[arch-commits] Commit in ardour/repos/community-x86_64 (4 files)
David Runge
dvzrv at archlinux.org
Thu Nov 28 08:30:36 UTC 2019
Date: Thursday, November 28, 2019 @ 08:30:35
Author: dvzrv
Revision: 534265
archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64
(from rev 534264, ardour/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 534264, ardour/trunk/ardour-5.12-waf-python3.patch)
PKGBUILD | 172 +++++++++----------
ardour-5.12-waf-python3.patch | 359 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
2 files changed, 347 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)
--- PKGBUILD 2019-11-28 08:30:25 UTC (rev 534264)
+++ PKGBUILD 2019-11-28 08:30:35 UTC (rev 534265)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: David Runge <dvzrv at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Ray Rashif <schiv at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: SpepS <dreamspepser at yahoo dot it>
-pkgdesc="Professional-grade digital audio workstation"
-depends=('atk' 'cairo' 'dbus' 'fftw' 'fontconfig' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'glib2'
-'glibc' 'gtk2' 'gtkmm' 'harfbuzz' 'libaubio.so' 'libarchive.so' 'libcurl.so'
-'libFLAC.so' 'libfreetype.so' 'liblo.so' 'liblrdf.so' 'liblilv-0.so' 'libogg'
-'libreadline.so' 'librubberband.so' 'libsamplerate' 'libserd-0.so'
-'libsord-0.so' 'libsratom-0.so' 'libsuil-0.so' 'libusb-1.0.so'
-'libvamp-hostsdk.so' 'libvamp-sdk.so' 'libx11' 'libxml2' 'pango' 'taglib')
-makedepends=('boost' 'cppunit' 'doxygen' 'git' 'graphviz' 'itstool' 'lv2' 'waf')
-optdepends=('xjadeo: video monitoring'
- 'harvid: video timeline')
- "${pkgname}-${pkgver}-waf-python3.patch"
- 'https://gitlab.com/ita1024/waf/raw/waf-1.6.11/waflib/extras/misc.py')
- 'a716271681ae312b36d6b7e2c82ace91ca29d7ee579e14002fb5936e0708b0957ccb4f2da0e4d23068287585b8b20c633ed1e1807f30e0e06ca67c7de2a611d4'
- '71bd724dfce9f02d2635a4594ee28c85a467cacd7ea5a6bb0b3e431a8759b161ace021086c97e73923b98b41876407df6cce2b588a79e8f9fb4b3010afba962e')
-prepare() {
- cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
- # unsetting gtk2 rc (FS#54389)
- sed -e '8iexport GTK2_RC_FILES=/dev/null' -i gtk2_ardour/ardour.sh.in
- # make wscripts python3 and current waf compatible
- patch -Np1 -i "../${pkgname}-${pkgver}-waf-python3.patch"
- # Fixes to use system waf:
- # making sure, that subdirectories can be picked up with local includes
- touch __init__.py
- # making ancient 'misc' include available to system installed waf
- ln -sv "${srcdir}/misc.py" tools/misc.py
- sed -e "s/('misc')/('misc', tooldir='tools')/" \
- -i {tools/luadevel,gtk2_ardour,session_utils,libs/fst,headless}/wscript
- # make custom 'autowaf' include compatible with system installed waf
- find . -type f \
- -iname "*wscript*" \
- -exec sed -e 's/from waflib.extras import autowaf/from tools import autowaf/g' \
- -e 's/import waflib.extras.autowaf/from tools import autowaf/g' \
- -i {} \;
-build() {
- cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
- waf configure --prefix=/usr \
- --configdir=/etc \
- --with-backends="jack,alsa,dummy" \
- --libjack=weak \
- --nls \
- --optimize \
- --cxx11 \
- --freedesktop \
- --ptformat \
- --lxvst \
- --no-phone-home
- waf build -v
-package() {
- cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
- waf i18n --destdir="${pkgdir}"
- waf install --destdir="${pkgdir}"
- # xdg integration
- install -vDm 644 "build/gtk2_${pkgname}/${pkgname}.xml" \
- -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mime/packages/"
- install -vDm 644 "build/gtk2_${pkgname}/${pkgname}${pkgver%%.*}.desktop" \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop"
- for size in 16 22 32 48 256 512; do
- install -vDm 644 "gtk2_${pkgname}/resources/${_name}-icon_${size}px.png" \
- "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps/${pkgname}${pkgver%%.*}.png"
- done
- # man pages
- install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}.1"* -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/"
