[arch-commits] Commit in sagemath/repos/community-x86_64 (30 files)

Antonio Rojas arojas at archlinux.org
Mon May 20 15:52:36 UTC 2019

    Date: Monday, May 20, 2019 @ 15:52:36
  Author: arojas
Revision: 468113

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/fes02.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/latte-count.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/package.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-cremona.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-env.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-python3-notebook.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-threejs-100.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-threejs.patch)
    (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/test-optional.patch)

 PKGBUILD                        |  334 +++++++--------
 fes02.patch                     |  114 ++---
 latte-count.patch               |  178 ++++----
 package.patch                   |   78 +--
 sagemath-cremona.patch          |   62 +-
 sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch       |  294 ++++++-------
 sagemath-env.patch              |  282 ++++++------
 sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch       |  762 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch       |  841 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 sagemath-python3-notebook.patch |   54 +-
 sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch   |  204 ++++-----
 sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch       |   56 +-
 sagemath-threejs-100.patch      |  104 ++--
 sagemath-threejs.patch          |   22 
 test-optional.patch             |   50 +-
 15 files changed, 1947 insertions(+), 1488 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Evgeniy Alekseev <arcanis.arch at gmail dot com>
-# Contributor: Daniel Wallace <danielwallace at gtmanfred dot com>
-# Contributor: Thomas Dziedzic <gostrc at gmail dot com>
-# Contributor: Osman Ugus <ugus11 at yahoo dot com>
-# Contributor: Stefan Husmann <stefan-husmann at t-online dot de>
-pkgname=(sagemath sagemath-jupyter)
-pkgdesc="Open Source Mathematics Software, free alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab"
-depends=(ipython2 palp brial cliquer maxima-ecl gfan sympow nauty python2-rpy2 python2-fpylll python2-psutil python2-cypari2
-  python2-matplotlib python2-scipy python2-sympy python2-networkx python2-pillow python2-pplpy python2-future
-  gap flintqs lcalc lrcalc arb eclib zn_poly gd python2-cvxopt pynac linbox m4rie rubiks pari-galdata pari-seadata-small planarity rankwidth tachyon
-  sage-data-combinatorial_designs sage-data-elliptic_curves sage-data-graphs sage-data-polytopes_db sage-data-conway_polynomials
-  iml libgiac libhomfly libbraiding three.js)
-optdepends=('cython2: to compile cython code' 'python2-pkgconfig: to compile cython code'
-  'jmol: 3D plots' 'sage-notebook: Flask notebook interface (deprecated)'
-  'sagemath-doc: Documentation and inline help' 'python2-igraph: igraph backend for graph theory'
-  'coin-or-cbc: COIN backend for numerical computations' 'coin-or-csdp: for computing Lovász theta-function of graphs'
-  'buckygen: for generating fullerene graphs' 'plantri: for generating some classes of graphs' 'benzene: for generating fusenes and benzenoids'
-  'ffmpeg: to export animations to video' 'imagemagick: to show animations'
-  'coxeter: Coxeter groups implementation'
-  'lrs: Algorithms for linear reverse search used in game theory and for computing volume of polytopes'
-  'libfes: exhaustive search of solutions for boolean equations' 'python2-pynormaliz: Normaliz backend for polyhedral computations'
-  'latte-integrale: integral point count in polyhedra' 'polymake: polymake backend for polyhedral computations'
-  'shared_meataxe: faster matrix arithmetic over finite fields' 'openblas: faster linear algebra'
-  'sirocco: for computing the fundamental group of the complement of a plane curve' 'primecount: faster prime_pi implementation'
-  'dot2tex: for displaying some diagrams' 'cryptominisat5: SAT solver' 'python2-pycosat: picosat SAT solver'
-  'python2-pip: to install optional packages with sage -pip')
-makedepends=(cython2 boost ratpoints symmetrica python2-jinja coin-or-cbc sirocco
-  mcqd coxeter bliss tdlib python2-pkgconfig shared_meataxe libfes primecount)
-        sagemath-env.patch
-        package.patch
-        latte-count.patch
-        sagemath-python3-notebook.patch
-        test-optional.patch
-        fes02.patch
-        sagemath-threejs.patch
-        sagemath-cremona.patch
-        sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch
-        sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch
-        sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch
-        sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch
-        sagemath-threejs-100.patch
-        sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch)
-            'e0e36f2a39b634a76e1c3ad9a31f9ab60e734dd53b43203557b76613277d53b9'
-            'b1068a8d5750051c2b5cfcb89d3d5870cf4233ab445e71c398543fb8b1e6281a'
-            'b66d5bb692159910cec83c80262c43a687d3a678010c7ae4c7070f7cf3a0d5cb'
-            '12cd410035ae644c2495b0dcd3a5138133a471ecc07912d37114c46ee837eb0e'
-            'f12bd2a53ad51549015093aacc89978f4d796d9ab5bcd3d737aa0d57a5815b54'
-            '7fcb52e96935dccb0f958d37c2f4e3918392480b9af53e08562f6cba6c68cb94'
-            'd3c50256cfcf84a90336647f8a1164386b6b8034f47c45361d57be487e92d2c1'
-            '4c6df9e4e5a7b29ecf6189eda3e5a79f69b6e1b4d29c1b9559663149b8c0af96'
-            '22f5e44a42c8276025b8512f45cac1c36d576c29c7fd9d36fde8b19ff87867d8'
-            '961bfb5694b67d425d21240d71490cb71714b5207c23448c89be0966512ff8f9'
-            'a42f3b152b1aedb8abf16bc70971419919d1fe30328574e7fef8305f9d07d938'
-            '9ec56a3788e32c54f35abeaeedf7cadf6670fa10d39007050b23b93d3c35278e'
-            '3ee624bb47f757516a860799d817168fe9cf74e603416e18e70c93c692259242'
-            '7e126c73d12c39be9012a66f979897fa630d540d30906dadff6c1384af4ec166')
-  cd sage-$pkgver
-# Arch-specific patches
-# assume all optional packages are installed
-  patch -p0 -i ../package.patch
-# set env variables
-  patch -p0 -i ../sagemath-env.patch
-# don't list optional packages when running tests
-  patch -p0 -i ../test-optional.patch
-# use correct latte-count binary name
-  patch -p1 -i ../latte-count.patch
-# make 'sage -notebook=jupyter' work with our python3 jupyter-notebook package
-  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-python3-notebook.patch
-# fix three.js plotting backend
-  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-threejs.patch
-# fix introspection with sphinx 1.8
-  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch
-# port to GAP 4.10.1 API changes
-  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch
-# fix build with linbox 1.6
-  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch
-# Upstream patches  
-# fix build against libfes 0.2 http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15209
-  patch -p1 -i ../fes02.patch
-# use Features to detect Cremona databases https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25825
-  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-cremona.patch
-# Fixes for singular 4.1.2 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25993
-  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch
-# Fix SIGFPE crashes with ecl 16.1.3 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/22191
-  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch
-# Fix rendering with three.js r100 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/26718
-  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-threejs-100.patch
-# use python2
-  sed -e 's|sage-python23|python2|' -e 's|#!/usr/bin/env python\b|#!/usr/bin/env python2|' -i src/bin/*
-  sed -e 's|cython {OPT}|cython2 {OPT}|' -e 's|python setup.py|python2 setup.py|' -i src/sage/misc/cython.py
-  sed -e 's|exec ipython\b|exec ipython2|' -e 's|cygdb|cygdb2|g' -i src/bin/sage
-  sed -e "s|'cython'|'cython2'|" -i src/bin/sage-cython
-  sed -e 's|"python"|"python2"|' -i src/sage/env.py
-build() {
-  cd sage-$pkgver/src
-  export CC=gcc
-  export SAGE_ROOT="$PWD"
-  export SAGE_SRC="$PWD"
-  export SAGE_NUM_THREADS=10
-  python2 setup.py build
-package_sagemath() {
-  optdepends+=('sagemath-jupyter: Jupyter kernel')
-  cd sage-$pkgver/src
-  export SAGE_ROOT="$PWD"
-  export SAGE_LOCAL="/usr"
-  export SAGE_EXTCODE="$PWD"/ext
-  python2 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1
-  mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
-  cp bin/{sage,math-readline} "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
-  for _i in cachegrind callgrind cleaner coverage coverageall cython env eval grep grepdoc inline-fortran ipynb2rst \
-    ipython massif maxima.lisp native-execute notebook num-threads.py omega open preparse python rst2sws rst2txt run \
-    run-cython runtests startuptime.py sws2rst valgrind version.sh
-  do
-    cp bin/sage-$_i "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
-  done
-  mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/sage
-  cp -r ext "$pkgdir"/usr/share/sage
-# Remove sage_setup
-  rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage_setup
-# Split jupyter kernel
-  rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/share/jupyter
-package_sagemath-jupyter() {
-  pkgdesc='Jupyter kernel for SageMath'
-  depends=(sagemath python2-jupyter_client python2-ipywidgets jsmol)
-  optdepends=('sage-notebook-exporter: convert flask notebooks to Jupyter')
-  cd sage-$pkgver/src
-  export SAGE_ROOT="$PWD"
-  export SAGE_LOCAL="/usr"
-  python2 -c "from sage.repl.ipython_kernel.install import SageKernelSpec; SageKernelSpec.update(prefix='$pkgdir/usr')"
-# fix symlinks to assets
-  for _i in $(ls ext/notebook-ipython); do
-    rm "$pkgdir"/usr/share/jupyter/kernels/sagemath/$_i
-    ln -s /usr/share/sage/ext/notebook-ipython/$_i "$pkgdir"/usr/share/jupyter/kernels/sagemath/
-  done

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Evgeniy Alekseev <arcanis.arch at gmail dot com>
+# Contributor: Daniel Wallace <danielwallace at gtmanfred dot com>
+# Contributor: Thomas Dziedzic <gostrc at gmail dot com>
+# Contributor: Osman Ugus <ugus11 at yahoo dot com>
+# Contributor: Stefan Husmann <stefan-husmann at t-online dot de>
+pkgname=(sagemath sagemath-jupyter)
+pkgdesc="Open Source Mathematics Software, free alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab"
+depends=(ipython2 palp brial cliquer maxima-ecl gfan sympow nauty python2-rpy2 python2-fpylll python2-psutil python2-cypari2
+  python2-matplotlib python2-scipy python2-sympy python2-networkx python2-pillow python2-pplpy python2-future
+  gap flintqs lcalc lrcalc arb eclib zn_poly gd python2-cvxopt pynac linbox m4rie rubiks pari-galdata pari-seadata-small planarity rankwidth tachyon
+  sage-data-combinatorial_designs sage-data-elliptic_curves sage-data-graphs sage-data-polytopes_db sage-data-conway_polynomials
+  iml libgiac libhomfly libbraiding three.js)
+optdepends=('cython2: to compile cython code' 'python2-pkgconfig: to compile cython code'
+  'jmol: 3D plots' 'sage-notebook: Flask notebook interface (deprecated)'
+  'sagemath-doc: Documentation and inline help' 'python2-igraph: igraph backend for graph theory'
+  'coin-or-cbc: COIN backend for numerical computations' 'coin-or-csdp: for computing Lovász theta-function of graphs'
+  'buckygen: for generating fullerene graphs' 'plantri: for generating some classes of graphs' 'benzene: for generating fusenes and benzenoids'
+  'ffmpeg: to export animations to video' 'imagemagick: to show animations'
+  'coxeter: Coxeter groups implementation'
+  'lrs: Algorithms for linear reverse search used in game theory and for computing volume of polytopes'
+  'libfes: exhaustive search of solutions for boolean equations' 'python2-pynormaliz: Normaliz backend for polyhedral computations'
+  'latte-integrale: integral point count in polyhedra' 'polymake: polymake backend for polyhedral computations'
+  'shared_meataxe: faster matrix arithmetic over finite fields' 'openblas: faster linear algebra'
+  'sirocco: for computing the fundamental group of the complement of a plane curve' 'primecount: faster prime_pi implementation'
+  'dot2tex: for displaying some diagrams' 'cryptominisat5: SAT solver' 'python2-pycosat: picosat SAT solver'
+  'python2-pip: to install optional packages with sage -pip')
+makedepends=(cython2 boost ratpoints symmetrica python2-jinja coin-or-cbc sirocco
+  mcqd coxeter bliss tdlib python2-pkgconfig shared_meataxe libfes primecount)
+        sagemath-env.patch
+        package.patch
+        latte-count.patch
+        sagemath-python3-notebook.patch
+        test-optional.patch
+        fes02.patch
+        sagemath-threejs.patch
+        sagemath-cremona.patch
+        sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch
+        sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch
+        sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch
+        sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch
+        sagemath-threejs-100.patch
+        sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch)
+            'e0e36f2a39b634a76e1c3ad9a31f9ab60e734dd53b43203557b76613277d53b9'
+            'b1068a8d5750051c2b5cfcb89d3d5870cf4233ab445e71c398543fb8b1e6281a'
+            'b66d5bb692159910cec83c80262c43a687d3a678010c7ae4c7070f7cf3a0d5cb'
+            '12cd410035ae644c2495b0dcd3a5138133a471ecc07912d37114c46ee837eb0e'
+            'f12bd2a53ad51549015093aacc89978f4d796d9ab5bcd3d737aa0d57a5815b54'
+            '7fcb52e96935dccb0f958d37c2f4e3918392480b9af53e08562f6cba6c68cb94'
+            'd3c50256cfcf84a90336647f8a1164386b6b8034f47c45361d57be487e92d2c1'
+            '4c6df9e4e5a7b29ecf6189eda3e5a79f69b6e1b4d29c1b9559663149b8c0af96'
+            '22f5e44a42c8276025b8512f45cac1c36d576c29c7fd9d36fde8b19ff87867d8'
+            '961bfb5694b67d425d21240d71490cb71714b5207c23448c89be0966512ff8f9'
+            'a42f3b152b1aedb8abf16bc70971419919d1fe30328574e7fef8305f9d07d938'
+            '9ec56a3788e32c54f35abeaeedf7cadf6670fa10d39007050b23b93d3c35278e'
+            '3ee624bb47f757516a860799d817168fe9cf74e603416e18e70c93c692259242'
+            '81fc39e39e8508f742ccc784efd0492fd04474cee75edf7bd3cbea43edd49b2e')
+  cd sage-$pkgver
+# Arch-specific patches
+# assume all optional packages are installed
+  patch -p0 -i ../package.patch
+# set env variables
+  patch -p0 -i ../sagemath-env.patch
+# don't list optional packages when running tests
+  patch -p0 -i ../test-optional.patch
+# use correct latte-count binary name
+  patch -p1 -i ../latte-count.patch
+# make 'sage -notebook=jupyter' work with our python3 jupyter-notebook package
+  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-python3-notebook.patch
+# fix three.js plotting backend
+  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-threejs.patch
+# fix introspection with sphinx 1.8
+  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch
+# port to GAP 4.10.1 API changes
+  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch
+# Upstream patches  
+# fix build against libfes 0.2 http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15209
+  patch -p1 -i ../fes02.patch
+# use Features to detect Cremona databases https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25825
+  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-cremona.patch
+# Fixes for singular 4.1.2 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25993
+  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch
+# Fix SIGFPE crashes with ecl 16.1.3 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/22191
+  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch
+# Fix rendering with three.js r100 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/26718
+  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-threejs-100.patch
+# fix build with linbox 1.6 https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/26932
+  patch -p1 -i ../sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch
+# use python2
+  sed -e 's|sage-python23|python2|' -e 's|#!/usr/bin/env python\b|#!/usr/bin/env python2|' -i src/bin/*
+  sed -e 's|cython {OPT}|cython2 {OPT}|' -e 's|python setup.py|python2 setup.py|' -i src/sage/misc/cython.py
+  sed -e 's|exec ipython\b|exec ipython2|' -e 's|cygdb|cygdb2|g' -i src/bin/sage
+  sed -e "s|'cython'|'cython2'|" -i src/bin/sage-cython
+  sed -e 's|"python"|"python2"|' -i src/sage/env.py
+build() {
+  cd sage-$pkgver/src
+  export CC=gcc
+  export SAGE_ROOT="$PWD"
+  export SAGE_SRC="$PWD"
+  export SAGE_NUM_THREADS=10
+  python2 setup.py build
+package_sagemath() {
+  optdepends+=('sagemath-jupyter: Jupyter kernel')
+  cd sage-$pkgver/src
+  export SAGE_ROOT="$PWD"
+  export SAGE_LOCAL="/usr"
+  export SAGE_EXTCODE="$PWD"/ext
+  python2 setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1
+  mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
+  cp bin/{sage,math-readline} "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
+  for _i in cachegrind callgrind cleaner coverage coverageall cython env eval grep grepdoc inline-fortran ipynb2rst \
+    ipython massif maxima.lisp native-execute notebook num-threads.py omega open preparse python rst2sws rst2txt run \
+    run-cython runtests startuptime.py sws2rst valgrind version.sh
+  do
+    cp bin/sage-$_i "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
+  done
+  mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/sage
+  cp -r ext "$pkgdir"/usr/share/sage
+# Remove sage_setup
+  rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage_setup
+# Split jupyter kernel
+  rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/share/jupyter
+package_sagemath-jupyter() {
+  pkgdesc='Jupyter kernel for SageMath'
+  depends=(sagemath python2-jupyter_client python2-ipywidgets jsmol)
+  optdepends=('sage-notebook-exporter: convert flask notebooks to Jupyter')
+  cd sage-$pkgver/src
+  export SAGE_ROOT="$PWD"
+  export SAGE_LOCAL="/usr"
+  python2 -c "from sage.repl.ipython_kernel.install import SageKernelSpec; SageKernelSpec.update(prefix='$pkgdir/usr')"
+# fix symlinks to assets
+  for _i in $(ls ext/notebook-ipython); do
+    rm "$pkgdir"/usr/share/jupyter/kernels/sagemath/$_i
+    ln -s /usr/share/sage/ext/notebook-ipython/$_i "$pkgdir"/usr/share/jupyter/kernels/sagemath/
+  done

