[arch-commits] Commit in gap/trunk (PKGBUILD gap-polymake-4.0.patch)

Antonio Rojas arojas at archlinux.org
Wed Jan 29 22:35:34 UTC 2020

    Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 @ 22:35:33
  Author: arojas
Revision: 559222

polymake 4.0 rebuild


 PKGBUILD               |   14 -
 gap-polymake-4.0.patch |  450 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 459 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2020-01-29 22:31:00 UTC (rev 559221)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-01-29 22:35:33 UTC (rev 559222)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 pkgname=(gap gap-doc gap-packages)
 pkgdesc="Groups, Algorithms, Programming: a system for computational discrete algebra"
@@ -13,13 +13,15 @@
 source=("https://www.gap-system.org/pub/gap/gap-${pkgver%.*}/tar.gz/gap-$pkgver.tar.gz" gap.sh
-         normalizinterface-missing-include.patch)
+         normalizinterface-missing-include.patch
+         gap-polymake-4.0.patch)
-            '2410dfc69f1f4d2f320e91590d55e59c7b557637f9f60b9e609b318cfc21c181')
-makedepends=(libxaw givaro mpfi normaliz boost libsemigroups c-xsc zeromq fplll polymake wget chrpath fmt git)
+            '2410dfc69f1f4d2f320e91590d55e59c7b557637f9f60b9e609b318cfc21c181'
+            'e3f6d671c8df9acb6143a7c279391957967cd44f0a00b949323401d5b54ed685')
+makedepends=(libxaw givaro mpfi normaliz polymake boost libsemigroups c-xsc zeromq fplll wget chrpath fmt git)
 prepare() {
   cd gap-$pkgver
@@ -42,6 +44,8 @@
   cd ../semigroups-*
   patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/libsemigroups-1.0.patch # Fix build with libsemigroups 1.0
+  cd ../PolymakeInterface-*
+  patch -p2 -i "$srcdir"/gap-polymake-4.0.patch # Fix build with polymake 4.0
 build() {
@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@
   optdepends=('normaliz: Normaliz interface package' 'libxaw: xgap package' 'c-xsc: float package' 'mpfi: float package'
               'libmpc: float package' 'fplll: float package' 'zeromq: ZeroMQ interface package' 'planarity: digraph package'
-              'polymake: Polymake interface package' 'curl: curl interface package' 'libsemigroups: semigroups package')
+              'curl: curl interface package' 'libsemigroups: semigroups package' 'polymake: Polymake interface package')
   pkgdesc="Extra packages for GAP"
   cd gap-$pkgver

Added: gap-polymake-4.0.patch
--- gap-polymake-4.0.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ gap-polymake-4.0.patch	2020-01-29 22:35:33 UTC (rev 559222)
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_cone.cpp b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_cone.cpp
+index 6c17f49d..637266a0 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_cone.cpp
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_cone.cpp
+@@ -110,16 +110,16 @@ Obj REAL_GENERATING_RAYS_OF_CONE( Polymake_Data* data, Obj cone){
+   matr2 = -matr2;
+-  int len1 = LEN_PLIST( RETLI1 );
+-  int len2 = LEN_PLIST( RETLI2 );
++  Int len1 = LEN_PLIST( RETLI1 );
++  Int len2 = LEN_PLIST( RETLI2 );
+   Obj RETLI = NEW_PLIST( T_PLIST, len1 + 2*len2 );
+   SET_LEN_PLIST( RETLI, len1 + 2*len2 );
+-  for( int i = 1; i <= len1; i++ )
++  for( Int i = 1; i <= len1; i++ )
+-  for( int i = 1; i <= len2; i++ ){
++  for( Int i = 1; i <= len2; i++ ){
+     SET_ELM_PLIST( RETLI, len1 + i, ELM_PLIST( RETLI2, i ) );
+     SET_ELM_PLIST( RETLI,  len1 + len2 + i, ELM_PLIST( RETLI3, i ) );
+   }
+@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Obj REAL_HILBERT_BASIS_OF_CONE( Polymake_Data* data, Obj cone){
+   polymake::Array<polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer>> arr;
+   try
+   {
+-     arr = coneobj->give("HILBERT_BASIS_GENERATORS");
++     coneobj->give("HILBERT_BASIS_GENERATORS") >> arr;
+   }
+@@ -232,16 +232,16 @@ Obj REAL_DEFINING_INEQUALITIES_OF_CONE( Polymake_Data* data, Obj cone){
+   matr2 = -matr2;
+-  int len1 = LEN_PLIST( RETLI1 );
+-  int len2 = LEN_PLIST( RETLI2 );
++  Int len1 = LEN_PLIST( RETLI1 );