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: ardour/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 534264, ardour/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2019-11-28 08:30:35 UTC (rev 534265)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Maintainer: David Runge <dvzrv at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Ray Rashif <schiv at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: SpepS <dreamspepser at yahoo dot it>
+pkgdesc="Professional-grade digital audio workstation"
+depends=('atk' 'cairo' 'dbus' 'fftw' 'fontconfig' 'gdk-pixbuf2' 'glib2'
+'glibc' 'gtk2' 'gtkmm' 'harfbuzz' 'libaubio.so' 'libarchive.so' 'libcurl.so'
+'libFLAC.so' 'libfreetype.so' 'liblo.so' 'liblrdf.so' 'liblilv-0.so' 'libogg'
+'libreadline.so' 'librubberband.so' 'libsamplerate' 'libserd-0.so'
+'libsord-0.so' 'libsratom-0.so' 'libsuil-0.so' 'libusb-1.0.so'
+'libvamp-hostsdk.so' 'libvamp-sdk.so' 'libx11' 'libxml2' 'pango' 'taglib')
+makedepends=('boost' 'cppunit' 'doxygen' 'git' 'graphviz' 'itstool' 'lv2' 'waf')
+optdepends=('xjadeo: video monitoring'
+ 'harvid: video timeline')
+ "${pkgname}-${pkgver}-waf-python3.patch"
+ 'https://gitlab.com/ita1024/waf/raw/waf-1.6.11/waflib/extras/misc.py')
+ 'fc6e4391c25e3dc159b4dfe714b5f75210f912444c63f7b59c6527eda0a4a62ac8946733d4c5391e20c1dafa42cb02b5629d5f12e66724b81019d7fc42dbca75'
+ '71bd724dfce9f02d2635a4594ee28c85a467cacd7ea5a6bb0b3e431a8759b161ace021086c97e73923b98b41876407df6cce2b588a79e8f9fb4b3010afba962e')
+prepare() {
+ cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ # unsetting gtk2 rc (FS#54389)
+ sed -e '8iexport GTK2_RC_FILES=/dev/null' -i gtk2_ardour/ardour.sh.in
+ # make wscripts python3 and current waf compatible
+ patch -Np1 -i "../${pkgname}-${pkgver}-waf-python3.patch"
+ # Fixes to use system waf:
+ # making sure, that subdirectories can be picked up with local includes
+ touch __init__.py
+ # making ancient 'misc' include available to system installed waf
+ ln -sv "${srcdir}/misc.py" tools/misc.py
+ sed -e "s/('misc')/('misc', tooldir='tools')/" \
+ -i {tools/luadevel,gtk2_ardour,session_utils,libs/fst,headless}/wscript
+ # make custom 'autowaf' include compatible with system installed waf
+ find . -type f \
+ -iname "*wscript*" \
+ -exec sed -e 's/from waflib.extras import autowaf/from tools import autowaf/g' \
+ -e 's/import waflib.extras.autowaf/from tools import autowaf/g' \
+ -i {} \;
+build() {
+ cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ waf configure --prefix=/usr \
+ --configdir=/etc \
+ --with-backends="jack,alsa,dummy" \
+ --libjack=weak \
+ --nls \
+ --optimize \
+ --cxx11 \
+ --freedesktop \
+ --ptformat \
+ --lxvst \
+ --no-phone-home
+ waf build -v
+package() {
+ cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+ waf i18n --destdir="${pkgdir}"
+ waf install --destdir="${pkgdir}"
+ # xdg integration
+ install -vDm 644 "build/gtk2_${pkgname}/${pkgname}.xml" \
+ -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mime/packages/"
+ install -vDm 644 "build/gtk2_${pkgname}/${pkgname}${pkgver%%.*}.desktop" \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop"
+ for size in 16 22 32 48 256 512; do
+ install -vDm 644 "gtk2_${pkgname}/resources/${_name}-icon_${size}px.png" \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${size}x${size}/apps/${pkgname}${pkgver%%.*}.png"
+ done
+ # man pages
+ install -vDm 644 "${pkgname}.1"* -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/"
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Deleted: ardour-5.12-waf-python3.patch
--- ardour-5.12-waf-python3.patch 2019-11-28 08:30:25 UTC (rev 534264)
+++ ardour-5.12-waf-python3.patch 2019-11-28 08:30:35 UTC (rev 534265)
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-diff --git c/gtk2_ardour/wscript w/gtk2_ardour/wscript
-index d3824a0a63..b8d92513bd 100644
---- c/gtk2_ardour/wscript
-+++ w/gtk2_ardour/wscript
-@@ -588,7 +588,9 @@ def build(bld):
- obj.source = list(gtk2_ardour_sources)
- obj.target = 'ardour-' + str (bld.env['VERSION'])
- obj.includes = ['.']
