[arch-commits] Commit in zcash/repos/community-x86_64 (8 files)

Nicola Squartini tensor5 at archlinux.org
Mon Nov 11 02:46:19 UTC 2019

    Date: Monday, November 11, 2019 @ 02:46:19
  Author: tensor5
Revision: 526606

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 526605, zcash/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 526605, zcash/trunk/use-system-qpid-proton.patch)
    (from rev 526605, zcash/trunk/use-system-rust.patch)
    (from rev 526605, zcash/trunk/zcashd.service)

 PKGBUILD                     |  232 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 use-system-qpid-proton.patch |   52 ++++-----
 use-system-rust.patch        |   44 +++----
 zcashd.service               |   18 +--
 4 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 175 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2019-11-11 02:45:36 UTC (rev 526605)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-11-11 02:46:19 UTC (rev 526606)
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Nicola Squartini <tensor5 at gmail.com>
-pkgdesc='Permissionless financial system employing zero-knowledge security'
-depends=('boost-libs' 'libevent' 'qpid-proton' 'zeromq')
-makedepends=('boost' 'cmake' 'git' 'gmock' 'python' 'rust' 'wget')
-checkdepends=('python2-pyblake2' 'python2-pyzmq' 'python2-qpid-proton')
-        'use-system-qpid-proton.patch'
-        'use-system-rust.patch'
-        'zcashd.service')
-            '019870971a0cec093d0552585f4140f39dd65f90cb56b97e512bbaf0d79c0f1574295e722310d4e1762af12ff693802fc465765d4d1410d209e259326f307d6a'
-            '8878b5c805d6cdf159dbac0ef73fb47d0fbd2fc35332f1c15f05d6041c0eca7f16b12aeb1cc20615d0a325a68e8d22bb3961cadebbfa54b87783ad5de35b92fb'
-            '2fb8b0a636ca9c7ee15f0fd2c47046c8323ade3de9562f393da7541eee50dd14b12107dd29b0e1ee90ff88963e2f7e25b12435166a1812df5c88c579c12dde88')
-prepare() {
-    cd ${pkgname}
-    # Set gitattributes on src/clientversion.cpp
-    git archive --format=tar ${_commit} -- src/clientversion.cpp | tar -xf -
-    patch -Np1 -i ../use-system-qpid-proton.patch
-    patch -Np1 -i ../use-system-rust.patch
-    # Runs forever
-    sed -e '/prioritisetransaction.py/d' -i qa/pull-tester/rpc-tests.sh
-build() {
-    cd ${pkgname}
-    cd depends
-    rust_crates=(
-      crate_aes
-      crate_aesni
-      crate_aes_soft 
-      crate_arrayvec
-      crate_bellman
-      crate_bitflags
-      crate_bit_vec
-      crate_blake2_rfc
-      crate_block_cipher_trait
-      crate_byte_tools
-      crate_byteorder
-      crate_constant_time_eq
-      crate_crossbeam
-      crate_digest
-      crate_fpe
-      crate_fuchsia_zircon
-      crate_fuchsia_zircon_sys
-      crate_futures_cpupool
-      crate_futures
-      crate_generic_array
-      crate_lazy_static
-      crate_libc
-      crate_nodrop
-      crate_num_bigint
-      crate_num_cpus
-      crate_num_integer
-      crate_num_traits
-      crate_opaque_debug
-      crate_pairing
-      crate_rand
-      crate_sapling_crypto
-      crate_stream_cipher
-      crate_typenum
-      crate_winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu
-      crate_winapi
-      crate_winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu
-      crate_zip32
-    )
-    make install \
-        native_packages='' \
-        packages="bdb ${rust_crates[*]} librustzcash"
-    cd ..
-    BUILD="$(./depends/config.guess)"
-    CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I${PWD}/depends/${BUILD}/include"
-    LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${PWD}/depends/${BUILD}/lib"
-    ./autogen.sh
-    depends_prefix="${PWD}/depends/${BUILD}" ./configure --prefix=/usr
-    make
-check() {
-    cd ${pkgname}
-    # Tests require python2
-    mkdir "${srcdir}/python"
-    ln -s /usr/bin/python2 "${srcdir}/python/python"
-    export PATH="${srcdir}/python:${PATH}"
-    ./zcutil/fetch-params.sh --testnet
-    # ./qa/zcash/full_test_suite.py
-    # ./qa/pull-tester/rpc-tests.sh
-package() {
-    cd ${pkgname}
-    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
-    for ext in '-cli' '-tx' 'd'; do
-        install -Dm644 contrib/zcash${ext}.bash-completion \
-            "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/zcash${ext}
-    done
-    install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/user ../zcashd.service
-    install -Dm644 COPYING "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING

Copied: zcash/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 526605, zcash/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-11-11 02:46:19 UTC (rev 526606)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Maintainer: Nicola Squartini <tensor5 at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc='Permissionless financial system employing zero-knowledge security'
+depends=('boost-libs' 'libevent' 'qpid-proton' 'zeromq')
+makedepends=('boost' 'cmake' 'git' 'gmock' 'python' 'rust' 'wget')
+checkdepends=('python2-pyblake2' 'python2-pyzmq' 'python2-qpid-proton')
+        'use-system-qpid-proton.patch'
+        'use-system-rust.patch'
+        'zcashd.service')
+            '019870971a0cec093d0552585f4140f39dd65f90cb56b97e512bbaf0d79c0f1574295e722310d4e1762af12ff693802fc465765d4d1410d209e259326f307d6a'
+            '8878b5c805d6cdf159dbac0ef73fb47d0fbd2fc35332f1c15f05d6041c0eca7f16b12aeb1cc20615d0a325a68e8d22bb3961cadebbfa54b87783ad5de35b92fb'
+            '2fb8b0a636ca9c7ee15f0fd2c47046c8323ade3de9562f393da7541eee50dd14b12107dd29b0e1ee90ff88963e2f7e25b12435166a1812df5c88c579c12dde88')
+prepare() {
+    cd ${pkgname}
+    # Set gitattributes on src/clientversion.cpp
+    git archive --format=tar ${_commit} -- src/clientversion.cpp | tar -xf -
+    patch -Np1 -i ../use-system-qpid-proton.patch
+    patch -Np1 -i ../use-system-rust.patch
+build() {
+    cd ${pkgname}
+    cd depends
+    rust_crates=(
+      crate_aes
+      crate_aesni
+      crate_aes_soft 
+      crate_arrayvec
+      crate_bellman
+      crate_bitflags
+      crate_bit_vec
+      crate_blake2_rfc
+      crate_block_cipher_trait
+      crate_byte_tools
+      crate_byteorder
+      crate_constant_time_eq
+      crate_crossbeam
+      crate_digest
+      crate_fpe
+      crate_fuchsia_zircon
+      crate_fuchsia_zircon_sys
+      crate_futures_cpupool
+      crate_futures
+      crate_generic_array
+      crate_lazy_static
+      crate_libc
+      crate_nodrop
+      crate_num_bigint
+      crate_num_cpus
+      crate_num_integer
+      crate_num_traits
+      crate_opaque_debug
+      crate_pairing
+      crate_rand
+      crate_sapling_crypto
+      crate_stream_cipher
+      crate_typenum
+      crate_winapi_i686_pc_windows_gnu
+      crate_winapi
+      crate_winapi_x86_64_pc_windows_gnu
+      crate_zip32
+    )
+    make install \
+        native_packages='' \
+        packages="bdb ${rust_crates[*]} librustzcash"
+    cd ..
+    BUILD="$(./depends/config.guess)"
+    CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I${PWD}/depends/${BUILD}/include"
+    LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${PWD}/depends/${BUILD}/lib"
+    ./autogen.sh
+    depends_prefix="${PWD}/depends/${BUILD}" ./configure --prefix=/usr
+    make
+check() {
+    cd ${pkgname}
+    # Tests require python2
+    mkdir "${srcdir}/python"
+    ln -s /usr/bin/python2 "${srcdir}/python/python"
+    export PATH="${srcdir}/python:${PATH}"
+    ./zcutil/fetch-params.sh --testnet
+    ./qa/zcash/full_test_suite.py
+package() {
+    cd ${pkgname}
+    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+    for ext in '-cli' '-tx' 'd'; do
+        install -Dm644 contrib/zcash${ext}.bash-completion \
+            "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/zcash${ext}
+    done
+    install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/user ../zcashd.service
+    install -Dm644 COPYING "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING

Deleted: use-system-qpid-proton.patch
--- use-system-qpid-proton.patch	2019-11-11 02:45:36 UTC (rev 526605)
+++ use-system-qpid-proton.patch	2019-11-11 02:46:19 UTC (rev 526606)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
---- a/configure.ac
-+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -587,17 +587,13 @@
-     [],
-     [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton headers not found, disabling Proton support])
-     use_proton=no])
-- AC_CHECK_LIB([qpid-proton-cpp-static], [main],
--    [PROTON_LIBS="-lqpid-proton-cpp-static"],
--    [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton qpid-proton-cpp-static library not found, disabling Proton support])
-+ AC_CHECK_LIB([qpid-proton-cpp], [main],
-+    [PROTON_LIBS="-lqpid-proton-cpp"],
-+    [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton qpid-proton-cpp library not found, disabling Proton support])
-     use_proton=no])
-- AC_CHECK_LIB([qpid-proton-core-static], [main],
--    [PROTON_LIBS+=" -lqpid-proton-core-static"],
--    [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton qpid-proton-core-static library not found, disabling Proton support])
--    use_proton=no])
-- AC_CHECK_LIB([qpid-proton-static], [main],
--    [PROTON_LIBS+=" -lqpid-proton-static"],
--    [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton qpid-proton-static library not found, disabling Proton support])
-+ AC_CHECK_LIB([qpid-proton-core], [main],
-+    [PROTON_LIBS+=" -lqpid-proton-core"],
-+    [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton qpid-proton-core library not found, disabling Proton support])
-     use_proton=no])
- fi
- if test x$use_proton = xyes; then

