[arch-commits] Commit in tuxcards/repos (4 files)

Felix Yan felixonmars at archlinux.org
Tue Jul 7 17:36:08 UTC 2020

    Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 @ 17:36:07
  Author: felixonmars
Revision: 659802

archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-x86_64

    (from rev 659800, tuxcards/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 659800, tuxcards/trunk/tuxcards-qt5.patch)
    (from rev 659800, tuxcards/trunk/tuxcards.desktop)

 PKGBUILD           |   39 +
 tuxcards-qt5.patch | 1088 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tuxcards.desktop   |   10 
 3 files changed, 1137 insertions(+)

Copied: tuxcards/repos/community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 659800, tuxcards/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2020-07-07 17:36:07 UTC (rev 659802)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Maintainer: Eric Bélanger <eric at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="A hierarchical notebook to enter and manage notes and ideas in a structured manner"
+source=(https://www.tuxcards.de/src/tuxcards-${pkgver}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz tuxcards.desktop tuxcards-qt5.patch)
+            '947d683b1f66a29815277f3cafeabc2fe8a639faad78a5eac3de96ea7b65c38865700371282697dcf2e9d4bc50c3c441d4fa38c0ea6b84a48c5af2bcc145a37a'
+            '86a79238d0e37a9d085c13ef4972d4ee7449f0e9b3ab40910f3fbca9ec6c40c3b3f2c666112517a6dbd04d3c7b60fcbc160635b950f12c9a323a84857d60ff57')
+prepare() {
+  cd $pkgname
+  find -type f | xargs dos2unix # Fix line endings
+  patch -lp1 -i ../tuxcards-qt5.patch # Port to Qt5
+  sed -i 's|/usr/local/doc/tuxcards/flowers/|/usr/share/tuxcards/flowers/|' src/CTuxCardsConfiguration.cpp
+build() {
+  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"
+  qmake-qt5 tuxcards.pro
+  make
+package() {
+  cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}"
+  install -D -m755 tuxcards "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/tuxcards"
+  install -D -m644 src/icons/lo16-app-tuxcards.png "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/locolor/16x16/apps/tuxcards.png"
+  install -D -m644 src/icons/lo32-app-tuxcards.png "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/locolor/32x32/apps/tuxcards.png"
+  install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/tuxcards.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/tuxcards.desktop"
+  install -D -m644 src/translations/tuxcards_de.qm "${pkgdir}/usr/share/tuxcards/i18/tuxcards_de.qm"
+  install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/tuxcards/flowers/"
+  install -m644 src/gui/cactusbar/flowers/*.gif "${pkgdir}/usr/share/tuxcards/flowers/"

Copied: tuxcards/repos/community-staging-x86_64/tuxcards-qt5.patch (from rev 659800, tuxcards/trunk/tuxcards-qt5.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/tuxcards-qt5.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/tuxcards-qt5.patch	2020-07-07 17:36:07 UTC (rev 659802)
@@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@
+From f496695228c2fec4942597c74abde746076eac09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Eli Schwartz <eschwartz at archlinux.org>
+Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 01:45:09 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] WIP: Port to Qt5
+ src/gui/CMainWindow.cpp                       | 78 +++++++++----------
+ src/gui/CTree.cpp                             | 35 +++++----
+ src/gui/CTreeElement.cpp                      |  2 +-
+ .../CConfigurationDialog.cpp                  |  4 +-
+ .../dateInputDialog/CDateInputDialog.cpp      |  2 +-
+ .../ExpiredElementsDialog.cpp                 |  2 +-
+ .../ExpiredElementsDialogInterface.h          | 26 +++----
+ .../CIconSelectorDialog.cpp                   |  8 +-
+ .../iconselectordialog/CIconSelectorItem.cpp  |  7 +-
+ .../dialogs/passwdDialog/CPasswdDialog.cpp    |  2 +-
+ .../propertyDialog/CPropertyDialog.cpp        | 14 ++--
+ .../dialogs/searchDialog/CSearchListItem.cpp  |  2 +-
+ .../searchDialog/CSearchListItemDelegate.cpp  |  2 +-
+ src/gui/editor/CEditor.cpp                    | 12 +--
+ src/information/CInformationElement.cpp       |  4 +-
+ src/information/htmlwriter.cpp                | 16 ++--
+ src/information/xmlpersister.cpp              |  2 +-
+ src/informationExt/CCollectionModel.cpp       | 52 ++++++-------
+ src/persister.cpp                             |  4 +-
+ src/utilities/base64/CBase64Coder.cpp         |  2 +-
+ tuxcards.pro                                  |  3 +
+ 21 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)
+ mode change 100755 => 100644 tuxcards.pro
+diff --git a/src/gui/CMainWindow.cpp b/src/gui/CMainWindow.cpp
+index d4b4163..9f61ecd 100755
+--- a/src/gui/CMainWindow.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/CMainWindow.cpp
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ CMainWindow::CMainWindow( const QString& sArg )
+ // , mpQuickLoader( NULLPTR )
+  , mpStatusBar_ChangeLabel( NULLPTR )
+  , mpStatusBar_TextFormatLabel( NULLPTR )
+- , mbChangesExist( FALSE )
++ , mbChangesExist( false )
+  , mSaveChangesDialog( this )
+  , mpEditFontCombo( NULLPTR )
+@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ void CMainWindow::settingUpMainWindow()
+    settingUpTree( *mpSplit );
+    settingUpEditor( *mpSplit );
+-   mpSplit->setOpaqueResize(TRUE);
++   mpSplit->setOpaqueResize(true);
+    settingUpActions();
+    settingUpMenu();
+@@ -535,21 +535,21 @@ void CMainWindow::settingUpActions( void )
+    // editor actions - text formating
+    mpEditBoldAction = new QAction( getIcon("text_bold"), tr("&Bold") /*"(Ctrl+B)"*/, this );
+-   QFont f = mpEditBoldAction->font(); f.setBold( TRUE ); mpEditBoldAction->setFont( f );
++   QFont f = mpEditBoldAction->font(); f.setBold( true ); mpEditBoldAction->setFont( f );
+    mpEditBoldAction->setShortcut( Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_B );
+-   mpEditBoldAction->setCheckable( TRUE );
++   mpEditBoldAction->setCheckable( true );
+    connect( mpEditBoldAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), mpEditor, SLOT(toggleFontBold()) );