-+ obj.includes += bld.env['INCLUDES_LILV']
- obj.ldflags = ['-no-undefined']
-+ obj.ldflags = ['-l' + lib for lib in bld.env['LIB_LILV']]
- if bld.is_defined('WINDOWS_VST_SUPPORT'):
- # Windows VST support mingw
-diff --git c/libs/ptformat/wscript w/libs/ptformat/wscript
-index 4d381234fe..ad3370d19b 100644
---- c/libs/ptformat/wscript
-+++ w/libs/ptformat/wscript
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def build(bld):
- obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
- obj.source = 'ptfformat.cc'
- obj.export_includes = ['.']
-- obj.includes = ['.']
-+ obj.includes = ['.'] + bld.env['INCLUDES_GLIB']
- obj.name = 'libptformat'
- obj.target = 'ptformat'
- obj.use = 'libardour'
-diff --git c/libs/surfaces/osc/wscript w/libs/surfaces/osc/wscript
-index 4d0dba6750..6b8db9f86c 100644
---- c/libs/surfaces/osc/wscript
-+++ w/libs/surfaces/osc/wscript
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def build(bld):
- obj.export_includes = ['.']
- obj.defines = [ 'PACKAGE="ardour_osc"' ]
- obj.defines += [ 'ARDOURSURFACE_DLL_EXPORTS' ]
-- obj.includes = ['.', './osc']
-+ obj.includes = ['.', './osc'] + bld.env['INCLUDES_XML']
- obj.name = 'libardour_osc'
- obj.target = 'ardour_osc'
- obj.uselib = 'LO GTKMM GTK GDK'
-diff --git c/libs/surfaces/push2/wscript w/libs/surfaces/push2/wscript
-index 9c75f9d69f..f12e1a5578 100644
---- c/libs/surfaces/push2/wscript
-+++ w/libs/surfaces/push2/wscript
-@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def build(bld):
- obj.defines = [ 'PACKAGE="ardour_push2"' ]
- obj.defines += [ 'ARDOURSURFACE_DLL_EXPORTS' ]
- obj.defines += [ 'VERSIONSTRING="' + bld.env['VERSION'] + '"' ]
-- obj.includes = [ '.', './push2']
-+ obj.includes = ['.', './push2'] + bld.env['INCLUDES_XML']
- obj.name = 'libardour_push2'
- obj.target = 'ardour_push2'
-diff --git c/libs/widgets/wscript w/libs/widgets/wscript
-index 0559abe4dc..6e7ca29fc6 100644
---- c/libs/widgets/wscript
-+++ w/libs/widgets/wscript
-@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ def build(bld):
- obj.defines = [ ]
- obj.export_includes = ['.']
-- obj.includes = ['.']