Deleted: fes02.patch
--- fes02.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ fes02.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-From b1f5e3ecc789db674fe17552812f2d0e2ab84be0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Charles Bouillaguet <charles.bouillaguet at lifl.fr>
-Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:31:11 +0200
-Subject: updating the libFES binding to match a change in the interface
- src/sage/libs/fes.pyx | 12 +++++++-----
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/sage/libs/fes.pyx b/src/sage/libs/fes.pyx
-index 40b9c23..d188cf0 100644
---- a/src/sage/libs/fes.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/libs/fes.pyx
-@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
- """
--Binding for the FES library.
-+Binding for the libFES library.
- Finding solutions of systems of boolean equations by exhaustive
- search, via the fes library. This is usually (much) faster than
- computing a Groebner basis, except in special cases where the latter
- is particularly easy.
--The FES library is presently only able to deal with polynomials in 64
-+More information is available at [http://www.lifl.fr/~bouillag/fes].
-+The libFES library is presently only able to deal with polynomials in 64
- variables. Performing a full exhaustive search over 64 variables will
- take a **long** time. The number of variables can be artificially
- reduced to 64 by specializing some of them.
--Note that the FES library **requires** at least of the equations to be
-+Note that the libFES library **requires** at least of the equations to be
- non-linear.
-@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t
- cdef extern from "fes_interface.h":
-     ctypedef int (*solution_callback_t)(void *, uint64_t)
--    void exhaustive_search_wrapper(int n, int n_eqs, int degree, int ***coeffs, solution_callback_t callback, void* callback_state, int verbose)
-+    void exhaustive_search_wrapper(int n, int n_eqs, int degree, int ***coeffs, solution_callback_t callback, void* callback_state, int verbose, int T)
- from sage.rings.integer import Integer
-@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ def exhaustive_search(eqs,  max_sols=Infinity, verbose=False):
-     # ------- runs the library
-     sig_on()
--    exhaustive_search_wrapper(n, len(eqs), degree, coeffs, report_solution, <void *> internal_state, verbose)
-+    exhaustive_search_wrapper(n, len(eqs), degree, coeffs, report_solution, <void *> internal_state, verbose, 0)
-     sig_off()
-     # ------- frees memory occupied by the dense representation of the equations
-cgit v1.0-1-gd88e

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/fes02.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/fes02.patch)
--- fes02.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ fes02.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+From b1f5e3ecc789db674fe17552812f2d0e2ab84be0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Charles Bouillaguet <charles.bouillaguet at lifl.fr>
+Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:31:11 +0200
+Subject: updating the libFES binding to match a change in the interface
+ src/sage/libs/fes.pyx | 12 +++++++-----
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/sage/libs/fes.pyx b/src/sage/libs/fes.pyx
+index 40b9c23..d188cf0 100644
+--- a/src/sage/libs/fes.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/libs/fes.pyx
+@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
+ """
+-Binding for the FES library.
++Binding for the libFES library.
+ Finding solutions of systems of boolean equations by exhaustive
+ search, via the fes library. This is usually (much) faster than
+ computing a Groebner basis, except in special cases where the latter
+ is particularly easy.
+-The FES library is presently only able to deal with polynomials in 64
++More information is available at [http://www.lifl.fr/~bouillag/fes].
++The libFES library is presently only able to deal with polynomials in 64
+ variables. Performing a full exhaustive search over 64 variables will
+ take a **long** time. The number of variables can be artificially
+ reduced to 64 by specializing some of them.
+-Note that the FES library **requires** at least of the equations to be
++Note that the libFES library **requires** at least of the equations to be
+ non-linear.
+@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t
+ cdef extern from "fes_interface.h":
+     ctypedef int (*solution_callback_t)(void *, uint64_t)
+-    void exhaustive_search_wrapper(int n, int n_eqs, int degree, int ***coeffs, solution_callback_t callback, void* callback_state, int verbose)
++    void exhaustive_search_wrapper(int n, int n_eqs, int degree, int ***coeffs, solution_callback_t callback, void* callback_state, int verbose, int T)
+ from sage.rings.integer import Integer
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ def exhaustive_search(eqs,  max_sols=Infinity, verbose=False):
+     # ------- runs the library
+     sig_on()
+-    exhaustive_search_wrapper(n, len(eqs), degree, coeffs, report_solution, <void *> internal_state, verbose)
++    exhaustive_search_wrapper(n, len(eqs), degree, coeffs, report_solution, <void *> internal_state, verbose, 0)
+     sig_off()
+     # ------- frees memory occupied by the dense representation of the equations
+cgit v1.0-1-gd88e

Deleted: latte-count.patch
--- latte-count.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ latte-count.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/base_ZZ.py b/src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/base_ZZ.py
-index 268af9db0d..70d41dfa30 100644
---- a/src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/base_ZZ.py
-+++ b/src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/base_ZZ.py
-@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class Polyhedron_ZZ(Polyhedron_base):
-             sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(maxdet=5, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
-             This is LattE integrale ...
-             ...
--            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--maxdet=5' /dev/stdin
-+            Invocation: latte-count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--maxdet=5' /dev/stdin
-             ...
-             sage: p    # optional - latte_int
-             1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1
-@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class Polyhedron_ZZ(Polyhedron_base):
-             sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(dual=True, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
-             This is LattE integrale ...
-             ...
--            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --dual /dev/stdin
-+            Invocation: latte-count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --dual /dev/stdin
-             ...
-             sage: p   # optional - latte_int
-             1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1
-@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class Polyhedron_ZZ(Polyhedron_base):
-             sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(irrational_primal=True, verbose=True)   # optional - latte_int
-             This is LattE integrale ...
-             ...
--            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-primal /dev/stdin
-+            Invocation: latte-count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-primal /dev/stdin
-             ...
-             sage: p   # optional - latte_int
-             1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1
-@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class Polyhedron_ZZ(Polyhedron_base):
-             sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(irrational_all_primal=True, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
-             This is LattE integrale ...
-             ...
--            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-all-primal /dev/stdin
-+            Invocation: latte-count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-all-primal /dev/stdin
-             ...
-             sage: p   # optional - latte_int
-             1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1
-@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class Polyhedron_ZZ(Polyhedron_base):
-             ...
-             RuntimeError: LattE integrale program failed (exit code 1):
-             ...
--            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--bim-bam-boum=19' /dev/stdin
-+            Invocation: latte-count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--bim-bam-boum=19' /dev/stdin
-             Unknown command/option --bim-bam-boum=19
-         """
-         if self.is_empty():
-diff --git a/src/sage/interfaces/latte.py b/src/sage/interfaces/latte.py
-index 066cedd401..302b39910d 100644
---- a/src/sage/interfaces/latte.py
-+++ b/src/sage/interfaces/latte.py
-@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def count(arg, ehrhart_polynomial=False, multivariate_generating_function=False,
-         sage: n = count(cddin, cdd=True, verbose=True, raw_output=True)  # optional - latte_int
-         This is LattE integrale ...
-         ...
--        Invocation: count '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd /dev/stdin
-+        Invocation: latte-count '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd /dev/stdin
-         ...
-         Total Unimodular Cones: ...
-         Maximum number of simplicial cones in memory at once: ...
-@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def count(arg, ehrhart_polynomial=False, multivariate_generating_function=False,
-     # Check that LattE is present
-     Latte().require()
--    args = ['count']
-+    args = ['latte-count']
-     if ehrhart_polynomial and multivariate_generating_function:
-         raise ValueError
-     if ehrhart_polynomial:
-diff --git a/src/sage/features/latte.py b/src/sage/features/latte.py
-index 63d227fd35..040a5cf1f9 100644
---- a/src/sage/features/latte.py
-+++ b/src/sage/features/latte.py
-@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ from . import Executable, Feature, FeatureTestResult
- class Latte_count(Executable):
-     r"""
--    Feature for the executable ``count`` from the LattE suite.
-+    Feature for the executable ``latte-count`` from the LattE suite.
-     """
-     def __init__(self):
--        Executable.__init__(self, "count", executable="count", spkg="latte_int", url="https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~latte/software.php")
-+        Executable.__init__(self, "latte-count", executable="latte-count", spkg="latte_int", url="https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~latte/software.php")
- class Latte_integrate(Executable):
-     r"""

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/latte-count.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/latte-count.patch)
--- latte-count.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ latte-count.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+diff --git a/src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/base_ZZ.py b/src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/base_ZZ.py
+index 268af9db0d..70d41dfa30 100644
+--- a/src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/base_ZZ.py
++++ b/src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/base_ZZ.py
+@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class Polyhedron_ZZ(Polyhedron_base):
+             sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(maxdet=5, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
+             This is LattE integrale ...
+             ...
+-            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--maxdet=5' /dev/stdin
++            Invocation: latte-count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--maxdet=5' /dev/stdin
+             ...
+             sage: p    # optional - latte_int
+             1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class Polyhedron_ZZ(Polyhedron_base):
+             sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(dual=True, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
+             This is LattE integrale ...
+             ...
+-            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --dual /dev/stdin
++            Invocation: latte-count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --dual /dev/stdin
+             ...
+             sage: p   # optional - latte_int
+             1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1
+@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class Polyhedron_ZZ(Polyhedron_base):
+             sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(irrational_primal=True, verbose=True)   # optional - latte_int
+             This is LattE integrale ...
+             ...
+-            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-primal /dev/stdin
++            Invocation: latte-count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-primal /dev/stdin
+             ...
+             sage: p   # optional - latte_int
+             1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1
+@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class Polyhedron_ZZ(Polyhedron_base):
+             sage: p = P.ehrhart_polynomial(irrational_all_primal=True, verbose=True)  # optional - latte_int
+             This is LattE integrale ...
+             ...
+-            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-all-primal /dev/stdin
++            Invocation: latte-count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd --irrational-all-primal /dev/stdin
+             ...
+             sage: p   # optional - latte_int
+             1/2*t^2 + 3/2*t + 1
+@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class Polyhedron_ZZ(Polyhedron_base):
+             ...
+             RuntimeError: LattE integrale program failed (exit code 1):
+             ...
+-            Invocation: count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--bim-bam-boum=19' /dev/stdin
++            Invocation: latte-count --ehrhart-polynomial '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd '--bim-bam-boum=19' /dev/stdin
+             Unknown command/option --bim-bam-boum=19
+         """
+         if self.is_empty():
+diff --git a/src/sage/interfaces/latte.py b/src/sage/interfaces/latte.py
+index 066cedd401..302b39910d 100644
+--- a/src/sage/interfaces/latte.py
++++ b/src/sage/interfaces/latte.py
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def count(arg, ehrhart_polynomial=False, multivariate_generating_function=False,
+         sage: n = count(cddin, cdd=True, verbose=True, raw_output=True)  # optional - latte_int
+         This is LattE integrale ...
+         ...
+-        Invocation: count '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd /dev/stdin
++        Invocation: latte-count '--redundancy-check=none' --cdd /dev/stdin
+         ...
+         Total Unimodular Cones: ...
+         Maximum number of simplicial cones in memory at once: ...
+@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def count(arg, ehrhart_polynomial=False, multivariate_generating_function=False,
+     # Check that LattE is present
+     Latte().require()
+-    args = ['count']
++    args = ['latte-count']
+     if ehrhart_polynomial and multivariate_generating_function:
+         raise ValueError
+     if ehrhart_polynomial:
+diff --git a/src/sage/features/latte.py b/src/sage/features/latte.py
+index 63d227fd35..040a5cf1f9 100644
+--- a/src/sage/features/latte.py
++++ b/src/sage/features/latte.py
+@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ from . import Executable, Feature, FeatureTestResult
+ class Latte_count(Executable):
+     r"""
+-    Feature for the executable ``count`` from the LattE suite.
++    Feature for the executable ``latte-count`` from the LattE suite.
+     """
+     def __init__(self):
+-        Executable.__init__(self, "count", executable="count", spkg="latte_int", url="https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~latte/software.php")
++        Executable.__init__(self, "latte-count", executable="latte-count", spkg="latte_int", url="https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~latte/software.php")
+ class Latte_integrate(Executable):
+     r"""

Deleted: package.patch
--- package.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ package.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
---- src/sage/misc/package.py.orig	2014-11-23 15:58:13.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/sage/misc/package.py	2015-01-22 20:32:25.651383902 +0100
-@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
-         Use the framework provided by :mod:`sage.features` to check
-         whether a library is installed and functional.
-     """
--    return any(p.split('-')[0] == package for p in installed_packages(exclude_pip))
-+    return True
- def package_versions(package_type, local=False):
---- src/sage_setup/optional_extension.py.orig  2016-10-19 18:35:10.092577510 +0000
-+++ src/sage_setup/optional_extension.py       2016-10-19 18:38:13.514765366 +0000
-@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
- from distutils.extension import Extension
- from sage.misc.package import list_packages
--all_packages = list_packages(local=True)
- class CythonizeExtension(Extension):
-     """
-@@ -76,15 +74,7 @@
-         condition = kwds.pop("condition")
-     except KeyError:
-         pkg = kwds.pop("package")
--        from sage.misc.package import is_package_installed
--        try:
--            pkginfo = all_packages[pkg]
--        except KeyError:
--            # Might be an installed old-style package
--            condition = is_package_installed(pkg)
--        else:
--            condition = (pkginfo["installed_version"] == pkginfo["remote_version"])
-+        condition = True
-     if condition:
-         return Extension(*args, **kwds)
-     else:

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/package.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/package.patch)
--- package.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ package.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+--- src/sage/misc/package.py.orig	2014-11-23 15:58:13.000000000 +0100
++++ src/sage/misc/package.py	2015-01-22 20:32:25.651383902 +0100
+@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
+         Use the framework provided by :mod:`sage.features` to check
+         whether a library is installed and functional.
+     """
+-    return any(p.split('-')[0] == package for p in installed_packages(exclude_pip))
++    return True
+ def package_versions(package_type, local=False):
+--- src/sage_setup/optional_extension.py.orig  2016-10-19 18:35:10.092577510 +0000
++++ src/sage_setup/optional_extension.py       2016-10-19 18:38:13.514765366 +0000
+@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
+ from distutils.extension import Extension
+ from sage.misc.package import list_packages
+-all_packages = list_packages(local=True)
+ class CythonizeExtension(Extension):
+     """
+@@ -76,15 +74,7 @@
+         condition = kwds.pop("condition")
+     except KeyError:
+         pkg = kwds.pop("package")
+-        from sage.misc.package import is_package_installed
+-        try:
+-            pkginfo = all_packages[pkg]
+-        except KeyError:
+-            # Might be an installed old-style package
+-            condition = is_package_installed(pkg)
+-        else:
+-            condition = (pkginfo["installed_version"] == pkginfo["remote_version"])
++        condition = True
+     if condition:
+         return Extension(*args, **kwds)
+     else:

Deleted: sagemath-cremona.patch
--- sagemath-cremona.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ sagemath-cremona.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/sage/databases/cremona.py b/src/sage/databases/cremona.py
-index 3f8dd62..ed5726a 100644
---- a/src/sage/databases/cremona.py
-+++ b/src/sage/databases/cremona.py
-@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ from sage.misc.prandom import randint
- import sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.constructor as elliptic
- from .sql_db import SQLDatabase, verify_column
--from sage.misc.package import is_package_installed
-+from sage.features.databases import DatabaseCremona
- from sage.misc.all import walltime
-@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ class MiniCremonaDatabase(SQLDatabase):
-             if N < self.largest_conductor():
-                 message = "There is no elliptic curve with label " + label \
-                     + " in the database"
--            elif is_package_installed('database_cremona_ellcurve'):
-+            elif DatabaseCremona().is_present():
-                 message = "There is no elliptic curve with label " + label \
-                     + " in the currently available databases"
-             else:
-@@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ def CremonaDatabase(name=None,mini=None,set_global=None):
-     if name is None and not set_global:
-         return _db
-     if set_global and name is None:
--        if is_package_installed('database_cremona_ellcurve'):
-+        if DatabaseCremona().is_present():
-             name = 'cremona'
-         else:
-             name = 'cremona mini'

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/sagemath-cremona.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-cremona.patch)
--- sagemath-cremona.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ sagemath-cremona.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+diff --git a/src/sage/databases/cremona.py b/src/sage/databases/cremona.py
+index 3f8dd62..ed5726a 100644
+--- a/src/sage/databases/cremona.py
++++ b/src/sage/databases/cremona.py
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ from sage.misc.prandom import randint
+ import sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.constructor as elliptic
+ from .sql_db import SQLDatabase, verify_column
+-from sage.misc.package import is_package_installed
++from sage.features.databases import DatabaseCremona
+ from sage.misc.all import walltime
+@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ class MiniCremonaDatabase(SQLDatabase):
+             if N < self.largest_conductor():
+                 message = "There is no elliptic curve with label " + label \
+                     + " in the database"
+-            elif is_package_installed('database_cremona_ellcurve'):
++            elif DatabaseCremona().is_present():
+                 message = "There is no elliptic curve with label " + label \
+                     + " in the currently available databases"
+             else:
+@@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ def CremonaDatabase(name=None,mini=None,set_global=None):
+     if name is None and not set_global:
+         return _db
+     if set_global and name is None:
+-        if is_package_installed('database_cremona_ellcurve'):
++        if DatabaseCremona().is_present():
+             name = 'cremona'
+         else:
+             name = 'cremona mini'

