[arch-commits] Commit in nauty/repos/community-x86_64 (6 files)
Antonio Rojas
arojas at archlinux.org
Tue Feb 18 18:17:40 UTC 2020
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 @ 18:17:39
Author: arojas
Revision: 576051
archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64
(from rev 576050, nauty/trunk/LICENSE)
(from rev 576050, nauty/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 576050, nauty/trunk/nauty-ldflags.patch)
LICENSE | 18 +++++-----
PKGBUILD | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
nauty-ldflags.patch | 44 ++++++++++++-------------
3 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
Deleted: LICENSE
--- LICENSE 2020-02-18 18:17:18 UTC (rev 576050)
+++ LICENSE 2020-02-18 18:17:39 UTC (rev 576051)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-nauty is copyright (1984-2013) Brendan McKay. Traces is copyright (2008-2013) Adolfo Piperno. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby given for
-use and/or distribution with the exception of sale for profit or application with nontrivial military significance. You must not remove this
-copyright notice, and you must document any changes that you make to this program. This software is subject to this copyright only, irrespective
-of any copyright attached to any package of which this is a part.
-Absolutely no guarantees or warranties are made concerning the suitability, correctness, or any other aspect of this program. Any use is at your
-own risk.
-The above does not apply to the file planarity.c, which is copyright to the Magma project, nor to the file watercluster2.c, which is copyright to
-Gunnar Brinkmann.
Copied: nauty/repos/community-x86_64/LICENSE (from rev 576050, nauty/trunk/LICENSE)
--- LICENSE (rev 0)
+++ LICENSE 2020-02-18 18:17:39 UTC (rev 576051)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+nauty is copyright (1984-2013) Brendan McKay. Traces is copyright (2008-2013) Adolfo Piperno. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby given for
+use and/or distribution with the exception of sale for profit or application with nontrivial military significance. You must not remove this
+copyright notice, and you must document any changes that you make to this program. This software is subject to this copyright only, irrespective
+of any copyright attached to any package of which this is a part.
+Absolutely no guarantees or warranties are made concerning the suitability, correctness, or any other aspect of this program. Any use is at your
+own risk.
+The above does not apply to the file planarity.c, which is copyright to the Magma project, nor to the file watercluster2.c, which is copyright to
+Gunnar Brinkmann.
--- PKGBUILD 2020-02-18 18:17:18 UTC (rev 576050)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-02-18 18:17:39 UTC (rev 576051)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc="A program for computing automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs"
- nauty-ldflags.patch)
- '65e0527b27edd783f23ba3e4f114edd6d54195c4cc453293d140195f8a307f69')
-prepare() {
- cd nauty$pkgver
- patch -p1 -i ../nauty-ldflags.patch # Honor LDFLAGS
- rm showg # Force compilation of showg
-build() {
- cd nauty$pkgver
- ./configure
- make
-package() {
- cd nauty$pkgver
- mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
- for _program in addedgeg amtog biplabg catg complg converseg copyg countg cubhamg deledgeg delptg directg dreadnaut dretodot dretog \
- genbg genbgL geng genquarticg genrang genspecialg gentourng gentreeg hamheuristic labelg linegraphg listg multig newedgeg \
- pickg planarg ranlabg shortg showg subdivideg twohamg vcolg watercluster2 NRswitchg;
- do
- install -m755 $_program "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/$program
- done
- install -Dm644 nauty.a -t "$pkgdir"/usr/lib
- install -Dm644 nauty.h -t "$pkgdir"/usr/include/nauty
- mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/nauty
- install COPYRIGHT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/nauty/LICENSE