Copied: zcash/repos/community-x86_64/use-system-qpid-proton.patch (from rev 526605, zcash/trunk/use-system-qpid-proton.patch)
--- use-system-qpid-proton.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ use-system-qpid-proton.patch	2019-11-11 02:46:19 UTC (rev 526606)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -587,17 +587,13 @@
+     [],
+     [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton headers not found, disabling Proton support])
+     use_proton=no])
+- AC_CHECK_LIB([qpid-proton-cpp-static], [main],
+-    [PROTON_LIBS="-lqpid-proton-cpp-static"],
+-    [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton qpid-proton-cpp-static library not found, disabling Proton support])
++ AC_CHECK_LIB([qpid-proton-cpp], [main],
++    [PROTON_LIBS="-lqpid-proton-cpp"],
++    [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton qpid-proton-cpp library not found, disabling Proton support])
+     use_proton=no])
+- AC_CHECK_LIB([qpid-proton-core-static], [main],
+-    [PROTON_LIBS+=" -lqpid-proton-core-static"],
+-    [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton qpid-proton-core-static library not found, disabling Proton support])
+-    use_proton=no])
+- AC_CHECK_LIB([qpid-proton-static], [main],
+-    [PROTON_LIBS+=" -lqpid-proton-static"],
+-    [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton qpid-proton-static library not found, disabling Proton support])
++ AC_CHECK_LIB([qpid-proton-core], [main],
++    [PROTON_LIBS+=" -lqpid-proton-core"],
++    [AC_MSG_WARN([Proton qpid-proton-core library not found, disabling Proton support])
+     use_proton=no])
+ fi
+ if test x$use_proton = xyes; then

Deleted: use-system-rust.patch
--- use-system-rust.patch	2019-11-11 02:45:36 UTC (rev 526605)
+++ use-system-rust.patch	2019-11-11 02:46:19 UTC (rev 526606)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- a/depends/packages/librustzcash.mk
-+++ b/depends/packages/librustzcash.mk
-@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@
- $(package)_download_file=$($(package)_git_commit).tar.gz
- $(package)_sha256_hash=9909ec59fa7a411c2071d6237b3363a0bc6e5e42358505cf64b7da0f58a7ff5a
- $(package)_git_commit=06da3b9ac8f278e5d4ae13088cf0a4c03d2c13f5
- $(package)_patches=cargo.config 0001-Start-using-cargo-clippy-for-CI.patch remove-dev-dependencies.diff
- endif
-@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@
- endef
- define $(package)_build_cmds
--  $(host_prefix)/native/bin/cargo build --package librustzcash $($(package)_build_opts)
-+  cargo build --package librustzcash $($(package)_build_opts)
- endef
- define $(package)_stage_cmds

Copied: zcash/repos/community-x86_64/use-system-rust.patch (from rev 526605, zcash/trunk/use-system-rust.patch)
--- use-system-rust.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ use-system-rust.patch	2019-11-11 02:46:19 UTC (rev 526606)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- a/depends/packages/librustzcash.mk
++++ b/depends/packages/librustzcash.mk
+@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@
+ $(package)_download_file=$($(package)_git_commit).tar.gz
+ $(package)_sha256_hash=9909ec59fa7a411c2071d6237b3363a0bc6e5e42358505cf64b7da0f58a7ff5a
+ $(package)_git_commit=06da3b9ac8f278e5d4ae13088cf0a4c03d2c13f5
+ $(package)_patches=cargo.config 0001-Start-using-cargo-clippy-for-CI.patch remove-dev-dependencies.diff
+ endif
+@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@
+ endef
+ define $(package)_build_cmds
+-  $(host_prefix)/native/bin/cargo build --package librustzcash $($(package)_build_opts)
++  cargo build --package librustzcash $($(package)_build_opts)
+ endef
+ define $(package)_stage_cmds

Deleted: zcashd.service
--- zcashd.service	2019-11-11 02:45:36 UTC (rev 526605)
+++ zcashd.service	2019-11-11 02:46:19 UTC (rev 526606)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Description=Zcash daemon

Copied: zcash/repos/community-x86_64/zcashd.service (from rev 526605, zcash/trunk/zcashd.service)
--- zcashd.service	                        (rev 0)
+++ zcashd.service	2019-11-11 02:46:19 UTC (rev 526606)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Description=Zcash daemon

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