[arch-commits] Commit in cantarell-fonts/repos/extra-any (3 files)

Jan Steffens heftig at archlinux.org
Wed Dec 23 00:40:27 UTC 2020

    Date: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 @ 00:40:27
  Author: heftig
Revision: 404871

archrelease: copy trunk to extra-any

    (from rev 404869, cantarell-fonts/trunk/PKGBUILD)

 PKGBUILD    |   50 +++---
 cattrs.diff |  415 ----------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 440 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2020-12-23 00:40:26 UTC (rev 404870)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-12-23 00:40:27 UTC (rev 404871)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <jan.steffens at gmail.com>
-pkgdesc="Humanist sans serif font"
-makedepends=(meson appstream-glib git)
-build() {
-  arch-meson $pkgname-$pkgver build -D useprebuilt=true
-  ninja -C build
-package() {
-  DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install -C build
-  install -Dt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" -m644 $pkgname-$pkgver/COPYING
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Copied: cantarell-fonts/repos/extra-any/PKGBUILD (from rev 404869, cantarell-fonts/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-12-23 00:40:27 UTC (rev 404871)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <heftig at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="Humanist sans serif font"
+makedepends=(meson appstream-glib git)
+build() {
+  arch-meson $pkgname-$pkgver build -D useprebuilt=true
+  meson compile -C build
+package() {
+  DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install -C build
+  install -Dt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" -m644 $pkgname-$pkgver/COPYING
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Deleted: cattrs.diff
--- cattrs.diff	2020-12-23 00:40:26 UTC (rev 404870)
+++ cattrs.diff	2020-12-23 00:40:27 UTC (rev 404871)
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/cattr/_compat.py b/src/cattr/_compat.py
-index 73d81d5..7cd4c54 100644
---- a/src/cattr/_compat.py
-+++ b/src/cattr/_compat.py
-@@ -13,20 +13,21 @@ version_info = sys.version_info[0:3]
- is_py2 = version_info[0] == 2
- is_py3 = version_info[0] == 3
- is_py37 = version_info[:2] == (3, 7)
-+is_py38 = version_info[:2] == (3, 8)
- if is_py2:
-     from functools32 import lru_cache
-     from singledispatch import singledispatch
-     unicode = unicode  # noqa
-     bytes = str
- else:
-     from functools import lru_cache, singledispatch  # noqa
-     unicode = str
-     bytes = bytes
--if is_py37:
-+if is_py37 or is_py38:
-     from typing import List, Union, _GenericAlias
-     def is_union_type(obj):
-@@ -96,7 +97,11 @@ else:
-         return issubclass(type, MutableSet)
-     def is_sequence(type):
--        return issubclass(type, Sequence)
-+        if is_py2:
-+            is_string = issubclass(type, basestring)  # noqa:F821
-+        else:
-+            is_string = issubclass(type, str)
-+        return issubclass(type, Sequence) and not is_string
-     def is_tuple(type):
-         return issubclass(type, Tuple)
-diff --git a/src/cattr/converters.py b/src/cattr/converters.py
-index 57b9f4d..24b039c 100644
---- a/src/cattr/converters.py
-+++ b/src/cattr/converters.py
-@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
- from enum import Enum
--from typing import Mapping, Sequence, Optional, TypeVar, Any
-+from typing import (  # noqa: F401, imported for Mypy.
-+    Any,
-+    Callable,
-+    Dict,
-+    FrozenSet,
-+    Mapping,
-+    Optional,
-+    Sequence,
-+    Set,
-+    Tuple,
-+    Type,
-+    TypeVar,
- from ._compat import (
-     bytes,
-     is_bare,
-@@ -79,6 +91,8 @@ class Converter(object):
-             [
-                 (_subclass(Mapping), self._unstructure_mapping),
-                 (_subclass(Sequence), self._unstructure_seq),
-+                (_subclass(Set), self._unstructure_seq),
-+                (_subclass(FrozenSet), self._unstructure_seq),
-                 (_subclass(Enum), self._unstructure_enum),
-                 (_is_attrs_class, self._unstructure_attrs),
-             ]
-@@ -121,95 +135,96 @@ class Converter(object):
-         self._union_registry = {}
-     def unstructure(self, obj):
-+        # type: (Any) -> Any
-         return self._unstructure_func.dispatch(obj.__class__)(obj)
-     @property
-     def unstruct_strat(self):
-         # type: () -> UnstructureStrategy
-         """The default way of unstructuring ``attrs`` classes."""