Deleted: sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch
--- sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx b/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx
-index e408866..fa24ac0 100644
---- a/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
- #adapted to work with pure Python types.
- from libc.stdlib cimport abort
--from libc.signal cimport SIGINT, SIGBUS, SIGSEGV, SIGCHLD
-+from libc.signal cimport SIGINT, SIGBUS, SIGSEGV, SIGCHLD, SIGFPE
- from libc.signal cimport raise_ as signal_raise
- from posix.signal cimport sigaction, sigaction_t
- cimport cysignals.signals
-@@ -48,9 +48,14 @@ cdef extern from "eclsig.h":
-     void ecl_sig_off()
-     cdef sigaction_t ecl_sigint_handler
-     cdef sigaction_t ecl_sigbus_handler
-+    cdef sigaction_t ecl_sigfpe_handler
-     cdef sigaction_t ecl_sigsegv_handler
-     cdef mpz_t ecl_mpz_from_bignum(cl_object obj)
-     cdef cl_object ecl_bignum_from_mpz(mpz_t num)
-+    cdef int fegetexcept()
-+    cdef int feenableexcept(int)
-+    cdef int fedisableexcept(int)
-+    cdef int ecl_feflags
- cdef cl_object string_to_object(char * s):
-     return ecl_read_from_cstring(s)
-@@ -239,6 +244,7 @@ def init_ecl():
-     global ecl_has_booted
-     cdef char *argv[1]
-     cdef sigaction_t sage_action[32]
-+    cdef int sage_fpes
-     cdef int i
-     if ecl_has_booted:
-@@ -258,6 +264,8 @@ def init_ecl():
-     for i in range(1,32):
-         sigaction(i, NULL, &sage_action[i])
-+    sage_fpes = fegetexcept()
-     #initialize ECL
-     ecl_set_option(ECL_OPT_SIGNAL_HANDLING_THREAD, 0)
-     cl_boot(1, argv)
-@@ -265,8 +273,12 @@ def init_ecl():
-     #save signal handler from ECL
-     sigaction(SIGINT, NULL, &ecl_sigint_handler)
-     sigaction(SIGBUS, NULL, &ecl_sigbus_handler)
-+    sigaction(SIGFPE, NULL, &ecl_sigfpe_handler)
-     sigaction(SIGSEGV, NULL, &ecl_sigsegv_handler)
-+    #save ECL's floating point exception flags
-+    ecl_feflags = fegetexcept()
-     #verify that no SIGCHLD handler was installed
-     cdef sigaction_t sig_test
-     sigaction(SIGCHLD, NULL, &sig_test)
-@@ -277,6 +289,9 @@ def init_ecl():
-     for i in range(1,32):
-         sigaction(i, &sage_action[i], NULL)
-+    fedisableexcept(ecl_feflags)
-+    feenableexcept(sage_fpes)
-     #initialise list of objects and bind to global variable
-     # *SAGE-LIST-OF-OBJECTS* to make it rooted in the reachable tree for the GC
-     list_of_objects=cl_cons(Cnil,cl_cons(Cnil,Cnil))
-@@ -320,7 +335,6 @@ def init_ecl():
-                     (values nil (princ-to-string cnd)))))
-         """))
-     safe_funcall_clobj=cl_eval(string_to_object(b"(symbol-function 'sage-safe-funcall)"))
-     ecl_has_booted = 1
- cdef cl_object ecl_safe_eval(cl_object form) except NULL:
-diff --git a/src/sage/libs/eclsig.h b/src/sage/libs/eclsig.h
-index f9f2690..a7e1f40 100644
---- a/src/sage/libs/eclsig.h
-+++ b/src/sage/libs/eclsig.h
-@@ -9,24 +9,66 @@
- #include <signal.h>
-+/* Rummage around to determine how ECL was configured */
-+#define ECL_AVOID_FPE_H  /* Prevent some local includes */
-+#include <ecl/config-internal.h>
-+#ifdef HAVE_FENV_H
-+#include <fenv.h>
-+#ifndef FE_ALL_EXCEPT
-+#ifndef FE_ALL_EXCEPT
-+#define FE_ALL_EXCEPT 0
-+#define feclearexcept(flags) do {} while (0)
-+/* These are GNU extensions */
-+#define fegetexcept() 0
-+#define feenablexcept(flags) do {} while (0)
-+#define fdisableexcept(flags) do {} while (0)
- static struct sigaction ecl_sigint_handler;
- static struct sigaction ecl_sigbus_handler;
-+static struct sigaction ecl_sigfpe_handler;
- static struct sigaction ecl_sigsegv_handler;
- static struct sigaction sage_sigint_handler;
- static struct sigaction sage_sigbus_handler;
-+static struct sigaction sage_sigfpe_handler;
- static struct sigaction sage_sigsegv_handler;
-+static int ecl_feflags;
-+static int sage_feflags;
- static inline void set_ecl_signal_handler(void)
- {
-     sigaction(SIGINT, &ecl_sigint_handler, &sage_sigint_handler);
-     sigaction(SIGBUS, &ecl_sigbus_handler, &sage_sigbus_handler);
-+    sigaction(SIGFPE, &ecl_sigfpe_handler, &sage_sigfpe_handler);
-     sigaction(SIGSEGV, &ecl_sigsegv_handler, &sage_sigsegv_handler);
-+    /* first clear pending floating point exceptions, if any */
-+    feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
-+    /* sage_feflags should be 0; we don't set them otherwise */
-+    sage_feflags = fedisableexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
-+    feenableexcept(ecl_feflags);
- }
- static inline void unset_ecl_signal_handler(void)
- {
-+    /* clear pending exceptions and restore previous exception mask */
-+    feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
-+    ecl_feflags = fedisableexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
-+    feenableexcept(sage_feflags);
-     sigaction(SIGINT, &sage_sigint_handler, NULL);
-     sigaction(SIGBUS, &sage_sigbus_handler, NULL);
-+    sigaction(SIGFPE, &sage_sigfpe_handler, NULL);
-     sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sage_sigsegv_handler, NULL);
- }

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch)
--- sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ sagemath-ecl-sigfpe.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+diff --git a/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx b/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx
+index e408866..fa24ac0 100644
+--- a/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/libs/ecl.pyx
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
+ #adapted to work with pure Python types.
+ from libc.stdlib cimport abort
+-from libc.signal cimport SIGINT, SIGBUS, SIGSEGV, SIGCHLD
++from libc.signal cimport SIGINT, SIGBUS, SIGSEGV, SIGCHLD, SIGFPE
+ from libc.signal cimport raise_ as signal_raise
+ from posix.signal cimport sigaction, sigaction_t
+ cimport cysignals.signals
+@@ -48,9 +48,14 @@ cdef extern from "eclsig.h":
+     void ecl_sig_off()
+     cdef sigaction_t ecl_sigint_handler
+     cdef sigaction_t ecl_sigbus_handler
++    cdef sigaction_t ecl_sigfpe_handler
+     cdef sigaction_t ecl_sigsegv_handler
+     cdef mpz_t ecl_mpz_from_bignum(cl_object obj)
+     cdef cl_object ecl_bignum_from_mpz(mpz_t num)
++    cdef int fegetexcept()
++    cdef int feenableexcept(int)
++    cdef int fedisableexcept(int)
++    cdef int ecl_feflags
+ cdef cl_object string_to_object(char * s):
+     return ecl_read_from_cstring(s)
+@@ -239,6 +244,7 @@ def init_ecl():
+     global ecl_has_booted
+     cdef char *argv[1]
+     cdef sigaction_t sage_action[32]
++    cdef int sage_fpes
+     cdef int i
+     if ecl_has_booted:
+@@ -258,6 +264,8 @@ def init_ecl():
+     for i in range(1,32):
+         sigaction(i, NULL, &sage_action[i])
++    sage_fpes = fegetexcept()
+     #initialize ECL
+     ecl_set_option(ECL_OPT_SIGNAL_HANDLING_THREAD, 0)
+     cl_boot(1, argv)
+@@ -265,8 +273,12 @@ def init_ecl():
+     #save signal handler from ECL
+     sigaction(SIGINT, NULL, &ecl_sigint_handler)
+     sigaction(SIGBUS, NULL, &ecl_sigbus_handler)
++    sigaction(SIGFPE, NULL, &ecl_sigfpe_handler)
+     sigaction(SIGSEGV, NULL, &ecl_sigsegv_handler)
++    #save ECL's floating point exception flags
++    ecl_feflags = fegetexcept()
+     #verify that no SIGCHLD handler was installed
+     cdef sigaction_t sig_test
+     sigaction(SIGCHLD, NULL, &sig_test)
+@@ -277,6 +289,9 @@ def init_ecl():
+     for i in range(1,32):
+         sigaction(i, &sage_action[i], NULL)
++    fedisableexcept(ecl_feflags)
++    feenableexcept(sage_fpes)
+     #initialise list of objects and bind to global variable
+     # *SAGE-LIST-OF-OBJECTS* to make it rooted in the reachable tree for the GC
+     list_of_objects=cl_cons(Cnil,cl_cons(Cnil,Cnil))
+@@ -320,7 +335,6 @@ def init_ecl():
+                     (values nil (princ-to-string cnd)))))
+         """))
+     safe_funcall_clobj=cl_eval(string_to_object(b"(symbol-function 'sage-safe-funcall)"))
+     ecl_has_booted = 1
+ cdef cl_object ecl_safe_eval(cl_object form) except NULL:
+diff --git a/src/sage/libs/eclsig.h b/src/sage/libs/eclsig.h
+index f9f2690..a7e1f40 100644
+--- a/src/sage/libs/eclsig.h
++++ b/src/sage/libs/eclsig.h
+@@ -9,24 +9,66 @@
+ #include <signal.h>
++/* Rummage around to determine how ECL was configured */
++#define ECL_AVOID_FPE_H  /* Prevent some local includes */
++#include <ecl/config-internal.h>
++#ifdef HAVE_FENV_H
++#include <fenv.h>
++#ifndef FE_ALL_EXCEPT
++#ifndef FE_ALL_EXCEPT
++#define FE_ALL_EXCEPT 0
++#define feclearexcept(flags) do {} while (0)
++/* These are GNU extensions */
++#define fegetexcept() 0
++#define feenablexcept(flags) do {} while (0)
++#define fdisableexcept(flags) do {} while (0)
+ static struct sigaction ecl_sigint_handler;
+ static struct sigaction ecl_sigbus_handler;
++static struct sigaction ecl_sigfpe_handler;
+ static struct sigaction ecl_sigsegv_handler;
+ static struct sigaction sage_sigint_handler;
+ static struct sigaction sage_sigbus_handler;
++static struct sigaction sage_sigfpe_handler;
+ static struct sigaction sage_sigsegv_handler;
++static int ecl_feflags;
++static int sage_feflags;
+ static inline void set_ecl_signal_handler(void)
+ {
+     sigaction(SIGINT, &ecl_sigint_handler, &sage_sigint_handler);
+     sigaction(SIGBUS, &ecl_sigbus_handler, &sage_sigbus_handler);
++    sigaction(SIGFPE, &ecl_sigfpe_handler, &sage_sigfpe_handler);
+     sigaction(SIGSEGV, &ecl_sigsegv_handler, &sage_sigsegv_handler);
++    /* first clear pending floating point exceptions, if any */
++    feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
++    /* sage_feflags should be 0; we don't set them otherwise */
++    sage_feflags = fedisableexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
++    feenableexcept(ecl_feflags);
+ }
+ static inline void unset_ecl_signal_handler(void)
+ {
++    /* clear pending exceptions and restore previous exception mask */
++    feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
++    ecl_feflags = fedisableexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
++    feenableexcept(sage_feflags);
+     sigaction(SIGINT, &sage_sigint_handler, NULL);
+     sigaction(SIGBUS, &sage_sigbus_handler, NULL);
++    sigaction(SIGFPE, &sage_sigfpe_handler, NULL);
+     sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sage_sigsegv_handler, NULL);
+ }

Deleted: sagemath-env.patch
--- sagemath-env.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ sagemath-env.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
---- src/bin/sage-env.orig	2015-01-06 10:46:04.469687605 +0100
-+++ src/bin/sage-env	2015-01-06 10:49:59.547762019 +0100
-@@ -111,41 +111,6 @@
- }
--# New value for SAGE_ROOT: either SAGE_ROOT (if given)
--# or a guessed value based on pwd.
--if [ -n "$SAGE_ROOT" ]; then
--elif [ -f sage -a -d build ]; then
--    NEW_SAGE_ROOT="."
--elif [ -f ../../sage -a -d ../../build ]; then
--    NEW_SAGE_ROOT="../.."
--    # No idea what SAGE_ROOT should be...
--    echo >&2 "Error: You must set the SAGE_ROOT environment variable or run this"
--    echo >&2 "script from the SAGE_ROOT or SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/ directory."
--    return 1
--# Make NEW_SAGE_ROOT absolute
--NEW_SAGE_ROOT=`cd "$NEW_SAGE_ROOT" && pwd -P`
--# Sanity check NEW_SAGE_ROOT
--if [ -f "$NEW_SAGE_ROOT/sage" -a -d "$NEW_SAGE_ROOT/build" ]; then
--    :
--    echo >&2 "Error: SAGE_ROOT is set to a bad value:"
--    echo >&2 "SAGE_ROOT=$SAGE_ROOT"
--    echo >&2 "You must correct it or erase it and run this script from the SAGE_ROOT"
--    echo >&2 "or SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/ directory."
--    return 1
--# Warn if NEW_SAGE_ROOT does not equal the old SAGE_ROOT
--if [ "$SAGE_ROOT" != "$NEW_SAGE_ROOT" -a -n "$SAGE_ROOT" ]; then
--    echo >&2 "Warning: overwriting SAGE_ROOT environment variable:"
--    echo >&2 "Old SAGE_ROOT=$SAGE_ROOT"
--    echo >&2 "New SAGE_ROOT=$NEW_SAGE_ROOT"
- # Don't execute the commands more than once for the same version of
-@@ -174,33 +174,9 @@
-+export SAGE_LOCAL='/usr'
-+export SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR='/usr/bin'
--# sage-env must know where the Sage's script files are.
--# Note that SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR is only used here, so it does not need to
--# be exported.
--if [ -z "$SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR" ]; then
--    if [ -n "$SAGE_LOCAL" ] && [ -f "$SAGE_LOCAL/bin/sage-env-config" ]; then
--    elif [ -f "$SAGE_ROOT/src/bin/sage-env-config" ]; then
--        SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR="$SAGE_ROOT/src/bin"
--    else
--        echo >&2 "Error: You must set either the SAGE_LOCAL or SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR environment variable to run this"
--        return 1
--    fi
--elif [ ! -f "$SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR/sage-env-config" ]; then
--    echo >&2 "Error: SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR is set to a bad value:"
--    echo >&2 "You must correct it or erase it and rerun this script"
--    return 1
--# Set environment variables (like SAGE_LOCAL) depending on ./configure
--. "$SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR/sage-env-config"
--if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
--    echo >&2 "Error: failed to source $SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR/sage-env-config"
--    return 1
- # The compilers are set in order of priority by
- # 1) environment variables
-@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@
- export SAGE_SPKG_INST="$SAGE_LOCAL/var/lib/sage/installed"
- export SAGE_SPKG_SCRIPTS="$SAGE_LOCAL/var/lib/sage/scripts"
- export SAGE_LOGS="$SAGE_ROOT/logs/pkgs"
--export SAGE_SRC="$SAGE_ROOT/src"
--export SAGE_DOC_SRC="$SAGE_SRC/doc"
-+export SAGE_SRC="$SAGE_LOCAL/lib/python2.7/site-packages"
-+export SAGE_DOC_SRC="$SAGE_SHARE/doc/sage"
- export SAGE_DOC="$SAGE_SHARE/doc/sage"
- if [ -z "${SAGE_ORIG_PATH_SET}" ]; then
-@@ -409,28 +409,8 @@
-     export SAGE_STARTUP_FILE
- fi
-+export LIBMTX="$DOT_SAGE/meataxe"
-+[[ -d $LIBMTX ]] || mkdir -p $LIBMTX # Create meataxe data dir
--if [ "$PYTHON_EGG_CACHE" = "" ]; then
--    PYTHON_EGG_CACHE="$DOT_SAGE/.python-eggs"
--    export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE
--# Set PYTHONUSERBASE to avoid picking up non-Sage versions of
--# Matplotlib, numpy, etc. See http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/19612.
--# For more history (it used to be PYTHONNOUSERSITE=yes which killed
--# the ability to do "sage -pip install PACKAGE --user"), see
--# http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14243 and
--# http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/18955.
--if [ "$PYTHONUSERBASE" = "" ]; then
--if [ -n "$PYTHONHOME" ]; then
--    >&2 echo "Warning: PYTHONHOME must not be set when running Sage, clearing env..."
--    unset PYTHONHOME
- export LDFLAGS
-@@ -495,8 +495,6 @@
-     fi
- fi
--export MAXIMA_USERDIR="$DOT_SAGE/maxima"
- PERL5LIB="$SAGE_LOCAL/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB" && export PERL5LIB
-@@ -607,9 +607,6 @@
- fi
--# See trac 7186 -- this is needed if ecl is moved
--ECLDIR="$SAGE_LOCAL/lib/ecl/" && export ECLDIR
- # Handle parallel building/testing/...
- # See Trac Ticket #12016
- # First, figure out the right values for SAGE_NUM_THREADS (default

