[arch-commits] Commit in dmd/repos/community-x86_64 (6 files)

Dan Printzell wild at archlinux.org
Sun Sep 15 23:01:03 UTC 2019

    Date: Sunday, September 15, 2019 @ 23:01:02
  Author: wild
Revision: 510810

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 510809, dmd/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 510809, dmd/trunk/dmd-doc.desktop)
    (from rev 510809, dmd/trunk/dmd.conf)

 PKGBUILD        |  276 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 dmd-doc.desktop |   14 +-
 dmd.conf        |   10 -
 3 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2019-09-15 23:00:54 UTC (rev 510809)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-09-15 23:01:02 UTC (rev 510810)
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Dan Printzell <arch at vild.io>
-# Maintainer: Filipe Laíns (FFY00) <lains at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Mihails Strasunse <public at dicebot.lv>
-# Contributor: Sven-Hendrik Haase <sh at lutzhaase.com>
-# Contributor: Chris Brannon <cmbrannon79 at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Anders Bergh <anders1 at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Alexander Fehr <pizzapunk gmail com>
-pkgname=('dmd' 'dmd-docs' 'libphobos')
-pkgdesc='D programming language compiler and standard library'
-groups=('dlang' 'dlang-dmd')
-makedepends=('git' 'ldc' 'strip-nondeterminism')
-        "git+https://github.com/dlang/druntime.git#tag=v$pkgver"
-        "git+https://github.com/dlang/phobos.git#tag=v$pkgver"
-        "http://downloads.dlang.org/releases/2.x/$pkgver/dmd.$pkgver.linux.tar.xz"
-        "http://downloads.dlang.org/releases/2.x/$pkgver/dmd.$pkgver.linux.tar.xz.sig"
-        'dmd.conf'
-        'dmd-doc.desktop')
-            'SKIP'
-            'SKIP'
-            'c3c6cc865f5aa66dce4244467797b596ed0ada2bde93031350dc36713733cfc1'
-            'SKIP'
-            '3d639e89528fed1da90006f4dfb2b0fdc41308da5a96d953381ff4ccf257c035'
-            '4b7b8722b3fa11082f0f332397b1b66c85b30ce773c43c3fedcba5768a1484b1')
-validpgpkeys=('AFC7DB45693D62BB472BF27BAB8FE924C2F7E724') # Martin Nowak <code at dawg.eu>
-prepare() {
-    # We only want to extract the docs & samples, not the prebuild executables
-    tar xfJ "dmd.$pkgver.linux.tar.xz" dmd2/html
-    # Make sure the version is not -dirty
-    sed -i "s/result.status == 0/false/" "$srcdir"/dmd/config.d
-    # Add $LDFLAGS and $CXXFLAGS to the compilation
-    # '-link-defaultlib-shared=false' statically links dmd to liblphobos
-    sed -i "/^CXXFLAGS :=/ a $CXXFLAGS \\\\" "$srcdir"/dmd/src/posix.mak
-    sed -i "/^DFLAGS=/ a override DFLAGS += -link-defaultlib-shared=false -L=\"$LDFLAGS\"" "$srcdir"/dmd/src/posix.mak
-build() {
-    cd "$srcdir"/dmd
-    make -f posix.mak BUILD=release ENABLE_RELEASE=1 PIC=1 ENABLE_LTO=1 HOST_DMD=ldmd2
-    cd "$srcdir"/druntime
-    make -f posix.mak DMD="$srcdir"/dmd/generated/linux/release/*/dmd BUILD=release ENABLE_RELEASE=1 PIC=1
-    cd "$srcdir"/phobos
-    make -f posix.mak DMD="$srcdir"/dmd/generated/linux/release/*/dmd BUILD=release ENABLE_RELEASE=1 PIC=1
-    # This requires object.d to compile, thus need to be after druntime is built
-    cd "$srcdir"/dmd
-    make -C docs DMD="$srcdir"/dmd/generated/linux/release/*/dmd OTHER_MAN_PAGES=man/man5/dmd.conf.5
-package_dmd() {
-    pkgdesc="The D programming language reference compiler"
-    backup=('etc/dmd.conf')
-    depends=('gcc' 'libphobos')
-    optdepends=(
-        'dtools: collection of useful utilities for development in D'
-        'gcc-multilib: to cross-compile 32-bit applications'
-        'dmd-docs: documentation and sample code for D'
-    )
-    provides=("d-compiler=$pkgver")
-    license=('Boost')
-    cd "$srcdir"/dmd
-    install -Dm755 "$srcdir"/dmd/generated/linux/release/*/dmd "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/dmd
-    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/etc
-    install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/dmd.conf "$pkgdir"/etc/dmd.conf
-    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1
-    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man5
-    cp -r generated/docs/man/man1/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1/
-    cp -r generated/docs/man/man5/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man5/
-    install -Dm644 LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
-    find "$pkgdir"/usr -type f | xargs chmod 0644
-    chmod 755 "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/*
-package_dmd-docs() {
-    pkgdesc="Documentation and sample code for D programming language"
-    depends=('dmd')
-    license=('Boost')
-    cd "$srcdir"/dmd
-    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications
-    install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/dmd-doc.desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/dmd-doc.desktop
-    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/d/samples/
-    cp -r samples/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/d/samples/
-    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/d/html
-    cp -r "$srcdir"/dmd2/html/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/d/html/
-    install -Dm644 LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
-package_libphobos() {
-    pkgdesc="The Phobos standard library for D programming language"
-    options=('staticlibs' '!strip')
-    depends=('gcc-libs')
-    conflicts=('libphobos-devel')
-    provides=("d-runtime=$pkgver" "d-stdlib=$pkgver" "libphobos-devel=$pkgver")
-    replaces=('libphobos-devel')
-    license=('Boost')
-    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/lib
-    cp -P $(find "$srcdir"/{druntime,phobos}/generated/linux/release/ \( -iname "*.a" -a \! -iname "*.so.a" \) -o \( -iname "*.so*" -a \! -iname "*.o" -a \! -iname "*.a" \) ) "$pkgdir"/usr/lib
-    strip-nondeterminism "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/libphobos2.a
-    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/include/dlang/dmd
-    cp -r "$srcdir"/phobos/{*.d,etc,std} "$pkgdir"/usr/include/dlang/dmd
-    cp -r "$srcdir"/druntime/import/* "$pkgdir"/usr/include/dlang/dmd/
-    find "$pkgdir"/usr -type f | xargs chmod 0644
-    install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/druntime/LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE-druntime
-    install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/phobos/LICENSE_1_0.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE

Copied: dmd/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 510809, dmd/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2019-09-15 23:01:02 UTC (rev 510810)
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# Maintainer: Dan Printzell <arch at vild.io>
+# Maintainer: Filipe Laíns (FFY00) <lains at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Mihails Strasunse <public at dicebot.lv>
+# Contributor: Sven-Hendrik Haase <sh at lutzhaase.com>
+# Contributor: Chris Brannon <cmbrannon79 at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Anders Bergh <anders1 at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Alexander Fehr <pizzapunk gmail com>
+pkgname=('dmd' 'dmd-docs' 'libphobos')
+pkgdesc='D programming language compiler and standard library'
+groups=('dlang' 'dlang-dmd')
+makedepends=('git' 'ldc' 'strip-nondeterminism')
+        "git+https://github.com/dlang/druntime.git#tag=v$pkgver"
+        "git+https://github.com/dlang/phobos.git#tag=v$pkgver"
+        "http://downloads.dlang.org/releases/2.x/$pkgver/dmd.$pkgver.linux.tar.xz"
+        "http://downloads.dlang.org/releases/2.x/$pkgver/dmd.$pkgver.linux.tar.xz.sig"
+        'dmd.conf'
+        'dmd-doc.desktop')
+            'SKIP'
+            'SKIP'
+            'e84460aed12c4181075316957675158e7fe66c30612df3534a3151e87c823051'
+            'SKIP'
+            '3d639e89528fed1da90006f4dfb2b0fdc41308da5a96d953381ff4ccf257c035'
+            '4b7b8722b3fa11082f0f332397b1b66c85b30ce773c43c3fedcba5768a1484b1')
+validpgpkeys=('AFC7DB45693D62BB472BF27BAB8FE924C2F7E724') # Martin Nowak <code at dawg.eu>
+prepare() {
+    # We only want to extract the docs & samples, not the prebuild executables
+    tar xfJ "dmd.$pkgver.linux.tar.xz" dmd2/html
+    # Make sure the version is not -dirty
+    sed -i "s/result.status == 0/false/" "$srcdir"/dmd/config.d
+    # Add $LDFLAGS and $CXXFLAGS to the compilation
+    # '-link-defaultlib-shared=false' statically links dmd to liblphobos
+    sed -i "/^CXXFLAGS :=/ a $CXXFLAGS \\\\" "$srcdir"/dmd/src/posix.mak
+    sed -i "/^DFLAGS=/ a override DFLAGS += -link-defaultlib-shared=false -L=\"$LDFLAGS\" -flto=full" "$srcdir"/dmd/src/posix.mak
+    # Fix new incomplete build.d file
+    sed -i "/\~= dflags/a flags[\"DFLAGS\"] ~= [\"-link-defaultlib-shared=false\", \"-L=\\\\\"$LDFLAGS\\\\\"\"];" "$srcdir"/dmd/src/build.d
+build() {
+    cd "$srcdir"/dmd
+    make -f posix.mak BUILD=release ENABLE_RELEASE=1 PIC=1 ENABLE_LTO=1 HOST_DMD=ldmd2
+    cd "$srcdir"/druntime
+    make -f posix.mak DMD="$srcdir"/dmd/generated/linux/release/*/dmd BUILD=release ENABLE_RELEASE=1 PIC=1
+    cd "$srcdir"/phobos
+    make -f posix.mak DMD="$srcdir"/dmd/generated/linux/release/*/dmd BUILD=release ENABLE_RELEASE=1 PIC=1
+    # This requires object.d to compile, thus need to be after druntime is built
+    cd "$srcdir"/dmd
+    make -C docs DMD="$srcdir"/dmd/generated/linux/release/*/dmd OTHER_MAN_PAGES=man/man5/dmd.conf.5
+package_dmd() {
+    pkgdesc="The D programming language reference compiler"
+    backup=('etc/dmd.conf')
+    depends=('gcc' 'libphobos')
+    optdepends=(
+        'dtools: collection of useful utilities for development in D'
+        'gcc-multilib: to cross-compile 32-bit applications'
+        'dmd-docs: documentation and sample code for D'
+    )
+    provides=("d-compiler=$pkgver")
+    license=('Boost')
+    cd "$srcdir"/dmd
+    install -Dm755 "$srcdir"/dmd/generated/linux/release/*/dmd "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/dmd
+    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/etc
+    install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/dmd.conf "$pkgdir"/etc/dmd.conf
+    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1
+    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man5
+    cp -r generated/docs/man/man1/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1/
+    cp -r generated/docs/man/man5/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man5/
+    install -Dm644 LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
+    find "$pkgdir"/usr -type f | xargs chmod 0644
+    chmod 755 "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/*
+package_dmd-docs() {
+    pkgdesc="Documentation and sample code for D programming language"
+    depends=('dmd')
+    license=('Boost')
+    cd "$srcdir"/dmd
+    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications
+    install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/dmd-doc.desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/dmd-doc.desktop
+    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/d/samples/
+    cp -r samples/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/d/samples/
+    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/d/html
+    cp -r "$srcdir"/dmd2/html/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/d/html/
+    install -Dm644 LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
+package_libphobos() {
+    pkgdesc="The Phobos standard library for D programming language"
+    options=('staticlibs' '!strip')
+    depends=('gcc-libs')
+    conflicts=('libphobos-devel')
+    provides=("d-runtime=$pkgver" "d-stdlib=$pkgver" "libphobos-devel=$pkgver")
+    replaces=('libphobos-devel')
+    license=('Boost')
+    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/lib
+    cp -P $(find "$srcdir"/{druntime,phobos}/generated/linux/release/ \( -iname "*.a" -a \! -iname "*.so.a" \) -o \( -iname "*.so*" -a \! -iname "*.o" -a \! -iname "*.a" \) ) "$pkgdir"/usr/lib
+    strip-nondeterminism "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/libphobos2.a
+    mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/include/dlang/dmd
+    cp -r "$srcdir"/phobos/{*.d,etc,std} "$pkgdir"/usr/include/dlang/dmd
+    cp -r "$srcdir"/druntime/import/* "$pkgdir"/usr/include/dlang/dmd/
+    find "$pkgdir"/usr -type f | xargs chmod 0644
+    install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/druntime/LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE-druntime
+    install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/phobos/LICENSE_1_0.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE

Deleted: dmd-doc.desktop
--- dmd-doc.desktop	2019-09-15 23:00:54 UTC (rev 510809)
+++ dmd-doc.desktop	2019-09-15 23:01:02 UTC (rev 510810)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name=dmd/phobos documentation
-Comment=dmd compiler and phobos library documentation
-Exec=xdg-open /usr/share/d/html/d/spec/intro.html

Copied: dmd/repos/community-x86_64/dmd-doc.desktop (from rev 510809, dmd/trunk/dmd-doc.desktop)
--- dmd-doc.desktop	                        (rev 0)
+++ dmd-doc.desktop	2019-09-15 23:01:02 UTC (rev 510810)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=dmd/phobos documentation
+Comment=dmd compiler and phobos library documentation
+Exec=xdg-open /usr/share/d/html/d/spec/intro.html

Deleted: dmd.conf
--- dmd.conf	2019-09-15 23:00:54 UTC (rev 510809)
+++ dmd.conf	2019-09-15 23:01:02 UTC (rev 510810)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-DFLAGS=-I/usr/include/dlang/dmd -L-L/usr/lib32 -L--export-dynamic -fPIC
-DFLAGS=-I/usr/include/dlang/dmd -L-L/usr/lib -L--export-dynamic -fPIC

Copied: dmd/repos/community-x86_64/dmd.conf (from rev 510809, dmd/trunk/dmd.conf)
--- dmd.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ dmd.conf	2019-09-15 23:01:02 UTC (rev 510810)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+DFLAGS=-I/usr/include/dlang/dmd -L-L/usr/lib32 -L--export-dynamic -fPIC
+DFLAGS=-I/usr/include/dlang/dmd -L-L/usr/lib -L--export-dynamic -fPIC

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