info
+build() {
+  cd build
+    "$srcdir"/qt-creator-opensource-src-$pkgver/qtcreator.pro
+  make
+  make docs
+package() {
+  cd build
+  make INSTALL_ROOT="$pkgdir/usr/" install
+  make INSTALL_ROOT="$pkgdir/usr/" install_docs
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/qt-creator-opensource-src-$pkgver/LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/qtcreator/LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+# Link clazy plugin explicitely
+  patchelf --add-needed ClazyPlugin.so "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/qtcreator/clangbackend

Copied: qtcreator/repos/staging-x86_64/qtcreator-clazy-1.5.patch (from rev 358441, qtcreator/trunk/qtcreator-clazy-1.5.patch)
--- staging-x86_64/qtcreator-clazy-1.5.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ staging-x86_64/qtcreator-clazy-1.5.patch	2019-07-20 14:15:46 UTC (rev 358442)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+diff --git a/src/plugins/clangcodemodel/clangeditordocumentprocessor.cpp b/src/plugins/clangcodemodel/clangeditordocumentprocessor.cpp
+index 706c5101a3..dbfaeb8457 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/clangcodemodel/clangeditordocumentprocessor.cpp
++++ b/src/plugins/clangcodemodel/clangeditordocumentprocessor.cpp
+@@ -527,14 +528,14 @@ private:
+             return;
+         m_options.append(CppTools::XclangArgs({"-add-plugin",
+-                                               "clang-lazy",
+-                                               "-plugin-arg-clang-lazy",
++                                               "clazy",
++                                               "-plugin-arg-clazy",
+                                                "enable-all-fixits",
+-                                               "-plugin-arg-clang-lazy",
++                                               "-plugin-arg-clazy",
+                                                "no-autowrite-fixits",
+-                                               "-plugin-arg-clang-lazy",
++                                               "-plugin-arg-clazy",
+                                                checks,
+-                                               "-plugin-arg-clang-lazy",
++                                               "-plugin-arg-clazy",
+                                                "ignore-included-files"}));
+     }
+diff --git a/src/plugins/clangtools/clangtidyclazyrunner.cpp b/src/plugins/clangtools/clangtidyclazyrunner.cpp
+index a580704243..7a8740a5cc 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/clangtools/clangtidyclazyrunner.cpp
++++ b/src/plugins/clangtools/clangtidyclazyrunner.cpp
+@@ -86,12 +87,12 @@ QStringList ClangTidyClazyRunner::constructCommandLineArguments(const QStringLis
+     const QString clazyChecks = m_diagnosticConfig.clazyChecks();
+     if (!clazyChecks.isEmpty()) {
+         arguments << XclangArgs({"-add-plugin",
+-                                 "clang-lazy",
+-                                 "-plugin-arg-clang-lazy",
++                                 "clazy",
++                                 "-plugin-arg-clazy",
+                                  "enable-all-fixits",
+-                                 "-plugin-arg-clang-lazy",
++                                 "-plugin-arg-clazy",
+                                  "no-autowrite-fixits",
+-                                 "-plugin-arg-clang-lazy",
++                                 "-plugin-arg-clazy",
+                                  m_diagnosticConfig.clazyChecks()});
+     }