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/sagemath-env.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-env.patch)
--- sagemath-env.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ sagemath-env.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+--- src/bin/sage-env.orig	2015-01-06 10:46:04.469687605 +0100
++++ src/bin/sage-env	2015-01-06 10:49:59.547762019 +0100
+@@ -111,41 +111,6 @@
+ }
+-# New value for SAGE_ROOT: either SAGE_ROOT (if given)
+-# or a guessed value based on pwd.
+-if [ -n "$SAGE_ROOT" ]; then
+-elif [ -f sage -a -d build ]; then
+-    NEW_SAGE_ROOT="."
+-elif [ -f ../../sage -a -d ../../build ]; then
+-    NEW_SAGE_ROOT="../.."
+-    # No idea what SAGE_ROOT should be...
+-    echo >&2 "Error: You must set the SAGE_ROOT environment variable or run this"
+-    echo >&2 "script from the SAGE_ROOT or SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/ directory."
+-    return 1
+-# Make NEW_SAGE_ROOT absolute
+-NEW_SAGE_ROOT=`cd "$NEW_SAGE_ROOT" && pwd -P`
+-# Sanity check NEW_SAGE_ROOT
+-if [ -f "$NEW_SAGE_ROOT/sage" -a -d "$NEW_SAGE_ROOT/build" ]; then
+-    :
+-    echo >&2 "Error: SAGE_ROOT is set to a bad value:"
+-    echo >&2 "SAGE_ROOT=$SAGE_ROOT"
+-    echo >&2 "You must correct it or erase it and run this script from the SAGE_ROOT"
+-    echo >&2 "or SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/ directory."
+-    return 1
+-# Warn if NEW_SAGE_ROOT does not equal the old SAGE_ROOT
+-if [ "$SAGE_ROOT" != "$NEW_SAGE_ROOT" -a -n "$SAGE_ROOT" ]; then
+-    echo >&2 "Warning: overwriting SAGE_ROOT environment variable:"
+-    echo >&2 "Old SAGE_ROOT=$SAGE_ROOT"
+-    echo >&2 "New SAGE_ROOT=$NEW_SAGE_ROOT"
+ # Don't execute the commands more than once for the same version of
+@@ -174,33 +174,9 @@
++export SAGE_LOCAL='/usr'
++export SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR='/usr/bin'
+-# sage-env must know where the Sage's script files are.
+-# Note that SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR is only used here, so it does not need to
+-# be exported.
+-if [ -z "$SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR" ]; then
+-    if [ -n "$SAGE_LOCAL" ] && [ -f "$SAGE_LOCAL/bin/sage-env-config" ]; then
+-    elif [ -f "$SAGE_ROOT/src/bin/sage-env-config" ]; then
+-        SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR="$SAGE_ROOT/src/bin"
+-    else
+-        echo >&2 "Error: You must set either the SAGE_LOCAL or SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR environment variable to run this"
+-        return 1
+-    fi
+-elif [ ! -f "$SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR/sage-env-config" ]; then
+-    echo >&2 "Error: SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR is set to a bad value:"
+-    echo >&2 "You must correct it or erase it and rerun this script"
+-    return 1
+-# Set environment variables (like SAGE_LOCAL) depending on ./configure
+-. "$SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR/sage-env-config"
+-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+-    echo >&2 "Error: failed to source $SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR/sage-env-config"
+-    return 1
+ # The compilers are set in order of priority by
+ # 1) environment variables
+@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@
+ export SAGE_SPKG_INST="$SAGE_LOCAL/var/lib/sage/installed"
+ export SAGE_SPKG_SCRIPTS="$SAGE_LOCAL/var/lib/sage/scripts"
+ export SAGE_LOGS="$SAGE_ROOT/logs/pkgs"
+-export SAGE_SRC="$SAGE_ROOT/src"
+-export SAGE_DOC_SRC="$SAGE_SRC/doc"
++export SAGE_SRC="$SAGE_LOCAL/lib/python2.7/site-packages"
++export SAGE_DOC_SRC="$SAGE_SHARE/doc/sage"
+ export SAGE_DOC="$SAGE_SHARE/doc/sage"
+ if [ -z "${SAGE_ORIG_PATH_SET}" ]; then
+@@ -409,28 +409,8 @@
+     export SAGE_STARTUP_FILE
+ fi
++export LIBMTX="$DOT_SAGE/meataxe"
++[[ -d $LIBMTX ]] || mkdir -p $LIBMTX # Create meataxe data dir
+-if [ "$PYTHON_EGG_CACHE" = "" ]; then
+-    PYTHON_EGG_CACHE="$DOT_SAGE/.python-eggs"
+-    export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE
+-# Set PYTHONUSERBASE to avoid picking up non-Sage versions of
+-# Matplotlib, numpy, etc. See http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/19612.
+-# For more history (it used to be PYTHONNOUSERSITE=yes which killed
+-# the ability to do "sage -pip install PACKAGE --user"), see
+-# http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14243 and
+-# http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/18955.
+-if [ "$PYTHONUSERBASE" = "" ]; then
+-if [ -n "$PYTHONHOME" ]; then
+-    >&2 echo "Warning: PYTHONHOME must not be set when running Sage, clearing env..."
+-    unset PYTHONHOME
+ export LDFLAGS
+@@ -495,8 +495,6 @@
+     fi
+ fi
+-export MAXIMA_USERDIR="$DOT_SAGE/maxima"
+ PERL5LIB="$SAGE_LOCAL/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB" && export PERL5LIB
+@@ -607,9 +607,6 @@
+ fi
+-# See trac 7186 -- this is needed if ecl is moved
+-ECLDIR="$SAGE_LOCAL/lib/ecl/" && export ECLDIR
+ # Handle parallel building/testing/...
+ # See Trac Ticket #12016
+ # First, figure out the right values for SAGE_NUM_THREADS (default

Deleted: sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch
--- sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/sage/interfaces/tests.py b/src/sage/interfaces/tests.py
-index 6bcbfef..fc77f12 100644
---- a/src/sage/interfaces/tests.py
-+++ b/src/sage/interfaces/tests.py
-@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Test that write errors to stderr are handled gracefully by GAP
-     sage: kwds = dict(shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=f)
-     sage: subprocess.call("echo syntax error | ecl", **kwds)
-     0
--    sage: subprocess.call("echo syntax error | gap", **kwds)
--    0
-+    sage: subprocess.call("echo syntax error | gap", **kwds) in (0, 1)
-+    True
-     sage: subprocess.call("echo syntax error | gp", **kwds)
-     0
-     sage: subprocess.call("echo syntax error | ipython", **kwds) in (0, 1, 120)
-diff --git a/src/sage/libs/gap/gap_includes.pxd b/src/sage/libs/gap/gap_includes.pxd
-index 864a13b..f624ccd 100644
---- a/src/sage/libs/gap/gap_includes.pxd
-+++ b/src/sage/libs/gap/gap_includes.pxd
-@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
- ###############################################################################
--cdef extern from "<gap/system.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/system.h" nogil:
-     ctypedef char Char
-     ctypedef int Int
-     ctypedef unsigned int UInt
-     ctypedef void* Obj
--cdef extern from "<gap/ariths.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/ariths.h" nogil:
-     Obj SUM(Obj, Obj)
-     Obj DIFF(Obj, Obj)
-     Obj PROD(Obj, Obj)
-@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/ariths.h>":
-     bint LT(Obj opL, Obj opR)
--cdef extern from "<gap/bool.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/bool.h" nogil:
-     cdef Obj GAP_True "True"
-     cdef Obj GAP_False "False"
--cdef extern from "<gap/calls.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/calls.h" nogil:
-     bint IS_FUNC(Obj)
-     Obj CALL_0ARGS(Obj f)              # 0 arguments
-     Obj CALL_1ARGS(Obj f, Obj a1)      # 1 argument
-@@ -45,49 +45,47 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/calls.h>":
-     Obj CALL_XARGS(Obj f, Obj args)   # more than 6 arguments
--cdef extern from "<gap/gasman.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/gasman.h" nogil:
-     Obj NewBag "NewBag"(UInt type, UInt size)
-     void MarkBag(Obj bag)
-     UInt CollectBags(UInt size, UInt full)
--cdef extern from "<gap/gasman_intern.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/gasman_intern.h" nogil:
-     void CallbackForAllBags(void (*func)(Obj))
--cdef extern from "<gap/gvars.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/gvars.h" nogil:
-     UInt GVarName "GVarName"(char* name)
-     void AssGVar "AssGVar"(UInt gvar, Obj val)
--cdef extern from "<gap/integer.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/integer.h" nogil:
-     Int IS_INT(Obj)
--cdef extern from "<gap/intobj.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/intobj.h" nogil:
-     bint IS_INTOBJ(Obj obj)
-     Obj INTOBJ_INT(Int)
-     Int INT_INTOBJ(Obj)
--cdef extern from "<gap/io.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/io.h" nogil:
-     UInt OpenOutputStream(Obj stream)
-     UInt CloseOutput()
--cdef extern from "<gap/libgap-api.h>":
--    ctypedef void (*CallbackFunc)()
--    void GAP_Initialize(int argc, char ** argv, char ** env,
--        CallbackFunc, CallbackFunc)
--    Obj GAP_EvalString(const char *) except *
--    Obj GAP_EvalStringNoExcept "GAP_EvalString"(const char *)
--    Obj GAP_ValueGlobalVariable(const char *)
--cdef extern from "<gap/libgap-api.h>" nogil:
-+cdef extern from "gap/libgap-api.h" nogil:
-     """
-     #define sig_GAP_Enter()  {int t = GAP_Enter(); if (!t) sig_error();}
-     """
-+    ctypedef void (*GAP_CallbackFunc)()
-+    void GAP_Initialize(int argc, char ** argv,
-+            GAP_CallbackFunc markBagsCallback, GAP_CallbackFunc errorCallback,
-+            int handleSignals)
-+    Obj GAP_EvalString(const char *) except *
-+    Obj GAP_EvalStringNoExcept "GAP_EvalString"(const char *)
-+    Obj GAP_ValueGlobalVariable(const char *)
-     cdef void GAP_EnterStack()
-     cdef void GAP_LeaveStack()
-     cdef int GAP_Enter() except 0
-@@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/libgap-api.h>" nogil:
-     cdef int GAP_Error_Setjmp() except 0
--cdef extern from "<gap/lists.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/lists.h" nogil:
-     bint IS_LIST(Obj lst)
-     int LEN_LIST(Obj lst)
-     Obj ELM_LIST(Obj lst, int pos)
-@@ -104,15 +102,15 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/lists.h>":
-     void ASS_LIST(Obj lst, int pos, Obj elt)
--cdef extern from "<gap/listfunc.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/listfunc.h" nogil:
-     void AddList(Obj list, Obj obj)
--cdef extern from "<gap/macfloat.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/macfloat.h" nogil:
-     double VAL_MACFLOAT(Obj obj)
--cdef extern from "<gap/objects.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/objects.h" nogil:
-     bint IS_MUTABLE_OBJ(Obj obj)
-     Obj SHALLOW_COPY_OBJ(Obj obj)
-     Obj CopyObj(Obj obj, int mut)
-@@ -121,28 +119,34 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/objects.h>":
-     UInt TNUM_OBJ(Obj obj)
-     char* TNAM_OBJ(Obj obj)
--    cdef int T_INTPOS
--    cdef int T_INTNEG
--    cdef int T_RAT
--    cdef int T_CYC
--    cdef int T_FFE
--    cdef int T_PERM2
--    cdef int T_PERM4
--    cdef int T_BOOL
--    cdef int T_CHAR
--    cdef int T_FUNCTION
--    cdef int T_MACFLOAT
--    cdef int T_PLIST
--    cdef int T_PLIST_CYC
--    cdef int T_BLIST
--    cdef int T_STRING
--    cdef int T_COMOBJ
--    cdef int T_POSOBJ
--    cdef int T_DATOBJ
--    cdef int T_WPOBJ
--cdef extern from "<gap/precord.h>":
-+    cdef enum TNUM:
-+        T_INT
-+        T_INTPOS
-+        T_INTNEG
-+        T_RAT
-+        T_CYC
-+        T_FFE
-+        T_MACFLOAT
-+        T_PERM2
-+        T_PERM4
-+        T_TRANS2
-+        T_TRANS4
-+        T_PPERM2
-+        T_PPERM4
-+        T_BOOL
-+        T_CHAR
-+        T_FUNCTION
-+        T_PLIST
-+        T_PLIST_CYC
-+        T_BLIST
-+        T_STRING
-+        T_COMOBJ
-+        T_POSOBJ
-+        T_DATOBJ
-+        T_WPOBJ
-+cdef extern from "gap/precord.h" nogil:
-     Obj NEW_PREC(int len)
-     int LEN_PREC(Obj rec)
-     int GET_RNAM_PREC(Obj rec, int i)
-@@ -150,14 +154,14 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/precord.h>":
-     void AssPRec(Obj rec, UInt rnam, Obj val)
--cdef extern from "<gap/records.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/records.h" nogil:
-     char* NAME_RNAM(UInt rnam)
-     bint IS_REC(Obj obj)
-     Obj ELM_REC(Obj rec, UInt rnam)
-     UInt RNamName(Char* name)
--cdef extern from "<gap/stringobj.h>":
-+cdef extern from "gap/stringobj.h" nogil:
-     char* CSTR_STRING(Obj list)
-     bint IS_STRING(Obj obj)
-     bint IsStringConv(Obj obj)
-diff --git a/src/sage/libs/gap/libgap.pyx b/src/sage/libs/gap/libgap.pyx
-index e78b88a..e66be59 100644
---- a/src/sage/libs/gap/libgap.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/libs/gap/libgap.pyx
-@@ -232,15 +232,6 @@ from sage.misc.superseded import deprecated_function_alias, deprecation
- ### Debugging ##############################################################
- ############################################################################
--cdef void report(Obj bag):
--    print(TNAM_OBJ(bag),  <int>SIZE_OBJ(bag))
--cdef void print_gasman_objects():
--    CallbackForAllBags(report)
- from sage.misc.lazy_import import is_during_startup
- if is_during_startup():
-     import sys, traceback
-diff --git a/src/sage/libs/gap/util.pyx b/src/sage/libs/gap/util.pyx
-index 7f6a924..27609f8 100644
---- a/src/sage/libs/gap/util.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/libs/gap/util.pyx
-@@ -14,19 +14,16 @@ Utility functions for GAP
- from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
--import os
--import signal
--import warnings
-+from libc.signal cimport signal, SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL
- from posix.dlfcn cimport dlopen, dlclose, RTLD_NOW, RTLD_GLOBAL
--from libc.string cimport strcpy, strlen
- from cpython.exc cimport PyErr_Fetch, PyErr_Restore
- from cpython.object cimport Py_LT, Py_LE, Py_EQ, Py_NE, Py_GT, Py_GE
- from cpython.ref cimport PyObject, Py_XINCREF, Py_XDECREF
--from cysignals.memory cimport sig_malloc
--from cysignals.pysignals import containsignals
--from cysignals.signals cimport sig_on, sig_off, sig_error
-+from cysignals.signals cimport sig_on, sig_off
-+import os
-+import warnings
- import sage.env
- from .gap_includes cimport *
-@@ -105,7 +102,7 @@ cdef class ObjWrapper(object):
-             sage: hash(x)
-             0
-         """
--        return <int>(self.value)
-+        return <Py_hash_t>(self.value)
- cdef ObjWrapper wrap_obj(Obj obj):
-@@ -197,7 +194,6 @@ def gap_root():
- # To ensure that we call initialize_libgap only once.
- cdef bint _gap_is_initialized = False
--cdef extern char **environ
- cdef char* _reset_error_output_cmd = """\
-@@ -216,33 +212,6 @@ MakeImmutable(libgap_errout);
- """
--cdef char** copy_environ(char** env):
--    """
--    Make a copy of the environment block given by ``env``.
--    Returns a pointer to the copy, which is the caller's responsibility to
--    free.
--    """
--    cdef char** env_copy
--    cdef int envc = 0;
--    cdef int idx
--    cdef size_t size
--    while env[envc]:
--        envc += 1
--    env_copy = <char**>sig_malloc((envc + 1) * sizeof(char*))
--    for idx in range(envc):
--        size = strlen(env[idx]) + 1
--        env_copy[idx] = <char*>sig_malloc(size)
--        strcpy(env_copy[idx], env[idx])
--    env_copy[envc] = NULL
--    return env_copy
- cdef initialize():
-     """
-     Initialize the GAP library, if it hasn't already been
-@@ -253,7 +222,7 @@ cdef initialize():
-         sage: libgap(123)   # indirect doctest
-         123
-     """
--    global _gap_is_initialized, environ
-+    global _gap_is_initialized
-     if _gap_is_initialized: return
-     # Hack to ensure that all symbols provided by libgap are loaded into the
-     # global symbol table
-@@ -268,10 +237,9 @@ cdef initialize():
-                 "be loaded!")
-     dlclose(handle)
--    # Define argv and environ variables, which we will pass in to
-+    # Define argv variable, which we will pass in to
-     # initialize GAP. Note that we must pass define the memory pool
-     # size!
--    cdef char** env
-     cdef char* argv[18]
-     argv[0] = "sage"
-     argv[1] = "-l"
-@@ -318,21 +286,15 @@ cdef initialize():
-     argv[argc] = NULL
--    env = copy_environ(environ)
--    # Need to save/restore current SIGINT handling since GAP_Initialize
--    # currently clobbers it; it doesn't matter what we set SIGINT to
--    # temporarily.
--    with containsignals():
--        sig_on()
--        try:
--            # Initialize GAP and capture any error messages. The
--            # initialization just prints any errors and does not
--            # use the error handler.
--            GAP_Initialize(argc, argv, env, &gasman_callback,
--                           &error_handler)
--        finally:
--            sig_off()
-+    sig_on()
-+    # Initialize GAP but disable their SIGINT handler
-+    GAP_Initialize(argc, argv, gasman_callback, error_handler,
-+                   handleSignals=False)
-+    sig_off()
-+    # Disable GAP's SIGCHLD handler ChildStatusChanged(), which calls
-+    # waitpid() on random child processes.
-+    signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL)
-     # Set the ERROR_OUTPUT global in GAP to an output stream in which to
-     # receive error output
-diff --git a/src/sage/tests/books/judson-abstract-algebra/sylow-sage.py b/src/sage/tests/books/judson-abstract-algebra/sylow-sage.py
-index b3312b8..6d81f0a 100644
---- a/src/sage/tests/books/judson-abstract-algebra/sylow-sage.py
-+++ b/src/sage/tests/books/judson-abstract-algebra/sylow-sage.py
-@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ r"""
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::
--    sage: gap.version()
-+    sage: gap.version()  # random
-     '4.10.0'
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch)
--- sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ sagemath-gap-4.10.1.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+diff --git a/src/sage/interfaces/tests.py b/src/sage/interfaces/tests.py
+index 6bcbfef..fc77f12 100644
+--- a/src/sage/interfaces/tests.py
++++ b/src/sage/interfaces/tests.py
+@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Test that write errors to stderr are handled gracefully by GAP
+     sage: kwds = dict(shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=f)
+     sage: subprocess.call("echo syntax error | ecl", **kwds)
+     0
+-    sage: subprocess.call("echo syntax error | gap", **kwds)
+-    0
++    sage: subprocess.call("echo syntax error | gap", **kwds) in (0, 1)
++    True
+     sage: subprocess.call("echo syntax error | gp", **kwds)
+     0
+     sage: subprocess.call("echo syntax error | ipython", **kwds) in (0, 1, 120)
+diff --git a/src/sage/libs/gap/gap_includes.pxd b/src/sage/libs/gap/gap_includes.pxd
+index 864a13b..f624ccd 100644
+--- a/src/sage/libs/gap/gap_includes.pxd
++++ b/src/sage/libs/gap/gap_includes.pxd
+@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
+ ###############################################################################
+-cdef extern from "<gap/system.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/system.h" nogil:
+     ctypedef char Char
+     ctypedef int Int
+     ctypedef unsigned int UInt
+     ctypedef void* Obj
+-cdef extern from "<gap/ariths.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/ariths.h" nogil:
+     Obj SUM(Obj, Obj)
+     Obj DIFF(Obj, Obj)
+     Obj PROD(Obj, Obj)
+@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/ariths.h>":
+     bint LT(Obj opL, Obj opR)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/bool.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/bool.h" nogil:
+     cdef Obj GAP_True "True"
+     cdef Obj GAP_False "False"
+-cdef extern from "<gap/calls.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/calls.h" nogil:
+     bint IS_FUNC(Obj)
+     Obj CALL_0ARGS(Obj f)              # 0 arguments
+     Obj CALL_1ARGS(Obj f, Obj a1)      # 1 argument
+@@ -45,49 +45,47 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/calls.h>":
+     Obj CALL_XARGS(Obj f, Obj args)   # more than 6 arguments
+-cdef extern from "<gap/gasman.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/gasman.h" nogil:
+     Obj NewBag "NewBag"(UInt type, UInt size)
+     void MarkBag(Obj bag)
+     UInt CollectBags(UInt size, UInt full)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/gasman_intern.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/gasman_intern.h" nogil:
+     void CallbackForAllBags(void (*func)(Obj))
+-cdef extern from "<gap/gvars.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/gvars.h" nogil:
+     UInt GVarName "GVarName"(char* name)
+     void AssGVar "AssGVar"(UInt gvar, Obj val)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/integer.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/integer.h" nogil:
+     Int IS_INT(Obj)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/intobj.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/intobj.h" nogil:
+     bint IS_INTOBJ(Obj obj)
+     Obj INTOBJ_INT(Int)
+     Int INT_INTOBJ(Obj)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/io.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/io.h" nogil:
+     UInt OpenOutputStream(Obj stream)
+     UInt CloseOutput()
+-cdef extern from "<gap/libgap-api.h>":
+-    ctypedef void (*CallbackFunc)()
+-    void GAP_Initialize(int argc, char ** argv, char ** env,
+-        CallbackFunc, CallbackFunc)
+-    Obj GAP_EvalString(const char *) except *
+-    Obj GAP_EvalStringNoExcept "GAP_EvalString"(const char *)
+-    Obj GAP_ValueGlobalVariable(const char *)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/libgap-api.h>" nogil:
++cdef extern from "gap/libgap-api.h" nogil:
+     """
+     #define sig_GAP_Enter()  {int t = GAP_Enter(); if (!t) sig_error();}
+     """
++    ctypedef void (*GAP_CallbackFunc)()
++    void GAP_Initialize(int argc, char ** argv,
++            GAP_CallbackFunc markBagsCallback, GAP_CallbackFunc errorCallback,
++            int handleSignals)
++    Obj GAP_EvalString(const char *) except *
++    Obj GAP_EvalStringNoExcept "GAP_EvalString"(const char *)
++    Obj GAP_ValueGlobalVariable(const char *)
+     cdef void GAP_EnterStack()
+     cdef void GAP_LeaveStack()
+     cdef int GAP_Enter() except 0
+@@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/libgap-api.h>" nogil:
+     cdef int GAP_Error_Setjmp() except 0
+-cdef extern from "<gap/lists.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/lists.h" nogil:
+     bint IS_LIST(Obj lst)
+     int LEN_LIST(Obj lst)
+     Obj ELM_LIST(Obj lst, int pos)
+@@ -104,15 +102,15 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/lists.h>":
+     void ASS_LIST(Obj lst, int pos, Obj elt)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/listfunc.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/listfunc.h" nogil:
+     void AddList(Obj list, Obj obj)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/macfloat.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/macfloat.h" nogil:
+     double VAL_MACFLOAT(Obj obj)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/objects.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/objects.h" nogil:
+     bint IS_MUTABLE_OBJ(Obj obj)
+     Obj SHALLOW_COPY_OBJ(Obj obj)
+     Obj CopyObj(Obj obj, int mut)
+@@ -121,28 +119,34 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/objects.h>":
+     UInt TNUM_OBJ(Obj obj)
+     char* TNAM_OBJ(Obj obj)
+-    cdef int T_INTPOS
+-    cdef int T_INTNEG
+-    cdef int T_RAT
+-    cdef int T_CYC
+-    cdef int T_FFE
+-    cdef int T_PERM2
+-    cdef int T_PERM4
+-    cdef int T_BOOL
+-    cdef int T_CHAR
+-    cdef int T_FUNCTION
+-    cdef int T_MACFLOAT
+-    cdef int T_PLIST
+-    cdef int T_PLIST_CYC
+-    cdef int T_BLIST
+-    cdef int T_STRING
+-    cdef int T_COMOBJ
+-    cdef int T_POSOBJ
+-    cdef int T_DATOBJ
+-    cdef int T_WPOBJ
+-cdef extern from "<gap/precord.h>":
++    cdef enum TNUM:
++        T_INT
++        T_INTPOS
++        T_INTNEG
++        T_RAT
++        T_CYC
++        T_FFE
++        T_MACFLOAT
++        T_PERM2
++        T_PERM4
++        T_TRANS2
++        T_TRANS4
++        T_PPERM2
++        T_PPERM4
++        T_BOOL
++        T_CHAR
++        T_FUNCTION
++        T_PLIST
++        T_PLIST_CYC
++        T_BLIST
++        T_STRING
++        T_COMOBJ
++        T_POSOBJ
++        T_DATOBJ
++        T_WPOBJ
++cdef extern from "gap/precord.h" nogil:
+     Obj NEW_PREC(int len)
+     int LEN_PREC(Obj rec)
+     int GET_RNAM_PREC(Obj rec, int i)
+@@ -150,14 +154,14 @@ cdef extern from "<gap/precord.h>":
+     void AssPRec(Obj rec, UInt rnam, Obj val)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/records.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/records.h" nogil:
+     char* NAME_RNAM(UInt rnam)
+     bint IS_REC(Obj obj)
+     Obj ELM_REC(Obj rec, UInt rnam)
+     UInt RNamName(Char* name)
+-cdef extern from "<gap/stringobj.h>":
++cdef extern from "gap/stringobj.h" nogil:
+     char* CSTR_STRING(Obj list)
+     bint IS_STRING(Obj obj)
+     bint IsStringConv(Obj obj)
+diff --git a/src/sage/libs/gap/libgap.pyx b/src/sage/libs/gap/libgap.pyx
+index e78b88a..e66be59 100644
+--- a/src/sage/libs/gap/libgap.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/libs/gap/libgap.pyx
+@@ -232,15 +232,6 @@ from sage.misc.superseded import deprecated_function_alias, deprecation
+ ### Debugging ##############################################################
+ ############################################################################
+-cdef void report(Obj bag):
+-    print(TNAM_OBJ(bag),  <int>SIZE_OBJ(bag))
+-cdef void print_gasman_objects():
+-    CallbackForAllBags(report)
+ from sage.misc.lazy_import import is_during_startup
+ if is_during_startup():
+     import sys, traceback
+diff --git a/src/sage/libs/gap/util.pyx b/src/sage/libs/gap/util.pyx
+index 7f6a924..27609f8 100644
+--- a/src/sage/libs/gap/util.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/libs/gap/util.pyx
+@@ -14,19 +14,16 @@ Utility functions for GAP
+ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
+-import os
+-import signal
+-import warnings
++from libc.signal cimport signal, SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL
+ from posix.dlfcn cimport dlopen, dlclose, RTLD_NOW, RTLD_GLOBAL
+-from libc.string cimport strcpy, strlen
+ from cpython.exc cimport PyErr_Fetch, PyErr_Restore
+ from cpython.object cimport Py_LT, Py_LE, Py_EQ, Py_NE, Py_GT, Py_GE
+ from cpython.ref cimport PyObject, Py_XINCREF, Py_XDECREF
+-from cysignals.memory cimport sig_malloc
+-from cysignals.pysignals import containsignals
+-from cysignals.signals cimport sig_on, sig_off, sig_error
++from cysignals.signals cimport sig_on, sig_off
++import os
++import warnings
+ import sage.env
+ from .gap_includes cimport *
+@@ -105,7 +102,7 @@ cdef class ObjWrapper(object):
+             sage: hash(x)
+             0
+         """
+-        return <int>(self.value)
++        return <Py_hash_t>(self.value)
+ cdef ObjWrapper wrap_obj(Obj obj):
+@@ -197,7 +194,6 @@ def gap_root():
+ # To ensure that we call initialize_libgap only once.
+ cdef bint _gap_is_initialized = False
+-cdef extern char **environ
+ cdef char* _reset_error_output_cmd = """\
+@@ -216,33 +212,6 @@ MakeImmutable(libgap_errout);
+ """
+-cdef char** copy_environ(char** env):
+-    """
+-    Make a copy of the environment block given by ``env``.
+-    Returns a pointer to the copy, which is the caller's responsibility to
+-    free.
+-    """
+-    cdef char** env_copy
+-    cdef int envc = 0;
+-    cdef int idx
+-    cdef size_t size
+-    while env[envc]:
+-        envc += 1
+-    env_copy = <char**>sig_malloc((envc + 1) * sizeof(char*))
+-    for idx in range(envc):
+-        size = strlen(env[idx]) + 1
+-        env_copy[idx] = <char*>sig_malloc(size)
+-        strcpy(env_copy[idx], env[idx])
+-    env_copy[envc] = NULL
+-    return env_copy
+ cdef initialize():
+     """
+     Initialize the GAP library, if it hasn't already been
+@@ -253,7 +222,7 @@ cdef initialize():
+         sage: libgap(123)   # indirect doctest
+         123
+     """
+-    global _gap_is_initialized, environ
++    global _gap_is_initialized
+     if _gap_is_initialized: return
+     # Hack to ensure that all symbols provided by libgap are loaded into the
+     # global symbol table
+@@ -268,10 +237,9 @@ cdef initialize():
+                 "be loaded!")
+     dlclose(handle)
+-    # Define argv and environ variables, which we will pass in to
++    # Define argv variable, which we will pass in to
+     # initialize GAP. Note that we must pass define the memory pool
+     # size!
+-    cdef char** env
+     cdef char* argv[18]
+     argv[0] = "sage"
+     argv[1] = "-l"
+@@ -318,21 +286,15 @@ cdef initialize():
+     argv[argc] = NULL
+-    env = copy_environ(environ)
+-    # Need to save/restore current SIGINT handling since GAP_Initialize
+-    # currently clobbers it; it doesn't matter what we set SIGINT to
+-    # temporarily.
+-    with containsignals():
+-        sig_on()
+-        try:
+-            # Initialize GAP and capture any error messages. The
+-            # initialization just prints any errors and does not
+-            # use the error handler.
+-            GAP_Initialize(argc, argv, env, &gasman_callback,
+-                           &error_handler)
+-        finally:
+-            sig_off()
++    sig_on()
++    # Initialize GAP but disable their SIGINT handler
++    GAP_Initialize(argc, argv, gasman_callback, error_handler,
++                   handleSignals=False)
++    sig_off()
++    # Disable GAP's SIGCHLD handler ChildStatusChanged(), which calls
++    # waitpid() on random child processes.
++    signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL)
+     # Set the ERROR_OUTPUT global in GAP to an output stream in which to
+     # receive error output
+diff --git a/src/sage/tests/books/judson-abstract-algebra/sylow-sage.py b/src/sage/tests/books/judson-abstract-algebra/sylow-sage.py
+index b3312b8..6d81f0a 100644
+--- a/src/sage/tests/books/judson-abstract-algebra/sylow-sage.py
++++ b/src/sage/tests/books/judson-abstract-algebra/sylow-sage.py
+@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ r"""
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::
+-    sage: gap.version()
++    sage: gap.version()  # random
+     '4.10.0'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::