++  Int len2 = LEN_PLIST( RETLI2 );
+   Obj RETLI = NEW_PLIST( T_PLIST, len1 + 2*len2 );
+   SET_LEN_PLIST( RETLI, len1 + 2*len2 );
+-  for( int i = 1; i <= len1; i++ )
++  for( Int i = 1; i <= len1; i++ )
+-  for( int i = 1; i <= len2; i++ ){
++  for( Int i = 1; i <= len2; i++ ){
+     SET_ELM_PLIST( RETLI, len1 + i, ELM_PLIST( RETLI2, i ) );
+     SET_ELM_PLIST( RETLI,  len1 + len2 + i, ELM_PLIST( RETLI3, i ) );
+   }
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_data.cpp b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_data.cpp
+index 3fc25241..ea3a4ed7 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_data.cpp
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_data.cpp
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Obj ExternalPolymakeObjectTypeFunc(Obj o) {
+ void polymake_start( Polymake_Data* data ){
+     if( ! data->initialized ){
+       data->main_polymake_session = new polymake::Main;
+-      data->main_polymake_scope = new polymake::perl::Scope(data->main_polymake_session->newScope());
++      data->main_polymake_scope = new pm::perl::Scope(data->main_polymake_session->newScope());
+       data->initialized = true;
+     }
+     return;
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_data.h b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_data.h
+index b7d678ed..fcc3543c 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_data.h
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_data.h
+@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ extern Obj TheTypeExternalPolymakeTropicalHypersurface;
+ extern Obj TheTypeExternalPolymakeTropicalPolytope;
+ extern Obj TheTypeExternalPolymakeMatroid;
+-typedef pair<int, polymake::perl::Object*> object_pair;
+-typedef polymake::perl::Object perlobj;
+-typedef map<int, polymake::perl::Object*>::iterator iterator;
++typedef pair<int, pm::perl::BigObject*> object_pair;
++typedef pm::perl::BigObject perlobj;
++typedef map<int, pm::perl::BigObject*>::iterator iterator;
+ struct Polymake_Data {
+    bool initialized;
+    polymake::Main *main_polymake_session;
+-   polymake::perl::Scope *main_polymake_scope;
+-   map<int, polymake::perl::Object*> *polymake_objects;
++   pm::perl::Scope *main_polymake_scope;
++   map<int, pm::perl::BigObject*> *polymake_objects;
+    int new_polymake_object_number;
+ };
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fan.cpp b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fan.cpp
+index 6ea650c8..43c2e982 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fan.cpp
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fan.cpp
+@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ Obj REAL_FAN_BY_CONES( Polymake_Data* data, Obj cones ){
+     return NULL;
+   }
+-  int numberofcones = LEN_PLIST( cones );
++  Int numberofcones = LEN_PLIST( cones );
+   Obj akt;
+   Obj elem;
+   Obj numb;
+-  int numberofrays = 0;
++  Int numberofrays = 0;
+   data->main_polymake_session->set_application("fan");
+-  for(int i=1;i<=numberofcones;i++){
++  for(Int i=1;i<=numberofcones;i++){
+       akt = ELM_PLIST( cones, i );
+ #ifdef MORE_TESTS
+       if( !IS_PLIST( akt ) ){
+@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ Obj REAL_FAN_BY_CONES( Polymake_Data* data, Obj cones ){
+   }
+-  int dimension = LEN_PLIST( ELM_PLIST( ELM_PLIST( cones, 1 ), 1 ) );
+-  polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int>> incMatr(numberofcones);
++  Int dimension = LEN_PLIST( ELM_PLIST( ELM_PLIST( cones, 1 ), 1 ) );
++  polymake::Array<polymake::Set<Int>> incMatr(numberofcones);
+   polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> matr(numberofrays+1,dimension);
+-  int raycounter = 1;
+-  for(int i = 1; i <= numberofcones; i++){
++  Int raycounter = 1;
++  for(Int i = 1; i <= numberofcones; i++){
+         akt = ELM_PLIST( cones, i );
+-        for( int j = 1; j <= LEN_PLIST( akt ); j++){
++        for( Int j = 1; j <= LEN_PLIST( akt ); j++){
+             elem = ELM_PLIST( akt, j );
+-            for( int k = 1; k <= LEN_PLIST( elem ); k++){
