[arch-commits] Commit in octave/trunk (PKGBUILD octave-sundials4.patch)

Antonio Rojas arojas at archlinux.org
Thu Dec 17 08:08:17 UTC 2020

    Date: Thursday, December 17, 2020 @ 08:08:16
  Author: arojas
Revision: 777102

Update to 6.1.0


 PKGBUILD               |   23 -
 octave-sundials4.patch |  599 -----------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 615 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2020-12-17 07:40:44 UTC (rev 777101)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-12-17 08:08:16 UTC (rev 777102)
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 # Contributor : cyberdune <cyberdune at gmail.com>
 pkgdesc="A high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations."
@@ -17,32 +17,23 @@
             'portaudio: audio support'
             'java-runtime: java support'
             'fltk: FLTK GUI')
-        octave-sundials4.patch)
 validpgpkeys=('DBD9C84E39FE1AAE99F04446B05F05B75D36644B')  # John W. Eaton
-            'SKIP'
-            '4b743602e8ca91e8be8dab69e09d3e476e9edd867b2eb0b9816fbe4ca344a16bff7a413c2e89b0c9fb769f4a815a696c4d67b70282b7e4fe8c24598bcce90d34')
+            'SKIP')
-prepare() {
-  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
-  patch -p1 -i ../octave-sundials4.patch # Fix sundials support https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?52475
-  autoreconf -vif
 build() {
   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
   ./configure --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
     --enable-shared --disable-static \
-    --with-quantum-depth=16 \
-    --with-sundials_ida="-lsundials_ida -lsundials_sunlinsolklu"
+    --with-quantum-depth=16
-  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
+  cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install

Deleted: octave-sundials4.patch
--- octave-sundials4.patch	2020-12-17 07:40:44 UTC (rev 777101)
+++ octave-sundials4.patch	2020-12-17 08:08:16 UTC (rev 777102)
@@ -1,599 +0,0 @@
-# HG changeset patch
-# User Bill Greene <w.h.greene at gmail.com>
-# Date 1550229868 -3600
-#      Fri Feb 15 12:24:28 2019 +0100
-# Node ID 4bf27c090f5695bcf545fc4af15e2a61a3941d46
-# Parent  f034b29320ad5034ad5c66480f64411e9d773440
-Update DAE/IDE solvers to work with SUNDIALS 3 (bug #52475).
-* libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc : use SUNDIALS API version 3.x
-diff --git a/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc b/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc
---- a/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc
-+++ b/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc
-@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- /*
- Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Francesco Faccio <francesco.faccio at mail.polimi.it>
-+Copyright (C) 2019 William Greene <w.h.greene at gmail.com>
- This file is part of Octave.
-@@ -112,7 +113,8 @@
-         havejacsparse (false), mem (nullptr), num (), ida_fun (nullptr),
-         ida_jac (nullptr), dfdy (nullptr), dfdyp (nullptr), spdfdy (nullptr),
-         spdfdyp (nullptr), fun (nullptr), jacfun (nullptr), jacspfun (nullptr),
--        jacdcell (nullptr), jacspcell (nullptr)
-+        jacdcell (nullptr), jacspcell (nullptr),
-+        sunJacMatrix (nullptr), sunLinearSolver (nullptr)
-     { }
-@@ -122,11 +124,17 @@
-         havejacsparse (false), mem (nullptr), num (), ida_fun (ida_fcn),
-         ida_jac (nullptr), dfdy (nullptr), dfdyp (nullptr), spdfdy (nullptr),
-         spdfdyp (nullptr), fun (daefun), jacfun (nullptr), jacspfun (nullptr),
--        jacdcell (nullptr), jacspcell (nullptr)
-+        jacdcell (nullptr), jacspcell (nullptr),