- obj.use = [ 'libpbd', 'libgtkmm2ext' ]
-+ obj.includes = ['.'] + bld.env['INCLUDES_GLIB']
- obj.name = 'libwidgets'
- obj.target = 'widgets'
-diff --git c/session_utils/wscript w/session_utils/wscript
-index 5fe9445426..249796d132 100644
---- c/session_utils/wscript
-+++ w/session_utils/wscript
-@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def build(bld):
- utils = bld.path.ant_glob('*.cc', excl=['example.cc', 'common.cc'])
- for util in utils:
-- fn = str(util)[:-3]
-+ fn = os.path.basename(str(util))[:-3]
- build_ardour_util(bld, fn)
- if bld.env['build_target'] != 'mingw':
- bld.symlink_as(bld.env['BINDIR'] + '/' + pgmprefix + "-" + fn, bld.env['LIBDIR'] + '/utils/ardour-util.sh')
-diff --git c/tools/luadevel/wscript w/tools/luadevel/wscript
-index 3190380091..d56d72ad86 100755
---- c/tools/luadevel/wscript
-+++ w/tools/luadevel/wscript
-@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@ def configure(conf):
- def build(bld):
- VERSION = "%s.%s" % (bld.env['MAJOR'], bld.env['MINOR'])
-- if not bld.is_defined('HAVE_READLINE'):
-- return;
-- # no wine
-- if bld.is_defined('WINDOWS_VST_SUPPORT') and bld.env['build_target'] != 'mingw':
-- return
- if bld.env['build_target'] != 'mingw':
- # TEST/DEVEL TOOL #######################
- obj = bld (features = 'cxx c cxxprogram')
Copied: ardour/repos/community-x86_64/ardour-5.12-waf-python3.patch (from rev 534264, ardour/trunk/ardour-5.12-waf-python3.patch)
--- ardour-5.12-waf-python3.patch (rev 0)
+++ ardour-5.12-waf-python3.patch 2019-11-28 08:30:35 UTC (rev 534265)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+diff --git c/gtk2_ardour/wscript w/gtk2_ardour/wscript
+index d3824a0a63..b8d92513bd 100644
+--- c/gtk2_ardour/wscript
++++ w/gtk2_ardour/wscript
+@@ -588,7 +588,9 @@ def build(bld):
+ obj.source = list(gtk2_ardour_sources)
+ obj.target = 'ardour-' + str (bld.env['VERSION'])
+ obj.includes = ['.']
++ obj.includes += bld.env['INCLUDES_LILV']
+ obj.ldflags = ['-no-undefined']
++ obj.ldflags = ['-l' + lib for lib in bld.env['LIB_LILV']]
+ if bld.is_defined('WINDOWS_VST_SUPPORT'):
+ # Windows VST support mingw
+diff --git c/libs/plugins/a-comp.lv2/wscript w/libs/plugins/a-comp.lv2/wscript
+index f0ebb1d33d..affef9b4fa 100644
+--- c/libs/plugins/a-comp.lv2/wscript
++++ w/libs/plugins/a-comp.lv2/wscript
+@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ def build(bld):
+ module_pat = re.sub('^lib', '', bld.env.cshlib_PATTERN)
+ module_ext = module_pat[module_pat.rfind('.'):]
+- if bld.is_defined ('HAVE_LV2'):
++ if bld.is_defined('HAVE_LV2'):
+ # Build RDF files
+ for i in ['manifest.ttl', 'a-comp.ttl', 'a-comp#stereo.ttl', 'presets.ttl']:
+- bld(features = 'subst',
+- source = i + '.in',
+- target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i),
+- install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle,
+- chmod = Utils.O644,
+- LIB_EXT = module_ext)
++ obj = bld(features='subst')
++ obj.source = i + '.in'
++ obj.target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i)
++ obj.install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle
++ obj.chmod = Utils.O644
++ obj.dict = {'LIB_EXT': module_ext}
+ # Build plugin library
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib',
+diff --git c/libs/plugins/a-delay.lv2/wscript w/libs/plugins/a-delay.lv2/wscript
+index 666ef0d5ab..2af05ff137 100644
+--- c/libs/plugins/a-delay.lv2/wscript
++++ w/libs/plugins/a-delay.lv2/wscript
+@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ def build(bld):
+ module_pat = re.sub('^lib', '', bld.env.cshlib_PATTERN)
+ module_ext = module_pat[module_pat.rfind('.'):]
+- if bld.is_defined ('HAVE_LV2'):
++ if bld.is_defined('HAVE_LV2'):
+ # Build RDF files
+ for i in ['manifest.ttl', 'a-delay.ttl', 'presets.ttl']:
+- bld(features = 'subst',
+- source = i + '.in',
+- target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i),
+- install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle,
+- chmod = Utils.O644,
+- LIB_EXT = module_ext)
++ obj = bld(features='subst')
++ obj.source = i + '.in'
++ obj.target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i)
++ obj.install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle
++ obj.chmod = Utils.O644
++ obj.dict = {'LIB_EXT': module_ext}
+ # Build plugin library
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib',
+diff --git c/libs/plugins/a-eq.lv2/wscript w/libs/plugins/a-eq.lv2/wscript
+index 0610ba2eea..e36a804f7f 100644
+--- c/libs/plugins/a-eq.lv2/wscript
++++ w/libs/plugins/a-eq.lv2/wscript