+    mpEditItalicAction = new QAction( getIcon("text_italic"), tr("&Italic") /*"(Ctrl+I)"*/, this );
+-   f = mpEditItalicAction->font(); f.setItalic( TRUE ); mpEditItalicAction->setFont( f );
++   f = mpEditItalicAction->font(); f.setItalic( true ); mpEditItalicAction->setFont( f );
+    mpEditItalicAction->setShortcut( Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_I );
+-   mpEditItalicAction->setCheckable( TRUE );
++   mpEditItalicAction->setCheckable( true );
+    connect( mpEditItalicAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mpEditor, SLOT(setFontItalic(bool)) );
+    mpEditUnderAction = new QAction( getIcon("text_under"), tr("Underline") /*"(Ctrl+U)"*/, this );
+-   f = mpEditUnderAction->font(); f.setUnderline( TRUE ); mpEditUnderAction->setFont( f );
++   f = mpEditUnderAction->font(); f.setUnderline( true ); mpEditUnderAction->setFont( f );
+    mpEditUnderAction->setShortcut( Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::Key_U );
+-   mpEditUnderAction->setCheckable( TRUE );
++   mpEditUnderAction->setCheckable( true );
+    connect( mpEditUnderAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mpEditor, SLOT(setFontUnderline(bool)) );
+    // color action
+@@ -561,35 +561,35 @@ void CMainWindow::settingUpActions( void )
+    // alignment actions
+    mpEditTextLeftAction = new QAction( getIcon("text_left"), tr("Align Left"), this );
+-   mpEditTextLeftAction->setCheckable( TRUE );
++   mpEditTextLeftAction->setCheckable( true );
+    connect( mpEditTextLeftAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(textLeft()) );
+    mpEditTextCenterAction = new QAction( getIcon("text_center"), tr("Center"), this );
+-   mpEditTextCenterAction->setCheckable( TRUE );
++   mpEditTextCenterAction->setCheckable( true );
+    connect( mpEditTextCenterAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(textHCenter()) );
+    mpEditTextRightAction = new QAction( getIcon("text_right"), tr("Align Right"), this );
+-   mpEditTextRightAction->setCheckable( TRUE );
++   mpEditTextRightAction->setCheckable( true );
+    connect( mpEditTextRightAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(textRight()) );
+    mpEditTextBlockAction = new QAction( getIcon("text_block"), tr("Text Block"), this );
+-   mpEditTextBlockAction->setCheckable( TRUE );
++   mpEditTextBlockAction->setCheckable( true );
+    connect( mpEditTextBlockAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(textBlock()) );
+    // toggle toolbar actions
+    mpMainToolBarAction = new QAction( tr("Show Main Toolbar"), this );
+-   mpMainToolBarAction->setCheckable( TRUE );
++   mpMainToolBarAction->setCheckable( true );
+    mpMainToolBarAction->setChecked( mConfiguration.getBoolValue( CTuxCardsConfiguration::B_SHOW_MAIN_TOOLBAR ) );
+    connect( mpMainToolBarAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotSetMainToolBarVisible(bool)) );
+    mpEntryToolBarAction = new QAction( tr("Show Entry Manipulation Toolbar"), this );
+-   mpEntryToolBarAction->setCheckable( TRUE );
++   mpEntryToolBarAction->setCheckable( true );
+    mpEntryToolBarAction->setChecked( mConfiguration.getBoolValue( CTuxCardsConfiguration::B_SHOW_ENTRY_TOOLBAR ) );
+    connect( mpEntryToolBarAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotSetEntryToolBarVisible(bool)) );
+    mpEditorToolBarAction = new QAction( tr("Show Editor Toolbar"), this );
+-   mpEditorToolBarAction->setCheckable( TRUE );
++   mpEditorToolBarAction->setCheckable( true );
+    mpEditorToolBarAction->setChecked( mConfiguration.getBoolValue( CTuxCardsConfiguration::B_SHOW_EDITOR_TOOLBAR ) );
+    connect( mpEditorToolBarAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotSetEditorToolBarVisible(bool)) );
+ }
+@@ -1124,30 +1124,30 @@ void CMainWindow::textColorChanged( const QColor& c )
+ void CMainWindow::textAlignmentChanged( Qt::Alignment a )
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   mpEditTextLeftAction->setChecked( FALSE );
+-   mpEditTextCenterAction->setChecked( FALSE );
+-   mpEditTextRightAction->setChecked( FALSE );
+-   mpEditTextBlockAction->setChecked( FALSE );
++   mpEditTextLeftAction->setChecked( false );
++   mpEditTextCenterAction->setChecked( false );
++   mpEditTextRightAction->setChecked( false );
++   mpEditTextBlockAction->setChecked( false );
+    //std::cout<<"CMainWindow::textAlignmentChanged() to "<<a<<std::endl;
+    switch (a)
+    {
+    case Qt::AlignHCenter:
+-      mpEditTextCenterAction->setChecked( TRUE );
++      mpEditTextCenterAction->setChecked( true );
+       //std::cout<<"center"<<std::endl;
+       break;
+    case Qt::AlignRight:
+-      mpEditTextRightAction->setChecked( TRUE );
++      mpEditTextRightAction->setChecked( true );
+       //std::cout<<"right"<<std::endl;
+       break;
+    case Qt::AlignJustify:
+-      mpEditTextBlockAction->setChecked( TRUE );
++      mpEditTextBlockAction->setChecked( true );
+       //std::cout<<"just"<<std::endl;
+       break;
+    case Qt::AlignLeft:
+    default:
+-      mpEditTextLeftAction->setChecked( TRUE );
++      mpEditTextLeftAction->setChecked( true );
+       //std::cout<<"left"<<std::endl;
+       break;
+    }
+@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ void CMainWindow::textBlock()
+ // {
+ //    QString configurationFileName = QDir::homePath() + "/.tuxcards";
+ //
+-//    ConfigParser parser( configurationFileName, FALSE );
++//    ConfigParser parser( configurationFileName, false );
+ //    parser.setGroup("General");
+ //    QString version   = parser.readEntry("Version",   "previousVersion");
+ //    // TODO: Check whether this version is correct and does work
+@@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@ QMessageBox::Button CMainWindow::askForSaving( const QString& sQuestion )
+ void CMainWindow::loadLastSavedDataIfConfigFileIsFound( const QString& sArg )
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   bool bResult = FALSE;
++   bool bResult = false;
+    if ( sArg != "" )
+    {
+@@ -1421,13 +1421,13 @@ void CMainWindow::open()
+ /**
+- * Returns TRUE, if file was opend successfully; otherwise FALSE.