Copied: qtcreator/repos/staging-x86_64/qtcreator-mime-database.patch (from rev 358441, qtcreator/trunk/qtcreator-mime-database.patch)
--- staging-x86_64/qtcreator-mime-database.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ staging-x86_64/qtcreator-mime-database.patch	2019-07-20 14:15:46 UTC (rev 358442)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+From e7ef1ad0ba526dd2fc47602e4d45d62adbdbe5db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira at intel.com>
+Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2019 22:46:20 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] Re-fix QtCore resource path changing and prepare for Qt 5.13
+Commit 9cf8ab3b3d44ac50a1f8d4893d8f70b8aedb18b0 added the #ifdef, but
+that of course only works if you don't upgrade Qt compared to what Qt
+Creator was compiled with. Instead, attempt both paths and only do that
+if the system copy is not found.
+Searching the system copy is required to address Qt 5.13's configure
+option -no-mimetype-database (used by Linux distributions because the
+system copy is always present).
+This code will still need work to deal with Qt 5.14 changes.
+Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-19600
+Task-number: QTCREATORBUG-22636
+Change-Id: I6aed4df6a12e43c3ac8efffd15ac952a6e9d4770
+diff --git a/src/libs/utils/mimetypes/mimeprovider.cpp b/src/libs/utils/mimetypes/mimeprovider.cpp
+index d444aa8..ce94215 100644
+--- a/src/libs/utils/mimetypes/mimeprovider.cpp
++++ b/src/libs/utils/mimetypes/mimeprovider.cpp
+@@ -784,32 +784,25 @@
+ {
+     if (!m_loaded /*|| shouldCheck()*/) {
+         m_loaded = true;
+-//        bool fdoXmlFound = false;
+-        QStringList allFiles;
++        QStringList allFiles = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation,
++                                                         QStringLiteral("mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml"),
++                                                         QStandardPaths::LocateFile);
+-//        const QStringList packageDirs = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QLatin1String("mime/packages"), QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory);
+-//        //qDebug() << "packageDirs=" << packageDirs;
+-//        for (const QString &packageDir : packageDirs) {
+-//            QDir dir(packageDir);
+-//            const QStringList files = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
+-//            //qDebug() << static_cast<const void *>(this) << packageDir << files;
+-//            if (!fdoXmlFound)
+-//                fdoXmlFound = files.contains(QLatin1String("freedesktop.org.xml"));
+-//            QStringList::const_iterator endIt(files.constEnd());
+-//            for (QStringList::const_iterator it(files.constBegin()); it != endIt; ++it) {
+-//                allFiles.append(packageDir + QLatin1Char('/') + *it);
+-//            }
+-//        }
+-//        if (!fdoXmlFound) {
+-//            // We could instead install the file as part of installing Qt?
+-#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0))
+-              const char freedesktopOrgXml[] = ":/qt-project.org/qmime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml";
+-              const char freedesktopOrgXml[] = ":/qt-project.org/qmime/freedesktop.org.xml";
+-            allFiles.prepend(QLatin1String(freedesktopOrgXml));
+-//        }
++        if (allFiles.isEmpty()) {
++            // System freedsktop.org.xml file not found, try to use the one in QtCore.
++            // This is private API and has changed in the past:
++            // - Qt 5.11 added "package" subdir in 7a5644d6481a3c1a7416772998ca4e60c977bfbd
++            // - Qt 5.13 added an option to not bundle it at all
++            const QString fdoXml5_11 = QStringLiteral(":/qt-project.org/qmime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml");
++            const QString fdoXmlPre5_11 = QStringLiteral(":/qt-project.org/qmime/freedesktop.org.xml");
++            if (QFile::exists(fdoXml5_11))
++                allFiles << fdoXml5_11;
++            else if (QFile::exists(fdoXmlPre5_11))
++                allFiles << fdoXmlPre5_11;
++            else
++                qFatal("Utils::MimeXMLProvider: could not find the system freedesktop.org.xml file "
++                       "and QtCore does not have an accessible copy.");
++        }
+         m_nameMimeTypeMap.clear();
+         m_aliases.clear();

Copied: qtcreator/repos/staging-x86_64/qtcreator-preload-plugins.patch (from rev 358441, qtcreator/trunk/qtcreator-preload-plugins.patch)
--- staging-x86_64/qtcreator-preload-plugins.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ staging-x86_64/qtcreator-preload-plugins.patch	2019-07-20 14:15:46 UTC (rev 358442)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+diff --git a/src/plugins/clangtools/clangtidyclazyrunner.cpp b/src/plugins/clangtools/clangtidyclazyrunner.cpp
+index a580704243..7a8740a5cc 100644
+--- a/src/plugins/clangtools/clangtidyclazyrunner.cpp
++++ b/src/plugins/clangtools/clangtidyclazyrunner.cpp
+@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ QStringList ClangTidyClazyRunner::constructCommandLineArguments(const QStringLis
+     const ClangDiagnosticConfig::TidyMode tidyMode = m_diagnosticConfig.clangTidyMode();
+     if (tidyMode != ClangDiagnosticConfig::TidyMode::Disabled) {
++        arguments << XclangArgs({"-load", "libclangTidyPlugin.so"});
+         arguments << XclangArgs({"-add-plugin", "clang-tidy"});
+         if (tidyMode != ClangDiagnosticConfig::TidyMode::File) {
+             const QString tidyChecks = m_diagnosticConfig.clangTidyChecks();
+@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ QStringList ClangTidyClazyRunner::constructCommandLineArguments(const QStringLis
+     const QString clazyChecks = m_diagnosticConfig.clazyChecks();
+     if (!clazyChecks.isEmpty()) {
+-        arguments << XclangArgs({"-add-plugin",
++        arguments << XclangArgs({"-load", "ClazyPlugin.so", "-add-plugin",
+                                  "clazy",
+                                  "-plugin-arg-clazy",
+                                  "enable-all-fixits",

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