[arch-commits] Commit in kio-extras/repos/extra-x86_64 (4 files)

Antonio Rojas arojas at archlinux.org
Thu Mar 7 11:07:30 UTC 2019

    Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019 @ 11:07:29
  Author: arojas
Revision: 347356

archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64

    (from rev 347355, kio-extras/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 347355, kio-extras/trunk/kio-extras-rpc.patch)

 PKGBUILD             |   92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 kio-extras-rpc.patch |   90 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 2 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2019-03-07 11:07:18 UTC (rev 347355)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-03-07 11:07:29 UTC (rev 347356)
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Felix Yan <felixonmars at archlinux.org>
-# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc="Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO"
-depends=(kio kdnssd libssh smbclient exiv2 openexr libmtp kpty kactivities)
-makedepends=(extra-cmake-modules kdoctools gperf taglib khtml libappimage)
-optdepends=('qt5-imageformats: thumbnails for additional image formats'
-            'kimageformats: thumbnails for additional image formats' 'taglib: audio file thumbnails'
-            'khtml: man kioslave' 'phonon-qt5: audio file previews' 'libappimage: AppImage thumbnails')
-groups=(kde-applications kdenetwork)
-        kio-extras-rpc.patch)
-            'SKIP'
-            '94d9fd44daddb07fcd18d4c49c379838bdc5e4f0bdd9e03519814295eb6b7895')
-validpgpkeys=(CA262C6C83DE4D2FB28A332A3A6A4DB839EAA6D7  # Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org>
-              F23275E4BF10AFC1DF6914A6DBD2CE893E2D1C87) # Christoph Feck <cfeck at kde.org>
-prepare() {
-  mkdir -p build
-  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
-  patch -p1 -i ../kio-extras-rpc.patch # fix build of kio-nfs with glibc 2.27
-build() {
-  cd build
-  cmake ../$pkgname-$pkgver \
-    -DLIBAPPIMAGE_LIBRARIES=libappimage.so \
-  make
-package() {
-  cd build
-  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install

Copied: kio-extras/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 347355, kio-extras/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-03-07 11:07:29 UTC (rev 347356)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Maintainer: Felix Yan <felixonmars at archlinux.org>
+# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO"
+depends=(kio kdnssd libssh smbclient exiv2 openexr libmtp kpty kactivities)
+makedepends=(extra-cmake-modules kdoctools gperf taglib khtml libappimage)
+optdepends=('qt5-imageformats: thumbnails for additional image formats'
+            'kimageformats: thumbnails for additional image formats' 'taglib: audio file thumbnails'
+            'khtml: man kioslave' 'phonon-qt5: audio file previews' 'libappimage: AppImage thumbnails')
+groups=(kde-applications kdenetwork)
+        kio-extras-rpc.patch)
+            'SKIP'
+            '94d9fd44daddb07fcd18d4c49c379838bdc5e4f0bdd9e03519814295eb6b7895')
+validpgpkeys=(CA262C6C83DE4D2FB28A332A3A6A4DB839EAA6D7  # Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org>
+              F23275E4BF10AFC1DF6914A6DBD2CE893E2D1C87) # Christoph Feck <cfeck at kde.org>
+prepare() {
+  mkdir -p build
+  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
+  patch -p1 -i ../kio-extras-rpc.patch # fix build of kio-nfs with glibc 2.27
+build() {
+  cd build
+  cmake ../$pkgname-$pkgver \
+    -DLIBAPPIMAGE_LIBRARIES=libappimage.so \
+  make
+package() {
+  cd build
+  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install