++ * Returns true, if file was opend successfully; otherwise false.
+  */
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool CMainWindow::open( const QString& sFileName )
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   bool bRetVal = FALSE;
++   bool bRetVal = false;
+ //  int format = getDataFileFormat(fileName);
+ //
+@@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ bool CMainWindow::open( const QString& sFileName )
+  * informationcollection from it & sets latter one to be presented
+  * within tuxcards.
+  *
+- * Returns TRUE, if file was opend successfully; otherwise FALSE.
++ * Returns true, if file was opend successfully; otherwise false.
+  */
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool CMainWindow::openXMLDataFile( const QString& sFileName )
+@@ -1482,12 +1482,12 @@ bool CMainWindow::openXMLDataFile( const QString& sFileName )
+                            tr("ERROR - Could not open") + " '"+ sAbsoluteFileName
+                            + "' " + tr("for reading or parse error."),
+                            QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton);
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    }
+    initializingCollection( sAbsoluteFileName );
+-   return TRUE;
++   return true;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ void CMainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* pEv )
+ // * informationcollection from it & sets latter one to be presented
+ // * within tuxcards.
+ // *
+-// * Returns TRUE, if file was opend successfully; otherwise FALSE.
++// * Returns true, if file was opend successfully; otherwise false.
+ // */
+ //// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //bool CMainWindow::openOldDataFile(QString fileName)
+@@ -1696,7 +1696,7 @@ void CMainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* pEv )
+ //  QFile file(fileName);
+ //  if (! file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ) {
+ //    showMessage("ERROR could not open '"+fileName+"' for reading.", 5);
+-//    return FALSE;
++//    return false;
+ //  }
+ //
+ //  // create absolute file name, in case a relative one is given
+@@ -1715,7 +1715,7 @@ void CMainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* pEv )
+ //  mpCollection = Persister::createInformationCollection( s );
+ //  initializingCollection( fileName );
+ //
+-//  return TRUE;
++//  return true;
+ //}
+ //
+ //
+@@ -1816,9 +1816,9 @@ void CMainWindow::showMessage( const QString& sMessage, int iSeconds )
+ void CMainWindow::recognizeChanges()
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   mbChangesExist = TRUE;
++   mbChangesExist = true;
+-   setWindowModified( TRUE );  // With this the members 'mpStatusBar_ChangeLabel'
++   setWindowModified( true );  // With this the members 'mpStatusBar_ChangeLabel'
+                                // and 'mbChangesExist' can be removed.
+    if ( mpStatusBar_ChangeLabel )
+@@ -1833,9 +1833,9 @@ void CMainWindow::recognizeChanges()
+ void CMainWindow::clearChanges()
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   mbChangesExist = FALSE;
++   mbChangesExist = false;
+-   setWindowModified( FALSE );
++   setWindowModified( false );
+    if ( mpStatusBar_ChangeLabel )
+       mpStatusBar_ChangeLabel->setText(" ");
+@@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ void CMainWindow::callingExecutionStatement() const
+    if ( mConfiguration.getStringValue( CTuxCardsConfiguration::S_EXECUTE_STATEMENT ).isEmpty() )
+       return;
+-   system( mConfiguration.getStringValue( CTuxCardsConfiguration::S_EXECUTE_STATEMENT ).toAscii() );
++   system( mConfiguration.getStringValue( CTuxCardsConfiguration::S_EXECUTE_STATEMENT ).toLatin1() );
+ }
+@@ -1880,7 +1880,7 @@ void CMainWindow::exportHTML()
+   bool bSuccess = HTMLWriter::writeCollectionToHTMLFile( *mpCollection, sDirPath );
+   // done
+-  if ( FALSE != bSuccess )
++  if ( false != bSuccess )
+   {
+      QMessageBox::information( this, tr("HTML-Export"), tr("HTML") + "<em>" + tr("Export") +
+                                "</em> <font size=-1>(" + QString(TUX_SHORT_VERSION) + ")</font> " +
+diff --git a/src/gui/CTree.cpp b/src/gui/CTree.cpp
+index 233219d..8b44067 100644
+--- a/src/gui/CTree.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/CTree.cpp
+@@ -25,9 +25,12 @@
+ #define  getIcon(x)  CIconManager::getInstance().getIcon(x)
+ #include <QMessageBox>
++#include <QDrag>
+ #include <QDragEnterEvent>
+ #include "../CTuxCardsConfiguration.h"
++#include <QMimeData>
+ #define CTREE_COLUMN_ZERO  0
+@@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ CTree::CTree( QWidget* pParent )
+    settingUpContextMenu();
+    mHistory.setListener( this );
+-   setAcceptDrops( TRUE );
++   setAcceptDrops( true );
+    initModel();
+ }
+@@ -102,12 +105,12 @@ void CTree::settingUpActions()
+    mpHistoryPrevAction = new QAction( getIcon("back"), tr("Back, Previous Entry (Alt+Left)"), this );
+    mpHistoryPrevAction->setShortcut( Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_Left );
+    connect( mpHistoryPrevAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotActivatePreviousHistoryElement()) );
+-   mpHistoryPrevAction->setEnabled( FALSE );
++   mpHistoryPrevAction->setEnabled( false );
+    mpHistoryNextAction = new QAction( getIcon("forward"), tr("Forward, Next Entry (Alt+Right)"), this );
+    mpHistoryNextAction->setShortcut( Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_Right );
+    connect( mpHistoryNextAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotActivateNextHistoryElement()) );
+-   mpHistoryNextAction->setEnabled( FALSE );
++   mpHistoryNextAction->setEnabled( false );
+    mpLockAction = new QAction( getIcon("lock"), tr("Encrypt active Entry"), this );
+@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ void CTree::settingUpActions()