-+        sunJacMatrix (nullptr), sunLinearSolver (nullptr)
-     { }
--    ~IDA (void) { IDAFree (&mem); }
-+    ~IDA (void)
-+    {
-+      IDAFree (&mem);
-+      SUNLinSolFree(sunLinearSolver);
-+      SUNMatDestroy(sunJacMatrix);
-+    }
-     IDA&
-     set_jacobian (octave_function *jac, DAEJacFuncDense j)
-@@ -184,7 +192,7 @@
-     static N_Vector ColToNVec (const ColumnVector& data, long int n);
-     void
--    set_up (void);
-+    set_up (const ColumnVector& y);
-     void
-     set_tolerance (ColumnVector& abstol, realtype reltol);
-@@ -199,25 +207,24 @@
-     void
-     resfun_impl (realtype t, N_Vector& yy,
-                  N_Vector& yyp, N_Vector& rr);
-     static int
--    jacdense (long int Neq, realtype t,  realtype cj, N_Vector yy,
--              N_Vector yyp, N_Vector, DlsMat JJ, void *user_data,
-+    jacdense (realtype t, realtype cj, N_Vector yy,
-+              N_Vector yyp, N_Vector, SUNMatrix JJ, void *user_data,
-               N_Vector, N_Vector, N_Vector)
-     {
-       IDA *self = static_cast <IDA *> (user_data);
--      self->jacdense_impl (Neq, t, cj, yy, yyp, JJ);
-+      self->jacdense_impl (t, cj, yy, yyp, JJ);
-       return 0;
-     }
-     void
--    jacdense_impl (long int Neq, realtype t, realtype cj,
--                   N_Vector& yy, N_Vector& yyp, DlsMat& JJ);
-+    jacdense_impl (realtype t, realtype cj,
-+                   N_Vector& yy, N_Vector& yyp, SUNMatrix& JJ);
- #  if defined (HAVE_SUNDIALS_IDAKLU)
-     static int
-     jacsparse (realtype t, realtype cj, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yyp,
--               N_Vector, SlsMat Jac, void *user_data, N_Vector,
-+               N_Vector, SUNMatrix Jac, void *user_data, N_Vector,
-                N_Vector, N_Vector)
-     {
-       IDA *self = static_cast <IDA *> (user_data);
-@@ -227,7 +234,7 @@
-     void
-     jacsparse_impl (realtype t, realtype cj, N_Vector& yy,
--                    N_Vector& yyp, SlsMat& Jac);
-+                    N_Vector& yyp, SUNMatrix& Jac);
- #endif
-     void set_maxstep (realtype maxstep);
-@@ -291,6 +298,8 @@
-     DAEJacFuncSparse jacspfun;
-     DAEJacCellDense jacdcell;
-     DAEJacCellSparse jacspcell;
-+    SUNMatrix sunJacMatrix;
-+    SUNLinearSolver sunLinearSolver;
-   };
-   int
-@@ -323,36 +332,61 @@
-   }
-   void
--  IDA::set_up (void)
-+  IDA::set_up (const ColumnVector& y)
-   {
-+    N_Vector yy = ColToNVec(y, num);
-     if (havejacsparse)
-       {
- #  if defined (HAVE_SUNDIALS_IDAKLU)
--        if (IDAKLU (mem, num, num*num, CSC_MAT) != 0)
--          error ("IDAKLU solver not initialized");
-+        sunJacMatrix = SUNSparseMatrix (num, num, num*num, CSC_MAT);
-+        if (! sunJacMatrix)
-+          error ("Unable to create sparse Jacobian for Sundials");
-+        sunLinearSolver = SUNKLU (yy, sunJacMatrix);
-+        if (! sunLinearSolver)
-+          error ("Unable to create KLU sparse solver");
--        IDASlsSetSparseJacFn (mem, IDA::jacsparse);
-+        if (IDADlsSetLinearSolver (mem, sunLinearSolver, sunJacMatrix))
-+          error ("Unable to set sparse linear solver");
-+        IDADlsSetJacFn (mem, IDA::jacsparse);
- #  else
--        error ("IDAKLU is not available in this version of Octave");
-+        error ("SUNDIALS SUNLINSOL KLU is not available in this version of Octave");
- #  endif
-       }
-     else
-       {
--        if (IDADense (mem, num) != 0)
--          error ("IDADense solver not initialized");
-+        sunJacMatrix = SUNDenseMatrix (num, num);
-+        if (! sunJacMatrix)
-+          error ("Unable to create dense Jacobian for Sundials");