++            for( Int k = 1; k <= LEN_PLIST( elem ); k++){
+                 numb = ELM_PLIST( elem, k );
+ #ifdef MORE_TESTS
+@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ Obj REAL_FAN_BY_RAYS_AND_CONES( Polymake_Data* data, Obj rays, Obj cones ){
+-  int numberofcones = LEN_PLIST( cones );
+-  polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int>> incMatr(numberofcones);
+-  for(int i=0;i<numberofcones;i++){
++  Int numberofcones = LEN_PLIST( cones );
++  polymake::Array<polymake::Set<Int>> incMatr(numberofcones);
++  for(Int i=0;i<numberofcones;i++){
+       akt = ELM_PLIST( cones, i+1 );
+ #ifdef MORE_TESTS
+       if( !IS_PLIST( akt ) ){
+@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Obj REAL_FAN_BY_RAYS_AND_CONES( Polymake_Data* data, Obj rays, Obj cones ){
+         return NULL;
+       }
+ #endif
+-      for(int j = 0; j < LEN_PLIST( akt ) ; j++){
++      for(Int j = 0; j < LEN_PLIST( akt ) ; j++){
+         numb = ELM_PLIST( akt, j+1 );
+ #ifdef MORE_TESTS
+         if( ! IS_INTOBJ( numb ) ){
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Obj REAL_FAN_BY_RAYS_AND_CONES( Polymake_Data* data, Obj rays, Obj cones ){
+           return NULL;
+         }
+ #endif
+-        incMatr[i] += static_cast<int>(INT_INTOBJ( numb ) - 1);
++        incMatr[i] += static_cast<Int>(INT_INTOBJ( numb ) - 1);
+       }
+   }
+@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ Obj REAL_FAN_BY_RAYS_AND_CONES_UNSAVE( Polymake_Data* data, Obj rays, Obj cones
+   polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> matr(0,0);
+-  int numberofcones = LEN_PLIST( cones );
++  Int numberofcones = LEN_PLIST( cones );
+   polymake::IncidenceMatrix<> incMatr(numberofcones,matr.rows());
+-  for(int i=0;i<numberofcones;i++){
++  for(Int i=0;i<numberofcones;i++){
+       akt = ELM_PLIST( cones, i+1 );
+ #ifdef MORE_TESTS
+       if( !IS_PLIST( akt ) ){
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Obj REAL_FAN_BY_RAYS_AND_CONES_UNSAVE( Polymake_Data* data, Obj rays, Obj cones
+         return NULL;
+       }
+ #endif
+-      for(int j = 0; j < LEN_PLIST( akt ) ; j++){
++      for(Int j = 0; j < LEN_PLIST( akt ) ; j++){
+         numb = ELM_PLIST( akt, j+1 );
+ #ifdef MORE_TESTS
+         if( ! IS_INTOBJ( numb ) ){
+@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ Obj REAL_F_VECTOR( Polymake_Data* data, Obj fan){
+   UInt matr_rows = matr.size();
+   Obj RETLI = NEW_PLIST( T_PLIST , matr.size() );
+   SET_LEN_PLIST( RETLI , matr_rows );
+-  for(int i = 0;i<matr.size(); i++){
+-      SET_ELM_PLIST(RETLI,i+1,INTOBJ_INT( static_cast<int>(matr[i]) ));
++  for(Int i = 0;i<matr.size(); i++){
++      SET_ELM_PLIST(RETLI,i+1,INTOBJ_INT( static_cast<Int>(matr[i]) ));
+   }
+   return RETLI;
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fktn.cpp b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fktn.cpp
+index c8e6ad8b..6ed28e25 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fktn.cpp
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fktn.cpp
+@@ -120,12 +120,12 @@ Obj REAL_POLYMAKE_SKETCH_WITH_OPTIONS( Polymake_Data* data, Obj cone, Obj filena
+   #endif
+   perlobj* coneobj = PERLOBJ_POLYMAKEOBJ( cone );
+   data->main_polymake_session->set_application_of(*coneobj);
+-  polymake::perl::OptionSet sketch_options;
++  pm::perl::OptionSet sketch_options;
+   if( IS_STRING( filename ) ){
+     sketch_options["File"] << CSTR_STRING( filename );
+   }
+-  polymake::perl::OptionSet visual_options;
++  pm::perl::OptionSet visual_options;
+   if( IS_PLIST( options ) ){
+     for( int i = 1; i <= LEN_PLIST( options ); i++ ){
+       Obj current_option = ELM_PLIST( options, i );
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fktn.h b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fktn.h
+index cabc6e12..e372c95e 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fktn.h
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_fktn.h
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ using std::pair;
+ // load the package.