+    mpRemoveLockAction = new QAction( getIcon("unlock"), tr("Remove Encryption from active Entry"), this );
+    connect( mpRemoveLockAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveEncryptionFromActiveEntry()) );
+-   mpRemoveLockAction->setEnabled( FALSE );
++   mpRemoveLockAction->setEnabled( false );
+ }
+@@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ void CTree::settingUpContextMenu()
+    // add a separator
+    QAction* pSeparator = new QAction( "", this );
+    Q_ASSERT( pSeparator );
+-   pSeparator->setSeparator(TRUE);
++   pSeparator->setSeparator(true);
+    addAction( pSeparator );
+    addAction( mpIEMoveUpAction );
+@@ -145,7 +148,7 @@ void CTree::settingUpContextMenu()
+    // add another separator
+    pSeparator = new QAction( "", this );
+    Q_ASSERT( pSeparator );
+-   pSeparator->setSeparator(TRUE);
++   pSeparator->setSeparator(true);
+    addAction( pSeparator );
+    addAction( mpHistoryPrevAction );
+@@ -412,7 +415,7 @@ void CTree::slotTreeItemCollapsed( const QModelIndex& index )
+       CTreeInformationElement* pTIE = mModel.mapIndexToIE( index );
+       if ( pTIE )
+-         pTIE->setOpen( FALSE );
++         pTIE->setOpen( false );
+    }
+ }
+@@ -427,7 +430,7 @@ void CTree::slotTreeItemExpanded( const QModelIndex& index )
+       CTreeInformationElement* pTIE = mModel.mapIndexToIE( index );
+       if ( pTIE )
+-         pTIE->setOpen( TRUE );
++         pTIE->setOpen( true );
+    }
+ }
+@@ -456,7 +459,7 @@ void CTree::currentChanged( const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previ
+ void CTree::addElement()
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   Q_ASSERT( TRUE == mModel.isValid() );
++   Q_ASSERT( true == mModel.isValid() );
+    if ( !mModel.isValid() )
+       return;
+@@ -506,7 +509,7 @@ void CTree::slotPropertyDialogSuccessfullyClosed()
+                         mModel.rowCount( currentIndex() ), currentIndex()
+                       );
+-      setExpanded ( currentIndex(), TRUE );
++      setExpanded ( currentIndex(), true );
+    }
+ }
+@@ -537,7 +540,7 @@ void CTree::changeActiveElementProperties()
+ void CTree::askForElementDeletionAndDeleteIt()
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   Q_ASSERT( TRUE == mModel.isValid() );
++   Q_ASSERT( true == mModel.isValid() );
+    if ( !mModel.isValid() )
+       return;
+@@ -580,7 +583,7 @@ void CTree::askForElementDeletionAndDeleteIt()
+ void CTree::slotEncryptActiveElement()
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   Q_ASSERT( TRUE == mModel.isValid() );
++   Q_ASSERT( true == mModel.isValid() );
+    if ( !mModel.isValid() )
+       return;
+@@ -631,7 +634,7 @@ void CTree::slotEncryptActiveElement()
+ void CTree::slotRemoveEncryptionFromActiveEntry()
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   Q_ASSERT( TRUE == mModel.isValid() );
++   Q_ASSERT( true == mModel.isValid() );
+    if ( !mModel.isValid() )
+       return;
+@@ -965,7 +968,7 @@ bool CTree::isEntryDroppedOnItself( const QModelIndex& dropIndex,
+    //         <<"against '"<<mpModel->data(mDraggedIndexOrChild).toString().toStdString()<<"'"<<std::endl;
+    if ( dropIndex ==  draggedIndexOrChild )
+-      return TRUE;
++      return true;
+    QModelIndex parentIndex = draggedIndexOrChild;
+@@ -974,9 +977,9 @@ bool CTree::isEntryDroppedOnItself( const QModelIndex& dropIndex,
+    {
+       x = mModel.index( iRow, 0, parentIndex );
+       if ( isEntryDroppedOnItself( dropIndex, x ) )
+-         return TRUE;
++         return true;
+    }
+-   return FALSE;
++   return false;
+ }
+ /** *********************** Drag & Drop - end ***********************************/
+diff --git a/src/gui/CTreeElement.cpp b/src/gui/CTreeElement.cpp
+index 1bbbef1..9121842 100644
+--- a/src/gui/CTreeElement.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/CTreeElement.cpp
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void CTreeElement::init( CTreeInformationElement& element )
+   connect( &element, SIGNAL(childAdded(CInformationElement*)), this, SLOT(childAddEvent(CInformationElement*)) );
+   connect( &element, SIGNAL(childMoved(int, int)), this, SLOT(childMovedEvent(int, int)) );
+-//  setRenameEnabled(0, TRUE);
++//  setRenameEnabled(0, true);
+ }
+ /**
+diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/configurationDialog/CConfigurationDialog.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/configurationDialog/CConfigurationDialog.cpp
+index 12f7852..a74cbe7 100755
+--- a/src/gui/dialogs/configurationDialog/CConfigurationDialog.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/dialogs/configurationDialog/CConfigurationDialog.cpp
+@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ CConfigurationDialog::CConfigurationDialog( QWidget* parent, CTuxCardsConfigurat
+    addCactusBarToDialog();
+    // do not use the lineBreak mode stuff, this is not needed
+-   ui.mpLineBreakGroupBox->setVisible( FALSE );
++   ui.mpLineBreakGroupBox->setVisible( false );
+-   setModal( TRUE );
++   setModal( true );
+    connect( ui.mpTopColorButton,    SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotChangeTopColor()) );
+    connect( ui.mpBottomColorButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotChangeBottomColor()) );
+diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/dateInputDialog/CDateInputDialog.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/dateInputDialog/CDateInputDialog.cpp
+index 5dbd284..23797c7 100644
+--- a/src/gui/dialogs/dateInputDialog/CDateInputDialog.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/dialogs/dateInputDialog/CDateInputDialog.cpp
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ CDateInputDialog::CDateInputDialog( QWidget* pParent )
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+    ui.setupUi( this );
+-   setModal( TRUE );