+@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ def build(bld):
+ module_pat = re.sub('^lib', '', bld.env.cshlib_PATTERN)
+ module_ext = module_pat[module_pat.rfind('.'):]
+- if bld.is_defined ('HAVE_LV2'):
++ if bld.is_defined('HAVE_LV2'):
+ # Build RDF files
+ for i in ['manifest.ttl', 'a-eq.ttl']:
+- bld(features = 'subst',
+- source = i + '.in',
+- target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i),
+- install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle,
+- chmod = Utils.O644,
+- LIB_EXT = module_ext)
++ obj = bld(features='subst')
++ obj.source = i + '.in'
++ obj.target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i)
++ obj.install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle
++ obj.chmod = Utils.O644
++ obj.dict = {'LIB_EXT': module_ext}
+ # Build plugin library
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib',
+diff --git c/libs/plugins/a-fluidsynth.lv2/wscript w/libs/plugins/a-fluidsynth.lv2/wscript
+index af6fcf08a8..81e59adeac 100644
+--- c/libs/plugins/a-fluidsynth.lv2/wscript
++++ w/libs/plugins/a-fluidsynth.lv2/wscript
+@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ def build(bld):
+ module_pat = re.sub('^lib', '', bld.env.cshlib_PATTERN)
+ module_ext = module_pat[module_pat.rfind('.'):]
+- if bld.is_defined ('HAVE_LV2'):
++ if bld.is_defined('HAVE_LV2'):
+ # Build RDF files
+ for i in ['manifest.ttl', 'a-fluidsynth.ttl']:
+- bld(features = 'subst',
+- source = i + '.in',
+- target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i),
+- install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle,
+- chmod = Utils.O644,
+- LIB_EXT = module_ext)
++ obj = bld(features='subst')
++ obj.source = i + '.in'
++ obj.target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i)
++ obj.install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle
++ obj.chmod = Utils.O644
++ obj.dict = {'LIB_EXT': module_ext}
+ # Build plugin library
+ obj = bld(features = 'cxx cshlib',
+diff --git c/libs/plugins/a-reverb.lv2/wscript w/libs/plugins/a-reverb.lv2/wscript
+index 35601f2179..adc1b2a4ea 100644
+--- c/libs/plugins/a-reverb.lv2/wscript
++++ w/libs/plugins/a-reverb.lv2/wscript
+@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ def build(bld):
+ module_pat = re.sub('^lib', '', bld.env.cshlib_PATTERN)
+ module_ext = module_pat[module_pat.rfind('.'):]
+- if bld.is_defined ('HAVE_LV2'):
+- # Build RDF files
++ if bld.is_defined('HAVE_LV2'):
++ # Build RDF fles
+ for i in ['manifest.ttl', 'a-reverb.ttl']:
+- bld(features = 'subst',
+- source = i + '.in',
+- target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i),
+- install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle,
+- chmod = Utils.O644,
+- LIB_EXT = module_ext)
++ obj = bld(features='subst')
++ obj.source = i + '.in'
++ obj.target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i)
++ obj.install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle
++ obj.chmod = Utils.O644
++ obj.dict = {'LIB_EXT': module_ext}
+ # Build plugin library
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib',
+diff --git c/libs/plugins/reasonablesynth.lv2/wscript w/libs/plugins/reasonablesynth.lv2/wscript
+index cedda4c308..0eb5c55a04 100644
+--- c/libs/plugins/reasonablesynth.lv2/wscript
++++ w/libs/plugins/reasonablesynth.lv2/wscript
+@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ def build(bld):
+ module_pat = re.sub('^lib', '', bld.env.cshlib_PATTERN)
+ module_ext = module_pat[module_pat.rfind('.'):]
+- if bld.is_defined ('HAVE_LV2'):
++ if bld.is_defined('HAVE_LV2'):
+ # Build RDF files
+ for i in ['manifest.ttl', 'reasonablesynth.ttl']:
+- bld(features = 'subst',
+- source = i + '.in',
+- target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i),
+- install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle,
+- chmod = Utils.O644,
+- LIB_EXT = module_ext)
++ obj = bld(features='subst')
++ obj.source = i + '.in'
++ obj.target = '../../LV2/%s/%s' % (bundle, i)
++ obj.install_path = '${LV2DIR}/%s' % bundle
++ obj.chmod = Utils.O644
++ obj.dict = {'LIB_EXT': module_ext}
+ # Build plugin library
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib',
+diff --git c/libs/ptformat/wscript w/libs/ptformat/wscript
+index 4d381234fe..ad3370d19b 100644
+--- c/libs/ptformat/wscript
++++ w/libs/ptformat/wscript
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def build(bld):
+ obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
+ obj.source = 'ptfformat.cc'
+ obj.export_includes = ['.']