-         return (
-             UnstructureStrategy.AS_DICT
-             if self._unstructure_attrs == self.unstructure_attrs_asdict
-             else UnstructureStrategy.AS_TUPLE
-         )
-     def register_unstructure_hook(self, cls, func):
-         # type: (Type[T], Callable[[T], Any]) -> None
-         """Register a class-to-primitive converter function for a class.
-         The converter function should take an instance of the class and return
-         its Python equivalent.
-         """
-         self._unstructure_func.register_cls_list([(cls, func)])
-     def register_unstructure_hook_func(self, check_func, func):
-         """Register a class-to-primitive converter function for a class, using
-         a function to check if it's a match.
-         """
--        # type: (Callable[Any], Callable[T], Any]) -> None
-         self._unstructure_func.register_func_list([(check_func, func)])
-     def register_structure_hook(self, cl, func):
-         """Register a primitive-to-class converter function for a type.
-         The converter function should take two arguments:
-           * a Python object to be converted,
-           * the type to convert to
-         and return the instance of the class. The type may seem redundant, but
-         is sometimes needed (for example, when dealing with generic classes).
-         """
--        # type: (Type[T], Callable[[Any, Type], T) -> None
-         if is_union_type(cl):
-             self._union_registry[cl] = func
-         else:
-             self._structure_func.register_cls_list([(cl, func)])
-     def register_structure_hook_func(self, check_func, func):
--        # type: (Callable[Any], Callable[T], Any]) -> None
-+        # type: (Callable[[Any], Any], Callable[[T], Any]) -> None
-         """Register a class-to-primitive converter function for a class, using
-         a function to check if it's a match.
-         """
-         self._structure_func.register_func_list([(check_func, func)])
-     def structure(self, obj, cl):
-+        # type: (Any, Type[T]) -> T
-         """Convert unstructured Python data structures to structured data."""
--        # type: (Any, Type) -> Any
-         return self._structure_func.dispatch(cl)(obj, cl)
-     # Classes to Python primitives.
-     def unstructure_attrs_asdict(self, obj):
-+        # type: (Any) -> Dict[str, Any]
-         """Our version of `attrs.asdict`, so we can call back to us."""
-         attrs = obj.__class__.__attrs_attrs__
-         dispatch = self._unstructure_func.dispatch
-         rv = self._dict_factory()
-         for a in attrs:
-             name = a.name
-             v = getattr(obj, name)
-             rv[name] = dispatch(v.__class__)(v)
-         return rv
-     def unstructure_attrs_astuple(self, obj):
-+        # type: (Any) -> Tuple
-         """Our version of `attrs.astuple`, so we can call back to us."""
-         attrs = obj.__class__.__attrs_attrs__
-         return tuple(self.unstructure(getattr(obj, a.name)) for a in attrs)
-     def _unstructure_enum(self, obj):
-         """Convert an enum to its value."""
-         return obj.value
-     def _unstructure_identity(self, obj):
-         """Just pass it through."""
-         return obj
-     def _unstructure_seq(self, seq):
-         """Convert a sequence to primitive equivalents."""
-         # We can reuse the sequence class, so tuples stay tuples.
-         dispatch = self._unstructure_func.dispatch
-         return seq.__class__(dispatch(e.__class__)(e) for e in seq)
-     def _unstructure_mapping(self, mapping):
--        # type: (Mapping) -> Any
-         """Convert a mapping of attr classes to primitive equivalents."""
-         # We can reuse the mapping class, so dicts stay dicts and OrderedDicts
-@@ -258,159 +273,159 @@ class Converter(object):
-     # Attrs classes.
-     def structure_attrs_fromtuple(self, obj, cl):
--        # type: (Sequence[Any], Type) -> Any
-+        # type: (Tuple, Type[T]) -> T
-         """Load an attrs class from a sequence (tuple)."""
-         conv_obj = []  # A list of converter parameters.
--        for a, value in zip(cl.__attrs_attrs__, obj):
-+        for a, value in zip(cl.__attrs_attrs__, obj):  # type: ignore
-             # We detect the type by the metadata.
-             converted = self._structure_attr_from_tuple(a, a.name, value)
-             conv_obj.append(converted)
--        return cl(*conv_obj)
-+        return cl(*conv_obj)  # type: ignore
-     def _structure_attr_from_tuple(self, a, name, value):
-         """Handle an individual attrs attribute."""