++   setModal( true );
+ }
+diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/expiredElementsDialog/ExpiredElementsDialog.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/expiredElementsDialog/ExpiredElementsDialog.cpp
+index 2a593e5..3ca11a8 100755
+--- a/src/gui/dialogs/expiredElementsDialog/ExpiredElementsDialog.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/dialogs/expiredElementsDialog/ExpiredElementsDialog.cpp
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ ExpiredElementsDialog::ExpiredElementsDialog( QWidget* pParent )
+    , mContextMenu( pParent )
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   setModal( TRUE );
++   setModal( true );
+    ui.setupUi(this);
+    connect( ui.pExpiryList, SIGNAL(clicked(Q3ListViewItem*)), this, SLOT(previewEntry(Q3ListViewItem*)) );
+diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/expiredElementsDialog/ExpiredElementsDialogInterface.h b/src/gui/dialogs/expiredElementsDialog/ExpiredElementsDialogInterface.h
+index aecf93b..c13cdbb 100644
+--- a/src/gui/dialogs/expiredElementsDialog/ExpiredElementsDialogInterface.h
++++ b/src/gui/dialogs/expiredElementsDialog/ExpiredElementsDialogInterface.h
+@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
+ #include <QtCore/QVariant>
+-#include <QtGui/QAction>
+-#include <QtGui/QApplication>
+-#include <QtGui/QButtonGroup>
+-#include <QtGui/QDialog>
+-#include <QtGui/QGroupBox>
+-#include <QtGui/QHBoxLayout>
+-#include <QtGui/QLabel>
+-#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
+-#include <QtGui/QSpacerItem>
+-#include <QtGui/QTextEdit>
+-#include <QtGui/QTreeWidget>
+-#include <QtGui/QVBoxLayout>
+-#include <QtGui/QWidget>
++#include <QAction>
++#include <QApplication>
++#include <QButtonGroup>
++#include <QDialog>
++#include <QGroupBox>
++#include <QHBoxLayout>
++#include <QLabel>
++#include <QPushButton>
++#include <QSpacerItem>
++#include <QTextEdit>
++#include <QTreeWidget>
++#include <QVBoxLayout>
++#include <QWidget>
+ #include <Qt3Support/Q3MimeSourceFactory>
+ class Ui_ExpiredElementsDialogInterface
+diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/iconselectordialog/CIconSelectorDialog.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/iconselectordialog/CIconSelectorDialog.cpp
+index 1580f01..bbd3623 100755
+--- a/src/gui/dialogs/iconselectordialog/CIconSelectorDialog.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/dialogs/iconselectordialog/CIconSelectorDialog.cpp
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void CIconSelectorDialog::progressBar_startReadDir( int iDirCount )
+    ui.pProgressBar->reset();
+    ui.pProgressBar->setMaximum( iDirCount );
+-   ui.pProgressBar->setVisible( TRUE );
++   ui.pProgressBar->setVisible( true );
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ void CIconSelectorDialog::progressBar_readDirDone()
+       return;
+    ui.pProgressBar->setValue( ui.pProgressBar->maximum() );
+-   ui.pProgressBar->setVisible( FALSE );
++   ui.pProgressBar->setVisible( false );
+ }
+@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ void CIconSelectorDialog::readDirectory( const QDir& dir )
+       return;
+    if( dir.isRoot() )
+-      ui.pDirectoryUpButton->setEnabled( FALSE );
++      ui.pDirectoryUpButton->setEnabled( false );
+    else
+-      ui.pDirectoryUpButton->setEnabled( TRUE );
++      ui.pDirectoryUpButton->setEnabled( true );
+    ui.pList->clear();
+    directoryChanged( dir.absolutePath() );
+diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/iconselectordialog/CIconSelectorItem.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/iconselectordialog/CIconSelectorItem.cpp
+index 804487f..71366f0 100644
+--- a/src/gui/dialogs/iconselectordialog/CIconSelectorItem.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/dialogs/iconselectordialog/CIconSelectorItem.cpp
+@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
+ #include <QFileInfo>
+ #include <QPainter>
+ #include <QDir>
+-#include <QMimeSource>
+ #include <QApplication>
+ static QPixmap *static_pIconFolderLocked = 0;
+@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ CIconSelectorItem::CIconSelectorItem( QListWidget* pParent, QFileInfo* pFI )
+    {
+       // set font to italic
+       QFont f( font() );
+-      f.setItalic( TRUE );
++      f.setItalic( true );
+       setFont( f );
+    }
+@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ bool CIconSelectorItem::isDir() const
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+    if ( !mpItemFileInfo )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    return mpItemFileInfo->isDir();
+ }
+@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ bool CIconSelectorItem::isLink() const
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+    if ( !mpItemFileInfo )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    return mpItemFileInfo->isSymLink();
+ }
+diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/passwdDialog/CPasswdDialog.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/passwdDialog/CPasswdDialog.cpp
+index 460e044..5df7f73 100644
+--- a/src/gui/dialogs/passwdDialog/CPasswdDialog.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/dialogs/passwdDialog/CPasswdDialog.cpp
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ CPasswdDialog::CPasswdDialog( QWidget* pParent )
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+    ui.setupUi( this );
+-   setModal( TRUE );
++   setModal( true );
+    connect( ui.mpOkButton, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(slotVerifyPasswd()) );
+ }
+diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/propertyDialog/CPropertyDialog.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/propertyDialog/CPropertyDialog.cpp
+index dedb768..85af88c 100644