Deleted: kio-extras-rpc.patch
--- kio-extras-rpc.patch	2019-03-07 11:07:18 UTC (rev 347355)
+++ kio-extras-rpc.patch	2019-03-07 11:07:29 UTC (rev 347356)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
-index 97528179..bf82cfac 100644
---- a/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ if(NOT WIN32)
-    if(Gperf_FOUND AND KF5KHtml_FOUND)
-      add_subdirectory( man )
-    endif()
--   check_include_files(rpc/rpc.h HAVE_RPC_RPC_H)
--   add_feature_info("NFS kioslave" HAVE_RPC_RPC_H "The RPC library is needed to build the NFS kioslave")
--   if(HAVE_RPC_RPC_H)
-+   find_path(RPC_H_DIR rpc/rpc.h PATH_SUFFIXES tirpc)
-+   add_feature_info("NFS kioslave" RPC_H_DIR "The RPC library is needed to build the NFS kioslave")
-+   if(RPC_H_DIR)
-      add_subdirectory( nfs )
-    endif()
- endif()
-diff --git a/nfs/CMakeLists.txt b/nfs/CMakeLists.txt
-index 3dce1c1e..461620c7 100644
---- a/nfs/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/nfs/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
- ## Check for XDR functions
- include(CheckFunctionExists)
-+if (${RPC_H_DIR} MATCHES tirpc)
-+ find_library(TIRPC_LIB tirpc)
-@@ -24,9 +29,10 @@ if (HAVE_XDR_U_LONGLONG_T)
- add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"kio5_nfs\")
- add_library(kio_nfs MODULE kio_nfs.cpp nfsv2.cpp nfsv3.cpp rpc_nfs3_prot_xdr.c rpc_nfs2_prot_xdr.c)
--target_link_libraries(kio_nfs KF5::KIOCore KF5::I18n Qt5::Network)
-+target_link_libraries(kio_nfs KF5::KIOCore KF5::I18n Qt5::Network ${TIRPC_LIB})
- set_target_properties(kio_nfs PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "nfs")
- install(TARGETS kio_nfs DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}/kf5/kio)

Copied: kio-extras/repos/extra-x86_64/kio-extras-rpc.patch (from rev 347355, kio-extras/trunk/kio-extras-rpc.patch)
--- kio-extras-rpc.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ kio-extras-rpc.patch	2019-03-07 11:07:29 UTC (rev 347356)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index 97528179..bf82cfac 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ if(NOT WIN32)
+    if(Gperf_FOUND AND KF5KHtml_FOUND)
+      add_subdirectory( man )
+    endif()
+-   check_include_files(rpc/rpc.h HAVE_RPC_RPC_H)
+-   add_feature_info("NFS kioslave" HAVE_RPC_RPC_H "The RPC library is needed to build the NFS kioslave")
+-   if(HAVE_RPC_RPC_H)
++   find_path(RPC_H_DIR rpc/rpc.h PATH_SUFFIXES tirpc)
++   add_feature_info("NFS kioslave" RPC_H_DIR "The RPC library is needed to build the NFS kioslave")
++   if(RPC_H_DIR)
+      add_subdirectory( nfs )
+    endif()
+ endif()
+diff --git a/nfs/CMakeLists.txt b/nfs/CMakeLists.txt
+index 3dce1c1e..461620c7 100644
+--- a/nfs/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/nfs/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
+ ## Check for XDR functions
+ include(CheckFunctionExists)
++if (${RPC_H_DIR} MATCHES tirpc)
++ find_library(TIRPC_LIB tirpc)
+@@ -24,9 +29,10 @@ if (HAVE_XDR_U_LONGLONG_T)
+ add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"kio5_nfs\")
+ add_library(kio_nfs MODULE kio_nfs.cpp nfsv2.cpp nfsv3.cpp rpc_nfs3_prot_xdr.c rpc_nfs2_prot_xdr.c)
+-target_link_libraries(kio_nfs KF5::KIOCore KF5::I18n Qt5::Network)
++target_link_libraries(kio_nfs KF5::KIOCore KF5::I18n Qt5::Network ${TIRPC_LIB})
+ set_target_properties(kio_nfs PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "nfs")
+ install(TARGETS kio_nfs DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}/kf5/kio)

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