-         type_ = a.type
-         if type_ is None:
-             # No type metadata.
-             return value
-         return self._structure_func.dispatch(type_)(value, type_)
-     def structure_attrs_fromdict(self, obj, cl):
--        # type: (Mapping, Type) -> Any
-+        # type: (Mapping[str, Any], Type[T]) -> T
-         """Instantiate an attrs class from a mapping (dict)."""
-         # For public use.
--        conv_obj = obj.copy()  # Dict of converted parameters.
-+        conv_obj = {}  # Start with a fresh dict, to ignore extra keys.
-         dispatch = self._structure_func.dispatch
--        for a in cl.__attrs_attrs__:
-+        for a in cl.__attrs_attrs__:  # type: ignore
-             # We detect the type by metadata.
-             type_ = a.type
--            if type_ is None:
--                # No type.
--                continue
-             name = a.name
-             try:
-                 val = obj[name]
-             except KeyError:
-                 continue
--            conv_obj[name] = dispatch(type_)(val, type_)
--        return cl(**conv_obj)
-+            if name[0] == "_":
-+                name = name[1:]
-+            conv_obj[name] = (
-+                dispatch(type_)(val, type_) if type_ is not None else val
-+            )
-+        return cl(**conv_obj)  # type: ignore
-     def _structure_list(self, obj, cl):
--        # type: (Type[GenericMeta], Iterable[T]) -> List[T]
-         """Convert an iterable to a potentially generic list."""
-         if is_bare(cl) or cl.__args__[0] is Any:
-             return [e for e in obj]
-         else:
-             elem_type = cl.__args__[0]
-             return [
-                 self._structure_func.dispatch(elem_type)(e, elem_type)
-                 for e in obj
-             ]
-     def _structure_set(self, obj, cl):
--        # type: (Type[GenericMeta], Iterable[T]) -> MutableSet[T]
-         """Convert an iterable into a potentially generic set."""
-         if is_bare(cl) or cl.__args__[0] is Any:
-             return set(obj)
-         else:
-             elem_type = cl.__args__[0]
-             return {
-                 self._structure_func.dispatch(elem_type)(e, elem_type)
-                 for e in obj
-             }
-     def _structure_frozenset(self, obj, cl):
--        # type: (Type[GenericMeta], Iterable[T]) -> FrozenSet[T]
-         """Convert an iterable into a potentially generic frozenset."""
-         if is_bare(cl) or cl.__args__[0] is Any:
-             return frozenset(obj)
-         else:
-             elem_type = cl.__args__[0]
-             dispatch = self._structure_func.dispatch
-             return frozenset(dispatch(elem_type)(e, elem_type) for e in obj)
-     def _structure_dict(self, obj, cl):
--        # type: (Type[GenericMeta], Mapping[T, V]) -> Dict[T, V]
-         """Convert a mapping into a potentially generic dict."""
-         if is_bare(cl) or cl.__args__ == (Any, Any):
-             return dict(obj)
-         else:
-             key_type, val_type = cl.__args__
-             if key_type is Any:
-                 val_conv = self._structure_func.dispatch(val_type)
-                 return {k: val_conv(v, val_type) for k, v in obj.items()}
-             elif val_type is Any:
-                 key_conv = self._structure_func.dispatch(key_type)
-                 return {key_conv(k, key_type): v for k, v in obj.items()}
-             else:
-                 key_conv = self._structure_func.dispatch(key_type)
-                 val_conv = self._structure_func.dispatch(val_type)
-                 return {
-                     key_conv(k, key_type): val_conv(v, val_type)
-                     for k, v in obj.items()
-                 }
-     def _structure_union(self, obj, union):
--        # type: (_Union, Any): -> Any
-         """Deal with converting a union."""
-         # Unions with NoneType in them are basically optionals.
-         # We check for NoneType early and handle the case of obj being None,
-         # so disambiguation functions don't need to handle NoneType.
-         union_params = union.__args__
--        if NoneType in union_params:
-+        if NoneType in union_params:  # type: ignore
-             if obj is None:
-                 return None
-             if len(union_params) == 2:
-                 # This is just a NoneType and something else.
-                 other = (
-                     union_params[0]
--                    if union_params[1] is NoneType
-+                    if union_params[1] is NoneType  # type: ignore
-                     else union_params[1]
-                 )
-                 # We can't actually have a Union of a Union, so this is safe.