+--- a/src/gui/dialogs/propertyDialog/CPropertyDialog.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/dialogs/propertyDialog/CPropertyDialog.cpp
+@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ CPropertyDialog::CPropertyDialog( QWidget* pParent/*,
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+    ui.setupUi( this );
+-   setModal( TRUE );
++   setModal( true );
+    connect( ui.mpChangeIconButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chooseIcon()) );
+    connect( ui.mpChangeExpiryDateButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openDateInputDialog()) );
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ void CPropertyDialog::setUp( CInformationElement* pElement, int iMode )
+                      pElement->getDescriptionColor()/*,
+                      pElement->isEncryptionEnabled(),
+                      pElement->isCurrentlyEncrypted()*/ );
+-      ui.mpTextFormatChoser->setEnabled( FALSE );
++      ui.mpTextFormatChoser->setEnabled( false );
+    }
+    else if ( MODE_CREATE_NEW_ELEMENT == iMode )
+    {
+@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ void CPropertyDialog::setUp( CInformationElement* pElement, int iMode )
+       ui.mpParentLabel->setText( tr("Child from") + " '" + pElement->getDescription() + "'" );
+       setAttributes( "", CInformationElement_NO_ICON );
+-      ui.mpTextFormatChoser->setEnabled( TRUE );
++      ui.mpTextFormatChoser->setEnabled( true );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+@@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ void CPropertyDialog::setAttributes( QString sDescription, QString sIconFilename
+    if ( sIconFilename == CInformationElement_NO_ICON )
+    {
+       // entry without icon
+-      ui.mpUseIconGroupBox->setChecked( FALSE );
++      ui.mpUseIconGroupBox->setChecked( false );
+       ui.mpIconLabel->setPixmap( mBlankIcon );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       // entry with icon
+-      ui.mpUseIconGroupBox->setChecked( TRUE );
++      ui.mpUseIconGroupBox->setChecked( true );
+       ui.mpIconLabel->setPixmap( QPixmap::fromImage( QImage(sIconFilename) ) );
+    }
+    ui.mpLocationLabel->setText( sIconFilename );
+@@ -415,12 +415,12 @@ void CPropertyDialog::changeProperties()
+    if ( miMode == MODE_CHANGE_PROPERTIES )
+    {
+       // change properties: name & icon
+-      mpEditingElement->setBatched( TRUE );
++      mpEditingElement->setBatched( true );
+       mpEditingElement->setDescription( getName() );
+       mpEditingElement->setIconFileName( getIconFileName() );
+       mpEditingElement->setDescriptionColor( getDescriptionColor() );
+       mpEditingElement->setExpiryDate( ui.mpExpiryDateGroupBox->isChecked(), mExpiryDate );
+-      mpEditingElement->setBatched( FALSE );
++      mpEditingElement->setBatched( false );
+       // only do something if encryption mode has changed
+ //      if ( bEncryptionModeChanged )
+diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/searchDialog/CSearchListItem.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/searchDialog/CSearchListItem.cpp
+index a7d7589..51679c9 100755
+--- a/src/gui/dialogs/searchDialog/CSearchListItem.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/dialogs/searchDialog/CSearchListItem.cpp
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ CSearchListItem::CSearchListItem( QTreeWidget* pParent, Path* pPath, int iLocati
+    setText( 1, (iLocation == CSearchPosition::SP_NAME ? QString("") : s) );
+    // Sets the font of column 0 to bold.
+-   //QFont f = font(0); f.setBold(TRUE); setFont(0, f);
++   //QFont f = font(0); f.setBold(true); setFont(0, f);
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/searchDialog/CSearchListItemDelegate.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/searchDialog/CSearchListItemDelegate.cpp
+index 0900ff3..1bd15d5 100755
+--- a/src/gui/dialogs/searchDialog/CSearchListItemDelegate.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/dialogs/searchDialog/CSearchListItemDelegate.cpp
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void CSearchListItemDelegate::drawDisplay( QPainter* pPainter,
+       //QMessageBox::information( 0, "", "<i>CSearchListItemDelegate::drawDisplay()</i>" );
+       QFont f = pPainter->font();
+-      f.setItalic( TRUE );
++      f.setItalic( true );
+       pPainter->setFont( f );
+       pPainter->setPen( Qt::red );
+       pPainter->drawText( option.rect, "abc" );
+diff --git a/src/gui/editor/CEditor.cpp b/src/gui/editor/CEditor.cpp
+index 8c08f76..e1b1f94 100755
+--- a/src/gui/editor/CEditor.cpp
++++ b/src/gui/editor/CEditor.cpp
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+ CEditor::CEditor( QWidget *pParent )
+   : QTextEdit( pParent )
+   , mpActiveElement( NULLPTR )
+ //  , meLinebreakMode( LINEBREAK_WITH_CTRL_SHIFT )
+   , mbUseRichText( true )
+   , mEditorFont()
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ QString CEditor::getText( void )
+ void CEditor::setText( const QString& sText )
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+    if ( mbUseRichText )
+       setHtml( sText );
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void CEditor::initialize( void )
+    setText("");
+    mpActiveElement = NULLPTR;
+ //  connect( this, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(sendUndoAvailableSignal()));
+ //  connect( this, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(sendRedoAvailableSignal()));
+ }
+@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ void CEditor::sendUndoAvailableSignal( void )
+   if ( isUndoAvailable() )
+   {
++      SEMAPHORE_TEXT_WAS_SET = false;
+     else
+-      emit undoAvailable( TRUE );
++      emit undoAvailable( true );
+   }
+ }
+ */
+@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ return;
+    else
+    {
+       // This should not happen. An informationFormat should always be != NONE.