--        if (havejac && IDADlsSetDenseJacFn (mem, IDA::jacdense) != 0)
--          error ("Dense Jacobian not set");
-+        sunLinearSolver = SUNDenseLinearSolver (yy, sunJacMatrix);
-+        if (! sunLinearSolver)
-+          error ("Unable to create dense linear solver");
-+        if (IDADlsSetLinearSolver (mem, sunLinearSolver, sunJacMatrix))
-+          error ("Unable to set dense linear solver");
-+        if (havejac && IDADlsSetJacFn (mem, IDA::jacdense) != 0)
-+          error ("Unable to set dense Jacobian function");
-       }
-   }
-   void
--  IDA::jacdense_impl (long int Neq, realtype t, realtype cj,
--                      N_Vector& yy, N_Vector& yyp, DlsMat& JJ)
-+  IDA::jacdense_impl (realtype t, realtype cj,
-+                      N_Vector& yy, N_Vector& yyp, SUNMatrix& JJ)
-   {
-+    long int Neq = NV_LENGTH_S(yy);
-     ColumnVector y = NVecToCol (yy, Neq);
-     ColumnVector yp = NVecToCol (yyp, Neq);
-@@ -366,7 +400,7 @@
-     std::copy (jac.fortran_vec (),
-                jac.fortran_vec () + jac.numel (),
--               JJ->data);
-+      SUNDenseMatrix_Data(JJ));
-   }
-@@ -374,7 +408,7 @@
- #  if defined (HAVE_SUNDIALS_IDAKLU)
-   void
-   IDA::jacsparse_impl (realtype t, realtype cj, N_Vector& yy, N_Vector& yyp,
--                       SlsMat& Jac)
-+                       SUNMatrix& Jac)
-   {
-@@ -390,17 +424,18 @@
-     else
-       jac = (*jacspcell) (spdfdy, spdfdyp, cj);
--    SparseSetMatToZero (Jac);
--    int *colptrs = *(Jac->colptrs);
--    int *rowvals = *(Jac->rowvals);
-+    SUNMatZero_Sparse (Jac);
-+    octave_idx_type *colptrs = SUNSparseMatrix_IndexPointers (Jac);
-+    octave_idx_type *rowvals = SUNSparseMatrix_IndexValues (Jac);
-     for (int i = 0; i < num + 1; i++)
-       colptrs[i] = jac.cidx(i);
-+    double *d = SUNSparseMatrix_Data (Jac);
-     for (int i = 0; i < jac.nnz (); i++)
-       {
-         rowvals[i] = jac.ridx(i);
--        Jac->data[i] = jac.data(i);
-+        d[i] = jac.data(i);
-       }
-@@ -567,7 +602,7 @@
-         //main loop
-         while (((posdirection == 1 && tsol < tend)
--                || (posdirection == 0 && tsol > tend))
-+               || (posdirection == 0 && tsol > tend))
-                && status == 0)
-           {
-             if (IDASolve (mem, tend, &tsol, yy, yyp, IDA_ONE_STEP) != 0)
-@@ -692,7 +727,7 @@
-             // Linear interpolation
-             ie(0) = index(0);
-             te(0) = tsol - val (index(0)) * (tsol - told)
--                    / (val (index(0)) - oldval (index(0)));
-+              / (val (index(0)) - oldval (index(0)));
-             ColumnVector ytemp
-               = y - ((tsol - te(0)) * (y - yold) / (tsol - told));
-@@ -717,7 +752,7 @@
-                 // Linear interpolation
-                 ie(temp+i) = index(i);
-                 te(temp+i) = tsol - val(index(i)) * (tsol - told)
--                             / (val(index(i)) - oldval(index(i)));
-+                  / (val(index(i)) - oldval(index(i)));
-                 ColumnVector ytemp
-                   = y - (tsol - te (temp + i)) * (y - yold) / (tsol - told);
-@@ -1096,7 +1131,7 @@
-       event_fcn = options.getfield("Events").function_value ();
-     // Set up linear solver
--    dae.set_up ();
-+    dae.set_up (y0);
-     // Integrate
-     retval = dae.integrate (numt, tspan, y0, yp0, refine,
-# HG changeset patch
-# User Carlo de Falco <carlo.defalco at polimi.it>
-# Date 1550230515 -3600
-#      Fri Feb 15 12:35:15 2019 +0100
-# Node ID 9b27b77d2fec1a334baa7f4b2ec70751f4bf2b99
-# Parent  4bf27c090f5695bcf545fc4af15e2a61a3941d46
-Update detection of sundials in the build system (bug #52475).