+ //static polymake::Main *main_polymake_session;
+-//static polymake::perl::Scope *main_polymake_scope;
++//static pm::perl::Scope *main_polymake_scope;
+ //static map<int, pm::perl::Object*> *polymake_objects;
+ //static int new_polymake_object_number;
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_main.cpp b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_main.cpp
+index d4f45650..a114b932 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_main.cpp
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_main.cpp
+@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ Obj FuncPOLYMAKE_RESET_WORKSPACE( Obj self ){
+   delete akt_data.main_polymake_session;
+   akt_data.main_polymake_session = new polymake::Main;
+-  akt_data.main_polymake_scope = new polymake::perl::Scope(akt_data.main_polymake_session->newScope());
++  akt_data.main_polymake_scope = new pm::perl::Scope(akt_data.main_polymake_session->newScope());
+   return True;
+@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ static Int InitLibrary ( StructInitInfo *module )
+ //     // We start with initialising the polymake classes.
+ //     akt_data.initialized = false;
+ // //     akt_data.main_polymake_session = new polymake::Main;
+-// //     akt_data.main_polymake_scope = new polymake::perl::Scope(akt_data.main_polymake_session->newScope());
++// //     akt_data.main_polymake_scope = new pm::perl::Scope(akt_data.main_polymake_session->newScope());
+ // //     akt_data.main_polymake_session->set_application("polytope");
+ // //     akt_data.main_polymake_session->set_custom("$Verbose::scheduler",1);
+ //     //This is pretty slow.
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_matroid.cpp b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_matroid.cpp
+index 5a92c09e..98d91896 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_matroid.cpp
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_matroid.cpp
+@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ Obj REAL_CREATE_MATROID_ABSTRACT( Polymake_Data* data, Obj size, Obj elements ){
+     return NULL;
+   }
+-  int matroid_size = INT_INTOBJ( size );
++  Int matroid_size = INT_INTOBJ( size );
+   if( ! IS_PLIST( elements ) ){
+     ErrorMayQuit( "second argument is not a plain list", 0, 0);
+     return NULL;
+   }
+-  int nr_of_basis = LEN_PLIST( elements );
+-  polymake::Array<polymake::Set<int>> incMatr(nr_of_basis);
++  Int nr_of_basis = LEN_PLIST( elements );
++  polymake::Array<polymake::Set<Int>> incMatr(nr_of_basis);
+-  for( int current_basis=1;current_basis<=nr_of_basis;current_basis++){
++  for( Int current_basis=1;current_basis<=nr_of_basis;current_basis++){
+       Obj current_basis_list = ELM_PLIST( elements, current_basis );
+@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ Obj REAL_CREATE_MATROID_ABSTRACT( Polymake_Data* data, Obj size, Obj elements ){
+         return NULL;
+       }
+-      int current_length = LEN_PLIST( current_basis_list );
++      Int current_length = LEN_PLIST( current_basis_list );
+-      for( int i=1;i<=current_length;i++){
+-          incMatr[current_basis] += static_cast<int>(INT_INTOBJ( ELM_PLIST( current_basis_list, i ) ) - 1);
++      for( Int i=1;i<=current_length;i++){
++          incMatr[current_basis] += static_cast<Int>(INT_INTOBJ( ELM_PLIST( current_basis_list, i ) ) - 1);