Copied: nauty/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 576050, nauty/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-02-18 18:17:39 UTC (rev 576051)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="A program for computing automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs"
+ nauty-ldflags.patch)
+ '65e0527b27edd783f23ba3e4f114edd6d54195c4cc453293d140195f8a307f69')
+prepare() {
+ cd nauty$pkgver
+ patch -p1 -i ../nauty-ldflags.patch # Honor LDFLAGS
+ rm showg # Force compilation of showg
+build() {
+ cd nauty$pkgver
+ ./configure
+ make
+package() {
+ cd nauty$pkgver
+ mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
+ for _program in addedgeg amtog biplabg catg complg converseg copyg countg cubhamg deledgeg delptg directg dreadnaut dretodot dretog \
+ genbg genbgL geng genquarticg genrang genspecialg gentourng gentreeg hamheuristic labelg linegraphg listg multig newedgeg \
+ pickg planarg ranlabg shortg showg subdivideg twohamg vcolg watercluster2 NRswitchg;
+ do
+ install -m755 $_program "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/$program
+ done
+ install -Dm644 nauty.a "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/libnauty.a
+ install -Dm644 nauty.h -t "$pkgdir"/usr/include/nauty
+ mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/nauty
+ install COPYRIGHT "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/nauty/LICENSE
Deleted: nauty-ldflags.patch
--- nauty-ldflags.patch 2020-02-18 18:17:18 UTC (rev 576050)
+++ nauty-ldflags.patch 2020-02-18 18:17:39 UTC (rev 576051)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- nauty26r12/makefile.basic.orig 2019-10-15 06:08:44.730370702 +0000
-+++ nauty26r12/makefile.basic 2019-10-15 06:09:06.797358787 +0000
-@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
- nautilL1.o naugraphL1.o schreierL.o naurng.o ${LDFLAGS}
- gentreeg : gentreeg.c gtools.o nauty.h gtools.h
-- ${CC} -o gentreeg ${CFLAGS} gentreeg.c gtools.o
-+ ${CC} -o gentreeg ${CFLAGS} gentreeg.c gtools.o ${LDFLAGS}
- genrang : ${GTOOLSH} genrang.c gtools.o naututil.o ${NAUTYO}
- ${CC} -o genrang ${CFLAGS} genrang.c \
---- nauty26r12/makefile.in.orig 2019-10-15 06:08:37.656934310 +0000
-+++ nauty26r12/makefile.in 2019-10-15 06:09:15.337483153 +0000
-@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
- nautilL1.o naugraphL1.o schreierL.o naurng.o ${LDFLAGS}
- gentreeg : gentreeg.c gtools.o nauty.h gtools.h
-- ${CC} -o gentreeg ${CFLAGS} gentreeg.c gtools.o
-+ ${CC} -o gentreeg ${CFLAGS} gentreeg.c gtools.o ${LDFLAGS}
- genrang : ${GTOOLSH} genrang.c gtools.o naututil.o ${NAUTYO}
- ${CC} -o genrang ${CFLAGS} genrang.c \
Copied: nauty/repos/community-x86_64/nauty-ldflags.patch (from rev 576050, nauty/trunk/nauty-ldflags.patch)
--- nauty-ldflags.patch (rev 0)
+++ nauty-ldflags.patch 2020-02-18 18:17:39 UTC (rev 576051)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- nauty26r12/makefile.basic.orig 2019-10-15 06:08:44.730370702 +0000
++++ nauty26r12/makefile.basic 2019-10-15 06:09:06.797358787 +0000
+@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
+ nautilL1.o naugraphL1.o schreierL.o naurng.o ${LDFLAGS}
+ gentreeg : gentreeg.c gtools.o nauty.h gtools.h
+- ${CC} -o gentreeg ${CFLAGS} gentreeg.c gtools.o
++ ${CC} -o gentreeg ${CFLAGS} gentreeg.c gtools.o ${LDFLAGS}
+ genrang : ${GTOOLSH} genrang.c gtools.o naututil.o ${NAUTYO}
+ ${CC} -o genrang ${CFLAGS} genrang.c \
+--- nauty26r12/makefile.in.orig 2019-10-15 06:08:37.656934310 +0000
++++ nauty26r12/makefile.in 2019-10-15 06:09:15.337483153 +0000
+@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
+ nautilL1.o naugraphL1.o schreierL.o naurng.o ${LDFLAGS}
+ gentreeg : gentreeg.c gtools.o nauty.h gtools.h
+- ${CC} -o gentreeg ${CFLAGS} gentreeg.c gtools.o
++ ${CC} -o gentreeg ${CFLAGS} gentreeg.c gtools.o ${LDFLAGS}
+ genrang : ${GTOOLSH} genrang.c gtools.o naututil.o ${NAUTYO}
+ ${CC} -o genrang ${CFLAGS} genrang.c \
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