-* m4/acnclude.m4 : check for sunlinsol_klu.h and sunlinsol_dense.h
-* configure.ac : update check for sundials features
-* script/ode/ode15i.m : update conditionals in tests
-* script/ode/ode15s.m : update conditionals in tests
-* libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc : udate conditionals in preprocessor directives
-diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
---- a/configure.ac
-+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -2206,15 +2206,15 @@
-   [], [don't use SUNDIALS IDA library, solvers ode15i and ode15s will be disabled],
-   [warn_sundials_ida=
- LIBS="$save_LIBS"
- dnl Define this way instead of with an #if in oct-conf-post.h so that
- dnl the build features script will get the correct value.
- if test -n "$SUNDIALS_IDA_LIBS" \
-     && test -n "$SUNDIALS_NVECSERIAL_LIBS" \
--    && test $octave_cv_sundials_ida_dense = yes \
-+    && test $octave_cv_sundials_sunlinsol_dense = yes \
-     && test $octave_cv_sundials_realtype_is_double = yes; then
-   AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SUNDIALS, 1, [Define to 1 if SUNDIALS is available.])
- fi
-diff --git a/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc b/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc
---- a/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc
-+++ b/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc
-@@ -45,15 +45,31 @@
- #    include <ida/ida.h>
- #  endif
--#  if defined (HAVE_IDA_IDA_DENSE_H)
--#    include <ida/ida_dense.h>
-+#    include <sundials/sundials_matrix.h>
-+#  endif
-+#    include <sundials/sundials_linearsolver.h>
-+#  endif
-+#    include <sunlinsol/sunlinsol_dense.h>
- #  endif
--#  if defined (HAVE_IDA_IDA_KLU_H)
--#    include <ida/ida_klu.h>
-+#  if defined (HAVE_IDA_IDA_DIRECT_H)
-+#    include <ida/ida_direct.h>
-+#  endif
- #    include <sundials/sundials_sparse.h>
- #  endif
-+#    include <sunlinsol/sunlinsol_klu.h>
-+#  endif
- #    include <nvector/nvector_serial.h>
- #  endif
-@@ -221,7 +237,7 @@
-     jacdense_impl (realtype t, realtype cj,
-                    N_Vector& yy, N_Vector& yyp, SUNMatrix& JJ);
--#  if defined (HAVE_SUNDIALS_IDAKLU)
-     static int
-     jacsparse (realtype t, realtype cj, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yyp,
-                N_Vector, SUNMatrix Jac, void *user_data, N_Vector,
-@@ -338,7 +354,7 @@
-     if (havejacsparse)
-       {
--#  if defined (HAVE_SUNDIALS_IDAKLU)
-         sunJacMatrix = SUNSparseMatrix (num, num, num*num, CSC_MAT);
-         if (! sunJacMatrix)
-@@ -405,7 +421,7 @@
-   }
--#  if defined (HAVE_SUNDIALS_IDAKLU)
-   void
-   IDA::jacsparse_impl (realtype t, realtype cj, N_Vector& yy, N_Vector& yyp,
-                        SUNMatrix& Jac)
-diff --git a/m4/acinclude.m4 b/m4/acinclude.m4
---- a/m4/acinclude.m4
-+++ b/m4/acinclude.m4
-@@ -2210,14 +2210,11 @@
- dnl precision realtype.
- dnl
--  AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ida/ida.h ida.h])
-   AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether SUNDIALS IDA is configured with double precision realtype],
-     [octave_cv_sundials_realtype_is_double],
-         #if defined (HAVE_IDA_IDA_H)
-         #include <ida/ida.h>
--        #else
--        #include <ida.h>
-         #endif
-         #include <assert.h>
-         ]], [[
-@@ -2233,61 +2230,72 @@
-   fi
- ])
- dnl
--dnl Check whether SUNDIALS IDA library is configured with IDAKLU
-+dnl Check whether SUNDIALS IDA library is configured with SUNLINSOL_KLU
- dnl enabled.