+- obj.includes = ['.']
++ obj.includes = ['.'] + bld.env['INCLUDES_GLIB']
+ obj.name = 'libptformat'
+ obj.target = 'ptformat'
+ obj.use = 'libardour'
+diff --git c/libs/surfaces/osc/wscript w/libs/surfaces/osc/wscript
+index 4d0dba6750..6b8db9f86c 100644
+--- c/libs/surfaces/osc/wscript
++++ w/libs/surfaces/osc/wscript
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ def build(bld):
+ obj.export_includes = ['.']
+ obj.defines = [ 'PACKAGE="ardour_osc"' ]
+ obj.defines += [ 'ARDOURSURFACE_DLL_EXPORTS' ]
+- obj.includes = ['.', './osc']
++ obj.includes = ['.', './osc'] + bld.env['INCLUDES_XML']
+ obj.name = 'libardour_osc'
+ obj.target = 'ardour_osc'
+ obj.uselib = 'LO GTKMM GTK GDK'
+diff --git c/libs/surfaces/push2/wscript w/libs/surfaces/push2/wscript
+index 9c75f9d69f..f12e1a5578 100644
+--- c/libs/surfaces/push2/wscript
++++ w/libs/surfaces/push2/wscript
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def build(bld):
+ obj.defines = [ 'PACKAGE="ardour_push2"' ]
+ obj.defines += [ 'ARDOURSURFACE_DLL_EXPORTS' ]
+ obj.defines += [ 'VERSIONSTRING="' + bld.env['VERSION'] + '"' ]
+- obj.includes = [ '.', './push2']
++ obj.includes = ['.', './push2'] + bld.env['INCLUDES_XML']
+ obj.name = 'libardour_push2'
+ obj.target = 'ardour_push2'
+diff --git c/libs/widgets/wscript w/libs/widgets/wscript
+index 0559abe4dc..6e7ca29fc6 100644
+--- c/libs/widgets/wscript
++++ w/libs/widgets/wscript
+@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ def build(bld):
+ obj.defines = [ ]
+ obj.export_includes = ['.']
+- obj.includes = ['.']
+ obj.use = [ 'libpbd', 'libgtkmm2ext' ]
++ obj.includes = ['.'] + bld.env['INCLUDES_GLIB']
+ obj.name = 'libwidgets'
+ obj.target = 'widgets'
+diff --git c/session_utils/wscript w/session_utils/wscript
+index 5fe9445426..a98694f3d6 100644
+--- c/session_utils/wscript
++++ w/session_utils/wscript
+@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def build(bld):
+ utils = bld.path.ant_glob('*.cc', excl=['example.cc', 'common.cc'])
+ for util in utils:
+- fn = str(util)[:-3]
++ fn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(str(util)))[0]
+ build_ardour_util(bld, fn)
+ if bld.env['build_target'] != 'mingw':
+ bld.symlink_as(bld.env['BINDIR'] + '/' + pgmprefix + "-" + fn, bld.env['LIBDIR'] + '/utils/ardour-util.sh')
+diff --git c/tools/luadevel/wscript w/tools/luadevel/wscript
+index 3190380091..d56d72ad86 100755
+--- c/tools/luadevel/wscript
++++ w/tools/luadevel/wscript
+@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@ def configure(conf):
+ def build(bld):
+ VERSION = "%s.%s" % (bld.env['MAJOR'], bld.env['MINOR'])
+- if not bld.is_defined('HAVE_READLINE'):
+- return;
+- # no wine
+- if bld.is_defined('WINDOWS_VST_SUPPORT') and bld.env['build_target'] != 'mingw':
+- return
+ if bld.env['build_target'] != 'mingw':
+ # TEST/DEVEL TOOL #######################
+ obj = bld (features = 'cxx c cxxprogram')
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