+-      Q_ASSERT( FALSE );
++      Q_ASSERT( false );
+    }
+    setAcceptRichText( mbUseRichText );
+diff --git a/src/information/CInformationElement.cpp b/src/information/CInformationElement.cpp
+index f71b812..1c200e1 100644
+--- a/src/information/CInformationElement.cpp
++++ b/src/information/CInformationElement.cpp
+@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ QString CInformationElement::extractSearchLine( const QTextCursor& c ) const
+    for ( i = iStartWithinLine; i >= 0; i-- )
+    {
+       QChar cChar = sLine.at(i);
+-      if ( 0 == cChar.toAscii() )
++      if ( 0 == cChar.toLatin1() )
+       {
+          iTrimmedLineStart = i+1;
+          break;
+@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ QString CInformationElement::extractSearchLine( const QTextCursor& c ) const
+    for ( i = iEndWithinLine; i < sLine.length(); i++ )
+    {
+       QChar cChar = sLine.at(i);
+-      if ( 0 == cChar.toAscii() )
++      if ( 0 == cChar.toLatin1() )
+       {
+          iTrimmedLineEnd = i;
+          break;
+diff --git a/src/information/htmlwriter.cpp b/src/information/htmlwriter.cpp
+index 9be8245..432b022 100755
+--- a/src/information/htmlwriter.cpp
++++ b/src/information/htmlwriter.cpp
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ QStringList HTMLWriter::static_List = QStringList();
+ /**
+  * Exports a aollection to HTML.
+- * Returns 'TRUE' if successful, otherwise 'FALSE'.
++ * Returns 'true' if successful, otherwise 'false'.
+  */
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool HTMLWriter::writeCollectionToHTMLFile( CInformationCollection& collection,
+@@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ bool HTMLWriter::writeCollectionToHTMLFile( CInformationCollection& collection,
+    bool bSuccess = createSubDir( dir );
+    if ( !bSuccess )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    bSuccess = createImages( dir );
+    if ( !bSuccess )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    static_List.clear();
+-   // TODO: Check if files could be opened, also. If not -> return 'FALSE'.
++   // TODO: Check if files could be opened, also. If not -> return 'false'.
+    createTopFrame( dir );
+    CInformationElement* pRootElem = collection.getRootElement();
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ bool HTMLWriter::writeCollectionToHTMLFile( CInformationCollection& collection,
+    }
+    static_List.clear();
+-   return TRUE;
++   return true;
+ }
+@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ bool HTMLWriter::createSubDir( const QDir& dir )
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+    bool bSuccess = dir.mkdir( TUX_HTMLEXPORT_SUBDIR );
+-   if ( FALSE == bSuccess )
+-      return FALSE;
++   if ( false == bSuccess )
++      return false;
+-   return TRUE;
++   return true;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+diff --git a/src/information/xmlpersister.cpp b/src/information/xmlpersister.cpp
+index 896d6cb..973c52d 100755
+--- a/src/information/xmlpersister.cpp
++++ b/src/information/xmlpersister.cpp
+@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ void XMLPersister::parseAttributes( QDomElement& elem,
+ bool XMLPersister::createDomDocumentFromFile( QFile& xmlFile, QDomDocument& doc )
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+-   bool bRetVal = FALSE;
++   bool bRetVal = false;
+    if ( !xmlFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
+       return bRetVal;
+diff --git a/src/informationExt/CCollectionModel.cpp b/src/informationExt/CCollectionModel.cpp
+index d8ac29a..5849abe 100755
+--- a/src/informationExt/CCollectionModel.cpp
++++ b/src/informationExt/CCollectionModel.cpp
+@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ bool CCollectionModel::isValid() const
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+    if ( mpCollection )
+-      return TRUE;
++      return true;
+-   return FALSE;
++   return false;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ bool CCollectionModel::hasChildren ( const QModelIndex& parent /*= QModelIndex()
+ {
+    //std::cout<<"CCollectionModel::hasChildren( parent is valid = "<<parent.isValid()<<" )";
+-   bool bRetVal = FALSE;
++   bool bRetVal = false;
+    if ( !mpCollection )
+       return bRetVal;
+@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ bool CCollectionModel::hasChildren ( const QModelIndex& parent /*= QModelIndex()
+       Q_ASSERT( NULLPTR != mpCollection->getRootElement() );
+       if ( mpCollection->getRootElement() )
+-         bRetVal = TRUE;
++         bRetVal = true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+@@ -363,18 +363,18 @@ bool CCollectionModel::setData( const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value,
+    if (!index.isValid())
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    if ( Qt::EditRole != iRole )
+-      return TRUE;
++      return true;
+    CInformationElement* pIE = mapIndexToIE( index );
+    Q_ASSERT( NULLPTR != pIE );
+    if ( !pIE )
+-      return TRUE;
++      return true;
+    pIE->setDescription( value.toString() );
+-   return TRUE;
++   return true;
+    // TODO: dataChanged() signal is not emitted. Is this really necessary?