+       }
+   }
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_polytopes.cpp b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_polytopes.cpp
+index b82f9819..e7553ae5 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_polytopes.cpp
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_polytopes.cpp
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Obj REAL_CREATE_POLYTOPE_BY_POINTS( Polymake_Data* data, Obj polytope ){
+   }
+ #endif
+-  int len = LEN_PLIST( polytope );
++  Int len = LEN_PLIST( polytope );
+   Obj akt = ELM_PLIST( polytope, 1 );
+   Obj elem;
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Obj REAL_CREATE_POLYTOPE_BY_POINTS( Polymake_Data* data, Obj polytope ){
+   }
+ #endif
+-  int len_elem = LEN_PLIST( akt );
++  Int len_elem = LEN_PLIST( akt );
+   data->main_polymake_session->set_application("polytope");
+   polymake::Matrix<polymake::Rational> matr(len,len_elem+1);
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Obj REAL_VERTICES_OF_POLYTOPE( Polymake_Data* data, Obj polytope){
+       LIZeil = NEW_PLIST( T_PLIST, matr.cols()-1);
+       SET_LEN_PLIST( LIZeil , matr_cols );
+       for(int j = 1;j<matr.cols();j++){
+-        SET_ELM_PLIST(LIZeil,j,INTOBJ_INT(static_cast<int>(matr(i,j))));
++        SET_ELM_PLIST(LIZeil,j,INTOBJ_INT(static_cast<Int>(matr(i,j))));
+       }
+       SET_ELM_PLIST(RETLI,k,LIZeil);
+@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Obj REAL_LATTICE_POINTS_OF_POLYTOPE( Polymake_Data* data, Obj polytope){
+   data->main_polymake_session->set_application_of(*polyobj);
+   polymake::Array<polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer>> arr;
+   try{
+-      arr = polyobj->give("LATTICE_POINTS_GENERATORS");
++      polyobj->give("LATTICE_POINTS_GENERATORS") >> arr;
+   }
+@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Obj REAL_LATTICE_POINTS_OF_POLYTOPE( Polymake_Data* data, Obj polytope){
+     LIZeil = NEW_PLIST( T_PLIST, matr.cols()-1);
+     SET_LEN_PLIST( LIZeil , matr_cols );
+     for(int j = 1;j<matr.cols();j++){
+-      SET_ELM_PLIST(LIZeil,j,INTOBJ_INT(static_cast<int>(matr(i,j))));
++      SET_ELM_PLIST(LIZeil,j,INTOBJ_INT(static_cast<Int>(matr(i,j))));
+     }
+     SET_ELM_PLIST(RETLI,i+1,LIZeil);
+@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Obj REAL_INTERIOR_LATTICE_POINTS( Polymake_Data* data, Obj polytope){
+     LIZeil = NEW_PLIST( T_PLIST, matr.cols()-1);
+     SET_LEN_PLIST( LIZeil , matr_cols );
+     for(int j = 1;j<matr.cols();j++){
+-      SET_ELM_PLIST(LIZeil,j,INTOBJ_INT(static_cast<int>(matr(i,j))));
++      SET_ELM_PLIST(LIZeil,j,INTOBJ_INT(static_cast<Int>(matr(i,j))));
+     }
+     SET_ELM_PLIST(RETLI,i+1,LIZeil);
+@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ Obj REAL_TAIL_CONE_OF_POLYTOPE( Polymake_Data* data, Obj polytope){
+       LIZeil = NEW_PLIST( T_PLIST, matr.cols()-1);
+       SET_LEN_PLIST( LIZeil , matr_cols );
+       for(int j = 1;j<matr.cols();j++){
+-        SET_ELM_PLIST(LIZeil,j, INTOBJ_INT( static_cast<int>(matr(i,j)) ) );
++        SET_ELM_PLIST(LIZeil,j, INTOBJ_INT( static_cast<Int>(matr(i,j)) ) );
+       }
+       SET_ELM_PLIST(RETLI,k,LIZeil);
+@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ Obj REAL_LATTICE_POINTS_GENERATORS( Polymake_Data* data, Obj polytope ){