- dnl
--  AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ida/ida_klu.h ida_klu.h])
--  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether SUNDIALS IDA is configured with IDAKLU enabled],
--    [octave_cv_sundials_idaklu],
-+  AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sundials/sundials_sparse.h sunlinsol/sunlinsol_klu.h])
-+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether SUNDIALS IDA is configured with SUNLINSOL_KLU enabled],
-+    [octave_cv_sundials_sunlinsol_klu],
--         #if defined (HAVE_IDA_IDA_KLU_H)
--         #include <ida/ida_klu.h>
--         #else
--         #include <ida_klu.h>
-+         #if defined (HAVE_IDA_IDA_H)
-+         #include <ida/ida.h>
-+         #endif
-+         #if defined (HAVE_SUNDIALS_SUNDIALS_SPARSE_H)
-+         #include <sundials/sundials_sparse.h>
-+         #endif
-+         #if defined (HAVE_SUNLINSOL_SUNLINSOL_KLU_H)
-+         #include <sunlinsol/sunlinsol_klu.h>
-          #endif
-          ]], [[
--         IDAKLU (0, 0, 0, 0);
-+         SUNKLU (0, 0);
-       ]])],
--      octave_cv_sundials_idaklu=yes,
--      octave_cv_sundials_idaklu=no)
-+      octave_cv_sundials_sunlinsol_klu=yes,
-+      octave_cv_sundials_sunlinsol_klu=no)
-     ])
--  if test $octave_cv_sundials_idaklu = yes; then
--      [Define to 1 if SUNDIALS IDA is configured with IDAKLU enabled.])
-+  if test $octave_cv_sundials_sunlinsol_klu = yes; then
-+      [Define to 1 if SUNDIALS IDA is configured with SUNLINSOL_KLU enabled.])
-   else
--    warn_sundials_idaklu="SUNDIALS IDA library not configured with IDAKLU, ode15i and ode15s will not support the sparse Jacobian feature"
--    OCTAVE_CONFIGURE_WARNING([warn_sundials_idaklu])
-+    warn_sundials_idaklu="SUNDIALS IDA library not configured with SUNLINSOL_KLU, ode15i and ode15s will not support the sparse Jacobian feature"
-+    OCTAVE_CONFIGURE_WARNING([warn_sundials_sunlinsol_klu])
-   fi
- ])
- dnl
--dnl Check whether SUNDIALS IDA library has the IDADENSE linear solver.
-+dnl Check whether SUNDIALS IDA library has the SUNLINSOL_DENSE linear solver.
- dnl The IDADENSE API was removed in SUNDIALS version 3.0.0.
- dnl
--  AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ida/ida_dense.h ida_dense.h])
--  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether SUNDIALS IDA includes the IDADENSE linear solver],
--    [octave_cv_sundials_ida_dense],
-+  AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sunlinsol/sunlinsol_dense.h sundials/sundials_matrix.h sundials/sundials_linearsolver.h ida/ida_direct.h])
-+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether SUNDIALS IDA includes the SUNLINSOL_DENSE linear solver],
-+    [octave_cv_sundials_sunlinsol_dense],
--         #if defined (HAVE_IDA_IDA_DENSE_H)
--         #include <ida/ida_dense.h>
--         #else
--         #include <ida_dense.h>
-+         #if defined (HAVE_IDA_IDA_H)
-+         #include <ida/ida.h>
-+         #endif
-+         #if defined (HAVE_SUNDIALS_SUNDIALS_MATRIX_H)
-+         #include <sundials/sundials_matrix.h>
-          #endif
-+         #include <sundials/sundials_linearsolver.h>
-+         #endif
-+         #if defined (HAVE_IDA_IDA_DIRECT_H)
-+         #include <ida/ida_direct.h>
-+         #endif         
-          ]], [[
-          void *mem = 0;
-          long int num = 0;
-          IDADense (mem, num);
-       ]])],
--      octave_cv_sundials_ida_dense=yes,
--      octave_cv_sundials_ida_dense=no)
-+      octave_cv_sundials_sunlinsol_dense=yes,
-+      octave_cv_sundials_sunlinsol_dense=no)
-     ])
--  if test $octave_cv_sundials_ida_dense = yes; then
--      [Define to 1 if SUNDIALS IDA includes the IDADENSE linear solver.])
-+  if test $octave_cv_sundials_sunlinsol_dense = yes; then
-+      [Define to 1 if SUNDIALS IDA includes the SUNLINSOL_DENSE linear solver.])