+ }
+@@ -541,11 +541,11 @@ bool CCollectionModel::insertRow( const QString&     sDescription,
+ {
+    Q_ASSERT( NULLPTR != mpCollection );
+    if ( !mpCollection )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    if ( !parent.isValid() )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    CInformationElement* pParentIE = mapIndexToIE( parent );
+    CTreeInformationElement* pNewElement = createNewChild( sDescription,
+@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ bool CCollectionModel::insertRow( const QString&     sDescription,
+                                                           pParentIE );
+    if ( !pNewElement )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    beginInsertRows( parent, iRow, iRow );  // begin insertion
+@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ bool CCollectionModel::insertRow( const QString&     sDescription,
+    endInsertRows();                        // end insertion
+    mpCollection->setActiveElement( pNewElement );
+-   return TRUE;
++   return true;
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -623,22 +623,22 @@ bool CCollectionModel::removeRow( int iRow, const QModelIndex& parent )
+ {
+    Q_ASSERT( NULLPTR != mpCollection );
+    if ( !mpCollection )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    if ( !parent.isValid() )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    CInformationElement* pParentIE = mapIndexToIE( parent );
+    Q_ASSERT( NULLPTR != pParentIE );
+    if ( !pParentIE )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    beginRemoveRows( parent, iRow, iRow );  // begin removal
+    pParentIE->removeChild( iRow );
+    endRemoveRows();                        // end removal
+-   return TRUE;
++   return true;
+ }
+@@ -769,20 +769,20 @@ bool CCollectionModel::dropMimeData( const QMimeData* pData, Qt::DropAction,
+    Q_ASSERT( NULLPTR != mpCollection );
+    if ( !mpCollection )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    if ( !pData )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    if ( !parent.isValid() )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    CTreeInformationElement* pParentTIE = dynamic_cast<CTreeInformationElement*>( mapIndexToIE(parent) );
+    Q_ASSERT( NULLPTR != pParentTIE );
+    if ( !pParentTIE )
+-      return FALSE;
++      return false;
+    //std::cout<<"CCollectionModel::dropMimeData() - possible formats are:"<<std::endl;
+    //QStringList possibleDropFormats = pData->formats();
+@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ bool CCollectionModel::dropMimeData( const QMimeData* pData, Qt::DropAction,
+       // if data are empty then return
+       QString sInformationString = pData->text();
+       if ( sInformationString.isEmpty() )
+-         return FALSE;
++         return false;
+       // use first word for entry description
+       QString sDescription = sInformationString.section( ' ', 0, 0, QString::SectionSkipEmpty );
+@@ -804,12 +804,12 @@ bool CCollectionModel::dropMimeData( const QMimeData* pData, Qt::DropAction,
+                                                              InformationFormat::getByString("ASCII"),
+                                                              "",
+                                                              QColor(0,0,0),
+-                                                             FALSE,
++                                                             false,
+                                                              QDate::currentDate(),
+                                                              pParentTIE );
+       if ( !pNewElement )
+-         return FALSE;
++         return false;
+       pNewElement->setInformation( sInformationString );
+@@ -826,14 +826,14 @@ bool CCollectionModel::dropMimeData( const QMimeData* pData, Qt::DropAction,
+       CInformationCollection* pCollection = XMLPersister::createInformationCollection( sDropData );
+       if ( !pCollection )
+-         return FALSE;
++         return false;
+       CInformationElement* pRoot = pCollection->getRootElement();
+       CTreeInformationElement* pTIE = dynamic_cast<CTreeInformationElement*>(pRoot);
+       Q_ASSERT( NULLPTR != pTIE );
+       if ( !pTIE )
+-         return FALSE;
++         return false;
+       beginInsertRows( parent, iRow, iRow );  // begin insertion
+       pParentTIE->addChild( pTIE );
+@@ -842,5 +842,5 @@ bool CCollectionModel::dropMimeData( const QMimeData* pData, Qt::DropAction,
+       //std::cout<<"CCollectionModel::dropMimeData() - entry moved"<<std::endl;
+    }
+-   return TRUE;
++   return true;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/persister.cpp b/src/persister.cpp
+index 6ace3d1..2e72246 100755
+--- a/src/persister.cpp
++++ b/src/persister.cpp
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void Persister::unpackWithIcons(QString s, bool root, CTreeInformationElement* p
+ 	knoten=knoten.mid(i+1+l2);
+ 	// check whether this Knoten was opened or closed
+-	isOpen = (knoten.left(1)=="+" ? FALSE : TRUE );
++	isOpen = (knoten.left(1)=="+" ? false : true );
+ 	knoten=knoten.mid(1);
+ 	// extract icon file
+@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ void Persister::unpackWithIcons(QString s, bool root, CTreeInformationElement* p
+ //	knoten=knoten.mid(i+1+l2);
+ //
+ //	// check whether this Knoten was opened or closed
+-//	isOpen = (knoten.left(1)=="+" ? FALSE : TRUE );
++//	isOpen = (knoten.left(1)=="+" ? false : true );
+ //	knoten=knoten.mid(1);
+ //
+ //	i=knoten.find("*");
+diff --git a/src/utilities/base64/CBase64Coder.cpp b/src/utilities/base64/CBase64Coder.cpp
+index 5a2d48d..82610f2 100644
+--- a/src/utilities/base64/CBase64Coder.cpp
++++ b/src/utilities/base64/CBase64Coder.cpp
+@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ void CBase64Coder::decode( QByteArray& dest, const QString& sSource ) const
+          if ( sSource.length() <= iCurrentSourcePos )
+             break;
+-         unsigned char cSourceChar = sSource[iCurrentSourcePos++].toAscii();
++         unsigned char cSourceChar = sSource[iCurrentSourcePos++].toLatin1();
+          if ( ('\n' != cSourceChar) && ('\r' != cSourceChar) )
+          {
+                if (('=' != cSourceChar) && (sSource.length() > iCurrentSourcePos))
+diff --git a/tuxcards.pro b/tuxcards.pro
+old mode 100755
+new mode 100644
+index 60050b4..3650774
+--- a/tuxcards.pro
++++ b/tuxcards.pro
+@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+ # TEMPLATE = app #lib
+ QT += xml
++QT += gui
++QT += widgets
++QT += printsupport
+ CONFIG += qt debug  #warn_on release #release  #staticlib
+ #exists( $(QTDIR)/lib/libqt-mt* ) {

Copied: tuxcards/repos/community-staging-x86_64/tuxcards.desktop (from rev 659800, tuxcards/trunk/tuxcards.desktop)
--- community-staging-x86_64/tuxcards.desktop	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/tuxcards.desktop	2020-07-07 17:36:07 UTC (rev 659802)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=Manage notes and ideas in tree structures

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