-                 return self._structure_func.dispatch(other)(obj, other)
-         # Check the union registry first.
-         handler = self._union_registry.get(union)
-         if handler is not None:
-             return handler(obj, union)
-         # Getting here means either this is not an optional, or it's an
-         # optional with more than one parameter.
-         # Let's support only unions of attr classes for now.
-         cl = self._dis_func_cache(union)(obj)
-         return self._structure_func.dispatch(cl)(obj, cl)
-     def _structure_tuple(self, obj, tup):
--        # type: (Type[Tuple], Iterable) -> Any
-         """Deal with converting to a tuple."""
-         tup_params = tup.__args__
-         has_ellipsis = tup_params and tup_params[-1] is Ellipsis
-         if tup_params is None or (has_ellipsis and tup_params[0] is Any):
-             # Just a Tuple. (No generic information.)
-             return tuple(obj)
-         if has_ellipsis:
-             # We're dealing with a homogenous tuple, Tuple[int, ...]
-             tup_type = tup_params[0]
-             conv = self._structure_func.dispatch(tup_type)
-             return tuple(conv(e, tup_type) for e in obj)
-         else:
-             # We're dealing with a heterogenous tuple.
-             return tuple(
-                 self._structure_func.dispatch(t)(e, t)
-                 for t, e in zip(tup_params, obj)
-             )
-     def _get_dis_func(self, union):
-         # type: (Type) -> Callable[..., Type]
-         """Fetch or try creating a disambiguation function for a union."""
-         union_types = union.__args__
--        if NoneType in union_types:
-+        if NoneType in union_types:  # type: ignore
-             # We support unions of attrs classes and NoneType higher in the
-             # logic.
--            union_types = tuple(e for e in union_types if e is not NoneType)
-+            union_types = tuple(
-+                e for e in union_types if e is not NoneType  # type: ignore
-+            )
-         if not all(hasattr(e, "__attrs_attrs__") for e in union_types):
-             raise ValueError(
-diff --git a/src/cattr/disambiguators.py b/src/cattr/disambiguators.py
-index 4daa078..765a630 100644
---- a/src/cattr/disambiguators.py
-+++ b/src/cattr/disambiguators.py
-@@ -3,42 +3,48 @@ from collections import OrderedDict
- from functools import reduce
- from operator import or_
--from typing import Mapping
-+from typing import (  # noqa: F401, imported for Mypy.
-+    Callable,
-+    Dict,
-+    Mapping,
-+    Optional,
-+    Type,
- from attr import fields
--def create_uniq_field_dis_func(*cls):
--    # type: (*Sequence[Type]) -> Callable
-+def create_uniq_field_dis_func(*classes):
-+    # type: (*Type) -> Callable
-     """Given attr classes, generate a disambiguation function.
-     The function is based on unique fields."""
--    if len(cls) < 2:
-+    if len(classes) < 2:
-         raise ValueError("At least two classes required.")
--    cls_and_attrs = [(cl, set(at.name for at in fields(cl))) for cl in cls]
-+    cls_and_attrs = [(cl, set(at.name for at in fields(cl))) for cl in classes]
-     if len([attrs for _, attrs in cls_and_attrs if len(attrs) == 0]) > 1:
-         raise ValueError("At least two classes have no attributes.")
-     # TODO: Deal with a single class having no required attrs.
-     # For each class, attempt to generate a single unique required field.
--    uniq_attrs_dict = OrderedDict()
-+    uniq_attrs_dict = OrderedDict()  # type: Dict[str, Type]
-     cls_and_attrs.sort(key=lambda c_a: -len(c_a[1]))
-     fallback = None  # If none match, try this.
-     for i, (cl, cl_reqs) in enumerate(cls_and_attrs):
-         other_classes = cls_and_attrs[i + 1 :]
-         if other_classes:
-             other_reqs = reduce(or_, (c_a[1] for c_a in other_classes))
-             uniq = cl_reqs - other_reqs
-             if not uniq:
-                 m = "{} has no usable unique attributes.".format(cl)
-                 raise ValueError(m)
-             uniq_attrs_dict[next(iter(uniq))] = cl
-         else:
-             fallback = cl
-     def dis_func(data):
--        # type: (Mapping) -> Union
-+        # type: (Mapping) -> Optional[Type]
-         if not isinstance(data, Mapping):
-             raise ValueError("Only input mappings are supported.")
-         for k, v in uniq_attrs_dict.items():

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