Deleted: sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch
--- sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/sage/libs/linbox/fflas.pxd b/src/sage/libs/linbox/fflas.pxd
-index f3a7ce37ea..7d8d64d3b5 100644
---- a/src/sage/libs/linbox/fflas.pxd
-+++ b/src/sage/libs/linbox/fflas.pxd
-@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ cdef extern from "fflas-ffpack/fflas-ffpack.h" namespace "FFPACK":
-                                     Modular_double.Element* A, size_t A_stride, int nullity)
-     Modular_double.Element Det (Modular_double F,
--                                size_t nrows, size_t ncols,
--                                Modular_double.Element* A, size_t A_stride)
-+                                Modular_double.Element det, size_t ncols,
-+                                Modular_double.Element* A, size_t A_stride, size_t* P, size_t* Q)
-     int Rank (Modular_double,
-               size_t nrows, size_t ncols,
-@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ cdef extern from "fflas-ffpack/fflas-ffpack.h" namespace "FFPACK":
-                                    Modular_float.Element* A, size_t A_stride, int nullity)
-     Modular_float.Element Det (Modular_float F,
--                               size_t nrows, size_t ncols,
--                               Modular_float.Element* A, size_t A_stride)
-+                               Modular_float.Element det, size_t ncols,
-+                               Modular_float.Element* A, size_t A_stride, size_t* P, size_t* Q)
-     int Rank (Modular_float,
-               size_t nrows, size_t ncols,
-diff --git a/src/sage/libs/linbox/linbox.pxd b/src/sage/libs/linbox/linbox.pxd
-index 35a3fa0125..a4bda24c0e 100644
---- a/src/sage/libs/linbox/linbox.pxd
-+++ b/src/sage/libs/linbox/linbox.pxd
-@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/methods.h" namespace "LinBox":
-         pass
-     cdef struct WiedemannTraits:
-         pass
--    cdef struct BlasEliminationTraits:
-+    cdef struct DenseEliminationTraits:
-         pass
-     cdef struct SparseEliminationTraits:
-         pass
-@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/methods.h" namespace "LinBox":
-         ctypedef BlackboxSpecifier Blackbox
-         ctypedef EliminationSpecifier Elimination
-         ctypedef WiedemannTraits Wiedemann
--        ctypedef BlasEliminationTraits BlasElimination
-+        ctypedef DenseEliminationTraits DenseElimination
-         ctypedef SparseEliminationTraits SparseElimination
- cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/charpoly.h" namespace "LinBox":
-@@ -157,19 +157,20 @@ cdef extern from "linbox/algorithms/gauss.h":
-                                              unsigned long Ni,
-                                              unsigned long Nj)
--cdef extern from "linbox/algorithms/echelon-form.h":
-+cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/echelon.h":
-     ## template<class Field>
-     ## class EchelonFormDomain
-     cdef cppclass EchelonForm_Modular_double "LinBox::EchelonFormDomain<Givaro::Modular<double>>":
-         ctypedef double Element
-         EchelonForm_Modular_double(Modular_double)
--        int rowReducedEchelon(DenseMatrix_Modular_double&, const DenseMatrix_Modular_double&)
-     cdef cppclass EchelonForm_Modular_float "LinBox::EchelonFormDomain<Givaro::Modular<float>>":
-         ctypedef float Element
-         EchelonForm_Modular_float(Modular_float)
--        int rowReducedEchelon(DenseMatrix_Modular_float, const DenseMatrix_Modular_float)
-+    int reducedRowEchelon(DenseMatrix_Modular_double, const DenseMatrix_Modular_double)
-+    int reducedRowEchelon(DenseMatrix_Modular_float, const DenseMatrix_Modular_float)
- cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/rank.h" namespace "LinBox":
-     unsigned long & rank (unsigned long&, DenseMatrix_integer)
-     unsigned long & rank (unsigned long&, SparseMatrix_integer)
-@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/solve.h" namespace "LinBox":
-                                 Integer &,
-                                 SparseMatrix_integer &,
-                                 DenseVector_integer &,
--                                Method.BlasElimination) except +
-+                                Method.DenseElimination) except +
-     DenseVector_integer& solve (DenseVector_integer &,
-                                 Integer &,
-diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.pyx b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.pyx
-index 7fa386eab7..5937720a03 100644
---- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.pyx
-@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
-         elif method == METHOD_WIEDEMANN:
-             linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.Wiedemann())
-         elif method == METHOD_BLAS_ELIMINATION:
--            linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.BlasElimination())
-+            linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.DenseElimination())
-         elif method == METHOD_SPARSE_ELIMINATION:
-             linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.SparseElimination())
-         elif method == METHOD_BLACKBOX:
-@@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
-             if algo == METHOD_DEFAULT:
-                 linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0])
-             elif algo == METHOD_BLAS_ELIMINATION:
--                linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.BlasElimination())
-+                linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.DenseElimination())
-             elif algo == METHOD_SPARSE_ELIMINATION:
-                 linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.SparseElimination())
-             elif algo == METHOD_BLACKBOX:
-diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_double.pyx b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_double.pyx
-index c4b1a46444..4f140ad239 100644
---- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_double.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_double.pyx
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from sage.libs.linbox.givaro cimport \
- from sage.libs.linbox.linbox cimport \
-     DenseMatrix_Modular_double as BlasMatrix, \
--    EchelonForm_Modular_double as EchelonFormDomain
-+    reducedRowEchelon
- from sage.libs.linbox.fflas cimport \
-     fgemm, fgemv, Det, Rank, ReducedRowEchelonForm, applyP, \
-diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_float.pyx b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_float.pyx
-index 89d1a94ab2..198896259b 100644
---- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_float.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_float.pyx
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from sage.libs.linbox.givaro cimport \
- from sage.libs.linbox.linbox cimport \
-     DenseMatrix_Modular_float as BlasMatrix, \
--    EchelonForm_Modular_float as EchelonFormDomain
-+    reducedRowEchelon
- from sage.libs.linbox.fflas cimport \
-     fgemm, fgemv, Det, Rank, ReducedRowEchelonForm, applyP, \
-diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_template.pxi b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_template.pxi
-index 6a5e164ede..7eb70dae86 100644
---- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_template.pxi
-+++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_template.pxi
-@@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ cdef inline linbox_echelonize_efd(celement modulus, celement* entries, Py_ssize_
-         return 0,[]
-     cdef ModField *F = new ModField(<long>modulus)
--    cdef EchelonFormDomain *EF = new EchelonFormDomain(F[0])
-     cdef BlasMatrix *A = new BlasMatrix(F[0], <uint64_t>nrows, <uint64_t>ncols)
-     cdef BlasMatrix *E = new BlasMatrix(F[0], <uint64_t>nrows, <uint64_t>ncols)
-@@ -218,7 +217,7 @@ cdef inline linbox_echelonize_efd(celement modulus, celement* entries, Py_ssize_
-         for j in range(ncols):
-             A.setEntry(i, j, <ModField.Element>entries[i*ncols+j])
--    cdef int r = EF.rowReducedEchelon(E[0], A[0])
-+    cdef int r = reducedRowEchelon(E[0], A[0])
-     for i in range(nrows):
-         for j in range(ncols):
-             entries[i*ncols+j] = <celement>E.getEntry(i,j)
-@@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ cdef inline linbox_echelonize_efd(celement modulus, celement* entries, Py_ssize_
-                 ii = j+1
-                 break
--    del F, A, E, EF
-+    del F, A, E
-     return r, pivots
- cdef inline celement *linbox_copy(celement modulus, celement *entries,  Py_ssize_t nrows, Py_ssize_t ncols) except? NULL:
-@@ -265,7 +264,8 @@ cdef inline celement linbox_det(celement modulus, celement* entries, Py_ssize_t
-     cdef ModField *F = new ModField(<long>modulus)
-     cdef celement *cpy = linbox_copy(modulus, entries, nrows, ncols)
-     if nrows*ncols > 1000: sig_on()
--    d =  <celement>Det(F[0], nrows, ncols, <ModField.Element*>cpy, ncols)
-+    cdef ModField.Element det
-+    d =  <celement>Det(F[0], det, ncols, <ModField.Element*>cpy, ncols, <size_t*>NULL, <size_t*>NULL)
-     if nrows*ncols > 1000: sig_off()
-     sig_free(cpy)
-     del F
-diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_sparse.pyx b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_sparse.pyx
-index 241167ace4..8e65cbb532 100644
---- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_sparse.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_sparse.pyx
-@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_sparse(matrix_sparse.Matrix_sparse):
-         elif method == METHOD_WIEDEMANN:
-             linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.Wiedemann())
-         elif method == METHOD_BLAS_ELIMINATION:
--            linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.BlasElimination())
-+            linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.DenseElimination())
-         elif method == METHOD_SPARSE_ELIMINATION:
-             linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.SparseElimination())
-         elif method == METHOD_BLACKBOX:
-@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_sparse(matrix_sparse.Matrix_sparse):
-             if algo == METHOD_DEFAULT:
-                 linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0])
-             elif algo == METHOD_BLAS_ELIMINATION:
--                linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.BlasElimination())
-+                linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.DenseElimination())
-             elif algo == METHOD_SPARSE_ELIMINATION:
-                 linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.SparseElimination())
-             elif algo == METHOD_BLACKBOX:

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch)
--- sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ sagemath-linbox-1.6.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+diff --git a/src/sage/libs/linbox/conversion.pxd b/src/sage/libs/linbox/conversion.pxd
+index 810a197..7794c9e 100644
+--- a/src/sage/libs/linbox/conversion.pxd
++++ b/src/sage/libs/linbox/conversion.pxd
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ from sage.modules.vector_integer_sparse cimport mpz_vector,  mpz_vector_get_entr
+ ctypedef enum linbox_specifier:
+     METHOD_DEFAULT              # no specification
+-    METHOD_BLAS_ELIMINATION     # BlasElimination
++    METHOD_DENSE_ELIMINATION     # DenseElimination
+     METHOD_SPARSE_ELIMINATION   # SparseElimination
+     METHOD_BLACKBOX             # Blackbox
+     METHOD_WIEDEMANN            # Wiedeman
+@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ ctypedef enum linbox_specifier:
+ cdef inline linbox_specifier get_method(str algo) except ERROR:
+     if algo is None or algo == "default":
+         return METHOD_DEFAULT
+-    elif algo == "blas_elimination" or \
+-         algo == "linbox_blas_elimination" or \
+-         algo == "LinBox::BlasElimination":
++    elif algo == "dense_elimination" or \
++         algo == "linbox_dense_elimination" or \
++         algo == "LinBox::DenseElimination":
+     elif algo == "sparse_elimination" or \
+          algo == "linbox_sparse_elimination" or \
+          algo == "LinBox::SparseElimination":
+diff --git a/src/sage/libs/linbox/fflas.pxd b/src/sage/libs/linbox/fflas.pxd
+index f3a7ce3..8bf62f1 100644
+--- a/src/sage/libs/linbox/fflas.pxd
++++ b/src/sage/libs/linbox/fflas.pxd
+@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ cdef extern from "fflas-ffpack/fflas-ffpack.h" namespace "FFPACK":
+     Modular_double.Element* Invert (Modular_double F, size_t order,
+                                     Modular_double.Element* A, size_t A_stride, int nullity)
+-    Modular_double.Element Det (Modular_double F,
+-                                size_t nrows, size_t ncols,
++    Modular_double.Element Det (Modular_double F, Modular_double.Element& d, size_t n,
+                                 Modular_double.Element* A, size_t A_stride)
+     int Rank (Modular_double,
+@@ -97,8 +96,7 @@ cdef extern from "fflas-ffpack/fflas-ffpack.h" namespace "FFPACK":
+     Modular_float.Element* Invert (Modular_float F, size_t order,
+                                    Modular_float.Element* A, size_t A_stride, int nullity)
+-    Modular_float.Element Det (Modular_float F,
+-                               size_t nrows, size_t ncols,
++    Modular_float.Element Det (Modular_float F, Modular_float.Element& d, size_t n,
+                                Modular_float.Element* A, size_t A_stride)
+     int Rank (Modular_float,
+diff --git a/src/sage/libs/linbox/linbox.pxd b/src/sage/libs/linbox/linbox.pxd
+index 35a3fa0..fb0e0dc 100644
+--- a/src/sage/libs/linbox/linbox.pxd
++++ b/src/sage/libs/linbox/linbox.pxd
+@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ from .givaro cimport *
+ cdef extern from "linbox/matrix/dense-matrix.h":
+     ## template <class _Field, class _blasRep=typename Vector<_Field>::Dense >
+-    ## class BlasMatrix ;
++    ## class DenseMatrix ;
+     ##
+     ## template <class _Field>
+-    ## using DenseMatrix = BlasMatrix<_Field> ;
++    ## using DenseMatrix = DenseMatrix<_Field> ;
+     cdef cppclass DenseMatrix_integer "LinBox::DenseMatrix<Givaro::ZRing<Givaro::Integer>>":
+         ctypedef ZRing Field
+         ctypedef Integer Element
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ cdef extern from "linbox/matrix/dense-matrix.h":
+         ctypedef Modular_double Field
+         ctypedef double Element
+         DenseMatrix_Modular_double(Field F, size_t m, size_t n)
++        DenseMatrix_Modular_double(Field F, Element*, size_t m, size_t n)
+         void setEntry(size_t i, size_t j, Element& a)
+         Element &getEntry(size_t i, size_t j)
+@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ cdef extern from "linbox/matrix/dense-matrix.h":
+         ctypedef Modular_float Field
+         ctypedef float Element
+         DenseMatrix_Modular_float(Field F, size_t m, size_t n)
++        DenseMatrix_Modular_float(Field F, Element*, size_t m, size_t n)
+         void setEntry(size_t i, size_t j, Element& a)
+         Element &getEntry(size_t i, size_t j)
+@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/methods.h" namespace "LinBox":
+         pass
+     cdef struct WiedemannTraits:
+         pass
+-    cdef struct BlasEliminationTraits:
++    cdef struct DenseEliminationTraits:
+         pass
+     cdef struct SparseEliminationTraits:
+         pass
+@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/methods.h" namespace "LinBox":
+         ctypedef BlackboxSpecifier Blackbox
+         ctypedef EliminationSpecifier Elimination
+         ctypedef WiedemannTraits Wiedemann
+-        ctypedef BlasEliminationTraits BlasElimination
++        ctypedef DenseEliminationTraits DenseElimination
+         ctypedef SparseEliminationTraits SparseElimination
+ cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/charpoly.h" namespace "LinBox":
+@@ -157,18 +159,24 @@ cdef extern from "linbox/algorithms/gauss.h":
+                                              unsigned long Ni,
+                                              unsigned long Nj)
+-cdef extern from "linbox/algorithms/echelon-form.h":
+-    ## template<class Field>
+-    ## class EchelonFormDomain
+-    cdef cppclass EchelonForm_Modular_double "LinBox::EchelonFormDomain<Givaro::Modular<double>>":
+-        ctypedef double Element
+-        EchelonForm_Modular_double(Modular_double)
+-        int rowReducedEchelon(DenseMatrix_Modular_double&, const DenseMatrix_Modular_double&)
+-    cdef cppclass EchelonForm_Modular_float "LinBox::EchelonFormDomain<Givaro::Modular<float>>":
+-        ctypedef float Element
+-        EchelonForm_Modular_float(Modular_float)
+-        int rowReducedEchelon(DenseMatrix_Modular_float, const DenseMatrix_Modular_float)
++cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/echelon.h" namespace "LinBox":
++    size_t rowEchelon (DenseMatrix_Modular_float&, const DenseMatrix_Modular_float&)
++    size_t rowEchelonize (DenseMatrix_Modular_float&)
++    size_t reducedRowEchelon (DenseMatrix_Modular_float&, const DenseMatrix_Modular_float&)
++    size_t reducedRowEchelonize (DenseMatrix_Modular_float&)
++    size_t colEchelon (DenseMatrix_Modular_float&, const DenseMatrix_Modular_float&)
++    size_t colEchelonize (DenseMatrix_Modular_float&)
++    size_t reducedColEchelon (DenseMatrix_Modular_float&, const DenseMatrix_Modular_float&)
++    size_t reducedColEchelonize (DenseMatrix_Modular_float&)
++    size_t rowEchelon (DenseMatrix_Modular_double&, const DenseMatrix_Modular_double&)
++    size_t rowEchelonize (DenseMatrix_Modular_double&)
++    size_t reducedRowEchelon (DenseMatrix_Modular_double&, const DenseMatrix_Modular_double&)
++    size_t reducedRowEchelonize (DenseMatrix_Modular_double&)
++    size_t colEchelon (DenseMatrix_Modular_double&, const DenseMatrix_Modular_double&)
++    size_t colEchelonize (DenseMatrix_Modular_double&)
++    size_t reducedColEchelon (DenseMatrix_Modular_double&, const DenseMatrix_Modular_double&)
++    size_t reducedColEchelonize (DenseMatrix_Modular_double&)
+ cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/rank.h" namespace "LinBox":
+     unsigned long & rank (unsigned long&, DenseMatrix_integer)
+@@ -185,7 +193,7 @@ cdef extern from "linbox/solutions/solve.h" namespace "LinBox":
+                                 Integer &,
+                                 SparseMatrix_integer &,
+                                 DenseVector_integer &,
+-                                Method.BlasElimination) except +
++                                Method.DenseElimination) except +
+     DenseVector_integer& solve (DenseVector_integer &,
+                                 Integer &,
+diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.pyx b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.pyx
+index 7fa386e..132140f 100644
+--- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.pyx
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ from sage.libs.linbox.conversion cimport (
+     new_linbox_vector_integer_dense,
+     new_sage_vector_integer_dense,
+     new_linbox_matrix_integer_sparse,
+     METHOD_WIEDEMANN, get_method)
+@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
+             - ``'linbox'`` or ``'linbox_default'`` - (default) use LinBox
+               and let it chooses the appropriate algorithm
+-            -  ``linbox_blas_elimination'`` - use LinBox dense elimination
++            -  ``linbox_dense_elimination'`` - use LinBox dense elimination
+             - ``'linbox_sparse_elimination'`` - use LinBox sparse elimination
+@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
+         - ``b`` -- a dense integer vector
+-        - ``algorithm`` -- (optional) either ``None``, ``'blas_elimination'``,
++        - ``algorithm`` -- (optional) either ``None``, ``'dense_elimination'``,
+           ``'sparse_elimination'``, ``'wiedemann'`` or ``'blackbox'``.
+         OUTPUT: a pair ``(a, d)`` consisting of
+@@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
+             sage: b0 = vector((1,1,1,1))
+             sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b0)
+             ((-1, -7, -3, -1), 1)
+-            sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b0, 'blas_elimination')
++            sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b0, 'dense_elimination')
+             ((-1, -7, -3, -1), 1)
+             sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b0, 'sparse_elimination')
+             ((-1, -7, -3, -1), 1)
+@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
+             sage: b1 = vector((1,2,3,4))
+             sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b1)
+             ((-18, -92, -41, -17), 5)
+-            sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b1, 'blas_elimination')
++            sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b1, 'dense_elimination')
+             ((-18, -92, -41, -17), 5)
+             sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b1, 'sparse_elimination')
+             ((-18, -92, -41, -17), 5)
+@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
+         TESTS::
+-            sage: algos = ["default", "blas_elimination", "sparse_elimination",
++            sage: algos = ["default", "dense_elimination", "sparse_elimination",
+             ....:          "blackbox", "wiedemann"]
+             sage: for i in range(20):
+             ....:     dim = randint(1, 30)
+@@ -1080,8 +1080,8 @@ cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
+             linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0])
+         elif method == METHOD_WIEDEMANN:
+             linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.Wiedemann())
+-        elif method == METHOD_BLAS_ELIMINATION:
+-            linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.BlasElimination())
++        elif method == METHOD_DENSE_ELIMINATION:
++            linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.DenseElimination())
+         elif method == METHOD_SPARSE_ELIMINATION:
+             linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.SparseElimination())
+         elif method == METHOD_BLACKBOX:
+@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
+         TESTS::
+-            sage: algos = ["default", "blas_elimination", "sparse_elimination",
++            sage: algos = ["default", "dense_elimination", "sparse_elimination",
+             ....:          "blackbox", "wiedemann"]
+             sage: for _ in range(10):
+@@ -1191,8 +1191,8 @@ cdef class Matrix_integer_sparse(Matrix_sparse):
+             # solve the current row
+             if algo == METHOD_DEFAULT:
+                 linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0])
+-            elif algo == METHOD_BLAS_ELIMINATION:
+-                linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.BlasElimination())
++            elif algo == METHOD_DENSE_ELIMINATION:
++                linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.DenseElimination())
+             elif algo == METHOD_SPARSE_ELIMINATION:
+                 linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.SparseElimination())
+             elif algo == METHOD_BLACKBOX:
+diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_double.pyx b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_double.pyx
+index c4b1a46..880caec 100644
+--- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_double.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_double.pyx
+@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ from sage.libs.linbox.givaro cimport \
+     Poly1Dom, Dense
+ from sage.libs.linbox.linbox cimport \
+-    DenseMatrix_Modular_double as BlasMatrix, \
+-    EchelonForm_Modular_double as EchelonFormDomain
++    reducedRowEchelonize, \
++    DenseMatrix_Modular_double as DenseMatrix
+ from sage.libs.linbox.fflas cimport \
+     fgemm, fgemv, Det, Rank, ReducedRowEchelonForm, applyP, \
+diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_float.pyx b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_float.pyx
+index 89d1a94..8a468c1 100644
+--- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_float.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_float.pyx
+@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ from sage.libs.linbox.givaro cimport \
+     Poly1Dom, Dense
+ from sage.libs.linbox.linbox cimport \
+-    DenseMatrix_Modular_float as BlasMatrix, \
+-    EchelonForm_Modular_float as EchelonFormDomain
++    DenseMatrix_Modular_float as DenseMatrix, \
++    reducedRowEchelonize
+ from sage.libs.linbox.fflas cimport \
+     fgemm, fgemv, Det, Rank, ReducedRowEchelonForm, applyP, \
+diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_template.pxi b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_template.pxi
+index 6a5e164..230a16e 100644
+--- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_template.pxi
++++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_dense_template.pxi
+@@ -207,21 +207,12 @@ cdef inline linbox_echelonize_efd(celement modulus, celement* entries, Py_ssize_
+         return 0,[]
+     cdef ModField *F = new ModField(<long>modulus)
+-    cdef EchelonFormDomain *EF = new EchelonFormDomain(F[0])
+-    cdef BlasMatrix *A = new BlasMatrix(F[0], <uint64_t>nrows, <uint64_t>ncols)
+-    cdef BlasMatrix *E = new BlasMatrix(F[0], <uint64_t>nrows, <uint64_t>ncols)
++    cdef DenseMatrix *A = new DenseMatrix(F[0], <ModField.Element*>entries,<Py_ssize_t>nrows, <Py_ssize_t>ncols)
++    cdef Py_ssize_t r = reducedRowEchelonize(A[0])
+     cdef Py_ssize_t i,j
+-    # TODO: can we avoid this copy?
+-    for i in range(nrows):
+-        for j in range(ncols):
+-            A.setEntry(i, j, <ModField.Element>entries[i*ncols+j])
+-    cdef int r = EF.rowReducedEchelon(E[0], A[0])
+     for i in range(nrows):
+         for j in range(ncols):
+-            entries[i*ncols+j] = <celement>E.getEntry(i,j)
++            entries[i*ncols+j] = <celement>A.getEntry(i,j)
+     cdef Py_ssize_t ii = 0
+     cdef list pivots = []
+@@ -232,7 +223,7 @@ cdef inline linbox_echelonize_efd(celement modulus, celement* entries, Py_ssize_
+                 ii = j+1
+                 break
+-    del F, A, E, EF
++    del F
+     return r, pivots
+ cdef inline celement *linbox_copy(celement modulus, celement *entries,  Py_ssize_t nrows, Py_ssize_t ncols) except? NULL:
+@@ -258,15 +249,16 @@ cdef inline int linbox_rank(celement modulus, celement* entries, Py_ssize_t nrow
+     del F
+     return r
+-cdef inline celement linbox_det(celement modulus, celement* entries, Py_ssize_t nrows, Py_ssize_t ncols):
++cdef inline celement linbox_det(celement modulus, celement* entries, Py_ssize_t n):
+     """
+     Return the determinant of this matrix.
+     """
+     cdef ModField *F = new ModField(<long>modulus)
+-    cdef celement *cpy = linbox_copy(modulus, entries, nrows, ncols)
+-    if nrows*ncols > 1000: sig_on()
+-    d =  <celement>Det(F[0], nrows, ncols, <ModField.Element*>cpy, ncols)
+-    if nrows*ncols > 1000: sig_off()
++    cdef celement *cpy = linbox_copy(modulus, entries, n, n)
++    if n*n > 1000: sig_on()
++    cdef celement d
++    Det(F[0], d, n, <ModField.Element*>cpy, n)
++    if n*n > 1000: sig_off()
+     sig_free(cpy)
+     del F
+     return d
+@@ -1672,9 +1664,9 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_dense_template(Matrix_dense):
+         - ``algorithm``
+-          - ``linbox`` - uses the LinBox library (``EchelonFormDomain`` implementation, default)
++          - ``linbox`` - uses the LinBox library (wrapping fflas-ffpack)
+-          - ``linbox_noefd`` - uses the LinBox library (FFPACK directly, less memory but slower)
++          - ``linbox_noefd`` - uses the FFPACK directly, less memory and faster
+           - ``gauss`` - uses a custom slower `O(n^3)` Gauss
+             elimination implemented in Sage.
+@@ -1929,7 +1921,6 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_dense_template(Matrix_dense):
+         else:
+             r, pivots = linbox_echelonize(self.p, self._entries, self._nrows, self._ncols)
+         verbose('done with echelonize',t)
+         self.cache('in_echelon_form',True)
+         self.cache('rank', r)
+         self.cache('pivots', tuple(pivots))
+@@ -2468,7 +2459,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_dense_template(Matrix_dense):
+             x = self.fetch('det')
+             if not x is None:
+                 return x
+-            d = linbox_det(self.p, self._entries, self._nrows, self._ncols)
++            d = linbox_det(self.p, self._entries, self._nrows)
+             d2 = self._coerce_element(d)
+             self.cache('det', d2)
+             return d2
+diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_sparse.pyx b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_sparse.pyx
+index 241167a..dd3a2f0 100644
+--- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_sparse.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_modn_sparse.pyx
+@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_sparse(matrix_sparse.Matrix_sparse):
+             - ``'linbox'`` or ``'linbox_default'`` - (default) use LinBox
+               and let it chooses the appropriate algorithm
+-            -  ``linbox_blas_elimination'`` - use LinBox dense elimination
++            -  ``linbox_dense_elimination'`` - use LinBox dense elimination
+             - ``'linbox_sparse_elimination'`` - use LinBox sparse elimination
+@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_sparse(matrix_sparse.Matrix_sparse):
+         - ``b`` -- a dense integer vector
+-        - ``algorithm`` -- (optional) either ``None``, ``'blas_elimination'``,
++        - ``algorithm`` -- (optional) either ``None``, ``'dense_elimination'``,
+           ``'sparse_elimination'``, ``'wiedemann'`` or ``'blackbox'``.
+         OUTPUT: a pair ``(a, d)`` consisting of
+@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_sparse(matrix_sparse.Matrix_sparse):
+             sage: b0 = vector((1,1,1,1))
+             sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b0)
+             ((-1, -7, -3, -1), 1)
+-            sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b0, 'blas_elimination')
++            sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b0, 'dense_elimination')
+             ((-1, -7, -3, -1), 1)
+             sage: m._solve_vector_linbox(b0, 'sparse_elimination')
+             ((-1, -7, -3, -1), 1)
+@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_sparse(matrix_sparse.Matrix_sparse):
+         TESTS::
+-            sage: algos = ["default", "blas_elimination", "sparse_elimination",
++            sage: algos = ["default", "dense_elimination", "sparse_elimination",
+             ....:          "blackbox", "wiedemann"]
+             sage: for i in range(20):
+             ....:     dim = randint(1, 30)
+@@ -1025,8 +1025,8 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_sparse(matrix_sparse.Matrix_sparse):
+             linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0])
+         elif method == METHOD_WIEDEMANN:
+             linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.Wiedemann())
+-        elif method == METHOD_BLAS_ELIMINATION:
+-            linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.BlasElimination())
++        elif method == METHOD_DENSE_ELIMINATION:
++            linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.DenseElimination())
+         elif method == METHOD_SPARSE_ELIMINATION:
+             linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.SparseElimination())
+         elif method == METHOD_BLACKBOX:
+@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_sparse(matrix_sparse.Matrix_sparse):
+         TESTS::
+-            sage: algos = ["default", "blas_elimination", "sparse_elimination",
++            sage: algos = ["default", "dense_elimination", "sparse_elimination",
+             ....:          "blackbox", "wiedemann"]
+             sage: for _ in range(10):
+@@ -1136,8 +1136,8 @@ cdef class Matrix_modn_sparse(matrix_sparse.Matrix_sparse):
+             # solve the current row
+             if algo == METHOD_DEFAULT:
+                 linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0])
+-            elif algo == METHOD_BLAS_ELIMINATION:
+-                linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.BlasElimination())
++            elif algo == METHOD_DENSE_ELIMINATION:
++                linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.DenseElimination())
+             elif algo == METHOD_SPARSE_ELIMINATION:
+                 linbox.solve(res[0], D, A[0], b[0], linbox.Method.SparseElimination())
+             elif algo == METHOD_BLACKBOX:
+diff --git a/src/sage/rings/finite_rings/element_givaro.pxd b/src/sage/rings/finite_rings/element_givaro.pxd
+index f0fd7e35..8ae25c5 100644
+--- a/src/sage/rings/finite_rings/element_givaro.pxd
++++ b/src/sage/rings/finite_rings/element_givaro.pxd
+@@ -20,35 +20,35 @@ cdef extern from "givaro/givrandom.h":
+     GivRandom GivRandomSeeded  "Givaro::GivRandom"(unsigned long seed)
+ cdef extern from "givaro/gfq.h":
+-    ctypedef struct GivaroGfq "Givaro::GFqDom<int>":
++    cdef cppclass GivaroGfq "Givaro::GFqDom<int>":
+         #attributes
+         unsigned int one
+         unsigned int zero
+         # methods
+-        int (* mul)(int r, int a, int b)
+-        int (* add)(int r, int a, int b)
+-        int (* sub)(int r, int a, int b)
+-        int (* div)(int r, int a, int b)
+-        int (* inv)(int r, int x)
+-        int (* neg)(int r, int x)
+-        int (* mulin)(int a, int b)
+-        unsigned int (* characteristic)()
+-        unsigned int (* cardinality)()
+-        int (* exponent)()
+-        int (* random)(GivRandom gen, int res)
+-        int (* initi "init")(int res, int64_t e)
+-        int (* initd "init")(int res, double e)
+-        int (* indeterminate)()
+-        int (* convert)(int64_t r, int p)
+-        int (* read)(int r, int p)
+-        int (* axpyin)(int r, int a, int x)
+-        int (* axpy)(int r, int a, int b, int c)
+-        int (* axmy)(int r, int a, int b, int c)
+-        int (* maxpy)(int r, int a, int b, int c)
+-        bint (* isZero)(int e)
+-        bint (* isOne)(int e)
+-        bint (* isunit)(int e)
++        int mul(int r, int a, int b)
++        int add(int r, int a, int b)
++        int sub(int r, int a, int b)
++        int div(int r, int a, int b)
++        int inv(int r, int x)
++        int neg(int r, int x)
++        int mulin(int a, int b)
++        unsigned int characteristic()
++        unsigned int cardinality()
++        int exponent()
++        int random(GivRandom gen, int res)
++        int initi "init"(int& res, int64_t e)
++        int initd "init"(int& res, double e)
++        int indeterminate()
++        int64_t convert(int64_t& r, int p)
++        int read(int& r, int p)
++        int axpyin(int r, int a, int x)
++        int axpy(int r, int a, int b, int c)
++        int axmy(int r, int a, int b, int c)
++        int maxpy(int r, int a, int b, int c)
++        bint isZero(int e)
++        bint isOne(int e)
++        bint isunit(int e)
+     GivaroGfq *gfq_factorypk "new Givaro::GFqDom<int>" (unsigned int p, unsigned int k)
+     GivaroGfq *gfq_factorypkp "new Givaro::GFqDom<int>" (unsigned int p, unsigned int k, intvec poly)
+diff --git a/src/sage/rings/finite_rings/element_givaro.pyx b/src/sage/rings/finite_rings/element_givaro.pyx
+index 3739020..a7f9c2f 100644
+--- a/src/sage/rings/finite_rings/element_givaro.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/rings/finite_rings/element_givaro.pyx
+@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ cdef class Cache_givaro(SageObject):
+         cdef int seed = current_randstate().c_random()
+         cdef int res
+         cdef GivRandom generator = GivRandomSeeded(seed)
+-        res = self.objectptr.random(generator,res)
++        self.objectptr.random(generator,res)
+         return make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self,res)
+     cpdef FiniteField_givaroElement element_from_data(self, e):
+@@ -386,16 +386,16 @@ cdef class Cache_givaro(SageObject):
+              isinstance(e, long) or is_IntegerMod(e):
+             try:
+                 e_int = e % self.characteristic()
+-                res = self.objectptr.initi(res, e_int)
++                self.objectptr.initi(res, e_int)
+             except ArithmeticError:
+                 raise TypeError("unable to coerce from a finite field other than the prime subfield")
+         elif e is None:
+             e_int = 0
+-            res = self.objectptr.initi(res, e_int)
++            self.objectptr.initi(res, e_int)
+         elif isinstance(e, float):
+             e_int = int(e) % self.characteristic()
+-            res = self.objectptr.initd(res, e_int)
++            self.objectptr.initd(res, e_int)
+         elif isinstance(e, str):
+             return self.parent(eval(e.replace("^","**"),self.parent.gens_dict()))
+@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ cdef class Cache_givaro(SageObject):
+             ret = self._zero_element
+             for i in range(len(e)):
+                 e_int = e[i] % self.characteristic()
+-                res = self.objectptr.initi(res, e_int)
++                self.objectptr.initi(res, e_int)
+                 to_add = make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self, res)
+                 ret = ret + to_add*self.parent.gen()**i
+             return ret
+@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ cdef class Cache_givaro(SageObject):
+             ret = self._zero_element
+             for i in range(len(e)):
+                 e_int = e[i] % self.characteristic()
+-                res = self.objectptr.initi(res, e_int)
++                self.objectptr.initi(res, e_int)
+                 to_add = make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self, res)
+                 ret = ret + to_add*self.parent.gen()**i
+             return ret
+@@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ cdef class Cache_givaro(SageObject):
+                 for i from 0 <= i <= degpol(t):
+                     c = gtolong(gel(t, i+2))
+-                    res = self.objectptr.axpyin(res, self.int_to_log(c), x)
+-                    x = self.objectptr.mul(x,x,g)
++                    self.objectptr.axpyin(res, self.int_to_log(c), x)
++                    self.objectptr.mulin(x,g)
+                 clear_stack()
+             else:
+                 clear_stack()
+@@ -580,21 +580,10 @@ cdef class Cache_givaro(SageObject):
+             sage: 2^7 + 2^4 + 2^2 + 2 + 1
+             151
+         """
+-        cdef GivaroGfq *k = self.objectptr
+-        cdef int ret = k.zero
+-        cdef int a = k.indeterminate()
+-        cdef int at = k.one
+-        cdef int ch = k.characteristic()
+-        cdef int t, i
+-        if n<0 or n>k.cardinality():
++        if n<0 or n>self.order():
+             raise TypeError("n must be between 0 and self.order()")
+-        for i from 0 <= i < k.exponent():
+-            t = k.initi(t, n % ch)
+-            ret = k.axpy(ret, t, at, ret)
+-            at = k.mul(at,at,a)
+-            n //= ch
++        cdef int ret = self.int_to_log(n)
+         return make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self, ret)
+     def _element_repr(self, FiniteField_givaroElement e):
+@@ -715,7 +704,7 @@ cdef class Cache_givaro(SageObject):
+         """
+         cdef int r
+-        r = self.objectptr.axpy(r, a.element, b.element, c.element)
++        self.objectptr.axpy(r, a.element, b.element, c.element)
+         return make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self,r)
+     def a_times_b_minus_c(self,FiniteField_givaroElement a, FiniteField_givaroElement b, FiniteField_givaroElement c):
+@@ -734,7 +723,7 @@ cdef class Cache_givaro(SageObject):
+         """
+         cdef int r
+-        r = self.objectptr.axmy(r, a.element, b.element, c.element, )
++        self.objectptr.axmy(r, a.element, b.element, c.element, )
+         return make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self,r)
+     def c_minus_a_times_b(self,FiniteField_givaroElement a,
+@@ -754,7 +743,7 @@ cdef class Cache_givaro(SageObject):
+         """
+         cdef int r
+-        r = self.objectptr.maxpy(r , a.element, b.element, c.element, )
++        self.objectptr.maxpy(r , a.element, b.element, c.element, )
+         return make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self,r)
+     def __reduce__(self):
+@@ -1108,7 +1097,7 @@ cdef class FiniteField_givaroElement(FinitePolyExtElement):
+             2*b^3 + 2*b^2 + 2*b + 1
+         """
+         cdef int r
+-        r = self._cache.objectptr.add(r, self.element ,
++        self._cache.objectptr.add(r, self.element ,
+                                               (<FiniteField_givaroElement>right).element )
+         return make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self._cache,r)
+@@ -1125,7 +1114,7 @@ cdef class FiniteField_givaroElement(FinitePolyExtElement):
+             c^2
+         """
+         cdef int r
+-        r = self._cache.objectptr.mul(r, self.element,
++        self._cache.objectptr.mul(r, self.element,
+                                               (<FiniteField_givaroElement>right).element)
+         return make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self._cache,r)
+@@ -1147,7 +1136,7 @@ cdef class FiniteField_givaroElement(FinitePolyExtElement):
+         cdef int r
+         if (<FiniteField_givaroElement>right).element == 0:
+             raise ZeroDivisionError('division by zero in finite field')
+-        r = self._cache.objectptr.div(r, self.element,
++        self._cache.objectptr.div(r, self.element,
+                                               (<FiniteField_givaroElement>right).element)
+         return make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self._cache,r)
+@@ -1164,7 +1153,7 @@ cdef class FiniteField_givaroElement(FinitePolyExtElement):
+             2*a^2 + 2*a
+         """
+         cdef int r
+-        r = self._cache.objectptr.sub(r, self.element,
++        self._cache.objectptr.sub(r, self.element,
+                                               (<FiniteField_givaroElement>right).element)
+         return make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self._cache,r)
+@@ -1181,7 +1170,7 @@ cdef class FiniteField_givaroElement(FinitePolyExtElement):
+         """
+         cdef int r
+-        r = self._cache.objectptr.neg(r, self.element)
++        self._cache.objectptr.neg(r, self.element)
+         return make_FiniteField_givaroElement(self._cache,r)
+     def __invert__(FiniteField_givaroElement self):