+   data->main_polymake_session->set_application_of(*polyobj);
+   polymake::Array<polymake::Matrix<polymake::Integer>> array;
+   try{
+-      array = polyobj->give("LATTICE_POINTS_GENERATORS");
++      polyobj->give("LATTICE_POINTS_GENERATORS") >> array;
+   }
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_templates.h b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_templates.h
+index 5acfb733..82445aa9 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_templates.h
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_templates.h
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ using std::pair;
+ template<typename T>
+ void POLYMAKE_RATIONAL_MATRIX_GAP_MATRIX( T* polymake_matrix, Obj gap_matrix ){
+-  int rows = LEN_PLIST( gap_matrix );
++  Int rows = LEN_PLIST( gap_matrix );
+   Obj current = ELM_PLIST( gap_matrix, 1 );
+   Obj elem;
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ void POLYMAKE_RATIONAL_MATRIX_GAP_MATRIX( T* polymake_matrix, Obj gap_matrix ){
+   }
+ #endif
+-  int columns = LEN_PLIST( current );
++  Int columns = LEN_PLIST( current );
+   polymake_matrix->resize( rows, columns );
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Obj GAP_MATRIX_POLYMAKE_INTEGER_MATRIX( T* polymake_matrix ){
+     LIZeil = NEW_PLIST( T_PLIST, polymake_matrix->cols() );
+     SET_LEN_PLIST( LIZeil ,matr_cols);
+     for(int j = 0;j<polymake_matrix->cols();j++){
+-      SET_ELM_PLIST(LIZeil,j+1,INTOBJ_INT(static_cast<int>((*polymake_matrix)(i,j))));
++      SET_ELM_PLIST(LIZeil,j+1,INTOBJ_INT(static_cast<Int>((*polymake_matrix)(i,j))));
+     }
+     SET_ELM_PLIST(RETLI,i+1,LIZeil);
+   }
+diff --git a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_tropical.cpp b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_tropical.cpp
+index cf3134d0..3d26fc61 100644
+--- a/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_tropical.cpp
++++ b/PolymakeInterface/src/polymake_tropical.cpp
+   }
+ #endif
+-  int len = LEN_PLIST( monomials );
++  Int len = LEN_PLIST( monomials );
+   Obj akt = ELM_PLIST( monomials, 1 );
+   Obj elem;
+@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ Obj REAL_TROPICAL_HYPERSURFACE_BY_MONOMS_AND_COEFFICIENTS( Polymake_Data* data,
+ #endif
+-  int len_elem = LEN_PLIST( akt );
++  Int len_elem = LEN_PLIST( akt );
+   data->main_polymake_session->set_application("tropical");
+-  polymake::Matrix<int> matr(len, len_elem);
+-  polymake::Vector<int> coeff(len);
++  polymake::Matrix<Int> matr(len, len_elem);
++  polymake::Vector<Int> coeff(len);
+-  for(int i=1;i<=len;i++){
++  for(Int i=1;i<=len;i++){
+       akt = ELM_PLIST( monomials, i );
+ #ifdef MORE_TESTS
+       if( !IS_PLIST( akt ) ){
+       }
+ #endif
+-      for(int j = 1; j <= len_elem; j++){
++      for(Int j = 1; j <= len_elem; j++){
+         elem = ELM_PLIST( akt, j);
+ #ifdef MORE_TESTS
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Obj REAL_MONOMIALS_OF_HYPERSURFACE( Polymake_Data* data, Obj hypersurf){
+   perlobj* polyobj = PERLOBJ_POLYMAKEOBJ( hypersurf );
+   data->main_polymake_session->set_application_of(*polyobj);
+-  polymake::Matrix<int> matr;
++  polymake::Matrix<Int> matr;
+   try{
+     polyobj->give("MONOMIALS") >> matr;
+   }

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