-   else
--    warn_sundials_ida_dense="SUNDIALS IDA library does not include the IDADENSE linear solver, ode15i and ode15s will be disabled"
--    OCTAVE_CONFIGURE_WARNING([warn_sundials_ida_dense])
-+    warn_sundials_ida_dense="SUNDIALS IDA library does not include the SUNLINSOL_DENSE linear solver, ode15i and ode15s will be disabled"
-+    OCTAVE_CONFIGURE_WARNING([warn_sundials_sunlinsol_dense])
-   fi
- ])
- dnl
-diff --git a/scripts/ode/ode15i.m b/scripts/ode/ode15i.m
---- a/scripts/ode/ode15i.m
-+++ b/scripts/ode/ode15i.m
-@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@
- %! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-3);
- ## Jacobian fun sparse
- %! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", @jacfunsparse, "AbsTol", 1e-7, "RelTol", 1e-7);
- %! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
- %! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-3);
-@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
- %!       "invalid value assigned to field 'Jacobian'");
- ## Jacobian cell sparse wrong dimension
- %! DFDY = sparse ([-0.04, 1;
- %!                  0.04, 1]);
- %! DFDYP = sparse ([-1,  0, 0;
-diff --git a/scripts/ode/ode15s.m b/scripts/ode/ode15s.m
---- a/scripts/ode/ode15s.m
-+++ b/scripts/ode/ode15s.m
-@@ -545,21 +545,21 @@
- %! [t, y] = ode15s (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], opt);
- %! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], frefrob, 1e-3);
- %! opt = odeset ("MStateDependence", "none",
- %!               "Mass", [1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 0],
- %!               "Jacobian", @jacfunsparse);
- %! [t, y] = ode15s (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], opt);
- %! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], frefrob, 1e-3);
- %! opt = odeset ("MStateDependence", "none",
- %!               "Mass", sparse ([1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 0]),
- %!               "Jacobian", @jacfunsparse);
- %! [t, y] = ode15s (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], opt);
- %! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], frefrob, 1e-3);
- %! warning ("off", "ode15s:mass_state_dependent_provided", "local");
- %! opt = odeset ("MStateDependence", "none",
- %!               "Mass", @massdensefunstate,
-@@ -575,14 +575,14 @@
- %! [t, y] = ode15s (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], opt);
- %! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], frefrob, 1e-3);
- %! opt = odeset ("MStateDependence", "none",
- %!               "Mass", @massdensefuntime,
- %!               "Jacobian", @jacfunsparse);
- %! [t, y] = ode15s (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], opt);
- %! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], frefrob, 1e-3);
- %! opt = odeset ("MStateDependence", "none",
- %!               "Mass", @masssparsefuntime,
- %!               "Jacobian", @jacfunsparse);
-# HG changeset patch
-# Parent  6ef7a85c3b1908f57665a08d1d7205c15018c2af
-diff --git a/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc b/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc
---- a/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc
-+++ b/libinterp/dldfcn/__ode15__.cc
-@@ -67,6 +67,18 @@
-+#    if defined (HAVE_KLU_H)
-+#      include <klu.h>
-+#    endif
-+#    if defined (HAVE_KLU_KLU_H)
-+#      include <klu/klu.h>
-+#    endif
-+#    if defined (HAVE_SUITESPARSE_KLU_H)
-+#      include <suitesparse/klu.h>
-+#    endif
-+#    if defined (HAVE_UFPARSE_KLU_H)
-+#      include <ufsparse/klu.h>
-+#    endif
- #    include <sunlinsol/sunlinsol_klu.h>
- #  endif
-diff --git a/m4/acinclude.m4 b/m4/acinclude.m4
---- a/m4/acinclude.m4
-+++ b/m4/acinclude.m4
-@@ -2244,6 +2244,18 @@
-          #if defined (HAVE_SUNDIALS_SUNDIALS_SPARSE_H)
-          #include <sundials/sundials_sparse.h>
-          #endif
-+         #if defined (HAVE_KLU_H)
-+         #include <klu.h>
-+         #endif
-+         #if defined (HAVE_KLU_KLU_H)
-+         #include <klu/klu.h>
-+         #endif
-+         #if defined (HAVE_SUITESPARSE_KLU_H)
-+         #include <suitesparse/klu.h>
-+         #endif
-+         #if defined (HAVE_UFPARSE_KLU_H)
-+         #include <ufsparse/klu.h>
-+         #endif
-          #if defined (HAVE_SUNLINSOL_SUNLINSOL_KLU_H)
-          #include <sunlinsol/sunlinsol_klu.h>
-          #endif

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