Deleted: sagemath-python3-notebook.patch
--- sagemath-python3-notebook.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ sagemath-python3-notebook.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/bin/sage-notebook b/src/bin/sage-notebook
-index 74192da240..0ede281aad 100755
---- a/src/bin/sage-notebook
-+++ b/src/bin/sage-notebook
-@@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ class NotebookJupyter(object):
-         if not have_prerequisites():
-             print(self.PREREQUISITE_ERROR)
-             raise SystemExit(1)
--        from notebook.notebookapp import main
--        main(argv)
-+        os.execvp('jupyter-notebook', ['jupyter-notebook'] + argv)
- class NotebookJupyterlab(object):
-diff --git a/src/sage/repl/ipython_kernel/install.py b/src/sage/repl/ipython_kernel/install.py
-index 3912b8cdf5..bd40cdadda 100644
---- a/src/sage/repl/ipython_kernel/install.py
-+++ b/src/sage/repl/ipython_kernel/install.py
-@@ -303,7 +303,6 @@ def have_prerequisites(debug=True):
-         True
-     """
-     try:
--        from notebook.notebookapp import NotebookApp
-         return True
-     except ImportError:
-         if debug:

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/sagemath-python3-notebook.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-python3-notebook.patch)
--- sagemath-python3-notebook.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ sagemath-python3-notebook.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+diff --git a/src/bin/sage-notebook b/src/bin/sage-notebook
+index 74192da240..0ede281aad 100755
+--- a/src/bin/sage-notebook
++++ b/src/bin/sage-notebook
+@@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ class NotebookJupyter(object):
+         if not have_prerequisites():
+             print(self.PREREQUISITE_ERROR)
+             raise SystemExit(1)
+-        from notebook.notebookapp import main
+-        main(argv)
++        os.execvp('jupyter-notebook', ['jupyter-notebook'] + argv)
+ class NotebookJupyterlab(object):
+diff --git a/src/sage/repl/ipython_kernel/install.py b/src/sage/repl/ipython_kernel/install.py
+index 3912b8cdf5..bd40cdadda 100644
+--- a/src/sage/repl/ipython_kernel/install.py
++++ b/src/sage/repl/ipython_kernel/install.py
+@@ -303,7 +303,6 @@ def have_prerequisites(debug=True):
+         True
+     """
+     try:
+-        from notebook.notebookapp import NotebookApp
+         return True
+     except ImportError:
+         if debug:

Deleted: sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch
--- sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx b/src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx
-index 87342e8..9a0d37d 100644
---- a/src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx
-@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ cdef class SingularFunction(SageObject):
-             Traceback (most recent call last):
-             ...
-             RuntimeError: error in Singular function call 'size':
--            Wrong number of arguments (got 2 arguments, arity code is 300)
-+            Wrong number of arguments (got 2 arguments, arity code is 302)
-             sage: size('foobar', ring=P)
-             6
-@@ -1667,17 +1667,17 @@ def singular_function(name):
-         Traceback (most recent call last):
-         ...
-         RuntimeError: error in Singular function call 'factorize':
--        Wrong number of arguments (got 0 arguments, arity code is 303)
-+        Wrong number of arguments (got 0 arguments, arity code is 305)
-         sage: factorize(f, 1, 2)
-         Traceback (most recent call last):
-         ...
-         RuntimeError: error in Singular function call 'factorize':
--        Wrong number of arguments (got 3 arguments, arity code is 303)
-+        Wrong number of arguments (got 3 arguments, arity code is 305)
-         sage: factorize(f, 1, 2, 3)
-         Traceback (most recent call last):
-         ...
-         RuntimeError: error in Singular function call 'factorize':
--        Wrong number of arguments (got 4 arguments, arity code is 303)
-+        Wrong number of arguments (got 4 arguments, arity code is 305)
-     The Singular function ``list`` can be called with any number of
-     arguments::
-diff --git a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_element_letterplace.pyx b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_element_letterplace.pyx
-index 8f6576b477..deaf0f5769 100644
---- a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_element_letterplace.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_element_letterplace.pyx
-@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ cdef class FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(AlgebraElement):
-             return True
-         for i from 0 <= i < p_d-s_d:
-             s_poly = singular_system("stest",s_poly,1,
--                                     A._degbound,A.__ngens,ring=P)
-+                                     ring=P)
-             if P.monomial_divides(s_poly,p_poly):
-                 return True
-         return False
-@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ cdef class FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(AlgebraElement):
-         # we must put the polynomials into the same ring
-         left._poly = A._current_ring(left._poly)
-         right._poly = A._current_ring(right._poly)
--        rshift = singular_system("stest",right._poly,left._poly.degree(),A._degbound,A.__ngens, ring=A._current_ring)
-+        rshift = singular_system("stest",right._poly,left._poly.degree(), ring=A._current_ring)
-         return FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(A,left._poly*rshift, check=False)
-     def __pow__(FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace self, int n, k):
-@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ cdef class FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(AlgebraElement):
-         q = p = self._poly
-         cdef int i
-         for i from 0<i<n:
--            q = singular_system("stest",q,d,A._degbound,A.__ngens,
-+            q = singular_system("stest",q,d,
-                                      ring=A._current_ring)
-             p *= q
-         return FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(A, p, check=False)
-diff --git a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_letterplace.pyx b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_letterplace.pyx
-index 7a8400052e..b3474fa07c 100644
---- a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_letterplace.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_letterplace.pyx
-@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ cdef class FreeAlgebra_letterplace(Algebra):
-         degbound = self._degbound
-         cdef list G = [C(x._poly) for x in g]
-         for y in G:
--            out.extend([y]+[singular_system("stest",y,n+1,degbound,ngens,ring=C) for n in xrange(d-y.degree())])
-+            out.extend([y]+[singular_system("stest",y,n+1,ring=C) for n in xrange(d-y.degree())])
-         return C.ideal(out)
-     ###########################
-diff --git a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/letterplace_ideal.pyx b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/letterplace_ideal.pyx
-index 5776c58cf7..e4ad267bd4 100644
---- a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/letterplace_ideal.pyx
-+++ b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/letterplace_ideal.pyx
-@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
- #####################
- # Define some singular functions
- lib("freegb.lib")
- poly_reduce=singular_function("NF")
- class LetterplaceIdeal(Ideal_nc):
-@@ -276,8 +276,7 @@ class LetterplaceIdeal(Ideal_nc):
-         A.set_degbound(degbound)
-         P = A._current_ring
-         out = [FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(A,X,check=False) for X in
--               singular_system("freegb",P.ideal([x._poly for x in self.__GB.gens()]),
--                               degbound,A.__ngens, ring = P)]
-+               singular_std(P.ideal([x._poly for x in self.__GB.gens()]), ring = P)]
-         libsingular_options['redTail'] = bck[0]
-         libsingular_options['redSB'] = bck[1]
-         self.__GB = A.ideal(out,side='twosided',coerce=False)

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch)
--- sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ sagemath-singular-4.1.2.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+diff --git a/src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx b/src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx
+index 87342e8..9a0d37d 100644
+--- a/src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx
+@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ cdef class SingularFunction(SageObject):
+             Traceback (most recent call last):
+             ...
+             RuntimeError: error in Singular function call 'size':
+-            Wrong number of arguments (got 2 arguments, arity code is 300)
++            Wrong number of arguments (got 2 arguments, arity code is 302)
+             sage: size('foobar', ring=P)
+             6
+@@ -1667,17 +1667,17 @@ def singular_function(name):
+         Traceback (most recent call last):
+         ...
+         RuntimeError: error in Singular function call 'factorize':
+-        Wrong number of arguments (got 0 arguments, arity code is 303)
++        Wrong number of arguments (got 0 arguments, arity code is 305)
+         sage: factorize(f, 1, 2)
+         Traceback (most recent call last):
+         ...
+         RuntimeError: error in Singular function call 'factorize':
+-        Wrong number of arguments (got 3 arguments, arity code is 303)
++        Wrong number of arguments (got 3 arguments, arity code is 305)
+         sage: factorize(f, 1, 2, 3)
+         Traceback (most recent call last):
+         ...
+         RuntimeError: error in Singular function call 'factorize':
+-        Wrong number of arguments (got 4 arguments, arity code is 303)
++        Wrong number of arguments (got 4 arguments, arity code is 305)
+     The Singular function ``list`` can be called with any number of
+     arguments::
+diff --git a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_element_letterplace.pyx b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_element_letterplace.pyx
+index 8f6576b477..deaf0f5769 100644
+--- a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_element_letterplace.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_element_letterplace.pyx
+@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ cdef class FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(AlgebraElement):
+             return True
+         for i from 0 <= i < p_d-s_d:
+             s_poly = singular_system("stest",s_poly,1,
+-                                     A._degbound,A.__ngens,ring=P)
++                                     ring=P)
+             if P.monomial_divides(s_poly,p_poly):
+                 return True
+         return False
+@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ cdef class FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(AlgebraElement):
+         # we must put the polynomials into the same ring
+         left._poly = A._current_ring(left._poly)
+         right._poly = A._current_ring(right._poly)
+-        rshift = singular_system("stest",right._poly,left._poly.degree(),A._degbound,A.__ngens, ring=A._current_ring)
++        rshift = singular_system("stest",right._poly,left._poly.degree(), ring=A._current_ring)
+         return FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(A,left._poly*rshift, check=False)
+     def __pow__(FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace self, int n, k):
+@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ cdef class FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(AlgebraElement):
+         q = p = self._poly
+         cdef int i
+         for i from 0<i<n:
+-            q = singular_system("stest",q,d,A._degbound,A.__ngens,
++            q = singular_system("stest",q,d,
+                                      ring=A._current_ring)
+             p *= q
+         return FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(A, p, check=False)
+diff --git a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_letterplace.pyx b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_letterplace.pyx
+index 7a8400052e..b3474fa07c 100644
+--- a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_letterplace.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/free_algebra_letterplace.pyx
+@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ cdef class FreeAlgebra_letterplace(Algebra):
+         degbound = self._degbound
+         cdef list G = [C(x._poly) for x in g]
+         for y in G:
+-            out.extend([y]+[singular_system("stest",y,n+1,degbound,ngens,ring=C) for n in xrange(d-y.degree())])
++            out.extend([y]+[singular_system("stest",y,n+1,ring=C) for n in xrange(d-y.degree())])
+         return C.ideal(out)
+     ###########################
+diff --git a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/letterplace_ideal.pyx b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/letterplace_ideal.pyx
+index 5776c58cf7..e4ad267bd4 100644
+--- a/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/letterplace_ideal.pyx
++++ b/src/sage/algebras/letterplace/letterplace_ideal.pyx
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
+ #####################
+ # Define some singular functions
+ lib("freegb.lib")
+ poly_reduce=singular_function("NF")
+ class LetterplaceIdeal(Ideal_nc):
+@@ -276,8 +276,7 @@ class LetterplaceIdeal(Ideal_nc):
+         A.set_degbound(degbound)
+         P = A._current_ring
+         out = [FreeAlgebraElement_letterplace(A,X,check=False) for X in
+-               singular_system("freegb",P.ideal([x._poly for x in self.__GB.gens()]),
+-                               degbound,A.__ngens, ring = P)]
++               singular_std(P.ideal([x._poly for x in self.__GB.gens()]), ring = P)]
+         libsingular_options['redTail'] = bck[0]
+         libsingular_options['redSB'] = bck[1]
+         self.__GB = A.ideal(out,side='twosided',coerce=False)

Deleted: sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch
--- sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---- a/src/sage/misc/sphinxify.py	2018-09-14 20:13:32.788831484 +0200
-+++ b/src/sage/misc/sphinxify.py	2018-09-14 20:14:07.142478667 +0200
-@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
-         sage: assert n == len(sys.path)
-     """
-     srcdir = mkdtemp()
-+    outdir = mkdtemp()
-     base_name = os.path.join(srcdir, 'docstring')
-     rst_name = base_name + '.rst'
-@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@
-         suffix = '.html'
-     else:
-         suffix = '.txt'
--    output_name = base_name + suffix
-+    output_name = os.path.join(outdir, 'docstring') + suffix
-     with open(rst_name, 'w') as filed:
-         filed.write(docstring)
-@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@
-     import sys
-     old_sys_path = list(sys.path)  # Sphinx modifies sys.path
--    sphinx_app = Sphinx(srcdir, confdir, srcdir, doctreedir, format,
-+    sphinx_app = Sphinx(srcdir, confdir, outdir, doctreedir, format,
-                         confoverrides, None, None, True)
-     sphinx_app.build(None, [rst_name])
-     sys.path = old_sys_path

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch)
--- sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ sagemath-sphinx-1.8.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+--- a/src/sage/misc/sphinxify.py	2018-09-14 20:13:32.788831484 +0200
++++ b/src/sage/misc/sphinxify.py	2018-09-14 20:14:07.142478667 +0200
+@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
+         sage: assert n == len(sys.path)
+     """
+     srcdir = mkdtemp()
++    outdir = mkdtemp()
+     base_name = os.path.join(srcdir, 'docstring')
+     rst_name = base_name + '.rst'
+@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@
+         suffix = '.html'
+     else:
+         suffix = '.txt'
+-    output_name = base_name + suffix
++    output_name = os.path.join(outdir, 'docstring') + suffix
+     with open(rst_name, 'w') as filed:
+         filed.write(docstring)
+@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@
+     import sys
+     old_sys_path = list(sys.path)  # Sphinx modifies sys.path
+-    sphinx_app = Sphinx(srcdir, confdir, srcdir, doctreedir, format,
++    sphinx_app = Sphinx(srcdir, confdir, outdir, doctreedir, format,
+                         confoverrides, None, None, True)
+     sphinx_app.build(None, [rst_name])
+     sys.path = old_sys_path

Deleted: sagemath-threejs-100.patch
--- sagemath-threejs-100.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ sagemath-threejs-100.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/ext/threejs/threejs_template.html b/src/ext/threejs/threejs_template.html
-index 0243bc1..48e8268 100644
---- a/src/ext/threejs/threejs_template.html
-+++ b/src/ext/threejs/threejs_template.html
-@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ SAGE_SCRIPTS
-         scene.add( sprite );
-     }
--    if ( options.axes ) scene.add( new THREE.AxisHelper( Math.min( a[0]*b[1].x, a[1]*b[1].y, a[2]*b[1].z ) ) );
-+    if ( options.axes ) scene.add( new THREE.AxesHelper( Math.min( a[0]*b[1].x, a[1]*b[1].y, a[2]*b[1].z ) ) );
-     var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 );
-     camera.up.set( 0, 0, 1 );
-@@ -177,7 +177,11 @@ SAGE_SCRIPTS
-                                                    transparent: transparent, opacity: json.opacity,
-                                                    alphaTest: .1 } );
--        var c = geometry.center().multiplyScalar( -1 );
-+        var c = new THREE.Vector3();
-+        geometry.computeBoundingBox();
-+        geometry.boundingBox.getCenter( c );
-+        geometry.translate( -c.x, -c.y, -c.z );
-         var mesh = new THREE.Points( geometry, material );
-         mesh.position.set( c.x, c.y, c.z );
-         scene.add( mesh );
-@@ -199,7 +203,11 @@ SAGE_SCRIPTS
-         var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: json.color, linewidth: json.linewidth,
-                                                       transparent: transparent, opacity: json.opacity } );
--        var c = geometry.center().multiplyScalar( -1 );
-+        var c = new THREE.Vector3();
-+        geometry.computeBoundingBox();
-+        geometry.boundingBox.getCenter( c );
-+        geometry.translate( -c.x, -c.y, -c.z );
-         var mesh = new THREE.LineSegments( geometry, material );
-         mesh.position.set( c.x, c.y, c.z );
-         scene.add( mesh );
-@@ -235,7 +243,11 @@ SAGE_SCRIPTS
-                                      transparent: transparent, opacity: json.opacity,
-                                      shininess: 20 } );
--        var c = geometry.center().multiplyScalar( -1 );
-+        var c = new THREE.Vector3();
-+        geometry.computeBoundingBox();
-+        geometry.boundingBox.getCenter( c );
-+        geometry.translate( -c.x, -c.y, -c.z );
-         var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
-         mesh.position.set( c.x, c.y, c.z );
-         scene.add( mesh );

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/sagemath-threejs-100.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-threejs-100.patch)
--- sagemath-threejs-100.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ sagemath-threejs-100.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+diff --git a/src/ext/threejs/threejs_template.html b/src/ext/threejs/threejs_template.html
+index 0243bc1..48e8268 100644
+--- a/src/ext/threejs/threejs_template.html
++++ b/src/ext/threejs/threejs_template.html
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ SAGE_SCRIPTS
+         scene.add( sprite );
+     }
+-    if ( options.axes ) scene.add( new THREE.AxisHelper( Math.min( a[0]*b[1].x, a[1]*b[1].y, a[2]*b[1].z ) ) );
++    if ( options.axes ) scene.add( new THREE.AxesHelper( Math.min( a[0]*b[1].x, a[1]*b[1].y, a[2]*b[1].z ) ) );
+     var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 );
+     camera.up.set( 0, 0, 1 );
+@@ -177,7 +177,11 @@ SAGE_SCRIPTS
+                                                    transparent: transparent, opacity: json.opacity,
+                                                    alphaTest: .1 } );
+-        var c = geometry.center().multiplyScalar( -1 );
++        var c = new THREE.Vector3();
++        geometry.computeBoundingBox();
++        geometry.boundingBox.getCenter( c );
++        geometry.translate( -c.x, -c.y, -c.z );
+         var mesh = new THREE.Points( geometry, material );
+         mesh.position.set( c.x, c.y, c.z );
+         scene.add( mesh );
+@@ -199,7 +203,11 @@ SAGE_SCRIPTS
+         var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: json.color, linewidth: json.linewidth,
+                                                       transparent: transparent, opacity: json.opacity } );
+-        var c = geometry.center().multiplyScalar( -1 );
++        var c = new THREE.Vector3();
++        geometry.computeBoundingBox();
++        geometry.boundingBox.getCenter( c );
++        geometry.translate( -c.x, -c.y, -c.z );
+         var mesh = new THREE.LineSegments( geometry, material );
+         mesh.position.set( c.x, c.y, c.z );
+         scene.add( mesh );
+@@ -235,7 +243,11 @@ SAGE_SCRIPTS
+                                      transparent: transparent, opacity: json.opacity,
+                                      shininess: 20 } );
+-        var c = geometry.center().multiplyScalar( -1 );
++        var c = new THREE.Vector3();
++        geometry.computeBoundingBox();
++        geometry.boundingBox.getCenter( c );
++        geometry.translate( -c.x, -c.y, -c.z );
+         var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
+         mesh.position.set( c.x, c.y, c.z );
+         scene.add( mesh );

Deleted: sagemath-threejs.patch
--- sagemath-threejs.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ sagemath-threejs.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- a/src/sage/repl/rich_output/display_manager.py
-+++ b/src/sage/repl/rich_output/display_manager.py
-@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ class DisplayManager(SageObject):
-         """
-         if online:
-             from sage.misc.package import installed_packages
--            version = installed_packages()['threejs'].split('.')[0]
-+            version = 'r100'
-             return """
- <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/mrdoob/three.js/{0}/build/three.min.js"></script>
- <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/mrdoob/three.js/{0}/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js"></script>

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/sagemath-threejs.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/sagemath-threejs.patch)
--- sagemath-threejs.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ sagemath-threejs.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/src/sage/repl/rich_output/display_manager.py
++++ b/src/sage/repl/rich_output/display_manager.py
+@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ class DisplayManager(SageObject):
+         """
+         if online:
+             from sage.misc.package import installed_packages
+-            version = installed_packages()['threejs'].split('.')[0]
++            version = 'r100'
+             return """
+ <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/mrdoob/three.js/{0}/build/three.min.js"></script>
+ <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/mrdoob/three.js/{0}/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js"></script>

Deleted: test-optional.patch
--- test-optional.patch	2019-05-20 15:51:43 UTC (rev 468112)
+++ test-optional.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
---- src/sage/doctest/control.py.orig       2016-10-20 19:39:53.714618246 +0200
-+++ src/sage/doctest/control.py    2016-10-20 19:40:15.158049920 +0200
-@@ -347,22 +347,6 @@
-                 # Special case to run all optional tests
-                 options.optional = True
-             else:
--                # We replace the 'optional' tag by all optional
--                # packages for which the installed version matches the
--                # latest available version (this implies in particular
--                # that the package is actually installed).
--                if 'optional' in options.optional:
--                    options.optional.discard('optional')
--                    from sage.misc.package import list_packages
--                    for pkg in list_packages('optional', local=True).values():
--                        if pkg['installed_version'] == pkg['remote_version']:
--                            options.optional.add(pkg['name'])
--                # Check that all tags are valid
--                for o in options.optional:
--                    if not optionaltag_regex.search(o):
--                        raise ValueError('invalid optional tag {!r}'.format(o))
-                 options.optional |= auto_optional_tags
-         self.options = options

Copied: sagemath/repos/community-x86_64/test-optional.patch (from rev 468112, sagemath/trunk/test-optional.patch)
--- test-optional.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ test-optional.patch	2019-05-20 15:52:36 UTC (rev 468113)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+--- src/sage/doctest/control.py.orig       2016-10-20 19:39:53.714618246 +0200
++++ src/sage/doctest/control.py    2016-10-20 19:40:15.158049920 +0200
+@@ -347,22 +347,6 @@
+                 # Special case to run all optional tests
+                 options.optional = True
+             else:
+-                # We replace the 'optional' tag by all optional
+-                # packages for which the installed version matches the
+-                # latest available version (this implies in particular
+-                # that the package is actually installed).
+-                if 'optional' in options.optional:
+-                    options.optional.discard('optional')
+-                    from sage.misc.package import list_packages
+-                    for pkg in list_packages('optional', local=True).values():
+-                        if pkg['installed_version'] == pkg['remote_version']:
+-                            options.optional.add(pkg['name'])
+-                # Check that all tags are valid
+-                for o in options.optional:
+-                    if not optionaltag_regex.search(o):
+-                        raise ValueError('invalid optional tag {!r}'.format(o))
+                 options.optional |= auto_optional_tags
+         self.options = options

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